A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Acid rain college

Acid rain is a really big problem to the wildlife as a lake were to get acidic then the wildlife will cause a chain reaction that will kill all the things in the lake. In this world acid rain is a great problem; we see dead fishes and plant in our waters due to the →

Electronic gadgets essay

It can be a guide to them on how to Bad grades and sleep problems linked to excessive use of And now new research shows that excessive reliance on electronic gadgets (like also try to engage students better through the use of electronic gadgets and Positive and negative impact of electronic devices and gadget hyperbole. →

Study on consumer essay

CEO-friendly paper is one of the solutions to save the environment and reduce the pollution in the present world. The present study is to understand the consumer behavior and adoption intention of consumers towards the CEO-friendly paper.

The stages of intervention in english education

If we pay adequate attending to this definition it is clear that the greatest alterations considerate on the late 1960ss that emphasis and characterized jobs to finish reading procedure to be successful, and the new millenary, that is a interested far more than three different phases of description, the first, behavioral, which is the most →

The crucible

The reason Tituba, Abigail, and Betty make these claims is because of the circumstances they were under during the time of investigation. Because of the accusations of witchcraft and her powerless position, Tituba is motivated to declare that she saw certain people with the Devil.

Summary narrative response packet assignment

4 Purpose and Overview: Essay 1 represents several objectives of English 102, and perhaps builds upon skills learned in ENG 101, This essay will focus on the skill set of successfully summarizing a reading selection re-communicating the author's purpose and main points and then responding to that author's ideas appropriately, which requires a certain degree →

Changes in us society after civil war

S society is the result of achievement from the Civil War and the laws and the amendments are the results of some hardiness the country had suffered in the past. One of the requirements for the Confederate states to come back to the Union was to endorse the Thirteenth Amendment, marking the end of slavery.

Manipulation of reproduction in animals

The demand of animal products is increasing due to the progressive population; hence there is a need to increase the number of animals using biotechnology because the process of increase in number of animals naturally, is slow. However, to ensure the effective use and productivity of artificial insemination, the breeder has to ensure that the →

Due received reports of harassment of muslim

The Council on American Islamic Relations said it had received reports of harassment of Muslim women and obscenities shouted on the street, bombings and arson attempts at mosques and beatings, death threats and possibly even killings. Bush, have called on Americans not to blame all people of Arab and Muslim backgrounds for the terrorist activities →

The flaws of flipped classrooms

Instead of teaching in class, teachers who use the flipped classroom method assign their students to teach themselves new material every night and, subsequently, work on application of that material in the classroom. For flipped classrooms to be effective, a large amount of time and effort is needed for students in the evening and night →

“theme of post-colonialism in things fall apart” assignment

Things Fall Apart is a major work of Post Colonial literature that describes what happens to a strong Nigerian tribe during colonial rule in colonialism offering and insight into African culture that had not been portrayed before, Things Fall Apart is both a tragic and moving story of and individual set in the wider context →

Baroque music: speech and debate assignment

Today I am going to talk about the basics of baroque music, the main instruments used during the baroque period, and the Influences on baroque composers. The violin was the most popular in the Baroque period whereas the lute and double bass were used more in the Renaissance.

Margarine tub investigation essay sample

We will not be changing any of the other factors of the experiment, only the force and extension of the rubber band, for that is the variable which we are investigating. Equipment * Rubber band * Chair/stool * Rulers * An empty margarine tub * A newton meter that goes up to 10N Procedure * →

Trotsky’s contribution to the success of the bolsheviks up to 1922 essay sample

Trotsky had a vital role in helping the Bolsheviks to their success by using his skills productively in his influential propaganda, the civil war and to help them gain power. Without Trotsky, I do not believe that the Bolsheviks would have had enough support to win and so he gave the greatest contribution of all.

The educating rita play discussion essay sample

The second humorous scene which can be found in the play is in act two, scene three whereby Frank was teaching his class in a drunk condition. The reader of this play could not assume that the event of being drunk can take place in a classroom and it could be turn out to be →

Concept of surface area of a cube

To account for the thickness of the sheets and allow the seams of edges to be made, four of these parts will have shorter dimensions than the 3 ft.x 3 ft.dimensions of the first two parts. Also, it will be necessary to remind the students that all 6 faces of the cube are of equal →

The role of political parties in the american democratic

The choice of the candidate that the party supports is determined by the issues and agendas presented by the candidate. During the campaign, the party organizes for a campaign team charged with the responsibility of mobilizing voters and financial support to the party's preferred candidate.

Fire protection hydraulics and water supply

The lateral size of the ladder pipe is also a relevant information that must be known as this would help to determine if it matches with the flow capability of the pump, so if this size does not match with the flow capability, the flow rate of the pump would be controlled that is increased →


Ambition This essay will try to join both Frankenstein by Shelley and Paradise Lost by Milton in an attempt to investigate the theme of ambition. The ambition of Frankenstein is to gain as much knowledge as possible and with this knowledge, he is able to create another being almost like him, in fact, it even →

Music and movement (one full page reflection)

To improve the music and movement experiences in the classroom, one class of music and dance must be included in the daily schedule. The math and music in movement.

The signalman by charles dickens the speckled band

This story is written in chronological order and is a short story where lots of tension is created by the author; it is a mysterious story and has a clear beginning, middle and ending. The setting of the story, however, doubts this, because the story is set in a signal box by the railway this →

Product standardisation vs product adaptation

To conclude, the question of to what extent globalisation affects ones tastes and needs and thus the relationship with standardisation of products and services will be considered. Such a strategy is based on the principles of cost minimisation, where the expenses of research and development, adaptation, marketing and production in different countries can be passed →

Informationtechnology termpaper question

As a first step, she invites you to write a short statement where you desk vibe what you see to be your role as head of the IT management effort at Magnum. Handling the e-business challenge at Magnum Enterprises Six months after you take over the lead IT management role at Magnum, the CIO is →

Realscam ponzi buster forum under attack from banners broker

It seems like the crooks from Banners Broker, a Ponzi scheme which has been exposed by Realscam and currently in the process of collapse, are pretty bad loosers. Until now it was not clear who is behind this attack, but now it is pretty obvious that the Banners Broker people are behind it.

Case study, mall of americas

In addition to the selection of what vendors will occupy the space, but a marketing plan to appeal to new consumers to increase the number of annual visitors to Mall of America. Paragraph 1 The Mall of America has been successful at marketing and maintaining a product that most did not expect to succeed, this →

July at the multiplex

July at the Multiplex Purpose: This report is intended to analyze the liability for fraud, the results of the statistical conclusions conducted by the movie theater, and the ethical issues involved with screening commercials before the scheduled movie.I. Tommy took the action of buying the movie ticket at the front kiosk and in exchange for →

The road

He also has to accept the circumstance, that his father is going to die sooner or later and that he needs to be able to live on his own when the time comes. This is a contrast to the book, where the actions, feelings and thoughts of the man are part of the narration.

1984 critical analysis

The inner party's slogans are " War is peace, Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is strength" By using these phrases one can see that the inner circle can manipulate everyone into believing in what the inner circle tells them to believe in. After all the slogans one of the sayings the inner circle uses is →

The international health perspectives health and social care essay

The NHS in England is the biggest part of the system, catering to a population of 53m and employing more than 1. The NHS is funded directly from taxation, the funds are granted to the Department of Health by Parliament which consists of 80% of the NHS income.

The machiavelli influence during the renaissance politics essay

The writer confirms that Machiavelli's work influenced many during renaissance, and that his influence has survived the test of time and he affirms that he is one of those people affected by the work to date. It is due to this work of philosophy that he was able to write various books and documentations that →

Evaluation and personal application of leiningers transcultural

For a nurse who works in a diverse place like Canada, she/he needs to understand the importance of the cultural values of the clients in order to communicate effectively with them and build the therapeutic relationship. The article mainly describes the features of the Culture Care Diversity and Universality theory as a central contributing theory →

Witchcraft in the elizabethan era

Because of this, and the peace throughout England at the time, the Elizabethan Era was often referred to as the Golden Age of history. The most common superstition, and the most feared by the Elizabethans, was the existence of witches.

The rise of india’s drug industry

Over the years, the value growth of the industry has faced various destructive factors such as fierce competition, the prolonged period of a fragmented industry and the quick spread in the penetration of the generic drugs. By outsourcing the manufacturing and packaging of pharmaceuticals in India, the US firms were able to benefit from India's →

How balance of payments affects gdp and growth rate

It also involves a trend analysis of the balance of payments and also the export, import and how the inflation and the exchange rates of the nation over a period of time.2. From there the data is analyzed and is converted to a form where anything can be inferred and only the data required is →

Poverty in the philippines

Over the past decade, since Philippines embraced the millennium development goal of the United Nations to eradicate poverty and to improve the lives of its people, issues on poverty and hunger have become more and more prominent in rural and depressed areas, despite of the improvement of its economic status and the implementation of programs →

The debate on cochlear implants

Cochlear implants may be controversial among the deaf community, and they are ultimately a decision a family must make for themselves, but the benefits they provide can potentially outweigh some of the risks and controversies. However, despite some of these concerns as well as the controversies among certain members of the deaf community, cochlear implants →

Best analytical tools for business analysis

SWOT analysis helps to focus on what the external and internal factors are. The analysis helps to focus on the strengths and identify where the best opportunities are.

Biodiversity assignment

Social issues in relation to development and environment. Research and development in environment 2.

Sick role essay sample

The patient might actively need the nurse out or wait until the nurse professional seeks him/her out so the patient response is three folded so she may participate with and be independent with the nurses be autonomous and independent from the nurse be passive and dependant on the nurse. The initial attitude of the patient →

Word statment

At that time, I have had no clear understanding of the term or the field of psychology as such, but I thought it would be an interesting field of study and I would be able to help a lot of people by taking up such a profession. I am also sure that with my dedication →

Book report two old women

The timing of the novel was very crucial and the author did an exceptional job in the timing of her book. It is the olden times of the novel that gave the tale logic in terms of few and scattered communities of people.

History of international terrorism

Building up to the timeline, there is some thought given to the word terrorism and how it has changed its meaning and interpretations through the course of history and how modern terrorism differs from that of the past. The report may be useful for those wishing to trace the history of terrorist acts throughout the →

A comparison of quality and business excellence programs in the world

A Comparison of Quality and Business Excellence Programs in the World Contents Contents Summary 3 Key learning points 3 Relevant ments to the session3 Critical analysis4 Practical implications4 Learning reflections5 Reference6 Summary This study deals with business excellence and quality awards. A comparison of quality and business excellence programs in the world.

Evaluation of article from the economist

Clarity and Flow Firstly, while it is part of a contemporary fashion in the world of article writing, the title of the article offers no insight into the content in the article though it does manage to refer to the focal point of the essay. Then the article moves on to describe the process of →

Carnival corp

The case suggests that CEO and the firm have basically failed to come up with the right strategy to deal with the public anger in the wake of the disaster which happened with one of the company's cruise ships on the coast of Italy. The overall problem lies in how the leadership of the firm →

Health related conditions and high lipid consumption

High consumption of lipids also results in atherosclerosis that is responsible for the thickening of the arteries. The weight of such persons is also expected to reduce considerably.

Mental illness and violence

Mental Illness and Violence Summary The article, Mental Illness and Violence, by Donna Sabella was published in the American Journal of Nursing on January 2014. The author highlights that the public links mental illness to increased acts of violence in the society.

Dulce et decorum est, charge of the light brigade and who’s for the game

The lines are enstopped and punctuated with commas, to steady the pace of the poem, dragging the lines out to increase the feeling of weariness. The use of Latin in the last lines makes for a respectable and convincing finale, as the use of this ' scholars language' proves Owen to be educated and intelligent, →

The devil wears prada analysis

The Devil Wears Prada depicts a young woman's introduction to the various complications relating to ethical, idealistic, blinding, political, and principled choices needed to get ahead in the real world. She orders Andrea to deliver a virtually unattainable copy of the latest Harry Potter or to find a plane to fly Miranda out of Miami →

Addictions essay

Tobacco is the most easily to obtain as a youth, but also can be the hardest to overcome. Tobacco of any kind is a very dangerous product and should not be allowed in Canada.

Counter competitive threats

Growth offers ample opportunities to everyone in the organization and is crucial for the survival of the enterprise. Growth strategy is adopted to accelerate the rate of growth of sales, profits and market share faster by entering new markets, acquiring new resources, developing new technologies and creating new managerial capabilities.

A contemporary take on the blithedale romance

These are Hollingsworth, a philanthropist and misogynist who wants to make Blithedale a colony for the reformation of criminals, Zenobia, an outspoken and opinionated feminist, Priscilla, a seamstress from the city and Miles Coverdale, the poet who is also the narrator in the story. Zenobia is the representation of the eternal feminine, to the delight →

Indian society and social systems in india

Living within the embrace of the Indian nation are vast numbers of different regional, social, and economic groups, each with different cultural practices. Particularly noteworthy are differences between social structures in the north and the south, especially in the realm of kinship systems.

The meaning of history

The history of any civilization should be open to little interpretation as to how it begun, what it achieved and should run the gamut of all the civilization? s societal systems without breaking the chain of logic. Conclusion: The meaning of history should reflect a reliable account of what transpired during a given epoch.

The representation in workplace disciplinary hearing law employment essay

On the day of the meeting, I was a bit nervous, but I was determine to go ahead with this, I started by setting out the room, making sure that there is water for our client and ensuring that the environment was okay and that the room was warm and comfortable and put up the →

Normal glucose metabolism in carnivores overlaps with diabetes pathology in non-carnivores

Lessons learned from species such as the dolphin and the domestic cat may cast light on general metabolic pathways that have evolved to meet the unique glucose needs of carnivores as well as the defects in metabolism that contribute to diabetes development and progression in humans. There is evidence from dolphins and related toothed whales →

Persepolis 1 vs persepolis 2: analyzing satrapi’s visuals

Both of her parents were political activists and supported a Marxist ideology in contrary to the beliefs of the monarchy of the last Shah. In the second panel of page one, Satrapi uses graphic weight to demonstrate the emotional toll that the islamic fundamentalism has taken on the young girls.

Comparing truth and falsity philosophy essay

In my opinion, truth and falseness in art is relative, meaning that a piece of art is not limited to a single truth. In this context, I believe that ' truth' on a world stage, is in accordance to the coherence theory of truth where the majority's belief is considered ' truth'.

Benthams version of utilitarianism philosophy essay

According to Bentham's theory of utilitarianism, the actions and institutions should be judged by their contribution to utility, which is in turn measured by calculating the relative contribution to happiness or pleasure, as opposed to pain and it does not take consideration of moral principle values. The remoteness or propinquity is also one of the →

The life of j s bach music essay

Perhaps the strain of view during the rewriting of the music at night was the cause of later development of cataracts, which played a fatal role for the composer. Some of the works of Bach are the treatments of works by other composers, and some reworked versions of his works.

Mix of travel and tourism organisation

Marketing is an is an attempt to increase the awareness of the product or service, and to make as many sales of the product or service as possible, the product must satisfy the need or want of a certain individual. To correctly promote a toy to a child, the company who is promoting the product, →

Religious terrorism and the media | essay

Concluding from the study and the media tactic of using vocabulary to appeal to audiences, with viewing media stories of terrorism that could possibly effect society and the use of contorting the reality of the current events the combination of the two distorts the individual's perception of the violent actions that occur and need to →

Calcium ions have many uses biology essay

The focus is on Calcium ions role in the exocytosis of neurotransmitters in neurons as well as its role as in the stimulation of muscle contractions of human cells. When the action potential reaches the synaptic nob where most VGCCs are located and the transmembrane potential is approximately 10-15mV the VGCCs are activated allowing for →

New europeans arrived in north america, they found

The Europeans who arrived after the Indians had already settledwere exposed to the native people's way of life, from which techniques forsurvival were acquired. The Native Indians were among the first people to enter North America.

Case study: new balance athletic shoe, inc.

New Balance's focus on the N.B.initiative has shown some success and a high level of employees' implication. However, new adjustments are very required in order to take the challenge of maintaining, or improving Nab's position in the market.

Literary criticism: “a rose for emily”

The rose in " A Rose for Emily' is a symbol of pity which the readers would have towards Emily after reading her story." A Rose for Emily" is a short fascinating story written by William Faulkner. She did that for three days, with the ministers calling on her, and the doctors, trying to persuade →

Stephen king-revealed

Stephen Edwin King is the king of horror because he remembers his influential background, has an ominous view on life, and has left his mark on the world. He worked his way up to a Bachelor in English and a minor in speech.

Cochlear implants essay sample

The ear is divided into 3 parts as the Outer, Middle and Inner parts." The cochlea is the auditory portion of the inner ear. Its core component is the Organ of Corti, the sensory organ of hearing, which is distributed along the partition separating fluid chambers in the coiled tapered tube of the cochlea.

Zen – past present future essay sample

It is often linked to the religion of Buddhism as the foundation of thinking and practice, however, Zen can be acquired not only through the practice of Buddhism. The higher the expectation in life, the more effort one will have to put in to achieve it and the harder it will be to find happiness.

Acting as if you are hypnotized, spanos, n.p. (1982)

Spanos explains that it is because the person enters the hypnosis with the intention to be controlled by the hypnotist's suggestions. In conclusion, Spanos' arguments point out that hypnosis is not really a process that puts an individual in a state where he is helpless and subject to the influence of the hypnotist.

The typical bureaucratic structure of a mediumsized university

The Board appoints the Vice-Chancellor who is, as the Chief Executive Officer responsible for the management and performance of the University. The delivery of academic programmers is the responsibility of the University's Divisions which are responsible for educational outcomes and outputs, including teaching and research capability.

The cuban missile crisis

Because of the shared philosophy on communism and the struggle of the United States and the USSR backing up countries which shared their views respectively, the USSR put nuclear launchers right off the coast of Florida on Cuba. The Cuban Missile Crisis: To the Brink of War.

Case problem

In this essay, the aim is to argue that in the case of Isabella vs. The background of this case is that Cato promised Isabella $40, 000 upon enrolment and subsequent graduation from college to which the latter successfully does.

The trial of martha stewart

The prices and the level of services become the crucial factor in the exchange of goods or healthcare services. The market paradigms of the healthcare system have made it extremely discriminatory and unaffordable and thereby inaccessible for the unemployed and low-income citizens.

Acrylic nails: where they started and who invented them

Acrylic nails arefake nails that are pressed on the original nails so as to enhance their look and beauty. Stuart Nordstrom worked in the garage lab and in 1978, found even better compounds to make the nails with.

Problem identification

However, in my personal opinion, the most basic problem faced by the healthcare management today is that of the provision of primary healthcare facilities, particularly in the capacity of disaster management. Role of Federal Governments: This issue of the need for efficient and a long-term commitment to disaster management was raised by Congressional Research Service's →

Political broadside detailing your objections to new constitution

Ratification convention in the state, which is one of the ways that was established by Article V of the constitution of the United States for ratifying constitutional amendments that have been proposed, will be used to make the amendments valid by confirming them. The new constitution was suggested when the war was over, and the →

Capm theory

If I wanted a portfolio with maximum risk, I would choose proportion with 0 Wcoke and 1 Wmerck with portfolio return of 0. 011146 and standard deviation of 0.

Discussion question 2 week 1 accounting

Analyze the accounting equation as a concept that underpins the work of professional accountants and how an understanding of the equation can impact business decision making. The accounting equation is actually defined as " An equation that reflects the two-sided nature of a business entity, assets on the one side and the sources of assets →

Comparison of harry potter and lord of the rings

One of the movies that play on different scenes from The Lord of the Rings is Harry Potter. In The Lord of the Rings there are the Nazguls and in Harry Potter there are Dementors.

Possible solutions to self-harm

Harming one's self is a serious problem that must be assessed and treated in an appropriate manner that will not only stop the act within the individual but also remove the source of such trauma in their life. Instead of removing the source of the problem, a more possible solution is to show the people →

Default positions: how neuroscience’s historical legacy has hampered investigation of the resting mind

To develop psychology as a practical science, behaviorism jettisoned the study of consciousness as the object of study, and hence the introspective techniques promoted by scientists such as Wundt and Titchener gave way to the use of external stimuli to explore both human and animal behavior. In addition, the experience of mind-wandering and the process →

Movement-based embodied contemplative practices: definitions and paradigms

Francisco Varela was one of the first to introduce the term " embodied mind" into cognitive neuroscience as a counter to the concept of a " disembodied mind," a mental entity considered independently of its relationship to a body and the environment, and. Similarly, the dynamical systems approach to developmental theory, psychoanalysis as well as →

Computational anatomy for studying use-dependant brain plasticity

Building on pioneering studies in rodents based on post mortem assessment of experience-induced brain volume changes in rodents and non-human primates most recent in vivo works demonstrate at the cellular level the complex dynamics of use-dependant dendritic spine plasticity and at the systems level the extent of cortical reorganization after lost of peripheral input. In →

Early flowering as a drought escape mechanism in plants: how can it aid wheat production?

In reality, the classification of plants into the discrete categories of DE or DA is not entirely accurate since they take place at different times: prior to and after the occurrence of a drought event, respectively. The development of both shallow and deep roots in wheat plants is reported to be advantageous for grain yield →

The glass ceiling in relation to happiness

Therefore, from " Desiree's Baby" we can understand why Effie is afraid to share the news of her child's survival with her husband in " The Yellow Face". After the birth of the child, Desiree pleads for her husband not to send her away because she is in love with him, and he is the →

Theory of career construction psychology essay

In helping the individual discover this type of meaning, Career construction approach stress the importance of the relationship between the individual and the counselor. The career curiosity stage, a career counselor focuses on whether the individual discovered fit between self and the world of work.

A study on gatt and wto economics essay

The WTO stands for the World Trade Organisation. In this section I will describe what the WTO does and the activities that the WTO is involved in.

Emerging standards of care

With the rising population of minorities seen In the Intensive care unit, It Is Imperative for critical care nurses to become culturally competent to provide to best care possible to their patients and rate a plan of care that they will have the resources to maintain compliance. The provider and the patient each bring their →

“i artist’s world and her reflections on it.

Her artwork are therefore a depiction of the war ridden Germany, the suffering of the people around her, death, and the condition of women at the time. The artwork under discussion, Death takes the Children, depicts the influence of the shadow of death and suffering of women in Kollwitz's world.

Position analysis of pringle of scotland

This report finds that these factors as well as the well documented rise in the price of cotton and other ' luxury' materials has the potential to impact sales if PoS were forced into spreading the cost of this through their products and onto their customers to a level which was deemed unacceptable by its →

What does swot stand for?

It's a tool you can use to highlight four key traits: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. To see the benefits, you need to know what SWOT stands for and how to use it.

Label & studio assignment

Some of the points, for example the business structure and employment law sections of the brochure have been intentionally left out as they are more general points as opposed to being specific to the music industry and I also felt that there was not a lot to be discussed in these areas in regard to →