A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Separating out plain pins – fluid power – lab report example

The group of pins was separated into two varying groups based on the pin size. The first groups were selected from the first forward stroke while the second group was selected from the backstroke of the double acting cylinder.

British media

Language and layout of the quality paper are precise whereas popular paper gives news in fancy layout and less authentic language. The diversity of news broadcasting also has increased with the incoming of social media.

To a daughter leaving home analysis

The audience is the daughter; the girl is being talked to about the feelings her father felt as she grew up, learned her lessons, and left home. The function of this overstatement is to show that the girl has learned the lesson and is excelling in her way.

Romeo + juliet film critique essay

The Luhrmann version of Romeo and Juliet starts off zooming into a tv very slowly, which has a news anchor narrating the famous prologue of Shakespeare's world renowned tragedy, Romeo and Juliet. Although the two do get naked in the film, it is not nearly as bad as Zeffirelli's version of the original back in →

Ehr vs. emr essay

Electronic Medical Record: This application supports the patient electronic medical record across inpatient and outpatient settings and is used by healthcare practitioners to document, monitor, and manage health care. Electronic Health Records: This system is beneficial to the health care industry as it keep the patient records in a computer allowing electronic access to other →

Tramlink has improved the quality of life essay

Hypothesis:' Tramlink has improved the quality of life for most groups of people in the local area.' The idea of bringing trams back to Croydon for the first time since 1951 can be looked to a study which was undertaken by London transport and British rail, and published in 1986, covering the whole of the →

Thuy linh – college essay

Do ch? la m? t k? ngh, nhung no da thay d? i cu? c s? ng c? a toi Ngay l? co th? du? c t? t cho s? c kh? e c? a b? n. Cac k? ngh? tuy? t v? i, va khi Victoria tr? v? nha, co th? y r? t →

My top three learning styles

The first advantage of spatial displays n communication is that they can reveal information that is difficult and cumbersome to communicate in other ways. Specifically, the intelligence attributes of logic and spatial reasoning are particularly effective at developing leadership communication skills.

History exam review guide

The majority of the subjects for the chronologies will come from the lectures; a few will come from the list of readings terms above. Use the lectures, the essay on Madison and Henry, and the textbook to write a complete answer.2.

Reaction and price adjustment economics essay

I then calculated the return on the share versus the market to find the abnormal return. In each example there is a link to the news announcement and also a paragraph on the market reaction and speed of price adjustment.http://www.independent.ie/business/irish/prudential-is-hit-for-30m-by-regulator-after-failed-takeover-29159865.htmlInformation available from their website The market reacted correctly to the announcement.

Sharekhan compnay analysis

The cost for a lifetime account is Rs. The cost for a lifetime account is Rs.

Analysing different theories of competition economics essay

Lastly, it will focus on the significance of the both criticism of the standard neoclassical view of competition. In short, under neoclassical theory, Tsaliki and Tsoulfidis stated that the intensity of competition generally depends on the number of sellers and buyers on the market structure of an industry.

Sony company limited

The significance of trade in the country suggests the richness of its other related fields such as the electronics industry. In Malaysia, the competition in electronics industry is considered as one of the most vigorous and tough.

How current theories of play can inform practice

Piaget felt that learning was an ongoing process and children would adapt their original ideas if a new piece of information seemed to contradict their conclusions. Piaget used specific vocabulary to describe the process of children learning in this way: The child constructs a theory.

Functions of management 9195

Planning is setting the objectives for the company and deciding how to reach and achieve the goals set. Here we get a basic idea of what the four functions of managements are and how top-level mangers apply them to their job.

In bomb, lightweight nuclei are forced to

Nuclear weapons cost the citizensof the United States billions of dollars in taxes each year, the testing andmaintenance of these weapons pose serious health risks, and the actual need forthese weapons is not and has not been around for years. The United States spends at leastthirty-three billion dollars a year on nuclear weapons and their →

A a telephone, a television, a tractor,

A number of sociologists have classified the content of culture into large components mate rial culture' and ' non-material culture'. But the concept of non-material culture is more ambigu ous and less clear.

A case study about bharat forge and suzlon

Tanta recognized the importance of wind energy by his own experience as an owner of a textile industry and this lead to the inception of Solon and its foray into wind energy business. He also knew that to meet the international demand and to get the international client orders, it was necessary to modernize the →

Pride and prejudice: socialization assignment

She interacted with individuals that pertained to both the lower class and the higher class, however, she was not thought of to reside in either one. She aspires to the higher levels of aristocracy through marriage to Dared and looks down upon the lower social class.

Criminal justice organizational trends paper assignment

The writer will talk about the use of appropriation and implementation of the criminal Justice organizations as well as different behavior theories and the effect of societal and organizational diversity and the use of the criminal Justice motivational theories matrix in this paper. As Ryan Grim said in the Huffing Post in reference to the →

Palani hill biodiversity assignment

In the highest portions of the Hill, above 2, 000 m, the forests give way to evergreen shoal grassland mosaic, made of frost-tolerant Montana grasslands interspersed with pockets of stunted shoal forests in the valley- unique feature of the Western Ghats's CEO system. The shoals and grasslands safeguard the watershed of the Amaranth and Vagina →

S on scarlet letter essay

Example: " It was so artistically done, and with so much fertility and gorgeous luxuriance of fancy, that It had all the effect of a last and fitting decoration to the apparel which she wore, and which was of a splendor in accordance with the taste of he age, but greatly beyond what was allowed →

Dead poet society

Dead Poet Society Analysis of Neil's Character in Light of the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory Maslow's hierarchy of needs is one of the most popular theories of psychology which established relation between an individual's motivation and satisfaction of needs. Maslow identified five fundamental needs of human beings and placed them in a hierarchical order →

Appeal for reconsideration to join graduate certificate in public health

I have a lot of experience in this field as I have volunteered in hospitals for over three years and have worked in both administrative and scientific posts. I am willing to take a GRE test, and /or sign up for extra courses in order to be admitted into this program.

Billiard games – the main varieties

The players which are participating in these will generally shoot the cue ball in a manner that it is targeted to make a contact with the cue ball of the opponent and at the same time it is also targeted to make a contact with the object ball. The prime objective of the player in →

The expectancy theory of motivation

The expectancy theory ofmotivationstates the relation between employee motivations and how satisfactory a reward is, the expectancy of achieving the target and the probability that a satisfactory performance would lead to positive results. The three elements mentioned in the theory are: Expectancy: it is the conviction a person hold about being able to achieve the →

War is unpredictable

Instantly, Owen's title of the poem contradicts the reader's belief in the common war values where he pairs the terms " Anthem" and " Doomed Youth" juxtaposing with a gloomy and depressing description of the youth in war. Thus, Owen through his poem " Anthem" dishonours the common concepts of glory and triumph, and replaces →

Food prevents us from some serious illnesses and disorders health essay

Two species of different sort will be instigated to determine the amounts of iodine present.[3]Most common products on the market are salts named " PaSka sol" that is produced on the island of Pag in Croatia, by evaporation of sea water and the other one " Tuzlanska sol" made in Bosnia and Herzegovina which is →

An idol of rosa parks

Rosa did what was necessary to achieve a segregation free community because sometimes unjust laws need to be broken in order to be addressed and a majority of people are too fearful to put their voices in the public and will not stand up. Although it was against the norm and culture to refuse to →

Johnny got his gun: fishing with father

In one of those esteemed and probably best-known novels, Johnny Got His Gun, Dalton Trumbo uses a third-person point of view and stream of consciousness-like syntax to characterize the exceptionally complex and changing relationship between the young man and his father. The passage about the main characters fishing trip with his father is an example →

A woven conspiracy

But while in this section she is comparing the layout of circuits to the layout of a neighborhood, by the end of the novel this comparison shifts, and the imagery of complex technology comes to be applied to a conspiracy centering around the postal system, an ancient and seemingly mundane form of technology whose functioning →

Free biodiversity and conservation essay example

Derived from the words bios meaning life and diversity meaning variety, the term biodiversity refers to the variety of living organisms in the world, their diversity and a wide range of ecosystems in a specific area. It is equally important to incorporate biodiversity conservation in the strategies of distinct policies and practices.

The history of gender equality education essay

Focused specially on the racism in the US, the author argued that African Americans often are trapped in a " cycle of poverty" that may eventually lead to the development of unwanted stereotypes and bias. Most of the parents, who live under the poverty line, are uneducated themselves and they may not be able to →

Effects of macroeconomic policies upon a single organization

Understanding the Tree by Knowing the Forest The analogy of the forest and the trees is particularly apt in illustrating the difference between macro- and micro-economic areas of concern. In an organization such as a YMCA unit, this had the potential of having serious consequences as there are a number of operating parameters different from →

An overview of victim support criminology essay

In contrast, restorative justice tries to tackle the needs of the not only the victim, but also the offender, family members, the community, and others affected by the offence. Restorative justice has many advantages and claims to satisfy the purposes of sentencing hence its weaknesses.

Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria characteristics

The cell surface structure of Streptococcus pneumonia is composed of a capsule made of polysaccharide forms envelops around the pneumococcal cells, and they are the determinants of virulence in the cell. Streptococcus pneumonia causes a several number of diseases such as, Pneumonia, meningitis and sepsis, which makes it the No.

Week four individual case scenario

In the situation, the sides reached a deal just 3 days ahead of the conclusion of a 90-day time frame set in the initial negotiation deal. BTT would not be in a position to avoid this agreement under the doctrine of error.

Hrm as a strategic partner

HRM is the key to ensure the existence of the organization in this challenging business world. The word Personnel Management is popular with different names such as Labor management, Staff management, and Industrial management and in modern times s Human Resources Management Personnel management was focused on employment contracts, disciplinary issues and compensation.

Internet’s affect on adolescents: a literature review

This proves the importance of researching how this extensive time on the Internet affects adolescents, who are its major consumers and are in a developmental stage of life." Adolescents on the Net: Internet Use and Well-Being" Kaveri Subrahmanyam and Gloria Lin This study was carried out to gain an understanding of the relationship between the →

Why we don’t like school

And whether or not you care about what others think is up to you, but I can tell you that most teenagers do care. But parents and people wonder why we do not like to go.

Mass media assignment

Objectives of the study To determine the knowledge of married women that are yet to complete their family size on birth preparedness. Assumptions The study assumes that: Birth preparedness and complication promotes the health of the women Birth preparedness and complication readiness gains the knowledge women.

Renewable and non-renewable energy assignment

These are because the style of the hybrid are is always up to date. 2 The disadvantages of Hybrid cars However, we also have to consider the disadvantages of the hybrid cars.

Feature writing and journalism

She has already talked to her supervisor at the IT firm who has assured her that once she gets the management degree, she would be considered. She is proud of her work as cleaner and strongly believes that any work done honestly is to be proud of.


Job experiences can help the managers understand the demands and challenges that might be faced for every job position; the awareness of such aspects directs the individual towards effective management. The assignment of the individual at different positions will facilitate the acquisition of experience for different tasks and will make the individual value the relevance →


Campinha-Bocote posits that cultural knowledge is the process of learning the cultural views, languages and other components that differ from one's own to be able to embrace them and for cultural competence. Cultural Encounter Campinha-Bacote defines cultural encounter as the process that encourages nurses to interact with other nurses from cultural background different from their →

Effective food safety approaches, worker behaviors promoting or compromising food safety, prevention of mosquito bites that transmit west nile virus

The quality of the food would include the overall safety of the food that will be consumed by the customers. As the head of the citizen task force, I believe it is an obligation of the restaurant employees, and the entire food industry as well, to provide the best quality of that can be served →

Probability games

The theoretical method is when one does not have to do the experiment, the probability is determined through computations. Through the games that one played, one learned that in determining probabilities, it is important that one knows what the likely outcomes of the experiment are.

Budget planning and putting learning into practice

Therefore, decision-makers and reviewers of financial statements use these budgets as standards or benchmarks to determine if there are significant changes in some of the factors that are incorporated in making these financial data. Applying what one learned from the theories and concepts of managerial accounting would assist in making one more productive in the →

Local responses to the english reformation essay

In 1530, he declared himself as the ' supreme head of the Church in England.' The parliament approved of Henry's act since it would increase the coffers of the kingdom and temporarily relieve the former's tax burdens. Catholics who refused to acknowledge the king as the head of the Church of England were executed.

Case studies in the oil and gas industry

At the time of the disaster the platform accounted for approximately ten percent of North Sea oil and gas production, and was the worst offshore oil disaster in terms of lives lost and industry impact. The rig, located approximately 320 km east from Dundee, Scotland, was owned by the Stavanger Drilling Company of Norway and →

Causes of sleep deprivation

Causes Of Sleep Deprivation Sleep is very important in our daily lives and we need about eight hours of sleep every night. When you have lack of sleep it is difficult to get up in the mornings, you feel sleepy throughout the day, and you are just not feeling your best.

Managing diversity at cityside financial services

In the two decades since it was acquired, Cityside succeeded in reaching its diversity goal in terms of the ethnic/gender makeup of the organization. The problems at Cityside are caused by the limitations of its approach to managing diversity.

The leeuwin current

It was alleged that there was a warm current flowing towards the south off Western Australia instead of the anticipated cool current that was going towards the north in the bounds of southern Africa and South America. The presence of Australian salmon in South Australia was also related to the Leeuwin Current.

Power of a woman (the colour purple)

Cellie accepted the stereotypes that were presented to her and she was obligated to think that the way she was treated was acceptable " When a women marry she spose to keep a decent house andfamily" p47. He ordered her to take care of all the housework- because she is a female and he insisted →

Kaoru ishikawa total quality management principles

Touted as the " Father of Quality Circles and as a founder of the Japanese quality movement", hisphilosophyon quality control is critical to understand TQM in general. The second core idea of Ishikawa's philosophy is that there is active participation in the quality program amongst the employees.

The yellow wall paper – reader response

As a way of getting a lot of air, John allotted themselves the nursety at the top of the house where there would be a rather obstruction free flow of air.one of the major things that this woman observed and disliked was the yellow wall paper that covered the walls of the room. Something else →

Therapeutic relationship

Trustworthiness is also assumed to be a natural human quality, the gradual development of it can provide an opportunity for trust?" building through the provision of mutual respect and a none judgmental atmosphere, the establishment of emotional boundaries, the maintenance of confidentiality and a overall person centred approach over time will establish a strong relationship →

Identify and assess learners needs

The purpose of this is to make sure they are on the appropriate course and level to match their job role and responsibilities. Every candidate comes to the course with a variety of knowledge, skills and experiences.

Ratio and proportion important formulas concepts health essay

If a number, say Z, is divided into three parts, whose ratio is a: b: c, then: First part = Second part = Third part = Illustration 1: The ratio of number of ladies to gents in a party was 1: 2, but when 2 ladies and 2 gents left, the ratio became 1: 3. →

The worlds most famous luxury department marketing essay

Organizations such as the sale and the sale of the Article describes the function that is directly connected to customers and trade show equipment, and their 2 / Under the terms needed to understand the plunger are included. Responsible for oversight of the studio to share some of the responsibilities of the head and then →

World war 1 introduction history essay

World War 1 started in Europe in the year 1914 and went though 4 years and ended in the year 1918. Australia joined in the war to help Brittan because Brittan was allies with Australia and they were very close Australia considered them their " mother country".

Hospitality management: a literature review

Whether it is a small- or large-sized restaurant, there is a great diversity in the types of activities performed by a food and beverage department, requiring significant variety of skills on the part of its workers. The growth is proven by the rapid expansion of food outlets in key areas in Metro Manila and the →

Blood diamond – an analysis

This has resulted in diamond war and fueled rivalry between various armed groups to take control of the diamond economy mainly to utilize the diamond proceeds for the purchase of weapons and food. Having realized the seriousness of the problem and to introduce a sea change in the method by which diamonds are sold, the →

Intro to computers: chapters 3 and 4

Computer NetworkCollection of computers and other hardware devices that are connected; so that users can share hardware, software, and dataWired vs Wireless-Wired; computers and other devices on the network are physically connected via cabling -Wireless; used to send data through the air between devices Hardware vs Software-Hardware; the collection of physical elements that constitutes a →

Consumer and industrial markets

Organizations which sell to consumer and industrial markets have recognized that their products cannot appeal to all the potential consumers in the market and in case of the products being appreciated by the consumers; it is not in the same magnitude. As Maprick product was destined to satisfy the fashion-oriented women in the economy, the →

Carla order, a realization that helps her

However, when she enters America she is a small fish in a big pond and gets a taste of what it is like to live as the underprivileged half, the half that tended to her needs in the old country, the half that she is now a member of. When She enters America she learns →

War war is usually placed on the

There is increased military expenditure hence hampering the economic growth as most of the country's money is channeled towards the purchase of weaponry and improving the defense. The post war period is characterized by the recognition of allies and those who were aligned during the war.

Life assignment

Due Date: You will choose a time period from the 1 ass's to the SASS: Research what was going socially, politically, economically during that time period You are then going to write a paper analyzing the time period and whatever topic you have chosen trying to express the connection between time, place and societal happenings →

Tourism sector in the maldives essay sample

Tourism sector attracts foreign investment in Maldives The industry now is very much regulated by the government of the Maldives. Bidding of the islands are regulated under Maldives Tourism Act 1999.

Libra constellation essay sample

6 and the secondary is a yellow star of magnitude 5.8. 4, and the tertiary is a star of magnitude 8.

Divorce mediation

The subject of property settlement can be done in 1 to 2 sessions and child custody during the last session or vice-versa. One of the ways to defuse tension and hostility during family mediation is through the technique of framing and reframing the statements of parties.

Overcoming e-learning barriers

It has therefore been recommended that e-learning barriers can be eliminated if policymakers and educators consider the socio-economic backgrounds of specific learners when such technology programs are designed to aid e-learning. That is, we have rapidly evolving technologies and such changes need to be reflected in the curriculum.

Novels and god

The concept of God is one of the most pinnacle elements that are discussed in novels. In the novel, Lovely Bones, in which Susie is brutally raped and murdered- Susie's killer would often sit and stare at bracelet.

Piri thomas’ “alien house” essay

In the beginning of the narrative.all Rocky saw was a Puerto Rican occupying his Italian vicinity. Rocky besides recognized the fact that Piri needed his compassion and attention in that blink of an eye.and that was precisely what he was traveling to make.

Building an ethical organization narrative

The mission statement supports the ethical system because it calls for diversity which is a big part of the clients that come to the agency and the staff. All three are necessary for the good of the organization, the focus and the goal to be effective.

Gaap verses other bases essay

62, special Reports, as comprising of a statutory basis of accounting, income -tax-basis financial statements, cash-basis and the modified-cash-basis financial statements as well as financial statements that are prepared using definitive criteria that has substantial support in the accounting literature which the preparer applies to all the material items that appear in the statements, for →

Life as a single child and life with siblings

After we share our experience of being a single child or child with siblings, we had made up some points to compare the differences of life as a single child and life with siblings. Single child is the only one and favorite child in their family but child with siblings are not.

Current economic policy proposal under debate in japan

In order to raise the profitability and decrease the losses on the economy it was estimated that there will be 40% loss on salaries. The economy of Japan is in turmoil because of policy changes.

Aids in india

The reason of course is the disparity in the context of economic conditions. Detailed below are the failed attempts of the government as well as the unfruitful intervention of NGOs and private foundations in the drive against the spread of HIV/AIDS in India.

Political theory and the great gatsby

I would suggest a revision to Posnock's analysis of The Great Gatsby, reidentifying the material world Posnock places as " Gatsby's" as that of the Buchanans, with Gatsby an implicit imposter. In analyzing the material acquisitions of Gatsby, Posnock seems to demonstrate how Gatsby attempts to create himself, to make his world real, through the →

Eras of policing

The third era of law enforcement is the community era. This era is characterized by the authority coming from the support of the community, law, and professionalism.

Community ministries orphans and vulnerable children social work essay

This is a framework for working with children affected by HIV/AIDS, augmented by an understanding of the needs of the orphans, their guardians, and the communities in which they live. The CRC guarantees the rights of children to: protection provision, andparticipation The above mentioned are in turn defined within the four principles of the CRC: →

Why did the athenians convict and execute socrates?

The evidence suggests that Socrates was sentenced execution for his arrogant behavior, for corrupting the youth of the city with his teachings of new ideas and attempts to implement those new ideas in Athens, and relatedly, his involvement in The Thirty Tyrants. The evidence suggests that one of the reasons that the Athenians executed Socrates →

Evaluation of three attachment style theories

The success of the caregiver's attachment bond to know and the baby's physical and emotional needs, depending on response skills. Bowlby's attachment theory Facilities Monotropy kids usually only form a solid attachment to the mother during the early years of life to the attachment forms.

The importance of counting in early number development

Counting is the action of finding the number of elements of a finite set of objects by continually increasing a counter by a unit for every element in the set, in some order. In mathematics, there is the term " number sense", a relatively new construct that refers to a well organized conceptual framework of →

Process of cross domain mapping psychology essay

In particular, you should address the difference between linguistic metaphors and conceptual metaphors; the relationship between primary metaphors and compound metaphors; and the relationship between conceptual metaphors and the embodied experiences Metaphor ' is the phenomenon whereby we talk and think about one thing in terms of another, as when a difficult enterprise is described →

Strategic analysis of marks and spencer

In today's tough competition M&S is trying to put more and more value of money in their products. M&S can go for the franchisee to increase their number of customers and it will help them to increase the share of in market.

Prevention better than cure

When Omar grew older, he learnt to clench his jaws and protest, and all his dentist could see was the front of his teeth. With that, the doctor worked quickly, not giving Omar a chance to protest.

Development of egyptian pyramids from sumerian ziggurats essay

This is despite the fact that the eventual architectural building of pyramids in Egypt took topographic point in slow transitional stairss during the 3rd passage to a alone Egyptian character and permanence in the 4th dynasty although the " idea was brought to Egypt by the Mesopotamians". The original thought came from the constructions of →

On-site childcare facility


What is the evidence that aggression and violence are biologically determined

It is suggested that responses to stimulations are individual and environmental and the causality of brain stimulation and aggressiveness is open to various interpretations. Similarly, the AD is suggested to play a critical role in emotional behaviour, and particularly with the mediation of aggression, as are the PAG, HT, and FL.

Technology as a facilitator in the english

Today, various tools and applications of technology can be used in multiple says In the FEEL classroom regardless of the students' level or the subject taught. Also, technology in the FEEL classroom offers students a range of information, motivation to learn and an enhanced quality of class work.

Functionalism the recent years the concept of

Functionalism refers " to the study of social phenomena from the point of view of the functions that particular institutions or social structures, such as class, serve in a society". For example, the institution of religion in society has to be understood by means of its relationship with other institutions such as morality, family, state, →

The of the diary, so that we may

It is also good to restrain our inclination to write at great length at the commencement of the diary, so that we may be less likely to take a distaste to the work, and may be the better able to keep our resolution of making regular entries every day. In such a strait as this, →