Rhetorical Essay, 2 pages (400 words)

Free research paper on the rhetorical triangle


There are 4 approaches for a presentation development. These include a workshop, a lecture and speech, a group activity, and a discussion. All these approaches are called public speaking when presented to group of people. Each of the four mentioned approaches in presentation should include the three rhetorical triangle elements. For that reason, the approaches require connecting all these elements since when one misses, the entire presentation will fail.
Starting with a workshop, this is an approach when a speaker talks to a given group of people so as to teach and show them the way a given project is done. Thus, the speaker presents information about the way a project should be completed through a step by step manner. Subsequently, the audience is given a chance to execute or carry out various project steps and/or asked some questions when they fail to comprehend how to perform a certain project part. When giving this presentation approach, the speaker usually has a specific reason or purpose. This purpose is actually to demonstrate to the audience how a given project is performed. The workshop location can be in a shop or a store, in workshop room, or a classroom.
A lecture or a speech is when a certain speaker talks about a given topic and to a large crow. In this approach, a speaker delivers important information to the audience. The audience is then given an opportunity to air their questions about the presented topic. When a lecture or speech is given, a speaker has a specific reason or purpose in mind. The location of this presentation approach can actually be in a conference room, an office, or in an auditorium.
In a discussion, a problem which requires to be addressed is discussed by the concerned members. Each member in the discussion is offered a chance to air her or his views about a certain problem that disturbs all the members. Therefore, the audience is all the members present in a certain discussion room, which is the location. Other locations include offices, classrooms, among others.
Finally, a group activity encompasses a group of individuals engaging or participating in a given or a particular activity. Thus, this is a presentation approach where the entire group takes part in a common activity like studying together. This means that a given group engages itself in a common activity where each group member is offered a certain activity. The audience therefore follows the group activity where individuals are given opportunities for asking questions.


http://www. thefreedictionary. com/presentation
http://en. wikibooks. org/wiki/Rhetoric_and_Composition/Rhetorical_Analysis
http://www. public. asu. edu/~jvanasu/rhet-triangle. htm
http://wiki. answers. com/Q/What_is_rhetorical_triangle
http://www. presentationessentials. com/
http://dictionary. reference. com/browse/presentation
http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/presentation

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AssignBuster. 2021. "Free research paper on the rhetorical triangle." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/free-research-paper-on-the-rhetorical-triangle/.

1. AssignBuster. "Free research paper on the rhetorical triangle." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/free-research-paper-on-the-rhetorical-triangle/.


AssignBuster. "Free research paper on the rhetorical triangle." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/free-research-paper-on-the-rhetorical-triangle/.

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"Free research paper on the rhetorical triangle." AssignBuster, 14 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/free-research-paper-on-the-rhetorical-triangle/.

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