A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Can gesture recognition in a live digital music performance media essay

The first being to " indicate the timing information for the beats of the score in order to synchronize the performance of the musical instruments, and to provide the gestures to indicate his or her artistic interpretation of the performance". The second is the introduction of " a degree of variation and personal interpretation in →

Wildlife in the farming environment environmental sciences essay

The arable farmland borders with woodland as well as fens and purple moor grass which makes up the rest of the farm with the addition of chalk grassland, grazing marsh, meadows and the river Test that flows trough the area, all together making up the patchy grassland area of the farm. The system surrounding the →

Interpreter of maladies: lahiri’s guide to forging one’s identity

Pirzada and treasures the candies that he gives to her, as if eating one made a connection with her culture. Lilia is an outsider among them because she is the first generation to be separated from her heritage by distance and she realizes in the end a connection with her heritage is impossible as she →

Vitamins for multiple sclerosis immune support

The vitamin and mineral I pick are vitamin D and magnesium and the herbs and accessory supplements are turmeric, probiotic, weed, and ginger. The association between Vitamin D and MS is strengthened by the association between sunlight and the risk of MS.

Advantages of presidential systems

One of the advantages of a presidential system is that the head of state is usually elected through a direct mandate. This is because the executive branch is part of the legislative branch and is dependent upon the direct or indirect support of it as it usually comprised of members of the legislature.

Fads and fashion trends in the 1970s

The shoe was introduced by Anna Kalso in 1970 and had a sole that was thicker at the front of the foot than at the heel. However, the popularity of the lava lamp began to cool in the late 70s.

Microfinance industry in india economics essay

The report analyzes the potential of Indian microfinance industry and examines the recent polices of Indian government to boost the growth of the industry. As directed credit failed to deliver the expected results in terms of poverty alleviation and development, a new type of development finance has emerged during the 1990s, both in theory and →

Colonisation and the european society

On the other hand, the ceding away of these colonial territories was not a rosy affair for the colonial countries, given the fact that the exercise became very costly to the former colonial masters, with the cost of this feat trickling right into the economic, social and political spheres of these countries. The relevance of →

Why do people still go to the cinema?

Other reasons why people go to the cinema include a fun day out with family or friends, 3-D and IMAX technology, the food and the pure silence in the cinema when he movie is on. This is why people go to see films in the cinema.

The and he wrote: “i put forth

The concept of equality is significant in the discussion of liberty, property, and the role of government in the lives of people. Aside from that there is the danger of increasing the power of the dictator and he can no longer remain as the arbiter and guardian of the people.

Bowers vs. hardwick case study

Nee appealed, the Court of Appeals reversed and remanded the court's decision, saying the statute was unconstitutional. The Attorney General of Georgia appealed to theSupremeCourt and was granted certiorari.

The influence of globalization

However, despite the adverse effects of the crisis in the liquidity of the respective countries, the opportunities in the global economy have been growing at an unprecedented growth over the last few decades. As the volume of capital inflows and outflows in and out of the developing countries increased, the developed countries benefited at the →

Advertising and promotion5 assignment

Selecting the Most Effective Communications Elements: The goal of selecting the elements of proposed integrated marketing communications is to create a campaign that is effective and consistent across media platforms. To evaluate the communication effect, Kotler and Armstrong, suggest using a number of research tests.

Consumer marketing and branding strategies assignment

Identification of Selected Domestic and Foreign Countries Prior to creating an effective marketing strategy, researching current market trends for the domestic country, China, and the foreign country, the United States, is necessary. Reviewing the domestic market and the factors that affect consumer preferences, the similarities and differences will allow the company to determine the effective →

Safeguarding assignment

In this part of the assignment I will be stating the main key points of each piece of legislation and how it is applied in practice. This is in case the police think someone is suspicious, they may be able to back it up with proof, for example, if someone is holding indecent content on →

Responses from dq1 anddq@ cc and aaw2d2 1 and 2

A spot check on the act shows that it only affects external auditors, boards of directors, corporate roles, and the PCAOB in a move to heighten investor confidence in the organizations. According to Cox, the Sarbanes-Oxley act is exceptionally clear on the responsibilities of senior executives regarding their roles in their respective organizations.

Scientific method

The geocentric view suggests that the Earth is the body around which all the planets and the Sun in the solar system orbit.4. The scientific method suggests that the heliocentric view of the universe is most correct, through observations and calculations.5.

Migration, development and social capital

From the reading, one can understand why some minorities, who seem to languish in poverty, have risen in the economic ladder to the extent that they have come up with large firms that own vast resources. After reading the material, one can comprehend the issue of enclaves and what it implies in a cultural context.


The relativity of deviance The type of defiance that exists in any society is mainly determined by social reactions and cultural meaning. Relativity of deviance, therefore, continues to favor those of a higher social class in sentencing laws and in society.

The design process in marine engineering

However, on its way back through the cylinder, actuator C comes into close proximity of sensor TC- which leads to the operation of actuator labeled D under the effect of solenoid D+. Another normally opened contact is then used to return actuator D back to its normal position under the effect of solenoid D-.

Educational trip

After crossing the channel, there's a smaller courtyard, considered as one of the beautiful gardens in Manila, where one can peak the magnificent view of the Pasig River and the Rizal Shrine Museum, in honor of our national hero, at the side. It's to appreciate the past for it is what leads us to the →

Complete plant description of colocasia esculenta (linn.) schott, taro

Stems brown-skinned and white fleshed cylindrical corm, up to 10-30 cm long and 10-15 cm in diameter. Leaves composed of 2-3 large perennial simple leaves with up to 30-90 cm in length and 20-60 cm in width, attached decurrently in an upright whorled position.

First time going to the principals office

It was when I was in the fifth class Feburary 12th I was sitting in category making my work when my instructor called me up to his desk and told me to catch my things im traveling down to the principals office. When she called my name and told me it was clip to travel →

Conor unruh

One of these disasters that reshaped a region was the 1902 eruption of Mt. On May 8th, 1902 the island of Martinique, located in the Caribbean Sea, was in for a natural disaster of epic proportions.Mt.

Know how agritech accelerator program will benefit startups

The potential to innovate and scale innovation from startups is what they are trying to achieve through the AgriTech Accelerator. Through this sector and stage- focused approach, they are banking onproviding interventions to the top startupsthat get selected for the acceleratorto allow them to scale and go-to-marketwith the right methodologies.3.

Health information exchange

In 2011 HIE Networks, LLC is created to manage the technical, social, legal, and security aspects of HIE under one management team to replicate the success of BBRHIO and offer provider-driven health information exchange at the local and regional levels across the nation. Health information exchange, enabling the interoperability of automated health data, can facilitate →

History- slave trade

The Chesapeake Bay and Carolina colonists pursued wealth and later realized the value of tobacco by the help of John Rolfe. Unfortunately the colonists were ceased of gaining profit due to the living conditions and lack of knowledge.

Managerial analysis on cute cosmetics ltd

It has many competitors in the market who are fighting to become the market leader and to grasp the majority of the market share. We also have discussed the requirements for having a private limited company and the advantages and the disadvantages of the formation of the company which are compared with those iscussed in →

Frank sinatra research paper

The simple upbringing, rise to fame, mafia connections, and his control of themusicindustry from the ass's to the aryl ass's was staggering considering how his life started and a deeper look into his background, music, and connections will just give you a small glimpse into the life Of the Chairman Of the Board. America was →

Roles and functions paper

Planning is important to ensure thatgoalsare being set and that the future looks brighter than what it already is. The most important role for a health care manager and leader throughout a diversified health industry is to maintain balance meaning always be sure that everyone is comfortable as well asequalitytowards each individual.


I may be able to contribute more doing support offline and online like a forum to ease diversity by encouraging social interaction and communication. Online forum has the ability to reach out to a majority of the population in less time and promote sharing of ideas, problems, and advices.

Analysis on websites

The screen design below is the design the group will use for our website. By changing the colour scheme the group have aimed to improve the interaction between the users of our website The screen design below shows the page in our website that will appear once the SORT by price button is clicked from →

Theravadan and women have entrusted their lives and

The great Buddha referred to his way as the middle way, and he, as the Enlightened One began the teachings of the religion with his first five Ascetics who he shows his middle way. Theravadan Buddhism which means The teaching of the elders, is the teaching of the Buddha in its true traditional form.

Everyone non-invasive glucose sensing on a real-time basis.

IoT has reduced the healthcare cost and alsohelped in speeding the delivery of care.2. Real-Time Dataand Information for Care Managers With the advent of IoT in healthcare, care managers can get access to the real-time data ofpatients.

Demographic data

Members belonging to a law enforcement group are expected to be fully aware of the demographic composition of the cities in which they operate in order for them to be able to carry out their activities effectively. LVEJO is a community organization in Illinois that strives to educate the public on the safe use of →

Homes of the future

Carbon output in the future homes should be as minimal as possible and by this the use of renewable energy will be key and the best option in this case will be solar energy that is 100% eco-friendly and renewabe and this will be achieved by the use of solar panels. The size of the →

The future of medicine

Imagine waiting in the snow outside of the mall doors for three hours, hoping to be the first to receive the new iPad. Therefore, it is no surprise that the topic of telemedicine, the use of technology to communicate in the medical field, is the future of medicine.

Key components of human resource development assignment

The importance of each component will vary from organization to organization according to the complexity of the operation, the criticality of human resources to organizational efficiency, and the organization's commitment to improved human resources. Education in India and Development of Human Resources The basic objective behind development of human resources is to increase the productivity →

Post traumatic stress disorder assignment

As evidenced by the occurrence of stress in many individuals in the United States in the days following the 2001 terrorist attacks, not being physically present at a traumatic event does not guarantee that one cannot suffer from traumatic stress that can lead to the development of PTSD. This is significant in understanding the effects →

The communist manifesto: book critique assignment

The beginning of the book opens with the statement of its purpose, which is to make the views and inclinations of the Communists public. Here he states that the immediate goal of the Communists which is to unite the proletarians and destroy the rule of the bourgeois shown in the quote, ' ' The immediate →

The necessary for a diet to be

In this essay I will be discussing whether it is necessary fora diet to be containing all of the food groups mentioned above for it to beclassified as a ' healthy diet'.'What you eat every day determines how well your body isfuelled and how efficiently it functions. Also, anotheradvantage of having a diet including all →

Business: recruitment and submission date essay sample

Task 1a addresses P1 Task 1b Obtain copies of the documents shown at the start of the guidance notes Reproduce and complete the table shown below Task 1c To complete this task, you are required to analyse. The following must be completed as part of this task: Give a detailed explanation of what each ratio →

Prince2 scenario 1

Prime objective of this department is to enrich the life of the people of Queensland by involving them in a lifelong learning process by the means of education and training. The decision depends on whether it is a change to a configuration item that has already been baselined and if the work can be done →

What is morally correct and wrong

In an ethical standpoint, their act of doing can be considered correct in a way that they have the right to procreate as married couple. Thus, in this case, Edna and Todd's act of doing can be considered as correct in line with their state as married couple but not morally correct to procreate without →

Significance of imperialism in the period before 1914

Therefore, imperialism refers to the subjugation of states and societies of the Africa, Pacific, and Asia by European great powers during the 19th and the 20th century. On a positive note, the spread of Christianity opened up the rest of the colonies and enabled the advancement of formal education and the civilization of the regions.

Create a budget for your nonprofit organization:

In our labor budget, we estimate to use around $ 60, 000, of this amount $ 40, 000 will be for staffs salaries and allowances while the remaining will be used for staffs training. The estimate of this budget is $ 50, 000.

The same kind of different as me

The story by Hall and Moore shows that a true level of commitment is needed in order to be an effective leader in the service to others, especially social workers who are in constant service to other people. More to the point, the book is an inspiration to the readers to take off their racial →

Hmnt ripple effect

Unequal perspectives hyperlink " http://proquest.umi.com.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/pqdweb? did= 1450200881 & sid= 4&fmt= 3&clientid= 70192 & rqt= 309 & vname= pqd" onhyperlink " http://proquest.umi.com.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/pqdweb? did= 1450200881 & sid= 4&fmt= 3&clientid= 70192 & rqt= 309 & vname= pqd" racial equalityhyperlink " http://proquest.umi.com.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/pqdweb? did= 1450200881 & sid= 4&fmt= 3&clientid= 70192 & rqt= 309 & vname= pqd". HYPERLINK " http://proquest.umi.com.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/pqdweb? did= →

Comments and response

Comments and Responses: Letters Comments and Responses Comments Hi Stephanie, I much appreciate your effortas well as that of your colleagues to ensure that my child receive a quality education in your school. I would like you to clarify to me on ways to ensure that I participate in my child's education.

Work of taylor and fayol is complimentary essay

Realizing the problem of human resource and their management at all levels they attributed this fact to be the key in the success of business. Being the two sides of the same coin both of these worked on the different aspects of the management.

Eyewitness testimony assignment essay

Loftus et al introduced the ' weapon effect' so once the weapon is seen by a witness immediately the attention is drawn to the weapon and are distracted away from the criminal's appearance who's holding the weapon as it's a frightening event. The strength of eyewitness testimony is that it's very compelling.

Domestic violance against women in sri lanka

If passive resistance is the jurisprudence of our being, the hereafter is with adult females..." Traditionally Sri Lankan society held adult females in high esteem though the society was a adult male dominated. Most of the people in our society think that domestic force is a affair that should non vilify to the out of →

Confidential industrial application form assignment

If you have been working for an Employment Agency you need to complete a section for each contract you have worked on for the agency. Name: Employer's name and address: Postcode: Relationship of Referee to you: We need to obtain the reference prior to you working for us If you cannot complete this section, you →

Descartes optics assignment

The act of taking possession or asserting a claim: assumption of command.3. The rim or uppermost edge of a hollow container or natural basin.2.

Developments of west end musical scene

The humbling beginnings of the musical cannot help but reveal the nucleus of the idea; it was born of accident of people seeking to have pure, unadulterated entertainment. And in the slipstream of the music were the musicians themselves.

Leukemia: an overview

AML, the most common type of leukemia, is an attacking cancer of the bone marrow and blood. What are the Side Effects of Cancer and Cancer Treatment?

Comparison of social and medical models of health

The social model of health differences when compared to the medical model of health are as follows:-:- The social model of health is focus more on the environment, social, and environmental determinants of health, not just biomedical determinants. It is widely accepted that the medical model of health focuses primarily on the eradication of illness →

Study on the historical background of parental involvement

The home, church, and school supported the same goals for learning and for the integration of the student into the adult community. Thus the goal of parental involvement had changed from the provision of passive roles for parents in the 1980s to one of collaboration and partnerships between schools and parents in the 1990s.

Advertisements on youtube

The major advantages of YouTube launching a TV will be that advertisers will easily reach the younger audience, one of the most valuable and important consumers, as the price of the TV package will be affordable $35 per month for 40-plus channels and youth will be able to access it on their smartphones, and computers →

Greasy lake

As I came to the part of the story where the boys attempt to cause a friend to " experience premature withdrawal", I was not amused. By the end of Greasy Lake I felt as though the boys turned down the final opportunity to screw up with the two girls in the mustang's proposal to →

Statistical learning

Support for statistical learning as an ability: KIDD Same task as CONWAY ET AL but tested syntactic priming - also correlated with statistical learning ability in 5 yr oldsSupport for statistical learning as an ability: MISYAK & CHRISTIANSEN Artificial grammar task on adjacent and non-adjacent dependencies as well as test of memory factors, lexical comprehension →

Microelectromechanical systems

Encompassing annoyance science, engineering, and technology, nanotechnology involves imaging, measuring, modeling, and manipulating matter at this length scale." It is useful to try to imagine what happens if the human being would have the full control of the matter in Anna dimensions. Re used to develop fingerprints and increase the sensitivity of forensic search.area the →

Rheumatoid was a mild case at the time.

This paper will discuss what rheumatoid arthritis is, some of the treatment for this disease and lifestyle changes that people can make to live a better with rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease where the immune system begins to attack the joints.

Abstract world’s largest and linked document collection.

It is very difficult to determine the authorshipof the web sources so the responsibility is on the user to evaluate resourceseffectively. Before using web resources it is important to check the followinginformation: Author: tofind the relevant information about the author, check personal homepages on theweb, or the domain name or URL reveal about the source →

“a of his actions he continued and

" A professional engineer, doctor, lawyer, or teacher should have a well-rounded education, which teaches the technical expertise of the field, but alsoinstructs the whole human being about the pleasures and responsibilities ofbeing a contributing member of society". When a person's profession or the product of their work will involve the public, that person should →

Our place, passing their last days in retrospect

So at least on this day, we meet them and share our joy to enlighten them and keep them happy, momentarily. It makes us realise our responsibility to study well and get name to our parents and to die school as well.

Ruth chris case study

Amend/Extend contracts with international Franchisees to offer: Extension of franchisee territories to allow larger geographical growth within that country extend length of contract in order to give more time to expand within larger territories pros: These franchisees are already in the international countries and have a better suitable eye for opportunities. Canada, Hong Kong, Taiwan →

Phases of the cold war assignment

Origin of Cold War: There is no unanimity amongst scholars regarding the origin Of the Cold War In 1 941 when Hitler invaded Russia, Roosevelt the President of USA sent armaments to Russia. Causes of the Cold War: Various causes are responsible for the outbreak of the Cold War.

The structure of british families has changed significantly essay

The changes in marriage, divorce and cohabitation have contributed to the growing number of new types of family. Two in five of all marriages are now remarriages, which makes stepfamilies one of the fastest growing family forms in Britain, currently making up one in ten of all families.

In the region of ice by oates essay sample

The Motives of Fateful Meeting in Joyce Carol Oates's short story " In the Region of Ice" In her short story " In the Region of Ice", Joyce Carol Oates portrays the complexity of human characters, thus revealing the most intimate and hidden movements of human soul. Exactly this hero makes Professor think, hesitate, and →

All souls book review essay sample

During this time the people of Southie clung even closer to one another to boycott the busing and the integration of the Southie and Roxbury schools. The MacDonald's lives were influenced by this because it was only perpetuating other problems, such as drugs and violence in Southie.

Just war theory essay sample

The six rules are that war must be a last resort, those who are attacked deserve it, promote good over evil, the right amount of force must be applied, civilian death have to be avoided and the war must be started and controlled by the government. To conduct a case study on the Iraq war, →

My experience on censorship

It was on a Friday evening when my friend and I decided to go to the movie theatre to watch a premier movie, Avatar that was the talk of the streets at the time. Later on, the management of the movie theatre sought to explain to me the various rules applicable in a movie theatre →


From the Valley to the Summit The Women's Revolution Claudia Goldin's article en d " From the Valley to the Summit: The Quiet Revolution that Transformed Women's Work", discusses the various factors that occurred at roughly the same period in history that combined to revolutionize the world of women's employment opportunities. References Goldin, Claudia." From →

The role of washington

In practical contexts, the intended balance of power seems to be skewed in favor of the federal government. For example in October 2013, California was under threat from the federal government concerning education policies in the state.

Psychology approaches

The biological approach to studying the behavior and mental process of humans has been in existence for several decades beginning with the neurological changes in psychiatry studied by Sigmund Freud, the use of drugs that alleviated psychological symptoms to the current revolution in genetics and molecular biology. According to the biological approach behavior is controlled →

Aided instruction in c# programming language essay

The program can adapt to the abilities and preferences of the individual student and increase the amount of personalized instruction a student receives. Statement of the Problem This study aims to determine the correlation of the computer-aided instruction in teaching C# programming language to the first, second and third year students of Computer Education students →

Breathing walls technology

During this time, the nature of the enclosedenvironmenthas direct impact on the lives of the occupants. There are factors which must be considered in the construction of the breathing wall.

Are the classical functions put forward in 1949 still valid?

The basis of this evaluation is to determine which approach is more useful in determining the role of management for the purpose of managementeducation. Both journals express the relevance and importance of Fayol's classical approach to the development of Management study to date.

After the dance

Tolstoy's " After the Dance" is essentially a representation of Russian history and the exposition of a dark side to the seemingly regal atmosphere of the Russian aristocracy first introduced at the ball. In a similar manner, the harshness of the Russian government is shown to its citizens after the initial appeal.

Impact of chorus and rhetorical questions in the play medea

This example of the use of the chorus helps to build empathy and make you think about Media's position in the world. Euripides uses hyperbole to emphasis Media's tuition and the mess she is getting herself into.

A study on real estate developers in mumbai

The main aim of this paper is to explore the strategies used by the real estate developers in Mumbai to sell their properties and understand the importance of marketing for different scales of builders in the city. In the case of India, LaSalle has stated that," India, has witnessed an exponential growth in the real →

The motivation of financial incentive schemes

Tesco, the largest supermarket chain in the UK, has a reasonable motivation system and it uses a significant number of financial incentive schemes to encourage employees. In the real world, many other non-financial motivation methods are also used and they are also demonstrated to make a difference.

Unitary perspective views

The set of common goals and values that are put in place are there to try to create and maintain the order within the organisation, the ' common' set of values and goals are important so that all of the employees are working in unison. This is important as it makes employees at the bottom →

Changes in old and new industries in the uk economy from 1870 to 1939

From the time of the coronation of Queen Victoria and the outbreak of World War One, Britain stood in a period of economic transition. In contrast to the great depression, for the Lancashire cotton industry it was a time of growth known in Lancashire as the " Victorian Golden Age".

Girls of riyadh

Subsequently, she reiterates, between Muslims and the West, the existing chasm which is grounded on the latter's perception of Islam as an obstruction to the Arab woman and her struggle for independence. The internet, " the narrative topological main figure", becomes also a space where the narrator and her virtual female characters interact with the →

Our cash basis, but now we would

So far we have been buying goods from you on cash basis, but now we would like to place this order on charge account with bimonthly settlement. We look forward to our long, lasting and cordial business relations with you based on quarterly settlement period.

As people the truth. these great persons

By the help of moral courage he selects the right path, may it be opposite to public opinion. Jesus Christ had a rare moral courage and He taught people to lead the path of truth to achieve their goal of life, but he had to face a tough opposition from the persons who were losing →

Nike management report

It is fair to say that from where Nike started from, selling shoes from the boot of a car to now being one of the leading world businesses is truly a great achievement to what the industry is today. 2 Economic The economic climate the world is in brings fear to Nike and other companies, →

The hidden curriculum assignment

8 In the fifth school the majority of the families belong to the capitalist class. The answers are in the book and in one's understanding of the book; the teacher's hints when one does not know the answers are to " read it again" or to look at the picture or at the rest of →


It is probably the sole means of attaining the goal of instilling fear in the targeted group/s of people that is why it is an important part in the definition of the word. In addition, the majority of citizens are non-combatant and to the terrorist, the more the victims are, the stronger they are able →

The duckweed experiment: effects of lowering light intensity

In this study, the impact of copper on the growth of the duckweed Lemna minor, followed by its removal, was studied with 0.1 1. The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of elevated Cu levels on Lemna minor growth and photosynthesis.