Essay, 2 pages (500 words)

Friction ridges and science

The size, depth of the ridges, and distance from one another vary. The ridges of each flow in a unique fashion and their minutiae points also vary. The uniqueness of the fingerprints is the explanation for the broad use of fingerprints for identification purposes. Armstrong further notes that there are three types of patterns formed by the fingerprints; whorl, loop, and arch. Fingerprints are formed when one is still in the womb. The permanence nature of fingerprints comes from the fact that they only increase in size but do not change in terms of their basic structure. The fingerprints always appear in the same fashion even after they suffer a scar. In addition, even when fingerprints suffer a permanent scar, details around the scar still provide basic and sufficient identification (Armstrong, 2012).
Fingerprints are more accurate in identification than DNA. Research has proven that identical twins have the same DNA structure, but their fingerprints vary therefore giving fingerprints more accuracy in identification especially when identical twins are involved. Either way, both fingerprints, and DNA analysis are greatly used in criminal and personal identification. The reason for the uniqueness of fingerprints is that they are formed in the womb leading to those of twins becoming different in the way they appear even between identical twins. The movements and natural growth in the womb lead to the varying of fingerprints.
From the above paragraphs, it is, therefore, clear that the number of friction ridges does not matter in identification. The fact that a permanent scar cannot totally hinder identification is proof of the uniqueness that each ridge has. It could possible to get an individual with exactly the same fingerprint pattern but their fingerprint identification different. It is, therefore, true that each fingerprint is unique as a result of the uniqueness of its ridges. The number of sweat and air pores in each also varies. As Armstrong denotes; permanent damage to the skin does not completely lead to poor identification. Scientifically, a single ridge possesses many characteristics that make it unique and different from any other (Armstrong, 2012).
Nevertheless, the number of fingerprints is also important. One would argue on the point of view that some fingerprints may get altered in times of accidents and, in this case, there should be a few of the fingerprints subjected to identification analysis. In a nutshell, there would be naturally a minimum number of friction ridges that are needed for analysis. Armstrong states that the situation will dictate the number as a highly injured hand would lead to incorrect information or none at all in regards to the fingerprints. It is therefore not cast in stone that a certain number of fingerprint ridges are required for any given scenario.
The other reason scientifically there is no a minimum number of friction ridges requires that the number of fiction ridges in one individual is not the same as that of another. The ratio of the number of minimum ridges set would, therefore, vary from one individual to another leading to inconsistency and un-proportionality. In conclusion, no minimum number of ridges can be set for proving identification.

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Friction ridges and science'. 16 December.


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AssignBuster. 2021. "Friction ridges and science." December 16, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/friction-ridges-and-science/.

1. AssignBuster. "Friction ridges and science." December 16, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/friction-ridges-and-science/.


AssignBuster. "Friction ridges and science." December 16, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/friction-ridges-and-science/.

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"Friction ridges and science." AssignBuster, 16 Dec. 2021, assignbuster.com/friction-ridges-and-science/.

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