A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Hotel management system

This document will contain the functional requirements of the project and how the developers will enhance the project to achieve all the objectives. The Project Metrics has to enter all the details of project, documents, and tasks.

The boy with the striped pyjamas

The movie " The Boy With the Striped Pajamas" is a Holocaust drama, and it explores the horror of a World War II Nazi camp through the eyes of two 8-year-old boys; one the son of the camp's Nazi commandant, the other a Jewish inmate. Although in the movie they do not show that Bruno →

Final summary, separating mixtures

A magnet will pick up the part of the mixture that is magnetic. If you pour a mixture onto the filter paper, the liquid party of the mixtures will flow through the paper into the beaker.

Ikea case

To his delight, he found he could charge even lower prices." It resembles the monsters of old times," fumed one retailer in a letter to the cartel." If we cut one of its heads, it soon grows another." In 1953, Kampala converted a disused factory in? Between 1965 and 1973, KEA opened seven new stores →

Behaviorism and social learning theories

Tendency to approach a positive goal increases the closer one gets to the goal 4. Tendency to avoid a negative goal increases the closer one gets to the goal 5.

How to throw a baseball

Some of these factors are the grip of the baseball, the proper throwing position, the delivery of the throw, the follow through and other throwing mechanics. You want to place your thumb under the baseball and your forefinger and middle finger on top of the ball.

The concert

When the ushers finally opened the doors people were lined up down the street. The center of the auditorium was full of seating for the VIP's.

Hemp, why it should be legalized

The medium fiber produced from the hemp plant is what produced the paper the colonies needed for such things as books, bibles and maps. The short core fiber of the hemp plant was used for animal bedding and animal food.

The rise of shang dynasty

The ruling elites were usually in a position of monopolizing the production of bronze in the Yellow River Valley. Additionally, by the virtue of using the chariots, they were in a position of covering great distances, much to the chagrin of their enemies.

In receives orders, despatches goods, prepares cash

Sales department is the nerve centre for the sales organisation as the sales is the life blood of business. The principal objective of this department is to enhance sales by attracting the attention of the dealers and the customers.

I in all kinds of ways. a girl

I reached the circus ground in the evening before the time of the show. Then a goat climbed on the back of the third and stood there.

The is usd 37,622 and about 1.09%

The UAE has condemned the event and has asked the Myanmargovernment to shoulder their responsibilities and duties by stopping violence. UAE has completely allowed the refugees to take shelter in the UAE and closeto 50, 000 Rohingya live all around UAE.

Au bon pain case study

The program meant that Partner Managers now shared in 35% of the profits, Assistants shared in 15% of the profits, which was a significant increase in the reward/compensation structure at the company. The effort of the PM and Assistant Managers increased because their expectation of compensation was directly related to the profits of the store, →

Essentials of management information systems

The sophistication of the iPhone SDK is evident throughout the video, as the demonstration displays the use of the touch screen and other advanced functionality. How disruptive of a product is the iPhone and why.

Steep analysis

Google as a service provider has played a vital role in nourishing the people's social aspect of life. This therefore implies that to avoid the possibilities of wrangles amongst the users of Google, all religions have to be represented and portrayed as per the interest of the majority.

A dead rich man

The only way to become a part of the magical world of old money was to marry in, and that was Gatsby's plan. Specific characters in the novel the " Great Gatsby" pinpoint exact personalities of individuals indulged with the ideals of the American Dream such as the Buchanans.

I fly

I used to have the passion to compete for the best, to keep stepping on other branches to reach the top of the tree. I lost, the competitive me.

Baltimore city department of planning assignment

And analyses whether the design and existing conditions are able to fulfill their intended functional requirements; and to identify or recommend with two environmental friendly designs Presentation Each group is required to conduct a presentation to demonstrate their learning in this assignment. Report Each group is required to submit a group report for the assignment →

How to maintain a happy lifestyle assignment

Sub Points: Caring too much of what others think or say Is one of the biggest block to happiness In life. Sub Points: Caring too much of what others think or say is one of the biggest block to happiness in life.

Burberry managerial accounting assignment

Moving on, we investigate the strengths and weaknesses of using financial ratios in analysing financial statements and how they provide a fair perspective on the performance of a company in relation to its profitability, efficiency or liquidity. Shareholder Maximisation The primary goal of most organisations is to maximise profits and the ey existence of shareholder →

Policymakers should reduce the government debt assignment

The most direct effect of the government debt is to place a burden on future generations of taxpayers. In essence, when the government runs a budget deficit and Issues government debt, It allows current taxpayers to pass the bill for some of their government spending on to future taxpayers.

Micro and macro social theory assignment

These perspectives differ in that macro examines society as a whole whereas symbolic interactionism views the effects of human behaviour within that society. These prerequisites are defined by Haralambos and Holborn as factors that without which, would lead to the " breakdown or termination of society".

Hr adminstrator assignment

This will be the first time where front line managers and department supervisors will be conducting the recruitment and selection portion of the hiring process so it is important to outline the legal obligations that we have to our new hires and the interviewing process. It is the Employee's responsibility to work in a safe →

Take advantage of government politics assignment

In a global market the company has to be clearer with the prices in specific products and try to compete with the others companies. Invest in advertising campaigns for the weakest products in the portfolio, to ensure market share above competition.

My public utilities due to lack of

I also want to get more understanding ofthe implementation of urban concepts, theories and policies in planning. Further to my masters in urban planning, I would like to conduct research ongrowth and development of informal settlements and how they affect urbansettings.

Call me mister essay

The former slaves needed to own land to achieve true independence because the promise of self-sufficiency, independence, and opportunity rested in ownership of land. Even If they did acquire the right to vote, they were still unable to because of these measures.

During and regulation of credit, labor, and business.

In the followingparagraphs I will summarize the first chapter of the 2017 EFW report and discussthe findings and quality of the index. The chapter concluded with graphs showingconnections between economic freedom and numerous factors of economic development.

Reflection on islam

This part of the Quran is clearly identical to what is entailed in the bible as to the origins of man. The Quran entails of five pillars that are the basic guidance to conduct in Islam.

Political, legal and social factors essay sample

Being a massive provider for the UK and USA with planes and other combat machinery, it is crucial they are aware of any potential outbreaks and plans that governments may have in the future so they can satisfy the needs of their consumers. And this certainly applies to BAE systems, heavily involved in exporting goods →

Personality analysis of charles manson essay sample

To Manson and his followers he was the actual human embodiment of Jesus and his family members were his chosen disciples. Manson removed the idea of " human freedom" from his world and actually believed that his entire purpose in life was to serve as the reincarnation of Jesus Christ, and this what he saw →

Pleasantville norms summary essay sample

The norms of the town are different from today's society where nudity, sexual conduct, violence and profanity are just apart of the everyday life in 2013. The people in the town were so obsessed by their norms that they were unable to follow and function without them.

Movers and shakers in education essay sample

A few of the requests included: accessing the quality of teaching and learning in primary, secondary, and postsecondary schools in private and public areas; compare American schools and those of other advanced nations; studying the relationship between college admission requirements and student achievement in high school; and defining problems in the educational system that we →

Chinese overpopulation essay sample

Thus over- population is not just a matter of size or density, but it is the comparison between the total numbers of people living in a specific geographic area with the number of available resources that is necessary to sustain them. China has suffered from the problem of over population for a long time even →

What happened to the mayan’s

Several theories got made to explain the collapsing of the civilization. The Mayans flee their homes for survival due to lack of food and the raging war.

Cat5e cable to a connector

The CAT 5 cable consists of 4 pairs of twisted cable; and each of the four pairs in a Cat 5 cable has a different but exact number of twists per metre, in order to minimize crosstalk between the pairs. A similar procedure is to be followed at the other end of the cable, in →

Looking back over this quarter, what have you learned about one particular adventist belief that is new to you, or is a significant addition to what you have thought previously

One of the biggest and most obvious differences is the fact that those in the Adventist religion believe in the idea that Jesus Christ is the savior of humanity. That means that in Islam each person is in charge of clearing himself from sin, and that it cannot be done by simply accepting a particular →

System security

Initially the secure and financial data were not on the internet directly so at that time the most common threat to a computer system or to a land environment was the virus attack. Due to the threat of hacking, none of the national security and financial data is safe from these cyber criminals unless well →

Operations management principles: informal performance assessment

The second major difference between facility S and two others is in the fact that S faces demand which is in large part derived in nature and dependent while demand for the finished products of T and P is independent. The potential problem of not timely supply by S facility is of importance as it →

Children of lesbian and gay parents

This example seeks to exemplify that sexual orientation encompassed by parents negligibly counts. Therefore, I strongly entail the conviction that children's development lies in numerous aspects apart from sexual orientations encompassed by custodians.

Choosing a career as a vital decision in life

I consider my personal and academic interests important, as these determine the nature of the person I become, and the goals I will pursue. I also like the finance class that I take, and because of this interest in finance, I plan to pursue a finance course after completing my accounting degree.

Teotihuacan – the city of the gods

The Massive pyramid of Moon is on the northern side of the avenue of the dead. This is the reason that the city rose to power and was at its peak for the whole of five centuries.

To what extent was the march 1968 reevaluation of the vietnam war, as a function of cold war ideology, accomplished to satisfy domestic concerns rather than international concerns

In November of 1967, the general in charge of the war general Westmoreland came back to the United States and was very positive about the war ending and the troops returning home as they has managed to control the war and gain victory over the Northern Vietnamese. The fight angered the people back in the →

Answer job interview questions

I am a focused person with great interpersonal communication and negotiation skills and talent that makes me enjoy my study in the field of business. The talent of communication and negotiation that I possess is a key component in marketing as it will help one to gauge the ability to buy as well as the →

Exercise is important for fitness

If we do not work out our bodies in the form of exercises, we will lose the freshness and fitness that is necessary to keep our bodies in shape. Since the quality of life increases due to reduced bodily stress and controlled weight, we can say that exercises are very important for our health and →

Outline at least one of the arguments that you believe are made in the video you selected. in your outline

Barack Obama Debate on the Death Penalty: Argument Outline Professor: Institution: Course: Date: The argument is centered on the death penalty which is a controversial issue in the United States. Despite their different points of view on whether abortion and death penalty are synonymous in that both entail taking away human life, they both come →

Diffusion of innovations theory with freire’s model for adult education

Diffusion of Innovations and Freires Model Diffusion of Innovations and Freires Model Diffusion of innovation theory seeks to provide an explanation for the manner in which a population takes up innovations. Both Roger's theory and Freire's model lay a framework, which provide learners with easy ways of learning new concepts.

Discussion thre

Ethics and Consent Ethics and Consent: Who should receive the experimental drug for Ebola? Consent and informed consent The distinction between consent and informed consent has implications for professional healthcare providers.

Description of anosmia condition

There are also other kinds of diseases that can be the cause of anosmia or a loss of the sense of smell. There are also nasal sprays that can be the temporary cause of developing anosmia.

Aerospace, new shuttle service

The relationship amidst the length and the corresponding width of the wing gives the aspect ratio, A. Aerospace engineering on the back of an envelope.

Sanctification and justification

Thus, it is the term that reflects instantaneous legal act that is performed by God as a result of which our sins are deemed as forgiven and we are declared as righteous in the eyes of God. All this results in the understanding that the process of sanctification is a peculiar one as it is →

Online job placement websites

The website has a place where users can register as members and create accounts. Monster.com The website has a place for users to register as members and create accounts.

Political dynasties in the philippines

Tuazon, the director of policy studies in the Center for People Empowerment in Governance; " The concentration, expansion, and consolidation of political dynasties over the past 100 years attests to the continuing hegemony of feudal politics, the absence of any form of real democracy, and the continued powerlessness of a vast marginalized majority in the →

Lyrics analysis of rage against the machine’s down rodeo essay

These lines speak of functions of poverty deeply rooted in the social system and unfortunately will not change regardless of governing authorities because the system works for the rich and is in the opposite for the poor. After a series of line in the chorus, lines of " The rungs torn from the ladder cannot →

The chrysanthemums versus a rose for emily

The story by John Steinbeck " The Chrysanthemums" revolves around the main character of Elise whose main identity is of a wife, however the complexities of the character are revealed as Else is more suited to being a man than a woman: She is more like a man in her appearance, her dressing as well →

The nature of science education

The apprehension of scientific discipline that might be utile to people in the class of their mundane lives and the sort of understanding that they might necessitate to come on to more advanced classs in scientific discipline, possibly finally taking to a scientific occupation, this we call ' pre-professional preparation of scientists ' or one →

Autralia’s retail loan rate changes

Changes in the cash rate indicate changes in the stance of the monetary policy, with the rises in the cash rate being tightening of the monetary policy, and falls in the cash rate being easing. APPENDIX" It is the duty of the Reserve Bank Board, within the limits of its powers, to ensure that the →

Database coursework essay

It is also impossible to get a copy of the data, because there is no photocopy machine available and if the information is needed, then the whole file is taken and on occasions can be left where it was taken and never returned. The data will be stored in the database and can be modified →

Cultural and educational rights in india

This cardinal right is described in the fundamental law as: Any subdivision of the citizens shacking in the district of India or any portion there of holding a distinguishable linguistic communication.book or civilization of its ain will hold the right to conserve the same. The State will non.in allowing assistance to educational establishments.know apart against →

Next generation plm – an integrated approach for the product lifecycle

The PLM IT-Architecture represents the second part and describes the IT-components and their interrelation utilized for the purpose of PLM. Motivation As Shark postulates, Product Lifecycle Management is the activity of managing a company's products across the complete lifecycle, from the early stages of conception to the final disposal or recycling of a product.

Sinners in the hands of an angry god analysis

Metaphors: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God " Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" by Jonathon Edwards is an important piece of early American literature. Edwards' intention is to scare the listener in order for them to fear God and follow the beliefs of the Puritan society.

Cronon’s seasons of want and plenty essay

In William Cronon's chapter " Seasons Of Want And Plenty", Cronon conveys to the reader some of these invisible separators and how large of an impact they have over the course of time. The first example that supports this key theme is at the beginning of the chapter where Cronon writes, "...neither must men think →

Wall-mart’s customer value funnel

Through the process, when it comes to a retailing organization, whose customers are coming to the outlets it avails, their coming to the store is just the beginning and it does not guarantee that they will buy or once they buy the items they are looking for on their first visit, there is no guarantee →

Stolen generation narrative essay

The Inquiry report, Bringing them home, was tabled in the Commonwealth Parliament on 26 May 1997, the day before the opening of the National Reconciliation Convention. The aim was to trip the children of their Aboriginality, and accustom them to live in a white Australia.

Group’s financial activities and performance

In the financial year of 2005, the company was involved in a number of outstanding projects across the globe. Also, recently, the Global US Navy sought the services of the Worley expert group over the pipeline integrity study, and the company was presented with a performance award by the US Navy in 2002.

Frankenstein persuasive

Furthermore, according to the Oxford Companion, Gothic tales reached the height of their considerable fashion in the 1790s and the early years of the 19th century. Because the appeal of the Gothic novel was on the wane by the time Frankenstein appeared in 1818, it was the introduction of the science fiction element which rejuvenated →

The importance of location in business

The importance of location Location is the place where a firm decides to site its operations. Labour: Wages of the labourers How skilled they are Safety: Some industries have to locate their premises well away from high density population levels and their choice of location is limited.

Mad shadows, a story in a fantasy world

In Mad Shadows, the main character Isabelle Marie is deemed " ugly" by her mother, and for this reason is treated as virtually a slave and made to tend to the needs of her mother and more beautiful brother Patrice, who gets all of their mothers attention for being beautiful. Another function of dreaming in →

Warriors don’t cry by melba patillo beals

Melba the leader of the fight for justice in the school system was twelve years old, the Supreme Court ruled that separate schools for whites was illegal, a ruling called the Brown Vs. My mom did not believe in nothing but the best education for her kids so we were going to attend that school →

The nephilim

It is also stated that these offspring of the " Sons of God" and the " Daughters of men" committed evil deeds and led many people astray from the Lord and corrupted them. He responded by stating that Lucifer would struggle until the end of time in order to contend with the truth which will →

Demand in life

Therefore, the biggest challenge that I am facing is how to balance the demands of my hobbies, job and family. I believe that my life is a gift and I want to treasure every moment of it to live my life to the fullest.

Critical lens critical essay

According to Seneca, a Roman philosopher, " The bravest sight in the world is to see a great man struggling againstadversity." In other words, the boldest thing in this world is to see an honorable person fighting against misfortune, and never give up. Night by Elie Wiesel is a good example of this statement because →


This Is to ensure we will create a stir during opening day and ensuring that we will be able to reach a maximum number of clientele who would be satisfied with our product and spread by word of mouth our business. At the onset of the business we will initially focus on serving and delivering →

Analyze the the great gatsby character analysis essay

He told me I et like a hog once, and beat him for it" " Somebody told me they thought he killed a man once." " it's more that he was a German spy during the war. He was never quite still; there was always a tapping foot somewhere or the impatient opening and closing →

Economic changes of the ju/’hoansi

Although the men were usually the hunters and women the gatherers, it was not out of character for both sexes to do both jobs. Men on the other hand had different rules and constraints they had to go by in distribution of meat.

The rag and bore shop

Cormier describes it in enough detail to make the reader as uncomfortable as Jason is while he is being questioned. The chapter is unnecessary due to the excellent job Cormier did describing Jason late in the book.

Plessy and brown how they changed history

A nation that was segregated and unfair was pushed to the point of cracking under the pressure due to the sensitive nature of cases such as Plessy v. The decision was later appealed to the state supreme court in 1893 and after that to the U.S.


Looking at the ACORN classification of trip takers wealthy achievers and comfortably off are the most likely to take trips and visit national parks, with 31% and 27% of trip takers visiting national parks. People in the urban prosperity category are the least likely to visit with only 4% visiting national parks and only 10% →

Ice cream stall

The existence of our business is NOT to solve a problem but to meet some unmet consumer? s needs that are not fulfilled especially in tertiary schools. The business idea is carefully integrated to promote not just serving ice-cream products, but it is also a form of expressing the current lifestyle of our targeted young →

Advertising and sex assignment

I intend to use many examples of sex in advertising and various studies to show how this strategy is not only over used, but is improperly used and viewable to all consumers, including young children. It's a beautiful model in a swimsuit washing a car." The APT is very concerned about this matter considering this →

Critical lens       

David Mamet once said "...it is the human lot to try and fail..." I agree with this quotation because it cannot be truer in my own life, as well as the tragedy Antigone by Sophocles in which two tragic heroes Creon and Antigone have to endure the pain of trying and failing. In the lifes →

Harrison’s “national trust” and the corruption of the upper classes

Harrison is demonstrating the infinite greed of the upper class, further revealed through the enjambment in the first stanza, which also shows the opening words " bottomless pits" to be indicative of aristocratic indulgence." National Trust" accentuates the corruption of the upper class through this class's ignorance of suffering in the working classes. In particular, →

Transportation policy of southern california shuttle service research papers examples

The transportation policy is supposed to determine the access of people to all locations in California and the mobility of people and goods. The design of California bus service is to;- Meet the needs of people in their requirements and considerations of public transportation.- Utilize intelligent transportation technologies,- And finally to increase the operational efficiency.

American views on sexuality

But overall, 58% of the people thinks that the homosexuality should be accepted as they thinks that its by birth, and 63% of the people think that it should not be accepted as they thinks that it's just a choice of people of being gay or lesbian. And, 39% of the LGBT Americans say that →

Role of the military in establishing democracy

There is a tendency in USA to equalize military occupation with the modern concept of governance, which is an oxymoron as the military is one among many actors of governance and it can support democratic and efficient governance only by the establishment of security and its own accountability. The concept of security sector reform is →

Why ecstasy associated with dance music media essay

This project will cover issues such as the history of the drug, the varying genres of music and how the drug respond to each other, as well as the social and political factors concerning this area. By the mid-1970s the drugs expert Alexander Shulgin had begun to research its effects 1977 MDMA classified as a →

Codes and conventions of factual programmes

You must do this as in a factual documentary you are reflecting normal life and making a claim to the audience that the footage taken is reflecting a normal life and day lived by the contributor. During this time the BBC would need to stay impartial as they would need to show the opinions of →

Global supply chain forum (gscf) management

This is fundamental to the success of the recommendations, a point of contact for the customer whether an initial inquiry or some query further down the process. 2, pp.1-19.

Techno structural interventions

The third component of the intervention is the people oriented interventions which focus on the fulfillment of human needs in the organization as well as the expectations of the organizational effectiveness. Our main focus in this research is in techno-structural intervention, which deals with the restructuring of the organization; the restructuring is in the division →

Biography of marjane satrapi, author of persepolis

" Be true to yourself" is a piece of advice given to Marjane Satrapi, the author of the memoir and graphic novel, Persepolis, which is 1980's Iran when the book is set, is very hard to follow. Marjane's mother was one of the most influential people in her life, her mother taught her to be →

Education in freedom writers

Both teachers and students believe that the students are hopeless and that attempts to teach them using the formal curriculum is an exercise in futility. Instead of serving as a springboard for the students to self-actualize and escape the bonds of the " matrix of domination" by challenging them to achieve high standards, it instead →

Third world debt: causes and solutions

It also suggests some of the solutions that can be employed in reducing the external debt of the third world countries in Africa. The initial debt of third world countries arose from the unjust transfer of the debts of their colonizing countries.

The cholinergic drug

It is a non-selective cholinergic parasympathomimetic agonist that binds to muscarinic-M3 receptors and results in contraction of smooth muscles and stimulation of various exocrine glands.[5] The drug is available in the form of eye drops, tablets, suspensions and gel. This is then subjected to oxidative elimination of selenoxide in the presence of cyclo-pentadiene and hydrogen →

A study on roman ampitheatres

The Colosseum in Rome was a symbol of the power and wealth that Rome possessed at the height of her glory, and even today, the amphitheatre dominates the surrounding area, and draws the eye like nothing else. As such, those who belonged the roman ruling class, the equestrians, would often fund spectacles for roman citizens →