A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Software customization

The main benefit of software customization in a newly discovered mode of production is that the software can minimize possible delays and errors in doing the said procedure because of the fact that its function will directly support the task. On the other hand, a customized software can also provide a form of security for β†’

Black english

In today's world, we are always searching for easier ways to do things, we are constantly trying to fit in and do what everyone else is doing, and no matter what, we always do what we are surrounded with. It is forever changing, but as the language changes with it, it does not mean that β†’

Silic case

Because the building was appraised at 12, 500 and originally bought at 10, 000, the firm needs to make a journal entry to account for this increase in value 01/01/2003 Buildings & Land 2, 500 Revaluation Surplus 2, 500 Land & Building = 12, 500 - 10, 000 = 2, 500 As we learned in β†’

Characteristics and statement

I would bring this passion to my role at your school and I look forward to working as a part of a team of service providers to ensure the success of our students. I would also provide diverse and specialized services to students, families and communities, in order to help students attain axiom benefits from β†’

History harley davidson

In 1903, William Harley-Davidson, Arthur Davidson, Williams Davidson, and Walter Davidson started Harley-Davidson in a 10x15 shed in their backyard in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Richard Teerlink age 59 joined Harley-Davidson in 1981 and was elected to the board of directors in 1982.

The analysis of morrisons marketing essay

The importance of fresh food available is a key factor to Morrison's and have established the Market Street Format, which is now being adopted by other Supermarkets as this was a gap in the market. This said Morrison's prides itself on its fresh food image with the introduction of the " Market Place" in Morrison's β†’

Bumiputra-commerce holdings | analysis

Some of the elements that contributed towards the competency level of CIMB's customer relation lay in its key success factors listed below: CIMB has a fully comprehensive vision for the future of the company, including the future of the customer relation side of the business. CIMB adhere to a strict policy of sincerity and honesty, β†’

Do tests help learning?

The major objectives of the study are: To investigate the wash back effect of English examination on the teaching methodology of teachers. To highlight the importance and use of English Examination to test the learning of students.

Counselling at the workplace commerce essay

The ability to put one's self in the shoes of the employee is an essential element in counselling and is the best form of expressing sincere thoughts and totally understanding where the person is coming from. It is only in the avenue of counselling that employees are given the best advice and encouragement in order β†’

Accounting 101 chapter 4

work sheeta spreadsheet prepared by many accountants as part of the normal end-of-period process, it shows adjustments effect on financial statementscurrent assetscash and other assets that are expected to be converted to cash or sold or used up usually within one year or less, through the normal operations of business.can include notes receivable, acc receivable, β†’

Modern technology : for better or for worse?

Instead of Just writing it in our Journal or diary, we are now sharing it to the world which makes us feel part of the society but making us care sees about what we share and lets us forget the real meaning of privacy. When it comes to privacy, we are not fully aware of β†’

It’s times when snap judgments go wrong when

He proposes that our " thin-slicing" the ability to identify and process only the most essential aspects of a situation object, or person in milliseconds, without any conscious knowledge of doing so, is responsible for much of our behaviour. He contends that snap decisions can be either incredibly accurate or tragically wrong, but the quotations β†’

Greek mythology and zeus assignment

Greek Mythology and Zeus BY Tarek52 Report abuse Transcript of Zeus and his Impact on Greeks Zeus Paragraph Summary Who is Zeus Zeus' Impact on the Greeks SUMMON THE GODS! Zeus is the son of Cronus, who was the king of the Titans before Zeus took over.

Yantzge river pollution assignment

In February 2008, the Chinese State Environmental Protection Agency declared that water quality is worsening in many branches of the Yangtze River that drain into the reservoir. This can be attributed to the slowing of the natural flow of the river due to the dam and reservoir.

Ethical communication & citizenship assignment

The aim of this essay will be to examine how social and cultural changes have forced corporations to re-evaluate many of the principles they work upon, it will open up by looking at a few of the major ethical issues that corporations must deal with when serving the needs of the community. It will also β†’

Reflection about ethics assignment

Since I am a little bit nearer from the driver, I reached the fare of the other woman and then said to the driver that it's mine. Because that's the time I used to know that I am proud of myself because I am learning and I love it.

Dispute settlement db-3

International policies such as the above cited have positive impacts on the sales of GM; thus, the China market is a major market for GM. GM is very optimistic with their China market and has intentions of increasing further their investment in the country because of the supportive policies of the government.

The anti trust legislation

It was in the early 1980s in the case of American Telephone and Telegraph from AT&T and thus transforming the nation's telephone services. When the past cases were of regarding the monopoly of the companies due to mergers and acquisitions, the present case was a clear cut case of the fight of incompetence over competency.

Facebook valuation suffers first-ever consecutive drop

There is definitely an inconsistency presented in the illustration of the valuation of the company. The author of the graph should be consistent as to the time interval that he wants to depict in his graph.

Cognitive bias

Cognitive Bias Contents Contents 2 Bias 3 Cognitive bias 3 Impact of cognitive bias on research 3 Impact of cognitive bias on respondents 3 Impact of cognitive bias on researchers 4 Reducing Cognitive Bias 4 References 5 Bibliography 6 Bias Bias can be defined as a proclivity of mindset outlook to the present. Reducing Cognitive β†’

Soccer or hunger

It turned out that being a soccer player is a decent occupation; at least the salaries of the soccer players in some parts of the world, are higher than those of the doctors or lawyers. It's a well-known fact, that lots of the world's most famous and prosperous players were born in Brazil, a country β†’

Altering of the american social fabric essay

The Great Depression was a time of agony and strife for the people of the United States. During this time period, of the 1930s, altering of the American social fabric occurred in the sense of family ties, underlying beliefs/values, and bonus expeditionary forces.

Estimating oil and gas volumes using structure contour maps

One of the methods which is generally used from when the field is discovered up to when it is abandoned is the Oil and Gas-Len- Place method at surface conditions. Therefore if the surface volume of the in-place oil and gas were to be calculated, the Formation Volume Factor which accounts for the shrinkage and β†’

To privatize or not to privatize essay

The Pros of a Privatized HealthCare The privatization of a healthcare system involves a transfer of the ownership of a healthcare system or company from the government to an individual. With the assurance of privacy in the privatized healthcare systems, the patients get proper medication and this improves the healthcare system as a whole.

Sovereignty and human liberty in a man for all seasons

A nascent liberty of conscience materializes with the wave of the Reformation, signifying a period of tumultuous, radical change and instigating a paradigm shift in thought and the conduct of religion and politics in England and even Europe. Another instance of Thomas More urging his individual sovereignty depicts him in direct opposition to the king's β†’

Post-traumatic stress disorder essay samples

The family can also do a lot, as it unites the closest and dearest people to the patients with PTSD. The family and society have a significant role in PTSD treatment and can help by providing the necessary support and understanding to the person.

Negotiation skills in the 2012 chicago teachers union strike

The article discusses the poor negotiation skills exhibited during the initial stages of the strike, as well as the changes made to break the strike successfully. The Mayor attempted to avoid the negotiation altogether by pushing for a bill that would increase the percentage of the union members voting in favor of the strike from β†’

Employment relations in france economics essay

Employment Relations in France Employment relations in France are highly influenced by the demographics as well as the legal and political environment of the country. Elected by all employees and representatives of trade unions, the council has a consultative role about the decisions of the employer.

Death penalty for drug trafficking

However, this does not prove that there is a deterrent effect for the death penalty as the number of drug abusers should increase when the number of drug related executions drop. In my opinion, the abolishment of death penalty may not lead to a surge of drug trafficking as drug trafficking is affected more by β†’

The life of bread

This means the teeth grind and smash the food into smaller pieces which are easier to move through the digestive system and easier to digest in the later stages. The bread travels through the oesophagus by the process of peristalsis.

Future of technology

There are so many different ways the future will be like with the way scientists work, how fast they work, what they work on, how much money goes Into research and science and it ultimately comes down to how the world cooperates with the new technology. A lot of people are against the Idea of β†’

There the effects of certain forms of

The main objectives are to bringing down the cost and component used in the power system through the enhancement of efficiency and reliability of the renewable energy sources with minimal maintenance & long life robust equipment to beat the future load-demand, to preserve the resources for last longing Universe for the sake of creature as β†’

Managing office furniture in indonesia

Schmitz indicates that the central concern of the value chain will be to unpack the relation between the different sources of raw materials and the local production. The products will be promoted as the most technologically advanced in the market, and the use of networked enterprise environment will be vital to achieving this image.

Latoya washington marketing department assignment

I am not sure that I would fight the position once the policy was in place, as I do not really think it is that huge of a deal. I would not approach him as he was inadequate and did not know what he was doing, but try to reason with him and give him β†’

Analyzing emma in emma by jane austen assignment

She is in love with the idea of love and is, most times, quite blind to the attentions of the opposite sex. When Emma does fall in love, for her, it is a lot like friendship.

Drug dependence is a condition

This promotes the sale and use of these illicit substances underground, which has lead to an entire economy, which is based of the illegal sale of drugs. Depending on the type of drug and the form in which it is administered can cause a wide range of variation of symptoms.

Spanish conquest over aztecs

For this reason Cortes wrote to the King claiming that Aztecs were hypocrites and that the ruling authority of the empire was brutal to its people. In 1521, Cortes and his troops gathered with Tlaxcalans and planned to deny the Aztecs food and water thereby resulting to starvation that led to death of many people.

The big oil representatives

Even though the decision is hard to make, only one thing is left to do and that is to consider the priorities and future of the company more than the future of one individual despite the individual being a senior member. Explain that losing the deal will be a loss even to her and people β†’

Anatomy of the blood and blood pressure

This tension between the pressure of blood flow and the resistance of the arteries determines the blood pressure. Blood flow is critical since the blood is important in the distribution of oxygen as well as nutrients to the whole body, however, the key to a healthy living is moderation.2.


In eliminating the inherent risks that may imbalance the distributions, Warren and Tyagi, 2006, deliberates the distributions as a function of a balanced money formula. Warren and Tyagi, 2006 highlight the relevance of the golden rule of financial responsibility in the management of individual's finances.

Douglas vs stowe essay

As the character, whose name is Proximo of the movie film, " Gladiator," says to Maximus; " Win the crowd and you will win your freedom," Douglas must strive to do the same to his primary audiences in the North. Douglass's intention to exploit what is behind the curtains of slavery is fueled by the β†’

To determine the concentration of a limewater solution

List of equipment:* Burette: To titrate the hydrochloric acid into the limewater.* Clamp stand with clamp: To hold the burette securely upright while titration takes place.* 25ml pipette: To measure out the hydrochloric acid for dilution.* White tile: To place under the limewater solution while titrating to see clearly the colour change.* 250ml volumetric flask: β†’

It is only in the rarest circumstances that a court will deem

He stated that; ".in contracts in which performance depends on the continued existence of a given person or thing, a condition is implied that the impossibility of performance arising from the perishing of the person or thing, will excuse the performance...hat excuse is by law implied, because from the nature of the contract it is β†’

To kill a mocking birdpsychology flashcard

She and Jem find gifts left for them in a knothole of a tree on the Radley property. Dill returns the next summer, and he, Scout, and Jem begin to act out the story of Boo Radley.

Cm j41 strategy execution

0 Evaluation of Carlos Ghosn's approach to turning Nissan around: The overall evaluation of CG is full of success which, I think, is duo to his personal background, his philosophies of management and a little bit of luck. When everyone was ready CG created a vision that was tangible, concise, and easy to relate to β†’

Soren kierkegaard: mega mind of the 19th century

Of course a writer's work is an important part of h/er existence, but for the purpose of judgment we should focus on the whole life not just on one part Kierkegaard influenced others as well with his works that were published and unpublished throughout his lifetime. Corbett, 1985) Kierkegaard contributed to this movement with his β†’

Lgbt issues

Your family are the ones who love you and are always suppose to be there for you and when they are not there for you when you really need them at a time like that. At first I was not so pleased that we would be talking about it, but Paula's story caught my interest β†’

Case study: overview

However, taking in to consideration the seniority that these ladies had at the jobI believethat it was kind of harsh for the town's council to refuse to reinstate them for employment and for two of them not to be able to apply for any other job in the town. However, I believe that if you β†’

Distance still matters

For example In some Muslim Countries they abide by the Shari law and in the u. For example in the U.S.

Talk shows

The need to educate and inform the audience is the voiced rationale for getting the so-called guests to give ever more titillating details of their misdeeds, or of the misdeeds done to them byfamilyor friends. The underlying assumption that most social pathology is the result of a medical problem beyond the control of the so-called β†’

Nutrition and fitness habits assignment

This paper will discuss fitness and nutrition habits, and suggest new habits that will benefit your health and promote healthy weight.a) Explain your current fitness and nutritional habits. The 3 new fitness habits I can incorporate are; attending a cycling class at 24 hour fitness, going to the on sight weight room at my job β†’

Prostate cancer early detection strategies health essay

Numerous large, early detection programs have clearly documented the synergy of DRE and PSA testing in increasing the sensitivity for the detection of prostate cancer over the use of either test alone. In fact, it has been argued that in the era of PSA screening, serum PSA is much more highly correlated with prostate volume β†’

Greek mythology essay

She was the daughter of Zeus, the king of gods and Dione, and early mother goddess. They caused the sea to foam and out of that white foam rose Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty.

Back to the future? sustainability and futurism in the communist manifesto

At a certain stage in the development of these means of production and of exchange, the conditions under which feudal society produced and exchanged, the feudal organization of agriculture and manufacturing industry, in one word, the feudal relations of property became no longer compatible with the already developed productive forces; they became so many fetters. β†’

Comparison of dependency theory with modernization theory politics essay

In spite of existing similarities between Modernization theory and Dependency theory, differences between them are much more substantial and it is even possible to estimate that these theories are antagonistic in their views on the development of the world and international relationships, especially on the relationship between developed and developing countries. In stark contrast to β†’

Concept of civil military relations

Since the introduction of liberal institutions, Western economic policy in the peripheral countries, the stability of the latter was upset traditional sociopolitical structure appeared the military is the only group that the enforcement and protection of political stability and order. Despite some weaknesses arising from the attempt by political scientists to create a global theory β†’

Comparing lamb to the slaughter and the speckled band

In Lamb to the Slaughter, the wife Mrs Maloney hits her husband over the head with a leg of lamb because he's leaving her for another woman. In Lamb to the Slaughter, the wife, Mary Maloney, is the typical perfect wife but in the Speckled Band, the stepdad, Dr Grimesby Roylott, is a typical villain β†’

Intraspecific brassica rapa

The goal of this experiment is to determine whether high and low density environments cause intraspecific competition to affect Brassica rapa ability to survive. The alternative hypothesis was that there is a significant difference in the low and high density of planted Brassica rapa.

Induced coma

In the case permanent incapacitation, the proxy will go on and make the health care decisions as long as the patient is alive, or until the proxy is capable of carrying our the responsibility. In such states, the aim is to put a final end to the pain of patient's suffering fromm terminal illnesses.

Character analysis

These parts of the story shows how Rainsford feels about Zaroff and how he disagrees with his views. After General Zaroff returns to his room, Rainsford waited for him from behind the curtains.

The definition of social anxiety

Social anxiety disorder is defined as " an anxiety disorder in which a person has an excessive and unreasonable fear of social situations". Social anxiety is not shyness at all." A shy person may have social anxiety disorder, and they may not.

How to make history education in school more fascinating and effective

According to Katie Lambert, the host of " stuff you missed in history class", most history textbooks, filled with dates and facts, also contributes to the horrific experience. The books and stories present the history as an interesting story rather than a list of facts to be memorized.

Facebook can be useful acedemic tool assignment

Student also can read the note the day before class if notes is upload to Backbone. In between, Backbone is allow to upload photo, which can make student more understanding.

The federalist papers essay

They addressed the apprehension of the people about the government that would be established by the Constitution by outlining and elaborating the processes that would uphold the people's rights. Calhoun in the Disquisition deliberately rejects some of the propositions made by Publius in The Federalist Papers including the idea of an extended and complex republic, β†’

Politics and social change in the 1960s essay sample

Kennedy was inexperienced compared to Nixon o Rich, powerful family, movie-star charisma, Harvard education o Did not distinguish himself in House or Senate o Political rise was attributed to public relations campaign, not accomplishments Kennedy had Addison's disease, but ailments were masked from public Kennedy travelled, gave speeches, accepted Democratic nomination in 1960 o Established β†’


J & O'Toole, L.J. New York: Thomson Learning.


Personally, I find a cell phone to be a necessity because with it I can make a call whenever I have to talk to someone, and that too wherever I am. With the new technology present and the progress in cell phone providers' service, email can be checked and sent via a cell phone too, β†’

Discussion 6.1

Discussion 6 of the Psychology of the Teacher February 5, Discussion 6 The Indian Psychology places all the aspects of human consciousness subservient to an immutable, unborn, immortal, eternal element that is called the atman. The Core and Context of Indian Psychology.

Catcher in the rye

When he gets to Ney York, he wants to call someone to talk with, but he cannot think of anyone he can. I know it is alright, he will give it back to me.

Lap – lab report example

Experiment #2: The Size of the Moon Viewing location and other present if any ment of Purpose: The purpose of the experiment is the measurement of the angular size of the moon. The angular size of the moon refers to the number of arc degrees the width of the moon occupies in the sky.

Germanys inner border

One half of the city continued with western capitalist shops and businesses, while the other half developed under the more repressive communist regime. The purpose of this wall was to keep East Germans inside the communist area and to prevent them from escaping to the wealthier and freer society in the West.

Business time travel

Business Time Travel: Age of Industrial Entrepreneurs Introduction The Industrial age as one of the business eras was characterized by a lot of innovation in the film industry, electric equipment and phonograph and recording. Having lived at a time when mass production and communication technology was not as advanced as it is today as noted β†’

Why i want to study at santa clara university

I was perplexed when I realized that the university ranked among the topmost business schools in the state of California. By donating my time as a team member in the basketball team of Santa Clara University, I will add value and be a source of motivation to the team.

Other topic

Qualitative research According to Leedy in chapter six, qualitative research comprises of approaches that are different from one any other, but all qualitative advances have two things in common the first one being that they focus on phenomena that occur in natural settings which is the real world. I came to understand that during the β†’

Interpretation paper

It is not like Paul does not appreciate the role of the judges, but rather, he confronts the weakness within the church, to the extent to which non among them would be able to stand for the rest to provide counsel. The answer is that no one should go to court.

Organizational structure: zappos

This style of management and organizational structure has put Google on the list of one of the best places to work. One of the core values is to create fun and a little weirdness.

A meaningful place to you

It was a meaningful place because I am the one who organized our trip to that place and it was really a success. It was my very first time to see fireworks in the United States and I felt really happy.

Does the government do enough to punish cyber-attacks & criminals?

This paper explores the effectiveness of measures taken by the UK government in regard to the punishment of cyber-crime, aiming to show whether the current initiatives for the UK government for punishing the cyber-crime are sufficient or not. 0 The punishment of cyber-attacks and criminals government initiatives and effects In the UK, the first law β†’

Religion in “with mercy for the greedy”

Sexton tries to believe in religion to have a sense of believing in something, mostly because of her friend " Ruth", who urges her to go to a Catholic confessional. Sexton realizes that " Need is not quite belief" when she tries to accept the cross given to her but cannot connect to the true β†’

Effects of creatine on resistance training literature review sample

In an experiment to find out the effects of CrS in press and bench squats, it was found that the use of creatine supplement increased the repetition during bench press and jump squats. However, the various studies that have been done fail to show the exact amount of creatine accumulation in muscle with creatine supplementation β†’

The characteristics of good efficient leader politics essay

A good leader knows when to lead and when to follow.a leader when chosen the peoples who chose is expecting that the person the have is can accomplish the tasks and duties as stated on him or her being a leader is not only served for a man to manage and handle whoever women can β†’

Challenges and prospects: bangladeshi foreign policy

The traditional way of dealing with the security, appears to have become inadequate for the task of formulating a policy that would be capable of effectively tackling the prospects and challenges of the dynamic and technology-dominated milieu. And it is the poor countries who faces the challenges of globalization more as, " globalisation is not β†’

Kelloggs communication and strategy marketing essay

The level and the effectiveness of the customer service provided will have a direct impact on the company's market share, costs and profitability. The main objective of advertising is to persuade customers about the brand or product merits, encourage buying and as a reminder to encourage repurchasing.

Sensory systems in animals

It is of utmost importance for sensory structures to be located all over the body due to the fact that the animal is radially symmetrical and can detect stimuli from all direction, including the detection of predators. The Pulmonate gastropod, belonging to the class Gastropoda is seen to further develop its sensory in the anterior β†’

Migraine headaches: causes, symptoms and treatments

A migraine headache is a type of vascular headache.it is caused by Vassodillation. Most migraine attacks are correlated with headaches.sometime the pain is usually in the forehead, near the eye, or at the back side of head Pain is usually on one side of head and sometime it is on the both sides of head β†’

People are not always what they appear to be

A second example to show that people are not who they appear to be is how they decide to dress; whether it be poorly or promiscuously. A third example to prove how people are not always what they appear to be is first impressions.

Market size response the urban population economics essay

Market growing rate is the growing rate of the market gross revenues or gross revenues of merchandises or services in the comparative period. Therefore the buying power will be better in the auto industry market in the hereafter.

Philippine financial system

Student, at the end of the semester are expected to: first, better understanding basic economic principles and processes i.e.resources, market, money, etc; second, appreciate the importance of taxation as means of supporting the government in sustaining its programs and projects as opposed to common notion on taxation as a burden and; lastly, realize the necessity β†’

Inequality in public education

The role of education is mostly understood to be important in our society for the purpose of enhancement of individual life as well as advancement of the nation. It has been proven that most of the charter schools do excel and this is increasing the demand for the applicants who wants to join the schools.

Re engineering mosquitoes

The main aim of the intended project is to reduce the population of the mosquitoes in a ways that would be safe for both, the people and the environment. But if the male mosquito carries a gene which causes the death of the offspring, that means that the chances of the female's mosquitoes to lay β†’

Painted veil and racial issues

The first examples of European dominance and subtle forms of racism which Tyson in his book determines as material determinism we see from the first pages. It is another example of eurocentrism that exemplifies the dominance of European race and its right to take advantage of others.

Who his monster anything, it is curious and

Frankenstein abandoned his creation twice because he did not want the people of the town to know that it was him that created such a terrible being. He never wanted to face his own creation and realize that he was the problem, not his creation.


In the course of the presentation, it is our intention to highlight topical information, investigation data and summary conclusions that are essential for conceptualizing the internal and external dynamics of The Home Depot Co. Home Depot Co.and Lowe's Inc.comprise just 16% of the global home improvement market.

A sociology study of male self image

The stated aims of this research were to:* Investigate attitudes to masculinity from a representative sample of males in the local population* Compare these views with those of a group of his peers and fellow sixth formers at christleton high school* Examine how his findings can be explained, evaluated and understood in the light of β†’