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Proposal for an ICT strategic planning process for an Educational Institution

Sometime in 2003, there was established a committee that was to drive as well as overseeing the development and utilization of ICT in the education sector. This committee was named the ICT standing committee. It is tasked with the responsibility of coordinating ICT across education sector. There is a need to connect the education sector to fasten the flow of information whose quality is high. “ The requirement for the learners to achieve high in innovative education makes ICT incorporation into the education sector eminent” .

Executive summary

This document sets to establish the importance of ICT in UEM and to lay down the strategic plan for the development of ICT in line with the educational needs of the institution. Investment framework on ICT will enhance the education sector to standardize the criteria for assessments, and to deliver value for the money spent on the investment. For it to occur effectively there is a need to set a vision and well laid down objectives to be achieved within a given time. This framework will allow for the calculation of the value for money.
The logic of the framework is given in details in this proposal, which has also created a tool that is easy to use practically so as to ensure the application of the framework in the sector. If well applied, it will assure all the stakeholders value for money, and allow for free and independent flow of information in UEM.

Strategic context of the ICT planning process framework

In New Zealand, there has been developed a concept for integrating ICT into the education sector. To achieve the objectives of the strategic planning, it is eminent to make realistic goals that are set to be achieved within a given timeframe. “ Setting a goal creates vision and focus. Goals such as direction that ensures a clearly set roadmap in achieving targets, execution which ensures the delivery of the targets and evaluation which will help in delivering quality services” . With this integration of ICT, the quality of education will improve since there will be ease of learning. ICT is meant to enhance understanding of concepts taught in class.
Successful strategic ICT planning process will be realized when these goals have been met and the vision has been obtained progressively. It is important to continually communicate the progress of the roadmap towards achieving the goals. Since this process involves bringing together two sectors, that is education and ICT, it will require comprehensive planning. “ Achievable milestones should be fore-planned in order to harmonise the process of reaching the target and avoid delays”. Accelerated uptake of ICT in UEM will greatly enhance service delivery and this will be achieved through achievement of the set goals.
For the vision to be complete it is important for the implementation of the set targets to be done appropriately. The endorsed plan of the project can proceed to the implementation stage. The ICT Management team will have the authority to modify the designs to make sure the services provided are of high quality.
“ After the process of implementation, there will be a need for evaluating what has been done. This involves continuous monitoring and reporting of progress”. Proper information to the implementers of the plans will be necessary so as to avoid confusion as it might result into unprecedented errors and delays in the future. UEM is fast growing in provision of quality education and as such, proper integration of ICT in its service provision can help improve efficiency in this sector.
There are several steps to follow in the process of strategic planning in ICT. The first one involves reviewing of corporate and business unit goals, as well as their drivers and strategies. The activities of planning are, understanding all external drivers of corporate and business plans. Development priorities will also be a factor to look. This will help in identifying strategic issues that are major such as delivery plan and funding. A good, well and elaborate understanding of UEM will be of importance to enhance performance and service delivery. Identify the ICT needs of UEM and work on them during the planning period. The second step will involve assessing the technology opportunities. “ Activities under this step are looking into new and emerging technologies in education sector, assessing the current use of technology and what has been planned for the future in ICT and education”. Other activities under the second step include, developing the mechanisms that will encourage the use of common ICT infrastructure jointly with the UEM and establishing the problems with the current systems of information, as well as technology infrastructures. Thirdly, defining the strategic vision of ICT will also be important.
Therefore, adopting ICT in UEM will greatly enhance its service provision and delivery. Further, it will increase the speed with which information is processed and delivered. It is, therefore, recommended that UEM fast-tracks ICT adoption to its advantage and better delivery. It is also eminent for the institution to lay grounds for adoption of future changes in the education and ICT sectors. All of these will have to be considered when adopting this proposal.


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Trunaco, M., 2005. Knowledge Maps: ICT in Education. Washington DC: infoDev/World Bank.

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"Free foreword essay sample." AssignBuster, 14 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/free-foreword-essay-sample/.

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