Essay, 3 pages (700 words)

Human trafficking

Running Head: Human Trafficking Human Trafficking [Institute’s Human Trafficking Another for crime against humanity is known as human trafficking. An act of “ recruiting, transporting, transferring, harboring, or receiving a person through use of force is included in human trafficking” (Human Trafficking, 2012). Every year, thousands of men, women, and children become a victim of such acts either in their own countries or abroad. There is no such country in the whole world, which is not a part of trafficking. Statistics reveal that in the US, “ around 14500 to 17500 women and children are trafficked on an annual basis” (Human Trafficking, 2012). However, the government of the US is combating trafficking in persons both at home and abroad. The clauses, which have been covered in “ the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 gives new protections to the trafficking victims; the pre-existing penalties “(Human Trafficking, 2012) have been enhanced. Moreover, certain benefits and services are provided to those who have been severely affected by human trafficking.
It was in 1994 that the US started monitoring persons being victimized by trafficking in persons. This was mainly when the issue became prominent in Annual’s Country Reports on Human Rights Practices of the Department (Human Trafficking, 2012). Initially, the women and girls who were trafficked for sexual purposes were kept in the limelight. However, the situation has changed now and men, women and children who are being trafficked in any form of labor force whether it be agriculture, domestic service, construction work, or sweatshops are monitored on a constant basis (Human Trafficking, 2012).
The human traffickers commit this act usually when the situation is critical and the police agencies cannot really do anything about it. For instance, when there were crisis in Lebanon, at that time the traffickers took 300000 people in their refuge. These people were mostly from Sri Lanka and Philippines. This was when the important people were busy being evacuated. In such circumstances, the police become handicapped and cannot take any action.
The US should focus on having wide-ranging national policies and programs that will assist in preventing human trafficking; hence, the victims will be protected. Moreover, the police agencies should have strong networks so that the exchange of information regarding routes of traffickers as well as their profiles and the profiles of the victims could be easily tracked. Moreover, the police agencies should be a part of UNODC (UNGIFT, 2007). UNODC is contributing in the prevention of human trafficking by creating awareness and providing benefits and services to the victims. Moreover, they are also contributing in providing stats and all the data about the victims of the human traffickers. Furthermore, there is a special kind of training which the police agencies needs to undergo in order to fight the human traffickers. This training also helps them in identifying the victims. When they talk about prosecutions and convictions, so the training agencies exactly knows that after how many investigations have they reached to this position.
Often the victims of human traffickers suffer from various atrocities, the police agencies should be able to deal with the special needs of these victims and help them in times of need (UNGIFT, 2007). One of the greatest techniques for combatting human trafficking will be to reduce the demand for cheap labor and sexual services. Moreover, UNODC has taken good initiative of raising awareness by increased training and outreach programs. In-depth training for the law enforcement agencies will help in reducing the human trafficking to great deals (THTPT, 2011).
Victims of human trafficking undergo extensive trauma in their lives. The law enforcement and the police agencies should realize the fact that extra care should be given to improve their standards of care so that they do not suffer another trauma. The victims often become shelterless after being victims of human trafficking, so it is necessary for the state to take care of and find long term and short-term solutions for the shelter of people. Therefore, abovementioned are some of the prevention techniques with which the police agencies should equip themselves with in response to incidents such as human trafficking.
Human Trafficking. (2012). Home Page. Retrieved on January 13, 2012: http://www. humantrafficking. org/countries/united_states_of_america
THTPT. (2011). The Texas Human Trafficking Prevention Taskforce Report 2011. Retrieved on January 13, 2012: www. oag. state. tx. us/ag_publications/pdfs/human_trafficking. pdf
UNGIFT. (2007). The Global Initiative to fight Human Trafficking. Retrieved on January 13, 2012: http://www. ungift. org/knowledgehub/

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AssignBuster. "Human trafficking." January 17, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/human-trafficking-essay-samples-5/.

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"Human trafficking." AssignBuster, 17 Jan. 2022, assignbuster.com/human-trafficking-essay-samples-5/.

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