A-Grade Essay Samples for Free


Prior to this interpretation, criminals and criminology had functioned under the presupposition that any and all crime was merely the result of poor rational choice and not the result of factors that were ultimately beyond the control of the criminal himself/herself. Finally, the neoclassical approach seeks to incorporate several of the aspects of the classical →

Main factors of seismic vulnerability of buildings and how the assessment of the vulnerability of buildings could be used for as

Hence, it can be concluded that assessment of seismic vulnerability can be used to assess seismic impact in urban areas with the aim of reducing seismic risk in the buildings. For this purpose, simple and reliable seismic assessment tools have been developed that enable the implementation of mitigation strategies to lessen the impact of seismic →

East west signature course

Centralizing the political institutions is the backbone of a nation's economic success, which ensures the provision of public necessities such as education, justice, and implementation of contracts for the people. This can be attributed to the inclusive South Korea political institution, which is the opposite of the extractive North Korea political institution.

Evaluating an interpretation of literature essay

The statement proves that she believes the Friar to be the influence or the main reason the star crossed lovers die whereas in Shakespeare's original version he made the Friar a caring man that just wants to help the young couple and marry them in the unlikely event that the two feuding families make amends." →

The open door policy

The " Open Door Policy" is a foreign personal businesss thought which refers to the policy in 1899 that was made so that all states could utilize China to merchandise without taking control of China. The notes stated that all European states and the United States were allowed to merchandise within China without limitation by →

Management and leadershipexample essay

Managers supervise subordinates and leaders motivate and inspire to focus toward the vision of the organization and overcome obstacles in reaching goals." Central to effective leadership is power the ability to influence other people". In Frito Lay's servant-leadership culture, the role of the leader is to serve the needs of the employees by supporting and →

Chapter 4-6 study guide

The Iliad and the Odyssey; last year of the Trojan war and heroes from the Trojan war 5. Who was involved in the three Punic wars and what were the results of each war?

Seven years in tibet

He became the prisoner of war somewhere in India, but eventually, he escaped and made his way to Tibet, where he met Dalai Lama, who was considered the Holy Lord, defender of faith, and ocean of the wisdom by the Tibetans. The character of Delai Lamai made Heinrich to reflect about his feelings and views →

Calculation for calorimetry

005 mol Determining the qrxn and qcal.qrxn + qcal = 0 -qrxn = qcal qrxn =? T qrxn = - = -390.

The metamorphosis frank kafta

Although this piece is fiction we are to analyze the meaning of the literature, and in my opinion it was a dream. The beauty of Kafka? s writing is that he wrote exactly what he was feeling, and anything that came to his mind he was brave enough to compose it on paper.

Huckleberry finn

We cat run away from the past, yes the n" word is not a good word but it was a part of this society which is when this book was written. Whatever went on back then is not going on now, people have a right to be offended and speak their opinions but they need →

A character that i have found interesting in thursdays child by sonya hartnett

Another point that makes Devon fascinating is the way towards the end of the novel when he sells his horse, this is surprising because of the way he loves the horse and how it " must have made him ache in every bone for he had loved that creature." This shows that Devon really did →

Shafer-landau ethical theory summary and analysis

Through his argument in this section, Shafer-Landau seeks to convey that subjectivism conflicts with the tendency of individuals to question their moral beliefs. First, I have identified that Shafer-Landau's conclusion is unsound if it is based on the false premise that this conflict exists because of our tendency to question factual moral truths.

Women in roman society

The women who came from the wealthy levels of the society had the daily chores done by the slaves since the lives of women were determined by their position in their society. USA: Oxford University Press, 2004.

Chinese residential real estate industry analysis

From the eastern wealthy cities such as Shanghai to the developing cities which in the western part of China, the residential real estate industry has became an important part of the economy. The purpose of the report is to reveal how the remote environment and competitive arena have effects on the industry and the players →

Environmental degradation: causes and effects

The aim of this paper is to identify what urban environmental degradation is, and then understand the reasons and effects of this issue. Hackett writes that urban degradation is a result of the rapid growth in urban population and industrialization which causes many negative impacts on the urban landscapes and living quality of cities, such →

Walmart economic forces

With the economy in dire straits worldwide, Wal-Mart must continue to be a leader in communities by giving back and providing to them with core values that Sam Walton has always believed and strived to give. Awareness by the executives to what is happening locally and globally will further the expansion of Wal-Mart.

Finance plan

Legal trademark will be obtained for the business name " Cereal to Go! " all potential physical hazards will be identified in and outside of the store. Marketing plan will have an influence in the location of Cereal to Go!

Case 13 southwest airlines: how herb kelleher led the way

Southwest's success has been built with the enthusiasm and hard work of its employees; as Kelleher said, " The people who work here do not think of Southwest as a business. Explain the role of employee empowerment at Southwest Airlines and how it can act as a substitute for leadership.3.

Reasons why marketing data analysis is important

It takes into consideration the strengths and weaknesses of the company and how they fare in the market you are going to compete in. On the other hand, it provides you the answer to such questions; How are the marketing initiatives for our company doing today?

Media and its effects on teenagers today assignment

They started to deal with issues such as teenage pregnancy, affairs, divorce and homosexuality which I found offensive and very disturbing to watch and not only did they deal with these issues, they showed it in graphic proportion which I found a little distasteful and because all of this is being shown on television I →

Divine spark essay sample

All there is to it." DMne Spark was being used to define the idea that every human has a soul and that every one has a spirit that is equal and connected to God without discrimination. All there is to it." Divine Spark was being used to define the idea that reading Chamberlain said " →

Stroop effect assignment

This is done whereby there is one major aspect of the test that is in agreement with the solution that pertains to the task. One of the most aspects that are involved in this test is the use of colors.

Studying a

The accusations of Trune that the farmer intended to confine him within fixed boundaries do not sufficiently prove the crime of false imprisonment because the farmer did not lock him in the firm house. The court finds that there is no false imprisonment in this case and thus rules in favor of the farmer.

Gas prices

Much of the rapid increase in the gas prices that has occurred in the recent years can be attributed to the inverse relationship between gas production and consumption rate. All that can be done in this regard is that everyone should be careful in the use of gas.

Why ifrs should be adopted in the place of gaap

In one way, it is indispensable that the needs of companies that operate globally and require foreign reporting benefit would be catered through the adoption of IFRS. Thus, the adoption of IFRS is a better option, as opposed to GAAP.


Response to Kids + Money and Moneyless in Moab Directed by Lauren Greenfield, Kids + Money is adocumentary that revolves around the relationship between teenagers and money. On the other hand, a look at the life of Suelo as presented on Moneyless in Moab can convince people that it is possible to derive happiness without →

A trade show project of lrh products

Therefore through the application of the knowledge of project scope management will ensure that the trade show will prepare for and include only those work and logistics that are pertinent to the trade show. Finally, without the application of project time management, the trade show preparation and even the show itself will turn out to →

Importance of sleep to humans

Understanding the causes and effects, as well as having an understanding of how to avoid sleep deprivation can keep people on the path to a healthier life. Thankfully, there are things that can be done to aid in avoiding the problems associated with sleep deprivation, like establishing a routine and avoiding alcohol before bedtime.

Type 1 diabetes

Type one diabetes is a condition in which the patient has high blood glucose levels that are caused by an extreme lack of insulin. With only discovering the cause and treatment of diabetes in the 1920's medical science has been quick to respond to find a cure and an easier way to administer insulin to →

Spinal cord lesion problem solving health and social care essay

The lumbar sections of the spinal cord will non be able to direct sensory signals up towards the encephalon through the white affair in the spinal cord, ensuing in deficiency of sensitiveness in that part. Descending piece of lands are besides damaged; this consequences in loss of musculus control in that part because the encephalon →

Film history

One of the first inventions was called the zoetrope is a cylinder looking gadget which contains drawings in a strip of paper inside that appears to move according to The Museum ofChildhood. In 1867, the first device that showed movies and animated pictures was called a " zoopraxiscope" or the " wheel of life".

What do we do with howard

Tad is concerned that the performance, safety, and personnel issues in the plant surveying group is getting out of control and is considering what action that he should take, if any, at this point to intervene and correct the situations. While the failures of the previous managers to confront Howard about his performance problems have →

Development of behaviour management plan

Context/age group: This constructed Behavioural Management Plan applies to a secondary high school prominently years 7 to 12. The school behavioural management plan I have used is the Bremer State High School located in Ipswich Queensland. I have decided to use this plan as I have previously attended my practicum...

Psychology essays – peer adolescents development

However, in our young lives no matter how great the emotional quest, the pains, our identity and sense of belonging, the pressure of peers, we must have a great respect on ourselves to say no repeatedly to friends if the things they do or ask you to do are not beneficial. Family and school can →

College students perceptions of death and dying

Death anxiety can include the fear of one's own death, the death of others, and the fear of being dead. The next questions asked about general fear of death, fear of one's own death, and fear of the death of a loved one.

Amazon kindle swot and five forces

In this context, the book publisher causes an influence on the bargaining power of the supplier because of having the authority as which book should be accessible on the Kindle. Despite the online bookstores, libraries, Google books and E-Book websites are the major substitutes to Amazon Kindle that need the computer applications, but Amazon Kindle →

Types of entrepreneur and their features

An entrepreneur is a person who is the owner of a new enterprise, venture or idea and is accountable for the inherent risks and the outcome. He is a flexible person and he recognized his role was to be visionary of the company.

Marketing report

They do sell indirectly to twelve year olds and below as parents often buy meals to share with the whole family, because the parents work so they should be able to have enough disposable income and buy more products also some of there food is baby food, also to all religions because if the person →


When ink is applied to the plate, it is held in the incised image areas and wiped from the surface, then printed on a press on dampened paper. The characteristics of the marks produced depend on the tool used to draw the image, the type of ground coating the plate and the length of time →

Fredrick douglas

From chapter 7 of " Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas, An American Slave" by Fredrick Douglas I learned how he learned to read and write while being a slave. The story of Fredrick Douglas and how he risked his life to become educated has inspired me to take more risks to better my →

However, be copied as easily. compressing the

To accomplish this objective, most organizations need to break down the information silos that have formed over the years, and channel their energies into using the power of a company's most valuable asset- the knowledge of its people, and in the process build and sustain a knowledge sharing environment. One is the imperative to accomplish →

Teletech corp

It is because the WAC of the segment is particularly lower than the ROCK rate." If the Return on Invested Capital of a company exceeds its WAC, then the company created value. In response to Victor Historian, Telltale should say that if the hurdle rate of 9.

“one nation under god”

The 1st amendment of the US Constitution guarantees that there be a separation between the church and the state. Ironically, the Supreme Court of the United States, which invokes God's blessing at the beginning of each court session, has agreed to hear Newdow's plea to strike the word ' God' from the pledge as unconstitutional.

Social psychology current events assignment

A less official and more realistic definition of an economic recession is the social perception of the state of the economy at a given time. Unfortunately there are social perception errors at play, often driven by the media, which influence the confidence to spend and effect the direction the economy will move.

Plastic surgery assignment

There are the reasons why people choose to have plastic surgery and the several risks involved. Other than that, the reasons why people choose to have plastic surgery are to improve their looks appearances.

Love. module one

The first alternative to the change of management will lead to the substantial performance of the company. I would evaluate the decision through the assessment of the performance of the management personnel.

Comparing two records of a significant event in history

March 27, 2009 Hannibal Crossing the Alps: A Comparison Polybius of Megalopolis is the of a world history that details the rise of Rome. Titus Livy is the author of the authorized version of the history of the Roman republic.

Criminal research assignment unit-5

Has an authority like a babysitter attempted, in the past year, to touch the child inappropriately, or tried to make the child do the same to them when they were unwilling? 5. Has anyone at home or school made any threat face to face to the child, Have there been any incidences of bullying reported →

The maginot line

The Maginot Line Sur College The Maginot Line The idea of effective defense was especially poignant for the French as they had sustained their losses in World War I on the soil of their own. The main weakness of the entire arrangement was that the Line did not extend the length of Belgian border the →

Public health

Public health For the government to come up with an effective measure to fight a disease in the country, intensive research and studies are important in coming up with the figures of those infected and the rate of infection from one person to the other. Research and studies also plays a great role in helping →

The effects of government intervention

Most of the people tend to deface the president.the authorities.the parliament etc.for the breakability of our economic system.and to us it might look non to work.but we have to bear in head that this is the consequence of the whole nation's actions and of the world's every bit good. In the pages that follow we →

Trade liberalization and economic development

In the process, trade increases the availability of choices, improves the level and distribution of income, increases opportunities for enhancement of technical capacities and finally motivates people to accelerate the process of change in their countries. Finally, the last equation of the model examines the impact of trade liberalization on the level of employment in →

Model distress in nursing in response to medical futility

Moral Distress in Nursing in Response to Medical Futility in the Geriatric Population at the End of Life Each day, in the life of a nurse, they deal with issues that address respect for life and doing what is ethically and morally right. Nurses may view themselves as subordinates to the management and physicians that →

Teenage literature techniques

Such is the case in Into Thin Air written by Jon Krause and in The Hunger Games directed by Gary Ross Jon Krause constructs the text Into Thin Air to establish a sense of inevitability that a disaster will occur on Mat. This sense Is achieved with techniques employed by the author or director of →

Why is ghana still an ledc?

Ghana is in the tropics of Africa near the equator which means the temperature is very hot, there is also a hot dry North East wind called the harmattan which blows between December and March. This means that it is a good source of timber wood however more of the rainforest is being cut down →

A beach

As I wandered the town my eyes were drawn to the baroque detail that was infused into the traditional buildings that dotted the streets. For the first time, I was fearful as I knew that the calm waves had stirred from its deep sleep and was coming to shatter the peace and halcyon that seemed →

Ethics of taking a life assignment

We are brought to this earth to create a life for ourselves, to be responsible and make choices for our future. We are going to end a person's life, for ending others lives.

Staff development support and supervision social work essay

The supervisee is responsible for keeping their own record of supervision and the Supervisor records the times and dates of the sessions.- what does that mean?)In staff supervision plays an essential role in protecting both staff and service users, in developing and maintaining high care standards and in supporting and developing individual staff. Overall, the →

A clockwork orange and the literary canon

Furthermore, through his portrayal of youthfulness and violence in general, the writer toys with cultural stereotypes and the concept of free will, thereby challenging the reader in regards to the morals and preconceptions of what truly makes someone human. Alex addresses us, often with ' O my brothers.' which allows the story to be told →

Medieval islam vs. ancient rome essay

In the mission to rediscover the ways of life in Medieval Islam and Ancient Rome, this appeared as my result: The Medieval Islamic era also known as the Islamic Golden Age refers to an Abbasid historical time. Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi appeared as one of the most prominent and significant medicine men in the medieval →

Should constitutions be written?

In the context of states the term makes reference specifically to the national constitution of the state, which serves to define the fundamental political principles, the legal environment and modus operandi of the state and which establishes the duties and powers of the government of the state.[1] National constitutions can be classified as either codified →

What constitutes true friendship philosophy essay

Yet the exercise of virtue in the right amount that is by means of securing the golden mean can only be achieved with the help of a true friend. As according to Aristotle, the necessary component of a true friendship is that it requires the two people involved to be virtuous in nature.

Google’s current strategy

Google's ability is to attract users in the sole basis of its services quality and without turning to advertising. As part of their strategy to go in mobile internet advertising, Google is trying to change the mobile world according to their business model and it is using following vehicles to implement its strategy.

The then and now of the uae economies

The existing political structures appear to suit the tribal society of the UAE, and the distribution of huge oil revenues in the form of social and economic infrastructure, high salaries, a high standard of social services, such as health and education, has raised the standard of living for UAE citizens and considerably reduced the likelihood →

The gap inc

The growing of middle class, raising number of the youth population and rapid globalization of culture are all reasons for the increasing demand for branded apparel in the domestic market, especially the ones from Western societies. The degree of concentration of apparel industry in a China market is to be said as " monopolistic competition".

V chip act

And in the present day a person is unable to turn on a television or radio or even talk to another person without being guilty of the defunct Sedition Act. 6) Littleton, Cynthia Choosing the V-chip Broadcasting & Cable.

An essay on self-reliance

He illustrates this through the ideals of transcendentalism such as inner potential, intuition and knowledge beyond external influences, as well as the principle model of life manifested in nature." Self-Reliance" is a call to action for the reader to impede people from looking outward for ideas and genius because introspection is the key to unlocking →

For economics assignment

This growth was also supported by a growth in the population of just under 13% due to high net migration as a result of the return to Ireland of former emigrants and migrants from the new member states of the EX. At the time, few disputed the findings of the report, over, when the full →

Advertising agency assignment

CLIENT SERVICING DEPARTMENT Its an agency s space to the client, they take the client brief and understand; analyze the market department. Ad agency limit the amount of and kind of services they offer.

Teen pregnacy essay

The use of any of these three substances can make a teen mother go into early labor, cause the child to be still born, cause the child to be born addicted to any one of these substance, cause the mother to have a higher chance of having a tube cal pregnancy, a higher chance of →


They belong to the sub-order odontocetes of the order cetacea and are classified under the biggest and the most diverse family of this order the family Delphinidae, which comprises more than thirty existing species. Dolphins are usually gray in color and their backs are darker than other parts of their bodies.

An experience that taught a valuable lesson about life

Elementary school was an impressionable time in my life and I believe everyone who passed through the elementary school shares the same sentiment. As compared to the home where most of the time I used to be alone, in school we had black children, white children, Asians, and Latinos.

Starbucks company

The financial status of the company is firm. 05B Total Cash Per Share: 2.

See the instructions

The Impact of the 9/11 Attacks on Modern Aviation The Impact of the 9/11 Attacks on Modern Aviation The September11, 2001 attacks motivated major improvements in the security system of modern aviation. These novel improvements to the aviation security system stem from the lesson learned in the 9/11 attacks.

Close reading: the key episode of beowulf

I take the passage from Beowulf in which an ageing Beowulf fights a dragon beginning with " Pouring forth in a hot battle-fume, the breath of the monster burst from the rock" and ending at " For the son of Ecgtheow, it was no easy thing to have to give ground like that and go →

Oedipus rex essay

To a PRIEST: You, there, since you are eldest in the company, Speak for them all, tell me what preys upon you, Whether you come in dread, or crave some blessing: Tell me, and never doubt that I will help you In every way I can; I should be heartless Were I not moved to →

Were the five-year plans successful?

However, the atmosphere and feeling in the factories was chaotic, in addition, there was an enormous amount of waste being produced and many of the products were unusable. As the collectivisation happened in the countryside, many of the workers came to work in the industry they were very clumsy because they were unskilled in what →

Parental separation

By the end of the documentations and meetings, the children involved are used to the idea of living separately and most likely knowing how to cope. Contrarily, separation comes before the need of the divorce and is the time where emotions for adolescents and any minors in that situation are at its peak of denial →

Universalism versus cultural relativism

One of the most pertinent issues of the past twenty years has been the conflict between two different ideologies ofhuman rightson a national scale, universalism, and cultural relativism. In a world where many people might not be governed by national borders, having fundamental human rights instead of ones bound to certain cultures provides the best →

Mass society system

In fact, high and popular culture are closely related, due to the fact that nowadays, most of the manifestations of popular culture are originated In signs of high culture. Moreover, we can recognize the Shakespearean influence in Disney movies like " The Beauty and the Beast", in which Belle reads to the Beast a quotation →

Free engineering dissertation topics

3 An in Depth Review of the Technologies Involved in the ProposedGoogleDriverless Cars; A Descriptive Account 2.2. 6 Evaluating the Socio-Economic and Environmental Advantages of Biogas for the Rural Community of Pakistan 2.5.

The selected nursing interventions health and social care essay

This cuts off the supply of oxygen and nutrients, causing damage to the brain tissue The most common symptom of a stroke is sudden weakness or numbness of the face, arm, or leg, most often on one side of the body, occurring in 80% of the strokes. To assess the pre and post test level →

Societies duplicity through the eyes of ken kesey

However, Kesey is not subtle in the way he presents the ward's motives and hides the influential effects in the fog and machinery motifs. In the novel, fog was used as a retreat from the cruelty of the ward by the patients.

“the house is breathing murder”: the cycle of pollution in the oresteia

The curse on the house of Atreus is one of corruption, and it is a curse that cannot be broken by the mortal members of the house. In the Oresteia, Aeschylus uses a cycle of pollution in the house of Atreus to construct the need for intervention from a greater power a god so that →

Attack ads in us presidential elections

In this project, scholarly research on the effectiveness of attack ads in the 2012 U.S.presidential campaign is reviewed in order to answer the question when and in what circumstances were the attack ads effective during this election? While the percentage of negative ads coming directly from the campaigns of the candidates increased significantly from 2008 →

The interest theory of joseph raz philosophy essay

First I will discuss the background of modern theories of rights, then I will argue that modern theories of rights are informed by extensions of social contract theory which will be supported by the analysis of the extension of rights to non-human entities. The main difference is that Hobbes saw the parties as trading all →

My personal experience and behaviour education essay

It was my first day in class and I remember our lecturer had an introduction session with all the students, he pronounced the name of the student and we put our hand up in the air and also tell him the name of our country. Every day of our life we are not in the →

Nintendo wii case

Threats: Some of the threats with Nintendo is the price drops from the competition, Wii appalls fade, and Microsoft an Sony aboard Wii had home endearment experience with Microsoft and Sony PS3 and the Kindle connect and Xbox. With the gaming online more than homes will have a broadband internet so they are ready to →

Creative story for belonging

Jim left the as it bellowed dust when it left taxi the gazed on the side of the dirt road and saw the farm where he grew up, it was old and bare, like an African village, the animals were thin from the drought. Jim walked around to the porch and sat in the chair →