A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

An education in liberal arts

A liberal arts education provides students with a broad spectrum of information enabling them to expand their knowledge and to advance society in a positive direction. A liberal arts education provides a strong foundation of knowledge in many fields allowing students to create new theories and inventions.

Hobbes against limited government assignment

The choice of the parties, according to Hobbes, is therefore reduced to one between absolute sovereignty and the state of nature, and as the state of nature is " a state of war of all against all" Hobbes concludes that the parties would choose absolute government as the lesser evil. Hobbes proposes that the creation →

A merciful god from violent imagery

In his sermon, Edwards identifies the human condition and man's depravity while justifying the building wrath of God only to use such harsh and violent imagery to paint a picture of a merciful and just God. Edwards is simply painting a violent picture in order to highlight the mercifulness of God and the evil that →

Carlos bulosan’s america is in the heart: reconciling postcolonial conflict

As Rajini Srikanth notes, the novel is " curiously marked by a faith and idealism in the possibilities of the United States even as it relentlessly exposes the grim existence of Filipino migrant workers in the country". The discouragement that he feels in America is projected onto the ethnic women, and he is disgusted with →

Eliminate boredom and low job satisfaction psychology essay

In another way, when the worker is keep repeating the specialised job a number of times, probably the specialised job worker can do the task in high speed, consequently improve productivity. Hackman and Oldham's Job Characteristics Model is an approach that used to redesign jobs in order to motivate the employees and perform positive work →

Comparisons of psychological tests & assessments

According to Ahn and Whang, " there are several early and intensive interventions that can aid in the improvements of adaptive and communication behaviors as well as the social skills of children". The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-IV, Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence and Mullen Scales of Early Learning are assessments that can →

Purpose of workforce planning in british gas commerce essay

The main purpose of workforce planning in any organisation is planning and managing the recruitment and selection of new employees and making sure that the balance of demand and supply of the skilled employees are maintained. It also gives a in dept knowledge on the educational and professional requirements for a individual who is willing →

The hawthrone studies and their implications

According to Hucyznski and Buchanan, " In the United States, during the 1920s and 1930s, the Hawthorne studies were to lead to the creation of the human relations movement and a highly influential school of academic and practical management thinking". The Hawthorne studies revolutionised the way in which the management of an organization deals with →

Beliefs of the plain indians

They believed that he was all powerful and that he was the creator of the whole of nature, which can explain the Indian's respect and love for all living things and nature because according to their beliefs all living things were the creation of the Great Spirit so all should be valued " The Sioux →

I) ordinarily, issue in the first instance. it

i) There must be a gang of persons, ii) That the accused belonged to it, iii) The gang must be associated for the purpose of habitually committing dacoity. It is essential to prove that the women themselves were associated with the husbands or protectors for the purpose of themselves habitually committing dacoits.

Questioning forensic analysts

When defending the use of the Confrontation Clause, the " CSI" effect is used to undermine the credibility of forensic analysts. In conclusion, the defense lawyers should not be required to question the forensic analysts in a court of law.

The security dilemma and ethnic conflict assignment

Security Dilemma will be used to analyze the break-up of Yugoslavia and relations between Russia and Ukraine The collapse of imperial regimes is more or less the same thing as emerging anarchy The disappearance of a sovereign leaves in its wake numerous ethnic, cultural, and religious groups that are now responsible for their " problem →

Andy warhol’s influence on labels and packages today essay

Although he won several awards from the Art Director's club as well as the American Institute of graphic arts, Warhol turned his interest seriously to fine art and his work was exhibited in various well known places as well as museums. He is still relevant to society and art and his work has a lot →

Is equity still relevant today? essay sample

William the conqueror gained the English throne in 1066 and began standardizing the law." Itinerant justices" were able to discuss the various customs of different parts of the century. Equity was not a complete system of law, it merely filled the gaps in the common law and softened the strict rules of common law.

Strategic estimate of the caucasus region essay sample

In 2015 the South Azeris People Party formed to represent the people in the southern region of Azerbaijan. Continue U.S.governmental and commercial involvement in the Caucasus and Caspian Sea region.

The enfant terrible of the french fashion world essay sample

Paco Rabanne, today, is seen as a brand that, although holds stature within the fashion world it is in need of revitalising, in other words it is believed to be a ' sleeping' brand. Social One of the main social implications that a brand faces is demographics; " this is the study of changes in →

Human resources

The trends of unions in the hospitals have been on the increase after the enactment of the Labor Relations Act in 1974. Internet is used as tool of recruiting workers to join the union.

Winnie mandela

One point considered is the presentation of the account of a leader and the history of the South America through a different perspective which is that of the wife of a leader. The article in Britannica is a detailed reference of the information related to Winnie Mandela.

One page journal after watching gangs of new york

Although the battle took place in the narrators childhood, the majority of the story takes place at the beginning of the Civil War and remains focused on the racial strife that continued to plague the city. Despite these deep issues between the factions in the streets, which caused those suffering from them the greatest, the →

Differences in character between americans and germans

However, the cautious character in Germans is admirable since it represents practicality in life although Americans associate it as with a lack of creativity amongst the Germans. It is evident from the foregoing discussion that Americans and other nationalities may view some characters in Germans stereotypically.

Business failures

One of the tough decisions regarding financial management that organizations have to take is do decide the amount of cash the organization should invest in the business and the amount of money it should keep in hand. This means that the organization needs to ensure that the organization has enough money in order to pay →

Happiness in brave new

In Brave New World, Aldus Huxley argues that a society can redefine happiness through the governments manipulation of the environment and the human mind itself. This differs from happiness as the American society sees it: the ability to pursue and enjoy individual desires.

Border crossing

The intimacy between Tom and Danny was revealed by Tom, when he was interviewing Danny to find out whether he is capable mentally, to enter adulthood, the same as everybody else and whether or not he would be capable of being trialled as an adult, not as a juvenile. Danny blames Tom for his conviction →

Independent reading reflection

For me one of my favorite books was the Dear John by Nicholas Sparks, which I had been wanting to read and finally got around to it. Right from the start of the book, you could tell it would be a summer love story, but what I did not realize was how much you could →

Speak response to literature

The foreshadowing presented several times in the story reinforces the mystery and the intrigue in the reader as it discovers and resolves the conflict and causes of it. The author does this to emphasize a sense of interest, charm and curiosity as a hook to capture the reader's attention from the beginning to build up →

Physiology and molecular biology of aquatic cyanobacteria

Regarding the role of cyanobacteria in the ocean, the importance of the unicellular picocyanobacteria is paramount. Effect of nitrogen on cellular production and release of the neurotoxin anatoxin-a in a nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium.

Developing awareness of food hygiene

It will seek to evaluate the effectiveness of a health forum and illustrate the role of a health promoter ASSESSMENT OF HEALTH NEED There has been growing recognition that highlights the need for more awareness of food hygiene. Using the Theory of Planned Behaviour to design a food hygiene intervention.

History of don’t ask, don’t tell policies in the us military forces

The history of military relationship with the LGBT community has drastically changed from a simple policy of exclusion to implementing the code of conduct and " Do not ask Do not tell," to now finally repelling the Do not ask do not tell policy and now today its policies on LGBT serving has become more →

Frito lay company: cracker jack case analysis

Components of root problem which Frito-Lay needs to tackle are premium price of Cracker Jack, extend Cracker jack trademark and revitalize Cracker Jacks' base business. Frito-Lay should not purchase manufacturing facility of Cracker Jack brand, rather utilize its own manufacturing facility and extend it to package Cracker Jack brand.

Study of education in rural india

In this report we study the scenario of education in rural India, how has it changed post independence and what has been the impact of different education schemes on education in rural India. The government of India enacted the Right to Education Act in 2009.

Introduction when they speculate that they will get

In the United States of America, the power to use monetary policies is vested in Central Bank, the Bank of Canada and the Federal Reserve Bank; however, they should work as a team when making the policies. The areas that the policies aim at affecting indirectly are: To attain low unemployment rates and increase the →


2 Gamers appeal to all ages and people like to be connected through games via In games actively that allow gamers to demonstrate either competencies or friendliness. 8 Gamers are attracted to freebies and to gain such freebies via gifting and gamers have certain tolerance for affiliates advertising.

Avoiding plagiarism assignment

The easiest way to avoid plagiarism In your writing Is to take notes of what you read and where you read It from. When working in a group setting, to avoid collusion, you should have a clear idea of what is expected to be joint work and what is expected to be on your own.

The alzheimer disease essay

AD is characterized by the significant reductions of cerebral weight and by cortical atrophy, with the widening of the cerebral sulci and the leveling of the cerebral convolutions. The need for a life course on the approach to understanding the causes of AD was recognized because the consequences and timing of the AD are relevant →

4 to buy your expensive thing or organization.

In any case, when you have things or organizations that are countless, you have to offer them in an unforeseen way. The qualification between offering something trashy or expensive is that when you offer something for an exorbitant measure of dollars, you need to feel awesome with yourself and wind up plainly familiar with it.

Sociology and dominant social values essay sample

The notion of a social system is a general one can be applied to social organization that are carefully and deliberately planned. In the social system of a school the goal behaviour is achieved through the intergration various institutions.

Substance abuse

In the pop psychology blog site known as PsychCentral, the question on myths and facts surrounding the treatment of substance abusers is asked by the visitors of the blog site who seek informal information as well as the personal opinion of the blogger combined with the input from others. Other than the journals and empirical →

Life science

Distant education is increasingly being employed as a means of imparting education to people whose tendency to attain education is hindered by the geographical distances, or busy schedule that requires them to work along with studying. I feel connected to the science through virtual education.

Discussion question

Discussion Question How the organizational goals influence the preparation and evaluation of pro forma financial ments Researchers in the field of accounting associate most of the necessity for a pro forma financial statement to the projected plans of the company. If for instance the company has any plans of making new acquisitions as a way →

Living in digital world essay

The best and closest example of organization that use internet and website as their medium to deliver message and information to students are UTM itself. They just have to sit and connect to the internet and the can shop freely.

Labpaq – properties of gases essay

Properties of gases General Chemistry Introduction Background This report covers Properties of Gases and will allow me the opportunity to explore chemical and physical properties of gases. Purpose of Experiment rhea purpose of this experiment Is use water, chemicals and metals along with election tubes to extract a single gas and to store It.

Mountain man

In the article The Mountain Man and American Anguish, Patrick McCarthy's primary argument is that the vision of the ' mountain man' or ' trapper' which the public has accepted is either wrong or extremely generalized. He claims that the macho vision of the mountain man grew from a need for Americans to justify and →

The daodejing of laozi

The Daodejing is most often translated into meaning " the Classic of the Way and its Virtue." Its text is full of religious verses that are often compared to the Bible. It is thought that the best kind of leader is one who people seldom notice and hardly know they exist.

Academic tutors/advisors and students working in partnership: negotiating and co-creating in “the third space”

We consider the conversations, relationships, and the shifting identities that take place in " Third Space" advising and consider the implications of this on staff student partnership and the development of the student voice. We advocate here that the NACADA CoA and the principles of UDL are critical to fostering introspection and thus to the →

Plato’s psychology – the tripartite soul

He presents the bulk of his argument in Republic and Phaedo, introducing the ideas of the immortal soul and the tripartite division of the soul. Plato believes that in the city it is the different parts which meddle with and contradict each other, thus when contradictions arise in the soul it must be do to →

The problem with claudio: a unsympathetic character in much ado about nothing

Farewell,' which uses an oxymoron in his description of Hero as both ' fair' and ' foul', and in conjunction with the paronomasia used in the reiteration of ' fair,' and ' fare,' it brings Claudio's foolishness and ignorance to light with his jumbled and confused sentence. The sense of irony is rife through the →

Intensity modulated radiotherapy (imrt) in the treatment of malignant tumours

The purpose of this essay is to critically evaluate the usefulness of IMRT in the treatment of head and neck region malignant tumours. The high conformity of the treatment allows for dose escalation due to the sparing of the surrounding tissues, therefore the accurate delineation of surrounding structures as well as the target volume is →

Reliance group | international business environment

Reliance Group is a highly diversified group and is in to multiproduct business like oil and gas exploration, retail of petro and consumer products and manufacturing of petrochemicals / refining and textile products. Company's goal is to make RIL one of the most innovative companies in the world and to achieve breakthrough growth in revenues →

Socio-cultural theories of crime

Besides the two well-known theories, viz.the Structural-Functional Theory and the Theory of Sub-culture of Violence, the Learning Theory, the Exchange Theory, the Anomie Theory, and the Resource Theory also come under socio-cultural analysis.[1] This theory asserts that social groups differ in respect to their typical levels of stress, deprivation and frustration and in the sources →

Parental substance abuse and the negative impact it has on children

An investigative report intoparental substance abuse and the negative impact it has on childrenin the United Kingdom Contents Executive Summary Terms of reference Procedures Findings Conclusions Recommendations References Executive Summary Substance misuse among parents is a major issue for many young children who are in their development stage of growing up. 1 It is estimated →

Recombinant proteins therapeutic use | essay

The following sections will clearly outline the different expression systems and the advantages of Mammalian cells that are being used for the production of therapeutic proteins. The Chinese Hamster Ovary cells are the most important cell lines for the production of recombinant proteins.


The argumentative essay is a much more personal essay paper where I am to write a brief summary of my argument hether I agree with it or not and have to support this opinion. The writing assignments I have written for this course I think have allowed me to acquire new knowledge with every paper →

Sociology and religion

Deviance therefore, is as a result of incompatibility of what the society expects of the working class and the social structure that is in existence. This is because of the fact that they are in a position to agree on many issues based on the adapted norms and values.

Who testified in the manner he handles the

From such a position the audience is allowed to examine the position of a woman in the society. What this signifies is that the woman is painted as a social misfit and this resulted in Medea going against the social prescription of a married woman.

Marshall was his uncle, ronnie, who was

Dre, who signed Marshall immediately to his Aftermath Label, and moved on to produce his next album, The Slim Shady EP, which was released in 1998. Of course he gets away with what he does because he has the money to.

Identify the major trends that have influenced world trade and global marketing

However, with the advent of globalization and the liberalization of the WTO regimes, the major trend is this protectionist regime gave away to the regime of free trade. Another trend is that of consumer knowledge increase with regards to impact of products and processes on their health, the environment and the overall well being of →

English technical writing

These procedures include setting up a process for delivering the materials to the individual working with the software and the role of the human resource facilitator in the pursuit of identifying top talent with skills that fit the business goals. Auditing of identified information or perceptions of job role should be included in the process →


The democrats at the time were referred to as the party of the traditions. They looked at the future of the US; the hope of the people.

Histoy final

It marked the end of invasions from the North and became a time of peace and the peaceful passage of merchants and caravans, which proved to help offset the terrors of the previous invasions. Charlemagne was the greatest of German kings and was also known as Charles the Great and the first Holy Roman Emperor →

Retail internationalization: gaining insights from the wal-mart experience in south korea

Case Study Analysis Retail Internationalization: Gaining Insights from the Wal-Mart Experience in South Korea Retail Internationalization: Gaining Insights from the Wal-Mart Experience in South Korea Abstract Wal-Mart is in the business of operating retail stores and membership clubs. Retail Internationalization: Gaining Insights from the Wal-Mart Experience in South Korea.

External and internal assessments (strategic management)

The capital that is needed is not entirely for making the inroads to the global market. Instead, this capital and investment of making the inroad to the global market according to many analysts of market should be extensively on the assessment.

Social policy issue

Social Security System in the United s of America Social Security System in the United s of America In the United s of America, social security system is classified amongst the government most successful programs. The government ensures that they take the responsibility of transferring some funds from the general revenue to the social security →

Facilitating the educational approaches to students with special needs

Within the context of the classroom setting, the teacher is required to identify the most effective of the teaching strategies which may be deployed vis - vis the special needs students. As per the stated, the teacher arranges seating for the special needs student in a classroom area which is conducive to learning and relatively →

How to open a business in el salvador

El Salvador is an attractive option for doing businesses and the regulations of the government are flexible enough for the companies to open up and explore new opportunities in the country. There are several similarities and differences in regulations and conditions with regards to opening a business in the US and El Salvador.

Health science

00 ml of apple juice was taken in a clean 150 ml conical flask and diluted with 50 ml of distal water. 00 ml of solution of Pasteur's salts were added to the above conical flask.

Meaning of public enterprises

The government may either wholly own the public enterprises or the ownership may partly be with the government and partly with the private industrialists and the public. Agent for implementing government plans: The public enterprises run as per the whims of the government and as such the economic policies and plans of the government are →

Queuing up

Pepper Lunch Restaurant should install the Octopus card payment system for people to purchase the meal. Therefore, pepper lunch restaurant should install the Octopus card payment system for people to purchase the meal in order to reduce the time during the payment process and also to save time for change.

Installing 70/30 copper-nickel pipe

To prep copper-nickel pipe you want to start by gathering your pipe and you are fittings, so you can obtain the measurements for the length off your pipe, square it off, and then touch it up. Now that your pipe is squared off your going to take a strip of emery cloth and clean the →

Professionalism standards and ethics assignment

The students had a lot of bizarre and dangerous behaviors, and each had a written program that traveled with them so that each staff could ensure it was being followed. I had a staff that refused to work with her because of it and made it known to other students what had happened.

Paternal determinants in preeclampsia

The evaluation of HLA A, B, and DR in women with severe and mild preeclampsia as well as their husbands and babies revealed a higher frequency of DR4 in all family members in severe preeclampsia. Paternity patterns and risk of preeclampsia in the last pregnancy in multiparae.J.

The paradoxical behavior of microrna-211 in melanomas and other human cancers

A positive correlation of gene expression levels between MIR211 and other MITF target genes such as TYRP1, TYR, MLANA, CDK2, and SILV has also been reported, further supporting the role of MITF in regulating MIR211 expression, and allowing the inclusion of MIR211 into the gene ontology cluster of " melanosome pigment granule related genes". This →

Socrates’ convictions

In which he had angered the majority of the wrong people and led to his conviction. Socrates' trial was completed in two stages, the first was to convict him of his crimes of not believing in the mythical gods, and corrupting the youth of Athens.

James joyce and the national commodity

The Irish nation is the motherland of Joyce and the inhabitants of his novels, presented as a mother in ' Eumeus' of Ulysses by the political Parnell: ' Ireland, Parnell said, could not spare a single one of her sons'. Nevertheless, how authentic is Ireland in Joyce's work as a victim of consumerism and the →

Application of the behaviourist perspective psychology essay

Classical conditioning is a form of learning in which the conditioned stimulus, comes to signal the occurrence of a second stimulus, the unconditioned stimulus. Rogers' theory of the self is considered to be humanistic and phenomenological.

Language relativity hypothesis

Whorf proposed that there is a systematic relationship between the grammar of a language a person speaks and how that person both understand the world and behaves in it. We are inclined to think of language simply as a technique of expression, not to realize that language first of all is a classification and arrangement →

The significance of mergers and acquisition in india

Section 2 of Income Tax Act defines: Amalgamation in relation to companies means the merger of two or more companies to form one company in such a manner that: All the properties of the amalgamating company or companies just before the amalgamated company by virtue of amalgamation become the properties of amalgamation. All the liabilities →

Biology of asthma and allergic disease

The study of the Biology of Asthma and Allergic Diseases intends to show the relationship between the increased prevalence of asthma and allergic diseases, and the hygiene hypothesis. The explanation to this according to Anderson & Morrison, is that the molecular biology of atopic asthma as illustrative of the advances in the basic science of →

Elisa test for hiv: limitations

Entire blood is allowed to clot and the cells are centrifuged out to obtain the clear serum with antibodies which is called the primary antibodies. It is used to confirm the results of an ELISA just like a Western blot test.

Outline at least three perspectives relevant to sociology

Haralambos and Holborn suggest that in order to analyse any part of society such as the family it simkply has to be viewed in relation to society as a whole. Haralambos and Holborn states the basic function of the family is the effect it is known to have on society as a whole and other →

Should assisted suicide be allowed in the us

As stated by the Chicago Sun-Times newspaper, " lighter punishments should be sought when the person charged with assisted suicide obviously had been acting out of compassion and the victim had reached a clear decision to die." The patient should have a choice, it's their life, not yours. It's out of compassion, a loved should →

Decision support system example

A web-based DSS allow for online exploration of data and other statistical activities at the right time analysis and aids in the generation of the reports required when making decisions collaboratively. Establishing Web-based DSS increases the utility of decision information and DSS in the government.

In agree to their demands. after this, the

In the months leading up to the 5 Days of Milan, there were rising political tension due to the Austrians occupying Milan at the time. Since the Austrians were forced out of the city, Milan was added to Rome, they later gained a seat on the council in the government of Rome.

Economic development through social tourism: a case for nottingham

Research proposal: Aim: To identify the economic costs and benefits of implementing a local social tourism strategy The development of Tourism in any country is a great way for the reallocation of wealth from the local markets and injecting it back to the country's revenue in a bid to ensure the growth of the community →

A coherent account of plato’s concept of the body/soul distinction essay sample

The body is the physical part of the body that is only concerned with the material world, and through which we are able to experience the world we live in.it wants to experience self-gratification. He says that the soul is ' trapped' between the body and the mind, and is only after death that it →

Portfoilio week 8 6310

According to Svinicki and McKeachie, demonstration is an effective and useful method to evaluate the learning of students where the main aim of the lesson is practicality. Learning Objectives The objectives of this lesson are: Students will identify different methods of imparting positive attitude to the patients during the drug administration.

Facing a personal challenge

Descriptive Essay- A Personal Challenge Facing a Personal Challenge It was late summer and although the hint of fall weather was lurking in the background, I nevertheless felt that Helios was smiling upon me, affirming my belief that I was doing the right thing. I needed that reassurance because the journey I was about to →


The two stories The Girls in Their Summer Dresses by Irwin Shaw and Half and Half by Amy Tan both describe a romantic relationship which is in trouble. In The Girls in Their Summer Dresses the couple Michael and Frances are described on a day out together but the story's title and the narrative make →

Strategic planning

The size is measured considering the total number of employees working for the organization. The organization provides jobs to IT professionals and a good HR structure.

Intercultural cooperation

Dr Hofstede is the first psychologist who undertook the most wide-ranging analysis of how good values influenced by culture affect on the working condition of the workplace. Cultural differences are a nuisance at best and often a disaster." Understanding the Ethical Issues by Global Sullivan Principles Accountability and the corporate responsibility is the core of →