Essay, 12 pages (3000 words)


Field Study 4, Episode 5- WHAT’S THE BASIC OF THE CURRICULUMFOCUSES ON: THE CONCEPTS, NATURE AND PURPOSES OF THE CURRICULUM AND HOW THESE ARE TRANSLATED INTO THE SCHOOL COMMUNITY. | TASKS | EXEMPLARY4 | SUPERIOR3 | SATISFACTORY2 | UNSATISFACTORY1 | Observation/Documentation: | All task were done with outstanding quality; work exceeds expectations | All or nearly task were done with high quality | Nearly all task were done with acceptable quality. | Fewer than half of tasks were done; or most objectives met but with poor quality. | My Analysis | Analysis were answered completely; in depth answers; thoroughly grounded on theoriesExemplary grammar and spelling. | Analysis questions were answered completely. Clear connection with theoriesGrammar and spelling are superior. | Analysis questions were not answered completely. Vaguely related to the theories. Grammar and spelling acceptable. | Analysis questions were not answered. Grammar and spelling unsatisfactory. | My Reflection | ReflectionStatements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode. | Reflection statements are clear, but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode. | Reflection statements are shallow; supported by experiences from the episode. | Reflection statements are unclear and shallow and are not supported by experiences form the episode. | My Portfolio | Portfolio is complete, clear, well- organized and all supporting documentation is located in sections clearly designated. | Portfolio is complete, clear and well- organized and most supporting documentations are available and/or in logical and clearly marked locations. | Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentation is organized but in lacking. | Portfolio has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear. | Submission | Before deadline | On the deadline | A day after the deadline | Two days or more after the deadline. | Subtotals | | | | | OVER-ALL SCORE | Rating: BASED ON TRANSMUTATION | _______________________ _____________________ SIGNATURE OF FS TEACHER DATE ABOVE PRINTED NAME | TRANSMUTAION OF SCORE TO GRADE/RATING SCORE GRADE SCORE GRADE 20 1. 0 99 12-13 2. 50 81 18-19 1. 25 96 11 2. 75 78 17 1. 5 93 10 3. 00 75 16 1. 75 90 8-9 3. 5 72 and 15 2. 00 87 7 Below 5. 00 below 14 2. 25 84 | BORROW A CURRICULUM FROM THE SCHOOL NEAR YOUR PLACE ACCOPMLISH THE SAMPLES TO SHOW THE DIMENSIONS OF CURRICULU M DESIGN. BASIC ARTICULATION SCOPE SEQUENCE INTEGRATION CONTINUITY 1. WHY THERE IS A NEED TO ARTICULATE FROM GRADE SCHOOL TO HIGH SCHOOL? There is a need to articulate the lessons from grade school to high school to that there is a connection between the lower level and the next level. So that if the students entering high school, they will not be surprised because the lesson still related when they are elementary. As a teacher, you should discuss the lesson from step by step. AS A TEACHER, I NEED TO UNDERSTAND FULLY WELL THE DIMENSION OF CURRICULUM DESIGN BECAUSE this is really needed when you are in the teaching profession. This must be followed to avoid confusion in the part of the students. The teacher should be aware of these things so that whenever or whatever school she will be assigned, she had already the knowledge about the dimensions of curriculum design and in order for her to also understand the curriculum she belongs, for her to respect the curriculum of the school that she presently teaching. Field Study 4, Episode 6- TELL ME YOUR FEATURESFOCUSES ON: THE SIX FEATURES OF A CURRICULUM. | TASKS | EXEMPLARY4 | SUPERIOR3 | SATISFACTORY2 | UNSATISFACTORY1 | Observation/Documentation: | All task were done with outstanding quality; work exceeds expectations | All or nearly task were done with high quality | Nearly all task were done with acceptable quality. | Fewer than half of tasks were done; or most objectives met but with poor quality. | My Analysis | Analysis were answered completely; in depth answers; thoroughly grounded on theoriesExemplary grammar and spelling. | Analysis questions were answered completely. Clear connection with theoriesGrammar and spelling are superior. | Analysis questions were not answered completely. Vaguely related to the theories. Grammar and spelling acceptable. | Analysis questions were not answered. Grammar and spelling unsatisfactory. | My Reflection | ReflectionStatements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode. | Reflection statements are clear, but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode. | Reflection statements are shallow; supported by experiences from the episode. | Reflection statements are unclear and shallow and are not supported by experiences form the episode. | My Portfolio | Portfolio is complete, clear, well- organized and all supporting documentation is located in sections clearly designated. | Portfolio is complete, clear and well- organized and most supporting documentations are available and/or in logical and clearly marked locations. | Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentation is organized but in lacking. | Portfolio has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear. | Submission | Before deadline | On the deadline | A day after the deadline | Two days or more after the deadline. | Subtotals | | | | | OVER-ALL SCORE | Rating: BASED ON TRANSMUTATION | _______________________ _____________________ SIGNATURE OF FS TEACHER DATE ABOVE PRINTED NAME | TRANSMUTAION OF SCORE TO GRADE/RATING SCORE GRADE SCORE GRADE 20 1. 0 99 12-13 2. 50 81 18-19 1. 25 96 11 2. 75 78 17 1. 5 93 10 3. 00 75 16 1. 75 90 8-9 3. 5 72 and 15 2. 00 87 7 Below 5. 00 below 14 2. 25 84 | INTERVIEW A TEACHER IN THE SCHOOL YOU VISITED AND INQUIRE HOW THEY HAVE UTILIZED THEIR PARENTS AS SCHOOL PARTNERS IN EDUCATION. Parents and families are by far the most important influences in a child’s life. Their support can play a vital role at all stages of education. Parents who take on a supportive role in their child’s learning make a difference in improving achievement and behavior. Clear, open channels of communication facilitate reporting to parents on their child’s progress. Using effective channels of communication and getting parents involved in personal learning planning helps to build strong relationships and encourages involvement in the child’s learning and progress. AS A FUTURE TEACHER, I NEED TO KNOW AND UNDERSTAND THE SIX FEATURES OF THE CURRICULUM BECAUSE… I should know the 6 features of curriculum because they are necessary in the teaching and learning process. These 6 are interrelated to each other and absence of this will be a problem in delivering the curriculum . They are the key terms which is necessary to understand its meaning and its role In the curriculum. MAKE TWO POSTER/ PLACARDS ON THE FEATURES/ APPPROACHES OF THE CURRICULUM. BEHAVIORAL APPROACH SYSTEM APPROACH Field Study 4, Episode 7- THE WH-OF THE CURRICULUMFOCUSES ON: THE NATURES, CONCEPTS AND PURPOSES OF THE CURRICULUM AND HOW THESE ARE TRANSLATED INTO THE SCHOOL COMMUNITY. | TASKS | EXEMPLARY4 | SUPERIOR3 | SATISFACTORY2 | UNSATISFACTORY1 | Observation/Documentation: | All task were done with outstanding quality; work exceeds expectations | All or nearly task were done with high quality | Nearly all task were done with acceptable quality. | Fewer than half of tasks were done; or most objectives met but with poor quality. | My Analysis | Analysis were answered completely; in depth answers; thoroughly grounded on theoriesExemplary grammar and spelling. | Analysis questions were answered completely. Clear connection with theoriesGrammar and spelling are superior. | Analysis questions were not answered completely. Vaguely related to the theories. Grammar and spelling acceptable. | Analysis questions were not answered. Grammar and spelling unsatisfactory. | My Reflection | ReflectionStatements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode. | Reflection statements are clear, but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode. | Reflection statements are shallow; supported by experiences from the episode. | Reflection statements are unclear and shallow and are not supported by experiences form the episode. | My Portfolio | Portfolio is complete, clear, well- organized and all supporting documentation is located in sections clearly designated. | Portfolio is complete, clear and well- organized and most supporting documentations are available and/or in logical and clearly marked locations. | Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentation is organized but in lacking. | Portfolio has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear. | Submission | Before deadline | On the deadline | A day after the deadline | Two days or more after the deadline. | Subtotals | | | | | OVER-ALL SCORE | Rating: BASED ON TRANSMUTATION | _______________________ _____________________ SIGNATURE OF FS TEACHER DATE ABOVE PRINTED NAME | TRANSMUTAION OF SCORE TO GRADE/RATING SCORE GRADE SCORE GRADE 20 1. 0 99 12-13 2. 50 81 18-19 1. 25 96 11 2. 75 78 17 1. 5 93 10 3. 00 75 16 1. 75 90 8-9 3. 5 72 and 15 2. 00 87 7 Below 5. 00 below 14 2. 25 84 | Check for standard alignment. Obtain copy of your state curriculum standard. EXPLAIN WAYS ON HOW TO EFFECTIVELY IMPLEMENT THE CURRICULUM. INTERVIEW THE SCHOOOL ADMINISTRATOR/PRINCIPAL. Discuss the curriculum with others who have used similar programs. Introduce the curriculum to parents and students WAYS TO EFFECTIVELY IMPLEMENT THE CURRICULUM Study the curriculum mar carefully. Follow the curriculum plan strictly. Familiarize with curriculum. Monitoring STATE THE ROLES OF THE FOLLOWING IN CURRICULUM IMPLEMENTATION. 1. LEARNER- Learner is the primary reason of developing the curriculum. Everything involve in curriculum is the interest, skills, abilities of the learner. They are the primary concern of every teacher to meet the interest on teaching process. 2. TEACHER/ FACULTY MEMBERS- Planning and writing the curriculum are the primary role of the teacher. * Is the curriculum maker. * Writes a curriculum daily through a lesson plan, Unit plan or a yearly plan. * Design, enriches and modifies the curriculum to suit the learner’s characteristics. * Teacher becomes architects of school curriculum. 3. ADMINISTRATOR/ CURRICULUM MANAGERS- Supervise curriculum implementation, selects and recruit new teacher, admit students and materials needed for effective learning. * Plan for improvement of school facilities and physical parts. * Privilege to command but at the same time to lead the institution. * Responsible to the kind of curriculum their school will offer and how these are implemented. 4. PARENTS- Best supporters of school especially because they are one’s paying for their child education. * Parents association strengthened the school curriculum by giving support to various activities and assisting on accomplishment of school’s curriculum. * Provides curriculum materials that are not provided in schools. 5. CURRICULUM MEMBERS- May provide materials in the existing local community can very well substitute for what are needed to implement the curriculum. *Some can become resource speakers that can provide local and indigenous knowledge in the school curriculum. 6. OTHER STAKEHOLDERS- Professional organization have shown great influence in school community. * They are asked by curriculum specialist to contribute in curriculum review since they have voice in licensure examination and many more. 2. VISIT THE LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER OF SCHOOL. INTERVIEW THE MEDIA/LEARNING RESOURCE STAFF. HOW DOES TECHNOLOGY HELP IN DELIVERY THE CURRICULUM? By the use or help of technology, it upgrades the quality of teaching and learning in schools. It increases the capacity of teacher to effectively inculcate learning, and for students to gain mastery of lessons. It provides factual and related information through the internet. It introduces new teaching methods and give opportunity to maximize learning. 3. INTERVIEW A FACULTY MEMBER OR ADMINISTRATOR. ASK WHAT CRITERIA THEY USE IN EVALUATING THEIR SCHOOL CURRICULUM. The following are the criteria evaluation: 1. Curriculum completeness- every year the curriculum will be viewed by staff to determine if all needed subject areas are included and if instructional time allocations are appropriate. 2. Subject completeness- have been weighted in terms of its relevance. 3. Subject Quality- consistent with curriculum goals and objectives. COMPLETE THE GRAFFITI WALL AND ASK STUDENTS TO WRITE WHAT TOOLS THEY LEARNED IN ASSESSING THE CURRICULUM. Tools in Assessing curriculum Assessment strategies is used by the teacher to assess students performance. There are seven(7) tools in assessing the curriculum. 1. Paper and Pencil Strategy – it is a traditional way of teacher in assessing student performance. examples: Essay- refers to a writting samples of a students in which, is used to assessed student mastery of the concept, organizing ideas and developing the critical thinking . Select Response- is used to identify one correct answer ( multiple choice, identification and matchingtype) 2. Performanced-Based Strategy – requires students to demonstrate, create and produce. 3. Reflective Strategy – it is a self assessment where in students reflect with there own. 4. Behavioral Strategy – refers to the behavior of the students which the teacher usued to assessed while working/task inside the classroom. 5. Oral Strategy – often used by the teacher inside the classroom, a question and answer portion where in students develop their verbal skill on how he/she response to the question given by the teacher. 6. Combination Strategy -used by the teacher to enhanced students creativeness of answering questions. example: Portfolio- refers to the student work collection. 7. Personal Communication Strategy examples: Conference – is aformal and informal meeting between and among the teachers, students and parents. In – a form of conversation among/between the teachers, parents and students. evaluation and curriculum redesign? WRITE AN ACRONYM FOR CURRICULUM ASSESSMENT. A | Authentic | S | Set of courses | S | Standardized testing | E | Evaluation | S | Scale courses | S | Summative | M | Measurement | E | Examination | N | Norm-reference test | T | Test | Field Study 4, Episode 6- TELL ME YOUR FEATURESFOCUSES ON: THE SIX FEATURES OF A CURRICULUM. | TASKS | EXEMPLARY4 | SUPERIOR3 | SATISFACTORY2 | UNSATISFACTORY1 | Observation/Documentation: | All task were done with outstanding quality; work exceeds expectations | All or nearly task were done with high quality | Nearly all task were done with acceptable quality. | Fewer than half of tasks were done; or most objectives met but with poor quality. | My Analysis | Analysis were answered completely; in depth answers; thoroughly grounded on theoriesExemplary grammar and spelling. | Analysis questions were answered completely. Clear connection with theoriesGrammar and spelling are superior. | Analysis questions were not answered completely. Vaguely related to the theories. Grammar and spelling acceptable. | Analysis questions were not answered. Grammar and spelling unsatisfactory. | My Reflection | ReflectionStatements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode. | Reflection statements are clear, but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode. | Reflection statements are shallow; supported by experiences from the episode. | Reflection statements are unclear and shallow and are not supported by experiences form the episode. | My Portfolio | Portfolio is complete, clear, well- organized and all supporting documentation is located in sections clearly designated. | Portfolio is complete, clear and well- organized and most supporting documentations are available and/or in logical and clearly marked locations. | Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentation is organized but in lacking. | Portfolio has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear. | Submission | Before deadline | On the deadline | A day after the deadline | Two days or more after the deadline. | Subtotals | | | | | OVER-ALL SCORE | Rating: BASED ON TRANSMUTATION | _______________________ _____________________ SIGNATURE OF FS TEACHER DATE ABOVE PRINTED NAME | TRANSMUTAION OF SCORE TO GRADE/RATING SCORE GRADE SCORE GRADE 20 1. 0 99 12-13 2. 50 81 18-19 1. 25 96 11 2. 75 78 17 1. 5 93 10 3. 00 75 16 1. 75 90 8-9 3. 5 72 and 15 2. 00 87 7 Below 5. 00 below 14 2. 25 84 | : INTERVIEW SCHOOL’S OFFICIALS, FACULTY MEMBER OR READ EDUCATION JOURNALS AND MAGAZINES TO COMPLETE THE MATRIX. CURRICULAR INNOVATIONS | ADVANTAGES ( MERITS) | DISADVANTAGES(DEMERITS) | K to 12 curriculum | * Aims to uplift the quality of education in order for graduates to easily employ. * Aims to fully enhance and in order to them to be well prepared especially in emotional and cognitive aspects. | * The proposed program is good but still it won’t work if the needed element is not present like adequate supply of classroom chairs and public classrooms,. | Shift to SCHOOL BASED MANAGEMENT | * Form of decentralization. better motivation to SBM managers and get higher morale they pposssess more independence to act and decide. | * No guarantee that SBM will lead to school improvement. * Increased planning to implement SBM. * Financial Assistance needed. | SELECT ONE INNOVATION AND COMPLETE THE DISCUSSION WEB BELOW. INTERVIEW EDUCATION STUDENTS TO GET THEIR IDEAS ON CURRICULAR INNOVATIONS. NO 1. Parents have to shell out more money (for transportation and food) for the education of their children. 2. The government does not have the money to pay for two more years of free education, since it does not even have the money to fully support today’s ten years. DepEd must first solve the lack of classrooms, furniture and equipment, qualified teachers, and error-free textbooks. 3. While students are stuck in Grades 11 and 12, colleges and universities will have no freshmen for two years. This will spell financial disaster 4. for many private Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). 5. The drop-out rate will increase because of the two extra years. YES * Most graduates are too young to enter the labor force. ” Since most children start Grade 1 when they are 6 years old, they do not reach the legal employable age of 18 when they graduate from high school today. * “ The congested curriculum partly explains the present state of education. ” Twelve years of content are crammed into ten years. K to 12 DO WE REALLY NEED TO MOTIVATE A great education is born out of innovation. It’s measured by how many lives have been transformed, how many ideas have been raised and how many new discoveries have been made. True innovation doesn’t stop short of raising questions, but also develops solutions and summons the courage to change for the greater good. Education is the backbone of one’s career future. However, education often gives the impression that it is boring. Therefore, we should come up with ways to make education more innovative. There are three ways to make education more innovative. The first way to make education more innovative is by improving the methods of teaching used by educators today. While teaching, educators should try making hilarious jokes now and then and be more humorous. They should also be more friendly and sporting by interacting with students as friends. Educators could try to know the students better, learn their point of view of the teaching in class and try not to be rigid. By creating a more comfortable environment, students can remember facts better. No one likes to study and learn when they are pressured. Besides that, another way to make education more innovative is by having extra activities in and out of the class. Quiz and riddles should be given to students now and then as it is a fun way to test what they have learned. Once in a while, educators should let the students play educational games. Research has shown that fun ways education could boost the memory of the students. Apart from that, field trips should be held more often to let students experience the outside world. By seeing and experiencing, they can remember better. This also interests the better compared to normal classes. Lastly, the third way to make education more innovative is by having group activities like group discussions and group studies among students. By having group activities, students could learn how to do things in a group and develop teamwork among the students. Communication skills could be enhanced as students need to communicate among each other during discussions. In addition, knowledge and experience could be shared among the students. Thus, students could learn about other people’s point of view and learn new things

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AssignBuster. 2021. "Grace." November 16, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/grace-2/.

1. AssignBuster. "Grace." November 16, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/grace-2/.


AssignBuster. "Grace." November 16, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/grace-2/.

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"Grace." AssignBuster, 16 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/grace-2/.

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