A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

The portrayal of women as consumable in tina howe’s β€˜the art of dining’ and laura esquivel’s β€˜como agua para chocolate’

This essay aims to examine this truth, principally asking the question, ' are women's bodies consumable?' specifically in reference to the play ' The Art of Dining' by American playwright Tina Howe, and to the film ' Like Water for Chocolate' directed by Alfonso Arau and based on the novel of the same name written β†’

“love is not all” commentary and analysis

These lines, in iambic pentameter, appear to present the speaker's thoughts: basic and cynical thoughts creating a negative view, in the reader's mind, on the subject of falling in love. The shift in ideas and the speaker's comparison of love's absence to death provide the reader with the image that love brings life.

Prince hal’s “act of becoming” in henry iv part 1

The significance of the scenes at Boar's-Head Tavern, Hal's role-playing with Falstaff, his parodies of battles and of Hotspur, and his slumming in low-level society is that they are time frames in the emergence of Prince Hal's personality, but they are calculated time frames of his own choosing. Second, he is well aware that the β†’

Pa profession essay

This essay is concerned with highlighting the reasons as to why the author chooses to pursue a career that leads to the Physician Assistant profession as well as the future goals. In particular, the author of this essay chooses PA profession to provide excellent health care services for the patients.

Define democracy and dictatorship in your own words politics essay

According to Abraham Lincoln democracy is defined as the government, of the people, for the people and by the people. It is most acceptable governing system because it includes the participation of every single individual in the country and they become a part of the process of governing the legislature is elected by the people.

Ap psych unit 6: observational learning

V -Giacomo Rizzolati: monkey see monkey do -people with autism experience it less -more likely to imitate people like usPET scansreveal that humans have a mirror neuron system that supports empathy and imitationalbert bandura-pioneering researcher for observational learning -belived what determines whether we will imitate a model is partial reinforcement and punishments by the model β†’

Case study sample shelley management style

I like for you to answer the questions but I do not like you to comment out loud unnecessarily," " Let's have all heads up please," and " No one needs to be out of their seat." Shelley provided corrective feedback regarding unacceptable behavior to the whole class on three days and provided corrective feedback β†’

Hindsight through sasha’s life

Egan ends Sasha's life at her highest point to emphasize that she turned her life around, instead of continuing the reverse chronology from the rest of the story. Jennifer Egan writes Sasha's life in reverse chronological order to show that only through hindsight, she can see her successes instead of a life full of failures.

The real purpose of the civil war

Broxton was that slavery was not abolished." And by virtue of the power, and for the purpose aforesaid, I do order and declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated States, and parts of States, are, and henceforward will be free;". Broxton made the statement that " Now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, President β†’

How pollution affects tourism in kenya assignment

The Social, Economic and environmental aspects of the activities including their advantages and benefits must be considered, assessed and evaluated and decisions must be appropriate in light of such considerations, this implies that the environmental concerns activities must benefit the economy and must be per the EMCEE Acts and the decisions made should be carried β†’

Toyota motor corporation essay

The main limitation to this analysis is that the figures are based on probability basis and are therefore inaccurate figures. This is because if the company assumes the figures for five years or more, there are a lot of uncertainties, which will result in inaccurate production figures.c.

Low-interest great recession, other countries such as

By comparing the changes of increases and decreases of interest rates by the Federal Reserve relative to the equity markets, most notably the S 500, there's a strong relationship between the two. The significant of discussing the bond yield curves is the fact the Federal Reserve dictates and influences the short-term end of the curve.

Discussion a solution to the problem of dealing with economic crisis

In order to find a solution to the problem it is important to understand the gravity of the matter. Most of the foreign assets are denominated in dollars and the value of the currency has further appreciated due to the investors winding off their position.

Critical thinking

However in order to understand what it means to think critically one must look at the components of critical thinking and the attributes of people who think critically. The best description of what it means to think critically is the ability of the thinker to take charge of their own thinking.

Plot the overcoat

Running Head: Plot the Overcoat Plot the Overcoat s Plot the Overcoat by Nikolai Gogol The Overcoat is a short story written by Nikolai Gogol, who is a celebrated writer and often referred to as the father of Russian realism because of a strong realistic component in his stories. However, the overcoat also serves as β†’

Industry life cycle model

The strategy of the business should be such that it is able to adapt to the changes in the environment. In the previous stage of the life cycle of an industry the rate of growth increases at an increasing rate up to a point where the rate begins to decline.

Chevron corporation

This merger was the largest merger till that time in the history of the United States and it doubled the oil and gas reserves of the company. Still, Chevron has enough opportunities to grow in remaining areas of the world.

Factors affecting organizational design

The type of structure that develops will be one that provides the organization with the ability to operate effectively. As a result, the older and larger the organization becomes, the greater the likelihood that it will move from an organic structure to a mechanistic structure.

13 colonies – essay

The environment and atmosphere of the first colonies to settle in the new world was widely dissimilar, and some found success while others suffered harsh conditions. The colony of Jamestown came to the New World seeking land, assets and commerce, and settled in a coastal area, which did not provide the freshest water and proved β†’

Business plan for foo splash

Introduction Objectives of the Study The objective of the study is to develop a feasible and complete Business plan for " Foo Splash Gum". The market situation is analyzed in Part One, which consists of the industry analysis, company analysis and the evaluation of the market.

Esperanza rising book review

However, her father does not return and Alfonso, the boss of the field workers, delivers the bad news to Esperanza, her mother, and abuelita that her father has been ambushed and killed by bandits who roam the fields. They bring the news to Esperanza's mother that they have inherited the land and that she can β†’

Somali people and djibouti

S Foreign Policy vision in the HOA region; support for U.S. Djibouti supports African Union and U.S.

Eco 372 week 2 individual paper

Unemployment rate is the measure of the prevalence of unemployment and is calculated as a percentage by dividing the number of unemployed people by the individuals that are currently in the labor force. The cost of groceries affects the government because this is a good that is produced and sold within our country; which affects β†’

Interactive whiteboards: advantages and disadvantages study

It will contain: The initial phase to implement the survey The methodology used to collect data The questions used in the survey Analysis of the data The research is very important for teachers as it let them know if the IWB improves the pedagogy in teaching and learning. The second stage of observation carried out β†’

Thai immigration in united states

This paper will cover three parts which are the history of Thai immigrants in US, Thai immigrant lifestyle in US, and Thai culture represents by immigrant group. This is a great chance to give visitors and locals to experience the diversity of Thai Town, and also to support the local economies in the area.

Qatar national vision 2030 economics essay

Economic development-to achieve a competitive and diversified economy capable of meeting the needs of, and securing a high standard of living for, all its people for the present and for the future. The targets in the Strategy, a subset of those in the sector strategies and developed with stakeholder inputs, focus on the results to β†’

Impact of rising food and fuel prices

This article analysis the causes of the rising international food and fuel prices crisis with direct and indirect situations, the impact to householders and the economic in their countries, especially the organization appropriate policy response to support the agricultural products. The price of food had panic since the 1950s; therefore, the government had the green β†’

Theory of motivation and literature review of sales management

It has been in the centre of interest for many fields due to the fact that it is a way of finding, understanding and explaining the reasons why people choose to behave in a certain way and the possible outcomes that they expected from certain behaviors and actions. As Huczunski and Buchanan defined goal-setting theory β†’

Understanding fact from fiction regarding sparta in literary sources

When looking at literary sources pertaining to Spartan history, there are five issues that must be analyzed and understood if we are to attempt to depict the fact from the fiction regarding the truth of Sparta from both modern day and ancient Greek literary sources. Lastly, how the Spartan mirage continues to distort the evidence β†’

Birmingham community college

Simply put, the learning net is in the business of using technology to run websites for SMEs at a fraction of what it would cost them to do it for themselves". For SMEs in the West Midlands, the learning net is proving that you do not have to be a multinational plc to develop a β†’

A case study dualist

Inch in turn escalated the where, and the when, to spend the money and to have a capable labor force in place to earn the money kept rising out of control. The type of contract to be used and the specific contract terms and conditions, fix the degree of risk being assumed by the buyer β†’

Designing a wireless campus area network assignment

The challenge for the city is that the buildings are separated by a state highway controlled by the State of Texas, a railroad controlled by BINS, and another road controlled by the city. Assignment As the city network administrator, the city manager has asked you to perform a technical evaluation of both the radio frequency β†’

Global financing and exchange rate assignment

A hard currency is expected to remain relatively stable through a short period of time, and to be highly liquid in the forex market. A floating currency is " A currency whose value is set by the currency markets; money whose exchange rate relative to other currencies is determined mainly or entirely by unrestricted trading β†’

Achieving muscle hypertrophy essay

Achieving Muscle Hypertrophy The increase in mass or girth of a muscle called hypertrophy can be triggered by a handful of stimuli. Hypertrophy is the result of the growth of each muscle cell.

Cell theory essay sample

Without the invention of the microscope, the cell theory would not have been possible In my opinion, the establishment of cell theory as the predominant scientific theory regarding the organization of life hinged heavily on the invention of the microscope. While it is not entirely impossible for cell theory to arise independently of the microscope, β†’

U07d1 three reform models

The three reforms chosen for the study include, a) Introduction of DRG's by Medicare, b) State Childrens Health Insurance Program and c) Mental Health Parity Act. The paper will provide a brief about each of the three and the success and failure factors will be included within the explanation of the reforms.


The Polis The Polis is the single, greatest contribution of the ancient Greeks to the field of politics. The Polis also introduced the concepts that serve as the building blocks for the study of statecraft and politics, and is the foundation for much of the political structure used by Medieval Europe.

Article analysis

Study 2 presented the same situation to the children though the experimenter's goal in case two was to investigate whether the children could identify the dysfunctional objects to be thrown away. The study on paternalistic helping in children revealed the ability of children at this age to reason and makes the appropriate choice towards helping β†’

Deciding to decide review

In the event that the Supreme Court does not necessarily have to be involved, then higher courts more or less apply the same process in justifying the certworthiness of certiorari cases. The importance of the certiorari case is another justification factor considered in the process of determining the certworthiness of the case.

Close reading

The passage slowly grows from a description of the weather to the description of the woman. The first thing is the weather; in the first sentence there is the description of the weather that leads us to the garments the woman is wearing.

Management planning – tyco flashcard

In this paper we will evaluate the planning function of Tyco management and the impact that legal issues, ethics and corporate social responsibility have had on the companies' management planning. Furthermore, strategic moves by the company's management team has ensure that Tyco will continue to thrive and produce quality materials.

Four rightly guided caliphs essay

Uthman and Ali.and were the Four Rightly Guided Caliphs.all of which were amongst the earliest and closest comrades of the Prophet Muhammad. On top of this.he contributed to the authorship of the Qu'ran and the maintaining of the people safe with all his military forces.

Environmental analysis and strategies business

Steve Jobs and Steve Woznaik officially launched Apple Computer on April 01, 1976, Woz as a serious applied scientist and Jobs as the brash thought adult male and it is their induction that brought the Apple that the electronic lovers in the universe are proud of today. Innovative Technology _ Apple ' s well developed β†’

Customer buying behaviour towards business magazines flashcard

One of the most significant factors that gave lift to the revival of the funds was the Union Budget brought about a large number of changes in one stroke. The funds started to regulate themselves and went all out on winning the trust and confidence of the investors under the aegis of the Association of β†’

Nutrition for young athletes

This literature review includes several professionals and experienced groups' opinions and highlights the ways to tackle the issue of nutritional deficiencies and the many pressures young athletes face. For those who are looking for solutions to a proper diet for young athletes, busy lifestyles, pre and post activity meals and emotional pressures dietitians and doctors β†’

University of the central punjab

SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths * Bata is multinational company with strong image and recognized in the world.* It was a part of a big Organization and very much strong in terms of finance.* Its biggest reason behind success was its retail network although it was competed by Servis later.* One of the reason of success was β†’

Organizational and business performance

At the core of this must be attention to the short, medium, and the long term organizational and business demands, and also the value, frequency and nature of the supplies. The ethical line in the utilization of resources is to maximize and optimize resources in the pursuit of objectives and is based on the judgment β†’

The impact of daycare on infants

What is the centers policy on disciplinary action for children In addition to these questions a parent should tour the facility and go over the safety procedures for the facility. The important thing for the parent is to do there homework ahead of time when looking for a facility.

Conceptual issues in communication and culture media essay

2) " The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas: i.e, the class which is the ruling material force of a society is at the same time its ruling intellectual force". The " flock" which is the sheep in the ad, represents the American people and puts a face to β†’

Transport and travel behavior mauritius tourism essay

Transportation is an essential component of the economy influencing the development and welfare of the population. These include: The public infrastructure division of the MPI & TS is in responsible for the implementation of Road, Bridge and Government Building infrastructural projects.

A rhetorical analysis: the passive non-identity

Though they exist in balance in the beginning of Tobias's life, his infantilizing, disempowering relationship with dwight drives him to external passivity and, eventually, a similar lack of control within his own mind. Tobias's lack of identity and his complementary use of " who I was," persists and grows as he ages and begins to β†’

Impact of it on journalism media essay

He claims in his article, The Digital Journalist written in 1997, that there is a strong demand from readers to be able to interact with the writer and other readers of news stories. The Pew Research Centre survey revealed that most readers believe that ' keeping up with the news is a social or civic β†’

Data analytics paper week

The analytics of data is relevance to this weeks assignment, because for the past few weeks our team has collected and store data on Ordain Manufacturing, we now need to analyze the data. Analytics of data Is In the pilot seat, for Its useful, valuable, and here to stay.

Dbq history

Culver DBQ The most important consequences of the printing press were the expanding knowledge of the globe. With the announcement of the printing press it spread out in Europe to make communication easier.

Do video games really have benefits, or are parents right about everything?

Doctors who are aware of this study are predicting that video games may be a treatment in the future for adults who have lazy eye. Obviously, video games are misunderstood by so many people and it is important that they know all of the facts before forming their opinions.

Pestle analysis of adidas

And the rise of counterfeit products dampers Adidas' sales. They also face issues with businesses trying to copy and sell Adidas' products as their own.

Queen nefertari’s tomb – assignment

The Tomb of Queen Nefertari Location The Tomb of Nefertari is situated in Egypt in the Valley of the Queens, which is located in Thebes near Luxor. Site Description Queen Nefertari's tomb is known for being the most grand and beautiful tomb in the valley of the Queens, which reflects the Queen's position in the β†’

Computer ethics assignment

Pierce and Henry do not disagree with the original definition of computer ethics but add focus to the basis of the rules that are applied when making decisions concerning computer technology and use. It is important for everyone in the Information System and Information Technology fields to be aware of computer, professional and business ethics.

Bds assignment

To determine the relationships between the level of stress and work performance, correlation coefficient was calculated. To determine the effects of stress in employees job performance 1.

The legend of silver heels by riedy and adams

Upon reaching the abandoned cabin to hand over this token of gratefulness, the survivors became convinced that Silverheels had hidden since the plague had thoroughly scared her. Many years after Buckskin Joe was pummeled down, there were multiple accounts of a woman in black veil gracing the graves of those who had perished in the β†’

Harvard business review

May 20, Harvard_Business_Review 1A: Design thinking Qualities Checklist New technology-based designs fill the current needs/wants of the prospective users. The article indicates new products/services should fill the current and future business customers' needs/ wants.

Technological innovation

In addition to this, requirements for diffusion of technology like the knowledge, attitude, the decision to adopt or reject implementation and use and the confirmation of the decision, needs to be put into consideration for effective management. Innovations and Organizational Change Innovations are meant to bring institutional change through knowledge and application of ideas in β†’

Discussion question response

You reflected on the historic days when business communication used to take days. Thus, we can conclude that though technology has improved business communication, it has also brought many challenges to the modern business.

Writing precis

September 11, 2001 Incident: A Precis By September 11, 2001 Incident: A Precis On September 11, 2001 the United States of America suffered a set of destructive terrorist attacks that were heavily planned to cause enormous destructions and eye-catching accidents. At first the pattern of the incident last September 11th was not obvious other than β†’

Radiology technician and technologist

1146065 RESUME OBJECTIVE My objective is to combine the quality of self-motivation with my learned skill in radiography over the years to help promote the growth of the organization by brining on board very dynamic and innovative approaches to the role of the radiography in your organization. What is more, my entire tertiary educational experience β†’


While that is not a particularly pleasant thought, it is nonetheless a description of the typical American omnivore who survives on the consumption of big macs and greasy french fries. Only 12% consumed 100% of the RDA for all of the top nutrients like protein, calcium and vitamin A, B, and C.

Painful treatment: alwaseem

In conclusion, using traditional medicine is a common thing in the world but it is not always as good and useful as modern medicine. Alwaseem is a traditional medicine used in Oman, and it is a very painful way to treat people.

Expecting too much from children

Parents should set a positive and realistic expectation on their children because expecting too much on them would result in negative self-image, discouragement and anxiety. If the children do not believe in their abilities, they would give up easily and would not try hard to achieve their goals.

Lizzie borden–spinster or murderer

The many suspects included: John Morse, the visiting uncle of the Borden children; Lizzie and her sister Emma, a mysterious and unnamed lover of Lizzie's; Bridget, the maid; and William Borden, Andrew's cousin, who was said to be Andrew Borden's own illegitimate child. The murder investigation, frenzied and uncertain as it was, can be reconstructed β†’

The function of the sales department in sony

The function of the Sales Department in Sony is to sell to the customers. The factors effecting organisational structure are the number of employees, the type of premises used and the type of business.

Reflection on law enforcement and advancement of policing

The police system in today's society and back during the seventeenth century both have the same agenda which is enforcing the law and keeping the peace amongst the people and the city, state or town. The differences between modern day policing and the police system back in history is that, in today's society they have β†’

Main challenge in international staffing

In this assignment, we will define in a first part the four main approaches to staffing within International Human Resource Management and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach to international management. They represent a critical IHRM issues in international staffing, so the challenge is to find the right people which are consistent β†’


When Caesar was killed unexpectedly, Cleopatra was left in both a bad and good position - she made sure everyone was aware she considered her son by Caesar as an heir to Rome. The Roman people increasingly began to see her as a threat to their public - They were very much against Kings and β†’

The duty versus charity

In The Drowning Child and the Expanding Circle and Famine, Affluence, and Morality, Peter Singer argued that people in affluent countries have the duty to help people in need in countries suffering from famine and other disasters. Perhaps the strongest argument that he gives for this claim relies on the claim that donation to developing β†’

Influences of the norwegian language

The Norwegian language is in relation to the majority of the world's languages a medium-sized language. It is said that English words and influence, is the biggest problem for the Norwegian language today.

Enver pasha and the britain

In the Second Balkan War of 1913, Enver was chief of the general staff of the Ottoman army. Enver Pa a was the minister of war and Ottoman forces was defeated in this campaign.

Public sector organisational effectiveness research

Two questions invariably arise in discussions with practitioners and policy-makers about ' Public Value': The first is what is ' Public Value' and is it possible to have a single ' public value' in a world of conflicting public values and institutionalised competition between values systems? The rise in the standard of living and the β†’

Impact of parental incarceration on children

They also accounted for type of parental incarceration, the age of the child and the parent's level of antisocial behaviour. In an effort to advance work on the needs of children of incarcerated parents, they assess whether incarcerated mothers are more likely than incarcerated fathers to report that their children are experiencing mental health problems.

Playboy and cosmopolitan

While the general public perceives both Cosmopolitan and Playboy as same-type publications with different target groups, where Cosmopolitan magazine, on one hand, is seen as a female guide on how to look great and behave smart in order to find an ideal prince and, on the other hand, Playboy has a reputation of as an β†’

Attracting more people from diverse communities regardless of their cultural and ethnic background

There are many new benefits like good wage, occupation security, publicity within the industry of diversified and enhance effectivity of work force in Australian administrations where the figure of migrators in the work force from Asia and European states have increased and particularly Gen Y is attracted towards Australia and working in corporate houses and β†’

Love at a local tavern inn drinking

A theme that is seen in both the story of Joseph and Chaucers The Pardoners Tale is betrayal with a blend of greed and selfishness. It usually leads to hurting the people they love and sometimes ends up in death.

Addc a recreated virtual environment and it

Since the goal of VRET isto control the negative symptoms that come with PTSD and increase the stressresilience of the client, the therapy will only be successful if the client iswilling and ready to face those fears. As the preferred alternative to flooding, this approach attempts to stimulatearousal at a level that the client can β†’

Neurology and autism speaks assignment

Some children with Autism have a hard time with lights, sounds, and textures; this is due to it being sensory overload. By the end of my speech, I want my audience to understand that autism creates a switch in the brain to flip off unlike mine and with this switch being off it creates issues β†’

Modern approaches to developing new drugs against neglected tropical diseases essay

With the impact this causes to their wellness and as such their ability to work, it is critical to understand the significance of these diseases in less developed states due to the importance of agricultural workers. The best option so for debut is the usage of preexistent wellness systems for their debut, nevertheless this typically β†’

What is the likely role of genetic transmission in schizophrenia essay sample

The causes of this disorder are unclear, however it has been shown to be a combination of environmental and genetic factors, the two interacting to cause the onset of schizophrenia. The reasons for the children of the mothers developing the disorder may be due to two factors, one is that the similar genes of the β†’

Social darwinism and business ethics

The essential similarity between Social Darwinism and the nature of business is the term 'competition'. Social Darwinism is still taught as a fact in most of the countries.

Judicial conduct and disability act

Indeed, Article III, rather than being meant to insulate judges from internal oversight, was meant to safeguard the independence of the judiciary from the Congress and executive. If federal judges did not have tenure for life, it would be easy for them to become affected by various issues and crisis that were prevalent in the β†’

Written assignment

The key information directly related to love, involves service and monetary contributions to the individuals in need. Love entails caring for each other in times of need, and also being concerned about the interest and welfare of our neighbors who are experiencing challenging situations and in need of help.

Operation management analysis flashcard

Operations management is an area of management concerned with overseeing, designing, and controlling the process of and redesigning business operations in the production of goods or services. Operations management is the process of managing the resource require to produce the organozation's goods and services.

Multicultural perspective and diversity essay

I feel counselors need to be able to departmentalize their issues from that of their client's. I would not be more inclined to give my opinion based on my emotions and religious beliefs which are not in line with that of my client, nor is it in the best interest of my client.

Increased use of power electronic converters engineering essay

The obtained results prove also the efficiency of the proposed control scheme and the implementability of the system. The performance of the converter and inverter system depends on the performance of the current controller used.