A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

The historical jesus

However, Jesus explained to them that he is not sent in the world to destroy the law but to fulfill it. The message of Jesus is contained in the parables that He speaks and in His sermons.

Statements for teacher training application

I am awfully motivated to prepare young minds to discover more about the intellectual world, introducing them to English, Mathematics, as well as other subjects like the arts, geography and history. Retrieved from https://targetjobs.co.uk/career-sectors/teaching-and-education/330635-how-to-write-a-great-personal-statement-for-a-teaching-job How To Write A Personal Statement - Careers Advice - jobs.ac.uk.

San miguel corporation on diversification

San Miguel Corporation, one of the top manufacturers of food and beverages in the Philippines on a journey to diversify into energy, mining, and other utilities. And this might be good news for the San Miguel Corporation's diversification.

Louis kahn essay

The carrel is the niche which could be the beginning of the space order and its structure.' Elsewhere Kahn said, ' I see a library as a place where the librarian can lay out the books, open especially to selected pages to seduce the readers. There should be a place with great tables on which β†’

For the anniversary of my death analyze

After reading the poem loud and trying pausing for a fraction of second at the end of every line although there is no punctuation at the end, I see that it makes more senses and evokes emotions, which helps me be able to understand the feeling of the speaker about mourning himself upon his death. β†’

How have john pilger and tony parsons used language essay

Comparing Pilger's title with Parson's you see that Tony parsons is way more insulting." Beggars of Britain" The word ' beggars' means someone who lives by asking others for money and food. With parsons only mentioning negative things about the beggars he just shows us the bad side of the beggars and builds on that β†’

Reviewing rbi’s monetary policy framework

Monetary targeting: By early 1980s, there was some consensus in RBI that inflation was rising because of a surge in money supply. He points to excellent tables which looks at RBI projections, GDP and inflation in both monetary and multiple indicators approach.

Cash case study

The movement of money in and out of business is referred to as cash flow. Some of the cash in business may be invested in liquid forms so that the business can use it as the need arises whereas the surplus of cash may be tied up in the back for a longer period.

Case study of toyotas vehicle recall management essay

Upon closer examination of the details of the Toyota case, we find that Toyota's reputation was damaged because the company seemed to have no plan whatsoever to prepare for a crisis of the magnitude it faced and hence failed to protect its reputation. The Finance segment is involved in the provision of financial services related β†’

Issue of contract being assignable

The change from the ABC Corporation to the XYZ Corporation did not change the nature of the contract that Parks signed. Carl was responsible for ensuring that Andy knew to pay him the debt and not Bill.

Bin ladin and al qaeda terrorist organizations

Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan has become a powerful and frightening terrorist organization, creating havoc in the lives of the people of the United States, our military and many other world-wide targets. Al-Qaeda originated during the of the Afghanistan resistance to the invasion by the Soviet Union which occurred from 1979 to 1989.

Management strategies in healthcare

1 List factors under the control of healthcare managers that contribute to the decrease in the number of people applying to health professions schools. The strategic approach to human resource management that can be used to improve this situation are as follows: assessment on both the organization's environment and mission, formulating a business strategy, identifying β†’

Relationship between government and business in japan

Governments aim to fulfill the aims to the best that they can in order to maximize social benefits but the methods adopted by the Japan government to achieve the goals might not be the same as other countries. We would focus on Japan's past industrial policy, expansionary fiscal and monetary policies during the bursting of β†’

Personal philosophy of success

The strategies I will use for my personal philosophy of success are Setting Priorities, organization of materials, and DAPPS, Dated Achievable Personal Persistent and Specific. MY first strategy I think is very useful for my college career is one of my own " Setting Priorities".


There's another myth that put women's off studying engineering, that women's are worse than men's at math and physics. Women's aperture from engineering is not just an issue of 'leaning in'." It's about changing the work environment." When women are frustrated with the office climate and choose to leave their jobs, they also end up β†’

During represent the three jewels of buddhism: buddha,

Since the Stupa was used as a burial ground for religious figures, people began to affiliate the sacred space as a physical body of the Buddha, the ashes of the Buddha gave the Great Stupa its energy. Spiritually, the anda symbolizes the fact that the gods are the center of the universe.

Introduction in violation of privacy. on the same

It is therefore the duty of the management of social media sites such as Facebook, twitter and You Tube to protect themselves and their users from infringement of privacy. It gives the user the access to the intrinsic value of the social world.

Achieving energy efficiency in commercial buildings

The energy spent on construction constitutes a significant part of the total amount of energy consumed in the world. This means that the level of energy used up in the building has to be lowered to the point that the demand of energy by the building can be sufficiently met by the installed photovoltaic cells β†’

Privacy in the age of technology – critical essay

People use free virus checkersThere is a chance that the virus checker you are using is both free and very effective, but there is no incentive for a company to keep your virus and malware checker up to date if they are not being paid a yearly subscription. It is possible to make money from β†’

Vote of thanks essay sample

Amulya, the head girl, would like to propose the vote of thanks to each and everyone who have contributed for the overwhelming success of today's program. I owe my heartfelt thanks to the organizers of this program- Ms.

Analysis of the “vinland sagas” essay sample

Above are a few of the terms used by the Constantinople patriarch Photius to describe Vikings and their actions; but similarly horrific descriptions of the Vikings are to be found in numerous sources, Cogadh Gaedhel re Gallaibh and the writings of Alcuin of Lindisfarne to name just two. In order to get a fairer and β†’

Railway disaster prevention system using gis and gps essay sample

Accident management in railway decision making has to consider the following two issues to avoid or mitigate the damages: accident prevention and development of an alarming system to predict and alarm before the occurrence of accidents.reduction of negative effects of accidents after its occurrence through proper emergency and management services. The major problems in the β†’

The barn and mid-term break – seamus heaney essay sample

The Barn describes the location and setting and it tells us a lot about the barn he is in. In " The Barn" he says " The roof gulfed in" gulfed is an action so how could the roof have gulfed? ell it is personification, he made the roof a person by implying that it β†’

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere essay sample

In today's society and in the past justice was always a tricky topic because " Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere". There is believed to be 2 ways of encountering injustice " one way is to smash the head of the man who perpetrates injustice and to get your own head smashed in β†’

The best presents are those that cost the least

For this reason, gifts and presents play a significant role in human lives, and few experts believe that the gesture of giving presents in the unspoken language of feelings in humans that allows them to converse with each other emotionally. In such significance of presents, and especially in this era, people believe that expensive items β†’

Theoretical analysis for criminal justice

The third principle of the theory of routine activity lays down three indispensable situations for crime to be committed. Additionally, crime rates are normally relational to the number of enthused offenders, such as adolescents and unemployed persons, in the populace.

Class discusson

Undercover Agent The role of the undercover agent is to safeguard the interests of his inside and outside the Inside his he triesto discover the people or institutions indulged in conspiracies against the state and the system. The role of the undercover agent is extremely necessary as in his absence, the state will have to β†’

Wastewater management

The paper discusses the purpose of wastewater management in upholding the safety of public and environment health. Wastewater management is an essential function in upholding the safety of public and environment health.

Occupational therapy assistant program

I should also like to learn to work in different environments that give a broader perspective of the field and enable me to work with patients with different disabilities and in varied age groups. I look forward to working in settings that I have not worked before that will give me a chance to learn β†’

The chicago manual of style online

The MLA has the page number for the references and the MLA also has no cover page. APA documentation requires a shortened title and page number on each page in the running header.

Historical response to disability national situation social work essay

Provide the best education for disabled peopleProvide opportunities in employment and make sure disabled people have an adequate incomeStrengthen the leadership of disabled peopleMake sure government organisations, and organisations that get money from the Government, know about and respond to disabled peopleHave services for disabled people that work for disabled people and are easy to β†’

Physical properties of water environmental sciences essay

3% of all freshwater is in the atmosphere, lakes, and rivers, and about of the Earth's freshwater is enclosed in manufactured products and biological bodies.[5]Water on Earth moves continually through the hydrological cycle of evaporation and transpiration, condensation, precipitation, and runoff, usually reaching the sea. Steam is the gaseous phase of water, and is characterized β†’

Khajuraho tourism: issues and impacts

The basic aim of this report is to identify the tourism developments and impacts of tourism in the selected tourism site and it is structured by beginning with a concise glimpse about the destination and followed by explaining the tourism developments in the area, discussing the influences of tourism and its impacts among locals and β†’

Gender roles in the nursing profession

More specifically, it presents, the demographic data gathered, the male nurse's point of view in choosing to be in the nursing profession, their experiences as male nurses, and the stereotyping regarding males experienced in the profession. 1% of male nurses were in the possession of an undergraduate degree The thesis results showed that male nurses β†’

Ancestors in the african context religion essay

If the living fail to understand the message of the ancestors, they employ the services of a diviner or isangoma who, as a link between the ancestors and the living is able to interpret the message of the ancestors for the living. The special role of the ancestors is generally considered as that of being β†’

Face recognition

Bruce and Young proposed a top down approach to face recognition in which they argued that recognising a face is a highly complex process involving stored knowledge of semantic and emotional information and is therefore much more than adding together the sum total of a face's features. According to the Holistic approach a face is β†’

Analysing the effects of voting apathy in democracy politics essay

The phenomenon of apathy within politics is usually seen to be expressed through a lack of participation during elections, a failure to engage in discussion and failure to contribute to matters of local significance. However, to concentrate on electoral participation as the only measure of a healthy democracy is to ignore the many other measurements β†’

Procter and gamble | analysis

Procter & Gamble was founded in 1837 in the United States, Ohio and it is now one of the largest consumer products companies in the world. The structure must adopt with P&G's development of the industry in the world and also need to improve P&G's management.

Holy eucharist

It is truly saddening because God gave us this sacrament to listen to the word of God and yet we are not listening. I should encourage people to go to mass because it is just one hour and once a week.

Bang and olufsen: design driven innovation

The article Identifies that the designers are making major decisions In terms of product development, and although this may seem effective, management should have an Influence on the entire company in order to make informed decisions in relation to the business' innovation strategy. A significant point here Is that Ideas of both " Idea Lab" β†’

ο»Ώlegislation, policies and procedures essay sample

I will also be summarising four pieces of legislation such as; Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 2002, Food Safety Regulation 1995 and Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulation 1995 but updated 2013. It was intentionally designed to be a broad framework of regulations and codes β†’

Advantages of using a team to develop and complete a presentation

Advantages of using a team to develop and complete a presentation Presentations to any type of audiencewhether it be for business, social, educational or other purposes, when produced and delivered by a team effort offer an enormous opportunity to generate a much greater impact than when developed and presented by a single individual. If audience β†’

Experiment for self-reference

The first group of individuals was between the ages of 19 29 years old, which were comprised of 18 females with the mean age equaling 21. 5 yrs and 12 males with the mean age of 21.

How the orwell warns of the potential future in the novel 1984

In this regard, the warning that the author intends to communicate in the creation of this dystopia is the denial of freedom through surveillance systems across the cities. The tone of the novel is gloomy with a simple style that illustrates Winston's concerns against the Big Brotherhood and the totalitarianist activities.

Dance paper extra credit paper

The choreography is with such intensity that it ends in a rupture of what the theme essentially evokes and the sadness that it grabs from the audience. The outstretching of the arms and the graceful flailing makes for the swan in Swan Lake and the essence of femininity.

Melissa algranati being an other

In the majority of these countries, there is a division of groups based on economic levels with some being in the rich, middle class and the poor. In most cases, it is stipulated that an individual taking any action to personality gain and improve their economic status without involving the other members of the group β†’

Overcoming the challenges faced in job interviews

The three things that I intend to do are: create an interview script that would be like a guideline to keep me focused, relate the topic of discussion to my skill area and the job profile, and try to stay calm and relaxed. As a result, I cannot project my talent and skill to prospective β†’

Stages of pregnancy

Some major changes are seen by the end of the first four weeks: the entire major systems and organs begin to form and the shape of the embryo looks like a tadpole in the pond. The neural tube becomes the brain and the spinal cord, and there is also the formation of the digestive system β†’

3d visualization of mechanical components data for virtual prototyping

The end of the practical prototyping Environment is to diminish merchandise development clip and costs and besides to increase quality by supplying uninterrupted computing machine support for the development rhythm. It is extensively used in the design of tools and machinery in the industry of constituents and besides chiefly used for elaborate technology of 3D β†’

Coca-cola wars

Because the concentrate industry, or the CSD industry, is dominated by Coke and Pepsi, their prices tend to be alike and the competition tends to focus more strongly on advertising, promotion and product development. It is very hard for a new entrant to come into the concentrate industry and expect to compete with Coke and β†’

Why should we worry about environment?

According to Muchener Ruckversicherung Insurance Corporation it is the most damaging natural calamity that has happened in the center of Europe. It is the obstacle of eliminating hunger and reducing poverty in Africa, China and the south of Asia.

International accounting standards: revenue recognition

Introduction This assignment features the recognition and measurement of revenue depending on the source of revenue in accordance with the provisions of International Accounting Standards 18 Revenue. The Report To: Managing Director From: Student A Regarding: IAS 18 Date: 3/11/2011 Introduction to the Report The Conference on International Accounting Standard 18 Revenue was held to β†’

Eastman kodak

This is the result of price declines in traditional film products. One positive area is the increase in gross profit margin in the Graphic Communications segment, a result of acquisitions in 2004.

Obesity: causes, effects and treatments

In Australia, it is estimated around 28% of men and 30% of women are obese, and in UK is about a quarter of the population are obese.[ Refrence 1, 2 ] There are mainly many risk factors of obesity. In orlistat way of treatment, the fat is absorbed and digested into body.

Management by objective case study

He or she should not wait for president to assign him all the duties. 3) All the policies and day to day changes should be clear to the division manager.

Concert report

The seats in the recital hall were full and the stage looked nice with a microphone, piano, and music stand set up ahead of time. The next piece was by Paul Basler called Serenade, which was written for horn and piano.

Walking in someone’s skin

I tried to explain to her that it was because I knew that she would not want to come, but she was still upset about it. I also told her that I understood why she was upset and that we would not ever have that problem again because now I know that she does want β†’

Tanning free essay example

Indoor tanning is harmful to the body as well as the mind, and it should be regulated. The problem with tying to regulate this industry, is that there is no way to enforce the rules.

Teams: organizational fad or fantasy

Teams have a better ability to make decisions than individuals and decisions that are critical for the success of the organization should be made by team. When employees working in teams, they are not only responsible for their own performance, they are even responsible for the success and failure of the entire team, as when β†’

Criminal procedure ( 1)

Harris Kamran Law Case Studies 24 October Due process of law According to the U.S.constitution, the term due process of law can be defined as the nature of the law and the reason for its implementation. In the case of Brown v.

Socio-technical systems

Inserts His/her Inserts Inserts Grade Inserts Here Socio-Technical Systems: A socio-Technical system is basically a compilation of social and technical units. Joint collaboration, communication and cooperation are major goals of a socio-technical system.

Anorexia nervosa

The start of the presentation immediately catches the attention of the audience. In terms of delivery, the presentation is clear and to the point.

Using disputants metaphor in mediation by thomas h. smith

Similarly, when the mediator adopts a metaphor that " being in a conflict in not being in a war", then the parties will strive to make an assumption and find a solution to their problem. I agree with the author, over these two claims, that police are frequently called to solve even minor conflicts, in β†’

A comparison of the religions of india

Comparing and Contrasting the Religions of India Comparing and Contrasting the Religions of India India is believed to be the birth place of many religions. The main religions that arose and are practiced in India are the Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism and the Buddhism.

Essay about “a humble people” essay

In the text are positive and negative things said about the British. The text is written in an ironic style and contains many ornamental epithets.

National initiatives: promoting anti-discriminatory practice essay

Being professional means keeping to the code of conduct and the standards set in it, being aware of how your behaviour affects others and how it influences them and keeping to the laws of the country which includes the Equality Act, Race Relations Act, Disability Discrimination Act...etc. In regards to the delivery of high quality β†’

Theology essays – rainbow of faiths

Inreferring to his pick of a duologue for bordering the rational job thathe maintains is apparent in divinity and doctrine Hick provinces: The purpose of theological and philosophical duologue is non necessarilyto come to an agreement-though this of class is much to be desired, andsometimes happens-but to turn up the differences more exactly, and to β†’

Multiple perspectives in atonement essay

If this was a viewer's first experience of Atonement, they would be forgiven for sharing Briony's misunderstanding that Robbie was the villain of the story, commanding Cecilia to jump into the fountain, especially with the ominous music playing in the background, and while Briony's mistake is shown clearly in the novel, with McEwan writing ' β†’

Traffic problem and situation in metro manila

Highlights of Online Sources The Department of Public Works and Highways will rehabilitate the stretch of the EDSA and the construction of a flyover to cross over the EDSA-Taft Avenue intersection. Objective: Identify the maximum number of vehicles that can pass through these four alternate routes in order to ease future bumper-to-bumper traffic in EDSA β†’

Thirsting for power

It was at this time that he was beginning to gain more and more of a following and put into the peoples' heads how magnificent of a leader he would be." In 58 BC Caesar left Rome for Gaul; he would not return for 9 years, in the course of which he would conquer most β†’

Assault written assessment

The image of the solitary man depicted in the opening scene reveals the generalized theme of an unchanging continuity between the past, present, and future that in the protagonist's case, can only be broken by the will and/or desire to endure pain by dealing with and forgetting the past; an ordeal that serves as a β†’

Persian wars: cause of the 499-404 b.c.e

Despite the defining effects that the Persian wars had on the history of the Athenian and the Greek, their beginning was nothing big. When the Persians conquered the Lydians around 545 BCE all states that were under the Lydians came under the rule of the Persians.

Critical appriciation of the two minuets hate in 1984

Winston's dystopian world is displayed in Orwell's unsympathetic parody of the two minutes silence in commemoration of WWII and epitomises the 'frenzy' of emotions, the terror and violentculturethat Winston has to tolerate. He has channelled his hate in to his work and through what may indeed be a representation of the author himself, Winston's Character.

A major factor of technology

Technology is a major factor that has influence Halifax; it changed the number of services that it could provide to its customers. The cards allowed the customers to purchase goods without the need for cash in hand and it is good for security as opposed to carrying cash.

Pruthi (1954) studied ecology of planktons of three

Chacko and Krishanamoorthy studied ecology of planktons of three freshwater ponds of Madras City. Sreenivasan studied the limnology and fisheries of Tirmoorthy reservoir, Tamil Nadu.

Introduction their job applications rejected by potential

The 1960s are regarded as ' turbulent times' in as far as the issue of discrimination at the workplace is concerned. In addition, the law was also instrumental in the establishment of the EEOC, a body charged with the responsibility of implementing this particular law, along with other laws that seeks to protect employees against β†’

Reaction paper assignment

I never entertained the ambition to be the symbol of hope, and to inherit the problems of our nation. The destiny of the Filipino will return to its rightful place, and as each year passes, the Filipino's problems will continue to lessen with the assurance of progress in their lives.

Popular music assignment

Digging into it's roots and some of it's legacy and the people thin the society that helped cause some drastic changes that occurred and still go on at present spiraling In today's society causing effects on the popular music culture and music Industry." Rap Is a gimmick, but I am for the hip-hop, the culture."- β†’

Marketing assignment

Identify the strengths and weaknesses of our competitor's marketing programs. Analyze the response to our marketing program to determine what areas of the program are more effective and need to be modified to become more successful 5.

Copyright infringement: similarity versus sameness essay sample

In earlier years, the courts maintained that intent to infringe the copyright of others is not essential to the act, nor is it a defence for the action, as in the 1931 case of Buck v. Jewel-La Salle Realty Co.[2] It was postulated in earlier times that innocence is not an excuse for copyright infringement β†’

Mutimedia system – discussion

In essence it would be important to understand that the good use of the multimedia systems is essential as these offer maximum productivity and sound results, which is always taken in a very positive way. In the end, it would be proper to suggest that the multimedia systems have achieved significance for a number of β†’

Logistics db

In order for the Going Inc.to manage its supply chain effectively, it has to improve the speed and flexibility for its manufacturing framework. Going Inc.should address one of its major production hurdle; that is the time taken to produce one plane and the way in which the company adhere to its production design.

Videogames as the thesis explicitly

Children find it amusing and entertaining, thereby they are encouraging market of the videogame, but children do not have the wisdom to check the game rating and content and therefore author wants that parents should use their wisdom to guide their wards. What tone has the author set and how did they establish that tone?

Globalization law

Globalization and the Politics of Development in the Middle East. Networks of privilege in the Middle East: 1st ed.U.

Case study : westwood publishing lewis

Westwood Publishing: Communication Strategy The biggest problem Westwood Publications is now facing is its lack of effective communication, both to their employees as an organization, and in terms of providing their employees with an up to date means to communicate amongst each other. The first thing Westwood Publishing needs to do is to upgrade their β†’

Personal response to movie skyfall directed by sam mendes essay

I feel that I and many others, including year 12 students, can connect easily with this aspect of the movie; struggling to adapt to growing times and yet willing to flow with it and see where it leads. In a world where being homosexual is not that different anymore, and where Bond usually seduces his β†’

The trends of the fashion age

Analysis shows that the chief job of the merchandise is to in footings of doing the mark market know the being of the merchandise in the state and the competition of the current vesture lines available in the market. A A A A A A A A A A A In order to work out β†’

That lachlan macquarie was a good governor essay

These actions were done in the way that Macquarie personally believed was the way to reduce crime in the colony, and this shows a devotion to maintaining law and order, which is a sign of a good governor. These enemies were often stifled by Macquarie12, and it was their meddling that eventually led to the β†’

In defense of negligence

In the cases surrounding the puppeteer Kevin Clash, I would say it is somewhat difficult to determine whether the defendant in these cases are liable for any negligence without reviewing the facts that the defendant had a big influence on a huge scale of fans which in this case are the children that admired and β†’

Promoting and protecting public health

This foundation also wrote to the prime minister, to explain the statistics that they have found about the amount of people dying each year due to lung cancer and smoking. The chlamydia campaign is the chlamydia screening campaign; it is encouraging people the age of 16-24 to get tested for chlamydia as there are no β†’

Types of tour operators tourism essay

The emergence of a sophisticated and innovative travel industry was a key factor in the growth and development of international mass tourism, with the tour operating sector in particular leading the way in both creating and meeting the needs of tourists. And the each package can be suit for different type of tour operators.

Analysis of marxist theories of crime

According to Karl Marx, crime is as a result of the social structures and the economic system that is implemented Karl Marx is a renowned scholar who came up with different kinds of theories to explain the various situations in the world of sociology and economics. Deviance therefore, is as a result of incompatibility of β†’

Monologue by creon

I am a labourer, a servant of the people whose only aim is to see that the world remains a rational, a sensible place. I did not want her to die in a political scandal.