A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Is the only reason for punishment retribution?

Finally, I will explain Caruso's theory of punishment which is compatible with a free will sceptic view of the world concluding that retribution is not the ultimate reason for punishment and neither are the other four. Restorative theories of punishment ' suggest that, once the facts of a crime have been established, our priority should β†’

Woolf reforms

In 1995 Lord Woolf stated how a civil justice system should be: Be fair in the result it delivers Be fair in the way it treats litigants. Because of the Woolf and Middleton report the civil justice system was reformed in April 1999.

Functionalism, symbolic interactionism, and conflict theory

The institution acting in this case is the Office of the First Lady, a unique mixture of government institution and social custom. A Functionalist interpretation of the initiative might also take note of how a problem that is more pronounced in economically disadvantaged and ethnic-minority populations came to the attention of the Obama administration and β†’

The role and impact of religion on early america

The Role and Impact of Religion on Early America Throughout the history of the human race, we have striven to find an explanation as to why we are here, how we got here, and if there is some sort of " spirit in the sky" or other supernatural force that could possibly guide us or β†’

Bitcoins seized in software scam

The federal law enforcement officials seized a cache of bitcoins and litecoins as part of an investigation on an alleged fake software sales and distribution. The filing mentioned that the bitcoins and litecoins were seized on 10 December 2014 and offered other important details, " The defendant's bitcoin and litecoin, which are virtual currencies, were β†’

Analysis of the time machine

The Time Machine is a science fiction novel that has a much different view of the future than the view that is commonly held today. Wells's view of the future is the antithesis to the one that is held today.

The restitution of conjugal rights. not merely

The only difference that the Muslim law-givers recognize between the dower-debt and other debts is this that if the wife is in possession of her husband's property, she can retain possession till her dower-debt is paid. Ordinarily, the dower is not a charge on the property of the husband, though one may be created by β†’

Whoever, if offence be committed, shall, if the

Whoever, being a public servant, intending to facilitate or knowing it to be likely that he will thereby facilitate the commission of an offence which it is his duty as such public servant to prevent, voluntarily conceals, by any act or illegal omission, the existence of a design to commit such offence, or makes any β†’

Mcvh case study data governance

To make the security culture successful, it must be a high priority at all levels of the organization. It is important to have a strategy to earn the culture.

Starbucks coffee company: let’s talk money

Geithner, just what is the importance of the government as a buyer in the market economy? T. Selling to the government would definitely give us a financial boost and this can only be in term of shares disposal.

The portrayal of women in things fall apart essay sample

Chinua Achebe's post-colonial novel, Things Fall Apart, do at some points of the novel support the case of the subjugated African women in the course of Okonkwo's life through the practice of polygamy, paying bride price, and the atypical case of Okonkwo beating his wives at slight frustration. But, it is also through Okonkwo, we β†’

Dhanraj pillay essay sample

Dhanraj Pillay has been one of the best all time Hockey players of India and also one of the most popular ones the game has ever produced in the nation. Beginning of Hockey career The elder brother of Dhanraj, Ramesh used to play for a Club in Mumbai and introduced him to professional Hockey for β†’

Individualism and collectivism

It is a philosophy which places the importance of the individual's will above that of the community, or rather than one does not have to place the wishes and desires of society or the community above one's own personal wishes or desires. This viewpoint is in direct contrast to collectivism, which states that the opposite β†’

The scientific method and deming’s pdca/pdsa cycle

The other similarity between the scientific method and Deming's PDCA/PDSA cycle is that they are concerned with solving the problem identified. However, the main difference is that the PDCA/PDSA is a continuous improvement cycle.


Discussion: The Spirit of '76 June 6, Discussion: The Spirit of '76 The Spirit of '76 defines revolution in America that occurred in the year 1776 against colonial powers. The Declaration for Independence crowned ideals of the Spirit of Independence.

The emotional dog and its rational tail: a social intuitionist approach to moral judgement by: jonathan haidt

On the other hand, Haidt offers an alternative theory called the Social Intuitionist Theory which presents the moral judgment's relationship to other significant factors - one such factor is the human's intuition. Evidently, in terms of acknowledging the causal factor of a moral judgment, the first process to register and evaluate a circumstance is considered β†’

The psychological issues filipino workers experience essay

For them to choose that kind of work with such a great preference due to the number, it suggests much about the state of work, and the ark opportunities in the Philippines. This is because of how they continue to work so hard despite the abuses they experience in hopes of the fulfillment of the β†’

Importance of accountability

The ground I have been assigned to make this undertaking is due to my failure of being attentive and procuring my arm and holding it with me at all clip. An so I forget the value of my arm and what it means to me.

Female convicts essay

These women were seen as whores and prostitues and were in the same category as animals. They built the female community and these women still live strong in our hearts today.

The lone ranger and tonto fistfight in haven essay

Victor Joseph appears as an individual constantly under struggle to establish his real identity in a land, which he considers to be foreign to the ideal of his ' Indian' roots. In addition, victor appears to be in a hot pursuit to attain a certain lifestyle and longs to reconnect with his ' Indian' roots.

The catering skills of uphsd essay

71 Very Good in other areas of the kitchen Students can assist in setting up and serving catering 4.40 0. 60 Very Good Students as a commitment to the service values and ethics of the client company 4.32 0.

Business plan vapiano restaurant

Our objectives are the following: Open 2 more Piano restaurants in the next five years in the same country Achieve a 10% increase in revenue annually Constantly improve our customer service and their experience by welcoming possible changes and improvements from our staff Improve our efficiency through excellentcommunicationbetween the production and the chefs on the β†’

America and muslims

With the coming in of the newly elected president, Barrack Obama and with a promise of revamping Americas foreign policy is being viewed with a glimmer of hope and renewed ties with the Muslim world, indeed this is the message communicated to the world by the recent visit to Turkey. However, this paper maintains that β†’

Influence of visual media

The interrelationship between culture and visual entertainment media has had an impact on both film and television. The interrelationship between culture and visual entertainment media has many impacts to television and film.

Reflections on libertarianism

We have the right to protect our own lives, liberty and property from the forceful aggression of others. Nevertheless, we have to be sure that we are not initiating to force against the life, liberty, and property of others.

Manet and paris de refuses

Edouard Manet's controversial and unexpected paintings became the biggest challenge and publicity for the salon, probably not in the way the Paris Des Salon would have chosen. The rejection of Luncheon on the Grass, the opening of the Salon des Refuses and the Avant-Garde lead the movement of art world into Impressionism.

The unexamined life is not worth living | discuss

Both of these endeavors begin with the same root of aspiration in which one seeks to expand the realm of knowledge which is contained in the mind, but the pretension occurs when one seeks to gain knowledge in order to gain some sort of appraisal or another effect. Things that exist in the noumena are β†’

Understanding of ancient pompeian and herculaneum civilisations history essay

Pompeii and Herculaneum became Roman towns more than a century before the eruption and many aspects of Roman society were reflected through their social structure.[1]Society in Pompeii and Herculaneum was a mix of different social classes that was well-ordered and divided into three the upper class, middle class and lower class.[2]Buildings, frescoes, statues, graffiti and β†’

Kingdom of heaven | summary | analysis

The film is presented as a conscious piece of historical fiction and the majority of the film follows closely with historical records. Scott indicates a bias toward the Muslims in this part of the film; he depicts the Knights Templar and Raynald as warmongers and the film's villains.

The hydrostatic thrust acting on a plane surface engineering essay

The resultant hydrostatic force on the face can therefore be calculated from the value of the balance weight and the depth of the water as follows:- When the system is in equilibrium, the moments about the pivot point are equal: mgL = Fh Where, m is the mass on the weight hang, g is the β†’

How does the current global economy lack diversity?

For every dollar of new wealth that has been created in the United States since the financial crisis, 93 cents has gone to the top wealthiest 1%of the population.[1]Of all stocks globally, 84% are owned by the richest 10% of Americans.[2]Workers are suffering from the disappearance of middle-class jobs due to the lack of distributing β†’

Effects of breakwater in the civil engineering field construction essay

The diverse and complex nature of the coastal system is the result of processes involving waves, tides, currents and winds that affect the geological state of the coast in an attempt to keep a balance between land and water. To accomplish the above objectives, the researcher will endeavour to carry out the study in the β†’

Compare and contrast corporate entrepreneurship and strategic leadership

Setting the agenda for Strategic Change At the beginning of the 90's the world tire industry was in the midst of a serious recession marked by considerable overcapacities and a decline in vehicle registrations. The major internal reasons for continental's crisis were a lack of awareness of the sources of the company's losses, poor management, β†’

The lamentation over the dead christ

The expanse from this point to the center of the perspective line denotes the distance within the painting for the viewer. In the case of the holes in Christ's hands and feet; the perspective of the light source that illuminates the area of the holes also represents the use of foreshortening on the picture plane.

Beauty standards

They worded me with some of the best compliments on my hair and asked me to not even think' of a getting a scissor anywhere close to my hair. They showered me with some of the best compliments on my hair and asked me to not even think of a getting a scissor anywhere close β†’

Muhammad the potential of the community to bounce

This technology is apart of the new dimension of technology where it would help to enhance the user's experience and also it would increase the quality of the usage itself. In this writing, the main agenda is to discuss on the possible solution in creating a resilient city in the dimension of social, through the β†’

Argumentative essay on school

A bullied kid might not feel they have the power to do something with themselves. I am not saying replace the current education system with videogames, far from it.

Accounting concepts & conventions essay sample

Ans: The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants defines Accounting as " the art of recording, classifying and summarizing in a significant manner in terms of money, transactions and events which are, in part at least of a financial character, and interpreting the results thereof".2. All the transactions of the business are recorded in the β†’

American court system

Moreover, the interest of the parties ensures disclosure of significant evidence and highlights the limitations of the opponent's case. Moreover, this system declines a hierarchical model of searching justice and favors the coordinate model.

Finite element

Finite element method enables a company to verify proposed designs, modify structure or existing products that are to be used for new service conditions, and in case of structural failure, it may be used to determine design modifications that are required to meet the deserved new condition. Finite element method uses an intricate system of β†’

Service design essay

It is the largest airline and flag carrier of the United Kingdom and for sure the size and scale of British Airways puts it in a competitive advantage over competitors such as Virgin Atlantic Airlines which is the 2nd largest long haul airline in the United Kingdom. Still, BAA is an older and a bigger β†’

People are getting greedy and selfish. some people essay

People are getting greedy and selfish.some people argue that we should go back to the old days, and show respect for the family and community, to what extent do you agree or disagree? BY xuxu_1993 Topic 22: Today, people are getting greedy and selfish.some people argue that we should go back to the old days, β†’

Teenage wasteland

Throughout Daisy's life she has tried to get a better understanding of Donny, she wants to be around him and wishes to know what he's really like. As a mother Daisy is caring and interested in Donny's well-being, she is insecure because of Donny, and Donny is Daisy's main priority.

Nature of logic and perception

Last but not least is to: recognize an instance in my life where my perception of the reality situation was far from the actual reality; to tell whatI believeis actually occurring; to state what is really happening; to indicate the difference of the two; the occurrences after; the things I have learned; and finally how β†’

Jones case study

She already has a job that makes quite a bit and a move to Atlanta would only mean more work and probably would mean that they would not be able to have another child for a couple of years. I see the best outcome with this scenario if Jim can find a job closer to β†’

The constitutions of the world

This is due to the fact that the intention of the Parliament while drafting the Constitution was to bring about 'social revolution' in the country. In pursuance of the same, Article 44 which was the demand to evolve a Uniform Civil Code, to govern the personal laws of every religion, was placed in the Constitution β†’

Cell extraction

When I got to the top of the stairs the inmate was standing in is cell in front of the bars with a cup in his hands. The segregation lead worker is the team leader and will deploy the Freeze Plus or the Taster which ever tool is approved by the OIC and the officer β†’

The ideas of socrates

Socrates believed that everything should be open and subjected to constructive criticism and that the truth should be followed wherever it may lead even if that meant disproving that he was not the wisest person to exist. In his conversation with the politician, Socrates was able to give a thorough examination of him and what β†’

Optimization and production of siderophore

The aim of this study was to optimize the production of siderophores by bacterial strains isolated from rhizosphere soil. To study the effect of inoculum size on siderophore production was studied in succinic acid medium by inoculating the strain S-6, S-26 with 0.

Secularism and its effect on society religion essay

It is the sole source of law and everyone is expected to obey its rules and regulations and failure to do so results in punishment of the guilty person or persons by religious decree. For instance, in pre-Christian Rome, human sacrifice or bloodshed is said to be the bringer of the god's and goddesses' mercy β†’

Treatment and outcomes of paediatric asthma in new zealand

However, using asthma symptoms as a better indicator of asthma prevalence, evidence from the ISAAC study conclude that there are, in fact, significant ethnic variations; that the prevalence of recent wheeze is higher in Maori than in non-Maori children, and is lower for Pacific children than for other ethnic groups. Inequities in the distribution of β†’

Studies on non-hodgkin’s lymphoma

In the year 2018, Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is the more predominant subtype lymphoma in the United States. Intensified chemotherapy with ACVBP plus rituximab versus standard CHOP plus rituximab for the treatment of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: an open-label randomised phase 3 trial.

Critically evaluate doyles definition marketing essay

Therefore, in contrast to traditional marketing, the basic premise of relationship marketing is the development of customer relationships with a view to cost reduction within the organisation and increased shareholder value through the creation of high levels of customer satisfaction. Consequently, to apply Doyle's definition in a practical sense to the creation and management of β†’

Holistic assessment of diabetes

This assignment is structured to discuss the nursing process, Orems' model of care and two nursing tools that can be used to achieve the wellbeing of a Chloe and relevant sources of evidence will be applied. They also pointed out that structuring patient assessment is important to monitor the success of care and to detect β†’

Key factors affecting recruitment in the uk

The administration has keen awareness about their degree of client service due to a bead in gross revenues and place in the market. Tesco recognises that increasing cognition, bettering accomplishments and occupation satisfaction of employees are most of import to accomplish the aim of the company.

N. dacca, calcutta, and cambridge. he obtained

At the time of his death in 1961, he was head of the department he founded and Dean Faculty of Arts. He is best known for his theoretical interest and contributions in the field of social structure and sociology of economic development'.

Dear that we can guarantee an annual

We will be entitled to all special offers you might make from time to time and our percentage of commission will not be affected under any circumstance whatsoever.9. We are at liberty to sell any product similar to that of yours as long as the minimum annual sale of your product of ____________ is maintained.10.

Practicum evaluation report by industry

Training is the final course in the Program or Study Plan whereby a student is expected to undergo on the job training in areas relevant to the academic program and field of specialization. A student is to be exposed to the work place in the host organization; he/she is expected to perform, carry out tasks β†’

Buad 307 midterm study guide

Identify and describe the four tactical elements of the marketing mix.10. Distinguish between the benefits and challenges of segmenting a market? 44.

Healing for all

Free healthcare in the United States would ensure access to medical treatment for people in all financial situations. If healthcare were free in the United States, people of any financial status would be able to have access to healthcare.

Cold warassignment assignment

The creation and the destruction of the Berlin Wall 4. The beginning of the Cold War is linked to the Potsdam Conference in the summer of 1945.

Love and lust in the lyrics (shakespeare’s sonnets) assignment

After analysis of the content of both the " young man" sonnets and the " dark lady sonnets", it is clear that the poet, Shakespeare, has a great love for the young man and only lusts after his mistress. Having the poet and the young man in a relationship that goes beyond friendship allows a β†’

Perception and reality essay sample

It will try to explain that perception and reality are interconnected, and that our five human senses are not the sole basis of reality, they are just instrumental to am additional process of perception that will bring the truth in our lives. He stated that in any given moment of time, the arrow is either β†’

The role of machine guns in the first world war essay sample

The German, British, and French machine guns dominated the battlefields of the Western Front in 1914-1918, and have become one of the major hallmarks of the Great War. The German machine guns wreaked havoc on the enemy side in the early months of the war.

Welfare state essay sample

The collective impulse brought about by the Second World War, the rise to power of the labour party and the launch of Beveridge's report all acted as a precursor to the welfare state. The Second World War acted as a catalyst to the emergence of the welfare state.

Panic, choke and learn

Second, the confidentiality of the test outcomes subjects the integrity and transparency of the procedure to doubt. Thirdly, the invalidity of the test questions is a strong argument to bring across as the activities asked to be performed are irrelevant with the nature of work.

College of business

How will the College of Business fit into your future goals Since the moment I started studying Business Administration and s related to it, Iabsolutely fell in love with it. Studying in a College of Business will provide me with the opportunity to learn as much as I can.

Organized crime: profits from pornography and prostitution

They are considered as illegal acts that spoil the morality of the people and communities in particular. Usage of drugs and alcoholics that are prohibited by the government is also considered to be victimless crimes.

Target corporation in the news

The firm was determined to reimage its possessed brand portfolio in 2017 as well as offering more than one-of-a-kind products through initiating more than a dozen new exclusive commodities by the close of business in 2018.- Target Corporation is the firm which was selected for analysis.- The news material summarized is relevant to the coursework β†’

Proper role of government

In the absence of regulation and in the presence of externalities, all individuals in the society may not be comfortable. This means that the state and the citizens live in a market where equilibrium may be achieved through the forces of demand and supply.

Generally accepted accounting principles

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles What are GAAP GAAP is the abbreviated form of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles that refers to the accounting standards that are to be followed in the process of financial accounting. The standards of accounting provide the guidelines to accountants in the preparation of financial statements and accounts in the jurisdiction and β†’

Carib studies ia

The completion of this IA will therefore determine: The extent of racism at the institution The influence of racism at the institution The consequences of racism at the institution Literature review Racism is the ideologies of social processes which discriminate against people based solely on the basis of their belonging to different ethnicity. The statistics β†’

Self esteem and adolescence

This description of self-esteem describes to us that self-esteem plays an immense role in the outcome of a person's life. Depression is a major influence on levels of self-esteem and is the result of not being able to regain that high level of self-esteem.

Vitamin d supplements for elderly bone health

1, 2 Vitamin D is crucial in maintaining bone health as it promotes calcium absorption in the gut and maintains calcium and phosphate levels in the blood, enabling normal mineralisation of bone. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Measurement of Vitamin D and Bone Health Table 1: Serum 25D concentrations and target status *16, β†’

International policies on disability comparison

This are the Objectives: To encourage and educate for a society that is non-disabling To ensure that rights of disable people are upheld To provide disabled people the best education possible To provide employment and economic development opportunities for disabled people To promote leadership by disabled people To foster an aware and responsive public service β†’

The dental hygiene profession education essay

The school system in elementary also has a huge impact on a child due to the surroundings and the curriculum given to individuals. In my opinion there should be some sort of recruitment in high school by dental hygienists and dentist to be able to pursue and educate students about what it takes to become β†’

The effect and recession of sony

After analyzing the financial statement of the Sony corporation we have seen that the operating margin of the Sony is less as compared to the Panasonic's operating profit in 2008 Sony secured the 4. 39 % and in recession Panasonic had a great loss compared to the Sony.

Application of positivist theory in criminology

The positivist tradition in criminology suggests that psychological, biological, and even social forces determine a person's criminal behavior, hence noting that the criminal act is beyond the control of the person. Considering that Holmes exhibited substantial signs and symptoms indicative of mental illness, prompt diagnosis and treatment might have prevented the fatal Aurora shooting; true β†’

Originality in postmodern art

It further inquires into the views of well known art writers and critics who acknowledge the way in which the placement of an artwork in a different context, or the re-working of an original image or images from the past can bestow it an entire new understanding, therefore granting an element of originality. Due to β†’

The war on terroris

The issue of terrorism has been lately a major concern of every nation chiefly due to its negativity to all the aspects of global development and partly because it brings suffering and creates antagonism between the nations of the globe. As of now the US has taken the initiative to counter terrorism and its perpetuators β†’

Spring awakening review

The play is appealing to the audience and has many exciting scenes that keep the viewers glued to it. An important element in the movie is the set design as it contributes to the whole production of the film and makes it more interesting to the audience.

Elie of the universe, the all-powerful and

He finds it difficult to understand the role of God in the world, and poses many questions to try and understand why God would stand by and watch the horrors of the Holocaust. The faith that Wiesel had in God was enormous, in spite of the increasing abuse and hatred that the Nazis had for β†’

During (shi et al. 2016). sequence-specific designer crispr/cas9

In view of thefact that no foreign gene is inserted during genome editing and only anendogenous gene is altered, it has been argued that products of genomeediting technologies likeCRISPR/Cas9 should not besubjected to the regulatorysystem, which is used incase of geneticallymodified organisms. However, outcome of CRISPR/Cas9-mediatedalteration in the genome is not precise at the individual β†’

One posh house. one day, during the firm’s

Valentine starts out in the movie as a con, pretending to be lame and riding on a makeshift wheelchair to attract the sympathies of passersby to get handouts. In a twist of fate, it was at the time he went to the men's room to smoke a joint that the Duke brothers walked in and β†’

“we are all what we make each other”

To best illustrate Foucault's notion of the soul, Judith Butler refers to his concept of prisoner rehabilitation: " The strategy has been not to enforce a repression of their desires, but to compel their bodies to signify the prohibitive law as their very essence, style, and necessity. That law is not literally internalized, but incorporated, β†’

Reflection memo assignment

I also wanted to listen to everyone In our group In their entirety, so that I could listen to their views and actually learn about the different personalities that I would have to face. I assisted by bringing cookies for our on campus survey, when other group members were unable to edit the reports and β†’

Electronic notice board using gsm essay sample

The monitoring system consists of an image sensor which captures the images for the specified amount of time and the images can be transferred through an USB port to a PC for storage purposes. AUDIO DRIVER The ohm is the unit of measure for impedance, which is the property of a speaker that restricts the β†’

What is piracy? essay sample

Piracy is the unauthorized duplication of an original recording for commercial gain without the consent of the rights owner. In this case all consumers are equally likely to buy from a pirate if given a chance, so that the effect of piracy is to make the demand for legal copies more price elastic.

Why i desire to become a nurse practitioner

As a NP I would have to deal with the patient's family and even suggest lifestyle and environment changes. With a holistic approach to health care, I am confident of making a difference to the society, the patients, and their families.

Stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination

Module Module ID: Stereotyping, Prejudice and Discrimination The term stereotyping simply refers to the established image of an individual, group, community, nation or a thing the large majority of the members of society have developed in mind, and take that specific person, community or thing within the frame of that concept they have established the β†’

Theories of crime

According to this theory, the youth engage in crime and drug abuse because of disintegration of the society. F, & Maahs, J.R.

Probation officer

Retrieved September 1, 2012, from http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~wcjlen Associations Three associations that provide aid and support to the professionals of the career of probation officer include the American Probation and Parole Association, Federal Probation and Pretrial Officers Association and the National Association of Probation Executives. The mission of APPA is to assist, confront and provide authority to β†’