A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Monitoring u.s. citizens’ phone conversations to detect potential terriorist threats

Monitoring US Citizens' Phone Conversations to Detect Potential Terrorist Threats of the of the Concerned June 27, 2011 Monitoring US Citizens' Phone Conversations to Detect Potential Terrorist Threats 9/11 was a conclusive turning point in the way the Americans envisaged and planned their national security. The act of monitoring the phone conversations of citizens is β†’

Smart backpack

The bag will act as a source of power for mobile and tablet gadgets as it will have a battery that is installed in it to collect, preserve and produce power or electricity when needed. Therefore the solar cell and solar technology will be used in the production and the invention of the new smart β†’

Apple’s winning strategy: lower prices

The company also adopted a strategy to market its product worldwide and not restricting it to a particular place, which helped the company to gain significant market share. Apple took strong care of this aspect and with quality services to the customers; it earned a reputable position in the industry.

Blood pressure

It de s the force of ventricular contraction, the resistance within the arterioles and the capillaries and the volume and viscosity of blood. In the brain, the set point for mean arterial pressure is 100mmHg and a pressure of less than that triggers responses that include increased sympathetic outflow to the heart and blood vessels β†’

Good test takers and diagnostic assessment

Diagnostic assessment provides the teachers with a way to map out a route or chart a way using the existing knowledge of the individual children. Diagnostic assessment also provides the teachers with an opportunity to identify misconceptions or gaps in the prior learning of the students so that they exactly know what the children know β†’

Financial problem

of project: Managing Financial Resources and Decisions and number: submitted: Task 1 Task One Part A a) Identify and describe at least six sources of finance that are available to C and C Hydraulics Ltd.b) Assess the implications of the chosen source of finance on the legal status; dilution of control; and tax effects of β†’

Question response

The separation of state and church means that people are limited in their capability to profess their faith through religions within certain state. This means that The Free Speech Clause is partly violated by the law that restricts funding of religious organizations." Faith-based" organizations funding is rather contradictory topic, because to finance them means to β†’


The preparations made by John as documented in the book of Mark through preaching and baptism in river Jordan, were a fulfillment of prophesies by prophet Isaiah and given my prior reading of the book of Isaiah, I found the events in Mark familiar. I would like to know Mark's understanding of the book of β†’

Alternative beverage industry essay

Red Bull was the world's number one seller of energy drinks which made it the third-largest producer of alternative beverages worldwide and the number two seller of alternative beverages in the U.S.and Europe. There are hundreds of regional and specialty brands of energy drinks, sports drinks, and enhanced beverages in the U.S.and internationally.

The effectiveness of supply chain management

The intent of this paper is to specify, explicate and practically utilize the assorted theories behind supply concatenation direction for the gaining of competition advantage in the industry. The paper looks in the current place of CMS as a house and explains how the company uses the theory of supply concatenation direction and further how β†’

Our day out, by willy russell – review

However Mr Briggs is the opposite to Mrs Kay and is portrayed at the beginning of the play as ' the bad guy' and ' nasty' man. This is a significant ended, as the trusting Mrs Kay returns home and so does Briggs.

Old oregon wood store

We explored three different options, given the need to create a division of work that would maximize the number of tables manufactured per day by either utilizing four or five employees and allowing the employees to either be part of the manufacturing process or manufacture tables on their own. Using the Assignment method and the β†’

English 203 final part i

Throughout the poem, the narrator serves as a foil to the little girl as the narrator represents the ' real-burdened' and unimaginative adulthood to the naive and imaginative innocence of the girl. Therefore am I stillA lover of the meadows and the woods, And mountains; and of all that we beholdFrom this green earth; of β†’

Paperexample essay

Bear this in mind when making the decision: Fundamental Interest When I make the decision I must ensure that: Well offense The decision should give more b Fairness The distribution of benefits and C than c should be f to the stakeholders to all stakeholders Rights The decision should not of step 2 the rights β†’

Jetta life cycle challenge

However, sales in this segment were continuously markets across the globe declining from 32% to 26% of the overall market, indicating PLC stages of maturity and decline with respect to change in market segment demand. The right approach in this case would be to continue production of A4 targeted towards segment A and start production β†’

The future of business essay

New management structure The realities of modern business are that the effective use of IT makes it possible to move to an entirely new business model which poses at the center of business " the customer", that is, when the goods are produced at the request of a consumer in accordance with his wishes. The β†’

Hole in the paper sky 814 word essay on the change that occurs within howard ferp

The dog sole use is animal testing and when Howard goes to take him some dog biscuits one day, he ends up witnessing some of the pain of the dog firsthand. A connection is made just before the scientist who owns the dog comes in, apologises and ignores Howard's question of what the dog is β†’

Stereotypes in the classroom

The responsibility of teachers is to get to know the children and the families that will be entering the program. Teachers need to make sure that they greet each child by name as they enter the classroom at the beginning of the day and to say good bye at the end of the day.

Research based instructional program

Running Head: LIFE SKILLS RESEARCH-BASED INSTRCTIONAL PROGRAM Research-Based Instructional Program One major disadvantage to developing and implementing instructional programs not based on research is the time spent." Time ismoney", and wasted time means wasted money. Without the proper research it may not be known if the program is needed in the first place.

Micro finance sector in uganda

Introduction The aim of the study is to examine the effect of the adaptation of International Financial Reporting Standards in the MicroFinancesector in Uganda and clarify the differences on the financial statements and reports. The major objective of the study is to gain an extensive understanding of the Micro Finance sector in Uganda and to β†’

Rastafarianism religious beliefs: spiritual practices

The rise of Bob Marley, who was a practicing Rastafarian made the movement/ religion very popular not only in the Caribbean but the whole world and has attracted a considerable number of followers mainly blacks, and some white people who claim to have affiliation with Africa, to the ethics and practices of the Rasta faith. β†’


Kin selection theory of altruism argues that altruism was developed to increase the survival of relatives Hamilton and that acts of altruism should be directed towards family rather than non-relatives.argued that the theory of reciprocal altruism is infact long-term cooperation and the assistance that is given at the time will be reciprocated another time in β†’

Whistleblowing: causes and effects

Whistleblowing is often a derogatory term used to refer to an individual's act of dissent whereby they report an act that is a violation of a rule, regulation, law or of human rights in an organization to the authorities or the media. From this, the area of conflict arises where there is a question whether β†’

Exposing the human gut microbiome biology essay

One aspect of this imbalance occurs because of the change in the macronutrient content of the modern diet-the higher proportion of energy-dense foods and drinks increases the likelihood for overconsumption. As evidence of the media's influence, the study found that the children preferred the taste of the food in the fast-food chain wrappers.

Technology trends

Is/analyses-details/ technology-trends-in-lubricants-mineral-synthetic-and-blob-based-market-for-turbine- oil-compressor-OLL-gear-OLL-hydraulic-OLL-bearing-OLL-and-heat-transfer-fluid-lubricant- applications-global-Industry-analyses-sale-share-growth-trends-a This market research report, analyzes the global consumption for lubricants, estimating and forecasting the market from the consumption point of view. The lubricants market has been segmented on the basis of products, applications and geography in order to provide a holistic picture of the market.

The according to nixon’s announcement in 1971 (history

Adding to that, Colombia's drug war influencedthe United States to be involved with the drug war since the United States hasa strong military system, the host for the 1994 World Cup, and declare a war ondrugs as America's enemy according to Nixon's announcement in 1971. However, for the con common good perspective, the United States β†’

During encountered equally challenging circumstances than the

We emphasize the life and death circumstances that migrants had to endure in order to stay alive during the Dust Bowl era. One question that arose after the presentation was whether it was necessary for the banks and corporations to take advantage of migrants in order to keep power.

It element itself represents social interaction. definition: 1.

Two Conditions of Interaction: Park and Burgess are of the opinion that contact and communication are the two main condi tions of social interaction. Interstimulation and Response: The central nature of interaction is interstimulation and re sponse.

Mining service case study analysis

Human capital is the important resource for the company so it is possible that the most important HRS issue for the case study is to protect the human capital.3. Once the firm reorganized and HRS structure has been change to consulting organization, the performance culture model will fit for the organization and help them to β†’

A look into halliburton’s planning strategies

This paper will evaluate the management planning process within Halliburton and the four types of planning, and discuss the issues of legal, ethics, and corporate social responsibilities that impact the management planning processes. Planning begins with a vision of what the company is trying to achieve.

Religion and public high schools

I believe that religion should be kept solely and completely out of public schools. Religion in public schools is a distraction and a contradiction.

The strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde essay sample

Many other such novels were produced in this tradition, including other works by Stevenson, such as " The Body Snatchers" and " Olalla." From the very start this story was noticed to be different from other such novels, far more subtle, disturbing and complex in some ways, whilst when it is stripped to the basics β†’

Michael phelps

Michael Phelps' endorsements and how he became famous Ladies and gentlemen, One of the most celebrated sportsmen of the world today is of Michael Fred Phelps, the American swimmer who is possibly the greatest swimmer and one of the greatest Olympians of all time. Therefore, it is apparent that the gold medals that he won β†’

Gasoline prices

The Weather's Effect on the Price of Gasoline It is a basic principle of economics that if the demand increases, the price will rise. In any event, the study has shown that the weather is certainly a better indicator of gas prices than the price of crude oil.

What is public administration

What is Public administration Public administration is the synthesis of several disciplines like political science, administration and public finance. In the symbolic front bureaucracy is still a synonym for public administration, reflecting the initial influence of politics on PA.

Finding your strategy in the new landscape

To cope with the changes, the companies must take in to consideration the national differences and the egional differences, allocation of the resources and bring to effectiveness in the logistics management. Recommendation: After the global recession globally operation companies amended their strategy to compete successfully in the days ahead.

Katy perry essay

When she was 17 Kathy decided to leave home, she was signed by a record company called Island records and was going to be producing another gospel album but billboard reported that she would go nowhere, in result of that she was dropped by the record company. Kathy decided that she wanted to take control β†’

Organ donation summary essay

Thesis and Preview: Today I would like to talk to you about first, the need for organ donors in our area, second, how you can become an organ donor after you die, and finally, how your family and organ donor recipients benefit from you donation.[Transition into body of speech]: I will begin by telling you β†’

What is the right outsourcing strategy for your process?

Therefore, the outsourcing decision is influenced by the ability of an organization to invest in developing a capability and sustaining a superior performance position in the capability relative to competitors. An overview of the outsourcing methodology The principal proposition of this paper is that implementing a successful outsourcing strategy for a process must involve an β†’

Feudalism and western europe essay

The major characteristics of the political system of Feudalism was the way how they had roped people, so it started from the Kings, to the Nobles, to the Knights and then to the Peasants/Serfs. Feudalism gave a lot to the people and the people gave a lot to Feudalism, it helped Feudalism develop.

Pestle analysis and the marketing mix

The strategic management principles and concept will be used in this essay to verify the concepts and factors that affect the business activities of Guangzhou Zhujiang Iron & Steel Company a steel producing company operating from or within the Republic of China. The company is involved in the manufacture of steel in the Guangdong province β†’

Ethics in life essay

In combining the words ethics and Islamic, it can be concluded that true meaning of Ethics in Islamic Life means the state of being in right conduct and observing the life according to the will of Allah. In the discussion of the sources of religion, Saunas is the way f life prescribed as normative for β†’

Hemingway and alcohol

The nature of the hopelessness, the desperation, changes from his earlier works to his later pieces, but its source remains the same: potential, or promise of the future causes a great deal of trepidation and lament throughout Hemingway's pieces. This first story in Hemingway's first published collection serves as a fitting point of departure for β†’

To what extent should freedom of speech be allowed on the media

To what extent should freedom of speech be allowed in the mediaLiberal democracies such as Britain or the US are based on the principle of popular sovereignty the government does what the people want them to do. The media in these countries, especially since the advent of radio, television and the internet, has been the β†’

Noise pollution and its effects assignment

Noise pollution is not believed to be a cause of mental illness, but it is assumed to accelerate and intensify the development of latent mental disorders. Noise is a prominent feature of the environment including noise from transport, industry, and neighbors.

Drawing development

They found that when children received the standard instructions 11% of the children got the drawing correct, and when the children received the explicit instructions 65% of the children got the drawing correct. The development of children's expressive drawing.

Cicero and augustine and concepts of just war politics essay

As such, this essay will examine the concepts of just war and warfare in the works of Cicero and Augustine with a view to arguing that firstly, although both could be deemed pacifists who were basically concerned with the morality of war, Augustine's theory of just war was more developed than Cicero's. Given the political β†’

A review of pixar animation studios commerce essay

Leadership is taken very seriously at Pixar and it is ensured that leaders are able to tune their communications, and value the vision of the organization and come up with the ability to provide lots of ideas Managers as well as workers of the enterprise have the freedom of expression so that their vision and β†’

The other hand the wwf hasa new fresh

Most of the wrestling fan base watches the WWF, the fans say that it has a better story line and more appealing characters. Now the WWF and the WCW are everywhere, there is tons of merchandise from shirts to video games, and they are all over the Internet.

Was life that you felt like you

If the answer is " yes", you are among the majority of people in this world that experience this at least once the their lifetime." Is There A Sixth Sense" is not only the name of the article I am writing about, but a darn good question as well. In one of the experiments he β†’

Conflict management assignment

If a team member decides to drop the class, Group 4 will come together to address the situation immediately. If a team member has an emergency and cannot participate, Group 4 will come together to address the situation immediately.

”the catcher in the rye” by j.d. salinger essay sample

At the beginning of the series, in the episode ' A Study in Pink', we see that Sherlock does not have any close human relationships as he feels that the he has a superior intelligence to most people, and therefore is above them. Consequently, the hat is a source of protection to Holden that brings β†’

The relevance of east asian martial arts in modern society essay sample

The Dharma Bums, Zen and the Birds of Appetite, The Secret Power Within and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance are but a few examples of literature that investigates or incorporates Zen ideas. The popularity of Zen in the United States indicates that the application of Zen to the therapeutic relationship is theoretically, culturally, β†’


Marketing Computers Dell and Apple Dell Computer Corporation: Dell Computers market strategy consists of direct sales and build-to-order producthave given it the edge in minimizing its inventory, and bringing new products to the market as quickly as possible. Integral to the marketing strategy of Dell computers is its high profile advertising, and the use of β†’

Business entity regulations

286678 04 April 2009 BUSINESS LAW: BUSINESS ENTITY REGULATIONS REAL ESTATE Business Entity Regulations It is necessary to obtain a real estate license in order to engage in the business of estate agency in the State of California. It is the duty of the district attorney of each country in California to prosecute all violations β†’

Music paper

The lyrics and music, I believe are the outcome of the emotions of the composer which compels one to put his thoughts to words and put the necessary accompaniment, satisfying the desired emotional expression in both the lyrics and music. Probably this is the easiest way of composing a song because the emotion is already β†’

Appeal process

In criminal cases, an advance asks a higher court to take a gander at the record of the trial transactions to figure out whether a legitimate lapse happened that may have influenced the conclusion of the trial or the sentence forced by the judge. When you claim your case, the investigative court will accept the β†’

Chinese civilization

The family unit of the ancestors of the current Chinese people in the Yellow River basin allowed for the passing on of culture from the Xia through to the Shang dynasty within which civilization began. The Origins of Chinese Civilization.

The name of francoise

The Name Of Francoise In the summer of 1978 Arties dreams had blossomed, not only was he getting attention from the local newspaper but he could he had also met the love of his life. Francoise was a beauty to behold, she had the perfect smile, the body of a goddess and cared for β†’

The fundamental reasons people eat organic vegetables

He argues vociferously that this study is the more valid of the two, and makes many good points along the way. While Benbrook's review did address the idea that the Stanford study failed to examine all aspects of food and health, he did not pay enough attention to that point.

Define strategic financial planning

Define Strategic Financial Planning Answer Strategic planning is always in reference to the future which an organization has set for itself and wants to achieve it. Financial planning is a specific endeavor, a small part of a broader strategic planning though very crucial.

Provisions in loan and security agreement

Provisions in Loan and Security Agreement The three most important provisions in a loan and security agreement are: Working Capital Requirement: The most extensive and generally used requisite in every loan contract is the working capital. The provision is vital as its principle is to maintain the company's present standing and ensure its capacity to β†’

Television has adverse effect on children and should be restricted

On the other hand, some argue that the use of mobile phones in schools and other learning institutions should be allowed because they aid students in accessing some of the vital academic contents from the Internet in the absence of computers. In order to avoid such cases, it is prudent that the possession and subsequent β†’

Soft drink case study 1

This case study will determine the estimated demand for soft drink consumption, interpret the associated coefficients, and calculate the price elasticity of soft drink demand at the mean.1. Describe the signs of the estimated coefficients and the statistical significance of the coefficients.soft drink demand: = -56.61 2.

Factors affecting the performance of skinny raven casino

It is a fact in concern doctrine that when the profitableness of a concern is low, it is logical to hold new enlisting of employees or even to the worst some concern can fall back to staff rationalisation or retrenchment so as to cut down cost and do the concern relevant in the market. This β†’

Speak college essay

Explain why you have the belief that you do. If you were a parent, how would communication be in your family?

The chemistry of fireworks flashcard

Sulfur, that burn the oxygen and produce hot superintendence's to hold the mixture in a limitable 1: Oxides, Reducers and Binders ability of producing colored light from the principles fireworks have allowed this technology to be applied for bodhisattva and military uses. TABLE 7: Fireworks in Costliness's of health and separator from the entertainment value, β†’

A student guide to writing the theory of knowledge essay

The grade boundaries are then applied, to determine the band to The band descriptors are: A Work of an excellent standard B Work of a good standard C Work of a satisfactory standard D Work of a mediocre standard E Work of an elementary standard The band descriptor is used both to determine the contribution β†’

Modigliani and miller’s theory

Furthermore, the WorldCom and Enron accounting scandals are two of the reasons that triggered the approval of the Sabarnes -Oxley Law. All the more, many of the stockholders would be too busy to read through the company's detailed plans for the setting up of the new branch.

What ridesharing on halloween can teach you about incentives

As they strive to match the number of cars on the road with the number of passengers seeking rides, they rely on computer algorithms to guide drivers and keep customers updated in real time. Halloween is one of the busiest nights of the year for Lyft," a Lyft spokesperson said in an email statement to β†’

7 ways to add massive value to your business

The first way to increase value is simply to increase the speed you deliver the kind of value people are willing to pay for. You can add value to a product or service by improving the packaging or the design.

Do young people enjoy life more than older people do?

Young people' passion and energy are enough to enjoy life more than older people do. Lastly, young people enjoy life more than older people because of the reality that they can easily follow thetechnologycompare to the older people.

Root causes of the holocaust and wwii

Several European writers twisted Darwin's Theory of Evolution to suggest there was a hierarchy of races with Jews at the bottom." In addition, misuse of the theory of evolution was an important factor in the extreme forms ofracism, especially that against blacks and Jews, that flourished at the turn of the century and for many β†’

Beauty theory and meaning

Beauty is not dependent on the shape of a person's body, but it is the unselfish love they have and share to others. Beauty is how a person's hair and makeup looks, but it is a person's happiness.people with happiness are able to show joy and satisfaction in their lives.

Maritime domain awareness

The paper was also of the view that while the NN within its premises could provide the wherewithal to educate her personnel on the tenets of the code, the government must compliment the efforts of the NN with the acquisition of the right size and type of ships and platforms. The paper was of the β†’

History of immigration and asylum law european essay

Over the years and due to a number of wars in different countries the need for asylum has risen.' The Convention relating to the status of refugee's, was adopted in the wake of World War II initially to aid the repatriation and resettlement of people displaced by the war. The Protocol relating to the Status β†’

Political system of pakistan

A large majority of literature on the topic is either about the shortfalls of the current mixed government of Pakistan or it highlights how the presidential system of government is better suited for the country. Regarding the 1962 constitution, the author was of the view that the constitution severely curtailed the powers of the parliament β†’

Ethical issues and dilemmas nursing essay

Ethical issues and dilemmas abound in the area of nursing, is a big challenge to balance the client's right to autonomy, the rights of others and the legal concepts relevant to nursing care. Nurses' duty of care to a patient is to ensure that the patient is benefits from the therapies given.

Analysing the different psychological contracts

Aside from fulfilling the terms of the formal contract of employment, organisations must respond to the expectations of their employees in order to retain and motivate their workforce. A co-operative contract is most likely to exist between more senior engineers; individuals working in these positions will have had to display a level of excellence and β†’

Health disparities in new zealand: a literature review

Health Disparity and Inequality Regardless of the efforts to apply the Principles of the Treaty to health development, health inequality and disproportion among Maori and non-Maori is still evident. The New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000 absolves the Treaty of Waitangi and Maori health.

Motives of internalization and strategic advantages and traits

The rapid changes in today's business world call for new models of internationalization, especially to be able to capture the early phase of internationalization in a better manner than the traditional models. The process of internationalization has been the subject of widespread theoretical and empirical research and finds a general acceptance in the literature.

How do i plan an oral presentation

Researching, planning and structuring an oral presentation is similar to the process of writing an essay, except you use spoken language instead of written language and you need to be mindful of a live audience. A good introduction should include: Your name The subject of your talk A brief background to the subject A statement β†’

My perspectives on human sexuality

As more of the fact became known to me and that I was not the responsible party I looked for a way to confront my Sexuality attackers. Due to the experiences that were placed in my life at such a young age I have been made to look at life with a different type of β†’

Life of pi

The film is about a 16-year old boy named Piscine Molitor " Pi" Patel, who suffers a shipwreck in which his family dies, and is stranded in the Pacific Ocean on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. After many days at sea, Pi realizes that he can no longer live on the β†’

Applied research

2) One of the objectives of problem Identification Is formulating the marketing research problem and determining the information that is needed to solve it. The commercial organization funds the collection of the data, which is wide ranging in its content, and hopes to make its money from selling this data to interested parties.


He stated that he was keeping track of the entire progress of the railroads and would like to lend money to them for pity and he would not need the money back in a hurry. To the strike, Rockefeller hired a group of militia to keep the workers back and forced them back to work.

Software engineering assignment

If were to decide to become a software engineer, I would have to switch into the engineering school. It is relatively easy to become a software engineer, provided one can finish all the university work and graduate.

The prince vs. the republic assignment

If the rulers are only thinking of the overall good of the state, their wn needs will not be met, which can lead to unhappiness on the part of the rulers and ultimately to the downfall of the system. Without this force, there is not a true level of hierarchy and authority and the people β†’

Is global warming skepticism just smoke assignment

One in respect to thinking that global warming is a serious problem, then again maybe global warming has only clouded the issue or in simple terms; how the climate system really works and why man's role in lobar warming is more myth than science, and how the global warming hype has corrupted Washington and the β†’

Marketing assignment

However, a simple solution to this is that people should always remain alert and try not to fall under the influence of absurd advertisements. The quality of a product should be thoroughly checked and advertisements alone should not be trusted for this purpose.

Media products assignment

Men's Health lures men into buying and reading their magazine by placing healthy looking men who look like they follow a healthy lifestyle because they have chiseled abs and look desirable and sometimes have these toned men standing with gorgeous women to make these men spire to be like them and to make them think β†’