A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Acer analysis

The emerging motivations strategy was the key motivator for its move abroad The era of rapid growth of communication systems, technology and logistics have made it imperative for companies to constantly expand and spread outside the home country to have a sustainable business model. Once the company succeeded in these markets and gained a strong β†’

Mother natures daughters

The state and local officials' responses to the Hurricane Sandy disaster was reportedly significantly better than the state and local responses to Hurricane Katrina. On the other hand, the federal and state officials' response to Hurricane Sandy were deemed to be far better since the lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina enabled legislators to make the β†’

Explain jim’s character and why he treats laura as he does

Jim has been introduced as " a nice, ordinary, young man" but his nature is rather skeptical as the way he meets Laura and recollects his past in the play. Jim's character in the play grows rather displeasing to normal audience at the end of the tale because of his ill motivated school days and β†’

What i want my words to do to you

Overwhelmed with pain and emotional distress, she asked the man why and how could he do what he had done to her, and the man seemed indifferent to all that pain. Keila could not take that inhumanly behavior particularly when he came to her with a knife and was about to rape her again.

A new economic view of american history by jeremy atack

The opening of the article gets my full attention by giving brief descriptions of the banking system in America just before the civil war. It also gives me vital information regarding the currencies used by these banks regarding acceptance of deposits and issuing of notes to the people in the region that the bank operated.

The concepts i have learn throught the semester

Analysis of the Enlightenment, Romanticism and Realism The history of human culture with its science and art is unthinkable without the influence of the three periods: the Enlightenment, Romanticism and Realism. The Enlightenment period pursued the goal of liberating the human mind from the shackles of various prejudices and speculation.


Secondly, people in rural areas are less educated than those in urban areas, and tend not to comprehend the importance of health care in elongating their lives. Lastly, people in rural areas have limited access to health care and must travel long distances to acquire medical care.

Judaism and hinduism

Two of the religions are Judaism and Hinduism which are two of the oldest major religions in the world. In general, the two oppose each other as Hinduism is said to be Polytheistic and iconocentric while Judaism is monotheistic and iconoclastic that were elaborated by the cyclical versus linear views of existence.

Homosexuality and the bible

In this biblical section it is clear that God hold the actions of the people in Sodom and Gomorrah to be morally reprehensible the language is explicit and the punishment very, very clear. Here the sexual relationship is not a loving and committed one, but an incredibly violent one, and I hope that if the β†’

Monster argumentative essay

Bobo Evans and James King, the perpetrators of the crime, testified that Steve was the lookout and that he wanted in on the robbery. The reader learns that Steve is a lier because he states to the jury under oath that he was never in the store the day of the robbery on page 223.

Sk telecom global business

And they should set up about all value concatenation in foreign state.since radio Mobile concern straight related with state ' s infra system and needs big sum of initial investing, authorities factors including unseeable factors should be investigated and to the full considered. Besides stableness of the economic system and currency is critical.

Biol 2170 chapter 11 learning curve

For example, in certain eukaryotic cells during mitosis, DNA is attached to the membrane of the nucleus.trueWhat is the function of the centromere? to attach the DNA to the plasma membraneto attach the chromosome to the spindleto attach the sister chromatids to each otherto organize the microtubules to form a spindleto attach the sister chromatids β†’

Where the domino fell essay

The writing approach of the authors has been supported by clearly validated facts that support the authors' assertions on the war and provide new twists on the American understanding on the war. Olson and Randy Roberts in this powerful piece of literature illustrates that to the minds and the thinking of the United States leaders β†’

Functionality aspect

Wanting to make the most out of this opportunity, I have resolved to apply for the internship at Nine J Design because I felt that this was where I would be able to attain my full potential and begin creating the blueprints for my success in the future. With this as my goal, I see β†’

Battle of the sexes: gender roles in aeschylus’ “the eumenides”

In the third and final play of The Oresteia trilogy, The Eumenides, Apollo testifies for Orestes and the Furies testify for the late Clytemnestra in a trial that will decide whether or not Orestes is guilty. Therefore, it is her innate background as the child of a single male parent, Zeus, that leads her to β†’

Mental illness, creativity and societal repression: the sylvia plath syndrome

Yet her rising powerlessness and inability to fit in a society that valued the ideals she detested, prompted her to confuse independence with death as seen in the poem " I Am Vertical" where she writes " And I will be useful when I lie down finally: Then the trees may touch me for once, β†’

The tragic example of doctor faustus

During the Middle Ages in Europe, God is the center of intellectual life, and in art and literature, the emphasis revolves around the lives of the saints and the mighty instead of ordinary people. With the rejection of God and his sovereignty and the desire for control over the natural world, Faustus embodies the secular β†’

Labour and social alienation work on class structure

This assumption is based upon on the fact that workers dignity cannot be maintained unless the work process provides autonomy, responsibility and self-fulfilment; he argued the fact that the working conditions in factories in 1867 reflected the power and interest of the dominant class trough the division of labour and de-humanisation of labour." The process β†’

Effect of social support on heart rate during stressful task

Discussion The purpose of this study was to investigate in more depth whether having a high social support will aid in stressful situations and therefore show a lower heart rate reading. The predicted hypothesis was that high social support will aid in stressful situations and therefore show a lower heart rate reading.

The level of education system between india

The basic purpose of education is to notice talent proactively and the purpose of school education is to guide the child's discovery of himself, to identify and nurture his potential to the fullest. To know the opinion of Indian students studying in the UK on education system of UK and India.

Renal dialysis: biochemistry and haematology changes

Normal function of the kidneys depend on the integrity of the glomeruli and the tubular cells, normal blood supply, normal secretion and feedback control of hormones acting on the kidney. However, in order to assess the ability of the kidneys to control the concentration of the substance in the extracellular fluid, measurement of the clearance β†’

Digital technology

The explosion of the world of information technologies has a negative side: it has opened the door to antisocial and criminal behavior in ways that would never have previously been possible. In fact, the reader of this paper, as well as the author has probably committed some form of computer crime.

Human body

The selection of materials used was the same in both the near East Asian sculpture and the African sculpture in Egypt. The case in the African sculpture was mainly the use of stones.

Kids should get their allowance

In their right actions, children's future get better, thus, kids should get their allowance. Should kids get their allowance?

Public administration-theoretical framework of f.w riggs essay

Riggs believed that the degree to which each component of a society differs from another in function is measurable, and that measures of functional differentiation can be used to locate the three societal types along a continuum. Monroe also considers the prismatic model a reflection of Western standards, and urges Riggs to study prismatic phenomena β†’

Negotiating on thin ice essay sample

The players and the Union should be the parties who should have say in resolving the negotiations because in my opinion the NHLPA was there to help and fight for them but at the same time the players lost their voice and in turn barriers were created. The players and the owners began to make β†’

Assignment example

Another aspect is that he has to be conscious enough to realize the weight of the crime he conducted. If there is a person, who is dangerous and destructive, he or she has to be isolated; murder is a reason for death penalty.

Viability of product or service

In today's fast paced world there is an ever increasing need and desire to never have to wait to be served as well as the preference to shop online and with a few clicks of a mouse to have items delivered to any given address. They emphasize in a big way their core family beliefs β†’

Frankenstein narrative

Due to all the tragedies in her life, Shelley almost committed suicide, and this is reflected in the book, giving a tragic and depressing side to the novel. It is also a warning to scientists and inventors of new technology today and back in the nineteenth century.

Npv chapter 9 essay

2 Calculate the payback, the discounted payback, and the NPV at a required return of 10 percent. Calculating NPV For the cash flows in the previous problem, what is the NPV at a discount rate of zero percent?

Ethical issues in hiring essay

This will guide and address the directives that businesses should follow to meet the terms of the law and guarantee that the business is not showing prejudice against any group, but that the company hires the person most qualified without regard to race, religion, gender or creed. If an applicant is in a protected group, β†’

Generating technology

In this effort, they exclude or limit foreign participation in certain sectors of the economy and require local participation in the ownership and management of the entities established. Often the quantities to be produced are a factor in technology transfer.

Competitive strategies

The 11 billion dollar merger between American Airlines and US Airways gives creditors of the bankrupt American Airlines parent control of the combined airline. The Director of AMR Corporation? are to exercise the Director? s business judgment to act in what the Director reasonably believes to be the best interests of the Company and its β†’

The beautiful monument for enduring love of taj mahal

The rectangular base of the Taj Mahal is in itself symbolic of the different sides from which to view a beautiful woman. It sparkles in the moonlight when the light hits the white marble and catches the glow of the moon.

Hedda gabler as artist of manipulation

Through the character of Hedda the play offers a unique perspective on the definition of art, as she works as both the artist and part of the art that we are reading. Hedda refuses to conform to the traditional role of a submissive, domestic female that the characters around her try to impose on her.

Folly as wisdom’s jacket

This box appears in Erasmus' The Praise of Folly as a metaphor for the central claim in the novel, which is that that which appears to be Folly externally, is wise within. Erasmus reveals this dichotomy on three levels: in the image of the box itself, in his genuine praise of Folly, and in the β†’

Genetically modified organisms as a solution to world hunger

Scientists have found a new way to keep food's shelf life longer, reducing the amount of chemicals going into the crops, and reduce the area for growing crops. Due to the revealing of foreign genes inserted into the GM crops, it had created new allergen and toxin.

An understanding of the term ‘looking glass self’

Jette, writing in The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Sociology, says that the " looking-glass self" theory distinguishes three separate components that contribute to the development of self: the responses of others to the individual; the individual's perception of what these responses are, were, or might be; and the individual's patterned internalizing of these perceived responses so β†’

Can agencies collaborate with children and families?

The paper was formed for anyone who works with children and families, it expresses how agencies and professionals should be working together to meet the legal requests of both the Children's Acts 1989 and 2004.' Working Together to Safeguard Children describes comprehensively how agencies should work together and gives guidance on investigations and conduct of β†’

Generation gap

Scott A " generation gap" is a popular term used to describe wide differences in cultural norms between the members of a younger generation and their elders. The so called " MTV Generation" could also be considered a generation gap between older generation in the late 70's and younger generation in the early 90's.

Media and technology

Today the Internet, tomorrow the world, and after that, lets make some profit, this is the reality beyond the dot.com bubble but here in-lies the problem. What it represents is the setting-up of a few more hurdles for companies wishing to come to market, and the birth of the second-generation of Internet companies - those β†’

Leadership development

In the essay, I am going to look at my two weakest leadership skills, which are, communication and setting goals and ways to enhance them. In this paper, however, I am going to narrow down on the leadership skills that I have a weakness in and suggest ways in which I am going to strengthen β†’

Social thought and social change

Over a long period, scholars have sought to find out the nature of the societies and the changes that occur in these societies, and they have concluded that a lot of theories exist to explain these changes. Enlightenment brings a lot of ideas to the society, and people in the society are put in a β†’

Introduction educative on issues of drug abuse.

The five category of music lyrics includes music by; Ben Harper, in the album Radiohead " The drugs do not work", Bare-naked Ladies, in the album Everything to Everyone " war on drugs", Lily Allen, in the album Everyone's at It " Everyone's at it" and finally the lyrics by Alice in Chains, Album Dirt β†’

Case study midsouth chamber of commerce

Background The Monmouth Chamber of Commerce has been around since the early sass, armed originally to lobby for reasonable transportation services to the melodious region In order to help the growth of business as well as the economy. The In the reserve was supported by the Board of Directors In order to grow the staff β†’

Abstract: ola and pricing systems that it has

Onlooking at the 5 Cs of pricing that have impacted the pricing decisions we cansee the following characteristics: The single largest factorthat impacts the pricing of this company is the uniqueness of the product it isoffering. The first C of pricing ' Company' is the most significant factor in the pricing policy ofthe company.


The process of using this science of life is a tool to change our future in all walks of life. A Cell A fundamental unit of life of all living creatures is a cell.

Communications. the origin of capitalism summary. by ellen meiksins wood 17 page reading

11 June The origin of capitalism summary The concept of market-dependence, which forms the bedrock of a capitalist society, has its roots in the medieval England culture when national market development was progressing in London.2. In her book " The origin of capitalism", lays stress on the fact that the concept of capitalism seems to β†’


As a vast system of mountains in eastern North America, the lands west of the Appalachian height are protected by the crown as the hunting grounds for Indians. It was not included in in the colony because colonists were forbidden to enter into the land and the Crown reserved to itself the exclusive right to β†’

Earth science wk7

The need is to comprehend how successful the whole journey has been for the Empire State Building in its quest to go green and how it can be replicated to other buildings and structures in the future as well. This project thus brought interest within other high rise owners into the philosophy of going green β†’

Humanistic theory and trait theory

Trait theory is correct in its approach for many reasons; the success of the five-factor personality models, observers' evaluations, the models withstood challenges that affects all cultures, the link between psychological disorders and personality traits, and the potential to predict what the individuals' future may bring. Both Humanistic and Trait Theories are in disagreement on β†’

Breaking the chain of psychological slavery

Dr Naim Akbar has developed two main ideas in his book ' Breaking the chain of psychological slavery' as those of the impacts of slavery and the control of Caucasian descriptions of worship on the African-American psychology. Akbar introduces his book by giving a background on the bequest of slavery and continues to search for β†’

Denise phillips, revised 25 july 2012

Current crises in both Afghanistan and Abdur Rahman's subjugation of Hazaras in the nineteenth century After the traditionally dominant Pashtuns and the Tajiks, Hazaras are the third largest ethnic group in Afghanistan, although a minority. 6 Victorious, Rahid Rahman demeaned the Hazaras and claimed that Afghanis saw them as ' enemies of their country and β†’

In my day by russell baker

The stream of thought becomes more subjective when he presents his realizations after meeting his mother and wished to respect his past when he says, " These hopeless end-of-the-line visits with my mother made me wish I had not thrown off my own past so carelessly." The dominant impression is formed with care as he β†’

Assignment kodak

They could have used this strategy to do a test run of the instant cameras in the 1940's or the 35mm camera in the 1970's, but Kodak did not use this strategy.3. The goal of this department was to strengthen Kodak's position in the imaging business.

Whether the economy growing or receding

This therefore means that schools are not going to have high quality up to date facilities due to the fact that they are not receiving a big enough income to be able to afford it. This could mean that people want to move out of Ware and relocate if they do so they may have β†’

ο»Ώbook review: soft skills for success

A lot of work has been done on the assessment of soft skills and on the various measures for improvements in the levels of such skills across the cadres in many progressive organizations. The first section titled " Know Thyself" introduces the reader to a definition and description of soft skills.

Ascii codes

For example, the ASCII code for A is 65, and the ASCII code for 4 is 52. Computers use ASCII code to communicate with each other.http://www.ascii-code.com/ The following table shows the ASCII code for letters, numbers, and commands.

Heuristics and bias

Judgment heuristic was shown here for my supervisor made his assessment and judgment of probability simpler and availability heuristic was shown here for he also used what his brother-in-law experienced which Is the process of perception and memory in the imagination. The biases, which are caused within availability heuristic, are the bias due to the β†’

Examining land reform in uganda economics essay

The first part will cover the history of land reform in Uganda and the important Land Act of 1998; the second part will cover the different effects of these land reforms. Just as in the mailo tenure system, land is held in perpetuity and a certificate of title is issued.

Devil’s arithmetic chapters 5-7

What does Shmuel admit to Hannah the next morning, the day of his wedding? What does Gitl tell Hannah to wear to the wedding and how does Hannah feel about it?

Veganism: a movement headed by millennials

In recent times, the reason for transitioning to a veganism diet has shifted from the well-being of animals to the health benefits for humans and the environment. In it For the Health Benefits: According to Marsh, the author of The Rise of Vegan Teenagers claimed that " Veganism is on the rise.

My reaction to the sociological imagination chapter one assignment

The second point he conveys, Is the Idea that Individuals can only violin their fate In accordance to the mowing of their place In the hierarchy of one's surroundings. The final idea that I would like to acknowledge is the idea of social troubles and issues.

Crm ethics and solution assignment

In the 1930s and 1940s the volumes of data available were miniscule by comparison and the " processing" of that data was entirely manual. The line is brought to a halt and the unit can either be removed or repaired.

Sample action research report evaluation essay sample

Research questions In this action research report, the research question " should specify the population of interest, be of interest to the scientific community and potentially to the public, have clinical relevance and further current knowledge in the field". The area of focus is not really within the researcher's locus of control because through the β†’

Control mechanisms paper

Feedforward and feedback control influence selection of techniques and methods of organizing. Starbucks managers first of all are aware of the limitations of the job: they are essentially coordinators and influencers.

Health psychology

According to world health organization health is the state which one is stable, he is thinking upright and is undergoing his day to day activities normally. Snooks, M, 2009.

How can perceptions shape imaginative thought

Creativity and imaginative thoughts can be said to be similar in a number of ways where a majority of researchers have discovered that imaginative individuals tend to be more depressed as compared to the general population due to their perception of different situations they may be experiencing. Those who perceive the world around them in β†’

Discussion board 2 edu 626

Instructional Media in Instructional System Design Your School Instructional theories are designed to make the learning process more goals oriented to satisfy the needs and requirements of a learning process. It may be used to get the participant's attention, to invoke the imagination of the students, to or to explain the explicit/implicit instructional goals.

Analyzing historical film : the fog war

Analyzing Historical Film: The Fog War The film d The Fog of War is a documentary exploring the war history of America. The viewpoint adopted in the movie is to highlight the involvement of America in international relations and the significance of war.

Antitrust practices and market power

The primary complaint was that Microsoft abused its power bout the sale of the operating system and the web browsers. The issue was whether it was right to present the two items as a pair without giving any opportunity to the rest of the web-browsers in the market.

Analyzing an important futer goal

Some of the steps required to attain the goals entails reading content on swine farming, and this can take about one day. I will have to forgo the money spent on entertainment so that I can direct it to venture.

Public sector budgeting

In executing public budget, the question of equity and efficiency causes a concern Whereas equity champions fir the protection of the interests of all members of the society with emphasis on the minority and the disadvantaged, efficiency calls for proper use of resource in attaining the objectives of the projects. The only way of reducing β†’

The classical influence the italian renaissance garden

The Italian Renaissance garden was a new style of garden which emerged in the late fifteenth century at villas in Rome and Florence, inspired by classical ideals of order and beauty, and intended for the pleasure of the view of the garden and the landscape beyond, for contemplation, and for the enjoyment of the sights, β†’

The gender in management sociology flashcard

In making this, societal and economic accounts for the limited advancement of adult females in the labour market are provided by sing the economic history of adult females ' s wage. However, the figure of adult females in leading and direction places is significantly low in the corporate universe and there is a broad gender β†’

Principles of diversity, equality and inclusion in adult social care settings

The Act was repealed by the Equality Act 2010.which supersedes and consolidates old favoritism jurisprudence in the UK The Equality Act 2010 The primary intent of the Act is to codify the complicated and legion array of Acts and Regulations.which formed the footing of anti-discrimination jurisprudence in Great Britain. The Act explains who is involved β†’

Essay on chemistry – nitric acid

Nitric acid is a strong acid and therefore it completely dissociates in water. In view of the fact that it is a really violent and strong acid, people make this acid for many different uses.

Economics sba

To promote an understanding of the factors that influence the demand for tablets 2. To compare each household income inequality There is a growing argue in the demand for tablets among the students of A level college.

The depth in agnes martin

Treading from abstract expressionism to minimalism, all of Agnes Martin's life, works and story as captured in " With My Back to the World; and, as per the perspective of its director, Mary Lance; and, as per all the insights, critiques, reviews and commentaries are but a symphony of illustrations and expressions as to how β†’

Hercules on roger young’s miniseries

The circumstances of the Greek myth characters like Megara, Zeus, Hera, Aphitryon, Alcmene and the rest included in the film were greatly modified to fit the storyline of the animated film. For example, Hercules develops a more profound thinking later on the miniseries but there was no hint of that according to the Greek Myth.

The history of chile history essay

The finality of the struggle for independence came with the usurpation of the Spanish crown in 1808 by the intervention of Napoleon, an act that threw Chile and the other colonies on their own resources and led them to take the first steps toward greater autonomy and self-government. Of these developments, the most significant were β†’

Liberty in education – historical analysis

Liberty in Education written by Eliot, in defense of elective system, is one of the most important historical documents in the history of American higher education. Consequently, Eliot responded to the needs of the people and the demands of the society and introduced elective system to the higher education.

The crucible: characters and act i

To introduce the characters and also compare the Puritans and the 1950's AmericaAct I: What does the " spareness" of the Puritan setting reveal about the lives of the townspeople of Salem? Everyone is the same; if someone were to be different they were seen as working with the devil in some wayAct I: Explain β†’

Radio one

After the passing of the Act, the highly competitive radio network business doubled and reached over $1 billion in 1999. The numbers given in the case for the years 1997 through 1998 will be used to analyze this case, as well as the pro formal statements or the years to follow, after and if the β†’

An adventure in space summary 2 assignment

On the planet, a very strange looking creature met us. It wore a crown and looked like all the strange looking creatures in the room but its head was very much bigger.

Brittany kyle: atlantic slave trade assignment

The Portuguese were the first people to really help the slave trade flourish. When the slaves arrived in the new world, they were usually sent to places in the Caribbean and to Brazil and south America.

Criminal justice assignment

These typically include the details of the offense, prior criminal history, the deadlines which the Commission uses in making their determination, the offender's accomplishments in the correctional facility, details of a release plan, and any problems the offender has had to meet in the past and is likely to face again in the future. A β†’

Determining the concentrations of red dye in sodas essay

After collecting this data, a standard curve was made that correlated the concentration of red dye #40 to its absorbance rate. After the absorbance rates of these drinks were found, we used the standard curve to determine the concentration of red dye #40 in each drink.

“the power awakens, and evolves, in new

The development of " The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" in the past three years was a long and strenuous process, but it worked out fantastically in the end. According to Matt Peckham, he said that this DLC would include a " new story" that adds on to the story of the original β†’

Compare/contrast douglass and jacobs essay sample

In the following short essay, we look closely at the perspective of the female slave, Harriet Jacobs in " Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl", and respectfully compared to that of a man slave, Frederick Douglass in " The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass". As a matter of fact, at the β†’

Information technologies essay sample

In short, information technologies and the Internet specifically, have become powerful agents for change and the exciting part is the development and continued evolution of this amazing technology has occurred in our lifetime. People now talk about the Internet and computers in terms of a ' communication and information technology'.

Both obsessive-compulsive disorder and post traumatic stress disorder are linked under the umbrella of anxiety disorders. what a

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is the fourth edition of the diagnostic manual that is put out by the American Psychological Association which is meant to be used by psychologists as a desk reference in the diagnosis and treatment of clients. The most common forms of treatment for this disorder is through β†’