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Free gay parents essay example

Two person of the same gender think that children need only be loved by his parents. According to this assumption, they conclude that children are equally well, raising their loving homosexual or heterosexual loving parents. Unfortunately, this idea and everything it implies – wrong.
Parents play a major role in raising children, with their own unique contribution of each of the sexes in education, which is the other sex cannot be repeated. Both women can be a good parents, but none of them can replace a father.
Maternal and paternal love are qualitatively different, and generate distinct communication – namely, a mother’s love, which you can definitely rely on, and male love, you can rely on the terms and conditions that plays an essential role for the development of the child. One kind of love can be a problem, because the child needs a complementary balance of male and female affection. Only male and female parent give a chance to make a relationship with the parent and its opposite sex. Relations with gay fathers in the early years of life facilitate human relations with both sexes when he grows up. For girls, this means that it will be better understood and appropriately interact with a community of men and more comfortable feel in the community of women and for boys – on the contrary. Relations with the ” other” with the parent of the opposite sex – also increases the likelihood of a child’s capacity for empathy and makes it less self-centered.
Children go through predictable stages of development required. On some of these steps requires more from the mother, on the other – from the father, for example, infants of both sexes develop better if the mother takes care of them. Mother more subtly capture the daily needs of her young children. When becomes a full-grown man, he needs to stay away from his mom and instead identify with the father. The boy, growing up without a father can’t associate himself, and he is going to face difficulties in forming healthy male identity. The father teaches the boy to direct their men-growing impulses through the appropriate channels. The mother cannot show his child how to manage his impulses, because it is – not a man, and she does not know the same motives. In addition, the respect which enjoys in the eyes of the boy’s father, is different from the respect that a son has a mother – it does not give him ” go beyond”. The absence of these two key factors in families without fathers increases the likelihood of crime and imprisonment among boys.
Adults need a parent of the opposite sex to explain mitigate the manifestation characteristic of their sex inclinations. Men prefer to reason emotion rules before relationships, risk and caution before standards before sympathy, while girls usually prefer the opposite. The parent of the opposite sex helps the child to restrain their natural tendencies, educating them – verbal and nonverbal – the ability to appreciate the opposite trend. This not only helps to raise self-restraint, but also broadens the mind of the child, helping him to see things not only from their limited perspective. Gay parents will promote experiments in young people’s lives.
Two gay parents, implies equal acceptability and desirability of any choice, so even children from families under the influence of traditional ideas about the equality of all sexual options will create the idea that it does not matter with whom to have sex or married. This statement can make some, if not many, impressionable adults to worry about the possibility of such sexual relations and marriage.


Aacap. org,. ‘Children With Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual And Transgender Parents’. N. p., 2014. Web. 18 Nov. 2014.
Aamft. org,. ‘Same-Sex Parents And Their Children’. N. p., 2014. Web. 18 Nov. 2014.
Frc. org,. ‘Family Research Council’. N. p., 2014. Web. 18 Nov. 2014.

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AssignBuster. "Free gay parents essay example." November 15, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/free-gay-parents-essay-example/.

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"Free gay parents essay example." AssignBuster, 15 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/free-gay-parents-essay-example/.

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