Essay, 6 pages (1600 words)

Importance of healthy eating

The Importance of Healthy Eating University of Phoenix October 24, 2010 A growing number of people are becoming aware of the importance of eating healthy. For some eating a nutritious and healthy meal conjures up images of meals consisting of salads only. Everyone knows there is something they could change in his or her life to become healthier. For some it is exercising and eating healthier. When it is concerning healthy eating, it is good to receive educated about what is healthy to eat. Living food smart doesn’t mean that he or she have to give up his or her favorite meals and concentrate on calorie counting.

The equation to dieting is simple; it is about balance and moderation. Eating the correct portion size of food is the way to eat healthy. This means eating a variety of foods that provide the nutrients needed need to maintain his or her health, feel good and have energy. Healthy eating is not about involving in a serious nutrition regime and not eating what one enjoys, it is about feeling good and acquiring energy. Staying healthy can be achieved by learning the basic food groups and learning how to plan healthy meals. Many Americans in today’s society tends to avoid a healthy meal their first meal of the day.

Eating habits vary by the individual can influence by nationality, personal preference, social status, economic position, and region. ” Most Americans still eat at home,” are according to Harry Balzer, a vice president The National Purchase Diary also known as the NPD Group. ” We’ve always eaten in the home,” Balzer said. ” In fact the trend has been toward eating more meals in the home. ” In today’s society frozen meals have become popular for individuals of all ages causing Americans to eat unhealthy. Many avoid the time to eat five servings of produce a day because of the lack of funds and accustomed to eating breakfast lunch and dinner.

People today do not eat healthy because the lack of awareness. Is there not time set aside to learn about their bodies and what types of food to eat? So many resources on the Internet to help anyone know what are good and what is not. Americans lack motivation because of their strenuous everyday life and feel like working out or taking care of their body is too much work for them to do. So many obese Americans living off junk food and it are a national concern because it will lead to disease such as stroke, heart attacks, and other health disorders. Dr.

George Blackburn, associate director of Harvard Medical School’s nutrition division, stated “ American lack of nutrition knowledge is an urgent crisis that contributes to disease and skyrocketing rates of obesity. When eating healthy it will allow his or her body feel better so that the doctor’s visits are short and he or she can enjoy life better. After documenting the type of food eaten daily, the Food Guide Pyramid recommends that there is a required amount lacking from each dietary guideline. The amount eaten from each category is low and need to increase.

Several sad faces is given in regard to the type of food that is consumed and several unhappy faces received by staying away from fats, cholesterol, sodium and oils. The pyramid shows a percentage amount needed to increase such as Milk 0%, Meat and Beans 4%, Vegetables 55%, Fruits 88% and Grains 58%. The intake is very low and the pyramid suggests the intake to be much higher. In order for to modify the diet and get the recommended foods for each group is to consume the required amount need. A huge amount of vegetables and proteins need to be consume. The consumption of junk food is greater than the nutritional amount needed to be eaten.

The percentage of calories from fat shows a percentage of 38. 4; a total amount of carbohydrates in grams is 306;   a total percentage amount of protein in grams is 29 and the percentage amount of fiber in grams is 28. After taking the assessment and reviewing what is given it shows to be healthy and live longer an individual must consume the required amount of nutrients for the body. In order advancement in lifestyle to take place, a daily checklist is require to showing improvements. Several healthful options available because grocery stores are offering more foods that are both good for an individual and easy to fix.

Barbara Rolls, a professor of bio-behavioral healthy at Penn State University, said that, “ portion served in the home and typical recipes in cookbooks are bigger now than in the 70s. ” “ To stay lean and healthy in this expanding world you don’t have to cut out whole categories of foods or eat tiny portions. ” Dr. Rolls continues to mentions several ways that individuals can eat healthy and still get the proper balanced diet. Another approach mentioned in her reading is that you can add vegetables to any of your favorite dishes as well as bulk up stews and even the world’s favorite dish macaroni and cheese.

How can stews be bulk up with large amounts of healthy items? Adding water rich vegetables such as broccoli, carrots and tomatoes will make a healthy hearty dish. Dr. Walter Willett author of, “ Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy. ” states that “ People tend to dish out the same portion, so why not make it lower in calories”? “ Our studies show that you are likely to eat the same portion of food as usual and will be satisfied with fewer calories because some of the space in the bowl is taken up by low-calorie-dense vegetables. The customized food pyramid recommends that a male weighting 252 pounds at a 6 foot 2 inches in height need to follow a 3200 calorie pattern. The pyramid suggest eating a variety of fruit, going fat free, choosing lean meats and maintaining a routine of choosing more fish, beans, peas, nuts and seeds. The calorie intake suggests making half the grains consume whole wheat and eating the required nutritional amount designed for an individual calorie intake of 3200. Nutrition should be important to all individuals. Combining physical activities and staying a breast on maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a huge way to stay strong and fit.

Dr. Maureen Callahan, the author of “ How to Eat Simple” states that, “ There is no diet plan, no right or wrong choices. ” “ In fact, if the higher-fat option is the one you feel like having one day, then go for it. ” Our way of thinking about how we eat must change gradually so that foods are low in calories are the main choice. Eating healthy provides your body with nutrients as well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle causing you to improve your health. Eating healthy and exercise go hand in hand. Walking is great because it is easy to fit in your schedule. Healthy eating is the key to a healthy diet and a healthier life.

It only takes a minute for you to prepare simple meals to get you encouraged to eat more. To implement the healthy plans in a daily routine, it is important to develop good habits in how to cook, shop and eat. When going grocery shopping the produce section will be the first place to visit. Recognizing unhealthy eating habits is foremost in managing an eating behavior. Realizing the unhealthy tendencies will allow an individual to make a conscious effort to implement a daily healthy eating plan. The six classes of essential nutrients that is helpful in balancing a healthy eating plan.

Nutrition is a vital nutrient for the body. It provides energy, build and maintain body tissues as well as regulate body functions. Without the nutrients the body will not function properly. Protein help in growth and repair tissue, regulate water and acid-base balance. The function that carbohydrates provide is energy to the brain cells, nervous system. Fats supply energy and cushion the organs. The vitamins promote chemical reactions within the cells. The nutrient minerals help regulate the body function as well as aid in growth and maintain body tissues.

The most important of the nutrients is water, which transports chemicals and remove waste products. To achieve an effort he or she must focus on modifying diets and increasing the level of physical activity. Eating healthy should begin early in life so that individuals develop and maintain these skills throughout life. Finally, Americans should focus on reducing to prevalence of obesity and learning fun and easy ways to eat healthy. To achieve this, an effort must focus on modifying diets and increasing the level of physical activity.

Eating healthy should begin early in life so that individuals develop and maintain these skills throughout life. References American Heart Association (2006). Diet and lifestyle recommendations revision 2006. Circulation, 114(1): 82–96. [Erratum in Circulation, 114(1): e27. ] Katz DL (2008). Dietary recommendations for health promotion and disease prevention. In Nutrition in Clinical Practice, 2nd ed. , pp. 434–447. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. Simon HB (2003). Diet and exercise. In DC Dale, DD Federman, eds. , Scientific American Medicine, Clinical Essentials, chap. . New York: WebMD. Callahan, Maureen (2005). Healthy eating made simple.. Natural Health, Vol. 35 Issue 5, p34-39, Rolls, B. J. , Roe, L. S. , Meengs, J. S. (2010). Portion size can be used strategically to increase vegetable consumption in adults. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 91: 913-922 Willett, Walter (2005). Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy: The Harvard Medical School Guide to Healthy Eating. Free Press. Crawford D, and K. Campbell K, ” Lay definitions of ideal weight and overweight”, Int J Obesity, 1999: 23: 738-745; http://www. webmd. com/diet/calc-bmi-plus

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