A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

A short reflection on the unknown citizen by w.h auden

Wilcox's poem " Solitude" and Auden's poem " The Unknown Citizen" share the themes of the individual versus society and the happiness within, but " Solitude" focuses on how a person's emotions and attitude affects their part in society, while " The Unknown Citizen" focuses on how an individuals background and place in society can β†’

The media trump and the presidential election

The study found that over the course of the general election Hillary Clinton was the target of fewer negative news stories than Donald Trump. Azari sees the election of Donald Trump as the president as a direct action of the news media.

Poe’s story “the fall of the house of usher”

In Poe's story " The Fall of the House of Usher" he creates the single effect of terror through his description of the house, the entombment of Madeline, and Madeline's appearance at the end of the story. Immediately Poe's description of the house sets the atmosphere for the story and begins building on Poe's single β†’

Heritage: symbolism in the black walnut tree

As the mother and daughter debate and talk over the pros and cons of keeping the tree, their conversation shifts from the practical to the sentimental. This contrast underlines the sacrifice made by the mother and daughter in deciding to keep the tree.

Essay on individual negligence in nursing

It is, therefore, fundamental for the nurses to differentiate between negligence, gross negligence, and malpractice while maintaining the importance of documentation, especially in relation to patients' information. Malpractice in nursing is the professional negligence whereby the nurse fails to carry out his or her duty efficiently as dictated by the profession and the professional standards.

Franz joseph haydn

Social mobility in his day and age was relatively unheard of, but from the very beginning Franz Joseph Haydn was proving to be exceptional. In addition to the quartets, Haydn also composed a significant amount of pieces for two violins and a cello as well as some 126 baryton trios.

Legal implications for international business

Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement is to design policies for economic alliance intended to develop a high quality, inclusive contract that lays the foundations for economic growth, the development of employment in the affiliate countries, and that in spin become the basis for the future, Turnes, et.al. By strengthening the rules and procedures governing trade and asset, β†’

The study of female deviance criminology essay

Frances Heidensohn; a professor in the Department of Sociology at London School of Economics, by her investigation on the study of gender in the context of crime, could be said to have set the foundations for next generations studies on feminist perspectives in criminology. Such groups of people, as Morris suggests could be for young β†’

Sebastian faulks

In giving us brief background information on some of the soldiers and the technique he uses to describe the war scene; through the eyes of the other soldiers, makes it an enormously emotional account. It is not surprising that they felt anger towards the futility of these actions, to the commands made by the officers β†’

Psychology test: learning & memory

90/PAGEOrder Nowcognitive learningthe acquisition of mental information, whether by observing events, by watching others, or though language.classical conditioninga type of learning in which we learn to link two or more stimuli and anticipate events.acquisitionin classical conditioning, the initial stage, when we link a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus so that the neutral stimulus begins β†’

Mangal pandey

A sepoy working under the British East India Company, Mangal Pandey's name got etched into the pages of the Indian history after he attacked his senior British officers in an incident, which is today remembered as the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 or the India's First War of Independence. And this was the main reason behind β†’

Globalization in the music industry assignment

Some of these components include the artists who compose the music themselves, the producers that engineer the sounds created by he artists, the companies that handle distribution and promotion of the recorded music, the broadcasters of the music such as radio stations, and professionals who assist the artists to further and better their livelihoods, such β†’

Tender offer essay sample

The raising action of the play is when Lisa is irritated that Paul was not present during her dance recital. When she asked the reason to Paul why he came late, Paul answered her that he was in a meeting.

Legalization of cannabis essay sample

In 1974, Ronald Reagan says the Heath/Tulane study is the most reliable scientific study on cannabis and releases it to the public. In this case, it is because of the black market and prohibition that people are exposed to trying these other drugs.

Data analysis task

This also implies that the R gene has only one restriction point for the enzyme 3) Using the information given for each restriction enzyme digest, explain the alteration in the R-gene DNA of the mutant r allele?-the size of the gene is relatively the same as that of the R. 25kbp has been deleted to β†’

Cracking the whip- case study essay

The survey creates anxieties between managers and other employees because they believed that the survey results will affect their jobs.* Davidson ignoring all the signs in Pitcher lack of interest in his new agency's history and culture and his condensing attitude toward the agency managers.* Pitcher was abrasive, arrogant, proudly superior and tactless with the β†’

The lovely bones by alice sebold

An examination of the character Susie in " The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold and how the author engages my sympathy for her and her family members. Lindsey feels a certain bind with her dead sister because she gets to live the life Susie cannot.

Critical thinking week 1 assignment

More and more businesses are recognizing the dangers of bad environmental practices and have agreed to take part in the rejuvenation of the world, we just need to continue to spread the news to keep the environment safe and clean for many centuries to come and this is my goal by submitting this to the β†’

Womens history and segregation social work essay

The gendered nature of organizational life is generally ignored, and there is no recognition that women's work experience maybe different to that of men's as a result of power relations that differentiate society at large. The ignoring and marginalization of sexuality, although not limited to any particular approach within organizational analysis, is inexcusable in the β†’

As mark twain wrote

Throughout the second paragraph, Mark Twain is describing the river for how it actually is as well as how he wishes it was and that shows off both subjective and objective views he also uses his emotional connections to display to the audience the contrast between his youth and his new mature view on the β†’

Computer forensics investigation plan

The utilization of the same in the investigation process will provide the ease of priority in terms of evidences and will provide the ability to come up with the results quickly. The clear understanding of the case will be necessary to be obtained and therefore, the classification of the cybercrime will be done in this β†’

Factors for a balanced diet

If you have a balanced diet it can have a positive impact on the body such as reducing the risk of chronic diseases, further to this by receiving the correct nutrients it means that you have higher energy levels making it easier for you to exercise, it may also increase your lifespan and keep you β†’

Overview mobile phone industry india marketing essay

Owing a mobile in the beginning of the launch of the mobile phones use to be a luxury in the Indian market. In the initial days of the launching of the mobile phones in India in the mid 90's, the grey market summed up to 80 per cent of the mobile phone sales due to β†’

Psychological case study

In 1961 she received a state scholarship to Seaplane College in Atlanta and while in attendance became active in the Civil Rights Movement. There she continued to be involved In the Civil Rights Movement and received her BAA degree In 1965.

A walk into the past: access to adoption records

The state legislatures believe that by restricting access to these records they are protecting the welfare of the adoptee, allowing productive relationships to form between the adoptee and the adoptive parents, and creating a way for the birthmother to rebuild her life without the adoption becoming public information. The people who believe that the records β†’

Just try. why can’t you do it?

I was more than lost, but I knew my only way to get out of this labyrinth would be to do the best I can to make my goals come true. In September of 2015, I felt like I was going insane and that reaching the moon was easier than what I was asking myself β†’

Darvin and evolution – lesson plan assignment

His The Origin of our Species is a popular and engaging read which sets out to answer all the big questions in the debate about our origins. Ask children to bring in handfuls of the food stuff and can chuck it in a class box ready for the lesson.

Death and everman essay sample

The Author continues with his attitude of man is selfish and sinful, in the play God tells Death that it is time to make man accountable; Everyman needs to bring his book of count to God for judgment. As Everyman finishes his journey to death he is accompanied only by Good Deeds and Knowledge, this β†’

Definition of security in info. sys

Definition of Security in Information Systems With the advancement of Information technology, more corporations in the world today employ informationsystems to perform basic functions such as input, processing, storage and output of data to convert it into useful information. The first kind of threat that can harm the security of IS is hacking, which refers β†’

Prevent elder abuse

The Project P.E.A.- Prevent Elder Abuse Aiming to address the increasing number of reported elder abuse cases, The Project P.E. Electronic version of the newsletter will also be available among subscribers to update recent cases and developments in relation to Project P.E.A.

Historical words

This laid the foundation for a dynasty that was not accountable to anyone and this resulted in a rule that caused hardships for the masses until they rebelled and started the French Revolution which led to the killing and abolition of the French monarchy at the end of the 18th Century. This made the revolution β†’

Creative destruction and reconstruction

The first thing that comes to my mind is that I want to become a real doctor, but I want to be able to practice the knowledge I have accumulated in my present career. I have made my research and discovered that from being a radiologic technologist, I can take additional courses so that I β†’

Conjugal roles

They have gone on to examine the distribution of responsibilities in the domestic works between wife and husband in addition to the amount of time the spouses spend on the given tasks. Inequality between women and men mainly leads to occurrences of violence in the respective families.

Brand ambassadors essay

Due to this, it may also help to increase the image of the products of the company. On the other hand, sell products through internet also is one of the successful strategic using by Adidas in order to introduce new products to increase their sales.

Strategic marketing short persuasive essay

Our company has consistently been among the top corporations in the Philippines and is considered as one of the industry leaders in both noodles and biscuit product categories. From its first biscuit, Monde Missing Corporation has evolved into a premier Food Company which has been among the Philippines' top 100 companies since year 2000.

Business marketing assignment flashcard

Explain the limitations of marketing research used to contribute to the development of a selected organisation's marketing plans. 2 Make Justified recommendations for improving the validity of the marketing research used to contribute to the development of a selected organisation's marketing plans.

Inditex group essay

The headquarters of Inditex are in Arteixo, a town in northwestern Spain, and it is there where almost all its merchandises are manufactured; about 50% of the production is made near Arteixo, about 30% is made in China, and the rest of the production is made in Europe. Between the disadvantages there are the losses β†’

Current political & economic situation essay

At the time of the latter the candidates of the presidentialmajority obtained 80% of the votes. In theConclusions of the second meeting of the EU-Uzbekistan Co-operation Councilwhich took place on 23 January 2001 in Brussels the Uzbek side agreed topermit representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross to inspect places of detention and β†’

Perdue farms

In a research project designed to study Perdue Farms the proponents were able to find out that they are in for the long haul, in order to, " Enhance the quality of life with greatfoodand agricultural products. In the case of Perdue the crisis point was in the decade of the 1980s when Perdue Farms β†’

Economic order quantity: practice exercise

According to the appropriate order size recommendation, what would be the Total Annual Inventory cost? Therefore, the total annual savings for this store using our recommendation versus the present lot size of 1100, would be $ 12, 327.


He loved the solitude of the mountains, and as he dismounted his horse he smiled as the usual thoughts and emotions washed over him His ex-wife sarcastically called it the Zen of the Mountain Man, which he thought was a perfect fit. For a brief moment he gazed at the steed and his hand-tooled saddle β†’

The behaviour of split brain patients

The outcome of these studies reveals that the brain functions are lateralised The major discoveries of the split-brain patients were the lateralisation of function, cross-cueing; and the concept of the interpreter; leading to the theory of a modularized brain. The results prove that the hemisphere were incapable to communicate with each other, the visual and β†’

Emotions in psychopathy and borderline personality disorder

The subjects were further evaluated with the aid of the Psychopathy Checklist: Screening Version and the International Personality Disorder Examination. Therefore, the subject groups and stimuli are believed to be the independent variables controlled by the experimenters while the BPD patients and psychopaths were the experimental unit.

Physiology of sleep

Physiology Of Sleep Introduction Sleep is a state of reversible unconsciousness in which the brain is low responsive to external stimuli. As the night progresses, the proportion of REM sleep in a cycle increases and the NREM element is of lighter stage 2 sleep.

Development of quality and service improvement agenda nursing essay

In the perspective of health and social care sector, Quality is defined as the level of services in the health and social care enhances the outcomes of health. The strategies have the main motto of improving the service quality in the health care for the patients and their respective families Quality improvement agenda is the β†’

Systems to involve stakeholders in the planning change management essay

Organisations take their stakeholders into confidence, just to ensure the smooth transition, since they are the one who will be affected by the change. All the questions will be answered at this point Engagement strategy At this point a managers need to decide how they are going to address the issues of stakeholders in order β†’

The chinese communist party in china

Although, the Long March only lasted a period of over two years, it was necessary to broaden the scope of the investigation to also include the lead up to the Long March as well as a few years following the end of the Long March. The conclusion that was reached at the end of this β†’

Theories and types of depression

In particular, it says," Women are twice as likely to have depression, and symptoms of depression, as men of the same age". Biological: The Science behind the Differences Could it be biological that depressed women are more vulnerable and sad and that men have the tendency to be angry and rash?

What did gorbachev fail to forsee

Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev vaulted onto the world scene from relative obscurity as the General Secretary of the Soviet Union in March of 1985, bringing with him the promise of positive change and the revamping of the Soviet society. How could the policies of restructuring and reforming the economic, political, and social systems of the USSR β†’

The rules of employment

The majority of these workers are based at construction sites under the supervision of a foreman. Workers of Sime Chong interviewed yesterday said the company had been struggling to pay their salaries, and that Asiabuild Construction had stepped in to help pay part of their salaries since last month.

Blood coagulation

The coagulation process occurs as a result of two steps: The first, Primary Homeostasis, is characterized by activation of the platelets for the formation of a plug at the punctured site. More materials are then released by the bound platelets boosting their clumping thus helping the plug formation Another step, Secondary Homeostasis, is characterized by β†’

Starting a club at your high school

Starting a club at your local high school should not be any of the follow: a free leadership position, to brag about how you started a club, or simply to look good on your college resume. Furthermore, in most schools, there is an adviser for the club make sure you find a suitable teacher to β†’

18b. the marshall plan assignment

The Marshall Plan Using these four sources and your own knowledge, asses the view that the US policy of Marshall in 1947 was motivated mainly by the altruistic desire to help the economic recovery of Europe. One view point of the Marshall plan was that is was set up for USA to benefit from, many β†’

History and evolution of health care economics assignment

History and Evolution of Health Care Economics University of Phoenix History and Evolution of Health Care Economics Health care economics have drastically changed over the course of history in the United States. Essentially, funding is necessary to compete with the increase in demand for medical services and effective flow of funds is needed to maintain β†’

Impact of light and electron microscope on cell theory essay sample

The introduction of both the light and electron microscope had a dramatic effect on the development of the cell theory and the study of cells altogether. The light and electron microscope enabled scientists to observe and study the smallest units of life.

Gamids+ v3 with dean inputs essay sample

The current system works when a person taps his/her RFID on the reader, the system will read it and retrieve its data from the system's database, the data of that person will be displayed on the monitor which are located on entrances as well as automatically logging that person's record to the system for generating β†’

Opposing electronic medical records

Different organizations and health personnel have issues with the use of the EMRs in keeping medical records and would rather prefer the use of paper health records considering the ease of use. The fear of errors and the other technical problems that are associated with the use of the EHRs is a problem that is β†’

Unit 5 individual project 2

Though there have been attempts to update the quality of health care in tandem with the developments and inventions in medical field, the hue and cry for upgrading the system never ceases. Process measure is easy to interpret as in the case of administering aspirin in acute myocardial infarction that is a direct measure of β†’

International estate planning benchmark assignment 8

International E Planning affiliation International E Planning Under the United s international e laws, Residentsand non-residents of the United States can benefit from the benefit trust, therefore, Cynthia can set up benefits for her sons even if they are non-residents in the United States but pay tax as American citizens. On the other hand, it β†’

Experimental economics summary paper

Introduction The study as a whole looks into the patterns of the relationship of reward bundling with smokers. Findings The results reveal that in comparing smokers with non-smokers, those included in Forced who are smokers will choose LL if they are compelled to correlate their present choices to its effect in the future.

Understanding how people in america communicate

The article is quite easy to understand for people belonging to the field of study as well as people who may have no connection with what message is being conveyed. As an American student, the article helps me in understanding how people in America communicate and relate to each other.

Freed slaves

The concept of freedom for these families only meant that they were no longer owned by someone; they continued to live their lives in familiar places doing what they had always done. For them, the transition from slavery to freedom made little difference in how they eventually led their lives.

Julius caesar hero

Not only do Caesar and Odysseus have to face the settings in the play but also the conflict. It requires you to be prepared to deal with forces larger than yourself." Some may consider both Julius Caesar and Odysseus a hero from the problems or forces they faced in the setting and conflict of their β†’

Why subway is not popular in china

4 Purpose The purpose of this study is to analyze some problems of Subway on the marketing mix which may affect the development in china. Methodology The purpose of this section is to present the method which is used in this report and justify the limitation of the methodology.

Agglutination & lysine of sheep red blood cells

The second part of the experiment was antibodies that produce lysins in the presence of a complement, which is similar to the agglutination process, and both processes are measured using the same technique. In this part of the experiment the only big difference being was after the PBS, diluted immune rabbit serum, and the sheep β†’

Tax assessment in malaysia essay

Over the years several changes have been introduced in the tax system with the goals that I mentioned earlier and some of the underlying themes in the reforms were; The introduction of various incentives to promote investment; The introduction of tax relief to reduce the tax burden of the lower income group; To foster caring β†’

Saturday climbing by valgardson

This issymbolic of the fact that Barry is afraid to go on because of the uncertaintythat surrounds the future. Barry has troubledealing with the fact that his daughter is all grown up and looking to leave the" nest".

Family and true feelings

In her poem, " Legacies," Nikki Giovanni shows how families choose to make the topic of death a " touchy" subject, instead of being open about it, which is shown through her characters, the grandmother and the granddaughter. In " Legacies," Nikki Giovanni shows the struggle that the grandmother and the granddaughter endure when the β†’

Summary martin luther king letter

This letter was made out to the people that were upset for the actions that he did and for what he was fighting for. MoreSummary of Devil at My Heels The first argument that he appointed was in regards to the letter he received from the clergymen.

Lawn tennis

When both players are at 40, the preferred term is deuce.ll-court: Style of play that is a composite of all the different playing styles, which includes baseline, transition, and serve and volley styles.backhand: Stroke in which the ball is hit with the back of the racquet hand facing the ball at the moment of contact. β†’

Alls well

In order to understand the moral implications of the bed-trick in Shakespeare's All's Well That Ends Well, one must examine who is involved in the scheme and to what end. The one thing that the play is lacking is the typical comedic happy ending due to the fact that Helena and Bertram are united solely β†’

Anthropocentrism and ecocentrism views on deforestation

Anthropocentrism, a concept defined as a human-centered approach to forests; is premised on the belief that all other things exist to serve the needs of humans. Therefore, the anthropocentrism approach to deforestation can be defined as an approach motivated by human greed to satisfy the immediate human needs at the expense of the natural environment.

Manzana insurance case assignment

Hence, the loyalty of the agents and their motivation to push through a Manzana policy is critical to the profitability of the company. In the case of RAP, the quote was transferred to the originating agent from the rating department and once accepted, went straight to the policy writers.

Business ethics assignment

This law purports that the board of directors in any company have a fiduciary responsibility to act in good faith, and in the best interest Of a company and its members. In the year 1 993 the Delaware Supreme Court identified the harmony in the fiduciary relationship by describing the duties of a fiduciary.

Generation assignment

Another way to go about his is to increase the credibility of trade schools and make students realize that if they are not fit for rigorous work load, to pursue a trade that they are passionate about. Contrary, the Millennial fear that they will be unemployed going to a trade school, and force themselves to β†’

Capitalism and free market assignment

Why? The man at the market prefers free market because the food is fresher and they have an abundance of food. The man at the market prefers free market because the food is fresher and they have an abundance of food.

Jersey shore essay

It is degrading to Italians, to the setting, and/or the other people associated with the program. The main focus of Jersey Shore is the cast being Italian.

Yankee fork and hoe company essay sample

What is the importance of accurate forecasting for YFHC? Justify your best choice of forecast and the method you used.** Please note that your grading on this exercise will be based on your insights, valid assumptions and forecasting errors to justify your method.

Marketing communication

Target audience Nothing is more important in designing and developing an effective marketing and communication plan than defining the target audience. Sales Promotion Sales promotion will be a key ingredient in the marketing and communication campaign of Viejas.

Topic critique

Conclusions Brain activities and music can affect the learning process. Music can help a person to control his brain activities and to regain his concentration on the topic of learning.


A study of comparison and contrast StandingMale Figure with Nails and Reliquary of Sainte Foy yield a greater appreciation for each piece. Furthermore, StandingMale Figure with Nails appears to be the image of a yoked and tortured African; while Reliquary of Sainte Foy is the image of an enthroned European.

Orgnaizational behavior hotel monaco

Organizational Behavior: Hotel Monaco Hotel Monaco Chicago The essay aims to address and respond to the question: how does the Hotel Monaco meet the four factors of the MARS model to enhance employee success and service quality? After watching the video, the four factors of the MARS model is deemed to be met through excelling β†’

Income gap is widening, data shows david cay johnson

This disparity in the income may also be due to the taxation of the income as it has been noticed that the wage income has been accurately taxed upto 99% however, business income and profits which is often generated by the upper income earners. This disparity in the incidence of taxes therefore suggests that the β†’

Describe the scientific method of research. identify the key components, providing examples of each. provide support for your answer

A scientific method of research is a formal approach to research that applies professionalism and statistical techniques and identifies a series of steps in its implementation. The first component of a scientific method of research is the research title that communicates the involved subject matter and is in most cases a summary of the entire β†’

A child study

I observed a child d Ahmed in the setting to decipher the various s of development that Ahmed was going through. One of the more important observations in Ahmed's case comes from his use of language at the start of the observation period and now.

Ajax minerals and perrier essay

Since there was a communication gap between the management and the workers, so the workers really did not care about the current position of the company and the challenges that the management was facing. The supervisors and other workers of company who were working on hourly basis did not see this threat of competition and β†’

Jan jansz den uyl, breakfast still life with glass and metalwork

In the foreground is a table covered with rumpled white linen on the right side, on top of which is a large pewter flagon, a pair of overturned glass and gold goblets, and a piece of ornate Venetian glassware framed by the niche. Den Uyl's depiction of glass also reveals a great deal of mastery, β†’

A detailed analysis of jane eyre with particular focus on setting

Jane sees the porter's lodge through the window." From this window were visible the porters lodge and the white foliage veiling the panes..." The day of the Journey to Lowood seemed to Jane to be ' of preternatural length. The second time Jane addresses the reader, A new chapter in a novel is something like β†’

Unemployment and its effect on the economy and society

The cost of employment to a nation can be categorised under three heading, namely The Social Cost The Cost to the Exchequer The Economic Cost The Social Cost of Unemployment The social cost of involuntary unemployment is incalculable. The shaded area between the actual time- series and the trend line is called the output gap β†’

Under the sun pollution review and summary

Inability to apply considerations for the city of Phoenix deteriorating infrastructure, increased traffic congestion, air, and water quality options will negatively degrade and prevent the enhancement of the community. This proposal for pollution conforms, resolves, and manages the projected expenditures: 1).the financial expense of air control point source is 4.


Privacy - Such a Lonely Word Examining the Implications of User Privacy to Corporate Management Examining the Implications of User Privacy to Corporate Management The concept of privacy has moved more and more toward the forefront of people's minds since the attacks of September 1 lath, on the World Trade Center in New York. The β†’