A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

A serious games overview education essay

Today's " serious games" is a big and serious business; the serious game sector is expected to grow significantly in the medium term. So we can define play as it is less the opposite of seriousness than the vital ground of spirit as nature, a form of restraint and freedom at one and the same →

Values and principles underpinning the curriculum

Considering the diversity of the age range and ability range of children within the Primary phase, there are a number of theories about the purpose of primary education and how they should be delivered to best suit children. However, Religious Education should also consider practices and ideas of other religions represented in the UK; due →

Health insurance in india a closer view economics essay

In this research we will try to determine the past and future of the health insurance industry in India, the growth of the industry and companies, benefits and importance of health insurance, scope and innovative trends, challenges and cultural problems like marketing problems and competition faced by health insurance companies and also why people of →

A dusting of sugar: examination of safety hazards at imperial sugar

The investigation also showed that Imperial Sugar Co.had been aware of the hazards of combustible dust yet failed to take the necessary actions to prevent the disaster. The Imperial Sugar facility lacked the necessary dust management program in order to keep the accumulation of spilled sugar and sugar dust abated.

My favourite star

Or to put it in another words data analysis is as important to a researcher as it is important for a doctor to diagnose the problem of the patient before giving him any treatment The types of Measure of Central Tendency and of Measure of Dispersion. The IQR is essentially the range of the middle →


During the Reformation, the Protestant belief in " sola scriptura" and " sola fides" was a major source of conflict with the Catholic teachings of a Church authority and salvation through good works. This shows the importance of the Bible to Protestants compared to the Catholic woodcut in which there is no importance placed on →

Critique the media effects and the hypodermic needle

They express the view that the media is a dangerous means of communicating an idea because the receiver or audience is powerless to resist the impact of the message. The hypodermic needle model; the infusion of messages to the individual about a product.

A pair of tickets amy tan

It is in your blood, waiting to be let go." She admits that even though she is 36 years old, " I have never known what it means to be Chinese." It is not until she goes to China and finally meets her half sisters that she understands what it is to be Chinese." And →

The textile industry

Thus, Handloom forms a portion of the heritage of India and exemplifies the profusion and diverseness of our state and the creativeness of the Weavers. The Office of the Development Commissioner for Handlooms sector has been implementing, since its puting up in the twelvemonth 1976, there are assorted strategies for the publicity and development of →

Life in the trenches

Conditions in the trenches were often like this because of all the rain and mud covering the bottom of the trenches, the soldiers could not escape it while fighting and had no option but to stand in these conditions all day and most of the night. Although this was demanded, many soldiers failed to do →

Biological psychology chapter 1

90/PAGEOrder Nowneurosciencethe study of the nervous systemconservedin the context of evolution, referring to a trait that is passed on from a common ancestor to two or more descendant species.five research perspectives on the biology of behaviour1.description: structural and functional 2.evolution 3.development over the life span 4.mechanisms 5.applicationsphysiological psychologyMore specific and defined area of biological psychology →

Magic and cinderella

Critique of " Cinderella: Not So Morally Superior" Author: Elisabeth Panttaja In The essay Cinderella: Not So Morally Superior by Elisabeth Panttaja, the author analyzes the classic fairy tale that most of us have grown up knowing of Cinderella. The author explains that the story is not so much about Cinderella but the success of →

Civil religion and the gay community

I am trying to find out about civil religion and symbols as it refers to the Gay community and their right to worship God without interference from the Pope, who after all, is only a man. A NBC report on chastity and the clergy found that " anywhere from 23 percent to 58 percent" of →

Immigration problems

Over the past few decades, the number of immigrants has increased and the immigration rules have changed as well. In the 1950s, a large number of immigrants originated from Europe but today immigrants are mostly of the Latin American and Asian origin.

Mt.gox is processing usd withdrawals again

Gox has now formed relationships with several new banking partners both in Japan and around the world, and we are still in the process of finalizing even more. Current Back-log The new system is just now getting under way, so there is still a back-log of withdrawals that we need to process.

Bisctuit company case study

The inability to change internal factors to meet external challenges resulted in a fragmented structure of the company and nearly led to the extinction of Biscuit and Co.Ltd. The promotional mix needs to decide on the right media selection and sampling, which needs to be tailored for the type of consumer that would purchase the →

Case study mazda

The slogan and advertisements gave the audience a impression of the sporty, fun-to-drive Mazda. The target customer of MAZDA is more mature and less active than the target of the Protege.

Active listening case study

The morning of the presentation, lassie's son becomes ill and she will not be able to make the presentation. She tells De to ensure he checks the date to make sure he has the latest version of the presentation which would allow time for the new client to ask questions.

“the war of the worlds”

He is a theorist, working on a number of studies that are meant to highlight the advancement of ethical ideas, when the incursion starts. He hides from view in the company of a curate, who is disturbed by the assaults, and is behaving unpredictably.

Essay on surveillance cameras in shchools

So, if you want your students to feel safe at your school then get cameras to help with safety, prevention of bad behavior, and security. So, if you want to prevent bad behavior in your school, get surveillance cameras.

The crucible rewrite assignment

She should have pushed John to go to Salem and diverge his information immediately for it would help her in the long run." hurt and very coldly... John was responsible for corrections of the dialogue, typing the finished copy, and turning It In.

Ck fashion advertising major project assignment

Thus, the objective of this project is to suggest an advertising campaign that will enable the company to not only further increase the awareness of the brand, but at the same time continually remind the customers of it's brand in order to increase the sales of the products in order to improve the overall conditions →

Informative speech final outline essay

Focus on the Thesis Statement: Today will explain the inherently due to animal cruelty and a few solutions to help prevent animal abuse. Many animals still suffer from abuse and neglect because people are not reporting every act of abuse they see and they are not aware of how prevalent animal realty truly is Preview →

Empiricism and religion essay

However, the relevance of experience in Asian religion is even more modern than its relevance in the West. He stressed that everything about Japanese cultured stemmed from this religion that was based on a spiritual awareness of unity of humans and nature, which stood in contrast to the materialistic traditions of the West.

Sufism: how did sufism affect islam and the world? essay

This knowledge integrates Islam and ancient doctrine that resembles elements of Greek Philosophy, Zoroastrianism and Hinduism that are part of the Sufi path to God-realization A cornerstone of mysticism is that true knowledge of God is achieved directly and not through an intermediary like a prophet, saint or priest. Sufis extend this, believing that all →

The gordon model essay sample

It is important to remember that the price result of the Constant Dividend Growth Model assumes that the growth rate of the dividends over time will remain constant. Where is the price, at time zero, of a share.is the dividend expected at the end of a period is the return expected by investors during the →

Sky lee’s the disappearing moon café essay sample

In studying the institutional milieus that dominate the characters and their setting, we are able to pierce through that facade and achieve a deeper understanding on who the character really is. In addition, we are able to experience how these cultural practices play out in a foreign country and in the midst of Diaspora.

Strengths and limitations of assessment methods essay sample

Choosing the most appropriate assessment methods is vitally important, to help and support the learner and to ensure the job of the assessor is as straightforward, reliable and problem-free as possible. In selecting methods of assessment the main aim is to choose methods that most effectively assess the objectives of the immediate area of study, →

Factors affecting the academic performance of fourth year students essay sample

As said in the article: " Although education is not the only road to success in the working world, much effort is made to identify, evaluate, track and encourage the progress of students in schools. Schools, though invested in fostering good academic habits for the same reason, are also often influenced by concerns about the →

Speech on culture ( nursing been my culture )

It is not hard to imagine the situation: nurses are human just like the rest of us the fact that there is terrible suffering and pain all around them is something they will eventually adapt to after a certain amount of time.2. Conclusion: A: Nurses have a lot in common and must help each other →

Deductive reasoning video

If you hit a glass with a feather, the glass will break According to clip, black child is first shown provided with researcher's 1, followed by following statements respectively: 3. Conversely, child's conclusion to researcher's 2, 4, and proposition " Dawn hit the glass with a feather", is: 9.

Beneficial usage of flat tax

The Flat Tax The current tax is the length of a dozen bibles, but could be replaced by a flat tax law that could be written on a postcard. This paper will discuss the benefits of going to a flat tax system, and examine the implications for taxpayers, businesses, and the government.

The great debaters

Washington's The Great Debaters highlights with the Wiley Debate Team facing the Harvard Debate Team, with the former winning the debate, although racial slur continues to haunt them back home despite their victory. Meanwhile, James Farmer represents the unique struggle of black adolescents in the 30's, balancing the act between puppy love and ambition with →


Mirror-Tracing-Activity Mirror-Tracing-Activity I successfully completed the mirror-tracing activity, which involved tracing the diagram of a star while at the same time looking at my hand as a reflection in the mirror. As I practiced to mirror-trace the star, I generated a motor program that specified things such as direction in which to move the pencil →

Rule of law

Police are not expected to " cut corners" to achieve their mission and this principle is covered by the " Exclusionary Rule" of law which prohibits collection of evidence in violation of the constitution and Bill of Rights. Rights of the accused are protected and it is possible to present stronger cases leading to a →

Grammatical prescriptivism

For the purpose of this essay the article that will be examined, was written by Ojalvo in June of 2010 and is titled 10 Ways to Support the English Language Learning with the New York Times as it appeared in the New York Times. The first major tip in the article was that the New →

Lower limb prosthetics evolution

The project will further identify the role the advancement of the technology has played today in the improvement of the advent of microprocessors, robotics and computer chips that have allowed amputees to get back to their accustomed lifestyle. The project will also compare the materials used in the past and the one used in the →

Us history

Life during the Great Depression The year 1929 was one of the worst times in the history of America. The Depression was caused due to the stock market crash, eventually leading to a host of financial complications like fall of the stock prices, disparity in demand and supply and huge amount of money lost.

The hypothesis of treaties

In fact, if trust was identified as the number of parties then this proves that the hypothesis is valid and that there is a positive relationship between the number of parties and the number of conflicts. To illustrate, if there are two parties that did not trust each other and both increased their security and →

Statement of intent: applying to chapman university school of law

After having recently enrolled in the Chapman University School of Law, I acknowledged that with my previous academic orientation and thrust in business ventures and entrepreneurship, the most strategic move would be to delve into the JD/MBA Program which aptly increases significantly one's employability, marketability, core competencies, and indelibility as a high achiever. More than →

Collectivism and individualism framework

The program was going on well but Yulan was the only person who had worked on the actual coding of the program while Paul Horn and other members had provided support in the form of briefings, some writing work, and supplies. Yulan Sun was, on the other hand, was adamant that it was her program →

Mertons theory

Along this line, this topic provides a discussion on the possibility of a connection between the defiant behavior of the society and anomie as posed in Merton's Theory. This means that there is a gap between the prescribed ideals in the society and their means of achieving them.

Consumption of alcohol at a young age

Your full November 19, Alcohol- Cause and Effect Essay Alcoholism is an activity which leads to physical and emotional impairment, reduced personal and public safety, and many other social problems that are harmful for both the drinker and people around him. Due to the health hazards, alcoholism is restricted under the age of 21 in →

Defence, pride and prejudice

Res Gestae states that Augustus, after the civil wars, transferred the republic ' from his power to the power of the senate and the people'. It is an irony that a man like Socrates had to face charges of impiety and that his logical argument did not find favor with the judges.


Activity 2 Based on the findings I made in activity 1, some of the actions that I will take when planning activities for Jacob are enhancing the classroom to ease movements, improve the kinds of toys that Jacob plays with and also establish games that could improve the cognitive development of Jacob. When enhancing the →

Criticisms of the federal reserve system

Who are the shareholders of the Federal Reserve? M1 is a category of supply of money that includes all the physical money; that is, currency and coins.

Ratio of profitability and liquidity

Liquidity Ratio In examining the liquidity ratio between these organizations there are a number of metrics and considerations. In examining the current ratio between these organizations it's clear that ARM Holdings current ratio of 2.

Stop wearing animal fur essay

I know that we would not normally even imagine these things, but these are just some of the horrible fates that hundreds of innocent animals used for the clothing industry are facing in this world, right at this moment. It's because most people are clueless as to how the soft fur they are wearing came →

Media conglomerate: walt disney company

The Walt Disney Company is the third largest conglomerate in the world. In a recent article, The Walt Disney Company is showcased along with its stock market opportunities of growth and success.

High rise and high density buildings sociology

With peculiar mention to tower block and high denseness development in the proviso of lodging as they are both designed on the footing of suiting more in less infinite, the argument on whether better designed, low-cost and assorted term of office lodging can supply a solution that tackles the demand for lodging to suit without →

Financial management flashcard

First, it is to contribute to the wellbeing of the individual and to promote the operation of society. These visits are mostly by the uninsured and those that have a lack of access to primary care.

The history of the dj flashcard

The music genre that the Dj decides to play out all depends on what type of crowd he's in front of and what pleasures himself. His roots as a Dj were of a Hip Hop and Reggae in the late eighties.

The regeneration of innocence essay

In 1789, William Blake first etched the " Innocence" series in what would later be his most definitive work, " Songs of Innocence and of Experience." The subtitle declares the purpose of the work to show " the contrary states of the human soul". The nurse in the Innocence version is the epitome of this →

Bullying college essay

Bullies and their victims can be as young as eight years old, and school bullying peaks in the high school years. Bullies and their victims can be boys or girls, and bullying can take place in cyberspace as well as [on] the schoolyard.

Sales spiel growee essay

Poison Schedule [? ] G Presentation/Packing FormPacking/PricePhoto Growee syrup Growee 120 mL x 1's Growee 250 mL x 1's ************** Growee Syrup Multivitamins Available in: Growee Syrup W/CHLORELLA SYR 30ML Growee Syrup PEDTECH SYR 120ML Growee Syrup CHLORELLA SYR 250ML GROWEE SYRUP Food Supplement Growee Syrup, a food supplement, formulated to help meet the nutritional →

Sociology of sport narrative

In November 2000, the leadership of NASCAR changed hands for the first time from France to now the third president Mike Helto. Research shows the increase in female fans, homosexual fans and fans of minority races.

Identity management theory flashcard

The goal of the program is to provide Cindy with an opportunity to plead guilty to the charges and avoid a criminal prosecution but to be able to fulfill the program's conditions. As a pretrial diversion worker, it is important to advocate in ways that will mirror the progress of Cindy.

Alzheimer’s disease abstract

Kandi Banks Alzheimer's Disease Alzheimer's disease is a progressive brain disease and is the most common form of dementia, a general term used for memory loss and the decline in intellectual and physical abilities. Sundowning, which is when a person becomes restless and agitated in the late afternoon, is a common sign of the late →

Corolla case study

Dependency on growers if the product that the grower supplies is not grown and packaged in accordance with the established specifications, then C&C is not supplying the quality of product as pictured in the catalog and the customer does not receive what was ordered. That would solidify C&C's role as the market leader in premium →

5 huge mistakes that have cost me millions

If you have read my, you know that I had a ton of early success in addition to my financial profits, and it made me way too sure of myself. It is also because I know that sometimes you just need the right push to find success.

Analysis of the nspcc poster campaign

The effect of this is that it shows the reader that this happens to many children and how they should not conceal it and keep it to themselves. Another main technique being used in the poster is by showing a mask of the girl and how it has a fixed smile on it to show →

Asian business groups

We have firstly to know that the keiretsu has played a pivotal role in the economic success in Japan and it has already been mentioned that the state supported the former of cartels as one element of industrial policy. To have a well-defined cohesion in our plan, we going to explain, firstly and briefly, the →

Barbara jordan narrative essay

This is possible because of the Democratic Party's concept of governing which believe that " the people are the source of all governmental power and that the authority of the people is to be extended not restricted". I think what Barbara Jordan hoped to achieve in this speech is to gain the American people's sympathy →

North face

It is also the record of the audit evidence and procedures applied to the audit. In the Matter of Richard Fiedelman, 2003) In order to insure the public that the auditing profession is reliable this kind of punishment is necessary.

Mad about plaid

As for brand image, maintaining the class, thus the quality, is more important than running the risk of a complete closure and a shutdown of business. At the end of the day, it is vital for a firm to maximise profits this is how a business operates.

Electrical sector and chemical engineer

In both the application of basic chemical knowledge and in the electrical design, the use of the chemical engineer principles and the solving skills in electrical manufacturing problems helped to supplement the specialized knowledge of the electric engineer in the processes involving physical and chemical changes. Chemical engineer is a professional skilled in the manufacture →

Summary by uma sekaran

Reflects the degree of accuracy or axactitude of the results on the basis of the sample to what really exist in the universe Confidence: the probability that our estimations are correct 6. Introduced with a good understanding of the problem and the important factors that influences it; good conceptual theoretical model The reason for following →

Serving as one

There are a variety of options and all five branches are ultimately serving as one; the United States Air Force and the United States Army are two very different branches, but also have key similarities. In the Army, members will wear a uniform known as the Army Combat Uniform, but in the Air Force members →

Minimum of two suggests that family can be both a blessing and a curse

Winton displays his interest in exploring the idea of family within each story differently, containing the positive and negative influence that family has on the actions and emotions of the Nilsam family and his alternative protagonists. In ' Distant Lands', he deals with the feeling of obligation towards and the traditional expectations of family whilst →

Eurocrisis and monetary&fiscal policy

This is really a burden for a country and it may bring negative effects to the government policy and function, because the government will have to response the imbalance in both the government spending and policies. And for the country, it is really a risk because the economic imbalance has negative influences on many different →

Why invest in adolescent health?

Despite this progress, substantial disparities in health outcomes persist across the country Ethiopia launched the health extension program: a program with package of basic and essential health promoting, preventive and curative health services targeting households in a community, based on the principle of Primary Health Care to improve theFamily's health status with their full participation. →

Theatre of the absurd in endgame (proposal)

In addition Esslin defines the characters and motives of The Theatre of the Absurd as: In the Theatre of the Absurd, on the other hand, the audience is confronted with characters whose motives and actions remain largely incomprehensible. Statement of problemThe researcher tries to highlight some elements of Theatre of the Absurd that the main →

Phantom limb pain in pediatric oncology

For pediatric oncology patients, administration of chemotherapy prior to amputation surgery may increase the risk for PLP or potentially hasten the onset of PLP. Opiates are also used in the treatment of PLP.

The trail of tears for the native american people

Even after the Native American people showed they were not a threat, adopted the ways of the settlers, and became civilized, Andrew Jackson and his men decide to pursue the Trail of Tears and unjustly remove the Native Americans from their homes and destroy their peaceful people and culture. Andrew Jackson thought it was a →

The declaration of independence on 1776

The introduction of the Declaration of Independence illustrates a broad picture to encourage the colonists to refute against Great Britain. Jefferson ensures to the colonists that by signing the Declaration of Independence, then the colonies would declare their freedom from Britain.

Gender roles and marriage in eliot and trollope

Eliot's interest fails to be ignited by the gossip and petty politics of rural life, and her amused contempt, which vacillates from the cynical to the scathing when she describes the locals of Middlemarch, points to the fact that she requires protagonists who are intellectuals to prevent her works from sliding into the depths of →

American illusions: the realities of the american dream according to langston hughes

Through works such as " As I Grew Older," " I, Too," " American Heartbreak," and " Let America be America Again," Hughes articulates the meaning of the American dream of the disenfranchised, faces the obstacles to its achievement, and sheds light on the modern context of the American dream as it relates to society →

Effects that caffeine consumption

Though a single 200 mg dose of caffeine in the morning clearly influences sleep propensity and power density of the EEG in the subsequent sleep episode, there was no deterioration in subjective sleep quality, and there is not a severe disruption of sleep continuity. The mean level of caffeine consumption in milligrams per week for →

Comparison of research methods for testing psychology hypothesis

The first experiment I found delves into the social issue of whether or not different forms of social media such as television cause us as individuals, specifically men in this case, to have their perceptions and ideals about the physical attractiveness of women, and their overall appeal to be altered and molded by the concepts →

The significance of state legislative assembly elections politics essay

For example, the BJP's defeat in the landmark 2002 legislative assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir and subsequent 2003 polls in Himachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Nagaland and Tripura caused considerable speculation in the media of an anti-BJP trend that boded ill for the party's fortunes in the looming Parliamentary election.[1]This feeling of foreboding was, however, replaced →

Whether history is an art or a science philosophy essay

In answering the question of whether history is an art or a science, the very nature of the subject is at stake. This is shown in the parentheses at the end of the definition, seeming to justify why the historical debate has continued over time; it believes that art is unable to co-exist with science →

How to understand a world of opposites philosophy essay

According to our definition the uncanny is that which is unfamiliar on the grounds that it is too familiar, thereby explaining how it is a fusion of the pain and pleasure principle. One of the main battles is between pleasure and pain, and we all struggle to deal with it internally.

Evaluation of simone de beauvoir’s the ethics of ambiguity

Beauvoir claimed that the principle of freedom is the foundational premise of the discussion of the exercise of ethical theories. One is that people failed to understand freedom, and they claimed that life is not in itself meaningful and free, they do not take up the responsibility that comes with our human freedom, which may →

Exercise for balance in the elderly | research

One of the leading health concerns, in case of elderly is falling and which is related to balance Problems. So in order to reduce the rate of falls and to improve the balance the researcher selected the exercise programme as an intervention for elderly people.

The goal for innovation economics essay

In term of competition, the company form the economy market should keep increasing the quality of the product and lowering the cost. A shipping industry faces a series of changes in the daily operation, such as the fluctuation of oil price, the unpredictable change of the economy, the up and down of the cargo volume →

Should prison torture be abolished and why

The torture varies in different prisons but at the end of the day human rights of a prisoner somewhere are violated; some corrective institutions release prisoners to fierce dogs and they are savaged for about half an hour or so, other torture methods include electrocuting with Cattle Prods which is very traumatizing, in some cases →

The business of unilever bangladesh limited

The report contains the Recruitment and Selection process of Unilever Bangladesh. Recruitment is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment.

The ant farm

Kevin was unsure of the effects the potion would have on an actual living creature but was willing to take a risk." After all" he thought, " What's the worse that could happen? " Kevin removed one ant from the ant farm and placed it inside a matchbox. Kevin went hysterical and began to attack →

One day in the life of ivan denisovitch

In the novel Seasons of Migration to the North we are first introduced to the protagonist of the novel, who tells the story of a part of his life and a character in his village that he has not seen before. He tries not to think about home, he has learnt in prison that it →