A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Beowulf and star wars comparison essay

In the movie Star Wars the most important examples are the Death Star, light sabers and the force. The hall is also symbolic in that it is the setting of Beowulf's first great battle, the defeat of Grendel.

Jane eyre example #2

The male canonical novelists of the nineteenth century neglected the difficulty and challenges faced by the women and the orphan girls of the period. In Jane Eyre Jane's transition from " the passivity and genderlessness of childhood into a turbulent puberty" is evident in the beginning of the novel in Gateshead where her adolescence is β†’

The difference between teleological and deontological ethical systems

If you do something that is bad as long as the outcome of that act is good then it is considered to be a good act. The act was bringing the bike back to your friend now what resulted from you trying to return the bike is you got a flat tire, which your Friend β†’

Methodology of employee turnover study

A sample of 20% of the total number of workers in each category will be selected for the exercise. Rights and dignity of the groups participating in the research will be upheld.

The effect of social circle on the life charles darwin

Indeed? the theories which would shake the world of academic scientists were developed not in the cloistered calm of university libraries but in his own house and garden, albeit with the indispensable expert advice he constantly sought from established scientists?[1] Thus, the purpose of this essay would be to explore the social circle of Charles β†’

Inherent dangers of the present system law constitutional administrative essay

An element of inequity can be noticed by everybody in this system and in that it overthrows from the system a political party which rallies a significant percentage of the electorate. In an extreme hypothesis, it is remotely possible for a party to win more than 75% of the seats with a minority of the β†’

Affirmative action in higher education law general essay

However, the Court of Appeals stated that the decision in Regents of the University of California v. The Supreme Court agreed with the University of Michigan officials that assembling a racially ethnic diverse class in the law school was an interest because it was important to have all parts of society represented in the leadership β†’

A theme of greed in the pearl by john steinbeck

Kino is consumed by the desire of money and is so blinded by the illusion of a bright future produced by the pearl that he does not realize the danger it's putting his family in. In the Pearl, the doctor is a dominant character as he is the first person Kino goes to when Coyotito β†’

Self-perpetuated solitude: the world of the buendias

In this epic tale of the Buendias, Marquez articulates a brillant commentary on the path of the human race through the use of family, and in turn, a group of individuals undeniably related physically and psychologically. Nevertheless, the Aurelianos' attempted denial of reality, of profound wisdom in the midst of surrounding corruption, is consistently in β†’

Haemolytic disease of the newborn

This is due to the transfer of antibodies IgG1 and IgG3 sub-types across the placental barrier from the mother to the fetus. A prevalent cause of HDN is incompatibility of the Rh blood group between the mother and fetus.

Analyse the challenges of change facing nhs

Over the next five years they will need to make changes to the way that Children's Services are provided between their two main hospitals and in the community. Their experience is integral to many of the products, tools and processes that they develop.

Causes of the rise of sectionalism

Although the issue of states' rights and western expansion were crucial in the rise of sectional strife between northern states, the evidence overwhelming suggests that sectionalism caused by the institution of slavery was the primary factor in the outbreak of the United States Civil War. One key factor that made bill of rights acceptable to β†’


Recycling is a process to change materials into new products to prevent waste of potentially useful materials, reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce energy usage, reduce air pollution and water pollution by reducing the need for " conventional" waste disposal, and lower greenhouse gas emissions as compared to plastic production.[1][2] Recycling is a β†’

Spiritual autobiography

This is not the main reason why I chose to leave though; I guess I started to really question and think about what they were teaching us. But I am not in a rush to find out.

Compare and contrast

There is not way that these things alone can be similar, but if you picture riding a roller coaster and loving somebody in a metaphorical way it is much easier to see the comparison. Even though riding a roller coaster and loving somebody can be exciting all the time, but after the third or fourth β†’

Meta his 8 weeks without fail. the entire

Lots of workout programs are there in the market both online and offline but the preferred ones are the Jump Manual and the Vert Shock. The Vert Shock manual is designed in a PDF format that needs to be downloaded, similar to the Jump Manual.

Creating all transport means will benefit from significant

Generatingwork for local and national businesses 2, 5, 6, 7BatterseaPower Station is one of the characterizing features of the London skyline, yetthe impacts are being felt throughout the whole UK. After completion, the rejuvenationof the Power Station is estimated to make an influx of around 15 billion tothe UK economy in its first twenty years β†’

Why stargirl and all the love involved in

It is vital to the book because it helps the main character and his colleague understand a little bit about the adolescent. Stargirl taught Leo many lessons that changed his personality and the way he lives his life.

Prison overcrowding

The paper highlights criminal sentencing, the role of prisons sentences and imprisonment in the criminal sanction system of the US, the standards adopted for accommodating prisoners and providing adequate health care services and rehabilitative services. In this case, in order for CDCR to provide adequate health care, there was a need of reducing the number β†’

Case study on bakery

Bakeryis an establishment and a form of business which is specialized in the production of the flour-based food and confectionery. It is interesting for every student to research the structure of the common bakery and learn about the possible ways of its development and growth.

Business ethics – environmental ethics assignment

Drilling and development of oil and gas wells results in significant damage to the environment as a result of the industrial nature of the extraction process. The final step in the process of oil and gas extraction relates to production, transportation and decommissioning of oil and gas related assets.

Satire: orwell’s animal farm, swift’s a modest proposal assignment

Orwell wanted to alert the world to the growing menace and hypocrisy of Communism, Swift was passionate about his native Ireland and used satire to expose the lousiness of the British parliament in ignoring the millions dying Of famine in Ireland. Animal Farm reflects the actual events and the leaders of the Russian Revolution in β†’

The new therapeutic developments or the monetary

Senate, referring to the loss of reasonable medical coverage scope for many patients the nation over. In addition, they ask the Senate to dismiss whatever other authoritative endeavors that would risk medical coverage scope for a huge number of Americans.

Summary paper over getting real in the classroom by ellen goodman

This has given ground for discussion of the issue from the prospective of feminism and sexism, brain studies and genetic biology, all of them proving that something is wrong with males in this country. First of all, it is necessary to remember that the number of females has always tended to overcome the number of β†’

Polygamy in the united states

INSTITUTE: USA: A CASE AGAINST LEGALIZATION OF POLYGAMY Polygamy was first banned by the English law, followed by the law of USAin 1800's. Polygamy is also one of the leading causes of sexually transmitted diseases In Ghana, a research study has revealed that polygamy largely contributes to STD.

Conducting a literature review data collection

Research Hypothesis Maternal Smoking during pregnancy leads to all or some of the following infant health problems and diseases such as asthma, wheezing, low birth deliveries and obesity. 32, pp.

Marketing plan sweet sensation catering service

The target market will be business professionals working in the various organizations in office complex buildings secluded from the high streets retail outlets and stations and they will be provided with lunch for the day. The keys to the success for Sweet sensation service will be customer satisfaction, and the company will seek to provide β†’

Apply porter’s concept of generic strategies to phillip morris’s essay

With total 2000 operating revenues of over $80 billion, the diverse lines of Phillip Morris's businesses include some of the world's most successful companies:* Kraft Foods North America and Kraft Foods International, which together form the world's second-largest food company.* Philip Morris U.S.A.and Philip Morris International, makers of the world's best-selling cigarette brand.* Miller Brewing β†’

Cristina innocente: saint or sinner?

Since the reasoning of Christina's conflict between her and her husband has been shown it is right to now take a look at the true good that can be found in Christina. She received threats from her father and her husband tried to persuade her to give the child away.' He thinks we are still β†’


All the fundamental principles of psychotherapy a unity of place and characters, the unity of time and unity of action stay complied. Analysis of the organization: Hippotherapy center SPIRIT was established in 2010 in Kiev, by a group of enthusiasts with the support of Children's Psychological Center.

Torture: human and inescapable frailty

In " the Abolition of Torture," Sullivan argues that we have to ban torture in order to save America. Before discussing the permission of torture, however, we have a severe problem failing to argue: we only swear that torture is morally wrong, before explaining why it has to deal with morality.

Communication in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease palliative care nursing essay

Because of the difficulty with the prognosis of COPD, it presents a challenge for physicians and healthcare practitioners to provide adequate care to patients. Curtis defines palliative care as the goal being to prevent and relieve suffering and support the best possible loyalty of life for patients and their families and their families, regardless of β†’

Communication breakdown and the avianca disaster management essay

In addition, the complete process is vulnerable to noise that is the disturbances that hinder the transmission of the message. The crew checked in with the ATC, via radio communication and was told to circle in a holding pattern due to the growing backup of traffic at New York-one of the most congested air spaces β†’

Construction contracts: omission, suspension & termination

The general principle of freedom and sanctity of contract is recognized under the Qatar Civil Code and a contract is treated as the law of the contracting parties. Arabic language prevails over the any launage in a Court of Law in Qatar and UAE.

The uses of absorption and variable costing

Costing is an integral part of the accounting concept because the same helps in determining the cost of a product and related expenses. In this process of costing, fixed overhead is treated as a product cost until the same is sold.

Willful obedience

The administrator would then ask the participants to pick a piece of paper that would assign them the role of " Learner" or " Teacher". The " Learner" would be placed in a separate room, and asked a series of questions to which they would answer mostly incorrectly.

Internet marketing assignment

Understand marketing through the internet The elements of internet marketing: definition of digital marketing; definition of e- commerce and e-business; the internet micro- and macro-environment; benefits of internet marketing e.G. Power point slides prepared by the lecturer 4 Internet marketing tools e-tools By the end of the session, the learner should be able to identify β†’

1 focuses on the subjection of women

In this way, this researchlends a great help to the new researchers working on the current or pastsituation of women in Pakistan that how the Pakistani society is harsh, oppressive, repressive for women and justified in the name of culturaltraditions and religion. Research Objectives The objective of this researchis to analyze the theory of subjection β†’

Anti-essays – get your revenge essay sample

Because if you do and you are the big fan of cats in human life, a terrible secret will be revealed about your fluffy friends and it can be realy shocking and devastating. But I believe that these are people who just do not like these fluffy sacks and are tired of their photos on β†’

Who will be the major political actors in international relations in the post-cold war era furthermore, what do you think are the major issues in this new world

One of the major political player in the post-cold war era is Europe, a continent that was turned into an object during the cold war due to the dominance that Russia and the infiltration that the United States. With the formation of the European Union and the development of a single currency, Europe has stamped β†’

The domestic craft of knitting

Phillips continued to create masterpieces of art throughout her career and was awarded a fellowship of the American Craft Council in recognition of her merit. Her career has inspired a lot of followers to take up knitting as an art form.

Explain how the training needs for essay

Tesco wants to be the most highly valued business by: the customers they serve, the communities in which they operate, their loyal and committed colleagues and of course, their shareholders. The conclusion for the Organisation Structure in Tesco it has a lot of people reporting more than one person before that information goes to the β†’

Audio mastering essay

Overview of the Mastering Process For every good mastering engineer, meticulousness and attention to detail is the norm, not the exception. A Mastering Engineer requires the same ear training as a recording and mixing engineer, except that the mastering engineer becomes expert in the techniques for improving completed mixes, while the mixing engineer specializes in β†’

Out of state tuition costs

Out of State Tuition Costs A large problem for many college students is the cost of tuition and yearly tuition increases. If these solutions came about, there would be a greater number of out-of-state residents wishing to attend NKU as the tuition is competitive with their home-state's tuitions.

St of the impossible stone to argue essay

Meaning it is impossible and illogical, which satisfies Aquinas's theory of omnipotence, saying that ' God' can do everything which is within the logical boundaries. But if, like me, one party is agnostic it is easier to believe that ' God' is omnipotent in the sense of Descartes' definition.

A la juventud filipina critic paper

Although having been read and examined the English translation of his original poem, I could still feel the sincerity in the message his piece tries to envoy and the strong resolve of the author that led him to create such masterwork. Jose Racial boldly speaks about the Spaniards and how they were suppressing the genius β†’

Danone case study

In the case of Danone, the company formed a culture of networking in order to encourage more information sharing among employees. Therefore, the Networking Attitude was launched to encourage employees to develop personal connections and to help managers to work in networks in order to overcome Danone's knowledge management challenges.

Anand mahindra profile

Timeline 1955: Born in Mumbai, Maharashtra 981: Returned to India and joined Mahindra Ugine Steel Company as an Executive Assistant to theFinanceDirector 1989: Became the President of this leading group 1991: Became the Deputy Managing Director of the Mahindra & Mahindra Group 1997: Became the Managing Director of the Mahindra & Mahindra Group 2003: Became β†’

The concept of globalization tourism essay

With the advancement in technology, it has brought the world to be a connected place with the introduction of the internet, telephones which have made created easy communication within the world. With regards to the golden straight jacket, Caribbean countries need to recognize the position that they are in and implement different strategies to suit β†’

Case study: annotated bibliography

It addresses the topic of social and emotional development and the impact the parenting styles have on it. Bornstein is the head of Child and Family Research at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.

Uphold an efficient therapeutic relationship with a patient

Being ' Self aware' is a crucial attribute in order to maintain a therapeutic relationship, so the writer will give a brief definition of what self awareness is, and explain the significance of being self aware within a therapeutic relations and relate it to an incident that happened in practice that made them more self β†’

University of hertfordshire objectives

The University must engage in Strategy Management Planning that clearly defines and assesses the objectives of the university and evaluates the progress of the university. Strategic planning is: a rational analysis of the opportunities offered by an environment and of strengths and weaknesses of the firm, and selection of a match between the two which β†’

The issues of corporate social responsibility

Ideally, the policy of corporate social responsibility is a compact, self-regulation and the mechanism by which the work would monitor and ensure the commitment to the law and ethical standards and international rules. The development of the businesses in claiming the responsibility by the impact of its activities on the environment, consumers and workers, local β†’

Advantages and disadvantages of social networking

Let's take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of social networking to work out whether you should be devoting more of your attention to this online activity. The golden rule of social networking is to avoid putting anything online that could reflect badly on you or your business.

Immobilization of alpha amylase

Thus, even in the absence of loss in the intrinsic enzyme activity, there is a need to replenish continually the lost enzymes to compensate for the loss of apparent activity. The consequence is that the properties of the enzymes are only minimally modified in the presence of the gel matrix.

Gardners theory

Intelligence, the ability to solve a problem, comes to different people in many different ways. The two types of intelligences that apply to me are the bodily-kinesthesia and the interpersonal.

Feminism case study

Your exam will have 5 multiple-choice questions in Part A and 5 short-answer questions in Part B. 7 There are some postings under FAQ on Blackboard which may answer other questions that may pop into your heads before or after the exam.10.

Lbj and vietnam

Context in Which the Legislation was Passed: LBJ and Vietnam The Tokin Gulf Resolution is the resolution, which was passed by the Congress of the United States of America in response to a sea war, which was ongoing between the Vietnam and American warships. The Tokin resolution in particular allowed the President to act or β†’

You are what you eat

The " unhealthy world" I talked about, is described as the world of obesity, chemical filled foods, and the cause of health problems such as high blood pressure, clogged arteries, and diabetes. Diabetes is a lifelong disease that is where there is high levels of sugar in the blood.


They do not have any money because they do not care to learn how to make it. They do not invest.that's a perfect example of how you must learn to use your money with responsibility.

Corporate responsibility and marketing strategies assignment

The bottom line was that the appeal of Apple's products and its business strategies were said to be inscrutable, which made the company a Rorschach test. The appeal of Apple's products and its business strategies are believed to be both inscrutable.

Globalization story assignment

The separation of brand and product Klein explores the ideal that a brand is not created in the factory anymore; it's created in the office. The marketing of cool to the young The source of marketing to youth, Klein reports is the identity crises brands suffered when the baby boomers fell off the consumer spectrum.

Working statement assignment

I have discovered the importance of time management, as it is crucial to the completion and quality of my assignments and future work. The Input of clients and peers Is absolutely crucial to having a successful product.

Church going essay

The theme of Philip Larkin's poem " Church Going" is the erosion of religious abutments.this poem is perhaps his way of trying to understand the attraction of religion. Nearing the end of the poem, the speaker asks what will happen to the world when religion is gone altogether.

What should jennifer do? essay

Heather has a point in saying that Jennifer should consider the job offer in Korea despite the contract that was signed in the Midwest Consulting. In her negotiation with the company, Jennifer should prepare some incentive for the Midwest company in case the company does now allow her to go.

Du toit v lotriet case summary essay sample

The plaintiff wants the contract to be null and void as if the contract goes through it will not be to the benefit of the plaintiff but to his prejudice. The other issue raised refers to whether the contract is to the prejudice of the minor and if so the contract will be null and β†’

Perception and conflict

To be able to understand this, it has been more clarified by philosophers of human communication that conflict is a mere mediation that sets the different vectors of power in a modulated manner that they are primarily applied to support the differences of each individual living within the human communities around the world. To understand β†’

Treatment option of depression

The medication is recommended to patients who have lost appetite, those who do not sleep and patients who are usually unhappy. Conclusion People who are suffering from depression are advised to seek the professional's advice.

Performance of mutual funds in saudi

We see how the crucial gap in theSaudi mutual fund market is filled through the effective comparison of the mutual funds on basis of their performance which in effect leads to a clear distinction between superior and inferior performing funds for the benefit of investors and fund managers. Furthermore several international mutual fund markets were β†’

U s history

The stagflation of the country's economy, the experience and results of the Vietnam war, the lack of confidence of the government by the people as it was no longer perceived as a champion of freedom, the Watergate imbroglio all contributed to the " crises of confidence" in the country. The " conservatism and the Reagan β†’

Future of healthcare

The government should make the health care system a single pay and nationalize all medical insurance services as well as investing extra in the system to reduce the cost of recurrent spending. In other words, as Pasdirtz presents it, the state should reduce privatization of the health care provision.

Advice and reflection

Therefore, it is essential for the individuals in the group to meet occasionally outside the university to promote participation in their assignment. In future, when I face a similar problem, this project will be valuable to me, as I will apply the results to deal with the issue.

Cheerleading practice

As a result, I went to the hospital where they told me I had a number of bruised discs in the lumbar region of my spine. After I took the rest of the year off, my parents encouraged me to try a dance class at the Atlantic Arts Academy as a way to further my β†’

Why sidney crosby is better than alex ovechkin essay

The matchup is the Washington Capitals vs.the Pittsburgh Penguins and will feature the two biggest stars in the game, Alex Ovechkin and Sidney Crosby.b. Sidney Crosby's leadership and two-way play, in addition to his scoring touch far trumps the talent and abilities of Alex Ovechkin.i.

Functions of rbi analysis essay

Major Functions Of RBI Introduction The RBI was established by passing " trasfer of public ownership Act" in Sep-1948 under which the ownership of the bank was passed into the hands of the Government of India with effect from 1st january 1949. To know the contribution of the various sectors to National income.

Online games: student behavior and academic performance

The purpose of this research is to know the Relationship of Playing online games to the students' behavior andacademicperformance and what are its positive and negative effects. Playing Online games are one of the medium of entertainment especially in the student of.

Very good

The second byte in the word designated for screen location holds oThe dimension of the screen oCharacter position on the screen Character color on the screen oACSII code of the character 5. After the execution of STOSW, the CX will be oDecremented by 1 oDecremented by 2 oIncremented by 1 oIncremented by 2 18.

Indra nooyi: keeping cool in hot water

3 billion acquisition of Tropicana in 1998, eyeing the transaction as a vehicle to increase PepsiCo's earnings and enhance its image as a premium brand for convenient foods and drinks. I think it is great to hear of the changes and advancements that Pepsi is undergoing with Indra Nooyi in the lead.

The effect of financial constraints on small and medium enterprises finance essay

The researcher will look at the economy of Kenya and make evident of the financial constraints that are facing the small and medium enterprise hence affecting the survival and growth of small and medium size enterprises. The general objective of the research is to establish the effects that the financial constraints have on the survival β†’

Insurance company case study and analysis

This Life Insurance Company Ltd.is one of the famous insurance companies in India offering various effective life insurance policies. AIG is operating in both the life and non-life insurance sectors.

Development of the bio-chemical sector in the uae

The first area concerns on the research and development of the synthetic enzymes to breakdown cellulosic biomass into fermentable sugars for the production of fuel and the second is concerned about the creation or engineering of microbes that produce useable biofuel. Once a sample of tissue is taken by a scientist, and wishes to isolate β†’

Small companies in morocco

The team then decided to go into further details in the second part of this research paper, as we provided major statistics regarding small businesses in Morocco, their repartition in the country, by region as well as by industry, and we also talked about the requirements to start a small business in Morocco from a β†’

Designing a visualized curriculum

The point I am making is that content based delivery of the curriculum, and its traditional division of subjects constrain the understanding of students, and fail to prepare them for a dynamic world of work and life that is constantly changing. In such a yester, students are taught about the traditions of the past, and β†’

Technology and its effects on modern america

One benefit of genetic modification in agriculture isNatural resistance to pests Industry has lowered its labor costs throughAdvances in robotics The internet service that allows users to navigate among many pages isThe world wide web How did the internet transform scientific researchResearchers everywhere began to collaborate and share data Recent breakthroughs in medical research haveImproved β†’

Organizational decision marketing

He had a reputation of social loafing in the class & that made him not to contribute to the work all the more. Since I was the last person to speak & had no new points so I decided to summarize whatever happened in the entire discussion in a nutshell.

Should school start later in the morning?

Energy is also very important both for students and teachers, instead of being drained and late to class, students would have more energy without being late, and they would be well prepared. Schools should start later for students in order to have better concentration, energy, and a better attitudes.

Dear person in my class

I have seen you around school and you seem pretty popular. Do you like it?

Time value of money assignment

If market interest rates are at 5%, one may decide that the time value of money is greater in the future, and decide to invest. If rates are 2%, one may decide that the time value of money is higher today, and choose to spend.

Pledges and pawn essay sample

PLEDGE BAILMENT* PURPOSEThe goods are delivered to provide a security of a loan or for the performance of promise.* RIGHTSThe pledgee has the right of a sale of the pledged goodson default after giving a notice to the pledgor.* USE OF GOODSThe pledgee has no right of using the goods pledged e.g. Mercantile Agent A β†’

Fedex literature review essay sample

Chem, 50: 1789 1792, 1958 = + D n 1 Fits experimental data for: lubricating greases Josef M lek a Non-Newtonian fluids Viscosity of some fluids Models with variable viscosity Differential type models Rate type models Integral type models Download Shear dependent viscosity Models with pressure dependent viscosity Models with stress dependent viscosity Models with β†’

Behaviourist and cognitive approach to learning and phobias essay sample

In the second stage of the model it shows how if the features analysed in the first stage are familiar, the Face Recognition Units is activated. He developed the Face Recognition Units, Personal Identity Nodes and cognitive parts of the Bruce and young model.

Market strategy

McDonalds Just like Wal-Mart, when McDonalds decided to go global in the 90s, the company was confident that its well-calibrated organizational approach of offering franchises at the local level would work well in the foreign markets also. The crux of the matter is that as expected, Wal-Mart and McDonalds retained the essentials of their organizational β†’

Streptococcus pneumoniae

The virulence of pneumococci depends on its capsule and the production of called pneumolysin Within the lower respiratory tract S.pneumoniae is the commonest pathogen to cause pneumoniae. Pnemococcocal pneumoniae may be the terminal event in the conditions and this has given rise to the description of the disease as ' old mans friend'.

Superpower – three choices for the next america

The president of the United States is generally and popularly known as the head of the States as well as the head of the government. Constitutional power is the power explicitly granted to the president by the constitution, delegated power is the power granted by the Congress that enables the president to perform his duties β†’