A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Iste nets standards for teachers

Students then vote for the proposal that is the most realistic and plausible and has the best chance of success. In fact, I felt it necessary to create and add a new Level of Technology Integration to the Matrix: Non Integration.

Use of technology to curb crimes in sri lanka

Criminals search for numerous ways in order to commit crimes with the use of advance of the technology. The aim of this paper is to examine the use of technology to curb crimes and to maintain the law and order in Sri Lanka.

Explaining exceptions to dollo’s law

The theory states that evolution is irreversible because of the structures and functions lost in the line of evolution cannot return in the lineages that they were once lost in e.g tails in our monkey like ancestors. Under Dollo's law the genetic basis of this is that if a gene is lost due to natural β†’

Bariatric surgery: types and applications

The rise of bariatric surgery is partly due to the epidemic of obesity in the United States. The amount of intestine that is bypassed in this particular procedure is not enough to cause malabsorption of nutrients and proteins but the portion of intestine that is bypassed is the site where most of the absorption of β†’

Ethical treatment of prisoners

To this to determine what ethical treatment of prisoners in the penal system is we must first identify what the purpose of placing someone in prison s. For some, the purpose of prison is to do a combination of protection, rehabilitation, and punishment.

Pestel analysis

The strategy of the marketing campaign is to increase the target customer's awareness of Passion Soles.3. The message that Passion Soles will seek to communicate is that they offer the largest selection of fashionable women's shoes in Tacoma.

International business and management

Switzerland and Singapore, high on this dimension, are inclined to save for the future and have a longer Time horizon for decisions. This element measures the significance of presentation development and brilliance in culture and refers to whether or not individuals are optimistic to endeavour for continuous improvement.

Personal ethics statement: knowing the right and wrong assignment

When I took the ethics test on the student web sites I was shock on some of the test and not on other parts of the test. I would have to say my strength is looking after others and making sure they are okay and not want for nothing, yes when it comes to the β†’

Human resource management assignment

The aim of the course is to provide students with an appreciation of the human resource management function so that they can understand the interaction between HARM and the business strategy. Module Aims The aim of this module is to provide students with an overview of the theory and practice of Human Resource Management.


To restart the weight loss in affected patients, they may also engage in their original feeding habits, for a short while. A diet for a patient experiencing this may be a restriction of foods and drinks, which have a high glycemic index.

Before prisoners as his human experiments. he was

He went to study medicine at the Goethe University Frankfurt, as well as philosophy and earned a PhD in anthropology at the University of Munich, which had also happened to be the headquarters for the Nazi Party, in 1935. Mengele was also part of the team of doctors that were in charge of the administration β†’

Enduring love essay sample

Although the actual event of the balloon accident is only one chapter, the aftermath of the episode mainly John Logan's demise is seen to haunt the remaining characters throughout the novel, and act as a catalyst for the main story plot line: " Worst of all, the memory of the balloon accident is back with β†’

Competition in smartphone markets essay sample

Michael argues that the winner of the smartphone competition is the one with the most effective platform and core strategies. This essay attempts to identify the nature and the future of monopolistic competition in smartphone markets by using economic models and theories.

Jerry mander: technologies of globalization

The book assists to clarify the form of what is termed as a global economy and demonstrate the manner in which it is probable to influence our lives. From a comprehensive analysis of the new global economy, its structures, and socio-ecological effects, the book demonstrates the manner in which it is undermining our security, freedom, β†’


Secondly, the company is publicly traded hence the information for the finances of the company will be easily available. The company was started in 1939 and currently holds the 9th rank in the fortune 500 companies, as of 2009.

Psyc 475 db wk4

The Bible acknowledges the presence of potential mental illness and does appear to offer some suggestions as to how to treat mental illness through a number of means, most of which require a mental and emotional commitment of the afflicted person. There are a number of passages in the Bible that seeks to ease the β†’

College admissions

Wishing to study for a Bachelor's degree in Economics, I am applying for a place at Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts, Loyola Marymount I have always had a keen interest in Economics and the mechanics of supply and demand. I look forward to enjoying my time at BCLA and walking out with a BA degree β†’

Locate an image of the future that was developed before 1990

An Image of the Future Goodman was describing a totalitarian society which he asserts conforms with both the antiterrorist provisions of the USA Patriot Act of 2001, as well as George Orwell's vision in his novel 1984. It was possible, though, that 1984's image of a totalitarian society was suggested by the rise of socialist β†’

Nestle the infant formula controversy

Nestle: The Infant Formula Controversy The responsibility of companies in this situation is to analyze social conditions and possible threats of their products for potential consumers. They should be well aware of educational background of their customers and should not sell a product which can be injurious to health.

The main idea of the play hamlet by shakespeare

Michael Milam 7/30 The main idea of the play Hamlet by Shakespeare Hamlet is the tragedy by Shakespeare the main idea of which is too difficult to be explained. The idea of the play Hamlet is closely connected with the epoch the play was written in.


Introduction Gendercide is one of the traditions in India where pregnancy is terminated due to the sex of the fetus. The preference for boys is higher than girls in the country and with the current technology that allows the parents to know the sex of the fetus, gendercide is on the rise.

Making a fair decision when bias is held on a subject

MAKING A FAIR DECISION WHEN BIAS IS HELD ON A of The aspect of bias presents itself in a way during decision making processes in which case a person is inclined or holds an outlook from a partial perspective. Application of reporting bias is also an aspect that can be used to remain rational in β†’

Evaluating capital investment projects

Some of the investment evaluation matrices to be used include; Return on investment, discounted cash flow and non-discounted metrics. Return on investment metrics measures the profitability of the project by comparing the cost and benefits of an investment while discounted cash flow metrics involve Net Present value, Pay back and internal rate of return.

Homeopathic theraphy essay

Disease affects the mind and body, your individual organs are not the cause of illness but disturbance at the inner level is the cause of illness. Some of the contributors to the study of homeopathy are as follows: 1755 1799 Christopher Ellithorp, scholar and historian of homeopathy and guardian of this Timeline's historical accuracy.

Psychology experiment

The hypothesis is that group pressure does indeed impact on the individual and in this case the individual's estimate of the number of ginger granules in a jar. Method The IV was the group or individual, and the DV was the number of ginger granules in the glass jar.

Working with ones hands article review examples

Compared with the intellectual work, which many people over the world eye and long for with the thoughts that it is a decent work, the benefits of manual work go beyond those of the intellectual work. There is a lot of science in the manual work.

Yahoo: a case study analysis

Yahoo is trying to diversify the products and services, so they can satisfy the need of the internet users. Yahoo mission is to be the most essential and indispensable global Internet service for all the internet users.

Royal mail hrm strategies an overview management essay

The rapid growth in the Digital Communication applications such as internet, fax, email, online shopping, and the Postal Service Act, liberalization of market, drives Royal Mail to change its business plan and strategies to survive in the current dynamic completive postal market and in a broader way its future business is uncertain. The universal service β†’

Business report: royal dutch shell vs exxonmobil

2 Primary comparison between Royal Dutch Shell and ExxonMobil In the annual rankings of GLOBAL 500 provided by Fortune magazine, Royal Dutch Shell and ExxonMobil ranked the first and second place respectively in the year 2009. 2 Sources: Royal Dutch Shell Annual Report, 2008, ExxonMobil Annual Report, 2008 This report will compare and analyze the β†’

Biological and environmental influences

Isanski's research goes further to suggest that children's temperament may be due in part to a combination of a certain gene and a specific pattern of brain activity. Concerning how a child's home life and situation influences their behaviour and attitudes, Long states that a child's home background and experiences have a major impact on β†’

Aggression social learning theory

Maintenance through direct experienceIf a child is rewarded for behaviour, he or she is likely to repeat the same action in similar situations in the future. Consequently, the concept of vicarious learning is necessary to explain these findings.

Drilling and completion report sample

Since the length of the horizontal well was significantly extended, the right path was determined at the start of the project to avoid a change of course or need to redesign. In cases where the drilling process was impacted by the inability the extend the length the hole, the following measures were employed, rotating the β†’

Deja good

In the beginning of the novel, Fitzgerald sets the scene describing how the party was prepared and when the entertainment arrived. As Nick makes his way to the party he sees " A whole pit full of oboes and trombones and saxophones and viols and cornets".

Michelangelo represents a twenty-year span of frustrating delays

The second level was to have statues of Moses and Saint Paul as well as symbolic figures of the active and contemplative life-representative of the human striving for, and reception of, knowledge. Michelangelo was not afraid to show humanity in its natural state nakedness; even in front of the Pope and the other religious leaders.

Culture as press, radio, tv, movies and

The child's education in the school largely depends on the culture of the society, e.g.his relationships with his peers and teachers are influenced by the values of his culture. Intelligence test is a test that enables us to determine the intellectual level of an individual and to distinguish between different individuals on the basis of β†’

Introduction of making the doughnuts and the taste

The Krispy Kreme company has recently added a " Hot Doughnut Machine" that fits in smaller places, than their traditional doughnut making apparatus. This allows consumers to be able to have a quality Krispy Kreme doughnut on the go.

Are business day rules and regulations necessary?

The government will be in charge to enforce the rules to every booth in the event. The rules and regulations are made for a reason that is to keep the event organized and safe.

The butterflies in your stomach assignment

I used both my previous knowledge from a high school speech class and the new knowledge shared by Professor Brock in classroom setting to create a telling and effective speech worth both the time of my Professor as well as my peers. My first speech I gave the class was the informative speech, in order β†’

Los angeles dodgers bankruptcy: frank mccourt assignment

Walter Maloney owned the team for the first 20 years the Dodgers were in Los Angles, and when he retired he passed ownership on to his son Peter Maloney. That promise unraveled in 2010 when Frank and Jamie began their divorce battle and Frank was exposed for using the Dodgers as a front to cover β†’

Tuition reimbursement implementation report essay sample

In order to keep up with the competition, and to continue to evolve with the business needs of the company, a tuition reimbursement program is being introduced to ensure each employee has an opportunity to influence the career path taken within the company. The ability to offer each employee the ability to access and complete β†’

Life experience

In my earlier years, I dropped out of high school then ultimately obtained a GED so that I could pursue my dream of going back to school and study to become a nurse. Wong ultimately instilled a new confidence in my approach to life and made me feel as if I could achieve anything.

Understanding gender identity

This is with the sole aim of drawing a connection between the aspects of gender to those of biological, physical, social and cognitive influences. The aspect of gender stereotyping could be based on either the positive or negative aspects of gender development and application.

Ethical and socially responsive business

Being a CEO of the factory, the first most considerable thing is " conflict of interest" which is related to the investments and transactions of the business. From the beginning of the working, it is good to give awareness regarding the policies and code of conduct.

Going to mediation problem solving

Problem determination The first step in the meeting is calming the involved parties to a rapport. In this situation, there is need to focus on the hiring technique of the corporation.

Race crime and justice: australian indiginous family violence

The ineffectiveness of prevailing crime control mechanisms to safeguard native populace, coupled with the exceptional representation of native societies in the integrity system, also presents indispensible justification for adjusting effective aboriginal influence within the transgression structures. This is especially critical in relation to the native people predominantly because most of the societal incentives are based β†’

Universality of deviance behaviour essay

Numerous colleges and universities offer coursework in this subject, and there are professional publications dedicated to this topic, including the creatively named " Deviant Behavior." The first step in understanding deviant behavior is the study of cultural and social norms. Biologists may be interested in variations in the brain which lead to expressions of deviance, β†’

Socio economic inequality

To further explain socio-economic inequality as an issue, we are going to illustrate the history, the evolution, the current situation and the effect of socio-economic inequality specifically in China and its general regions and cities. Background of the Topic Based on the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development [COED], the issue evolved in the mid β†’

Faults in badminton

If that player hits the shuttle two times in a row a fault will be called. A fault will be declared in the event that a player fails to do this.

Baseball paper essay

In 1903, the American League was started, and it had teams playing in the same places as the national league with exception to teams in Washington DC and Cleveland. With the close of the 1960s came a period of time in which money began to have a profound influence and impact on baseball.

Potential obstacles in international pricing

Lower prices may emphasize a bargain to the consumers while by pricing a product higher the company would be setting a higher perception for the product by portraying it as a premium product. The pricing is though a very critical factor in the 4 p's of the product which has a direct impact on the β†’

Bhakti yoga

The different paths or yoga are, Inana or the way towards the ultimate knowledge, Bhakti or the path to loving or devotion to God, Karma or the way to undo the reaction to deeds in life, and the Raja or the royal path to meditation. The Bhakti Yoga is the path to the immaculate devotion β†’

Cyber risk: why cybersecurity is important

In this manner, any organization must comprehend what the dangers are and the effect of them emerging, and afterward choose whether they think the hazard is satisfactory or not. The leading group of an organization will regularly set some corporate rules for any risk that they will face; administrators and heads of administration will then β†’

Ichabod crane: a farcical character, and a political allegory

Ichabod Crane is a strange name in and of itself, but Ichabod's appearance and personality help form the character that fits the name. When the narrator describes Ichabod's singing voice, he does not fail to include that " It was a matter of no little vanity to him...to take his station in front of the β†’

What will love need tomorrow?

Beginning the novel with a prophecy immediately immerses the reader into a world that is simultaneously clear and also impossible to fully grasp, which is an atmosphere Morrison carries throughout the rest of the novel, therefore making the lines both literally prophetic in terms of the events of the novel and tonally prophetic in terms β†’

Media comparison: egypt and hong kong

In order to fully appreciate the significance of the role of the media in a nation, a cast study of Egypt and Hong Kong have been selected for analysis. Two aspects of the media have been selected, the media control/regulation and the media history of these two nations.

Marketing plan for giorgio armani

This marketing strategy, as such, does not recommend the creation of new products or goods but merely the creation of new designs of said accessories that would address the needs of certain segments in the male market that Armani has not catered to previously. The accessories of Armani Exchange are for the urbanite who lives β†’

Swisse’s application on healthcare products marketing

Application of 4 Ps to Swisse Marketing Application of Product Policy Research and Development Swisse ensure the functionality and quality of products by investment in up-to-date scientific academic research. Though the company sees a success in its marketing and profiting, Swisse should focus more on product quality and be more self-regulated for the good of β†’

Impact of colonization on hauora maori

In quota sampling the selection of the sample is made by the interviewer, who has been given quotas to fill from specified sub-groups of the population. The way that Maori interact with each other and the world around them is all based on the notion of inter-connectedness and the nurturing of reciprocal relationships.

Genes of calcium transporters

Finger millet is considered to be nutritionally rich and is one of the cheapest sources of dietary energy in the form of proteins and carbohydrates. Such a study will enable us to understand and formulate effective strategies to increase the levels of calcium in grains.

Anova hypothesis testing paper

Step 1 The null and alternate hypotheses: H0? group 1 =? group 2 =? group 3 =? group 4 H1: At least one mean is different Step 2 Select the level of significance? =. 85 Step # 5 Calculate the test statistic, arrive at a decision, and state a conclusion: Degrees of freedom in the β†’

Managerial applications for information technology

The growing demand for space, the request for admission to the school, the number of learners on the waiting list for attendance and the requirements of the Dominica Medical Board, the university sought to find ways that would assist in eliminating the growing difficulty. The growing demand of the faculty in terms of accommodation, salary β†’

How to write a case study on a company

Learn about the Structure of the Case Study: Every assignment has its own definite structure, format and rules of writing, so it is important to get to know about all the peculiarities of the organization of the text, chapters in the paper in order to avoid unpredictable failure and numerous revisions. Evaluating the case on β†’

The kennewick man controversy

The controversy is involving the American government, the scientist involved in the research of the fossils and archeological science and Native American population who are said to claim the ownership or the relation with the Kennewick man. The nature of the work done on the remains and the scrutiny of the general public and the β†’

East of eden by john steinback

Samuel and Lee are similar in their relationship with Adam because they help him with the boys, they help him understand the importance of honesty, and are wise in their advice to him. Samuel and Lee are there for Adam when his despair causes him to neglect his duties as a dad.

The history of cotton candy!

The history of cotton candy is that cotton candy used to be called " fairy floss" In the article about cotton candy it say in the website www.foodservicewarhouse.com " the cotton candy was originally called fairy floss. In the article about cotton candy it says in the website www.cottoncandy.com " a version of cotton candy β†’

The role of ict in enhancing education in developing countries assignment

We describe four common dimensions of change in learning environments that emerged across the countries: changes in teachers' knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes; changes in how students engage with content; changes in relationships among students, teachers, and parents; and changes in the use of ICT tools to promote students' learning. From our case studies of the β†’

Domestic violence outline questions

As a result, more cases of violence against women are reported as compared to men who suffer in silence for fear of humiliation by their fellow men. The advocacy groups of victims of domestic violence also show that more than half of married women are beaten and more than third are battered repeatedly by their β†’

Communicating with individuals who gave different communication styles

The feeler and thinker style pertains to the decision making process through the use of logical thinking as well as through feeling, which focuses on interactions among human as well as analysis of emotions and human interactions. Before the performance, one should greet the audience and make visual contact with some of the members before β†’

It is based on book 1 of the iliad nd don’t have one for it

I choose the side of Achilles because his principles of fairness and courage are admirable for a leader who wants to save his troops from pestilence without taking away their " prizes" and who has the courage to be a good leader, while Agamemnon uses persistence and authority for his own welfare only. Achilles does β†’

A balanced use of educational media

The internet has taken education from the classroom to the comfort of our homes and our jobs, but there must be a balance. If it is used in a bad way, it can destroy the minds of our youth.

Harrington essay

Sales strategy Harrington Collection believes that sales people are the most important factor in the nonuser decision-making process, therefore it is important that with the addition of the new active wear line the Vigor management team train their staff about the new products and their features, as well as continuing to offer their sales staff β†’

The advantages of internet narrative

The internet is full of information about any topic we can think about, ranging from news to services or even movies. Entertainment is also one of the many advantages of the internet.

Internet service provider narrative

I had to install the greylisting service on the new server and everything was? ne but it was a huge change. I also set up a provisioning source for the mail system and a test package to test the PayPal payments.2.3.

Millions – college essay

The best way the company must do in order to borrow $70 million over the next year is by issuing bonds to financial institutions such as mutual funds and insurance companies. The investors will invest a specific amount of money in the company for a specific period of time and they will get interest payment β†’

Moneyball – college essay

In his story I noticed a lot of tension, flashback, and the elimination of unnecessary details to only give the reader information to help understand the story. In the book, Michael Lewis has the main character, Athletics General Manager, Billy Beane, battle through tension and in the end he prevails.

Acca p4 dec 2007 question paper essay

The key issues, according to the company's advisors, are the terms of the deal and the likely effect of the acquisition on the company's value and its financial leverage. At the corporate level, much of the company's accounting is on a contracts basis and over the years it has tended to be cautious in its β†’

Food service management

After the paraffin is solid, plug the unit in for a few minutes, or just until the cake of paraffin loosens from the sides and bottom of the unit. Occasionally, the quantity of flour that is actually contained in a measuring device may be inaccurate due to several factors, such as the manner in which β†’

Positive aspects of tourism

My second point is that tourism in LEDC'S can help more people get jobs aand get more money in the country. This is sustanable and it gets more money in the country that can be put to good use e.g farming-for crops/foodand there education-money can be put to schooling so more people can go to β†’

The crying of lot 49 – the mystery of trystero

This is because in real detective novels, the hero starts to solve the mystery starting from various and numerous clues, from a, we could say, chaos of information and draws a conclusion which leads to the truth behind the mystery and reveals the bad guy. This is a system of information transfer that is used β†’

What is the role of constitutional conventions?

The purpose of this paper is to consider the importance of constitutional conventions and to consider whether or not these can be attributed with the success of the strong political and constitutional approach taken in the UK. The Importance of the Constitutional Convention It is argued here that the importance of constitutional conventions suggested by β†’

Components of decision making

The EKB model is comprehensive and shows the components of decision making and the relationships and interactions among them. The purpose of creating the model is to analyze how people classify the facts and the influences and then to make lawful and reasonable decision-making.

Food and beverage management preservation systems management essay

The term cook-freeze refers to a catering system that involves the full cooking of food, followed by blast freezing and storage of food at a controlled low temperature of -18 C/-22 C, before controlled and thorough thawing and regeneration prior to service. At times it may be necessary to adjust the recipes to account for β†’

What are flexible work practices management essay

Because it has a deep influence up on both companies and employees, It is a widely evident that flexible work practices benefit for organization in terms of productivity and costs in order to make it to become more competitive and it gives an increasing pressure to alleviate the current crisis of unemployment in Western Europe; β†’

China and the central african republic

Central African Republic is a landlocked country bordered in the south by the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of the Congo, in the north by Chad, Sudan in the east and Cameroon in the west. Since the arrival in power of President Bozize, it seems that the CAR and China are enjoying β†’

Hrm and strategic decisions: mcdonalds

The principal outcomes of this research will be an assessment of the effectiveness of McDonald's employee retention schemes from the perspectives of those directly involved in the implementation of these schemes. When this training is in the work situation, it develops the employee to satisfy current or future needs of the organisation Amongst the theorist β†’

Reinventing govenment

Reinventing/changing the concepts of the governments is not an easy task, the cultures are the main part of countries and it cannot be overlooked when trying to change the mindset of governmental organizations. The machinery of government, as defined by Shafritz, Russell and Borick are the infra-structures of local, state and national governments that allow β†’

The from a 95mph fast ball. the

The Americans argue that the slow pace of the game is what makes it so great to watch. Truly it is about passion, passion for a game that might appear to the bystander as just a series of hit and run.

The stimulates desire to read a newspaper.

The basic concept of news in radio and television is the same as in the case of newspaper. This is not the case in radio and television news.

Pharmacology: a case study in polypharmacy assignment

As dose of 40 MGM daily in the morning is a standard initial dose however it should be adjusted according to response. Implant can suppress the effectiveness of dioxin however in this case the dioxin dose is so high that Implant would be having a minimal impact.Mrs.

Should social media, including facebook assignment

Sadly, one part of social media that we are very aware of is that it is often used to harm, to hurt this is clearly evident in the numerous accounts of cyber bullying. A further advantage of using social media to inform the public is the relationship it ill create between the police and community.

Homelessness: the effects of both sides essay

According to statistics from the National Alliance to End Homelessness, the surprising numbers reflect the homeless population in the United States today: There are 633, 782 people experiencing homelessness on any given night in the United States. There are various dangers that distress the homeless population such as exposure to natural elements, psychological and mental β†’

Abstract for these farmers. these gm organisms are

This gene is a protein that consists of some segment of the laterof the infection, and when a course of action contains this gene its ownspecific cells, it is safe to the effect of the virus. Biotechnology can facilitate the mass production of these fungi in a storableform and the use of these products may β†’