Research Paper, 4 pages (850 words)

Free research paper on music appreciation

Compare and Contrast Research paper

In this essay, we are going to compare and contrast the work and style of both Josquin Des Prez and Leonardo Da Vinci which were very famous during the renaissance period. The painting and the musical work demonstrate a certain affinity which also shows harmony and elements of thickness which overlap in both works
Josquin Des Prez was one of the greatest famous Flemish composers who lived from 1450-1521 during the Renaissance period. This period was well-known progressively increase in compound of textures in music.

” O Virgo Prudentissima”:

One of the compositions by des Prez which is described as one of his best is ” O Virgo Prudentissima. Josquin used a pre-existing Georgian chant as a foundation of this composition to which it added several melodic lines. The result is a polyphonic texture.” Listen to how the voices imitate each other when they enter to keep the piece interesting. The result is an intriguing combination which compares well with Leonardo’s painting.
The harmony makes you feel pure and closer to God; since music is the universal language. Josquin focused on delivering the message of Mary’s birth of Jesus Christ and to deliver what God wanted him to believe, “ The Kingdom of God is coming,. This is very closely related to the painting by Leonardo da Vinci as the same message seems to be conveyed.
The rhythms were simple which increased the text’s clarity and the religious message throughout the piece. In my opinion Josquin used A-B-A form because the melody is repeated continuously throughout the piece since the music have a message behind it therefore the audience can easily hear what the message convey. “ Many scholars believed Josquin to be the first master of the Renaissance in polyphonic vocal music during that time.”
Josquin Des Prez used “ polyphonic texture which is several melodic lines occurring simultaneously” (Chiego 2010 p 45) so this also explains the comparison to Da Vinci’s work which we discuss below.
Leonardo Da Vinci was highly esteemed in his day as a great painter as well as an engineer. One of Da Vinci’s famous work pieces of art during renaissance period was the Madonna of the Carnation which has several different aspects which are comparable to the Du Prez work. .
The lines in this piece display the birth of a man and how his life will be accepted on earth and in the spirit realm. It symbolizes the nature of man, who embodies the spiritual and the historical significance. Here we see the similarities with De Prez’s work especially the thickness of the lines and the polyphonic textures which are comparable to the painting.
Colors tend to connote harmony as we can see red, blue and yellow colors represent cool, and warm which creates a sense of intense vividness. The choice of pigments not only leaps from the canvas, but captures the attention of the viewer and tells a story with the vivid color.
Conversely Da Vinci didn’t have a lot of space between the mother and the child which shows how the baby is attached to his mother, also by the mother offering the child the flower is bringing him closer. The piece also suggests that the mother is teaching the baby how to touch, feel and to use his new visual perception. The painting not only brings a sense of security, it also portrays Mary as being nurturing and reassuring.
The thickness of the harmony created by the polyphonic melodies of De Prez are very much related to the closeness of the people portrayed in the painting by Leonardo. The melodies were constantly moving up and down, intertwined with each other. In fact the lines in the painting are all curving and the baby was in front of the mother, who was holding him. The rhythm also compares to the spacing and organization of the figures in the painting. The windows behind were regularly spaced, anchoring the figures in the painting to a place. The rhythms of the music were steady and regular, with space interjected only briefly after the cadences at the end of the verses.”
The form and texture of Da Vinci’s art piece smooth, religious and calm. We don’t need to touch the paint to know its surface is hard, smooth, and polished. Texture is a powerful art element because it can quickly evoke memories and emotions. But then, form displayed the feelings of mystery and intrigue the piece arouses.
In conclusion, both Leonardo Da Vinci and Josquin Des Perz were very unique artists, but they both tried to express feelings and emotion throughout their work. Each of them represent a different part of the Renaissance era of music and art. They both grow up in religious families which it showed in there arts and music. Their work corroborates that music and art can and do go hand in hand. This also substantiates that music and art one in the same.

Works Cited Page

” EnglishInfo.” Leonardo De Vinci. N. p., n. d. Web. 19 Feb. 2013.
” Josquin Desprez (c. 1440/55-1521) – A Discography.” Josquin Desprez. N. p., n. d. Web. 19 Feb. 2013.
” Renaissance Art.” Renaissance Art. N. p., n. d. Web. 19 Feb. 2013.
Chiego, John J. The Musical Experience. Second ed. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt, 2010.

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"Free research paper on music appreciation." AssignBuster, 10 Sept. 2022, assignbuster.com/free-research-paper-on-music-appreciation/.

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