Essay, 4 pages (850 words)

Heros emerge in a time of conflict assignment

Conflict will always be a part of human nature due to our complex make up and conflicting ideas and values. Whilst the inevitability of conflict brings much pain and suffering, it is not always a bad thing as it can allow for true heroes to arise and act in a way that benefits the greater good. Adversity brings out the best and worst in all people this means that there is a very thin line between a hero and a villain. An individual’s involvement in conflict is a matter of perspective; this means that one man’s hero could be another man’s villain.

Although these individuals may be heroes during a time of conflict, the emotional suffering that they may have to endure in the aftermath may mean that their actions where done in vain. In a time of conflict it is natural for a group of people to look to an individual for leadership. For the ladies in the Prisoners of War camp in the film “ Paradise Road” this individual was Adrienne. Leadership quality where displayed from Adrienne right from when she firsts arrives in Sumatra when she snaps at Captain Tanana stating that ” … There is a

Geneva convention laying down the rules of war”. These defiant words In the face of danger portray Adrienne as someone who is willing to stand up for what she believes in. Again heroic qualities are shown by Adrienne In her leadership role In the “ women’s vocal orchestra”. By uniting the ladies and providing them with a symbol of hope Adrienne became the hero and the leader that the women needed in a time of great conflict. Adrenaline’s actions In the face of danger can be compared to that of “ the father of India”, Mahatma Ghanaian.

Through his actions and Ideology In the face f conflict, Ghanaian emerged as a hero for the Indian people and a source of inspiration and hope for generations of people all over the world. Shindig’s Influence affected millions of lives and was powerful enough to win back his country’s independence without a single act of violence. What makes someone a hero In a time of conflict Is a matter of perspective, whilst one person may deem an Individual’s actions In the face of conflict necessary and heroic, It may be deemed evil and cowardly by someone else.

An example of this Is the atrocities that organizations Like he Taliban commit during a time of conflict. Although misguided, the young men who are apart of groups Like the Taliban and AY Qaeda are acting with good Intentions. They are under the Impression that they are doing God’s work and acting In the best Interest of their country and their way of life; It Is this mindset that allows them to Justify their actions no matter how devastating the consequences are.

Because powerful molesters share the same opinions and values as these terrorist organizations It allows the Individuals within the group and the supporters of the cause to think of these men as heroes. The fine line delving heroes and villains can also be seen In the film “ Paradise Road”. Like the modern terrorist organizations mentioned, the Japanese military are also able to Justify actions that under any other circumstances would be unspeakable. This Is Illustrated by Captain Tanana who describes bombing a ship full of women and children as “… A matter of regret… ” And “… A characteristic of war”.

The lack of remorse Captain Tanana shows portrays that he feels the actions of his Japanese comrades are Justifiable and to some degree could e considered heroic by the right audience. Heroes emerge in a time of conflict By p-force Geneva convention laying down the rules of war”. These defiant words in the face of in. Again heroic qualities are shown by Adrienne in her leadership role in the great conflict. Adrenaline’s actions in the face of danger can be compared to that of “ the father of India”, Mahatma Ghanaian. Through his actions and ideology in the face inspiration and hope for generations of people all over the world.

Shindig’s influence independence without a single act of violence. What makes someone a hero in a time of conflict is a matter of perspective, whilst one person may deem an individual’s actions in the face of conflict necessary and heroic, it may be deemed evil and cowardly by someone else. An example of this is the atrocities that organizations like who are apart of groups like the Taliban and AY Qaeda are acting with good intentions. They are under the impression that they are doing God’s work and acting in the best interest of their country and their way of life; it is this mindset that allows

Because powerful minorities share the same opinions and values as these terrorist organizations it allows the individuals within the group and the supporters of the cause to think of these men as heroes. The fine line dividing heroes and villains can also be seen in the film “ Paradise Road”. Like the modern terrorist organizations mentioned, the Japanese military are also able to Justify actions that under any other circumstances would be unspeakable. This is illustrated by Captain Tanana who “… A characteristic of war”. The lack of remorse Captain Tanana shows portrays that he

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Heros emerge in a time of conflict assignment'. 11 December.


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AssignBuster. 2021. "Heros emerge in a time of conflict assignment." December 11, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/heros-emerge-in-a-time-of-conflict-assignment/.

1. AssignBuster. "Heros emerge in a time of conflict assignment." December 11, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/heros-emerge-in-a-time-of-conflict-assignment/.


AssignBuster. "Heros emerge in a time of conflict assignment." December 11, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/heros-emerge-in-a-time-of-conflict-assignment/.

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"Heros emerge in a time of conflict assignment." AssignBuster, 11 Dec. 2021, assignbuster.com/heros-emerge-in-a-time-of-conflict-assignment/.

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