A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Stalin vs trotsky

Trotsky was not weak since he commanded the Red Army and Lenin disagreed with the historians' point of view because in 1924, Trotsky was recommended and claimed the most capable man in the present Communist Party. He is personally perhaps the most capable man in the present Central Committee".[4]The evidences state that Trotsky was a →

The contribution of human resource planning commerce essay

According to the Bulla and Scott ' it is the process for ensuring that the human resource requirements of an organization are identified and plans are made for satisfying those requirements'. The strategic planning process defines projected changes in the types of activities carried out by the organization and the scales of those activities.

The macro and micro environment analysis

Environment of outside is very dynamic and is rapidly changing, everything which is outside the boundary of the business would be counted as an external source.' Domino's continue to succeed, even in the current harsh economic conditions, because of domino's unrelenting focus on the quality of domino's pizzas, intense devotion to service and by marketing →

Innovation in pizza hut dominating the pizza sector

Today the Pizza hut company is part of the YUM, but back then two brothers' borrowed $600 from their mother and started to forge the history of Pizza hut. Pizza Hut is the biggest international franchise and restaurant chain store in pizza sector.

Rate of reaction and yield conversion | experiment

At the outset, the objective of this experiment is to scrutinize the rate of reaction and the yield conversion. Tentatively the conclusion should support the hypothesis of the experiment, which is, as the concentration of ethyl acetate increases, the rate of reaction and conversion also increases.

Eng 221 rfp

Qualifications and experience of staff to be assigned. Education, position in the firm, and years and types of experience will be considered a.

The cosmic race

His argument in The Cosmic Race is rather simplified; he states that due to interbreeding of different races - Blacks, Indians, Mongols, and Whites - a fifth race will eventually emerge having the traits of each of the four races. Furthermore, he stated that the blood of all the races was already present in mixed-race →

Retail management

I think the only time that the wealthy class would be drawn to the loyalty program is for a status issue. Work cited: retailcustomerexperience.Com

Literary non-fiction

One man out of all the homeless stood out though, he explained how he woke up one morning, and proceeded to go through his morning routine. He then went to work where he was met by his boss who explained to him he was just let go.

Critical thinking and ethics assignment

For a skilled critical thinker, decisions are made once the information is clear and concise, as well as being open to alternative end results that are also based off of facts and possible collaboration. For most, being a skilled critical thinker, is learned as we tauter and are exposed to more situations where thinking is →

Medical ethics assignment

In every situation, healthcare providers should avoid causing harm to their patients; Justice: The fourth principle demands that you should try to be as fair as possible when offering treatments to patients and giving unusual medical resources. These and many other questions are making people more aware of the existence of ethics committees in healthcare →

Cheek why it is known as a

Over time it spreads to the whole eyelidand down to the muscles around the lip and eventually in the cheekbone. ATYPICAL HEMIFACIAL SPASMHere, the twitchingstarts with the muscles around the lips and then to those on the lower face andcheekbone and finally up to the eyelid.

Uptake the sulfate abc transporter complex encoded by

After uptake, selenium oxyanions, in microbesmay undergo reduction assimilatory reduction, dissimilatory reduction or cytoplasmicreduction which is associated withdetoxification of these oxyanions. Assimilatoryreduction is the uptake and reduction of Se oxyanions by both aerobes and anaerobesfor the synthesis of Se containing amino acids namely, selenocysteine and selenomethionine.

Symbolic significance of egdon heath in the return of the native essay sample

In this paper, the writer chiefly deals with the conflict between the " Environment" Egdon Heath and the Characters, such as the conflict between Egdon Heath and Eustacia Vye, Egdon Heath as a friend of Clym Yeobright, the conflict between the Heath and Mrs. At the same time, the role of the Heath as a →

Marks & spencer plan a essay sample

Being a corporation which concern environmental problems and reckon on being the matter-of-factly, M&S is aiming to become the world' s most sustainable retailer by 2015, every decision M&S made most of all are depends on considering of environmental problems and M&S does great credit to themselves by media and scads of highly coveted awards →

Ethical dilemma

The consequence of her action is that she could lose her job and be jailed for up to one year. In my view the case of Hutchinson falls under a deontological dilemma since she just wanted to do what she believes is right for her innocent child.

Collaborating with families

At the beginning, parents tend to be depressed and feel let down because of the expectations with the birth of a normal child. As a teacher working with a parent who experiences these emotions, I would first try to identify the cause of the anxiety and fear.

Problem solving

Passive smoking is destroying the normal functions of the bodies of the non smokers and this is unjust. Increasing the number of taxes on cigarettes as well as the implementation of bans can prove to be useful for the purpose of discouraging the smokers from smoking and this fact has been proven as many smokers →


The Beat Generation The word ' beat' generation in this context is used to mean an unrewarding generation of many young people who are continuously being lost in the world of drug use and abuse. They migrated to Europe in the face of war, unsure of whether they were looking for the ' orgiastic future' →

Communication across organizational boundaries

This should be observed to the later when engaging in communication with a colleague from Baghdad. In conclusion, interpersonal relations in communication should also be observed when communicating with a colleague from Baghdad.

Reputationon the crucible essay

The townsfolk really believed that Lucifer was roaming the streets of Salem seeking to destroy the town and seeking to destroy the institution of the church. Reverend John Hale of Beverly's arrival in Salem was a definite testimony to the belief of the devil and the existence of witches.

Howard kang

Shakespeare works like a dentist without an anesthetic, and the pain of the audience comes from the unbearable innocence of the doomed Desdemona, who is surely something like the Duchess in Browning's poem, helpless and bewildered in the face of the murderous insanity of her husband. The Duke of My Last Duchess was never so →

Tennis research paper

Rules; court composition This website explain you the detailed rules in tennis. All about tennis To my opinion, this website is the best if you are very interested about tennis.

A second adolescence

He is able to form a close secure attachment to Risky and egging to stretch the boundaries of his previously rigid position in family as well as community. The fact that Lester recognizes the extent to which a sexual relationship with one of Cane's friends would be inappropriate, the love he has for his daughter →

Symbolism of rip van winkle written by washington irving

The story of Rip Van Winkle is set years before and after the American Revolution. Irvin uses the characters Rip to represent America, Dame to represent Britain, and the townspeople to represent the American people, to show the reader how the various parties participated in the American Revolution.

Free report on physics

Blow up the inflatable, and squeeze the end of the blow up to keep the air inside. Tape the inflatable to the straw so that the opening of the blow up is even with the ground.

Physical therapy: is this the right career for me?

The biggest question students studying to become physical therapists ask themselves is, " am I choosing the right career for myself?" Physical therapy is a great field to get into because there are a variety of excellent paying job opportunities and helping people every day is the goal. A Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapist is seen in →

Different marketing strategies used by lg electronics

Strengths: LG is multinational company and has created brand image around the world It is established in developed countries but also in developing countries It is the world's largest plasma panel manufacturer Has reliable products, easy to use and modern product design Wide range of products to serve all categories Invests a lot in Research →

Betty crocker chocolate fudge cake mix marketing essay

The consumer product Betty Crocker Chocolate Fudge cake Mix can be seen as a shopping product and is purchased when needed for example a birthday party. Betty Crocker cake mix in Coles is placed in the aisle were the cake mixes are and is found next to the flour and similar products such as White →

Art of war by sun tzu | leadership

In fact, the leadership traits of an effective leader were described by Sun Tzu over 2500 years ago and when one adds the dimensions of the follower and the situation to the leadership equation, " the Art of War" becomes a handbook for leadership. The intelligence and professional competence of a leader and his ability →

Faith in yann martel’s life of pie

Pi's faith in Christianity helps him overlook the reality of his situation and he can treat the disaster much like he treats the disaster of the world, he looks beyond it and prays for a meaning and a reason to stay alive. Pi begins to have faith in this plan and comes to the conclusion →

Analysis of institutional theory and stakeholder theory to ases

To provide greater understanding of the environmental accounting with relation to management control and management accountability, it is essential to outline the issues in the case study. Typically, the supporting camp was the Director of Environmental Affair, who believed that ASES could achieve management accountability with the ability to control costs and increase performances if →

Aplysia – learning and memory

Sensory neuron to interneuron Interneuron to motor neuron to gill **Sensory neuron also goes straight to motor neuronWhat is the system between the tail skin and the gill? Increases response of a motor neuron to the same stimulusDescribe Long Term Sensitization steps1.

Criminology chapter 4-6

DZ fraternal - half of the genes are in common and develop from separate eggs that are fertilized at the same time. In other words, crime and delinquency as a result of the anger and frustration people feel because of their inability to achieve the " American Dream".

Todmok1 explain why it also requires disagreement,

Personally, I would see robust knowledge to be knowledge which is widely agreed upon, and has, in the realm of the sciences, been backed up by evidence to some degree. DMOK16 Looking at the realm of religious systems, it is undeniable that consensus and disagreement both play a major role in religion.

After a straightforward drama – something i

They began to feel homesick and Mildred was not fond of the idea ofbringing up her children in a huge city. Seeing that the Lovings were not political people, their desire to beable to go back home as a family and visit their relatives placed them in themiddle of a historical movement in America.

Canteen administration and operation assignment

What is the status of the school canteen as perceived by the student respondents, the faculty, and the non-teaching personnel in terms of: 1. The researcher administered same questionnaires to the three groups of respondents: the students, the faculty and the school canteen staff.

Checklist for good writing assignment

Close the paper with one final sentence that looks to the future of the topic discussed in the paper. If appropriate to the assignment, your personal views, opinions, or reactions to the assignment can be discussed in a second paragraph/section in the conclusion section of your paper.

Steps for advertising campaign assignment

The purpose of this step is to try to minimize mistakes. In this step has to be determined that advertisement is effective and it going to serve the purpose.

Public relation

The main aim of a sustainable positive image is for the company to create good will to the society which would ensure that their products will continue to prevail in the market due to increased good will and the public will have trust in them. Most of the companies seem to be practicing reactive public →

History and political science

She confirmed that the Federal Reserve has soft data for over the last six weeks and is alert on the upcoming data that will help ascertain the effect of the severe winter weather. Just like Bernamke, she believes that the economy is getting stronger enough for the Fed to gradually reduce its purchase of monthly →

Gary hess the united states at war, 1941-1945

Defeat is clearly highlighted in the second chapter where the author chronologically narrates the successes of the Axis powers, both in the European and the Pacific stages. The advance of democracy is, thus, silenced in the outbreak of the European and the Pacific campaigns.

Applications of the scientific method

Since competition is inevitable to every business, a business introducing its product to the market for the first time need to develop passion and care of the customers' feelings with a special focus on the anticipated value and benefits. The first step is to evaluate whether the product to be designed fits in the mission, →

Dickinson: a haunting of the social self

Dickinson is using imagery in this stanza to compare the internal confrontation between " the social self" and " the poetic self" to the haunting of a house. Although " the social self" is the primary " self' in this poem, it is " the poetic self' that seems to be victorious by the end →

Recognition of depression and aknowlegement of depression

Presentation/publication worksheet My Idea Recognition and Acknowledgement of mental illness diagnosis of depression and treatment among Hispanic American and Asian Americans Topic: Mental Illness Write-sized Focus: Purpose/Intent: To discuss the mental health illness and to educate others about mental health illness, diagnosis and patients perceptions of treatment and plan. Readers: Healthcare providers, Lay population, nursing →


1, 2 During the process leading to fluorescence, a certain change could occur during the excitation of the electron, changing the spin of the electron as it gets excited. Such is the case of a crime lab involving the finding of a pen used in writing on a piece of paper.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs by bob poston

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs by Bob Poston, cst An Exercise in Personal Exploration: Maslow's Hierarchy of needs is a valuable assessment tool that is used in many different professions, particularly those in the fields ofeducationandhealthcare.the ideas of needs are addressed in order, as the body resolves the most basic needs for survival before moving on →

All the wrong moves

ANALYSIS OF DATA The problem emphasized in Nutrorim's case is Rifkin's inability to make sound decisions. LIMITED AND JUSTIFIABLE CONCLUSIONS The general aim of this study is to give concrete solutions on Nutrorim's case.

Braving paths towards learner authonomy

According to this definition, the autonomous learner is the one who is able to take control of and be responsible for his/her learning. Nevertheless, it is part of a teacher's Job to expose students to a variety of ways of becoming autonomous, to help them discover how they learn best and how they can cope →

Postal service case analysis

The in-service would be a hands-on training session where the drivers would need to pass a road course. The policy would need to be developed and approved, then an effective date would need to be determined, it could be the first of the year or the beginning of the fiscal year for the Postal Service.

Design of drilling fluid

The design of boring fluid is based on the chief maps of boring fluid and the demand of each particular good. As one of the major map of boring fluid, it is of import to calculate out the proper weight of the fluid.

An orphan

I asked Shoa about his real parents in Ethiopia and what happen to them, he told me they abounded him and his sister for their own good because they could not feed them so there real parents send them to an orphanage and that's were shoa and his sister were adopted. There's no vocabulary For →

Greece a wakeup- call for bitcoin

The value of the digital currency has been increasing for the past this month since the growing panic about the financial future of Greece. A co- founder of Bitpay, a Bitcoin payment processor, stated that the price of Bitcoin can rise up to $610 to $1, 250, in case of Grexit, the coin is worth →

Hospitality conrad and vernon hotels. the organization controls

Hilton Hotels and Resorts is a worldwide brand of full-benefit hotel andresorts and the leader brand of Hilton. Hilton Hotel and Resorts hastaken advantage of mobile technology to engage with the travelers, especially with the rise in Millennialtravelers who are highly dependent on their smartphone.

Race and huckleberry finn: the ongoing debate for schools

Activists during the Civil Rights Movement of the 60s condemned the novel because of its use of the word " nigger" and the stigmas attached to race in a forcibly integrated classroom. Twain has important things to say to people about the notion of equality between Blacks and Caucasians; but in order to show students →

Pestle analysis of the fashion industry

The economy is still recovering from the impact of the 2008 recession, but more people are finding extra money to put towards fashion and accessories. Yes, fashion has an impact on the environment, and it's not a good one.

Non-violence essay

All the eastern religions insist that first of all, one has to be compassionate and generous and therefore non-violence is the commandment that is understood. The primary work of religion occurs in the depths of the human heart: that's where the switches of aspiration and hope are flipped.

Government revenue essay sample

In your opinion, are these sources of healthcare resourceful? 3. Include a minimum of one scholarly reference, in APA format to support your discussion.5.

International trade theory

International Trade Theory of the of the International Trade Theory The new theory relating to international trade originated in 1970s, and it supplanted the earlier theory of mercantilism, which was based on bullion. In essence, the chief purpose of trade is to maximize profits for the entities involved in the exchange of goods and services.

Video clip 11

It is during this stage that children establish their trust foundation and know whether to trust the world or not. It is evident that the care Elliot is receiving from his parents is paramount in building trust in the family.

The importance of trust in human relationships

The Importance of Trust in Human Relationships: The underlying theme in the story Desiree's Baby by Kate Chopin and the poem In Response to Executive Order 9066 by Dwight Okita is that of trust. Both works of literature leave a lingering poignancy in the mind of the reader, probably because all can relate to the →


This client was suffering from an overwhelming volume of other stresses in his personal life as well and had even turned toward alcohol as a means of escape." Personality is expressed through influences on the body". I found this reduced their negative attitudes and also lessened the amount of physical therapy needs and massage to →

Literary analysis paper from a historical perspective

Literary Analysis Paper from Historical Perspective Full Literary analysis from historical perspective as implied would be the close examination of a literary piece on the basis of gender, race and events during which the poem or story was written. Words used in the literary pieces also give away the race and perhaps the gender of →

Idea generation and analysis

The main reason that makes the workers less protected is the relationship between OSHA and the boat yard employees. Small screens could be placed in common areas that employees take their breaks, and the screens should show clips of the various kinds of hazards that the workers are exposed to.

Welfare recipients and drug testing

From the work of Valbrun, one can deduce that drug addicts subjected to welfare benefits cost the society a lot of finances in health care, law enforcement, and rehabilitation. This is part of the welfare act of 1996, and many states have made drug testing a requirement for eligibility.

Improvements for aaron’s situation

Aaron has been prone to violent behaviors and outbursts in the classroom, and is considered a danger to himself and other students. Some of the causes that may have contributed to Aaron's negative behavior is the instability he has experienced at home and school.

Prayer in public schools

Statute that suggests for making mandated prayer illegal does indeed protects the civil liberty of the people and it is for this matter that an individual should have complete and total freedom as to his prayers or the lack thereof within a school setting. It would be a sound advice to have a neutral prayer →

Ratan tata: leading the tata group into the 21st century due

The first paragraph I will describe Tata's role as a leader in managing change, in the second paragraph I will explain the advantages and disadvantages of Ratan Tata streamlining of the businesses and the final paragraph the benefits and risks of his growth through acquisition strategy in the global market. To bring in greater integration →

Investigating business of coca-cola and nike

The main aim of Nike is to be the best sports company in the world. Coca Cola Enterprise to enable their aims and objectives to be more effectively as one of their aims says that need to be the best sports company in the world.the TASK 3The Coca-Cola enterprise is private limited companies.

Bajaj case study

29 18.43 0.52 5.63 0.6 4.58 2.07 1.20 1.88 1.01 1.69 0.69 1.11 0.16 1.20 0.25 1.44 0.81 1.01 0.34 1.12 0.47 1.16 0. 25 12.89 0.00 1.68 3.56 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.16 1.60 8.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.43 4.49 1.86 0.06 0.40 0.41 0.01 0.01 0.11 0.08 0.02 3.

The extraordinarily horrible robot

I turn around and the robot was on my desk, and I left him on the floor. I went to his attic and he was not there.

Airstar case study

As Walmart founder Sam Walton said once that advantage competition is not just continue to develop but to stay ahead of competition and the learning curve of its environment. To continue to exist, the organization needs to not merely adjust to, but also to influence the changing environment, and in consequence, creating a company worth →

Participation in higher education and women empowerment

The united nations population information network gave the understanding that women empowerment has five major components, which include women sense of self-worth, their right to have and to determine choices, their right to have access to opportunities and resources, their right to have power to control their own lives, both within and outside the home, →

Examples of good clinical care nursing essay

I proceeded to take the history of the patient, asking the necessary questions. Maintaining the doctor-patient relationship, which is based on mutual trust and respect, the GP decided to inform the patient that there was a possibility of prostate cancer.

Brand positioning of mcdonalds marketing essay

The reason for selection is because of wide spread of the food outlets of the company and great success of the brand. Issue: He investigated the role of brand awareness and brand usability in brand positioning of a company.

Political institutions and economic volatility

This work tries to fill the gap about the impact of political institutions on economic volatility in developing countries. Compare with previous studies, this thesis analyze the relationship between political institutions and economic volatility in a more broad way by focusing three dimensions of political institutions.

The importance of atp and enzymes

Thus, energy from processes that yield energy, like the disintegration of organic fuels, is transferred to the actions that consume energy, like the contraction of a muscle and alternative cellular work. If you believe of the activation energy as a barrier to a chemical reaction, lowering that barrier is the function of an enzyme.


Thirdly, it will discuss common causes of stress and give an understanding of the difference between internal and external causes of stress. In conclusion stress is the reaction to a situation that requires us to adapt; it can be good or bad stress.

Autobiography report

I felt mature and responsible during school hours, which was a contrast to how I felt at home, being the youngest -by far- in a family of five. I had even chatted to one girl in the US of A enough to believe that she was my best friend at the time.

Comp sci chap. 8

An Internet connectivity plan is also known as a ________ plandata A main difference between the tablet and the smartphone is the ________.screen size our mobile device files can be synchronized using ________.a cloud service A ________ converts your voice's sound waves into digital signals.analog-to-digital converter chip Many mobile devices include a mini- ________ port. →

Main lacks justification due to the pricing factor.

To the producer, fair trade compromises the quality since the current standards fail to specify criteria to determine quality of products. Although Fair Trade is enabling customers to understand and appreciate both the organic and fair-trade label of products, consumers are made to believe that the high prices they pay go to the good will →

Feasibility report distributed hotel inventory management system

Operational Feasibility The main purpose of this project is to develop automated and distributed program for hotel inventory management. Social and Ethical Considerations Our purpose of developing this software is to facilitate business owner with automated inventory management system.

Case analysis of “which is higher”

In her class, she employs methods to connect historical facts to the present knowledge of the students and its relevance to the contemporary time. She encouraged active participation among her students and allowed them to work on the topic of their choice.

Wednesday syllabus assignment

Throughout the term, available studies that have been approved by Colt's Research Ethics Board will appear on the participant pool website under " Studies." If you see a study that interests you, the announcement for that study will tell you how many credits he study is worth and what you must do to participate. If →

Volunteeer at catholic charities

I aimed at changing the community, to bring a positive impact to the society and the community in general. Courses that can be related to the services that I assisted in provided include the communication and the sociology class.

Mothers can also be selfish and hateful

But still, she is my mother and despite all her fault and my hatred for her, I also admire her hardworking nature. My friend, Linda says that her mother is like her friend and she shares all her secrets and hopes with her.

Mathematics project

35 This data shows the trend of domestic crude oil products in the United States over the course of 24 months. The data shows that there is a strong, but not perfect, correlation that as we progress farther into development, the price of oil will increase.

Museum report

Japanese American National museum, located in the western region of Los Angeles, links the Japanese Americans ancestral way of life to the overall American history as away of appreciating the diversity in American culture. Japanese civilization is the act of the ancient Japanese leaving their traditional ways of life in terms of education, clothing, and →

Business communication – letter

As a company, we respect the religion of the Saudi Arabia people and accord the deserved respect to the people's culture. We hope that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia can reconsider its position and allow women to drive while still protecting their dignity and safety.

Why we’re paid what we’re paid

My ultimate objective is to land a gourmet sausage job. The strategy is to ensure my knowledge and skills align with the key qualities and/or values that define a gourmet sausage job.

Abolish bullying by pursuing school uniforms

If school uniforms were more in demand in private and public schools, there will be a high possibility that the number of bullies will decrease and maybe even disappear. Many countries, like the Philippines, Japan, Burma, Italy and England to name a few, have schools that require school uniforms and they have little to no →