A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Current event speech about hospitality law

Specifically, the hotels failed to provide adequate parking space and proper means of entry into the hotels for the disabled. According to Howard Cohan, the hotels did not observe the requirement of the ADA that request for the provision of i.a lift for pool and Jacuzzi ii.a properly labelled van-disabled parking space iii.a properly marked →

U.s. history unit 5 db

Since music has major influence on culture, hip hop genre of music has propelled the African American way of life into the centre of American culture. The tanning of America: how hip-hop created a culture that rewrote the rules of the new economy.

Close reading a poem and thesis-driven

One of them is the fact that the poem has both utterances of Prufrock and the poet. From the poem, it is evident that Prufrock is insecure due to his inability to speak and that makes him afraid of approaching women.

All quiet on the western front analysis with related text

Throughout the novel, " All quiet on the western front", we as the readers are taken on a Journey with the character Paul Beamer, a young man, whom started the war with a " head[s] full of ideas". The soldiers progress from horrified in the face of death, to ignoring the vegetation around them in →

”paste” by henry james essay sample

R Leavis comments upon the importance of this in The Common Pursuit: the stylish supporters of James.who.so.assumed them to be the supreme look of his mastermind.but seem rather incapable of proposing either any apprehensible evidences for the premise or any clear thought of the sort of thing we are supposed to be look up toing. →

Jess marketing hnd assignment

This is clearly reflected on her work as a manager of the customer engagement team as she needs the above elements into making her team to work and do their jobs more efficiently and to build them for the future as a team that can do their job right and complete targets in time, which →

New counter terrorism laws law international essay

Concerns of certain human rights being violated by counter-terrorism measures are raised, but they have been refuted with an argument that the primary purpose of the laws is to protect the right to life of the population. In fact, many of the United Nations human rights bodies have laid emphasis on the need of non-coercive →

Consumer buying behaviour: the cosmetics industry

The rapid economic growth, coupled with the huge development of cosmetics industry in China, contributes to the significant changes of cosmetics consumer behavior. On completion of this objective, the intention would be to get an insight into the cosmetics environment and the rapid growth trend of the industry so as to have a good knowledge →

Impact of falling oil prices

This is more than a half of the reduction in the prices of oil. One of the major impacts of the falling oil prices is the destruction of economies that are heavily relying on oil.

The white collar crime

To further examine the massive fraud that Enron executives committed, we will look into the anatomy behind the mind of the white collar criminal, its sociological concepts, and correlate between the research and the textbook article on Enron. White collar crime falls in the realm of differential association theory and in the case of Enron; →

Evaluation of organisation styles for gap inc

In bureaucratic organization all the powers and responsibilities are kept by head office of the organization. Non-Bureaucratic Organization:- In non-bureaucratic organization all the powers and responsibilities are distributed to the branches.

The tragedy of julius caesar

What are Octavius and Antony planning? a.to raise an army to fight Brutus and Cassius 6. Describe the views of Brutus and Cassius in regard to the plan to face Octavius, Antony, and Lepidus.

“the first day” analysis

Jones) Also, as her mother turns away and leaves her in the care of the teacher, the first thing she states is that she can see where her mother has " darned one of her socks the night before." Instead of providing any commentary on her ascension to independency from her mother, the first thing →

Social mobility assignment

One of the efforts today to improve the social class movement has been the creation of the Census Bureau. In prior years, the bureaus process in the collection of the data was to go door-to-door and attempt to reach individuals personally.

Digital technologhy plays a key role in eduction

The use of this method will enable me know which reasons for use of digital technology in education outweighs the other. Digital technology cans also lead to the displacement of teachers in schools.

Discussion questions week one

From its original meaning, the null hypothesis is a claim of " no difference" in the data set, while the alternative hypothesis is a claim of " difference in the population" After this, the test statistic for the data is calculated according to the type of test which is conducted. This is a very important →

Presedent in common law system

Precedent in Common Law System Precedent in Common Law System What role does precedent play in common law legal systems? The precedent principle plays a big role in determining the outcome of cases in civil law system.


Probation Use of Probation and its Effect on the Correction System To understand and discuss the effects of probation on the correction system of any nation, at the outset, it is essential to have a clear idea about probation. The Case of Virginia In Virginia, the use of Probation and Parole in the Correction System →

The competitive position of adolph coors in the brewing industry

This paper analyzes the case study with the view to understanding why Coor's competitive position in the US deteriorated between the 1970s and mid-1980s and what strategies need to be put in place for the brewing company to improve its future prospects. In procurement, the case study is clear that Coor's competitive position worsened between →

Week 4

Discussion In as much as market capitalism, which is the American economic system is the prevailing economic trend globally, various nations and her citizens have a choice in settling on the ideal economic system. Discussion In the process of using the available means to yield goods and services, both the private and public industries within →

Telemedicine project

TELEMEDICINE PROJECT School: Lecturer: TELEMEDICINE PROJECT Topic Requirements and criteria needed to practice telemedicine The American Telemedicine Association specifies that before any organization or individual would practice or use telecommunication equipment in the delivery of healthcare, that organization or individual must fulfill the requirement of providing a set of Standard Operating Procedures or Protocols that →

Business communication and technologies in a changing world

In case effective communication is not being provided or is not in place, mechanism would be introduced for enhancing the overall flow of information, and this would be done by removing the barriers if any may exist. For this reason state of the art devices and technological equipment must be incorporated into the system which →

Motivational interviewing

The main role of a therapist is to describe the need for positive change among their patient. For instance, a clinician can increase an individual's self-efficacy by demonstrating his or her confidence on the person's ability to make positive change.

Energy planning proposal

As the population of this city grows, it is essential to consider alternative energy sources to mitigate the demand for power and the strain on future generations and their budgets. The following is a breakdown of the energy resources Stockton will use.

Percutaneous nephrolithotomy in supine position health and social care essay

PCNL in the supine position was done under high spinalanesthesia, with the patient placed in the supine positionwith the side harboring the stone close to the operating table. The intraoperative complications, including dilatationdifficulties, were found in 5 cases, and bleedingrequiring transfusion was found in 2 cases.

Marx and the young hegelians essay

Many of the writings of the Young Hegelians focused on the refutation of religion and need to replace religion with philosophy as the moral criterion for the society and means for understanding history. Marx asserted that the social order was the product of the relationship between the different social and environmental forces and religion and →

The environment was dark

After all that happened during the Industrial Revolution, factories horrible conditions and affected women and children in many ways. Secondly, women working in factories during the Industrial Revolution struggled with how they were treated.

The tlatelolco massacre night of bloodshed and tears history essay

The square contains the remains of the Aztec temples and is flanked by the Colonial Cathedral of Santiago, and the Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores building." Las Tres Culturas" is in recognition of the three periods of Mexican history reflected by those buildings: pre-Columbian, Spanish colonial, and the independent " mestizo" nation. Hundreds of observers would →

Case study group alpha

He USA market is a highly competitive market as shown in the case study, the US retail sales of women's apparel in 2007 reached 133$ billion, accordingly many omitting brands and with the launch of the new active wear line from Harrington, the brand will compete both for market share as well as shelf space →

The effects of the media

The media, for a long time now has been known to have a large effect on society, and women have been by far the most affected people in society. The uptake of diet pills by women has been on the increase and it has been attributed to the media, partly because of the adverts running →

Internal auditing course notes assignment

In addition, the integration of internal audit activities with external auditors and the PEPCO requirements related to internal control will be explored. Method of Instruction: The course will consist of online content, discussions and case studies designed to revived a comprehensive understanding of internal auditing and internal control requirements.

Anotatedwomen in media assignment

It's sad to think by the age of thirteen girls are thinking about their fgures and are unhappy with how they look.the focus of this paper will be on how media can crucially effect the body image of women and distort how they see themselves. In this paper, I am going to show the effects →

raisin in the sun essay sample

Aspects of the Group A Raisin in the sun tells a story of an African American family, the Younger Family living on the South Side of Chicago in the 1950s. Lena received a $10, 000 from a life insurance policy due to the death of her husband and this was the task of the group →

Microbiology lab essay sample

A chromophore is the color possessing portion of the solution and is therefore responsible for the stains color. When the stain is applied, there is an attraction between the negatively charged cell surface and the positively charged chromophore, leading to the surface of the cell taking on the color of the stain.

Three barriers to critical thinking essay sample

Pragmatism is the paradigm for critical thinking and thought processes that allow people to makes sense of the world. Pierce refers to stubbornness as " the method of tenacity" in which a clear set of beliefs and a certain level of comfort prevents individuals from thinking critically.

United states in the views of adam smith and karl marx essay sample

Introduction The objective is to analyse the United States political and economic system in the point of view of two prominent economic thinkers, Adam Smith and Karl Marx. The country established a sort of government called the Constitution of the United States in 1787 which allowed citizens equal rights and a implemented a guideline of →

The dream job

Job Responsibilities The job responsibilities of a hip-hop artist may be tasking because they include composition of the lyrics, choice of the appropriate moves, design, and pattern of the choreographic moves, audio and video production, performance at different concerts, and marketing trips. Groove Music: The Art and Culture of the Hip-Hop Dj.


This is clearly stated in the first sentence of the fourth paragraph of his essay where he wrote that: " Perhaps one of the most important reasons for my absence of " trauma" stemming from my parent's divorce is that I am by no means alone in my trials and tribulation". I find the discussions →

United states supreme court

The question presented is whether a debtor can " strip down" the lien of the creditor on the real property pledged as collateral for the debt to the value of the collateral; more specifically, the United States Supreme Court was asked to determine the applicability of section 506 to this particular set of circumstances. The →

The first battle of bull run

The First Battle of Bull Run Following the failure of Union troops at the First Battle of Bull Run, Lincoln decided to pursue a bold strategy by emancipating the slaves in those states that had left the Union. The most important battle of the Civil War was Antietam because it marked a turning point in →

Comparison between comparing puritannative american & rationalist

Secondly, the concept of the value of law is another aspect of virtue that compares the Puritans, the Natives and the Rationalists, with the Rationalists holding laws as an important concept of controlling man, which is generated through the concept of reason.similarly, the Puritans hold that the Biblical doctrines are the laws that should guide →

Establish a multistate specialty medical clinic

In addition to that, the credentialing of this practitioners before they are employed in the clinic is another core factor for consideration before entering this field of healthcare. Apparently, this is mandated to ensure the highest level of efficiency in healthcare provision.


This paper will focus on the utilization of genetic engineering in the production of insulin and the different steps that are involved. This gave birth to the process of genetic engineering as the demand and need for a constant and more reliable source of insulin was required.

Adult education(any subject of it)

19 January Andragogys Transition into the Future: Meta-Analysis of Andragogy and its Search for a Measurable Instrument A Review For the purpose of the present review, the journal article Andragogys Transition into the Future: Meta-Analysis of Andragogy and its Search for a Measurable Instrument was chosen. Of the innumerable research articles available on the subject, →

Marco polo vs. zheng he essay

However, Zheng He's voyages and travels were much better and more important because they had much more of a profound impact on the world. While Marco Polo was a good merchant, and an excellent story teller, his trips were of much less value to the world than Zheng He's.

Depreciation of a currency

Lets us consider a scenario when a home currency say Aussie $ appreciates, what this means is that the price of Aussie $ has risen in the foreign exchange market. As a result of higher price, there will be a fall in the demand for Aussie goods in the overseas market and this will eventually →

American born chinese review

He become enraged and experiences self-loathing-does not want to be a monkeyWhat is the message of the parable? It is about a boy who wants to be a part of society and wants to blend inWhat is the significance of the conversation with the herbalist?

Memory recall and recognition for a common object essay sample essay

The hypotheses that the acknowledgment group would hit higher than the callback group was supported as was the theory that the caputs side of the coin would turn out easier for both groups to retrieve than the tails side. Furthermore it was expected that the participants assigned to the memory acknowledgment undertaking would accomplish higher →

De beers-strategy

In the De Beers value chain the whole sellers were referred to as sight holders and the company had the power to choose its customers. The new value chain strategy adopted by De Beers on recommendation of Bain and Company, seek to create a vertical monopoly for the De Beers brand.

Stem cell therapy: a possible cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis?

Being a biotechnology student researching in a neuroscience laboratory, it is of interest to investigate the causes of neuronal disease and when I found out that ALS was incurable with no determined cause, I really reflected on the matter and saw the applications of biotechnology, cellcultureand stem cell research in finding the causes and a →

Essay on religion and society

It is also referred to as the belief in, and worshiping of the almighty God who is understood to be the creator of all that exists on earth. On the other hand, those who are found to be part of secularism are referred to as Non-religious i.e.the profane and lack a sense of control in →

The impact of the western sahara conflict

Further more, as a result of the persisted conflict in the Western Sahara region; Polisario signed a peace treaty that led to Mauritania assuming a neutral ground in the conflict which has been one of major political development that has given a glimpse of hope in the independence struggle of the Sahrawi people. Morocco In →

The strengths and weaknesses of nokia

In order to compare Nokia with its competitors it is very important to first examine the strength and weakness of Nokia and how the strategy of Nokia is build around it. Also, setting up the manufacturing units in India has made it possible for them to offer the price range of the mobiles to a →

Financial crisis of the french monarchy

The financial crisis of the French Monarchy during the 17th and 18th centuries has been an issue of controversy amongst historians, on one hand some historians do not consider the financial crisis to have been of great influence to the French revolution, whereas others believe that the financial crisis was a significant factor of the →

Benefits of telemedicine

Telemedicine can be defined as " The delivery of health care services, where distance is a critical factor, by all health care professionals using information and communication technologies for the exchange of valid information for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease and injuries, research and evaluation, and for the continuing education of health care providers, →

Adolesence worksheet

Yes peer pressure can be helpful and a the reason why is because sometimes some of us have something good going for ourselves and then something get in the way and tries to stop it an some of us let it instead of pushing right on through and that's when the opposite peer pressure come →

Bitx raised usd4 m in series a funding

BitX, a bitcoin platform that is focused on South Africa and South East Asia has raised $4 million in a Series A funding round which was led by the South African internet and media company, Naspers Group. BitX was founded in 2013 and provides a variety of bitcoin related services such as bitcoin wallets, a →

Testing the effect of the nucleator in artificial snow

In this experiment, the amount of water used for the experiment is maintained, or held as a constant while the amount of the nucleator is increaed in three different samples. Introduce natural snow into one of the jar and keep it in a constant atmospheric condition for a period of ten days.


The group is thought of by many to be made up of insane people, and, though there are members of PETA that are not crazy, the " all members of PETA are crazy" rumor is not one without reason. PETA even claims that labs that make dog food abuse the animals that get to eat →

Compare christianity’s baptism with judaism’s brit milah assignment

This is symbolic as through the pouring of the water, the child is freed from original sin and receives the Holy Spirit. The prophet Elijah is considered the defender of the Jewish people's covenant with God who is symbolically present at the ceremony as a witness to the keeping of the covenant.

David in our everyday lives. many students

Important factors that will take into place are what type of music the subject is listening to, the amount of time and the noise level. They were able to recall it better with the music.

Children of incarcerated parents

It is hard to establish a child's trust and takes time, so if a parent disappears that the child has depended on, it can affect the future of the child. There are more and more states doing something to lessen the impact of a parent going to prison on the child.

Leed green building rating system essay sample

ABSTRACT This paper entitled Developing Resource-Efficient and Environment-Friendly Structures Through The LEED Green Building Rating System is an abridged study of the standards of the Green Building Rating System developed by the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, a third-party initiative program for " green building" certification recently granted to new construction projects adhering to →

Working with disks and devices essay sample

To address the problem, you decide to extend the Alice1 partition, using some of the unallocated space left on the disk. Consult the Disk Management snap-in, and fill out Table 2-2 with the amount of unallocated space left on the drives in gigabytes and megabytes.

Sensory perceptions

Sensory Perceptions Sensory Perceptions The human body operates under the instructions of millions of sensory nerves, which carry information from the environment to the brain. This brief overview will examine the sensory perceptions and the factors that affect the authenticity and believability of information from the sensory nerves.

Sun shines enterprise

This is through casually observing the reactions of the clients and enquiring from the employees. This would need to change with the involvement of the employees in ensuring that the service they deliver is of best quality.

Sense and sensibility critical response

When Marianne falls in love with John Willoughby, she does away with being coy which is contrary to how single English ladies were brought up in the 18th century. Willoughby and letting him talk her into seeing the inside of a house belonging to someone Marianne was not acquainted with.

Qualificaiton framework

Level 2 qualification recognizes the competency to attain understanding and knowledge of a subject area of study or work. Level 3 qualifications are quite appropriate for the students who wish to go to the universities or the people who wished to work independently in an organization.

Is shylock a villain or a victim essay

However Shylock is not really meaning what he is saying, he is referring to Antonio as a good man because Antonio has vast amounts of money, this is telling us that Shylock's one and only main concern and desire is money, there is now way that Shylock would call Antonio a good man and actually →

Midterm review

Midterm Review How to Write Business Messages Instructor: Le Dinh Minh Tri Based on: Mary Ellen Guffey, Business Communication: Process and Product, 5e Guffey's 3-x-3 Writing Process BC - Spring 2012 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business Communication: Process and Product, 5e 2 General things to remember - Identify the purpose of each message - Present ideas →

Human development critical analysis

Hannah is correct when the people in the ethnic group all share the same socioeconomic status; George is correct when the people in the ethnic group do not share the same socioeconomic status.5. A chemical that is contained at the end of the axon, whose purpose is to pass information on to another neuron, is →

Core analysis of morrison supermarkets marketing essay

The share of the Morrison's Company in the market is about 12. The ratio analysis has been conducted in terms of a liquidity analysis of the company, their efficiency analysis, financial leverage analysis, and profitability analysis.

The papa johns pizza plan for india

In this report, we will analyze and purpose the plan to expand the market in to INDIA that aligns with Papa John's company plan. To generate sales and profit for Papa John pizza, the benefits of the company should be communicated to the customers.

Analysis of vietnam’s logistics industry

The incessant efforts of the state towards international economic integration such as the implements of bilateral trade agreements, achieving memberships of the ASEAN Free Trade Area and, most recently, entering to the World Trade Organization, has made further strong changes in Vietnam's trade and economic regime. Bargaining power of suppliers Medium The inefficiencies of the →

Health and safety legislation in malaysia construction

Contractors comply with Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 and Factories and Machinery Act 1967 to implementing safety and health requirement for the construction site to make the act effectively minimize the accident rate and fatalities. The last object of the act is to provide way or method according related to the occupational safety and →

Financial analysis | case study: fedex

With the globalization and revolution brought about from the boom of the internet age, FedEx started to integrate wireless solutions, Bluetooth and RFID to become digitally innovative.[6] Wireless technology are used in a some of FedEx's subsidiaries, namely FedEx Express, FedEx Ground and FedEx Freight shipments.[3] SuperTracker was still in use to keep their customers →

A wife. willy, in death of a salesman,

In A Raisin in the Sun and Death of a Salesman the theme that money is the root of contentment is also present. Many times throughout the play, when Willy is having hallucinations of Ben, he asks him, " How did you do it, Ben?" Also, throughout the play, he refers to a salesman that →

My not the same race as they

Most of the time is because they have insufficient knowledge about foreigners such as times in the novel when Jim's uncle mentioned how you can not trust the Swedes to be fair. They tend to believe that kids, who are not the same race as they are, usually are troublemakers and low in dignity because →

Religion, race, caste assignment

Key Words: Sex Ratio, Fetid, Sex Selection Abortion, Technology Introduction " Mahatma Gandhi" said, a woman is the companion of man, gifted with the equal mental capacities she has the right to participate in the minutest details of the activities of man, and she has the same right of freedom and liberty as he. According →

Archies vs vintage case essay sample

By Katharine graham > the secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one does. By anon Rule 7 Trust ur intuition > A great pleasure in life is doing what people say u cannot do.

A book report on the book “holes” by louis sachar essay sample

That means the shovel is five feet long and you inference the size of the hole compared to your own shovel that you may have. The main reason why I would have to rate this book a 3 instead of a 4 is because it is indeed a good book and I know it, but →

Raging bull study essay sample

Catching in their most supreme shape intermittent subjects that show up all through Scorsese's collection of New York stories, De Niro's La Motta measures his vulgar senses against his Christian blame and finds the best way to discharge the unavoidable clash is through unwavering savagery, in or outside the ring. Inside the ring, Scorsese puts →

Karl marx

After exploring this idea in many of his essays, Marx elaborates upon it in the Communist Manifesto by identifying the conditions that are most conducive to the promotion of the natural productive capacity of workers. In the capitalist economy, Marx maintained that the worker was isolated from their labor, the product of their labor, and →


The fundamental objective of businesses is to make profit through product and services that meet the requirements of customers. Kotler et al has defined market as ' a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others'.

Business ethics

However, the overall success is not without the moral guidance of ethical behavior in terms of values and virtues of individual workers within the organization. Virtue theory encompasses the individual behavior of an individual in the wider realm of character to benefit self and others.

The odyssey of homer book1 athena inspires the prince

The Odyssey of Homer: Book Summary Athena Inspires the Prince In this book, the plot revolved around Odyssey's captivity, his son Telemachus' temporary ascent into power and the temptation of Odyssey's wife Penelope by suitors. The power struggle is evidenced in the suitors who aspire to marry Penelope, as that would give them legitimate claim →

Article summary

In the twenty-first century, the fundamental constraints of air transport are the environmental impact aviation has on the environment. Despite these, the effects of the air transport are increasing as the economy and demand for aviation services grow globally.

Gender performativity and works of hannah wilke theatre essay

Butler proposes jobs in the usage of the performative in the context of public presentation as a simplification of Austin ' s initial theory, whereas its definition as the communicative force of an vocalization is embedded in the topic ' s Acts of the Apostless is built-in to the surveies of public presentation art. That →

Personal and collective unconscious essay

The Personal and Collective Unconscious To many, the unconscious is a section of our minds that is inconceivable and almost nonexistent. The unconscious contributes to the ways in which we function throughout our lives, and is made up of two components: the personal and collective unconscious.

Marketing mix of haier group

Product Product is the core element in the marketing mix because product is the basement for a company to survive and develop. Now, Hairier has occupied 50% of the compact refrigerator and 25% of the apartment size refrigerators in the US market.

Maslow theory essay

In the contemporary world, the theory is widely applicable in the development of critical strategies in a number of fields. The stages are as follows represented in a progressive triangular configuration: Self-Actualization Aesthetic needs Needs to know and understand Esteem Needs Social Needs Safety Needs Physiological Needs In as much these systems prove to be →

Bringing the jobs home

His analysis of the problem of outsourcing of jobs places the origin of the phenomenon squarely at the doorsteps of liberals, who he termed " The Left". From the analysis of Todd G.