Proposal Essay, 4 pages (850 words)

Good research proposal about guns at school

Several states across America are proposing that school employees should be allowed to carry concealed weapons at school. This was prompted by the Sandy Hook mass murder. Twenty first-graders and six adult staff members were killed in mass murder at Sandy Hook Elementary School in the quiet village of Sandy Hook in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012. Adam Lanza, the man behind what is now considered the second deadliest mass shooting by a single person in American history, was reported to have killed his mother at their Newtown home before driving to the school. Despite the upgraded security protocol of the school, which entailed locking the doors at 9: 30 am each day, Lanza shot his way through a glass panel next to the locked front locked front entrance doors of the school. He then went on to enter two first-grade classrooms and other offices of the school where he shot his 26 victims before killing himself using his own gun.
Different opinions were given about Lanza’s motive behind the tragic shooting. Some said it was his Asperger’s disease that triggered the attack, others speculated he was a pedophile, while there were some who said it was his inclination towards violent games that influenced him to commit the act. The state’s attorney’s report indicated that despite the extensive collection of background information about Lanza, the reason behind his act, or why he chose Sandy Hook Elementary School, could not be conclusively answered. It was clear, though, that he planned the shooting and the killing himself after. Without knowing the real reason, people identified several contributing factors that lead to the event: lack of gun control, violent video games, and lack of mental health support. However, school officials recognized the vulnerability of school teachers and administrators due to lack of protection as a major issue that should be addressed. People and lawmakers across the country are now engaged on debates about the issue of legally allowing school employees to carry guns in schools.
Amidst the debates, several lawmakers have already proposed bills that would allow teachers to carry guns in schools. Sen. Mark Christensen of Imperial, Nebraska introduced Legislative Bill 879, which would allow teachers to carry concealed handguns in schools after obtaining 16 hours of additional training in addition to the eight hours requirement for a standard permit. The additional training, according to the bill, would include best practices for active shooter situations, weapons retention methods and techniques which are related to barricading and evasion. Colorado State Sen. Ted Harvey introduced Senate Bill 13-009 which asked for authorization of local policies to allow teachers in public elementary and secondary schools concealed handguns provided the teacher has a valid permit to carry one. The “ School Sentinel” bill, which was proposed by Gov. Dennis Daugaard in March 2013, allows teachers in South Dakota to carry loaded firearms in school grounds after getting permission from the school district and training with local law enforcements are completed. Inspired by this legislation, Assemblyman Tim Donnelly of R-Twin Peaks, California introduced Assembly Bill 202, which would allow teachers in all public schools in California, Univesity of California institutions and California State Universities, to carry concealed weapons as long provided their school districts allow it. In Wyoming, Texas, Senate File 109 was proposed to allow school districts to decide whether they want teachers to be armed, while House Bill 111 asked that all school employees and volunteers to be permitted to carry guns in schools.
Although some of the mentioned bills have already been passed, such as the “ School Sentinel” bill by Sen. Dennis Daugaard, and the House Bill 111 by Rep. John Eklund, many stakeholders have opposed the proposed bills. Senate Bill 13-009 of Colorado was opposed by Ceasefire Colorado, The League of Women Voters and the Colorado Education Association. House Bill 111 was challenged by Wyoming Gun owners, voicing concerns about how districts and superintendent may clash wherein districts make rules while superintendents may arbitrarily revoke permission. Wyoming Education Association also opposed the bill, stating that they would prefer placing school resource officers in school instead of arming the teachers. Due to the Sandy Hook tragedy, which was preceded by the controversial Virginia Tech massacre in 007, the issue about arming teachers have gathered notability which pushed so many discussions between those who are for against these proposed legislations/bills.
As a student and a mother, this issue has direct effects on me and my children as much as other parents, students, teachers and members of the community. My children and I spend most of our time in school, which exposes us to the same danger that the victims of the mentioned tragedy have faced. We are not armed in schools and are only dependent on the school security system and personnels for our protection. Allowing our school faculty and staff to carry guns may increase our safety, or it may also not. Either way, the fact remains that the government should take measures that will guarantee the safety of students in schools. Until such action is taken, parents and students like me will continue to teach our children to be more vigilant, not just in school but everywhere.

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Good research proposal about guns at school'. 15 November.


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AssignBuster. 2021. "Good research proposal about guns at school." November 15, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/good-research-proposal-about-guns-at-school/.

1. AssignBuster. "Good research proposal about guns at school." November 15, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/good-research-proposal-about-guns-at-school/.


AssignBuster. "Good research proposal about guns at school." November 15, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/good-research-proposal-about-guns-at-school/.

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"Good research proposal about guns at school." AssignBuster, 15 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/good-research-proposal-about-guns-at-school/.

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