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Good example of synthesis essay critical thinking

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Essay Synthesis

For this assignment, I take on to address two essays on the topic of language as perceived by the authors and how it affected their personal relationships and interests. Before I proceed to analyse the articles, I realized I need to have a more standard definition of language, at least for the purpose of uniformity. The Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary, 11th Edition has defined language as the system of words or signs that people use to express thoughts and feelings to each other (Merriam-Webster). With this definition, Rodriguez tries to harmonize how the medium has impacted his personal relationship. For somehow who does not speak English very fluently, the author conquered this weakness and eventually transformed himself to lose the trace of his mother tongue—Spanish. However, in his attempt to master English he loses not only his cultural heritage, but all that comes with it including his relationships with his parents. While the author tries to create a balance between his ambition to succeed and to maintain his relationships with his family, it became inevitable that one has been sacrificed. The author was heard saying “ obedient to the dictates of the world of the school; butwants to continue as part of the family” (Rodriguez 624).
On the other hand, another author expresses the same impact of language in his cultural identity. However, in this regard Malea Powell, the author of the article Listening to ghost: an alternative (non)argument argues that while the pressure of blending in and embracing the mastery of a new culture to be able to successfully conquer education in an American education was never an option for her to turn her back on her cultural heritage. Powell argues the concept of intellectual sovereignty. As an American Indian, she recognizes the contribution that her lineage can bring towards her success in her chosen field of endeavor. Her interest of ghost might not run parallel with what the western culture believe. However, Powell argues that there is no reason for her to turn her back on her beliefs simply because universities are teaching a different concept. Going back to intellectual sovereignty, Powell furthered her argument by saying, “ all acts of scholarships are battles in a war of words and worlds” (Powell 21). For which she meant there is no need for a change in principles because the pursuit of education is not on content but presentation and hegemony.
Overall, if we try to synthesize the content of both article we can draw insights that education should not be too contentious to students who are of a different culture. Language should never be a barrier that would deter individuals from enjoying the right to knowledge. Culture should never be a reason to warrant disagreement that would facilitate what many would like to call “ academic” or “ intellectual” discourse.

Work Cited

Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary. Springfield, Massachusetts: Merriam-Webster, Inc., 2003. Print.
Powell, Malea. ” Listening to ghost: an alternative (non)argument.” [Book Author]. [Book Title]. [City of Publication]: [Publisher of the Book], [Year of Publication]. 11-22. Print.
Rodriguez, Richard. ” The Achievement of Desire.” [Book Author]. [Book Title]. [City of Publication]: [Publisher of the Book], [Year of Publication]. 620-642. Print.

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AssignBuster. "Good example of synthesis essay critical thinking." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/good-example-of-synthesis-essay-critical-thinking/.

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"Good example of synthesis essay critical thinking." AssignBuster, 14 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/good-example-of-synthesis-essay-critical-thinking/.

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