A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Post partum hesi case study

Factors in Maria's history that contribute to the potential for hemorrhage include: overprotection of the uterus due to a large infant, the trauma of a forceps delivery, a prolonged labor, and the use of extinction. The first rule during a crisis is to stay with the client.

Ladies and gents, i give you bully

They are smart people; they realize with only a few words they can completely crush a person, crush them all the way to the ground. They take a beautiful person with a matching beautiful personality and tear her to the ground.

Trifels/ sexism essay

The " trifles" the women are worried about do not matter to the men. The women and the men in this story are both somewhat sexist.

The vita activa: labor, work, and action essay sample

In her thought-provoking book The Human Condition, Hannah Arendt analyzed and described the three different types of human activities, the qualities of human behavior, and the concepts of human conditions in relation to the three basic human activities. Action is the only activity that involves men and relates to the human condition of plurality.

Perspective paper

Differences and Similarities in Themes Nature/Nurture Psychoanalytic theories generally believe that nature drives human development, while learning and ecological systems theories maintained that the environment, and not biology, controls human development. Learning theories showed that the environment is the most important aspect of human development.

Introduction of the role of csr in oil industry , focusing on british petroleum

Role of CSR in the Oil Industry: Focus on British Petroleum Introduction The dynamics of the oil industry ensure that it is always in the news no matter what happens. Oil firms generate a lot of controversy through environmental damage, and therefore, CSR is one of the key approaches to managing negative perceptions of oil β†’

Conduct disorder

According to the DSM-IV-TR, a conduct disorder diagnosis is made when the child goes against the rules, age-appropriate social customs, and the rights of others in a period of at least twelve months. TREATMENT The treatment of Conduct Disorder is mainly based on the developmental age of the child.

American culture has infiltrated and marred china culture

Considering that English is the language of communication in America and many other countries across the world, the American culture has a much greater possibility of infiltrating Chinese culture than the vice versa. It is indeed true that American culture has infiltrated and marred Chines culture in many parts of the world.

Educational development: louisiana ecd programs

Participation within high-quality early childhood care and corresponding education programs have extremely positive impacts on the children's intellectual, language and social advancement among underlying children in Louisiana in regard to the risk of poor results. A handful of prevailing small scale demonstration programs in Louisiana depicts that whilst the language, literacy and mathematics test scores β†’

K-feldspar essay

K-Feldspar, also known as Potassium Feldspar or orthoclase, is the most common rock-forming mineral. K-Feldspar is also known as Orthoclase, which got its name from the Greek.

The need for construction firms commerce

The satisfactory growing of the industry is indispensable for the public assistance of any economic system as its growing is related to the growing of many other sectors such as services and fabrication. In this survey, environmental dynamism refers to the rate of alteration, absence of form and capriciousness of the environment, following the definition β†’


CongressWhat is Congress * One of the three branches of government: Congress, President and Supreme Court * Legislative branch of federal government where laws are made * Based in building known as Capitol in Washington * 535 members of Congress?" 100 in Senate and 435 in House of Representatives.* Work carried out in these two β†’

Video games and the internet are addictive media essay

Everyone can have a laugh and say you cannot get addicted to games, but it's obvious that some people do"." Several people on my friends list online have racked up maybe one hundred and fifty hours a week"." The more you play and the less interaction you have with the outside world, the more you β†’

Municipal solid waste msw environmental sciences essay

Therefore, with the increasing number of Malaysian population, the issues regarding the solid waste disposal is the biggest challenges that need to be controlled. In Malaysia, about 70 percent to 80 percent of MSW is disposed into landfill which it is seem to be the main problem because it is the common technique for disposed β†’

National rifle association nra politics essay

But as time goes on, with multiple incidents throughout the United States that involve massive casualties in regards to misuse of firearms, from the Virginia Tech to the latest Sandy Hook disaster, the NRA had to take a stronger stand against the new firearms bills in addition to the repeated attacks towards the Second Amendment β†’

Comparing costa and starbucks

The objectives of the study can be summarized as below: To compare and study the 4P's, namely Product, Price, Promotion and Place, of Starbucks Coffee and Costa Coffee. In the light of these findings, critical aspects will be evaluated and recommendations and suggestions will be provided for the overall improvement of the Starbucks Coffee Company.

Reconstruction of the self in literature

The sense of self becomes not something that the individual has created in isolation; it is what the significant others in the individual's life have come to treat the individual as being. This is in sharp contrast to the violent interactions of Leonard's early life that created a broken and violent identity.

Roles and responsibilities legislation requirements

As Wilson states, ' The role and responsibility of the teacher is a complex one.' The teacher's roles and responsibilities are essential for the tutor to effectively use the assessment framework of the teaching/training cycle. The fifth part of the cycle is the assessment of learning against outcomes, and my role is to ensure that β†’

Advantages and disadvantages of reading schemes education essay

Schemes also make it difficult for teachers to; widen the children's reading experiences; teach children the importance of reading; and teaching the skills needed to choose what they would like to read. To conclude, the reading scheme and real books approach are both useful ways of teaching children to read.

What are the factors affecting the employee motivation business essay

The demand to increase productiveness and efficiency in the work topographic point of any organisation has led to increasing academic involvement in the country of motive over the old ages. Factors which bring about occupation satisfaction are normally called satisfiers or incentives and were found from the survey to be related to the nature of β†’

Introduction as his father understood that the

In the iron man, the character Tony Stark is introduced as the man at the top helm of a " military contracting" company. Clark is sent to his new planet as his father understood that the effects of the yellow in the new planet would give Clark powers to survive.

Downsizing prices due to lowered production expenses.

Havingyour employer view you as expendable is a tough blow to take, both to theego and to the pocketbook. In light ofproblems like this it is hard to appreciate the efforts that privatebusinesses make to support the health of American citizens.

Active listening in health care environment

According to Andrew active listening is a way of communication method that involves and expects the listeners to understand, interpret, and evaluate what is said and passed across them. In addition, active listening is a structured way of listening understanding the message and giving a feed back as respond in regard to what the speaker β†’

The catcher in the rye

In " The Catcher in the Rye" by JD Salinger, Holden Caulfield earns a place in fiction because he becomes a symbol of adolescent rebellion as he strives to acclimate his noble beliefs with the realities of life and, through the use of his unique voice, struggles to deal with his own troubled past. He β†’

“romeo and juliet”: capulet and montagule essay sample

In the play " Romeo and Juliet" the conflicts between the house of Montagues and the house of Capulets is so intense that even the slightest quarrel between the opposing family members can turn into an all out war. Throughout the play the honor of the house of Capulets had caused the consequences of many β†’

Tour de georgia and home improvement materials essay sample

With the perseverance and hard work, the business steadily grew through the years and in the year 1998; the small junkshop was improved into a general merchandise selling building and home improvement materials and used goods. The owners of the above mentioned business needs a technology that could make their lives easier and enhance the β†’


Legal Concepts and Procedures used by the Plaintiff to argue the Case The plaintiff presented a complaint to the court and served the accused corporations with a copy of the complaint. Substantial evidence helps in demonstrating and proving to a court the sufficient link between the corporations accused and the pollution and associated deaths.

Gene and meme: a unidirectional way

Discussion on Durham proposal May 21, 2006 Gene and Meme: A unidirectional way According to Richard Dawkins Meme is the unit of cultural evolution while Gene is the unit of biological evolution. The alikeness is here that both are inherited by the living entity itself though the memetic copying are happened in only hominids, dolphins, β†’

Discipline paper *

Discipline: Problem 13 Does the law constrain the Provost in her decision making on this matter How so Is there any other information the Provost would need to have before ruling on this petition If so, why is this information needed If the Provost denies the petition, would the student have substantial grounds for suing β†’

Confession room at a catholic church

The small space can be justified by the intimacy that it brings between the priest and the one confessing his sins. The confession room is divided into two portions-the one occupied by the priest and the one for the confessing.

Nice thing that have happened to me

I felt in the same way when my family decided to arrange a very enjoyable evening for me that I would remember and whose memories I would cherish with me for the rest of my life. I still clearly remember that I was about to turn eighteen and I was very excited about my birthday β†’

Kitchen remodeling risk management

Kitchen Remodeling Risk Management Summary of the process Project assumptions will include the projected costs and value of a common kitchen remodeling plan. 1 Initiating with an Unclear Remodeling Strategy Beginning the project earlier to creating a list of " wants," " requirements," and " desires", there is a risk of overstepping the established kitchen β†’

Subject of customer satisfaction in malaysia business

This is despite the issue of client satisfaction in public services has been turning in importance, peculiarly in Malaysia due to the perceptual experience of deteriorating degrees of satisfaction as perceived by most quarters of the populace. In the past 10 old ages with the explosive growing of broadband cyberspace incursion degrees in the state, β†’

Contrast and comparison of two of hamlet’s soliloquies essay

In regards to the soliloquies it is evident that they are both significant to the play and progress of the characters. In contrast to this, the fourth act and Hamlet's last soliloquy it is evident that the audience is aware of Hamlet's true motivations which thus result in the final events of the play.

Arthur miller’s death of a salesman

Willy Loman is frequently recognised as the tragic hero of Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman but statements can be made against Biff being the modern-day hero and therefore the true hero of the drama. Willy is incapable of releasing his dream and another character defect.his pride.stands in the manner of him accepting a occupation β†’

Reputationon the crucible argumentative essay

Probably the most powerful line the entire play, it is apparent that the idea of the importance of " names" is the central theme of this great classic. The author begins to develop this idea early in the play beginning with the conversation between Reverend Parris and Abigail Williams.

Software piracy essay

It is illegal for a corporation or business to purchase a single set of original software and then load that software onto more than one computer, or lend, copy or distribute software for any reason without the prior written consent of the software manufacturer. Software piracy can be found in three forms: software counterfeiting, which β†’


Not only will the expansion of these services to an online format Increase the market to which this business Is available. Adding an online presence to the service will put the business at the fingertips of many users at the same time they are looking for a Job or job related services as offered by β†’

Economic grwt

The current study therefore suggests a new way of taking into account the complex influence of inequality on economic growth that accounts separately for inequality in different parts of the income distribution, namely at the top and bottom end of the distribution. The empirical results support the main hypothesis that inequality at the top and β†’

Height of gold medalist research

The purpose of this investigation is to find out the general trends of the Olympic gold medal height each time the event is held. Because from the list of functions in the graph-constructing program, the Gaussian function is the most accurate shape when plotted according to the data given which is the statistics of the β†’

Beggining to puck

The couples in the beginning struggle to find a way to be with each other so they run off to the woods. Oberon demands for Puck to resolve the mess he created.

The street

The narrator efficiently utilizes a third-person omniscient narrator to relay to the reader the bitterness of the cold, along with the adamant determination of Lutie Johnson. The omnipotence and omnipresence of the " Cold November Wind" is evidenced in the sense of disorder and chaos that encompasses 116th street." Scraps of paper" are sent " β†’

Malcolm x biography

During his teenage years, he dealt drugs, was a hustler, and was the leader of a gang of thieves in Roxbury and Harlem He was in prison for robbery from 1946 to 1952, which lead him to convert himself, and join the Nation Of Islam his brother Reginald was also a member and was one β†’

One of the most important elements

The ancient Greeks created the stories about the lives and journeys of the Greek Gods, known as myths, simply different information which were difficult to explain using modern science. This being because there was such a large society of God's, this meant that much of the Gods lives were surrounded in chaos and revenge.

The power within women: a reading of “lanval”

In this poem, the woman is the hero; the woman is in control of Lanval's fate. With courtly love, the woman is traditionally in control of the affair; however, I believe that the woman's control goes far beyond this subgenre.

War and womanhood in rudyard kipling’s mary postgate (1915)

The first of these interpretations relies on Mary's role as a ' mother' to Wynn; that is, the extract sets up a reading where Mary's later neglecting to help the airman is an act of revenge from a grieving mother. A final interpretation of the extract suggests that Kipling's description of the German soldier is β†’

Art and empathy: an analysis of saturday and atonement

The purpose of ' art' in the form of the novel Briony has written is now to atone for her past crime a lack of empathy and understanding through attempting to empathise with Cecilia and Robbie by writing them. This revelation is bizarrely morbid in a way, as McEwan appears to be portraying the connection β†’

The controversy of “eliza harris” by frances ellen watkins harper

She is trying to instill fear and terror in her readers by describing the ugly truth and reality of the lives of African Americans in the United States during this time period. This also speaks to the way that Harper presents her democratic ideas, raising awareness about the mistreatment of African Americans in the United β†’

Multitasking span measures and working memory capacity

Burgess and Simons described multitasking as: the creation, maintenance and execution of delayed intentions; the ability to recognise the need for self initiatives and carry out complex meta-strategies; dovetailing tasks to be time effective; prioritisation of tasks and deciding for oneself in the absence of feedback whether a result is satisfactory. The term executive function β†’

Autistic child’s failure & false belief task

The theory that children with autism lack the theory of mind is supported by multitude of experiments concerning the testing of presence of ToM via false belief task which show that the autistic children usually fail to pass the test. Discovery of Autism When a child is discovered to be suffering for Autism it comes β†’

Assessing development and democracy in india politics essay

Members of the lower house the Rajya Sabha are indirectly elected by the legislative assemblies of the federal States and the President nominates twelve members to the Rajya Sabha based on distinguished reputations in the realm of the arts, sciences or public service[4]. India's economic growth in the context of a democracy is on the β†’

Civil liberties: voting rights and equal representation

In Federalist Paper 84, Hamilton reasons against the provision of the Bill of Rights citing that the constitution is sufficient in providing liberty through the application of checks and balances. Following the Civil War and the subsequent abolishment of slavery by the Thirteenth Amendment in 1865, the Southern states " sought to perpetuate the economic β†’

Recommendations and justification for strategic options marketing essay

Therefore, it is mandatory for every businessman to develop and implement a comprehensive and profitable strategic planning for the survival of their business." A strategy indicating the opportunities to propose, specific targets, and the types of competitive advantages those are to be developed"." So strategy preparation is the overall preparation that facilitates the goodness of β†’

External factors and forces affecting the market marketing essay

The scan of the external macro-environment in which the firm operates and is expressed in the terms of the following factors: Political Economical Social Technological Political Factors include government regulations and legal issues and rules under which the firm must operate. Economic growth Which is the steady growth in the productive capacity of the economy β†’

Google’s human resource management

Google provides compensation packages to retain high qualified employees, which is one of the main Google's HRM tool to ensure that Google's operations are consistent with its goals and activities. With those strategies, methods, and techniques that Google uses, organizations can achieve their desired goals to retain a number of employees.

Characteristics of being a good and efficient leader

The relationship between leader and his team members is quite important for a qualified leader as well, because a good relationship will help the leader to communicate to his team members easily and send right massage to his team members. A leader needs to be a source of inspiration and to be a motivator to β†’

The evolution of breaking the glass ceiling

The Evolution of Breaking the Glass Ceiling With the uprising of the Voice of Women, a voluntary nonpartisan organization created in 1960, the second wave of feminism took a turn and people began questioning the traditional roles in which females were expected to take on. As well as in 1978 it became illegal for women β†’

Causes and effects of the credit crunch

The words credit crunch have been all over the financial headlines in the UK, including the effects that has hit the financial markets both in the UK and in other parts of the world have been reflected in a number of ways, affecting both financial institutions and consumers. The credit crunch is also known as β†’

Personal reflection on a core business skills module education essay

All the skills that I got from the " Core Business Skills" module are not skills related only to the business field, but to our life in general and help to improve the way we are living it. I got a lot of benefits from this module, it has changed my life, now I see β†’

Coding categories essay

The classs in the Current Procedural Terminology codification set is Category I codes.which is where the most common set of codifications are in the chief organic structure of CPT.with five figures and no decimals. The codifications possibly found under 3271F in the Category II subdivision of the CPT manual.

Benefits of a database and information

A well-planned and developed database is very efficient and meets the current and future needs of the organization to which it services. Therefore, those Involved In creating the database must have knowledge of the old system, and Another key to developing a good working database is normalization.

Analytical piece of persistent poverty by beckford and levitt

SOCI 2012 Social Change and Development Analytical Paper: Beckford and Levitt." Persistent Poverty: Possibilities for Change and Development." In The George Beckford Papers, edited by Beckford and Levitt The article " Possibilities for change and development" begins by stating that the persistence of underdevelopment in the plantation economies derives basically from the nature of the β†’

Volcanic hazard depend primarily on physical factors?

In early may more signs where showing to an eruption in the near future this made the inhabitants of the town nervous and some moving out to a safe distance from the volcano. However human can also have positive effects on volcano eruptions the main way of protecting people is to monitor the volcano an β†’

Pharmacology and price ceiling

On this subject some of the pros that would come out of the government setting a price ceiling would be the price of the prescriptions would go down and individual's would be able purchased the medicine at a great deal. However the con of this would be that the demand would be high because of β†’

A third tier workforce inclusion in nursing management

This paper addresses the nature of challenges that the inclusion of unskilled workforce creates the mechanisms of deployment and appraisal of the quality of service delivery as well as strategies for effective deployment. The background of the contemporary issues in medical and nursing management stem from the recent globalization of healthcare delivery, multigenerational workforce, challenges β†’

Introduction to doyle (2002, p.29), “marketing is

The third part of Doyle's definition, "...developing relationships with valued customers..".implies that the customer is the focus of the marketing process. This is based on the fact that the demand reflects the wants and needs of the customers.

Computer virus and active reading strategies

The virus attaches itself to other programs in the computer and copies itself. This passage explains how a computer virus develops and how it affects a computer._______________________ PART C: As you read the following short passage, apply three of the five reading strategies that you identified in Part A.

How a book beat teen struggles

Objectivism allows us to determine specific goals for us to achieve in life, and while it shows us that we must reach these goals on our own, doing so will allow us to grow as individuals without the fear or dependance of others around us. I think that it's important for us as teens to β†’

Swot analysis of samsung

Outside of Korea, Samsung is best known as the world's largest manufacturer of mobile phones and smartphones, including the highly popular and successful Galaxy. Samsung has been able to replicate many of the capabilities of both Apple Inc.'s phones and Google Inc.'s Android operating system for mobile devices.

India’s caste system assignment

The cast system of India had three stages; the early caste system, changes in the caste system, and today's caste system. The British in a way also presented the start of a solution to the inequality of the caste system; Under British rule, the untouchables and low caste Indians experienced an improvement of their social β†’

Private ryan and ethics assignment

The moral rationale behind risking the eight lives to save one is that it is the soldier's duty to do as they are told and to save the last remaining son of a family. If Private Ryan had died then I feel that it does not change the moral assessment of the mission, because they β†’

3ds max essay

To make the wings for the fan, draw a closed line shape in the top view, on the side of the fan core, as a wing would be.{draw: frame} Figure 10-13 Apply extrude modifier on the wing shape to give it thickness. Apply the material to the walls by clicking on the sample slot and β†’

Human resource management essay sample

Rehires can be considered if the employee left for personal reasons but have a great work history of productivity, loyalty, integrity and knows the job well. If we want to recruit new applicants over the internet, it is important to formulate a detailed list with all requirements the applicant need for the job.

Tomorrow when the war began: over coming obstacles essay sample

The writer uses various language techniques and realistic descriptions in the novel to help audiences to understand the main concept of the story In the beginning of the novel, the seven main characters; Ellie, Homer, Lee, Robyn, Kevin, Corrie and Fiona, found their home country invaded and families imprisoned after their return from the camping β†’

Castro and/or fukuyama

This is because the United States currently has a view that is very similar to that of Fukuyama and it will stop at nothing to ensure that revolution does not hit the country and that nothing will threaten its democracy. The reason for this is that the American government did not want for these revolutionary β†’

Island of aruba

It had been unearthed that drugs from Colombia are dumped to Aruba, Curacao and the island of Margarita to be transshipped to USA and Europe. It had also been ascertained that today Aruba stands in the forefront for human trafficking trade 'for the purpose of sexual and labour exploitation".

Intelligence, thought, emotion, motivation

Thoughts start reflecting on the matter of any incoming circumstances, as in such way human intelligence explains to itself what is going on and why is it happening, which is a crucial thing for intelligence. The point is that most of the time people try to reflect on this world in order to understand it.

Do video games impede adolescents cognitive development

Violent video games are proved to cause deviations in adolescents' behavior as a result of desensitization and stereotyping. Depending on a type of a game and a time of playing games can have different impact on adolescents.

What are the best strategies to follow to ensure business continuity

This means critically assessing that the pan is workable, realizing that management has a big role in carrying out the plan to its full execution and understanding that each and every department of the organization needs to have a practical contingent plan and resources to deal with any kind of interruption. Why? Besides having a β†’

Early religion worksheet

Early Religion Worksheet Christian Traditions and Beliefs God is the Maker of Earth and Heaven and they embrace the Holy Trinity ly; three persons in God, God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Those subscribing to Christianity belief that it establishes the right relationship with God This form of religion believes in life β†’

The conflict of managers and stakeholders entitlement and needs

This happens because one of the parties which comprises of the managers of a company are expected to act on behalf of the stakeholders best and prioritized interests. This motivates the managers to work hard and make decisions that lead to maximization of the shareholder's wealth.

Engineering ethics

Consequently, he can not reveal to the competitor the pitfalls ahead of that project, as he would be disbursing the important information of his client's project. It is important for engineers to consider the issues of public wellbeing as well as that of the employees.

Evaluation essay of facebook

In writing about poetry or a short story or play or novel, it is very important to keep in touch with the language of the art, showing your reader over and over again where in the poem or story you get your ideas, and to do that you have to use quotations sometimes a lot β†’

Neanderthal vs modern man essay

Neanderthals and modern humans have numerous amounts of similarities and differences, and based on these facts, scientists are trying to come up with a final conclusion on what the actual species of the Neanderthal may be. The forehead of a modern man is high-domed, and the jaw is smaller than a Neanderthal's.

Levi strauss & co.’s flirtation with teams essay

The team system was expected to lower the monotony of piecework by enabling workers to do different tasks and to therefore lower repetitive-stress injuries. And although workers were now part of a team system, management was not given guidance on how to implement the system.

The international finance

With the analysis of these rates, the essay will also check the purchasing power parity and the interest rate parity, which seem to be the most important theories in international finance. The inflation rate is one of the most important measures of inflation, the rate of the increase of a price index over a specific β†’

What causes an economic downturn

An economic downturn defines as the economy being in recession, which is a period of time that economic, will not grow or even falling. The result of the economic turndown is falling employment, and rising unemployment, which causes a slowdown in retail sales.

Taxi to the dark side

The subject of the essay would be based on the discussion of torture in the documentary by Alex Gibney entitled ' Taxi to the Dark Side'. The main argument would be that ' torture is morally impermissible' nonetheless the essay would also try to determine the reason behind the act of torture especially with regards β†’

Promoting national unity in sri lanka through education

Sri Lanka now stands in a position where the country is gradually recovering from brutal wounds of war and this is high time for the nation to look into aspects of promoting unity among diverse cultures and ethnic groups to avoid the reoccurrence of such a tragedy. The adaptation of a trilingual policy in education β†’

American culture and women

Especially in today's society, when there are a lot of stay-at-home fathers, due to the economic recession, and thedivorcerate being higher than ever this gives fathers an equal opportunity to be the primary caregiver in the child's upbringing. Single parents, whether a mother or a father can have the qualities needed to raise a confident, β†’