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Free international media essay sample

International media

I chose as the client the person that has received media attention from American as well as international media for the same issue. This is the president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, whose actions on the settlement of the Ukrainian crisis are in the center of attention of the world mass media. As examples of coverage I chose the American CNN and the Russian RT.
The difference of the Ukrainian president’s activity coverage is certainly huge. In the American media in general, and in CNN in particular, there is a neutral showing of information about Poroshenko with the focus on the certain deeds, like orders and quotes. In turn, the Russian media, including RT try to show the weakness of the Ukrainian president, who allegedly is not capable to resist to threats. Cases of negative attitude of Ukrainians to the president, appeals to his shift, Poroshenko’s personal wealth, and also the facts which aren’t directly indicating corruption and a nepotism in his team are exaggeratedly highlighted. The image of Poroshenko in the coverage of the RT is a part of the general perception of the situation in Ukraine, where, according to Russian media, either anarchy or fascism is established, but anyway life of citizens sharply worsened, in such a way that Ukraine can fall apart soon.
In such conditions, it is necessary to understand the key features of the Russian official mass media. The first and the most important of them is its almost complete dependence from the state. The media like the RT seem to be an information weapon of the Kremlin, therefore activity of any person or the organization is covered via the ” filter”, which corresponds to the Kremlin’s comprehension of the situation. The second important factor is the conservative agenda which offers RT and other Russian mass media. They use the mistrust of Russians to liberal values, first of all to sexual tolerance, and also to the slightest manifestations of political instability. In this regard, Poroshenko could partially handle media in Russia acting from more conservative public position. First of all, it concerns prevention of new riots even if they are required to be suppressed by force. Such position will cause undoubted approval of the Russian media and from their point of view it will mean that in Ukraine there was a strong power with which it is possible to conduct negotiations. Besides, it is necessary to emphasize protection of so-called ” traditional” values as opposed to the Western pluralism and tolerance. This position will emphasize mental proximity of Poroshenko to the Russian inhabitant. In addition the president of Ukraine could emphasize the proximity of the Russian and Ukrainian people, allocate a role of Russia in the conflict not as aggressor, but as potential peacekeeper, and also to assume official obligations for protection of the rights of Russians in the territory of Ukraine. However, it should be noted that realization of similar steps substantially will strike in Poroshenko’s popularity in Ukraine and doesn’t guarantee success in the Russian media as they, according to earlier statement, are almost completely controlled by Russian authorities.


Howard, Carole, and Wilma Mathews. On Deadline: Managing Media Relations. 3rd ed. Prospect Heights, Ill.: Waveland, 2000. Print.
” Ukraine Right Sector Threatens Poroshenko with Yanukovich’s Fate.” RT News. 18 Sept. 2014. Web. .

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AssignBuster. 2021. "Free international media essay sample." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/free-international-media-essay-sample/.

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AssignBuster. "Free international media essay sample." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/free-international-media-essay-sample/.

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"Free international media essay sample." AssignBuster, 14 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/free-international-media-essay-sample/.

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