Essay, 4 pages (1000 words)

Health problems associated with computer use

The health problems associated with daily computer use. This paper represents a general summary of some of the health Issues associated with computer use. The number of computers users is growing rapidly. Growing as rapidly are the health problems associated with computer use. Dry and irritated eyes, visual fatigue, and back pain, are among the symptoms most frequently related to computer use. Adolescents are also experiencing problems related to computer use, such as emotional and psychiatric symptoms.

Most problems related to computer use are preventable. There are several precautions that can be taken by computer users to avoid problems. Computer users often report complaints of eye dryness, fatigue and burning sensations. When we sit In front of the computer for long hours, and we focus or eyes on the computer we reduce the rate of blinking. Since eye blinking reduces significantly, it leads to dryness. Another problem with less blinking is less circulation to the eyes. Poor eye circulation, causes irritation, and can seriously affect your eyes, and vision.

Blinking regularly, and exercising the eyes by periodically focusing on objects at varying distance, reduces eyestrain . As I mention before when working at a computer we blink less frequently. Blinking will keep your eyes moist and will prevent dryness and irritation. To prevent visual fatigue exercise your eyes by using the ” 3-8″ approach: blink, breathe and break. Or, the 20/ 20/20 rule: Every 20 minutes, look 20 feet away for 20 seconds. (Ansell). Glare Is the largest single factor In the work place.

However, simple changes In your work station such as; consisting monitors so the screen is perpendicular to windows, or by situating your desk lamp is such a way that does not shine on your computer, or into your eyes will avoid glare. Studies have shown that the diagnosis and treatment of computer cost almost ISIS 2 billion each year (Richard W. Ye). Most problems related to computer use are completely preventable. The use of eyeglasses, and regular eye examinations are among the precautions to prevent computer vision syndrome.

Nevertheless, it is important to seek prompt medical attention if you keep experiencing symptoms such s: eye dryness, visual fatigue, and burning sensation. The computer Is a vital tool In many different occupations. However, long periods of working at a computer can increase the chance of developing an injury of the hand, arms, back and shoulders. Back pain due to computer use is a most common problem seen in 4 out 5 persons at any point of life, caused due to long hours of working In front of computer or bad posture while using the computer and lack of practicing relaxing exercises before using the computers (Hellgrammite).

Working at a computer, in and of itself, is not a problem. But working on computers for long hours uninterrupted, would start to cause pain and discomfort on your back. Overtime gravity has a way of pulling us downward, so we start to hunch forward at the keyboard. If a workstation Is not set up properly, these steady positions can put even greater stress on muscles and 1 OFF interventions involving education and improving ergonomics should be considered in schools as well as in work setting (Obscenest).

Knowing that slouching forward on a jugular basis can be troublesome, would help you strive to make it a habit to remind yourself to sit up straight as much as possible when sitting at a computer. Another measure that would prevent back pain is spending few minutes every day to strengthen the muscles that line your upper back and rear portions of your shoulders. Taking periodic breaks, say every hour walking around and lying on your back on the floor for about 5 minutes would help relieved back pain (Scamps). Learning the tools to allow for computer work even for long hours without developing main is more practical.

So a lot of emphasis should be place on informing the people about good ergonomics and routine exercise while on extensive computer usage, and in doing so, computer related injuries will greatly be minimize. Today in the twenty first century Internet plays a large role in how society interacts with each other. New technology has made the Internet available Just about anywhere people can be found. Even in classrooms and work and school the Internet is found everywhere. So naturally children’s exposure to new technology has risen.

For as long as the Internet as become increasing part of society there have been many social experiments to study the effect this new tool has on people and especially children’s lives. It appears to be a growing problem among our adolescents and could become a whole new obstacle in growing up that hasn’t been there before in times before. Our whole society depends on how people interact with one another. Some people are naturally good with interacting while others need more practice. Especially for youth and adolescents it is crucial to build important social skills.

Unfortunately with the rise in Internet use there was a decrease in family communication and reduced size of social circle. High school is a crucial part of adolescents’ creation of important social ties and social habits that they will go on to have as adults. It was found that those teenagers that were overusing and addicted to their internet use had increased dependency on internet social networks, an increased level of neurotics, lower levels of extroversion, greater social anxiety, and more emotional loneliness than those that were average users of the internet.

More and more mental health experts re finding a relation to high Internet use in adolescents and emotional and psychiatric symptoms. In a psychology Journal by Maria Duran she states that it is crucial that adolescents who might suffer from Internet addiction disorder seek treatment from outside the Internet and also says that spectrographically treatment as well as cognitive-behavioral therapy might be the best way to deal with it. As more evidence shows the negative impacts of Internet usage on psychological and social skills, there will surely be more research done on this phenomenon.

Although problems can occur, taking preventive measures such as: the use of proper equipment (ergonomic workstations), proper lighting, sitting up straight, breaks and exercises would decrease the risk of computer vision syndrome and back pain and would increase productivity. It is also likely that as adolescents spend more and more time on the computer, they may have less time for normal social or family relations. In conclusion, whether computer users are experiencing one or a combination of these symptoms the results are the same.

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Health problems associated with computer use'. 14 November.


AssignBuster. (2021, November 14). Health problems associated with computer use. Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/health-problems-associated-with-computer-use/


AssignBuster. 2021. "Health problems associated with computer use." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/health-problems-associated-with-computer-use/.

1. AssignBuster. "Health problems associated with computer use." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/health-problems-associated-with-computer-use/.


AssignBuster. "Health problems associated with computer use." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/health-problems-associated-with-computer-use/.

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"Health problems associated with computer use." AssignBuster, 14 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/health-problems-associated-with-computer-use/.

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