A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Global warming: fact or fiction?

The popular belief that global warming is the effect of human activity is erroneous and unsupported by scientific evidence. Sterling Burnett states that the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has only increased twenty-eight percent over the past 150 years, and most of this increase took place before the year 1940, which is prior →

Kalimantan forests degradation: the underlying cause and effects and current state essay

Over the years of research about the underlying cause of the deforestation in Kalimantan, one thing has remained consistent about the findings: illegal logging and uncontrolled local autonomy within the rainforest have been found to cause the near-dead condition of the woodland. It was found that the continuous increase in demand for logs in the →

The root of global warming and how it can be prevented

Global warming is tremendously increasing compounded by activities such increasing number of cars using petroleum fuel, use of coal to heat homes and provide cheap energy in homes, and the cutting down of trees that previously offset and balance the Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide being a greenhouse gas prevents the escape →

Global warming and climate change

According to NASA the ocean takes in the carbon dioxide from the air and if it were not for the ocean, we would be in more trouble than we are now. For the ocean, taking in carbon dioxide from the air can not only in toxifies plants and animals but also make the ocean acidic, →

Textual analysis essay sample

Set in a cannabis caf in Amsterdam's De Wallen district, the scientists are portrayed as behaving in ways that would be atypical of well-known scientists. The satire makes fun of how scientists discovered that all of the findings and discoveries they have made up to now are all untrue. The scientists →

Time for a defense of nationalism: article review of james markham’s “the rise of nationalism brings hope and danger.” essay

Only the small states in these wars, the real victims, seemed to demand the basic nationalist idea: that of self determination and the preservation of the national culture. The citation of the anti-nationalist writer James Billington at the Library of Congress is another problem. This places nationalism in a completely different light, and is the →

Is global warming a threat or an illusion? essay

In addition, given that we drive nearly fifty percent of the world's cars, the graph is particularly noteworthy after World War II for those, such as McKibben, who state that the majority of global warming has been happening in the second half of the twentieth century and beyond. Hansen, the cooling throughout the first half →

Global warming satir

The earth is going to warm up including people, carbon dioxide will increase, ocean levels will rise and the economy will increase too. As the earth is warming and the weather is always warm, people will not need to heat their house and their heating bills with decrease which saves themmoney. With →

Humans are responsible for global warming environmental sciences essay

The chief factor is due to the depletion of ozone bed of the ambiance which happens in the stratosphere. As the sum of C dioxide degree addition in the ambiance heat is trapped inside the ambiance and causes warming of the Earth.

Free essay about apply effective verbal message formation for the context

The activity was part of their science class and one was invited to explain to the students what global warming is. It is unfortunate that one was not informed beforehand that the audience wanted to learn more how they, as students can help minimize the causes of global warming. In the future, one would support →

Global warming: effects and impacts

In principle, global warming is neutral as to the period or causes, but in both common and scientific usage the term generally refers to recent warming and implies a human influence. Most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse →

Continuous human activities towards global warming

Global warming is the term used to describe a moderate increase in the earth's temperature as a result of human activities. Examples include, the burning of fossil fuels and the production of chlorofluorocarbons which build up greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This is not unlike the glass panels of a greenhouse.The increase in →

Example of research paper on the new heroin epidemic

I argue that there is a new heroin epidemic with users engaging in high risk activities that could lead to another HIV epidemic. Where is the epidemic and who are the heroin users? Gil Kerlikowske is the head of the Office of National Drug Policy. He explains the history of heroin use in the US →

Under the influence: the role of alcohol in culture

Drinking severely clouds human judgment and therefore humans have the natural outcome to perform poor decisions that can become regrettable, since mature drinking is beginning to target the adolescent youth, alcoholicadvertisementmust be banned and juvenile drinking laws should become strictly enforced with consequential punishment. The advertisement of alcohol is growing seemingly toward the audience of →

Logistics and e-business in dell inc.

In 2006, Dell opened 14 new manufacturing and development facilities vis-a-vis maintaining significant investments in the US, China, and Germany, amongst others. Process technology and e-business in Dell Before directly addressing the effect of process technology and e-business on Dell Inc., it is deemed necessary to clarify the concept of e-business. The company is →

Research paper on homelessness

The severely mentally ill could be placed in care homes where there are qualified people to take care of them. Therefore, people in the town are compassionate towards them, and this then means that they are well taken care of.

Critical study of alcohol and hepatocytes cell necrosis

An infiltration of macrophages can be seen which would also be due to the debris present. The first stage of alcoholic liver disease is the increase of fatty deposits in the liver. Thyroid tests can indicate liver dysfunction such as testing for T3- triiodothrynonine which appears decreased in individuals with alcoholic hepatitis and is proportional →

Drug testing for welfare recipients research paper sample

In order to reach these particular populations, resources would have to be incorporated, at great cost to taxpayers, into the welfare program - the apparent lack of a real drug problem among welfare recipients makes the assertion that those on welfare are more likely to be on drugs relatively misleading, from a political and economic →

History of the war on drugs reports example

The Administration was to inspect products and forward the offenders to the prosecutors for prosecution. In 1914, the Harrison Narcotic Drugs Act was enacted, and it became the first federal drug policy. The Act drastically increased the penalties for drug abuse and was regarded as the most punitive anti-narcotics legislation in the history of the →

American indians (native americans) drug and alcohol use

Because of the pressure and the stress due to the cultural conflict related to the low socio-economic status among the natives this causes a great increase in the risks of those who are engaged in alcohol and substance abuse. Acculturation is one of the many factors why natives engage in substance abuse. →

Free essay on drug abuse and addiction

The most vulnerable group to drug abuse is the youth, many of whom yield to the peer pressure into becoming regular drug abusers. Drug abuse becomes a social problem when the users engage in criminal activities to obtain money to support addiction; non-abusers are involved in drug related accidents or crime, or when the costs →

Alcohol use during pregnancy linked to hyperactivity in children

Multiple studies indicate women who drink three or more glasses of alcohol at any one occasion in early pregnancy increase the child's risk of developing alcohol disorders by 21 years of age (JAMA and Archives Journal, 2006; British Medical Journal, 2005) and is also linked to higher incidents of hyperactivity I children.

Effect of alcohol on family conflict

The aim of this paper is to look at the social consequences of alcohol use, specifically with regard to conflict. The social consequences of alcohol use can be categorized into those that leads to changes in social interactions with others and those that leads to the changes in an individual's social position →

Teen’s alcohol abuse

Should the answer not be found in the list of answers, then the sample may choose to state his response. The survey tool and variables measured. The variables are demographic in nature such as age, and several socio-cultural variables such as the individuals the respondent is currently living →

Alcohol consumption during pregnancy

The theory claims that three variables can be used to predict an individual's behaviour: the individual's attitude toward the behaviour, the attitude of significant others toward the behaviour and the individual's perceived control over a behaviour. Unlike the individual's attitude toward the behaviour and the attitude of others, perceived control over the behaviour is believed →

Alcohol in colonial america

Alcohol, of course, was used in festive times, but it was also used in religious ceremonies as well and providing medicinal properties to aid in curing ailments. The initial impact of alcohol on the settlers led them to accept it for its varied uses. Time and abuse were two components that led to problems for →

Example of legalization of narcotics essay

The central question regarding the legalization of narcotics is about the regulation of narcotics production and use by the law as well as its decriminalization. According to this argument, the legalization of narcotics is not good for the society, it is important to develop regulations, which prevent the usage and distribution of drugs. The topic →

Alcohol, substance use and mental health problems research paper sample

Diagnosis also is a concern because of increased time involved in unveiling the interactions between the substance abuse and the mental illness. They could encounter difficulties while taking a house accommodation and could not engage with the community homes of rehabilitation programs. Here, organizational support, procedures, policies, and contextual factors linked with therapeutic and equitable →

Example of research paper on the objectives of the study are

The objectives were to understand the impact of depression and substance abuse on these patients and to explore the extent of the changes in their lives due to the disease. To understand the impact of depression and substance abuse on male patients. 2.

Developing a strategic plan to address substance abuse amongst nurses research paper

In order to develop an appropriate strategic plan on how to address drug abuse among nurses, it is important to conduct a SWOT analysis of the issue. SWOT analysis addressing the issue of substance abuse in nurses. There are a number of factors surrounding substance abuse in nurses. Some of the threats Large →

Supervised injection sites essay

To bring a clearer understanding of the issue, there is the need to look at both the positive and the negative consequences of having such a program. According to the CBS News , most of the proponents of the idea argue that the sites would facilitate the health of →

Substance abuse – its explanation and types

According to, http://www. teen-drug-abuse.org, " There is a high likelihood that your teen will be exposed to drugs and alcohol, and according to drug statistics from the National Institute on Drug Abuse there is a good chance that your teen will try drugs. According to Michaels House, " Drug Rehabilitation is an important part of →

Substance abuse: overview

I plan to write an anonymous letter to some of the parents and the building manager concerning drugs, and how it affects the community, kids growing up around them, and the building it safe. The elevator and stairways is full of graffiti, and gang sign on the wall, police is always in the building which →

Example of drug abuse in pregnancy research proposal

Therefore, there is a need to address this national health issue. However, many communities criminalize and prosecute women who use these substances during pregnancy. However, these measures are punitive and do not provide the answer to substance abuse during pregnancy.

Alcohol and tobacco

The usage of alcohol and tobacco is legal, but the usage of drugs should be prohibited in the United States. They say that if people want to use alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs, they should have the freedom to do so.

Prescription drug abuse critical essay

What is prescription drug abuse? According to NIH (National Institute on Drug Abuse), " Prescription drug abuse is the use of a medication without a prescription." From the website drugabuse.gov ," In 2009, 16 million Americans age 12 and older had taken a prescription pain reliever, tranquilizer, stimulant, or sedative for nonmedical →

Drug use and criminal behavior research paper

Drug habituation is a condition that results from the repeated drug consumption, in which there is mental and emotional dependency on the drug. There exist a multidimensional relationship between drug and crime. According to Brownstein it is the researchers who have the best chance to interpret their findings and give advice based on their conclusions". →

Why alcohol should not be legal?

In the 1920's during world war one, the churches mostly Protestants began to lobby against the sales of alcohol: in order to slow crime and domestic abuse. Just likemarijuana, coke, and heroin: the government made a drug illegal and people found a way to obtain it. In my opinion our society →

Example of prescription drugs abuse essay

The story relates the issue of prescription drug abuse on new mothers and their children in particular. To my mind, the interests of public are also served in this story because the authors try to prevent expectant mothers from using prescription drugs because of their harmful effect on babies.

Alcohol essay prompt

Lowering Drinking Age The United States should lower the drinking age from twenty one to eighteen, since people are allowed to smoke, vote, and join the selective service at this age. People at the age of eighteen should have the same privileges as people who are twenty-one or older, they are both adults.

Analysis of oxygen bearing compunds

In the experiment, the unknown sample underwent series of testing to identify what property of alcohol it belonged to and the result was that it was a primary alcohol. It went through the Dichromate reaction, Tollen's reaction and finally the Lucas reaction. The tests that are included to come up with such results are interconnected →

Good example of substance abuse in nurses essay

The financial perspective of the substance abuse includes the costs for the hospital of the substance abuse and the cost of treatment to the nurse to eliminate the dependence of the substance. The internal perspective refers to the quality of the work of the nurses and the relation between the co-workers, the administration of the →

Drugs and their addictions research paper examples

It is a relapsing brain disease that makes the addicted individual to compulsively use drug notwithstanding devastating consequences attached to its usage. Ways of Using Drugs There are different ways of using drugs and all these ways have their own risks attached to them. The major ways of using drugs are by injecting, swallowing, →

Effects of news media

Before the Internet the only forms of mass media was the television, the radio, and the newspaper. What this means to the public is whoever has access to the internet do not have to wait for comments about a story.

My mt rushmore

The four people I have selected have played an important role in American history and the history of the world. She still is contributing to our society with her poetry that's being read in schools all around the country.

The biography of barack obama

He had questions for his father but he was not there to answer them. He was going to pursue a degree in one of his favourite subjects: political science.

Personality profile of barrack obama

Barack Obama became the 44th President of the United States of America on the 20th January of the year 2009. In all of the political settings, Obama is quick to master the rules of the game.

Franklin d. roosevelt vs. barack obama

To avoid our current recession, will Barack Obama choose to base his policies off of FDR's in hopes that the same plan will work twice? There are some similarities and differences between the political action today and the action during theGreat Depression. Programs such as the Tennessee Valley Authority, Social Security, and →

Hum/111 to drill or not to drill

The key to overcoming the bad habits we have been discussing is to examine my first impressions of problems and issues, particularly strong ones prompting me to take a stand immediately without examining the evidence or weighing competing arguments. More specifically, I can be aware of my initial impressions of problems and issues, particularly those →

Bobby kelly

This memo roughly says that " according to the Justice Department, the U.S.can kill a citizen who is continually planning attacks" for al Qaeda when an informed, high-ranking official decides that the target " poses an imminent threat" and capture is infeasible." Attorney General Eric Holder specifically endorsed the constitutionality of targeted killings of →

Reducing over-classification act

The increase of causalities, the increase of fanatical Taliban and al Qaeda troops, the lack of Afghan National Army forces to help with the fighting, and the ever looming threat of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of insurgents. The National Declassification Center was also created in order to speed and coordinate the release of →

President obama

In remarks he made to House Democrats last week at their retreat, he said: " Even as I think it's important to be humbled by the privilege of this office and the privilege of serving in the United States Congress, even as it's important not to read too much into any particular political victory because →

A financial quagmire

This financial meltdown came to the light following the collapse of Lehmann Brothers, after which this financial crunch came to be addressed in the open and by all the governments. The United States of America was at the core of this crunch. The package would be used on education, aid to states →

Design strategy of obamas campaign

The bulk of the research will have to rely on Internet sources of news articles, pundit blogs and a search for relevant dissertations published by the academic community. To what extent did the design strategy of Obama's campaign contribute to his mass popularity and victory in 2008 followed by a radial shift in public opinion →

Forms of greatness

Anyone is capable of acquiring greatness but it requires enormous amount of inner strength. Being a great person does not mean he or she have to be known by the whole world, however, being an admirable person means being that somebody who can bring great presence for oneself and the surroundings. The →

The 1960s were a period of extraordinary change and

A political disappointment was verified/ensured by an absence of understanding the stuff to achieve significant political change and uncorrupt (in view of an absence of understanding)ty about exactly how ground-breaking s were in American (people group of individuals/every single great individual on the planet). These contradictions between things were possibly best (existing as an →

Obama and mlk

King and Obama are demanding and striving to defend the desperate needs of equality and unity in our world. King is insisting that people must fight for what they believe in and truly depict the struggle to achieve equal human rights.

Persuasive essay

Instead of pushing forward and attempting to come to a compromise the parties have decided to engage in a full scale blame war; It can be said however that compromise is not needed since the sequester itself is the result of a compromise made months ago in which one side has failed to live up →

Agenda setting

One study found that although TV and internet users had a common agenda , their " ranked agendas" differed greatly from the ranked agendas of the media themselves. That is, the TV watchers and internet users were not interested in the programming or information that was being presented to them: " The →

Artikel oppapers

This shows that Obama's conviction is that people are equal and he has a lot of trust in people. Looking at the four aspects of transformational leadership and the many available examples, we can clearly conclude Barack Obama to be seen as a transformational leader.

Current event summary- 2012 us presidential elections

President Obama, like many in the Democratic party, believes that the federal government has an important role to play in shaping the lives of the people, building infrastructure, regulating and helping to grow business. If you have got a business, you did not build that." Romney later attacked Obama's use of the phrase " you →

Democratic values

The rights to express our opinions has been shown throughout history and the media. With the freedom to express our values opinions and beliefs then in most ways our freedom of expression fosters democratic values.

Kirsten alcorn

To begin to solve the problem America is currently in, people need to realize who they are voting for, more than just one view on them, and most importantly, if the candidate can bring the country out of the debt it is in now. To the financial elite, there is no more important financial institution →

Prepared remarks of president barack obama: back to school event

How it is to be in kindergarten, how it is to be raised by a single mother, how it is to be a senior, with just one year to go, and so on - and because of his relating to all the young people, it makes the speech more personal, for each person. It makes →

The life of barack obama

Barry Thought he had to act a certain way to fit in. All he knew was that the world was in need of a change.

Dr. martin luther king; a dream come true?

King's " I Have A Dream" speech made a substantial pivotal moment in the Civil liberty Movement and unlocked to equality. King and his comrades who brought the Civil Rights movement to all of our doorsteps.

Every father’s dream

On the contrary, in Arthur Miller's " Death of Salesman," the author illustrates how a father's dream and example can sometimes destroy a son's future. Look more: perseverance example essay In this paper, we compare and contrast the dreams of the fathers in the two works →

A more perfect union

The speech was addressed about the incredible concerns about racism that is still going on in every corner of the country. Obama likewise address this speech in action to Reverend Jeremiah Wright's perspective. The purpose of the speech made by the senator is not just to show his concern about his affiliation with Reverend Wright, →

The history of the republican party politics

The main beliefs and views that the Democratic Party hold in high regards are the creation of a healthcare system funded by the government that insures all citizens, they are in support of gay and lesbian citizens including their rights to marry and serve openly in the military. The Democratic Party has strong feelings regarding →

Constructivism and the syrian civil war

These interests, such as law, guidelines, standards and institutions are instilled in the system of international relations and are basic for instating change. Constructivism is the finest theory for comprehending the occasions in Syria because it reveals how social identities and an actors' interests and preferences are socially constructed and can prompt conflict. A dominant →

Overcoming failure

I believe that the American Dream is something that people can still achieve. Although it is not something that you can grab however, and perchase.

Barack obama

During his tenure in the State Senate, Obama additionally authored a death penalty reform decree that was hailed as one of the most progressive in the country and pushed for increased funding for AIDS prevention and care programs as well. Obama is currently the only African American serving in Senate and the fifth African American →


The main task of the address is to outline the main policies of the new government and win people's support. The president tries to show the new government in a favourable light and win the approval of the public.

Changes in political culture between 2004 and 2008

Although the media played a big part of the 2004 elections, that election does not compare to the media frenzy of 2008. There was more reporting on the background and character of candidates during the primaries, when the process of discovery was new and went on longer. Yet arguably, the two most important →

The u.s. war on iraq

When we demonstrated the power of the American will, and fought a two-front war with international super powers to stop the onslaught of fascism and communism we showed the world the true power of a government by the people and for the people. America's two major problems that have alienated us from the rest of →

The benghazi scandal

The American people will never know the truth unless the government releases the records and evidence to the public. It is impossible for Obama to have not known about the situation in Benghazi.

Worrying can age you prematurely

Worrying gets us all worked up inside with things like adrenalin, hormones, blood pressure,, ect..., and we are blind to see we are increasing our level of electro-lights at the same time. Worrying can take up years, and before you know it you are looking in the mirror at someone you never seen before, wishing →

Am i my brother’s keeper?

In his final act to protect him George shot and killed Lenny preventing the angry and bloodthirsty mob from getting to Lenny. George was devoted to Lenny and cared for him out of a sense of duty and compassion.

Physician assisted suicide

It is sad to realize that these people are in great agony and that to them the only hope of bringing that agony to a halt is through assisted suicide. The other side of the question is, whose decision is it to end a life?

The morality and legality of voluntary euthanasia

In brief, the guidelines were established to permit physicians to practise voluntary euthanasia in instances where a competent patient had made a voluntary and informed decision to die, the patient's suffering was unbearable, there was no way of making that suffering bearable which was acceptable to the patient, and the physician's judgements as to diagnosis →

Argumentative essay on protecting the right to act autonomously: a philosophical argument

The ancient Greeks and Romans " did not believe that life needed to be preserved at any cost and were, in consequence, tolerant of suicide in cases where no relief could be offered to the dying" The ancient schools of philosophy, the Stoics and Epicureans, believed that an individual who no longer wanted to live →

Ethics and euthanasia – the issues it faces

Euthanasia is wrong in the eyes of the Catholic Church because it goes against God, devalues life, and promotes suicide. Euthanasia is seen as wrong by the Catholic Church because the act goes against God. Euthanasia is wrong in the eyes of the Catholic Church because it goes against God, devalues life, and promotes suicide.

Life vs death: euthanasia

Bettereducationshould be provided tohealthcare professionals in order to help heal a patient, not harm them, or even kill them. Though euthanasia is illegal in most countries, where it is widely practiced, such as in the Netherlands, it has sometimes become involuntary on the side of the patient. If euthanasia were practiced legally in the United →

Is euthanasia immoral is letting die the same as killing term paper example

Bott defines murder as ' the deliberate act of taking guiltless human life', argues that, euthanasia may be a deliberate action of taking innocent human life, and may therefore be a violation of Godly law. On the other hand, others argue through religious rhetoric that, choice may be a basic human right, and a gift →

Good euthanasia: is it right essay example

In addition, such a patient will view his life as unproductive and ask for euthanasia in order to die with dignity. The number of patients visiting the emergency department in the United States is high. In such a case, euthanasia gives ' right to life' to the patient with organ failure. The arguments against euthanasia →

Article review on euthanasia in canada

The ICC prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda stated that the investigation " would not be of ' sufficient gravity' to justify further action by the ICC". This decision might open up the ICC to a lot of criticism and might eventually bring the court to disrepute. The court's acknowledgement that war crimes may have been committed only →

Good assisted suicide research paper example

At the core of the physician-assisted suicide debate is on one hand, the importance of individual liberty, autonomy and the right of an individual to make important, personal medical decisions, while on the other hand, opponents stress the importance of life and find that all killing, including physician-assisted suicide, is immoral. Active euthanasia is the →


Nog die dokters en die regering het die mag om te besluit of jy moet leef of nie. Want dit is nie hul lewe en hulle is nie in jou situasie, kan hulle nie maak dat die soort van besluit vir jou. Dit is nie logies dat ons kan kies om in al die ander →

Euthanasia: physician assisted suicide essay sample

Neil claims that when a person is in pain they only want to let the pain stop and not really die, which makes that euthanasia was never voluntary and it is only the pain making the person make the decision. This shows that the person is only thinking about how to get rid of their →

Ethical considerations regarding euthanasia essay example

Active euthanasia, on the contrary, refers to a situation in which medical practitioners do undertake activities that, in the end, lead to the eventual death of their patients. In such cases, passive euthanasia is moral and it becomes a source of relief. Even though there are arguments against passive euthanasia, its practices can be considered →

Dying with dignity (euthanasia)

They had come up with the idea of euthanasia; euthanasia is the practice of ending the life of a person in a painless way. Some people think that euthanasia is a crime just like murder; some others think that euthanasia is necessary for those people who are in unbearable pain and have →

Good research paper about a patients right to dying with dignity

Both of these methods of suicide are contingent on the patient being mentally competent, and being diagnosed with a terminal illness. The Dying Person's Bill of Rights, established in 1975, states that individuals have the right to make decisions regarding their own care, including the right to be free of pain, not die alone and →

Ethical issues in healthcare: euthanasia

To ensure that the welfare of the patient is always of paramount importance, and to protect those involved with the patient's care, healthcare organisations employ various ethical guidelines, committees, and procedures to handle these issues of morality. The main motive of a healthcare professional, and therefore a primary ethical issue, is that of promoting patient →