A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Book report

Wowing Watson with his amazing powers of observation, Holmes predicts the appearance of James Mortimer, owner of the found object and a convenient entree into the baffling curse of the Baskervilles. Then he found out that Miss Stapleton is actually married to Jack Stapleton and also found out that the Hugo Baskerville, the founder of →

Intellectual property law

The amber color is a functional feature of the beer bottle as the color prevents the transmission of light and provides the maximum protection to beer. As commercial relations with Japan had existed and continued, and that the goods bearing the trademark entered the Philippines legally, the owner of the trademark is entitled to the →

Aol time warner

To mix a traditionalcultureexisting at Time Warner as ' old' company with the flexibility of the ' new' AOL culture was both risky and promising. At the same time, Time Warner with its large asset base created a climate in which AOL would have resources for the realization of the most ambitious projects and undertakings.

Care plan

The client will use a sound generator to generate sounds of the ocean and waterfalls to improve sleep every night. A family member of the client will be expected to visit at least one time a week and spend time with the client.


They fact is that most vitamins and minerals are absorbed into the body, and eating a healthy diet with only one supplement can keep a person healthy and balanced. We do not eat a proper healthy diet that would contain all the correct amounts of vitamins and minerals our bodies need to support good health.

Create a problem statement

From many topics that we covered in the last two weeks we can resume that Del Mar location can be related into one of the 4Ps which is the place, and limited geographic expansion is related to the management approach applied but as a common point both of them are related to the selection of →

Critical issue for healthcare

In the vast majority of cases, I witness an appreciable difference in the quality of my patient? s health status by the time they are discharged from my care. When care is appropriate, health care professionals collaborate to provide the patient with the care that is best suited for them.

The paper of the absurd: a literary analysis of the stranger

Throughout the beginning of the novel, one cannot help but to notice the indifference and " listless detachment" of Meursault. He in his entirety is the perfect example of one in the early stages of the absurd.

Freudian theory of the origins of monotheistic religion

The essay concludes that although aspects within Freud's theories are supported in other religious theories, because of the flawed nature of the methods and also the other theories that they are based on, such as the Oedipus Complex and the idea of a shared memory, mean that they are unreliable and imprecise. Totem and Taboo →

The choice of qualitative and quantitative psychology essay

Based on Crotty, the four levels are interdependent, as the choice of the research epistemology is followed by the choice of theoretical perspective, the choice of study methodology and the choice of specific methods of data collection and analysis. Creswell explained that the choice of the research paradigm related mainly to the purpose and nature →

Describe how communication skills were used in practice nursing essay

Nurses continually communicate with patients; verbal communication allows the nurse opportunity to give information to the patient about their care or treatment, to reassure the patient and to listen and respond to any concerns the patient may have. In summary, communication is a complex process and an essential skill which the nurse must be aware →

Incorporating theory and practice to achieve competency nursing essay

The following assignment will use these questions as the basis of critical discussion about the complexity of learning and supervising and the formation of competent practitioners. Thus clinical practice is a combination of practice of skills, the use of tacit knowledge, the use of knowledge about the skill and the use of knowledge of the →

Principles of wellness

To provide Shirley a learning program to assist recovery, her case will be viewed in the context of two sets of guidelines, Primary Health Care principles and Principles of Wellness." Depression is an emotional state...[manifesting] anywhere along a continuum from intermittent feelings of sadness to a persistent deep sense of unending despair". PHC providers can →

Conflict in horn of africa causes and solutions history essay

The war in 1960, s and 1970, s between the two countries attracted the attention of the world Britain withdrew from British Somaliland in 1960 to allow its protectorate to join with Italian Somaliland and form the new state of Somalia. The occupied/annexed Somali territory inside Ethiopia lies between Oromia to the West, Afar land →

Comparative study of methods of fetal weight estimation

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to assess the fetal weight in term pregnancies by various methods- abdominal girth X symphysiofundal height AG X SFH, Johnson's formula, Dawn's formula and Hadlock's formula using ultrasound, and to compare the methods after knowing the actual weight of the baby after birth. Symphysiofundal height is →

Comparing fluid flow of smooth and rough pipes

A graph of the experimental friction factor was compared to the theoretical friction factor for the transition of a pipe from smooth to rough. The friction factors of the smooth pipes in increasing order were large, medium, and small.

Famous thinkers

Peter Singer is not known to be as well-known compared to Bill Gates, but that does not mean that he does not have a rather huge amount of followers because of his fight for animal rights. Whatever his stance is regarding the value of human life is not the main problem that he tries to →

Cell membrane

When the bag was placed in the second control solution containing 10% sucrose, there was a slight change in weight of the bag -an indication that the solution was isotonic. My hypothesis was that the Kool-Aid was hypertonic to the dialysis bag containing 10% sucrose solution.

History revision imperialism assignment

The Treaty of Unlikely 1919 B had to pay reparations, army limited to 20, 000. Could not stand the aggressions of Hitler and Stalin.

Cyberbullying assignment

After analyzing her argument, I find that, although the recent employment of zero-tolerance bullying programs has helped raise awareness of the topic, Widener provides a compelling argument that school anti-bullying policies require such reforms as to include parental intervention. The cause of the scenario was Influenced by an argument taken online by one of the →

Chen, ross and roll assignment

The purpose of this QCS is to help you review the material on tests of the CAPM and other multifactor models and to illustrate the frequently used two-pass regression approach to testing asset pricing models such as the CAPM and other multi-factor models. Run first pass regressions of the returns of the 10 portfolios on →

The introduction of high throughput microbial genome biology essay

Microarray observations revealed that the inactivation of this two-component system, encoded by NMB0595/NMB0594 and known as misR/misS, in a serogroup C meningococcal strain, modifies the look of 281 cistrons in the mutant compared with the parental strain. In another microarray attack, the meningococcal cistrons differentially expressed in the presence or absence of the Fur protein →

Poly cystic ovarian syndrome biology essay

No consensus guidelines exist sing the diagnosing and direction of PCOS in the paediatric population; nevertheless, because the syndrome is a diagnosing of exclusion, the clinical rating of misss suspected of holding PCOS is aimed at excepting other causes of androgen surplus and catamenial disfunction. The aim of this reappraisal is to depict the clinical →

A few good men essay sample

Dawson, who is a role model to his friend and fellow Marine Louden Downey, constantly attempts to explain to Kaffee that the act the carried out was only done because it was demanded as an order. The viewer's respect for the Marines increases as they learn more about the hardships and importance of the Marine →

Subway market segment essay sample

Since that, Subway would be a one of the perfect choice for them as there's a lot of combination of the ingredients at Subway. Since they like to travel they would tempted to drop by at Subway and have a healthy fast meal instead of restaurant.

Five guys in malaysia essay sample

From there it is crucial that you learn and adapt to the culture of Malaysia and the way that they are accustomed to doing things. The communication issue that Five Guys would face is for the manager to understand the way people communicate and the context they are implying in Malaysia.

Check processing before check 21 legislation

[Supervisor Check Processing before Check 21 Legislation The Check 21 legislation is useful for s as they are able to clear their Checks electronically instead of paper. The Federal Reserve System used to process large number of paper Checks physically, but even before the emergence of legislation 21, the paper Check processing was declining because →


Plagiarism The use of another person's work without giving credit is referred to as plagiarism. So as to avoid this kind of dishonesty and/or misleading by misrepresenting the work of others as your own, we should paraphrase, and cite original work.

Nuptials nixed at napa inn

The letter lacks the address of the sender and it clearly indicates it is a formal letter.2. There is no name of the sender or signature to show who the sender bringing doubt to the credibility of the letter itself.3.

A research proposal

These children are shown to be in a transitional state in the sense that they are particularly receptive to instruction- in fact, more receptive to instructions than the children who convey the same procedure in speech and gesture. If the gestures are the accurate expression what the child knows the gestures will have a great →

Globalizing armenia essay

In the n present age globalization has also a great influence on Armenia, which can be seen from our cultural changes, educational changes and religious changes. Globalization allows us to experience different cultures in our country.


In other words to discuss the idea of Unipolar in the contemporary International system, I would briefly trace the advert of modern International system in the view of polarization. The advert of the modern international system could be traced back to the peace of Westphalia in 1648, which signify the end of the 30 years →

Tourism planning

The inauguration of the town coincided with the birthday of the said princes who was born on may 30, 1845 in Turin, Italy, as the second son of the king of spain and Italy. The Municipality of Amadeo is a fourth class municipality in the province of Cavite, Philippines.

Culture, way of life.

It is the internality of the distinct ways of their interaction that we can call the culture of their ways. Due to our history in Australia it could argued that our culture is primarily British and European, however the fact that the first settlers were convicts meant that they were at the lower end of →

To kill a mockingbird research paper history essay

Herbert Hoover was the president at the time and relied on the cooperation of business and labor to maintain payrolls and production of profit. Thesis: During The Great Depression the major factors such as economic failure, and poverty relates to, To Kill A Mocking Bird because there were examples of economic failure and poverty such →

Impact of inter-generational relationships on older adults

In modern society, there are a variety of issues around older adults and their family relationships, and the intergenerational relationships have appeared to become the most significant one, due to the fact that older adults are receiving support and caregiving primarily from their adult children. According to Stuifbergen, Delden and Dykstra, the term ' geographical →

Outline of the clinical characteristics of depression

The main problem with the cognitive approach to depression is that the theory is correlational, and that the argument is a circular one. A weakness of the cognitive explanation is that there are problems with cause and effect.

Quality and safety issues to prevent wrong surgical site

Communication and continuity of care to Reduce Error The Surgical time out begins in the pre-op, the nurse will verify and witness the surgeon marking the location of surgery with a skin marker and confirming it matches the patient's consent. It is not enough that these guidelines are created, but just as imperative that the →

Physical evidence and servicescape

An evaluation of the roles they have in service encounters will reveal how important it is to design an appropriate servicescape. Another important job of servicescape is to act as an a facilitator in assisting both the customers and service employees to make most of the opportunity it should make the service consumption comfortable convenient →

Caring aids and equipment within irish healthcare

This report will consider two examples from each of the aforementioned categories and detail the clients that would use such an aid, the benefit of the aid to both patient and carer and how the aid is used. A walker is used by the patient in a standing position and provides extra stability and confidence →

Problems and implications of en bloc in singapore

Despite the fact that the utmost motive for En Bloc is to increase land value and to maximize land use, the sale of En Bloc has come to a point that the public has raise concerns over the problems and implications that has occurred. This paper will show clearly what are the problems and implications →

Oligopolistic market model and oil prices

The report is prepared to explain how oligopolistic market model is the best model to relate to the current increase in the price of Oil. It has also examined by lot of research and based on recent reports that the OPEC tries to influence the oil prices by controlling the supply of oil production with →

Understanding why a meeting is important commerce essay

The primary objectives of this research are to know that meeting is worth beneficial to take important decision, agendas to develop business. I found that meeting is very productive and crucial function for organization, it helps in to management in event of crisis.

A study of the virgin group

In a bid to meet the needs of the society it is serving, virgin management give priority to the impact, its strategies will have on the society. A critical review of Virgin Group business reveals that its versatile and innovative workforce is due to the transformational leadership in place.

John calvin

Calvin's major work was the Institutes of the Christian Religion which was based on Protestant theology and influenced the Western World at that time. In the Institutes of Christian Religion, Calvin deals with two areas namely the creator and his creations, and the relationship between God and Man.

Introduction critical thinking does not just come; it

Only when people learn to challenge their intelligence and think critically, will they avoid many of the fatal mistakes they make, and in return save much time and resources. Among the key concepts of critical thinking are clarity, accuracy, and logicalness.

Media structure and practices

The aim of this paper is to research on cross-media promotion of one Disney film and critically reflect on the effects of the same on a global scale. The paper will focus on the cross-media promotion of the film " Cars"." Cars" is a 2006 Disney channel film by Pixar.

Intelligence free essay example

On the first day of being in the class, the teacher administered a pretest to ensure that the students had met the level of intensity of the class. By the end of the year, I received an A in both semesters of the course.

Marketing plan assignment

Furthermore, in my opinion, if an organization only new to the market, it is important until them become a leader in the market. In Analogue and Burdensomeness reading there are two types of games to be mentioned, the first one is Rule based games which is there is a reaction to very action in the →

In the past few decades, stock market

It is alsoknown as the equity market, the stock market is one of the most vital components of a free-market economy. A multilayer neural network has been used asan universal function approximator finds itsuse in a number of fields like sales forecasting, data validation, customerresearch, price forecasting, healthcare etcThoughfuzzy logic and genetic algorithm are also →

Persuasive health campaign essay sample

Being The Difference Our audience is comprised of those who are most affected by advertisements on the Internet, television, and through print media so we have arranged to make our campaign visible in these mediums. This is the central idea of our campaign, and we employ criteria-to-application reasoning in order to drive the point home.

Current business research project paper

The challenge is how to slow the mass departure of talent that has been trained at great expense to the company. 3Dlabs, located in the heart of the Silicon Valley and elsewhere throughout the world allocates 15 percent of its profits to retain employees according to the study.

Accident victim

During the interview, it was revealed that the accident caused by fall, which was suffered at the hands of one of the psychiatric patients. When she went to see what was happening, it was reported to her that one of the guys was trying to jump the queue.

Antigone the ideal leader

Thus, the body of Polyneices stands to be a symbol of state repression and the annihilation of the civil rights in the play. Antigone despite being a woman dares to restore the sanctity of humane values and civil rights by giving a decent burial to her brother's body.

The use of caffeine and its effects in endurance sports performance

Running Head: CAFFEINE AND SPORTS The use of caffeine and its effects in endurance sports performance The use of caffeine and its effects in endurance sports performance The use of caffeine for increased endurance during sports performance is a controversial issue that has as many detractors as supporters. In looking at the use of caffeine →

Only time can tell

This is also why it is a shame that people tend to live in the past and the future, instead of living in the moment now, and now, and now... Time waste; " It is a Waste of time".

Guns germs and steel essay

According to Diamond, world advanced from the hunter gatherers to modern humans at different rates and it was all connected to the domestication and food production. Food production and animal and plant domestication is emphasized and can be found in the situation that each chapter is in.

A study of philosophy

This also means that reality or practical approaches of solving issues often shows a limit in finding solutions to problems by applying a given set of rules while philosophical or argumentative approaches of solving issues often shows exploration of possible options and alternatives to finding solutions for problems. This does not mean that philosophy or →

Literary analysis, thousand slendid suns

In this book, Laila and Mariam both show the struggles it is to be a girl, and how much disrespect they get in Afghanistan. Both Mariam and Laila are married to the same man, and he is abusive to both of them.

Vocab in context questions and strategies for sat reading

He was very famous for this smile, so famous in fact it was a well known joke among people who knew him that his smile could even assuage a feral dog. This was when he was struck by a lightning bolt wiping that dirty smile right off his face.

Public health p1. p2

The keys aspects of public health...-Monitoring the overall health status of the population, this involves the recording of any changes of health in the population and alerting people to potential risks, for example the higher levels ofsmokingwithin a population.-Identifying the health needs within a population, which involves establishing patterns and trends of health problems within →

Book review of theodore taylor’s, the cay

Timothy had taught me to build a fire and the on I built after the hurrican was my " rescue fire". It was when I heard the plane above me that I found my hope again.

Pacific rim (2013) summary and analysis

To truly assess how a film is affected by the influence of a well known and financially sufficient company such as Time Warner, a consideration of the metric that measures the success of all, if not most films would be beneficial to the research question at hand. In a primary analysis of the production procedures →

Current strengths and weaknesses of the uae economy

The economy of the UAE at present is fairly recovering from downfall and diversifying in different sectors to enhance growth. The short term outlook of the UAE economy is expected to be fairly favorable, because of rapid development in the fields of construction, manufacturing and tourism.

A study on birla sun life commerce essay

The local knowledge of the Aditya Birla Group combined with the expertise of Sun Life Financial Inc, offers a formidable value proposition to customers. To determine and analyze the Market Potential of the Birla Sun Life Insurance Company.

Negative to prostitution

When a pimp compels a prostitute to submit to sexual demands as a condition of employment, it is exploitation, sexual harassment, or rape - acts that are based on the prostitute's compliance rather than her consent.- National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Female Juvenile Prostitution: Problem and Response In the Philippines, reported cases of →

How effective was peel in restoring and reuniting his party

Despite these steps taken by Peel to broaden support, and thus restore the party to power, however, many of the Conservative's subsequent successes in the elections of 1835 and 37 owe just as much to internal divisions which had taken hold of the Whigs as well as the inevitable subsidence in pro-reform enthusiasms following the →

Homeopathic remedies

Alternative medicine uses time tested, natural remedies and gentle, hands on treatments." According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, " alternative medicine actually encompasses a very large array of different systems ranging from ayurvedic medicine to physical therapy. The most common concerns voiced against the use of alternative medicine is simply that →

Hammurabi’s law code

The law code gave people a place in the Babylonian society. The law code helped people figure out what to do in situations like, trade, eye for and eye, and woman's place in society.

Nike case study executive summary

The second mistake we found was that she used the book value of debt Instead of the market value of debt. To find our WAC, we used the market value of equity and debt to determine our weights of equity and debt.

Differances between japan and europe’s feudel systems

Feudal Japan 1185-1603 Now to be a comparison between the Japanese feudalism system the comparison is that the emperor is the king.the shogun is the lords. The Za trade guilds appeared as a major force in the 14th century, and lasted in their original forms through the end of the 16th, when other guilds and →

A concise pest analysis for airline industry

Economic The 9/11 attacks left a major impact that the airline industry is yet to recover from. The prolonged recession, fluctuations in oil prices and an imminent global slowdown are other debilitating factors that are affecting the growth of the airline industry.

The effects of media in nursing evolution assignment

Running Head: THE EFFECT OF MEDIA The Effect of Media in the Nursing Evolution The Effect of Media in Nursing Evolution The media has played a huge role in the evolution of nursing. In House the nursing role is unrecognized and nonexistent, it focuses solely on the important role of the doctor.

My friend: the person i admire essay sample

She works with young children and after whole day she is always calm and helpful. She is bright light in the dark day and her presence is the best thing that happened in my life.

Self-awareness is important thing

Essentially, one spends a lot of time with the family members and they end up knowing a lot about a person compared to colleagues. It is not common to find a person who is willing to sacrifice the life of an individual in favor of material things.

Credit cards

A credit card can also be the step number one toward the kind of debt that leads to collection calls and sleepless night. In addition, just like other credit cards, a student credit card reduces the need of me carrying cash and checks this, therefore, avoids the risk losing it.

Reading response speech of pope urban ii at the council of clermont

He depicts that the brotherhood of the Council has learned that a cruel anger has disgracefully affected and has left waste in the churches of God present in the Orient regions. Additionally, he asserted that if there are any of the crusaders who feel God has motivated them to this undertaking, they should know that →


The article however states that this is not a healthy notion and is destined to failure for any individual telecommuting. The individual should have the mindset that is a job and not a vacation and the best way is to have a home office.

Baby p – college essay

It would appear that as ' Baby P' was placed with a friend of the family by social workers and the police the mother was given the wrong message and thought the authorities were not ' too concerned' about the injuries to Peter and wanted if possible to keep the child with his family. A →

Consumer protection laws

The aim of consumer protection laws is to address the grievances of the consumers and protecting them from the unethical practices/ behavior or unfair trade practices of the manufacturer/ supplier. The central issues of the sales of goods online and the law include the development of e-commerce, the role of consumers, and regulation of e-commerce →

The impact of using robotic technology

The definition of the word automaton has a different significance to many people and most people have their ain definition and significance for the word automaton. Humanoids automatons will someday be in the workplace and our place pickings on some of the duties of a human.

Malcolm andrew’s analysis essay

Landscape according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is defined as " a: a picture representing a view of natural inland scenery and b: 1the art of depicting such scenery." 1 Malcolm Andrews' leads off the first chapter of Landscape and Western Art with the statement " A ' landscape', cultivated or wild, is already artifice before →

Renting or owning essay

Owners share both the use and the cost of upkeep of their unit and the common grounds of the resort property. The average sales pace in 2002 was highest among high-end fractional interest projects located in ski and beach areas at six per month.

In depth case study of hip hop music

In Depth Case Study of Hip Hop Music * Introduction describe what hip-hop is and attributes of the genre: In this case study I will be looking at music genre of hip-hop and how representations of gender, sexuality and race are reflected through this genre. Hip-Hop Defined) * Give examples of how sexuality is represented →

Inspirational speech

It is our collectiveresponsibilityas we guide and mold the leaders of tomorrow - for it is on them that the future will have to depend. Our thanks and appreciation to all the teachers and the parents for the fantastic role that you have all played to facilitate this process.

Ehrenreich skilfully

And to have to keep a cheery disposition and never curse on the job created even more of a hostile mindset for myself. The mere fact that Ehrenreich began and finished her study was enough to prove that there is hope for improvements in thisculture.

Case study – richard phillips and family

It will go on to consider areas of tension and conflict that exist at a number of levels within the system, for example the conflict between the welfare model of the Children Act 1989 and the justice model that underpins the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. The relationship between social work and the criminal justice →

The miracles of jesus christ

We are instructed further, that no radical cure is to be found for this spiritual palsy but the Incarnate God, or in the Great Saviour, Jesus Christ in His Divine Humanity, and not even, in this God and Saviour, unless he be approached in a right faith, that is to say, with a faith grounded →