A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Conceptual framework showing the variables essay sample

2STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The study aimed to find out the relationship between dining experience and students satisfaction in fast food chains in Digos City. 4SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The success of the research is to find out the dining experience and students' satisfaction of every customer and the output of this study is intended β†’

Beloved analysis essay sample

With the corporeal manifestation of Beloved's ghost, Morrison is able to intertwine the present happenings of Sethe, Denver and Paul D, with past events, and by doing so, Beloved becomes a catalyst in their changes and transitions. Later however, Denver transcends from a timid, awkward girl, losing her Self in Beloved, to a self reliant β†’

Definition of terrorism in contemporary society

Strategies that destinations can adopt to eliminate terrorist attacks The major strategy is to create awareness among the public and the tourists of terror attacks and encourage the spirit of cautiousness and personal initiative in the reduction of terrorism. It is also pertinent to involve the media and ensure that terror attacks are properly covered β†’

Question about relationship

Therefore, this aspect can be used to illustrate the reason why society has the perception that men are more likely to cheat than women. Another study that has been carried out to assess the reason why men are more likely to cheat than women involves the analysis of their perception and values in a relationship.

Business law

Mediation: In mediation, unlike the case with negotiation, a neutral person is a characteristic feature and is involved in facilitation of communication between the parties while at the same time offering suggestions to possible ways of solving the dispute at hand. However, it is also noted that the choice of an arbitrator is a process β†’

Chapter questions

Some of the direct and indirect causes of under nutrition Direct causes of under nutrition are shortage of food that leads to intake of insufficient amount of nutrients and energy from consumed quantity of food and consumption of food of poor quality that has insufficient levels of nutrients and energy. Links between nutrition and health β†’

Singapore – the way to a global city

PREFACE Anyone who had a chance to witness a Singapore of the 1950s-the British's colonial port and a prosperous Singapore nowadays has to admire the rise of Singaporean as well as the wise leadership of the government. With the advent of the steamship in the mid-1 860s and the opening of the Suez Canal in β†’

To the nazis establish a totalitarian essay

Monopoly Mass CommunicationsOne of the most essential tools of the Nazis to control the German nation and especially to promote the regime's views was the monopolization of the mass communication. History was one of the main and very important subject learned in schools and had the main goal to educate the young people to respect β†’

Power in business essay

Power in a business situation can be described as having " the ability to influence people toward organisational objectives." There are many different forms of power that an individual may have within the workplace. Legitimate power stems from the belief that a person has the right to influence others by virtue of holding a position β†’

Inside the multicultural workforce essay

Good and effective communication is a vital for the success of Worldwide Telecommunications. This is especially true in a multicultural workforce because in a multicultural workforce, cultural differences and backgrounds can affect the communication process in a large way.

Araby – short essay

And after telling her that he will attend the bazaar and bring her something, all he does is dream about it; " I wished to annihilate the tedious intervening days"..." The syllables of the word Araby were called to me through the silence in which my soul luxuriated". Later in the story, Joyce portrays an β†’

American express case study

In addition, it is important to understand the strategic intent of the company so that the business architecture helps to guide and direct the processes correctly. The technology architecture ensures that the processes and templates provided work in compliance with the needs of the organization.

History of real madrid cf

In 1931, with the establishment of the Second Spanish Republic, Real Madrid was stripped of the title of " Royal" and renamed to Madrid Football Club again. They also participated in the first two editions of the European Cup, which they won by beating Stade de Rennes in the French league in the Parc des β†’

Conflict between john proctor and elizabeth

In the beginning of Act Two, Miller portrays the tension in the Proctors house by the awkward atmosphere between John and Elizabeth when John returns home late. In addition, the tension between John and Elizabeth Proctor is accentuated by Elizabeth's distrust and suspicion towards John, based on her knowledge on the affair between John and β†’

The kiss: brancusi and rodin

He was schooled in a traditional manner on the Ecole de Beaux Arte in Paris but in his work he was in the vanguard of the movement toward modern sculpture. The sensuality of the Rodin work is manifest in the texture of the piece and the rendition of muscle and bone.

Conflict in algeria between their french settlers history essay

The ground of the struggle is the dissension of the Algerians with the unjust intervention the Gallic were giving to them specially in footings of instruction, political relations and life quality. The construction of this paper is to measure the struggle harmonizing to the content of the class of " Conflict Management " foremost supplying β†’

The doha development

Inbuilt agenda of 2000 on agriculture and trade in services merged with the Doha negotiations. The Doha development agenda, DDA started in November 2001, to negotiate on agricultural issues, trade in services, also gats and trips negotiations.

Noise pollution and the associated laws in trinidad

Relating to Jamaica there is the Noise Abatement Act 1997, and as stated the level of noise in Jamaica both by day and by night has become truly horrendous and it is affecting the health and welfare of the nation. In the case of a subsequent offence, a fine not exceeding fifty thousand dollars or, β†’

Canadian gdp 1600

The supply of the U.S.dollar would decrease in Canada and the U.S.dollar would appreciate. This would appreciate the dollar because Canada would need the U.S.currency to invest in our country.

The is obedience. then it has to

Like the child, they must first learn to obey; the horses must learn how to carry a man and draw a carriage, and dogs how to guard the house and look after flocks of sheep. The enforcement of obedience to these rules is called discipline.

Introduction policies significantly determine the performance of the

The British government should, therefore, employ the necessary measures to promote the performance of these enterprises. The government need to cut down the taxes charged on the raw materials used by the small and medium enterprises in the production process.


Coverlet needs to address the other 3 of the 4 As of a marketing mix that are not about the qualities of the product. Shaved needs to find a way to make itself stand out in the eyes of new customers and the best way to do that is to first determine whom they are β†’

Marketing strategy assignment

Public chooses to make sure the customers are able to shop in their grocery stores and find exactly what they need. Customers will tend to shop with Public not for the prices but because they are loyal and Public is loyal to its customers.

Racism in disney movies assignment

These explanations of racism in the films are incomplete because they fail to take into account the fact that the primary audience members of Disney films are not old enough to see the movies as relics of a different time and place. When the racial climate of America changed in the 60s, the portrayal of β†’

The than women, simply because they are the

There are many more things women do but they are not valued for the simple fact because they believe it is so easy.women have more capacity to carry more things than men. They are doing a great deal of work for the men, managers, executives and other important positions, and it is considered that women β†’

The early republic

This led to the enforcement of oppressive policies such as " The Stamp Act" on merchants. One of the policies that he was upset at is referred to as " Resisting the Navigation Act" which restricted their trading practices with other people.

Reaction paper

Expo: Magic of the White Reaction Paper Supervisor: Assignment Due Expo: Magic of the White One ofthe first things that struck me about Expo: Magic of the White City was that it was such a different time than the one we live in today. The size of the exposition and the amount that there was β†’

W5d 590 colin powell

Colin Powell While it is considered that a success of any business depends on the quality of internal dialogue of its member, there is always a leader on the top, whose inspirational activities and honest communication make the whole process to be done perfectly. Thus, according to Powell, the role of the leader is to β†’


In this case, the life of a woman is given a priority over the life of a fetus since it would be wrong to force a woman to risk her life while denying her the right to make decision and save herself. Subsequently, keeping in mind that death is the worse outcome, it can be β†’

Lumumba and history of congo

The continent was rich in raw materials for instance; Belgium invaded Congo partly for its rubber and ivory. Congo was one of the countries who responded through violent means.

Religion and science

They relate in a way that one needs the other in order to relate with the day-to-day activities that the church runs and to teach the followers on how to live and still hold a religious life despite the developments of technology worldwide. These features explain the current position of science and religion that are β†’

Assigning platforms to incoming trains: simulation of kanpur central railway station

Assigning platforms to incoming trains: Simulation of Kanpur Central Railway Station In this project we try to simulate the incoming trains and their allocation to different platforms in kanpur central railway station. The study is conducted for scheduled and actual traffic of trains occurring at kanpur central railway station Objective of the Study:- 1)To check β†’

Logistics and supply management of dell business flashcard

Analysis shows that Dell adopts three cardinal supply concatenation schemes which are Dell Direct Gross saless that helps it to acquire in contact with clients straight and helps to eschew bullwhip consequence, Build-to-order that helps it to follow Just-In-Time stock list and acquire advantage of the system and Supplier Integration that helps the organisation to β†’

Understanding surface winds and winds aloft

Surface winds: Winds are moving air and winds flow from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure due to the Pressure Gradient Force. Polar easterlies in the polar cell arise from the high pressure at the poles and the lower pressure at the polar front.

Analysis of mobile enterprise model frame (s&b model)

The second objective is to discuss the existing implementation of mobile usage in Learning of Life University with respect mobile enterprise model of S&B Model with regard to its virtual learning environment in the categories of General student administration, Teaching, learning and assessment and Assessment management and tracking. University can avoid the hassle of maintaining β†’

Canada’s history: richard bedford bennett

To answer the question;" Was Bennett the primary figure in his own demise or were there other historical developments and forces that influenced the rejection of his New Deal? In the beginning Bennett had a great chance of changing the economics and fixing the way the government worked, he sadly failed as he was " β†’

Working on nhdfdh assignment

Assignment In this assignment, you will focus on the debate between the personalities and naturalistic positions in scientific history, and how the concept of zeitgeist relates to each of these concepts. If you are unfamiliar with PAP form and style, take this tutorial: The Basics of PAP Style.

Gastronomic tourism essay examples

Often, the message of travel shows exemplifies the consumer culture, that is, travel shows are well-structured to influence the audience to take on roles of the consumer by traveling themselves. Instead of using this medium to educate the audience, it offers glossy images of people, places, and culture to feed the concept of tourism and β†’

Example of passing article review

What makes the passive verb a literary sin is the ambiguity it is often used for: filler, also to be known as the Hex. The best way to solve the latter is to Smash, a simpler way of saying Do not Do It.

Consumer reactions towards product placement in movies media essay

A review of trade and popular press over the past few years quickly reveals the interest in and growth of the product placement industry. Interestingly, these studies found that, in general, the majority of people in the United States do not object to the practice of product placement.

Introduction and cultural styles of murdoch management essay

He was inspired and influenced by Lord Northclifee's with the ' daily mail and like Lord Northcliffe, he also believed that the success of a newspaper depends on the news content and coverage, editorial and advertising. The key to the success of his company was that he constantly brought about changes in the organization which β†’

The rise of the american mafia history essay

Introduction Prohibition has long been thought to have been the cause of the Mafia in America, though in reality it was the catalyst for bringing the mafia to the public's perception. From 1876 to 1890, the Italian government was seemingly split on the issue of the mafia till Representative Diego Tajani called out the Right β†’

What it means to be canadian

In the eighteenth century, the British and French bitterly wrestled for control of North America and, at the end of that century and in the early decades of the next one, there was a significant divide between the French Canadians of Lower Canada and the English elites of that province who deigned to pass measures β†’

British petroleum (bp) sustainability and macro environment

The entrepreneur likewise assumes the majority of the rewards and risks of the business. For this particular market and business, if the factors of production are to be taken for oil sector, the first factor of production will be land that would be used to get the oil, Labor would include the workers in the β†’

The introduction of hong kongs disneyland resort

In order to accomplish my goal and become the Marketing Assistance of Disneyland after my graduation, I will start to equip myself with the following three-year action plan. Furthermore, there will be lots of opportunity for me to increase my organizing ability and the leadership skills as I have to help organize different events and β†’

Review the lenovo group limited commerce essay

Get downing from its functional sections Lenovo selected a group of cardinal professionals to have preparation in direction and sit for the PMP enfranchisement. In footings of the market consequences, Lenovo 's version of undertaking direction has improved the company 's nucleus fight with improved bringing and client satisfaction.

Snow falling on cedars

Tiara Washington " We are those pioneers who cleared the bush and the forest with our hand, the gardeners tending and attending the soil with our tenderness, the fishermen who are flung from the sea to flounder in the dust of the prairies." Japanese Canadians were forced to leave their homes. The choice of the β†’


The definition of the word homosexual from the Merriam Webster Dictionary is, " of, relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex". Now that it is classified as a disorder, it is out of the control of the person and he or she is excused and β†’

Dental health

Historically, the systems of public health information have collected data on causes of injuries and death, disabilities, factors of environmental and behavioral risk, and a lot of other issues related to health. Providers of health care seek to minimize the geographic and social inequity in health.

Abstract become a first world country. nigerian economy

The country has the largest number of black population in the world and the seventh largest country in the world; in Africa, Nigeria has the largest population. The country has the extremes of having the rich and the poor within the economy thus hindering revolutionist that is associated with the rich in the community.

Globalization and the mnc assignment

Global Firm: A simple definition: A firm able to manufacture its goods wherever it can find the best combination of price, quality and distribute them wherever it can discover and create demand Faults with the above: overemphasizes corporate structure & organization underemphasizes ownership, management culture & other variables key to the strategy-making process A more β†’

Art/101 axia week 1 assignment

The lower nine panels of the center window in the west front of Chartres Cathedral shows the artist's role in giving form to a spiritual concept. He was creating a record of the culture of that time and also helping viewers to see the world in a different way.

Diagnostic test for bacillus: ascoli’s thermo precipitation test essay sample

Insert a few drops of antiserum in bottom of a small test tube and carefully add some of the filtrate down the side of the tube to form a layer of antigen above antiserum.5. Expected results:* Positive: Whitish ring appear at the junction of the two fluids * Negative: No whitish ring appear at the β†’

Application for international commerce degree essay sample

I am very much interested in the workings of international commerce, trade, business and foreign exchange and I want to make a good niche in the same. To enhance my skills and knowledge, I had to engage in internships so as to have experience in marketing and merchandising.

Bus 401 slp mod 3

Microsoft Corporation rose to the peak of software world with the development of MS-DOS in the mid 1980's. The Microsoft makes necessary alterations on their product and services in order to fit with the interests of the host country where they wish to commence business.

Future of more energy efficient planes

This is a little different in case of the research and development of future energy efficient cars. All in all, the future of air travel, especially the research and development of air planes focuses on energy efficiency.

Detroit and municipal bankruptcy

Municipal Bankruptcy: Detroit Introduction The municipal bankruptcy act was enacted in the year 1934 in order to provideprotection from creditors to the financially stressed counties. The security system in Detroit also begs for the filling of bankruptcy.


What is the age limit for children for children to stop napping at your institution 9. In your opinion what are the benefits of napping to children? 12.

How to manage cashflow

The primary essential stride in keeping up positive cash flow is putting a financial plan set up. One of the ways of controlling income is by getting ready and keeping up a capital forecast.

Corporate valuation

Wall Street relies considerably on P/E multiples for valuation of the companies and that can also be applied to even high-growth companies. The issue that puzzles all analysts is the P/E multiple applied to high-growth companies in the stock market.

Technology improvement after independence

In the area of science, technology and innovation, the supremacy of the United States and the few other monopoly powers has become seriously challenged and partly eroded. The Gulf War in 1990 precipitated a balance of payment crisis and this was not helped by the political instability at the beginning of the asses, which combined β†’

Upsee 2009

1) 1 only 2) 2 and 3 3) All 4) None of these 4. 1) 1 and 4 2) 2 and 4 3) 3 and 4 4) None of these 13.

Organizational controls

The company openly shares information with the workers throughout the organization about the company's operations and finances. The incentive and control system was powerful with incentives that the company offered to employees.

A brief history of hci

Abstract This article summarizes the historical development of major advances in human-computer interactiontechnology, emphasizing the pivotal role of university research in the advancement of the field. The technologies covered in this paper include fundamental interaction styles like direct manipulation, the mouse pointing device, and windows; several important kinds of application areas, such as drawing, text β†’

Informative essay on labour economics

MODERN THEORY OF WAGES The modern economists are of the view that Just as the price of a commodity is determined by the interaction of forces of demand and supply, the wage rate of specific types of workers can also be determined in the same way with the help of sual demand and supply analysis. β†’

The canadian indian residential schooling system social work essay

During the 117 years of the program, the Canadian government and the Church, respectively mandated to administer and run the residential schools, were abusive, violent and mistreated the children under their responsibility. The Government was in charge of the regulation of the schools and the Church was in charge of the running of the institutions.

Protective measures after 9/11 and their effects on american citizens

The situation of higher protective measures leads to the enforcement of the Patriot Act, the creation of the Homeland Security Department, Transportation security act, Foreign intelligence surveillance act, Material support laws, which have become the major helpful laws and regulations passed as a result of 911 terrorist attack. In addition to the department of homeland β†’

The adventures of tom sawyer hypocrisy in society

Throughout The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Sawyer undergoes many changes from when he is first introduced in the beginning of the novel. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a classic.

In pursuit of redemption: reading the poisonwood bible

The Poisonwood Bible with a narrative based in outlining the various forms of redemption is heavily reliant on Leah Price's shift to open-mindedness in her worldview, asserting that in order to challenge the inequity of a rigidly unjust surrounding, one must actively work to defy the limited expectations placed in front of them and understand β†’

Freudian interpretation of dreams essay examples

Relating the unconscious with psychic reality Freud states in the fifth chapter of his book " The unconscious is the true psychical reality; in its innermost nature it is as much unknown to us as the reality of the external world, and it is as incompletely presented by the data of consciousness as is the β†’

Component of gender inequality horizontal and vertical segregation sociology essay

Jonung defines the presence of occupational gender segregation as when women and men are differently spread across occupations than is consistent with their overall shares of employment, irrespective of the nature of job allocation. The glass ceiling is a third type of discrimination that affects women in the workplace and it is an important factor β†’

Existance and psychology of personality disorders

Since the first presentation of personality disorders as an imperative diagnostic category in the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders III the concept of personality disorder has met both cynicism and eagerness. The final Personality Disorder of this cluster then is known as narcissistic personality disorder where the individual has an extraordinary sentiment of β†’

Reflecting on swot analysis two student nurse interviews nursing essay

I responded with active listening through the rest of the interview and with an effective summary question/ statement towards the end that allowed F.to talk about moving on to her next placement.F.was voicing the possibility of having a different outlook towards a new experience; almost as if she was recognising the beginnings of long process β†’

Honda strategy and marketing analysis

In the following we will analyze the strategic plans of Volkswagen and set them in context to the strategic behaviour of the Japanese competitor Honda.3. Also large parts of the manufacturing process will be done in China and localization in China are planned to be increased to make use of the cheaper labour wages in β†’

The mission, values and stakeholders of tesco

In 1961 Tesco Leicester entered the Guinness Book of Records as the largest store in Europe and in 1968 Tesco opened its first ' superstore' in Crawley, West Sussex. In the 1990s Tesco continued to tighten its grip on the UK with more store openings and an aggressive marketing campaign in an attempt to overtake β†’

Accident report

Once the pasta was cooked, Chef Rodriguez took the pan with the hot water to the sink. On his way to the sink, he and Chef Assistant Luis Leon collided and Chef Rodriguez dropped the hot water on his legs and feet.

Heather building, the future site of city hall.

William Penn, who founded the Province of Pennsylvania in 1681, planned the city of Philadelphia in a grid pattern between the Delaware and Schuylkill Rivers. The architectural sculpture of City Hall marks the end of the Renaissance tradition of stereotomy and stone carving.

Impact of social media to customer assignment

The publicity of the traditional " face-to-mouth" has been replaced by the " mouth-to-web ', as consumers are increasingly referring to the sites of social media before making a purchase, influencing heavily on the buying behavior. There are a lot of information in a social networking site, and if their service is not up to β†’

Emotion as a form of knowledge in spiritual matters essay sample

Emotion prompts the bearer, and this is sometimes called ' feeling the spirit of God.' The verse in Romans shows that faith comes from hearing the words, but to internalize their meaning the hearer must be in tune with the spirit. Believing in God comes from a deeper portion of the human mind, from the β†’

Life of pip in great expectations essay sample

Pip is certain his benefactor is Miss Havisham, and believes he is being trained as Estella's future husband. Though Pip is ashamed of the convict, Magwitch, he is grateful and loyal, so he commits himself to protecting Magwitch from the police, who are looking for him.


The main speaker of the meeting was Matt Marriott, Director, and Regional Services Executive for the West region and Vice President, Services IBM. Creative selection of workers who can think horizontally and solve complex problems in a global scope has seen the company shift form one level to the next.

Cultural studies

Michel DeCerteau, " Walking in the De Certeau, in his essay ' Walking in the, introduces New York as seen from the top of the WorldTrade Center and formulates some abstract general theories to understand everyday life in the city.[91] The writer believes that one needs to get down to the street to obtain a β†’

Difference between void contracts and voidable contracts

Voidable Contract Voidable contract is a form of valid contract where all the four essential elements of a contract are present. According to Cross and Miller, a voidable contract is a contract which might be " legally avoided at the option of one of the parties".

Critiquing internet sources

In her submission, it would be noted that there is an attempt to overcome forms of biases that exists in the delivery of healthcare where only the rich get the best of care. This is one such post that can be said to be highly valid in information delivery as the scope of arguments and β†’

Phonetics laboratory: mandarin speaker from nanjing

She has trouble using the alveolar, lateral approximant /l/ and leaves it out in these words. Same as the Mandarin speaker, the Thai speaker has trouble saying the front, close-mid vowel / / and say /i/ instead./i/ is a front high close vowel.

Barriers to the timely implementation of e-prescribing

However, the greatest challenge to modern trusts is the lack of understanding and commitment there appears to be. There are a number of acts and regulations that need to be accounted for in any EPMA process.

Significance of narrators essay

Furthermore, the militancy in his voice Is demonstrated through the assertive choice of verb " to command" and also further reflected In his short and abrupt and segmented sentence structure. In addition, many would review his narration as compelling, however it is interesting to the point to which we believe his account to be reliable β†’

A mafia thing essay

The Italian Mafia has always been based on the island of Sicily and the southern mainland provinces of Calabria and Campania. Families such as the Colombo's, the Gambino's, the Bannanno's, and the Luchesse's have migrated from Italy, and play an important role in the organized crime system.

Listening exam – music history 1

The singer is accompanied by a lyre or other plucked string instrument The music follows the rhythms of the text The poem sung is an ' epigram' Uses vocal notes of the diatonic Iastian tonos There are major 3rds that begin or end the last 3 phrases There is a rising fifth at the opening β†’

A place that gets worst from time to time

The country has never stood a chance to develop and become a player in the emerging economies of the world due to poor politicalleadership. It is this political turmoil that has caused regression in the country.

Importance of human capital in economicdevelopment

Human capital formation: Human capital formation as described by Professor Harrison as "the process of acquiring and increasing the number of person who have the skills, education and experience which are critical for the economic and political development of a country." Human capital formation is the act of increasing the productive qualities of labor force β†’

Narration personal essay

I was not really in a hurry, so I stopped at a McDonalds to grab a burger. It was a typical dingy place you often see in a quiet town, and I was the only customer.

Analysis of the failure in ford edsel marketing essay

This report mainly contains an analysis of the failure in Ford Edsel which is a brand of a car that produced by the Ford Motor Company in 1958, 1959 and 1960 model years. Source: The Big Failure of Edsel, Available from: http://hubpages.com/hub/Edsel-The-Big-Failure Source: Edsel159, Available from: http://www.edsel.com/pages/edsel59.htm Here I would like to mention about β†’

Report on old spice bold spray

The first Old Spice product, called Early American Old Spice for women, was introduced in 1937, closely followed by Old Spice for men in 1938. The strong market leaders are a threat for Old Spice.

Learning organisation as a realistic model

The benefits of learning organisation evidenced that how it is useful in a workplace in regard to management of different aspects and as well as employees continuous learning. It has also helped the company in developing a leadership that is devoted to the significance of learning and believes in distinctly communicating learning that is essential β†’