Essay, 2 pages (450 words)

Good example of essay on my political ideology

I would describe my political ideology as social liberal democrat if there is such an ideology. This is based on the fact that, on the one hand, I am socially liberal. I believe that there is a role for the government in addressing economic and social issues such as unemployment, healthcare and education. I also believe that the government must be dedicated to protecting the civil and human rights of its citizens. That is to say the government must be dedicated to social justice. I also believe in environmental sustainability, free trade. On the other hand, I would also consider myself a social democrat in that I believe in both multi-party democracy and political freedom, or the idea that every person has the right to decide how she lives and that the state cannot interfere with this freedom unreasonably. I also believe that the law should treat everyone equally and that everyone has an equal opportunity to be the best that they can be. Lastly, I believe that everyone should contribute to the greater good so taxes are alright if they are used to fund public education or universal healthcare. Moreover, one of the key goals of the government is to help mitigate the injustices of modern society and make it more equitable, whether that is requiring business to protect the environment, treat their workers fairly or support a social welfare program.
I think, initially, the biggest influences on the development of my political ideology were my parents and family. My parents had a fairly liberal point-of-view on a range of topics and always supported liberal candidates. Moreover, one of my favorite aunts was a nurse and so from her I learned the power of social justice and helping those that cannot help themselves. Later, as I got older, I began exploring on my own some of the ideas and principles that I came into contact with when I was younger. I found that the more I learned about these concepts of social justice, political freedom, civil and human rights, the more they seemed agreeable to me. My political ideology is important to me. I think that it informs many of the decisions that I make whether it is deciding to offer my assistance to a stranger on the street to deciding a product or service to buy (in the sense of does the company share my political ideology).
As mentioned, I think that my political ideology definitely influences many of the decisions I make but not all and not in every situation. In fact, I do not think one should be absolutely controlled by their political ideology because not every situation will be able to be explained by it. Lastly, I think that the results of the typology test accurately reflect my political ideology. This is based on the fact that it indicated my tendencies to support liberal points of view. Moreover it was accurate in illustrating my “ all for one and one for all” attitude.

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1. AssignBuster. "Good example of essay on my political ideology." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/good-example-of-essay-on-my-political-ideology/.


AssignBuster. "Good example of essay on my political ideology." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/good-example-of-essay-on-my-political-ideology/.

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"Good example of essay on my political ideology." AssignBuster, 14 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/good-example-of-essay-on-my-political-ideology/.

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