A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Plugging in

The urge to keep watching the TV is an attempt of fulfilling their worries and anxieties of reality and at the end they become absorbed in a television program because they have overestimate their control over television watching. The television can at times expose individuals to instances with violence and pornography, which has an adverse β†’

Be a swan, not a duckling

A friend to talk to, a friend to laugh with, a friend to cry with, a friend to fight with, a friend that will take the blame when your parents find out you had a party while they were gone. I do not think that being friends with someone means you have to hang out β†’

Designer brands have a negative impact on youngsters

The biggest disadvantage of branded products is that they are very expensive, without offering necessarily a better quality. The producers of branded products and their consumers are less likely to suffer of low quality.

Night terrors essay

After listening to his mother's story, the doctor who answers the phone tells her Jimmy is experiencing a night terror, and instructs her to stay by Jimmy's side till the episode is over. Jimmy's mother is relieved and lets him go outside to play.

Bill of rights: four freedoms essay sample

The first amendment of the Bill of Rights to the constitution guarantees four freedoms: freedom of religion, speech, press and assembly. The First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States gives every individual the same rights.

Control room, summary

One of the most captivating aspects of the documentary is that it brings out the truth with the sequence of events and personalities behind the scenes at the Al Jazeera. Blood, images of Dead bodies, wounded people and bullets everywhere is one of the different perspectives of war which Control room brings to the viewers.

Reaction paper

As David Cole, a Jewish researcher stated it, " The holocaust is an event that seemingly grew in importance since the end of war. However, the killings cannot be deemed as systematic as ' Gassings' and the magnitude of the Holocaust is vastly overestimated.

Film review assignment

Even in our digital world, the important lessons of the past, those which have formed our nation, need to be brought back to the silver screen in order to remind us of our heritage, and of the price we have paid in order to earn the leadership position which the US holds in the world β†’

Symbolism in shirley jackson’s the lottery

It is seemingly a happy event, however, what starts out for the reader as an anticipation of excitement turns into horror and then disgust when it is discovered that the lottery is actually taking place to make the yearly decision of which townsperson is to be stoned to death by the rest of the townspeople. β†’

Does business benefit from the proliferation of regional trade agreements

Two variables that influence the trajectory of a company in the international scene are its leadership capabilities and the chosen organizational structures. The leaders of the company have to instill confidence and change the mindset of the employee so that fear of failure is not constraint that inhibits international expansion plans.

Writing workshop paper

In addition, the conference will provide students with an opportunity to gauge the relevance of their questions and the appropriateness of the teacher's responses. Students will then be required to reference a sample sentence in each of the leant writing styles.

Analyze film-rligious

As we can see that pantheism is the concept that has been promoted in the movie which revolves around the concept of worship of the creation. In Avatar, one of the characters that hold a special position is the hero of the movie who was selected by the god of Na'vi.

Ethical dilemma analysis

This all started when I was a manager of thirty security response and a officer called me over and explained the situation they had going at the front of the building. I arrived to the police officers office and overheard the officer talking to someone about the case and stated that I had intentionally lied β†’

Motor starter comparison essay

This research is done by analyzing the existed power quality events during the motor starting by using the Fluke Power Quality Analyzer to capture the waveforms of the events. During the motor starting, the major problem occurs is the disconnection of the motor itself due to the presence of the power quality problem.

Roman contributions

Rome stimulated and prompts this society by the construction of the Via Egnatia and the installation of Roman merchants in the cities along the Via Egnatia. They used the resources from each of the other cultures and societies that they conquered for their empire.

Tesco personal finance

It is continuously trying to improve its offer for customers and now offers the opportunity to purchase travelmoneyin-store, by providing kiosks in seven stores. Jackson's Stores operates a chain of 114 stores across Yorkshire and the North Midlands in the United Kingdom.

Ballistics (forensic science)

To a large extent, the study of ballistics is based on the whole set of physical laws, starting with the law of ideal gas and up to the principles of explosion and pressure within the firearms. Despite the seriousness of the firearms identification process and the role which ballistics may play for the effectiveness of β†’

Can art change the way we view the world

In the book The Mind in the Cave: Consciousness and the Origins of Art by David Lewis-Williams, the author describes these items stating " many of these pieces bear images of animal, fish, birds and, less commonly, what appear to be human figures as well as complex arrangements of parallel lines, chevrons and notches. The β†’

Medical tourism: study case of ijn

This paper is in agreement with the argument, which is to develop the marketing strategies by focusing on the emotional benefits, and assess the effectiveness of the strategies by measuring the satisfactions of the customer. The main purpose of the council is to coordinate promotional activities of medical and healthcare tourism industry in the country.

Richard nixonassignment assignment

In the August of 1942, Nixon Joined the navy he started off as a lieutenant Junior grade then rose to lieutenant commander; he served In the Pacific, mainly In Logistics. Then after a series of court battles Nixon was told to give the tapes up and he ultimately complied.

Has music of the 1950’s shaped today’s music?

Pop music in the 1950s has been referred to music that was known before the creation of Rock n Roll, pop music was not in any way similar to Rock n Roll. Why was there particular styles of music in the 1950s?

History essay about apartheid

The ruling white minority and who were at the top of the hierarchy in the South African society controlled the social-economic affairs as well as the political arena. Ayietty took note of the fact that the white acquired all the positions that ensured that they sustained and fully enjoyed the proceeds of the country's industrialization β†’


Therefore, there are many things that need consideration in the analysis of tourism and environment, for example, transportation to the desired destinations, tourist's activities, and maintenance of facilities, such as hotels. Negative Impacts of Tourism on Environment Pollution from Transport Air pollution Air transport is one of the most common means of transport in the β†’

Case study on conflict management in the workplace

The manager is supposed to be aware about the cause and effect of the definite types of conflicts and his solutions and decision should be based on the intensive conflict resolution when both sides understand their mistakes and start cooperating further. One is able to see the right structure and format of the text following β†’

Endocrine system physiology assignment

Column A Column B _E___ term used to describe a solution that has a lower concentration of solutes compared to another solution ___G__ term used to describe a solution that has a higher concentration of solutes compared to another solution ___A__ the movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of β†’

Horrendous pollution of the planet earth assignment

They are transferring our world in an astonishing way from the usage of fossil fuels to the appliance of chemical fertilizer to the development of vehicles. In order to prevent our Earth from disintegrating because Of the pollution, we should take some effective measures which including reducing the usage of private cars, advocating recycling and β†’

Therapeutic communication essay

By giving recognition you would address the patient by their name, this will show them they are not just another patient in the hospital and you remember who they are or care enough to remember. It lets them know you want to hear what they have to say, are interested in the conversation and want β†’

Court history and purpose essay sample

When the British came to the United States they brought this form of law with them and this is what the United States refers to as common law. Hammurabi, the Roman Empire and King William of England paved the way for the court systems, laws, and the procedures that the United States has and makes β†’

What sorts of ethical problems are posed by the fact of cultural pluralism and how might the ethicist (that’s you) respond to them

In the contemporary environment of fast globalization, the social and political constructions of identity and changing pattern of societal norms and structure have produced complex dynamics of human interaction and relationship. The cultural differentiation in the fast transforming political system has become a reality, As such, the autonomy of individuals irrespective of their color, race β†’

Reinforcement theory

Lastly, rewards can enable the employees to have confidence and trust in the management and organization as a whole. Discussion 2 Equity Theory and Organizational Justice can also be a useful theory if applied in the management of a work force.


Socialization Socilaization of Early Prosocil Behavior: Parents Talk About Emotions is Associated With Sharing and Helping in Toddlers Brownell and other authors, in this article, established that parenting styles have direct influence on children and adolescents' prosocial behaviors. This is an indication that it is the parents' influence on their children's emotions that affects their β†’

Journal critque

The paper is aimed to present one of the issues in the society in related to the concept that man is created in the image and likeness of God. The article is leaning on the importance of human's social responsibility in showing the image of God since in the totality of the man, the environment β†’

Exploring the relationship between mental illness and crime psychology essay

The idea that there is a relationship between mental illness and crime has been prevalent since the early 19th Century, and this essay will attempt to explore this relationship in general, and specifically home in on the relationship between schizophrenia and violent crime, presenting arguments for and against there being a correlation. It can be β†’

Examining hacking and cyber ethics philosophy essay

The entity who tries the act of hacking is the hacker. Utilitarianism: an action is morally right if the consequences of that action are more favorable than unfavorable to everyone".

Principles of communication in healthcare

1 Passive Communication Passive communicators usually have difficulties to identify and meet their own needs because they have low self-esteem and do not express their opinions and thoughts to avoid confrontation by others. Health professionals should have this style of communication in most of the time once they should be prepared to have open conversations β†’

Mobile maintenance overview

The slot plan is the point of entry to the planning workbench and is the first step in the process to creating a new revision or editing an existing one. The TACD interlinks directly with the eTask app and the functionality provided allows the progress of tasks and revisions to be monitored in real time β†’

Competitive law for antenna installation

The case of public-competitive restriction is seen in the pricing strategy implemented by the municipal's land board to areas allocated for antennas. The municipal government in question is pushing for the companies to make unnecessary relocations of their antennas onto new land that is owned by them.


A-Plus Battery Company, being a private company has employees who are guarded by OSHA and so it has to follow the regulations set to ensure they safety is not compromised. The employees are working in a risky environment and so it's important to follow the regulations.

Some beneficial features of the unix operating system

Some Beneficial Features of the UNIX Operating System CIS 155 Some Beneficial Features of the UNIX Operating System Safety issues have always been one of the major aspects of effective operation of human beings and systems invented and implemented by individuals all over the world in different periods of human history. The memory of the β†’

The dark vessel: laye’s use of his protagonist-narrator to connect to western audiences

Laye's subtle, indirect references to colonization and the sometimes troubling amalgamation of the Western and West African civilizations speaks to the non-African audience both as a mockery and as an educational tool, while his poignant remembered thoughts and emotions relate to all his readers on a more human level. Laye assumes the narrow-mindedness of his β†’

Strategic marketing plan for the french fashion house marketing essay

The aim of the following analysis is to try to define how Caroll could tackle into the middle market in China, using internal and external analysis, outlining issues and opportunities for the brand. Indeed, bargaining is a strong value of Chinese culture and the company did not give the possibility to bargain in Best Buy β†’

An analysis of game group plc

This will be achieved through an analysis of the background and structure of the company in order to conduct a situation analysis of the macro and micro environment of the group, which will help identify possible technological adaptations that can be used to benefit the future position of the group through gaining a competitive advantage. β†’

Protectionism in india, china and brazil

This new protectionism now represents the greatest threat to the fairly liberal world trading system that has been so painstakingly put together over the past half a century and which has served the world so well since the end of the Second World War Because no one country have all the sources what are the β†’

The significance of investment in zipcar business essay

Whilst Chase had the qualities to bring the Zipcar business into existence and help it to survive, the business required the expertise from someone used to bringing businesses to scale. A credible management team is required if Zipcar was to be a success and chase is the correct person to structure that team, if not β†’

Meeting stakeholder needs

The report to Mr Parks will finally look in to the responsibilities and strategies employed by organisations to meet their set targets and tasks set out in their business objectives. They also follow the laws and regulations set by the government governing their operation and provision of service to their customers.

Rationalism in architecture: 18th and 20th century

Rationalism began as a 17th century ideology that led to the Enlightenment, a period in history where reason was the primary instrument for justifying and understanding the 'hows' and 'whys' of things and circumstances. The symmetry, functionality, and geometrical aspects of the neoclassicist movement were defining characteristics of the Rationalist ideology.[3] Existing in the 16th β†’

Similarities and differences in virtue theory

Similarities and Differences in Virtue Theory, Utilitarianism, and Deontological Ethics When talking about ethics it is hard to distinguish between ethics and morality. Utilitarianism does not take into account motives of the people." If one acts in accord with the general principle and its corollaries, then one is moral"." Deontology is a moral theory that β†’

The power struggle

Trotsky represented the left wing of the party and believed in the rejection of the New Economic Party, being committed to immediate industrialisation and permanent revolution which was completely different to Bukharin who was on the right wing of the party. Lenin was known as the ' favourite of the whole Party' and was ' β†’

Citywide curfew

Logically there should not be a curfew on weekends because if there was not the police would not be so worried about teenagers under 17. These are the reasons I believe citywide curfew should be changed to no curfew on weekends.

Microsoft group case analysis

The degradation in perceptions of Microsoft's Image has at Its roots the fact that the company had gradually taken to over-bureaucratically, symptoms of which are revealed In Its slow Internal approval processes through numerous meetings, memos and relative inaction, all resulting in the company's slowness to market when it came to new products. Microsoft's leadership β†’

Oppression of first nation people

A chief illustration of prejudice that First Nations women experience is through the health care system. Women of First Nations are aware of the different ways in which racial and gendered stereotypes and economic privation can influence the health care they receive.

I the founding fathers had in mind

We have the right to stand in the middle of the street and scream, " I hate Reagan!" The broadcast explained that in Russia they could not do that. We should not have to fight for equality because it is self-evident that all men are created equal.

Economic in the absence of positive control,

Economic liberty aims at the creation of that structure of society wherein there is sufficiency for all before there is superfluity for the few. In the absence of positive control, there is no spontaneity, initiative is frustrated and workers work mechanically.

Grant proposal brainstorming

To meet the needs of children staying in the Sixth Ward in Houston, the Project Proposal will strictly adhere to the Community-Campus Partnerships for Health or CCPH programs in order to provide the much needed volunteer help by the faculty, students and the alumni to better the lives of these children. The Project Proposal, will β†’

Making excuses for murderers

They have no temptations in rehab, and therefore are just acting good so they will be put out on the streets again where they are given another opportunity to commit a crime just as bad, if not worse. We have to understand no matter what a person's age is if they break the law they β†’

Genetically modified organism assignment

The two mall types of GM crops that are In commercial use around the world are either crops that have been developed to be resistant to certain crop pests, or crops that have been developed to be resistant to a particular herbicide. GEM crops have led to serious destruction of the environment and have contaminated β†’

Mental process paper assignment

In contrast seeing the situation clearly and knowing exactly what to do can go against the process of rearranging the old into the new. Innovative Innovation is the making of the new or the rearranging of the old in a new.

Causes and treatments of bone fractures essay sample

This type is the most common among children, but varies in severity throughout a lifetime." Osteoporosis, or porous bone, is a disease characterized by low bone mass and structural deterioration of bone tissue, leading to bone fragility and an increased risk of fractures of the hip, spine, and wrist". A stress fracture is defined as β†’

Breastfeeding vs. bottle feeding

Contrary to the mentioned views of individuals who are for bottle- feeding, breast feeding provides infants with the vital nutrients essential for survival especially the provision of antibodies, which defend against infections, prevent allergies and protect the infant from several chronic conditions. From the above discussion, the pros and cons of breastfeeding versus bottle-feeding are β†’

Human relations topic of the week-evaluate techniques for coping with job stress

The following will be elaborated on: what is stress and what are some of the different types of stress in the workplace; why people react to stress differently; the warning signs of excessive stress in the workplace; and what are some of the effective ways we can cope with stress on the job. The question β†’

Request for proposal

Furthermore, the personnel at Chipotle are qualified to provide the services required by diverse consumers of fast food and travellers at the airport. Chipotle, Paving The Way to a Healthier Tomorrow....

Business plan writing (overview, operation, hr)

The name of the business is Nebula Interiors; thus, the industry will deal with furniture and interior staging business activities. Organization structure: The organizational will be structured in a manner that will include, shareholders or management, the design or staging department and marketing or sales department.

Why claggart is down on billy

When responding to the reason why Claggart is " down on Billy," it is important to look at the background information about Melville's ironies. Dansker is the first person to suggest the notion that Claggart is " down on Billy".

Rain drops essay

Jesus then goes into the desert to test God's connection to himself, where he is tempted by Satan as a cobra, a lion, and a pillar of flame, but resists each of these and instead envisions himself with an axe, being instructed by John the Baptist in answer to Jesus' dilemma of whether to hoose β†’

The company of wolves

As the girl travels along in the dark, she seems to have no fear of the forests. However, the girl is close to the knife throughout the journey.

Moonsnail soapworks – marketing campain flashcard

Qualitative and quantitative analysis conclude that the recommendations are to continue to attend both Toronto One of a Kind Craft Shows, and to hire family members who previously worked for Ridgway to fill in for the regional craft shows when time conflicts arise. The cost benefit analysis of losing $500 in relation to increased marketing β†’

Concerns of gloving practices health and social care essay

A study conducted by in an English infirmary with 717 nurses, they were questioned sing the cognition of HIV and AIDS and besides the attitude towards the attention given to the patients to the HIV positive patients. This survey chiefly points out the current and future function of the professional Nurses in supplying disposed attention β†’

Disaster management tourism and disaster tourism essay

Communities and businesses along the coast have enacted disaster management plans to mitigate the damage and salvage the remainder of the summer tourist season. One of the main goals of disaster management is the support of a maintainable income and the protection and recovery during disasters.

Effect of technology on public transportation

The following will discuss the evidence or otherwise of the social shaping of technology with regard to public transport in London and Paris between 1820 and 1990. Linked to the spread of the railways was the adoption of underground systems in both London and Paris.

The dangers of radiological energy

This exposure to radiation changed the lives of many. This radiation exposure transformed a community to include the people, animals and the environment in which they coexisted.

Revival of hinduism in kalidasa’s shakuntala

The present research paper tries to focus on the revival of Hinduism and how, it was executed in the extraordinary play like Shakuntala. The term Hinduism as a religious label refers to the indigenous religious philosophy of the peoples living in modern day India and the rest of the Indian subcontinent.

Ecofeminism in environmental ethics

In 1974, when the Ecofeminism come out with the issue of women and nature, the number of feminist and environmentalist on that time is increasing because of the attraction issue in Western country. The increasing of number of both parties actually is due to the concern of the link between the domination of women and β†’

Effects of facebook brand marketing on millennials

While all the data points to millennials and Facebook as paramount andinseparable subjects of investigation, existing studies are lacking andunfruitful in providing a comprehensive theoretical viewpoint of Facebook beingutilized as a tool of social media marketing among millennials. Retrieved from: https://www.forbes.com/sites/micahsolomon/2015/01/21/the-millennial-customer-has-arrived-has-200-billion-to-spend-and-wants-a-new-style-of-customer-service/#73c7a8c03e29 The Nielsen Company.

English speaking skills in non-native speaking children

It is important, therefore, for English teachers to examine what difficulties that non-native people, especially children, have in speaking English as a foreign language and to help to enhance the proficiency of speaking English in children effectively. To enhance English speaking skills in non-native children, teachers need to be aware of the communicative purpose of β†’

Impact of population dynamics in canada

Impact of the current population dynamics in Canada and the best strategy/ strategies to adapt to the current situation The population of Canada is aging, and fronting population decay in spite of near record high migration levels. This demographic tendency has substantial consequences from a public policy perspective, in relations...

Zeus: the man, the myth, the legend

Zeus took control of the sky when the Olympian gods inherited control over the world while his brother's Hades and Poseidon were given control over the underworld and the Oceans, respectively. One of the most notable tales of this is that of Zeus and Ganymede.

Precision and accuracy lab report

Last, the average mass of water and standard deviation was calculated, confirming the results that the buret was the most accurate measuring device. The unknown metal was placed in the cylinder next, and the displacement of water was recorded as the volume.

Continuing personal and professional dev education essay

The decision is that non merely are two scholars ne'er rather the same in their acquisition manners but besides that the mix of pupils affects their ability to hold on the constructs of the capable affair and thereby accomplish the coveted acquisition results. Through the usage of CPPD I have identified my demand for farther β†’

Using perceptual maps in marketing

The first situation states that sales of the Cruiser Thorr are decreasing because target customers are aging and are no longer interested in the lifestyle portrayed by the Cruiser Thorr. Students are asked to ascertain the market position of Cruiser Thorr using a perceptual map, selecting four fundamental parameters that are relevant to the industry β†’

Introduction respond to emergencies and other situations

Technology has aided in the understanding of the pathophysiology of diseases, which has led to prevention of many diseases. Another example of the use of technology in improving productivity and output is the use of database systems to store data and information.

First its impact on party policy and campaigning

This system, simply provides the voter with the names of the candidates running for a position and the voter is required to select only one candidate. The First Past the Post system is praised for its tendency to produce winners who represent the ideology and geography of the majority of voters.

Case study on principles, application and tools

The profit of an action Is defined as the largest dollar amount the person would be willing to pay In order to take the action. Microeconomics Is the preparation of Individual picks and of group behavior In Individual markets, whereas macroeconomics Is the training of the performance of national economies and of the polices that β†’

Western style democracy cannot flourish when human rights assignment

This however brings us to the definition of " human rights"." Human rights" are a set of rights that apply equally to all individuals by virtue of their existence and such rights are to be observed regardless of where the Individual may find his or herself. In order to develop my argument In this paper, β†’

Socio economics studies of bangladesh assignment

It is concluded that Marx at first regarded Asian society as a special society which was stagnant and devoid of history, but that at length he overcame this view, considered that the Asiatic mode of production was begotten out of the dissolution of primitive society and was the earliest form of class society and the β†’

Interactive media& child development assignment

L Research on children's ability to understand and cope with marketplace advertising has a long history but that research has focused almost exclusively on children's processing of traditional television The goal of this paper Is to begin to lay out what theory and research on children's development might suggest regarding their ability to negotiate the β†’

Acceptance criteria for valid premises essay

The various criteria that can be used to check for the validity of the premises are enlisted as a part of acceptability criteria. In such a case, the premises provide the complete and absolute support for the conclusion to the extent that if the premises are true, then it follows that the conclusion must also β†’

The rising cost of college tuition essay sample

The market power model states that the more subsidies and grants the federal government gives to public universities, the more demand increases, therefore, the more colleges have the ability to raise tuition. This information proves that college tuition is increasing due to the state government not properly allocating the funds to subside the rates of β†’

The system development life cycle report essay sample

The stages of the system development life cycle The first stage of the system development life cycle is planning. The sixth and last stage of the system development life cycle is rollout.

Recruitment plan using internal and external sources essay sample

Organisations are changing as well as expanding, so the volume of work may not be going up, the type of work that is needed may be changing which new staff have to be recruited. It can be decided that some people have the capacity to do work and it is not necessary to be competitive.


In the entire span of the dance the opening theme of the dancers standing together with their arms rising and falling like swans gets repeated severally. A careful examination of both Dancing in the Rain and Revelations fulfil the expectations of the audience but in different ways.

Globalization has helped the world in technology

Prof's Globalization and the Advancement of Technology Globalization has both its detractors and its fans some argue that it has increased the economy of the world overall, some insist that it is almost a new form of colonialism, allowing rich countries to get richer without doing much to help the world overall. But the fact β†’

James joyce’s the dead

Hot and Cold and Light and Dark images in " The Dead" Taken from the short story collection " The Dubliners", The Dead is widely considered to be a masterpiece of short fiction, embedded throughout with vivid imagery of the hot and the cold and the light and the dark. The best example of such β†’

Tort review

For instance, if the Peter Koz is determined to be 80% at fault and the group of swimmers is determined to be 20% at fault, the swimmers can collect for the damages because they were less than 50% at fault. The insurance company found out that its insured was more than 50% or more at β†’