A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Maersk doha communcation report

We were also told that the chief engineer was in a difficult position when it came to communication as he spoke a different language from the rest of the crew. Problems arose as the engine crew did not report to the chief engineer and the chief did not report to the captain.

Unmanned aerial vehicles: application and human factor

Yet another is due to the earlier absence of a global crisis, which could have allowed for a quicker invention of the UAV due to the extreme shortage in the U.S.military of an espionage aircraft. Department of Defense currently has in its possession five types of UAVs: The Predator and Global Hawk of the Air β†’

Sassoon vs brooke

Caisson's bitterness against the war is made clear through hispoetry, which is filled with his resentment against war, the futility of it and the high price that had to be paid. The Bishop represents the pompous flag waiving establishment without a clue to the horrors of the battlefield." They" are " the boys" at the β†’

The singularity is near philosophy essay

The rules of universe and the balance of physical constant that governs the interaction of basic forces are so delicate, exquisite and appropriate for codification and evolution of information. With the sophisticated computational and communicational devices, technology it's self has the ability for storing, sensing and evaluating elaborate patterns of information, to distinguish between the β†’

Two kinds by amy tan: depiction of american dream in a negative aspect

The short story " Two Kinds" follow mother and daughter, and the mothers wish for her daughter to become a prodigy. In the short story " Two Kinds" the daughter and her mother lives in America, and her mother is a firm believer in the stereotypical American Dream.

A gas leak incident in bhopal in 1984 essay (critical writing)

The article Bhopal disaster, 25 years in and the poisoning continues by the Bhopal Medical Appeal explains the effects of the 1984 incident on the residents of the area. The article titled The Incident, Response and Settlement by the Bhopal Information Center briefly explains the circumstances surrounding the accident and then goes ahead to explain β†’

The effectiveness of violence in the stranger

In the microcosmic courtroom of Meursault's trial, for example, the jurors and the lawyers continually focus on why Meursault killed the Arab, and why he is so indifferent about his mother's death." Why?" the magistrate demands, " You must tell me-why?" Meursault, knowing that he can offer no true answer, provides an absurd explanation simply β†’

Nursing student’s perceptions of rural healthcare

In quantitative research, the goal is to establish a relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable or outcome in a population. The theoretical framework of the adaptation model occurs when people react encouragingly to situational changes, and it is the process and outcome of individual and groups who use deliberate reasoning, self-reflection and β†’

Tapal and the tea industry in pakistan

Aftab Tapal, a well-trained tea taster and tea connoisseur himself, introduced new tea concepts and developed a wide range of tea blends catering specifically to the tastes of people throughout Pakistan. Pakistan is the third largest consumer and importer of tea in the world.

Harper finch, a six-year old girl (lee,

Harper Lee explores a great number of themes in the first chapters of the novel, for example, integrity of a person and his/her ability contradict the norms, adopted in the community. The main characters introduced in the first chapters of the novel are Atticus Finch and his children Scout and Jem.

Devils that walk

A typical American school has the usual crowd: the Goths in their own dark corner, the geeks that play chess and instruments, the obnoxious wanna-bes that roam the school, and...the populars. You do want to be Them, the golden faces that mock the underlings.

The effects of population density on the reproduction and survival of daphnia magna assignment

The objective of our experiment is to determine the effect that population density has on both the survival and reproduction of lab-grown Daphnia magna. Yurista and O'Brien observed the population dynamics of Daphnia in the natural environment and found that both food availability and quality have the greatest effect on the population growth of Daphnia β†’

Marketing: arizona green tea assignment

The film is illustrated and the top to the bottle is secured with a paper seal colored with an intricate and geometric design. The tree illustrated on the bottle has tranquility provided by the simple curves with which it was draw and the limitation to two colors, brown for the branches and pink for the β†’

A you have to plan out your

It would be your very own bird album with different pictures of bird and their houses that you have scoured around your area. When birds start flocking your creation, that is the best time to get your camera out and start taking pictures you can be proud of.

The side effects of cancer treatment drugs

COPING WITH DRUG SIDE EFFECTS The Side Effects of Cancer Treatment Drugs QUESTION Hair loss resulting from cancer treatment can be very hard to deal with emotionally and even physically. If the child is worried about her appearance, the parents can advice her to try different styles of hair and makeup.

Executive summary

Task Executive Summary Purpose The purpose of the case study is to evaluate the future growth prospects available to the management of Home Depot and Lowe's based on past performance review and review of financial forecast. Recommendations Home Depot The recommendation available to home depot as a means of enhancing its profitability include Acquisition; the β†’

Nucor case study

Foreign steel companies from Europe, Australia, and Asia exporting in the domestic market of United States and offers super low priced steels in the market, through the subsidies being provided by the respective governments of those foreign steel companies exporting in the United States, posing a significant threat on the sustainable growth of Nucor in β†’

Echo electronics leadership skills assignment

The actions Paul could have taken after the implementation of the idea, to prevent such complications was firstly proper training that could have given the subordinates proper instructions to operate the workstations effectively, training is an essential part of the job that has to be provided adequately to the workers in order to increase quality β†’

Little women: an approach to class, society, and money

The 1868 novel Little Women is not only a heartwarming and heartbreaking story set in the midst of the Civil War, but also a series of veiled narratives of the life of the author, Louisa May Alcott. The story coincides with many of the economic and social struggles that Alcott faced throughout her life, and β†’

Preparation and delivery of nursing oral presentation

When commencing a reflective learning task it is important to understand the concept of reflection and the values of the reflective process, especially pertaining to nursing practice. The intention of this presentation was to convey to the audience the nursing care given and the clinical effectiveness of care, alongside the prioritisation of my patient's individual β†’

Canada in world war two

The World War was a event in history that helped Canadian society move towards excepting women's performances of different roles in society, made Canada a reputable country, set standards of religious freedom and equality, increased agricultural production, gave Canada the opportunity to show it's independence from Great Britain.and in general transformed Canada's economy. And so β†’

Health disparities in african americans

The economic status subject people in different classes and the disadvantaged people economically face the challenge of accessing the best health care services and thus a health insurance that is standardized need to be implemented to ensure the health care professional equality treats the patients. In advancing the health, safety and the wellbeing of the β†’

History of kfc the restaurant commerce essay

Because of their popularity & uniqueness the company has led to the common formula of the fried chicken, fast food restaurant is being copied by the owners of the restaurants worldwide. It further says that they have the ideas of putting the tastiness of the YUM on the faces of the people who are seeking β†’

Learning curve and experience curve

Gilbert best summarises the differences between learning and experience curves: " the experience curve is broader than the learning curve with respect to the costs covered, the range of output during which the reductions in costs take place, and the causes of reduction". When a firm has the cost advantage associable to the reduction in β†’

Current challenges to risk management

Acting in the position of a risk manager, I would have ensured that the acquisition and management of the company are within the provisions of the policy of the enterprise. The BHS case will have helped me understand the importance of inquiry of the management, evaluating and understanding the importance of the internal control system.

What is adidas’s corporate strategy

A 9-cell matrix with the business units of Adidas does not seem to be a good fit. It does not seem that adidas' business lineup shows a good strategic fit given the very nature of the businesses that constitute it.

Scott joplin and the entertainer

In a while he gained the reputation of one of the leading pianists in his style in the Middle and South West. The harmony in The Entertainer by Scott Joplin is pleasing and tame.

Summary of “tempest” by william shakespeare

The story is based on the journey with a ship from a royal party when their ship was struck by lightening and they were all preparing to sink and Miranda asked her father to do everything to ensure the ship will not sink. The most challenging time was when they were at the seas and β†’

Zen motor company case study

Information introduced below is based on gathering Zinc's information in the book Principle of Marketing of Kettle, Armstrong, Cunningham, and Drifts together with the lectures and knowledge of chapter 1-4 and 18 of the same book. To respond to this, CM created the Ambassador Program to train and market materials about ZEN Car to the β†’

Gm case analysis

GM is using the prospector strategy to boost sales and increase overall income each year to raise their profit margin to the highest in the auto industry. It is going to be hard for them to take the title of the company with the highest profit margin.

Definition essay: school

In the USA, any educational establishment can be described as a school, when as in the UK, school is a place you go to up to the age of 16. Other people are not interested in what they can get out of school, though, and see it as a place to socialize, become popular, have β†’

A school’s influence on how we live

In addition to making a healthier lunch option, the portions of the starch that is given to the students compared to the amount of protein is extremely disproportionate. These lunches allow the students to be full and healthy throughout the rest of their day.

Essay on the cost of prom

Every high school junior and senior dreams of attending the prom the glamour, the glitz, the dressing up, and the memories but the prom is becoming more and more expensive. It does not really matter where the prom is held; it is the fun that you have there and the memories that are important.

Achebe and post-colonialism in anthills of the savannah assignment

In the achievement of using language, there is the argument of whether to use a local language or to use the language of the imperials that is far reaching. C,-1? 0 or the seizure of the language which it under the influence of a vernacular tongue, the complex of speech habits which characterize the local β†’

Cyber bullying affect in hong kong assignment

English for Academic and Professional Purposes 1 Assignment 2 Phenomenon of Cyber Bullying Among Teenagers in School *Group Members: -Higher Diploma in Information Technology: Chiu Man Kai Wong Tsz Kin Table of Contents: Introduction Page 3 Motivation of cyber bullyingPage 4 The Characteristics and Effect of Cyber-BullyingPage 5 Handling of Cyber BullyingPage 6 Solution of β†’

Amazon case study accounting information system assignment

The strategies of Google, Microsoft and Amazon are very similar: they are offering medium-to-large companies the means to store data on and undertake processing through the Internet, and at a competitive price.3. It is not a stretch to think the value of Google and Yahoo can be decreased as a result of click fraud.

Nosocomial infections and septicemia essay

As a result, it is often difficult to determine whether the source of the organism causing the infection is exogenous. SEPTICEMIA Septicemia is the presence of bacteria in the blood and is often associated with severe infections and also the medical term referring to the presence of pathogenic organisms in the bloodstream leading to Sepsis.

Many can have an autonomous vehicle.vehicles owned could

Benefits of having insurance for your carThe auto insurance in Mexico allows you as a client to obtain a legal contract that covers all the risks caused by car accidents. What is a fleet of cars and what is it for?

Clipper ships essay sample

The more common types were the California clipper, China clipper, coffee clipper, opium clipper, and tea clipper. Most of the British clipper ships were of extreme models, but on the average they were smaller than the earlier American clipper ships.

Phases and benefits of strategic management essay sample

Planning is taken out of the hands of lower-level managers and concentrated in a planning staff whose task is to develop strategic plans for the corporation. Upper-level managers meet once a year at a resort " retreat" led by key members of the planning staff to evaluate and update the current strategic plan.

Critical thinking-a challenge in your life-learning english

Giving respect to others perspective is the best way to promote tolerance and dialogue, which can be helpful in learning skills and establishing friendly relations with others. The last trait that might be helpful in achieving my learning objectives is the freedom of action and perception.

Annotated bibliography

Although some claimed that this was because of a government conspiracy, and others hinted at cowardly attitudes in the Francophone members of society, Granatstein reveals that in fact this uneven distribution was largely due to the bitter conscription issue that had so upset Francophone citizens during the first World War and some Anglophone bias in β†’

Management class

Thesis Statement " The Importance of Limiting the Pharmaceutical Company Sponsored Lectures to Doctors and Medical Students" Multi-Point Argument Supporting the Thesis Statement: Pros of the Issue 1 Open forum such as pharmaceutical company sponsored lectures is important since it allows the doctors / medical students to openly ask direct questions regarding the drugs' safety β†’

Journal article review

This is due to the fact that participants are most likely to refer to mental health professionals or counseling centers instead of other community resources including the services offered by the clergy for their needs on mental health care. In other words, there may be a good point to question the validity of the research β†’

Audit of licensing / secure and fair enforcement of mortgage licensing act

Secure and Fair Enforcement of Mortgage Licensing Act Background The SAFE Act which is the Secure and Fair Enforcement of Mortgage Licensing Act of 2008 was executed to amass and enhance the flow of information between regulators, to provide an increase in accountability levels and improve tracking of residential mortgage loan originators, embellish protection of β†’

Criminal procedures

His statement to Officer Jones at the scene of the arrest, a motion based on asserted violations of his rights under the fourth amendment? In the case of Stein v.

Summary langley

His experience of being frisked and detained for twenty minutes by a police officer when skating at the University of California sparked this plea when he realized the vagueness of the rules and regulations about skateboarding. He was surprised for the police officer's treatment of him, being considered like a criminal when he was just β†’


The current goals of the company is to maintain the standing of the company as one of the most recognizes as well as respected brands in the world. Some of the examples of functional tactics of the company include ongoing expansion in the foreign markets, increase in product categories and growth in the distribution channels β†’

Texas elections

Williamson County votes at a higher percentage of Republicans than Travis County, the statewide and national percentages. The trend between Williamson County and Travis County was Williamson County voted less for Freidman 11.

Article discussion

This is the driving force behind the formation of Marketplace Chaplains, who issue mental and emotional support for the human resource available at the disposal of companies. The major cause of depression and stress amongst employees is in the management styles employed by the managers.

The scientific methods psychologists use

The researcher inspects and documents the behavior of the matter in the real life settings. The method has varied advantages including providing first-hand information to the researcher, which is not biased, the researcher assess varied things without controlling the changes that occur, and it supports the external research validity.


Credentialism Pros of credentialism system According to Grip and Borghans, Credentialism ensures that only the qualified personnel take high positions in the workplace. According to Plank some of the individuals who possess high credentials are said to perform poorly in the field and technical sector.

Universal access to healthcare in the usa

Project Proposal/ Definition of the Problem According to a research by the Common Wealth Fund, the United s doesnot provide universal access to healthcare. The problem of healthcare access in the U.

Letter of intent- acceptance to program

Ideally, I would be in charge of my own practice and would be well-known throughout the community for being a kind and caring chiropractor. Entering the Applied Physiology and Kinesiology Program at the University of Florida would allow me to pursue my dreams and fulfil the promise that I have shown from a very early β†’

Foothills medical center in calgary, alberta

The aim of these technical innovations is to improve the usability of MAC based hardware and software, and speed up imaging processes, with a resulting increase in the productivity of the medical teams, and improvement in patient care. In the case of stroke, the complexity of scans can delay diagnosis and treatment and this is β†’


In order to portray a convincing and true picture of my inclination and abilities to pursue my education in the above mentioned field, I would like to outline facts, my strengths and goal-orientations. In addition to this, I also keep myself up-to-date with the current happenings and researches, break-through and inventions in the field of β†’

Repoliticalization of accounting standard setting

REPOLITICALIZATION OF ACCOUNTING STANDARD SETTING-THE IASB, THE EU AND THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS Summary The past decade saw the IASB operate independently and in full control of its mandate. The article focuses on the political forces on the amendment and decision out of the financial institutions.

Challenges to validity and reliability

The research question has to be reworded to gain the specific answers the research need from the sample. Outline to minimize challenges The challenges where based on the rewording of the research question, and the additional information from the data sample of the survey.

The merchant of venice by shakespeare

When a Jew is talked to he would be talked to like a pathetic person incapable of anything." You call me a misbeliever, cut throat dog and spit upon my Jewish gabardine" This shows that the Christians really hated the Jews and believed it it their hearts that they practised the wrong faith and the β†’

Soft and silky shaving gel

Keeping sale projections as they are and increasing price of the 5. 5oz over the 10oz plus looking at competitors' products it will be easier to get away with this price for 5.

Suitable network to implement in gaming centre computer science

In order to select the right network, it is necessary to have understanding and knowledge on various types of network, to know the efficiency and reliability of the network, various types of game and requirement, network topology and architecture, ISP package selection, network component. As a LAN gaming centre, it is necessary to have various β†’

Art history

Art History Islamic Art and the Art of the Ottomans Islam: " Submission to God's Will" Muhammed: " Messenger of God" Qur'an: " Recitations" Muslims: " Those who have submitted to God" The Dome of the Rock Jerusalem, Recognized by Jews and Christians Jews: Temple of Solomon, site where Adam was created Christians: Jesus chased β†’

Energy economics

The goal in this article is, therefore, to shed light on the nature of the impact of oil shocks on the macroeconomic conditions of Pakistan. An alternate explanation available in the literature is that it is not the rise in oil price that reduces the economic activity, but the response of the monetary policy to β†’

Economic growth example narrative essay

The now legendary support of Tesco to its vendors by allocating its resources of transport and storage has helped them grow and Tesco is now reaping the dividends of dependable and loyal vendor management system. Tesco pays a certain amount of taxes depending on its revenue and current needs of the government.- The global economy β†’

Analysis of a poem uphill by christina rossetti

The answer in line eight reassures her that she will find the place, " You cannot miss that inn." By the end of line eight the reader can assume that there is an end to the journey, some place, somewhere the reader believes in when the end of life comes. This is her view of β†’

Preferred shares

The company has to inquire into and fully understand the nature of the bank and the kind of security that is acceptable to the bank in order for the latter to finance the company's needs. In the case of Real Resources NL, the determination of the limits and restriction of the preference shares which the β†’

War on drugs solution: legalization? argumentative essay

There is no doubt that the usage and misusage of drugs can cause a huge difference in the lives of the users and the others around them, however the " War on Drugs", is more of afailurethan a success and one of the most effective solutions is, ironically, legalizing the light drug, marijuana, and distinguishing β†’

Term paper rhbill

Though not entirely stated in the bill, the Church implies that the bill entailsabortion, something that is greatly against the teaching and morals of the Church. It is said that the Philippines remains one of the poorest countries in the world and the government insisted that not having a reproductive health law is cruelty to β†’

Many epic heroes struggle to return home

The following essay is a comparison analysis of the circumstances of the exile and return of the main characters from TheOdyssey, Genesis 4 and Ramayana. He is responsible for his fate of exile when he takes the life of his brother and lies about the murder to God.

Summarizing the medigap program

Check Point: Write a 250-300 word summary reflecting on the Medigap program address the following in your summary: What are the core benefits in the Medigap insurance program? Medigap offers a variety of plans that are available to choose from and give the consumer a package that will fit their health needs.

Pulmonary disease and diagnosing copd

Avoiding the risk factors for COPD and getting an influenza vaccine can help for all four of the stages. When the patient has very severe COPD they will be on long term oxygen, and also can or will be considered for surgical treatment.

Black house chapter fifteen

And there's the smell, the ancient, seagully odor that works deep into your nose and awakens the back part of your brain, the part that is perfectly capable of believing in monsters when the sight lines shorten and the heart is uneasy. The lobby of the Nelson Hotel always smells of the river? it's in β†’

Japanese multinational corporation has been chosen management essay

This research is aimed to enhance people's understanding about the paths of become a successful multinational corporation in China so that it will help to generate marketing plans in the future. Therefore, this research try to discuss and understand the marketing strategies of Toshiba used in China and how these marketing strategies can drive Toshiba β†’

Sla: language acquisition vs learning

Acquiring a language refers to the passive process of obtaining the subtleties of a language through natural learning however learning a language refers to the active process in which learners become aware of the rules of the language they are trying to learn. In my role as a primary teacher, it is important for me β†’

Four basic types of economic resources

The economic problem always exists; due to the demand of people are infinite, and the supply that is available to satisfy the market demand is limited due to the limited resources. Most of the resources in the country are owned by the government and the allocation of resources followed by the instructions of government but β†’

A worn path

The story is set in the post Civil War South and is full of symbols of the struggles of newly freed blacks to ersevere in the struggle for equality despite the obstacles. He goes on to explain that Jackson herself is somewhat of a " blind seer of sorts" and through her, and the Journey β†’

Syllabus design

What Is the relationship between communicative tasks In the world outside the classroom and pedagogical tasks? Instead of beginning the design process with lists of grammatical, functional-notional, and other items, the designer conducts a needs analysis which yields a list of the target tasks that the targeted learners will need to carry out in the β†’

My away the yellow in the green

Acid rain's spread anddamage involves weather, chemistry, soil, and the life cycles of plants andanimals on the land and from acid rain in the water. Theinteraction between the water droplets and the carbon dioxide in the atmospheregives rain a pH of 5.

A trip to puerto penasco

A kid sits in the sand and is digging a small circle in the sand that is a few inches deep, and in the center of it is a castle. It is a love-driven community filled with passion and the desire to serve the lowest of low.

Is global warming real? assignment

The second part of the argument, considering that global warming is real, is the question of weather global warming is occurring at such a rapid rate due to humans harmful gas emissions or due to natural causes. The fact that temperatures are rising and that glaciers are melting confirms that global warming is occurring.

Globalization or internationalization essay sample

Companies have been choosing to look for possibilities outside their domestic markets for various reasons in attempt to increase revenue and profits and keep up with or surpass competition but "[rather] than focusing solely on beating the competition, strategies must be created that enhance the value for customers". In order to make the FDI successful β†’

Movie summary essay sample

During the movie there were threats from white people saying thieved come where Robinson lived and hurt him or omitting, so he left with the black reporter guy who later became a part of the American Baseball Press or whatever it was called. His name I forgot but I remember because of that pitch to β†’

Ethics issues

In pursuing these different values in business, there is need to take into consideration the concept of business ethics which is more concerned with serving the ends of human well being. In this way, there is need to identify and implement standards of conduct that will ensure that business does not negatively impact on the β†’

The avahan india aids initiative of bill & melinda gates

Initiatives by NGOs were encouraged and also implemented across the states. Leadership within sex workers was encouraged who served as peer educators to distribute condoms for practicing safe sex and also helped monitor the health related needs of the target population.

Art history

The video considers a variety of early 20th century artists that implemented African art techniques, and argues that it was these early Western artists that in great part shaped the way later Western artists would use and implement African sculpture. In these regards, one's attention is brought to the way that Western artists took the β†’

Eastman kodak

The facts provided in the case study suggest that the Kodak may not be on its way to achieve its overall objectives owing to the difficult external environment and the changes which were taking place in the industry. The higher level of adaptability by the consumers of digital imaging products therefore can offer new strategic β†’

Marketing plan

In order to a marketer become successful, the company must be able to provide greater customer values and satisfaction than its customers do and therefore recognizing and analyzing competitors and their strategic steps seem to be critical elements to business success. Answer to Question- 2 Pizza Restaurant is located in a large city in Riyadh, β†’


1) The multiple suicide attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon in USA. The perpetrators entered the embassy buildings by car and parked in the basement before the bombs went off.

The power of pull

Do the organizations of the 21st century sit on a melting iceberg, oblivious to the need for change?" The only thing that does not change is change itself", so goes that paradox that firmly expresses that there will always be change and change is a continuous process. From the rapidly changing technologies, the increased presence β†’