A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Breast cancer gene mutations biology essay

Breast cancer is a form of cancer that originates in the tissues of the breast. Families who have history of breast and ovarian cancer have a strong occurrence of the BRCA1 gene and as a result there is a high risk for breast and ovarian cancer.

What is architecture? concepts in the uk

Earlier this year Ed Vaizey, Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries, invited Terry Farrell to conduct one of the most extensive investigations into the UKs built environment.[7]Both Ed Vaizey and Terry Farrell have been outspoken about the importance of the built environment to the nation as a whole, yet a Built Environment was not →

Design thinking as a tool for commerce

However, today design is a new approach affecting the manner in which the organization would be doing business and influencing the consumers. The industry is trying to collaborate with academic organizations so that their needs can be understood and the academic organizations can involve this in the methodologies of educating the students.

Balance redox reaction

In the ion-electron method, the unbalanced redox equation is converted to the ionic equation and then broken down into two half-reactions oxidation and reduction. Finally, the spectator ions are put into the balanced ionic equation, converting the reaction back to the molecular form.

Multiuser sms based wireless electronic notice board

Authorized users end the message that they want to display on the notice board to the receiving section's mobile number and the message will be displayed only if the users have the authentication password. Reading of message from the SIMI card inserted into the modem is done by sending the appropriate AT command to the →

Phase eight

The installation of retail hardware and software from leading application software and EPoS systems developer NSB, will allow Phase Eight to increase its number of retail outlets without increasing the workload on its staff." We aim to expand the number of 55 retail outlets, continuing to build and strengthen our position including our Internet presence," →

Facebook and nursing case study

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council espouses, The nursing profession recognizes the universal human rights of people, and the moral responsibility to safeguard the inherent dignity and equal worth of everyone. Following from the ideas of McAlister and Madden it is evident that Cameron owed a duty of care to Darker.

Osmosis lab report assignment

The result was that the more sucrose in the bag, the greater the final mass. The dependent variables are the final mass of the bag, the change in the mass of the bag, and % change in the mass of the bag.

Chemistry for beginners assignment

HTML First Day of Class Instructions All students officially enrolled in the course will be able to access the Model course web site via MCCOY starting on the first official Monday of the semester. You must access the course website by midnight Wednesday of the first official week of the semester, or your place in →

Nuclear disasters: the prevention and aftermath essay sample

The aftermath includes: the health effects on the refugees and workers, the economic struggle to make up for the lost energy, and the future public outlook on nuclear energy. But the nuclear power tends to scare the public away from the possibility as a result of nuclear disasters.

Conflict resolution / team dynamics essay sample

The problem solving skills is a conflict resolution technique which helps to reduce conflict situations and find the best solution that satisfies the needs of everyone involved. If the issue is pursued then it needs to be defined and a fuller understanding of the nature of the issue needs to be gained.


There are different voting system uses for different types of voting like Plurality voting system, preferential voting system, approval voting system and range voting system. The main focus is on the language of instructions and other messages of the voting.

What factors would influence your vote

John Adams is better known as a political philosopher than a politician as he thinks of the people when he said, " People and nations are forged in the fires of adversity". He led the movement for independence during his stint in the Continental Congress and is a signatory in the declaration of Independence.

Feminist if intel property

The translation of such a situation means that the ownership of rights in relation to quilts is challengeable in the court of law. The case of the women covered in the article is a good pointy of reference on ambiguity of the law when it comes to matters rating to property law.


China's Economy Introduction The economy of China is among the fastest growing economies in the world today. Why the Economy of China is is Likely to Grow More Slowly In the Future High dependence on investment for growth rather than consumption is likely to hurt China's economy in the future.

Micheal kors

The Role of Business in the Economy Business plays a great role in the economy. Moreover, businesses pay taxes to the government thus allowing the government to work on the taxes collected, which help in the development of the country; hence, the business plays a fundamental role in the economy.

Engineering computer technology

The device has to be close to the headset for a quality sound and operation. In stores, it has been adopted and it is used to automatically identify besides tracking the tags attached to the objects.

Elisabeth vigee le brun essay

Elisabeth Vigee Le Brun was one of the most successful artists of her time, which was unusual for a woman in the eighteenth century. And in accordance to her wishes, she was buried in the cemetery at Louveciennes.

Like mexicans essay

In the text " Like Mexicans", the author uses a unique way to compare and contrast different cultures, and the ones that he should and should not marry into. In the first paragraph he starts off with a flashback from his past, and talking to his grandmother about who he should and should not marry.

Why did the holocaust happen essay

During the 14th century, it was mandatory for Jews to live in ghettos and there were many attacks compiled against the Jews usually in the form of riots. The protestant reformation, the ' triumph of reason' and the French revolution pronouncing the ' rights of man' all brought about the emancipation of the Jews.

The tigers child by torey hayden

Based on the explanation above, the writer wants to analyze this novel by applying psychoanalytic criticism and entitles? the struggle of Torey in shaping of minor Personality in the novel of Sheila: The Tiger? s Child? B. Identification of the problemIn this research the writer wants to analyze the struggle of Torey Hayden in shaping →

The tankman

Moreover, the use of these devices helps convey a specific version of the truth and in doing so evokes that the country should view the rights of their citizens over that of the state. High Camera Angle?" In the key motif and image of the man standing in front of the tanks.

The hope for a great future

Volunteer at Children? s Volunteer at Children? s I want to be a volunteer at Children? s Medical Center of Dallas because it is a dream of mine to be in the medical field, and an even bigger one to be a children? s doctor. Sadly, I have zero volunteer experience at Children? s Hospital →

Secular stagnation

One of the most vigorous growth industries of our time is the expert macro-economic commentary absorbed with touching interest and patience by the world of politics, business, and the ordinary person. If there is to be a brake on government expenditure, it can only be in the non-entitlement, discretionary part of the budget.


The Board of Nursing defines the scope of practice and sets the standards for nursing in the State of Texas. The Act states the scope of nursing practice and the professional values and ethics expected of all nurses licensed in the State of Texas.

Applying psychological perpective to a case study

When the social worker visited the family home she reported the conditions of the flat, which is on the fourteenth floor, were unacceptable due to poor standards of hygiene and no signs of preparation for the unborn child. Therefore, it would appear the social worker could use the Freudian view of Tina's behaviour, as it →

Techniques used for auditing the marketing environments

Recommendations on the appropriateness of selected investment project decisions Tesco should use the post audit appraisal to determine if the selected investment project decisions would be helpful to the firms' growth and would be helpful for the success of the firm in the industry. Moreover Tesco should make use of the post audit appraisal to →

The impact of human resources policies

Discussion tended to concentrate on two issues: The productiveness of the American worker peculiarly compared with Nipponese worker, and the worsening rate of invention in American industries With market place challenges such as turning international competition, the increasing complexness and size of organisations, and slower economic enlargement, a turning figure of organisations have come to →

Observational learning (bandura)

observational learning model-proposes that a person can simply observe another person perform a behavior and subsequently display that behavior himself without external reinforcement -Bandura -most effective when combined with guided participationBandura- Observational learning - concluded that observational learning entails a change in cognition involving four processes ONOBSERVATIONAL LEARNING SPECIFICALLY FOR YOUFOR ONLY$13. 90/PAGEOrder Nowfour processes →

The internet or the world wide web

access providerbusiness that provides individuals and companies access to the internet free or for a feeanimationappearance of motion created by displaying a series of still images in sequenceaudioincludes music, speech, or any other soundbrowser or Web browserapplication software that allows users to access and view Web pagescable modernprovides high-speed internet connections through cable television networkchatreal-time →

George washington as a military commander

The following missive from Washing ton to a confidant in 1777 illustrates the importance Washington placed on intelligence operations: " The necessity of procuring good Intelligence is apparent and need not be further urged - All that remains for me to add is, that you keep the whole matter as secret as possible. Since Honeyman →

In is recognized throughout the world for

Lucent Technologies isone of the leading designers, developers, and manufacturers of telecommunicationssystems, software, and products. The largest unit of Lucent Technologies is Network Systems.

Ben generation with low social abilities and little-to-no

I believe that the advancements made in technology have severely impacted our social interactions and it disconnects us from what truly matters around us, it closes off communication, and creates the concept of instant answers to any questions we might have. We need to act fast and grow with technology without letting it negatively affect →

Area the proof of a valid offer

Whether Will telephone to AB and places an order is the offeror acceptance or rejection of the offer and if acceptance was made then whetherWill formed the contract with AB? Whether Will have the legal capacity to enter intoContract with BS or AB and conduct the misrepresentation if does not have legalcapacity in company In →

How to perform basic first aid essay

The second step is grab the necessary gauze from the first aid kit and apply it to the wound. The first step is to identify if it is a severe burn or not.

Prashant lakhera essay sample

Ghosh gave update about the status of the project to his Boss without involving Prashant and Vedi. Vedi and Prashant complete their report but when Prashant asked Ghosh for his contribution to the report, Ghosh showed his rudeness and walked away from the team.

The different of malaysia before and after independence essay sample

According to the journal, A View of the Art of Colonization, With Present Reference to the British Empire; In Letters Between a Statesman and a Colonist, colonization which is the principal elements are emigration and the permanent settlement of the emigrants on unoccupied land. The economy is the second change which the economic formation is →

Team based incentives

When there are team members who have not bought into the team concept, this may be indicative of several things: insufficient communication with all team members about the purpose of the team, personal differences among team members, lack of team player qualities within the individual characteristics of members, or that the work to be performed →

Countries with low birthrates

Fertility Rates in Germany and Italy and Population Policy According to Kemp the pattern of world population growth is complex and uneven. This report aims to highlight the changes in Italy and Germany's population structure and the population policies I would implement to achieve future sustainable growth levels.

Origin and development of medicolegal death investigation

Origin and Development of Medicolegal Death Investigation Introduction While deaths are natural, investigation in the nature of the deaths, provide fundamental details that help curb the causes of such deaths besides providing incriminating evidence that prove the unnatural nature of some of the deaths. The primary objective of medicolegal death investigation is to determine the →

Definition of community essay

German Sociologist Ferdinand Tonnes writer of the famous Community and Society formulated a scientific social theory that states the component of a community is family and membership. An identity in a community's case would correspond to the label or how they are seen.

Visual illusion narrative

Another point to make is that once an illusion is seen, every time we look at it we can see it, we are no longer fooled thus our conceptually driven processes have taken over and looked to past knowledge. Basically it can be concluded that the key to perception is what we expect to see.

Marketing objectives of bonchon restaurant

The employees f Poncho is building relationship and alliances necessary to satisfy the high standards and Poncho gratifying eating experiences for our customers. Together with it, they also wanted to pass to the younger generations the Filipino all- passes by." Creating Core gratifying eating experiences and delivering Poncho Value throughout tastier and fresh product".

Flashbulb memories

On recognizing the different trains of thought in regard to Brown and Kulik's theory McCloskey et al.argued a case against a separate flashbulb memory mechanism on the basis of the extreme view of flashbulb memory, which claimed that flashbulb memory should be accurate, vivid and immune from forgetting. They concluded that if this were the →

How media influences sport

Media coverage of sport helps athletics to have themoneyto pay to have their rights to show the sporting events on the television. Through the new technology of the media, we have the ability to go back to that moment and watch it over and over again to look at each and every event, before that →

The characteristics of adult learners education essay

Teaching English to grownups is different from learning kids and teens and involves a considerable sum of planning and accomplishment to do it apprehensible and adaptable to all scholars. They are practical and are focused on the facets of the lessons; it means they want to cognize how the lessons will be utile to them →

Arcadia: an iterated algorithm

Through the coexistence of disorder and order in the play, Stoppard incorporates the theory of deterministic chaos in iterated algorithms to depict the limits of human knowledge. Furthermore, due to the unpredictability of the dots, the iterated algorithm can only create patterns that produce the shape of the leaf, but Thomasina can never achieve the →

Fathers role in molding his sons adolescence

According to Zoja in his book ' The Father: Historical, Psychological, and Cultural Perspectives' with Jungian analytical view, points that a single mother can assume the role of a father in preadolescent years of the child because the woman has been able to reconcile her role of mother with her role of lover, but later →

How much should be spend on the military?

In particular, China is now considered as a number one threat to the U.S.economy and the safety of the sea in the Asian area. With the consequences of spending more money from investment budget into the military and war, it is time for the government to balance the budget for the development of other sectors →

Effect of moores law in technology

But now we are getting into the part of the graph where the rate of evolution is so steep, that in many sectors a linear trend might give a bad to very bad prognosis of future conditions, in a time lapse of 5 years to even just a few months. The author believes that the →

Oxalate complexes of iron

The washings were added to the filtrate and this was titrated with a solution of standard potassium permanganate The percentages of iron, oxalate, water of crystallisation in the product and the empirical formula were determined.0. The washings were added to the filtrate and this was titrated with a solution of standard potassium permanganate.

Unit assignment

The 1st impression a person sees is the way you dress and it is best to make a great impression dressing accordingly allowed by the way you conduct yourself. The Casual Dress code is Aim for a classic and understated look Pick clothing that is comfortable yet communicates a professional attitude.

In to commit rape who, except in the

According to section 90 of the Code, consent given under fear of injury or under a misconception of fact is not a valid consent if the offender knows or has reason to believe that the consent was given in consequence of such fear of injury or misconception, or, if the consent is given by the →

Financial statement analysis for bank of america merrill lynch

It also looks at the developments in the financial markets during these years and its impact on Merrill Lynch, a what-if analysis of the possible financial performance that might have existed had the economic downturn not occurred and in the end summary and conclusions based on the findings. In fact the last quarter of 2006 →

The dominican republic: a spitting image of 1984

In order to do this, The Party constantly distorts the truth in order to deceive the proles and even those that work for The Party. The government also creates scapegoats to redirect blame and hate to other entities and limits the information the citizens have access to in order to maintain the lower class uneducated →

Pride and prejudice : a struggle against ourselves assignment

The role of women and the image of femininity are also mentioned, because ladies were meant to be good and tortuous: A woman must have a thorough knowledge of music, singing, drawing, must possess a certain something in her air and manner of walking, the tone of her v'ice, her address and expressions [to accomplish. →

Majority and government assignment

Thoreau says that the actual majority, the people, are Instruments of the few Individuals who are permitted to govern because they are stronger and the people will not act against those Individuals, but they will live around the Issues. Following the laws because they are laws and not because of the Justice they promote makes →

Trade policies essay

These laws will also serve the sources of valuable legal and consumer information, and will help clarify the rights the mother of the injured child has against the supplier and the manufacturer of the dangerous cots. In this situation, Wang Yue has the right to sue both the manufacturer and the supplier of cots for →

Boys from the blackstuff essay sample

" Boys From The Blackstuff" was set in the early 1980s and comments on the misery of men struggling to survive and the devastation caused by the loss of their careers. At the psychiatrist's unit Yosser is asked to leave his children outside whilst he speaks to the doctor.

Accident investigation

After defining the concept of hot work, the bulletin analyzed - from which the seven lessons are drawn - eleven hot work accidents involving menial job that require " burning, welding, or similar operation". The bulletin expressed recommendations for hot work-related accidents to be prevented or avoided.

Eco: casablanca

This causes both the actors in the film and the viewers of the film to automatically place their own expectations into the action, adding a sense of ownership and therefore utilizing as many of the intertextual archetypes it could find. In analyzing several of these archetypes, Eco breaks down the first portion of the movie →

Wk 2 forum law enforcement

Stress and the Police Officer STRESS AND THE POLICE OFFICER A number of studies on police personnel claim that stress portends negative effects on the service. Furthermore, the use of this leadership style in Police Departments continues, and this could be one cause of stress.

The concept of freedom

I am free to avail the luxuries of life and sooth and comfort myself by the bounties of the Lord and the beauties of the world. This is my concept of freedom, and I am proud to say, " I am free and enjoy being free".

Reading on a scandal in bohemia by sir arthur conan doyle

It is linked to the extraordinary talents of Holmes of which Watson admired and after the marriage he somehow failed to be in touch with him. The phrase ' dark incidents' refers to the interruption that happened in the association of Holmes and Watson.

Humanitarian action

The provision of humanitarian support in form of water sanitation and hygiene is important as it is attached to the value of water which is inextricably related to other human right rights such as the right to food, health and housing. Conclusion While all forms of humanitarian aid are important for people's survival, the most →

Odysseus v.s. beowulf essay

Also, the two of them are both on great quests, Beowulf to defeat Grendel and Odysseus to return home and reclaim his wife, Penelope. Odysseus is on his quest to gain immortality in the Trojan War and then to reclaim his wife and home.

The difficult child essay

That's why our task is to be patient and affectionate towards a child, to respect and be sensitive to his feelings, to create the lax atmosphere of understanding and sympathy for him not to feel neglected and ignored. When the home is a loveless one, the children are impersonal and hostile.

Network infrastructure and the servers used for tesco

Starting off as a single stall of goods, now the company is spread throughout the world through the internet, and with the trend of online shopping on the rise. There is a range of cables that can be used in the star typology, among which the fiber cables are of significance.

West coast limited

To begin the process of a pay scale should be created for each department and clearly communicated to the employee in that area where they stand. Additionally, the steps to be measured in a performance evaluation should be provided to the employees.

Allusions in arcadia

Alongside love and knowledge, Stoppard Illustrates a change In human pastimes and a general perception of the world by alluding to the Bible, In specific, the Garden of Eden. Thomas attempts to describe nature through numbers, to create equations for life, Just like Fermat and While Arcadia packs many ideas and illustrates many changes in →

Compare and contrast the baroque music and jazz

The early baroque composers rejected the polyphony texture of the late Renaissance music and favored homophobic texture. In addition, the main concept or purpose of Baroque music and Jazz are different.

How to structure a dissertation: chapters & sub chapters

You are not expected tointerviewor survey anybody, but you must be able to understand the organisation, literature review and methodology, up until the point that you can write a convincing thesis to answer your proposed research question. We have provided a simple guide called, how to write a dissertation the literature review, that might be →

Individual assignment

The goal of a DOS attack is for the attacker to render certain specific resources of the victims' computer or server unusable or make them unavailable. The advantage of this approach is that it minimizes the attack surface, thus protecting the host from receiving certain request from ports that can be used to flood the →

Space spatial segregation and spatial inequality economics essay

Index of dissimilarity of selected districts are found and compared with the percentage of their population in the district. Six nearby villages are selected and percentage of population of SC and ST is calculated in the wards and plotted on map to show the segregation faced by them.

The elements of a swot analysis commerce essay

SWOT analysis is a term used to describe a tool that is effective in identifying the Strengths and Weaknesses, and for examining the Opportunities and Threats you face. It is important to note that all type of company have the own opportunities, identifying these opportunities is the sign of a good analyst.

“the little cloud” from a feminist perspective

In fact, this understanding gives the reader even more to analyze, as it contextualizes one representation of how men understood women in the absence of women present during the time period in which Dubliners was written." A Little Cloud," was included in the collection of short stories and featured only one woman in a speaking →

Depiction of the theme of death and its literary analysis in the snows of kilimanjaro

In Hemingway's work, The Snows of Kilimanjaro, death is used to emphasize the brevity of life and the significance of accomplishment through the use of clever symbolism, allegorical setting, and domestic conflict. Ernest Hemingway's short story, The Snows of Kilimanjaro, represents the death of a man and his writing career.

The exploration of virgil and dante’s underworlds

The poems differ in intention with The Inferno focusing on Dante's voyage of self discovery, search for a Christian concept of the Underworld, while The Aeneid's intent was to glorify and celebrate the history of Rome, and the importance of fate. In The Inferno Dante's alteration of Virgil's ideas of how the living interact with →

Mysteries of the universe philosophy essay

Theologians argue that the words of the bible are written metaphorically, and could be understood in a way that merges the biblical history of the Earth's age with scientific truth. Biblical creationists think that the scientific statements of the creation of the universe oppose the words of the Bible.

Psychological disorders

In conclusion, I would like to say that the relationship between treatment of ADHD with stimulant medication and substance abuse in later years must be figured out so that children who are in risk of drug abuse in later years can be saved. If however, the hypothesis that stimulant medication treatment does increase the chances →

Ms 100

The movie industry formed the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America to smooth out problems between the public and the industry. The Uses and Gratifications Model: The uses and gratifications model was proposed to contest the notion of a passive media audience.

Poems from different cultures

The poem describes the way a man lives on a island known as London but left in peace and quiet. The poem island man you are able to tell that they are from london trying to explain were they are from and how standard life is in thr rich city known as London.

The the natural citizenship of the country in

The principle of Jus Sanguinis is older than the principle of Jus Soli. Majority of the States follow the principle of Jus Sanguinis as the basis of natural citizenship.

Leadership argumentative essay

" A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way". This is by far one of the most significant rewards that comes with a strong sense of leadership.

Lemon or calamansi shoe polish essay sample

The researchers will use trial and error in conducting this research. It will give the researchers the result of each variation in this project.6).

The journey, not the arrival matters essay sample

The texts involve imaginative environments, situations, characters and elements, which cause the responder to suspend disbelief this of course is a major aspect of the imaginative journey concept. Wind In The Willows written by Kenneth Grahame is a novel that represents the notion of the journey through the juxtaposition of two characters and their differing →

Judging people by their looks and speech

I observe the speaking habits and skin color to observe the background of a person. I still believe that facial features and skin color help a lot in the correct identification of people's background.

Book: art through the ages 3rd edition

Art through the Ages: Europe and America, 1900-1945 Inserts His/Her Inserts Inserts Europe and America, 1900-1945 Chapter 14 of the book " Art through the Ages" presents the developments and evolution of art in Europe and America in the period between 1900 and 1945. The content of the painting is a turbulent sea and Kandinsky →