Essay, 4 pages (900 words)

Initiatives hotel owners can focus to prevent environmental impacts

In housekeeping departments we can focus on different environmental impacts and ways to minimize it. There are lots of detail things that can be altered to create more outcome and help to decrease dangerous environmental effects. Jayne Clark, Sales Director, UK & Ireland at P&G Professional explains:” At P&G Professional we know that our clients don’t want to have to make a choice between their needs for performance, value and responsibility for the planet. That is why we believe it’s important to turn to every aspect of a business and establish how it can be greener.”

There are the things which can be done to reduce the effects and become sustainable in housekeeping department they are listed below:

Need to apply upgrade energy saving technology: In the current context about 75% of hotel environmental effects can be linked by the utilization of energy in hotel. The energy consumption in hotel is very high. So, in order to reduce we can use different technologies like auto sensor for lighting, using different energy controlling device like Energy performance contracting (EPC) provided by energy service companies,

Another way to decrease hotel energy consumption is by designing rooms in such a way that be economically helpful to save energy for heating, lighting, cooling, ventilation, hot water supply, etc. We can also use natural or hybrid ventilation rather than air-conditioning which can dramatically reduce energy consumption at its best. Environmental friendly energy source like solar energy, bioenergy, etc. should be install to run hotels n buildings and agricultural greenhouses can, also, significantly contribute for reducing use of fossil fuels and also save the expenses.

New concept and strategy: Using hydrophobic material clothes for cleaning, dusting which is long lasting and energy saving . Innovative ideas like huge sliding slides can be used to go down from building instead of using elevator for(staff or guest). Swimming pool water or waste water should be used to plush the toilet it can save water. Instead of expensive plastic decorative, paintings, sculpture we can plant different flowers in guest rooms. In one room there should be only one device like a tablet which controls every electronic device in that particular room, it avoids the use of unnecessary use of energy or batteries to run various devices. In rooms with marble floor we can avoid using vacuum instead we can use broom and mop.

Reduce and Recycle: Using of refilled or reusable amenities for guest like shampoo, shower gel, moisturizer, etc. Plastic items like tooth brush, water bottles should be replaced by reusable or its alternative like steel water bottle. Every paper, tissue should be replaced by napkins. For example a hotel in Toronto is recycling stained unused tablecloths into napkins, aprons, neck ties, or also laundry bags from retired sheets.

Encourage the guest to go green: housekeeping departments should encourage the guest to adopt the practices to minimize the environmental effects. There can be a guest room termed as ‘ green room’ which consist of facilities suitable for sustainable environment like low flow showers, recycled paper products, reuse the towels, etc. and for those rooms hotel can give then complimentary packages. Cards can be placed in each room requesting that visitors turn out the lights when they leave, or reuse towels if conceivable.

Start composting: Hotels should understand the advantages of fertilizing the soil instead of tossing it out. Hotel can provide two dustbin in guest room, one for organic waste and another for nonorganic, which can be later on used in making compost manure.

Save water: Guest in 5star hotel waste lots of water while taking shower, etc. we can Install can tank fill diverters in more seasoned toilets can spare hotel around 3/4 of a gallon of water for each flush. Changing to almost waterless clothing machines can spare 80% of lodging water utilization. Making water stations accessible to visitors can solve the utilization of filtered water. Take after the cases from different lodgings that have actualized water-sparing activities. Introducing shower, wash-hand basins, toilets with low flow rate.

Plantation of greenery: Plants can be planted in corridor and balcony of guest rooms to maintain temperature, freshness, and decrease carbon content. Greenery provides natural fragrance and decrease the use of artificial room freshener.

Product choice: Purchasing nontoxic cleaning product causing low harm to nature, buying in bulk to reduce packaging and costs, and choose suppliers who use reusable and refillable containers. Selecting the most favorable cleaning product for each cleaning task and spend wisely on efficient cleaning products this will ensure get the job done using the least amount of products, time and energy. Avoiding animal based products like soap with plant based product. Replace hazardous material and product with less toxic or hazardous ones. Use water base paints and cleaner instead of oil based products. Giving priority to local product rather than imported product it helps to save cost and cause less effects on environment.

Caring of linens: Linens are most essential part in housekeeping, so it can be recycle after getting old or thin. But linens life must be extended by laundry process to minimize its wear and tear to minimize the cost and environmental effects which can be achieved by using proper laundry and detergent procedure.

Implementation: hotel sets certain initiatives to control environmental effects and it can’t be achieved without the support of staff member, staff should contribute as much as, even more then guest for sustainable development.

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Initiatives hotel owners can focus to prevent environmental impacts'. 17 November.


AssignBuster. (2021, November 17). Initiatives hotel owners can focus to prevent environmental impacts. Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/initiatives-hotel-owners-can-focus-to-prevent-environmental-impacts/


AssignBuster. 2021. "Initiatives hotel owners can focus to prevent environmental impacts." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/initiatives-hotel-owners-can-focus-to-prevent-environmental-impacts/.

1. AssignBuster. "Initiatives hotel owners can focus to prevent environmental impacts." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/initiatives-hotel-owners-can-focus-to-prevent-environmental-impacts/.


AssignBuster. "Initiatives hotel owners can focus to prevent environmental impacts." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/initiatives-hotel-owners-can-focus-to-prevent-environmental-impacts/.

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"Initiatives hotel owners can focus to prevent environmental impacts." AssignBuster, 17 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/initiatives-hotel-owners-can-focus-to-prevent-environmental-impacts/.

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