A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

My first day of high school

I walked in the doors with my two of my friends and was immediately ready to go home. The teacher then told me I was supposed to be in Spanish, which was my first hour that I already had.

Politics and propaganda assignment

By giving her audience the definition of it meaning decent, respectful and moral, she hoped to use it as a way to say that society is not civilized and tell us why. In relation to her glittering generality of the use of being " civilized" she uses name calling to tell her audience that gays β†’

Comparative settlement of new england and chesapeake colonies essay sample

The 1606 Charter was granted to the Virginia Company for the establishment of a colony in the Chesapeake region of North America. Although the Virginia Colony and the Massachusetts Bay Colony were each settled and populated by people of English origin, the two regions developed into distinct societies due to their differing societal priorities, difficulties β†’

The power of supermarkets on the high street and beyond essay sample

Power is a term used to denote influence and control or dominance, in terms of supermarkets this power extends beyond their influence over British high streets and into foreign countries, In this essay I will be describing how this power has a range of both positive effects and examining the various arguments surrounding these. With β†’


In this urbanized society of chaos, fear is used as a way of coercing the collective will of its citizenry. In both the cases of fiction, the natural conditions for a psychologically healthy living are not provided to the people by the state.

Taxation –

Alimony payment is deductible to the person paying thus reducing tax liability. It is important to align alimony payments on both parties, in that the amount received by the spouse from the ex is the same.

Due process rights

Due Process College: Due Process Due process is a constituent of the law, intended to ensure that all people who are subjected to the justice system are not deprived of their rights to life, liberty or property. One of the aspects of due process is the procedural due process.

Colonialism in ukraine

Introduction It is rather difficult to specify the exact date when Ukraine was finally colonized and forced into joining the Russian empire, this is primarily because the 1654 agreement between the Russian Emperor Aleksey Mikhailovich and the Ukrainian Hetman BohdanKhmelnytskyis seen to have not involved the colonization of Ukraine by Russia. Conclusion The colonization β†’


The initial stages of the twentieth century were characterized by the rapid technological advancements in the second industrial revolution. Nietzsche, a German scholar, and cultural critic, argued that civilization and its consequences is the price people have to pay to control the ego and its wants.

European satellite system

This system is designed for the civilian users and will suit the requirements of the users that the present system cannot provide. Once the system is in routine operation, Galileo will provide a navigational accuracy that was not provided during the systems used before.

Discussion 4

To solve the issues crippling the healthcare system, all Americans should have access to healthcare insurance coverage. To save all Americans from unexpected medical costs, healthcare insurance coverage should be made accessible to all.

Health economics

For example, increase in the expected value of the good, increase in the value of a substitute, decreased price of the complementary good, increase in the number of the potential consumers and increased earnings of the consumer will lead to increased demand. Moreover, when there is a decrease in expected value of the commodity, increased β†’

Candidate for the law program

Fueled by the realization that the moral support of my friends and family I am willing to climb my educational ladder much higher to satisfy my childhood dream of becoming a lawyer, I am more convinced that a law school is a good match for me, I find that I thrive in challenging academic environments β†’

Chapter 1 overview of financial management & environment

1-6 5 Primary Activities of Financial Management Cash Management Minimize Cost of Capital Strategic Investment Allocation of Income Risk Management 1-7 Alternative Forms of Business Organization Sole proprietorship Partnership Corporation 1-8 Factors to consider Ease of formation Taxation Liability of owners Life of enterprise Ease/difficulty of raising capital Transfer of ownership 1-9 Sole Proprietorship Unincorporated β†’

Colosseum and gladiators essay

The feature film ' Gladiator' was a fairly accurate portrayal of the gladiatorial games and all the pageantry and ceremony it attracted. The history of gladiators and how gladiatorial combat began is essential in understanding the social status of the gladiators.

Need to know

With money, We can go to any schools, any universities we like to further our knowledge.- I think money is just the important thing in our life. In addition, when we have a lot of money without knowledge, then our life is not really meaningful.

Trey songz Π‘areer

Trey to finish high school first, and then they could talk about a possiblemusiccareer. As he was working on his debut album - not to mention several collaborations with Lil' Kim, Trina, and Snoop Dogg - Trey Songz released some street-level mixtapes under his alias, the Prince of Virginia.

History of cuba

The country is officially known as the Republic of Cuba and consists of the island of Cuba, the Isla de la Juventud and several minor archipelagos. The First Secretary of the Communist Party is also President of the Council of State and President of the Council of Ministers.

Education timeline

This was the first law to oppose segregated schools in the United States and is, therefore, a significant event in the history of American education. 1896The Laboratory School of the University of Chicago: John Dewey, the father of the progressive education, established the first laboratory school for testing the progressive educational method.

Snowdrops – creative writing

Willing my suspicions to be erroneous, I peeped through the crack I had created between the door and the doorframe. I slumped with relief.'Hello Gwen.' I said, letting out the deep breath I did not know I was holding.

Bendix case study

In 1951, the Bended Corporation is credited with the invention of electronic fuel injection and was in sole possession of the accompanying patent until 1978. The company had not utilized this innovation to its fullest potential due to the lack of interest in automotive manufacturers in the United States.

Attitudes and values

Our Attitudes are the manifestation of our Values- they are expressed through what we say or do - Values reflect a person's sense of right and wrong or what " ought" to be. We may have our own personally thought-out and constructed values but many of the values we accept are socially or culturally constructed.

Alcohol in contemporary society

Policy options and interventions to combat alcohol related harm, as asserted by the WHO are many and varied; emphasising leadership, community action, drink-driving policy, availability of alcohol, marketing of beverages, pricing and illicit alcohol policy and reducing the negative consequences of alcohol intoxication. A more successful policy has been in the form of regulation and β†’

The management process in achieving organizational goals

So the market research has a great influence to the organisation 's development, and besides affects merchandises in a waiting phase. Therefore, a long-run and complex program is really of import to an organisation, it determines the organisation 's development way.

Java heap size problem

For example./ng.sh -Xmx512m Where '-Xmx512m' sets the maximum heap size to 512MB of memory. Application %* Where '-Xmx512m' sets the maximum heap size to 512MB of memory.

Hurricane katrina case study

In Dauphin Island, approximately 90 miles to the east of the point where the hurricane made landfall, the sand that comprised the barrier island was transported across the island into the Mississippi Sound, pushing the Island towards land. As It got to the Gulf of Mexico, the water got warmer and the hurricane got stronger.

Media analysis

The media in general is a source of information and entertainment; in United States a majority of people have access to mass media. Television and movies have brought to the light the inequalities especially between the whites and the African Americans in United States and their perceptions of each other.

Electrical circuits: assignment essay sample

Explain the relationship between the current output at the power supply and the current through each component in the series circuit. Explain the relationship between the current output of the power supply and the current through each diode in the parallel circuit.

Advantages to eating healthy essay sample

Prime Rate The current prime rate is a commonly used short term interest rate used in the banking system in the United States. The current inflation rate in the U.S.is 1.99%.

The causes of the war of 1812

The war indicated the tensions that already existed between the British Empire and the United States after the Treaty of Paris in the year 1783. The next tension was that between the Indian Americans and the government of the United States.

Kill a mocking bird 1.2.2

Her fear and her anxiety at the possible result of the fire and the people it may attack is evident in how she tries to shield herself from the scene. Though Scout is yet unaware of the details of the case her father is fighting, yet hearing insults against her father anger her and rouses β†’

Analysis of poems written by robert frost

A road taken during the journey of life is equal to a decision taken in life. But beyond this simple meaning the poet reminds us of the responsibilities we have in life, of the promises we have to keep.

Does caffeine affect heart rat

Increasing heart rate may also be a cause for increasing chances of CHD, which is a main cause of death in the UK. If the blood supply to the heart is constantly blocked, not enough oxygen can get to the heart increasing the chances of cell damage; this can cause a heart attack.

Going out with friends essay

They were all intelligent, friendly people and I realized that it probably would have been impossible for me to meet them in public and spend time with them without this assignment. I intend to do this kind of thing more often in the future.

Graduation: black people and negro national anthem

A pyramid of flesh with white folks on the bottom as the broad base, then the Indians with their silly tomahawks and teepees and wigwams and treaties, the Negros with their mops and recipes and cotton sacks and spiritual sticking out of their mouths. At the graduation, the graduates expect certain things to happen, The β†’

Essay about my psychological state

I think that some evidence to support this would be that I do believe that me as a woman should do the cooking and cleaning. I think that now in life that I am not at a great risk of conforming.

An ethical issue in human behavioral pharmacology

A lot of how a drug affects a person is really in their belief of how the drug they are taking will influence their over all. So placebo controls are definitely needed to interact with groups of people and see whether or not the drug really is needed for a person, if it is really β†’

Satisfactory academic appeal form

This is the case in my History class, where I find it hard to understand my professor with all the facts and events I as a student have to comprehend in the subject. Therefore, I appeal to your compassionate and understanding heart for the consideration of my case.

Gulliver’s fifth voyage

I had been immobile for much too long and I was yearning to begin another great voyage when I decided that I would go due west to investigate the civilisation that dwelled there. With that, the captain left saying, 'I hope everything is to your satisfaction, sir, and that you have a pleasant rest.' This β†’

Descartes’ method in meditations on first philosophy

The placement of the content of the Second Meditation directly before that of the Third Meditation is necessary because the Second Meditation indirectly begs a question that the Third Meditation answers, namely if Descartes has proved in existence in that he is a thinking thing, what is it that allows him to be a thinking β†’

Legal and ethical issues in robotics

With the robots, the tasks which are performed by humans can be automated in order to gain higher effectiveness and efficiency." A robot is an electronic device controlled by a program and able to carry out tasks of various kinds-it is a machine made to perform that humans might otherwise do". When robots are used β†’

Leadership in tata group

The emergence of the post-bureaucratic form of organization in the late nineteenth century reflects the development of the concept of transformational leadership. This is TATA's in-house programme and has goal is to provide training to high performers, act as a cradle of change and develop the leadership qualities.

An analysis on the process of adjudication

A proper regard for the distinctive social Function of adjudication, and for the conditions that limit the legitimate exercise of the judicial power, will require care in identifying the kinds of texts to be construed and the rules that govern the interpretive process; the judge is to read the legal text, not morality or public β†’

Co-occurring disorders and behavioral health services

4 Of importance is the difficulty of primary care referral to mental health providers. Integrating mental health and primary care services in the Department of Veterans Affairs health care system.

Evaluation of ceo pay and performance structures

Their latest increase in payment has of late attracted lots of attention and has, therefore, spurred a lot of debate across the globe about the nature of their compensation, and the setting at large. Optimal incentives The quantity of optimal incentives has been a question of interest in the high compensation of the CEOs.

Drug trafficking a global issue economics essay

Drug trafficking is defined as the possession of an illegal drug in a fixed quantity that constitutes that the drug is going to be sold. In fact, new routes of trade are developing in places that lack the enforcement, and the infrastructure that is needed to detect the possibility of trafficking.

The effects of cultural influence in motivation

African employees have the ability to work hard but they never worked up to their fullest of ability and expectations of the management thus the Africans failed to represent professionalism and the loyalty to the job. The African employees compared the French production manager " Bernard" with their likelihood Senegalese assistant production manager " Diop" β†’

Salvador dali, dadaism and surrealism

All of Dali's life he was distressed by many issues and complications, such as the death of his wife gala and the war, resulting in him being put in a state of paranoia. Disappearing Bust of Voltaire the Invisible Man I see the paranoiac- critical method as being effortless, in my opinion Dali is fooling β†’

Concept of flexibility in architecture

0 Introduction An Overview Of The Terminology And The Conceptual Framework This chapter aims to define the meaning of the term ' flexibility', " Adaptability' and ' typological variety' are the other concepts that related to ' flexibility'. Rabeneck, Sheppard and Town claim that flexibility relates to design decisions about the permanent and fixed parts β†’

Relational database system sql analysis paper

The data or information for the databases is stored In the tables.* In lesson 3 1 learned how the select statement is used to query the databases. This statement Is used to create new tables.* In lesson 5 1 learned how to use the insert statement to insert or add a row of data into β†’

Bulletin 1508- specific learning disability definition

Bulletin 1508, Specific Learning Disability Definitiona disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, that may manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or to do mathematical calculationsSpecific Learning Disability includesconditions such as perceptual disabilities, brain injury, β†’

Creative brief – example

Creative Brief Project: UD Marketing Video for Prospective Business Students Prepared by: Claire Holman, Josephine McGrath, Megan O'Brien, and Candice Vermeulen Background/ Overview: The Business School of the University of Dallas is a Catholic institution, which provides a well-rounded education in humanities and business, with the goal of developing the student's intellectual and moral virtues, β†’

Factors affecting the production of rice in malaysia

FACTORS AFFECTING THE PRODUCTION OF RICE IN MALAYSIA We would like to point out the factors affecting the production of rice in our country. Climate and the nature of soil, insect-pest and weed management, land areas, infrastructure, technologies and mechanization, dependency on other rice producers, investment and collaboration with international organization are the major factors β†’

What is crispr?

The Future of CRISPRWhile CRISPR is fairly new in the eyes of science, it already has people wondering where it could go. How it Will Work CRISPR can lead humanity into the future.

Weighted average cost of capital and new product line assignment

Based on these forecasts, estimate Flash's required external financing: in this case all required external financing takes the form of additional notes payable from its commercial bank, for the same period.2. What course of action do you recommend regarding the proposed investment in the new product line?

Intro to criminal justice paper assignment

The police arrest or provide a ticket with a court date which the offender has to attend, and from there the court determines whether or not that offender should be sentenced o jail or prison time or not. I believe a person should be assumed innocent until proven guilty not the other way around.

Kurt is able to both establish a reason

Darryl Hattenhauer, author of " The Politics Of Kurt Vonnegut's ' Harrison Bergeron'", argues that Vonnegut uses his skills as a satirist to criticize both right and left wing politics. By using 2081 America as an allegory for a communist state of his time, as well as using hyperbole to satirize both left and right β†’

Nascar history essay sample

I am going to talk about the history of NASCAR, early drivers of NASCAR, the three NASCAR divisions, the rules, and the new technology. Daytona International Speedway, in Florida, is the home of The Great American Race, The Daytona 500, is the biggest, richest, and most prestigious race in America.

Health teaching section

The outcome of this assessment will serve the purpose of gaining an insight into the baseline knowledge of students. Teenage pregnancy: The making and unmaking of a problem.

Factor v leiden and prothrombin mutations

Unit Factor V Leiden and Prothrombin Mutations The of the Journal is: " Factor V Leiden and prothrombinG20210A mutations, but not methylenetetra hydrofolate reductases C677T, are associated with recurrent miscarriages". Its results suggest that the presence of prothrombin and factor V leiden is the cause of recurrent miscarriages.

Product helath claims in the media

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine In an online article en d Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Strongly Protect Us from Cold and Flu, Melissa Sokulski explores the solution to colds and flu, which is through acupuncture and Chinese medicine. The author used this strong Chinese finding to back up her claim that acupuncture and Chinese medicine prove β†’

Danforth donnalley laundry products company integrative problem

DANFORTH AND DONNALLEY COMPANY of DANFORTH AND DONNALLEY COMPANY The proposed new product of Blast, a stronger form of liquid detergent to be launched by the company, should be charged for the use of the excess production facilities and also unused building space within the company premises once plans push through and production starts. The β†’

Understanding the principles and practices of assessment

1 For the purpose of inclusion the candidate should be made aware and understand the assessment requirements, it should deal with specific needs and be tailored to the candidates learning style. Different types of information can be gleaned from the awarding organisation, the centre where the assessment is to take place, the assessor and from β†’

Book review: daily life in the united states, 1920-1940 essay

Events such as the stock market crash in 1929, the dust bowl of the 1930's, and, due to an increase in urbanization, the uprising of major cities. In addition to the comparisons of these two books, both books address the same audience as well.

Enzyme concentration and enzyme activity

Once the casein enters and attaches to the active site of trypsin, the shape of its site will modify around the substrate to form the active complex, once the reaction is complete, the now broken down substrate will leave the active site and the enzyme reverts to its previous, unmodified form. As substrate concentration increases, β†’

How to make investigatory project essay

Bibliography a list of the references used in guiding the research work and writing and paper? Statement of the problem/Objectives the nature and scope of the problem should be presented properly and with larity.c.

Short story from personal life

Ruby climbs up the stairs of the slide holding the bars with her hands and sits on the edge and then slides down. Sara: " Stay here, 'cause the fire will hurt you.

The violent crime control and law enforcement act

TheIllegal Immigrationreform and ImmigrantResponsibilityAct of 1996 made way for transformations in the system of the USImmigrationlaws generally pertaining to the improvements and control of entry into the US, intensified enforcement and penalties of laws with regards to aliens in the region, restrictions against their employment and benefits, and other miscellaneous provisions. The S visa is β†’

Dbq essay on geographies affects on the world

The hardest part of solving the mysteries of ancient times is getting in the minds of the people living back then. Agricultural is the easiest thing to crack when trying to figure out the development of a city in ancient times.

Case petroil

If the well was dry, Petrol lose $ 100, 000 of the cost of drilling. A dome structure is a kind of anticlines raised to a certain depth by the accumulation of oil and the increase of the pressure produced by the natural gas.

Sri lanka tourism

Nowhere is the relief at the end of fighting more tangible than on the beautiful beaches of Hikkaduwa, south of the capital Colombo. This year, the island known for its scenic beauty expects over half a million tourist arrivals, making 2010 one of the best seasons in the last half a decade." We saw very β†’

Example of governments role in economy case study

For social and environmental reasons the government has to interfere in the economics of the region. One of the tools used by government in the acquisition and redistribution of wealth is the tax system.

Treatment of black athletes in the us

The government gottoo involved in the situation of the National Anthem and convinced many peopleto boycott the NFL and not watch it anymore. Most academicinstitutions do not have a class or course that is only dedicated to racism, itssolutions, and the negative effects of racism.

Effects of optimism on health

A study conducted by Rasmussen, Scheier and Greenhouse aimed at determining the strength of the link between optimism and physical health through a meta-analytic review of 84 studies. From the study, Rasmussen, Scheier and Greenhouse ascertained that the studies reviewed strongly suggested that optimism was a significant predictor of physical health.

Application of leiningers theory to the muslim client

In which case, the ultimate goal is to link and synthesize generic and professional care to benefit the client. Wehbe-Alamah, Lawrence, Rozmus and Luna all agree that a nurse's knowledge of the basic tenets of Islam is important in providing culturally congruent care to the client.

Donor-transmitted melanoma case study

CT guided Bone marrow biopsy: Metastatic malignant neoplasm, quite consistent with metastatic malignant melanoma **Within days of patient's admission, it was discovered that the recipient of the liver from the same donor developed melanoma within the transplanted liver and the recipient of the mate kidney had developed melanoma in the renal allograft.**The transplant center reported β†’

Meningitis: risk factors, pathophysiology and clinical manifestations

The name meningitis describes inflammation of the meninges, which may include swelling of cerebrospinal spinal fluid; the fluid that surrounds and protect the brain and spinal cord. The testing of the lumbar puncture is crucial for determining if the patient has bacterial, viral or fungal meningitis Etiology and Risk Factors The causative agents causing bacterial β†’

Marketing communication with e-commerce

To verify the hypothesis of e-commerce as a principle form of marketing communication. The proposed research involves critical analysis of e-commerce and marketing communication.

Adverse possession: law and effect

The courts must identify whether the possession was adverse, as well as whether the acts of the squatter were such that the intention to possess was unequivocal and that this intention was made clear to the world. In order to substantiate a claim for adverse possession the squatter must, in satisfying the requirement of possession[24], β†’

Bradford assay: standard quantitative method determination

Comment on the value of R2 Using the values of the equation of the line of best fit, the absorbance value for each standard was used to calculate the actual concentration of protein in each replicate. In an investigation using the Bradford assay, two detergents at different concentrations were exposed to a set concentration of β†’


As Horatio says, being the only of the guards to play a significant role in the rest of the play, " Before my God, I might not this believe / Without the sensible and true avouch / Of mine own eyes." Horatio, who appears frequently throughout the play, acts as an unquestionably sane alibi to β†’

In of illiteracy, ignorance and superstitions. ignorance

We have more or less got rid of superstitions and imaginary fears, nor are we any more victims of a sense of fatalism. In the days of our forefather, poverty was regarded as part of the divine scheme of things and was passively accepted by the people.

Financial reporting environment in sri lanka

The purpose of this report is to investigate the current financial reporting environment in Sir Lankan and its impact on the companies listed on the Colombo stock exchange. According to the Colombo Stock Exchange a requirement for a listed entity is that it must " ensure that the annual report is issued to the Entity's β†’

The kite flying over the sky, the nightingale singing at night

Because of the clan feuds and the rigid social hierarchy in this fictional society, Takeo struggles to reconcile his desires with the injustices and social inequalities of the country. Following his death, however, and Takeo's contract with the Tribe, Takeo accepts that his duty is to the Tribe.

Frederick douglass assignment

In the ' Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass', he first discusses his life mime and what lead to his narrative, and also explains the treatment and roles of women by using anecdotes, factorization of female slaves, and description of what roles they accepted to do." Frederick Douglass', himself a fugitive from slavery, help β†’

Criminal justice assignment

Criminal law versus civil law All law other than criminal law is known as civil law. If the government violates procedural law, that violation can be grounds for appeal and for a reversal of a criminal conviction.

“there the folds of a bright girdle

As a consequence of rapid scientific and industrial progress or the theories of Evolution and Communism, Victorian people and of course the literary writers are consigned to reach the acme of religious confusion or spiritual loss or conflict between faith and doubt. So if one group goes in the favor of faith or religion, the β†’

Importance of biological aspects in the human species adaptation essay sample

Importance of Biological Aspects in the Human Species Adaptation One of the biggest unknowns that humanity has been wondering over the years was first of all, the origin and evolution of human kind, and second how we have been able to survive through so many changes that have existed for millions of years? That will β†’

The monkey wrench gang essay sample

And he is the main member to form the environmental group known as " Earth First" which primarily associated with direct action to prevent logging, building of dams, and other forms of development that may cause destruction of wildlife habitats or the despoliation of wild places. The first half of the 1980s saw psychology coming β†’