A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

House smart furniture company essay sample

She was delighted with the offer and very confident of taking the challenge by considering her knowledge in sales & Marketing, HR and accounting. She started the company by hiring 10 university graduates, seven sales executives, a secretary, a receptionist, an accounts clerk, and a sales clerk to fulfill all the positions, as Colin β†’

Good essay about rhetorical anlayses

Rhetorical AnalysisThe In the story, the dark side of science, the author explores the potential risks associated with science advancement and asks whether the scientist are responsible for the potentially harmful impact of their work. He believes that scientific works should be regulated at the selection of the projects and the dissemination

Essay on crimes of the heart by beth henley

All of the responsibility that falls on her shoulders, she takes her wishes seriously and expect them to be fulfilled. This is shown in the first act of the play, when it's her birthday and she's singing to herself with a lighted candle, blows the candle out and makes a wish.

Leading teams essay examples

Each team member had to take responsibility of the project and work together to achieve a common objective. The possible disadvantage of teams mostly comes in upholding the trade secrets within the members, and maintaining equal work to all members is a challenge.

Mystery of free will and moral responsibility

If you may know, determinism is the theory that the universe at any point in time is entirely fixed by the state of the universe at a prior time, in combination with the laws of nature. So the reason why this threatens the ' garden of forking paths' model of free will β†’

Theater studies: writing, directing, and acting essay examples

It motivates the playwright, the one in charge of writing the script, to be more creative in writing the dialog and developing the characters. Directors are required to master every detail of the script such as the dialog, the scenes, the characters, the setting, and the plot. On the other hand, the subjective aspect refers β†’

The responsibility to protect

For clarity, the rest of the paper is divided into the following sections: definition of terms; the UN and the changing world order: quasi states, failed states and the responsibility to protect; the UN, R2P, and sovereignty as a non-absolute right; and conclusion. Definition of terms Before we proceed with the rest of the β†’

Good higher education civic responsibility (in the u.s) research paper example

The higher education should take control of the civic disengagement by focusing on promoting civic education and community involvement through introducing learning opportunities for university students. The problem of lack of civic responsibility poses many challenges to a society. The program plays a beneficial role to Dallas community. Non-profit and NGOs also contribute positively to β†’

Social responsibility of business

Due to the costly nature of CARS related activities, I doubt that all organizations will truly support CARS activities, and will continue to take reactive and defensive stances regarding CARS. Being realistic, however, we can see that CARS is becoming a hot topic mongo firms around the world, which means Coos and other β†’

Essay on reading assignment 5

In the article " John Deere and the Bereavement Counselor" the writer juxtaposes the evolvement of the farming process in the Western lands of the United States with the development of bereavement counselor. The story is thus a powerful analogy on how people can learn the idea of ethical use of land, community engagement, β†’

Sample literature review on bystander effect and helping behavior

According to Barli ska, Szuzter & Winiewski , " Bystanders are the social audience in many crime events, and their actions and reactions may affect both the risks of the onset of violence and its ultimate consequences to the victim". Witnesses in such a situation may decide to walk β†’

Good the massacre at el mozote essay example

Apparently, the government of the United States played a key role in the massacre since its military trained the Atlactl Battalion, a unit of the Salvadorian armed forces, in order to combat the Salvadorian guerilla. The Atlactl Battalion that was fully responsible for the massacre in El Mozote was formed, trained and funded by the β†’

Book review on discussion: cj #3: argument as dialogue

The main reasons as to why the demonstrations are there is because of the increase of the racial problems between the whites and the blacks. We are urging the officials who enforce the law and the community as a whole to maintain peace as they wait for the possible solutions.

Vida skudiene vilte auruskeviciene essay sample

4 Scope Analysis, Findings and Results The findings of the paper is proposed that external and internal of the corporate social responsibility positively related to the staff motivation. 5 Usefulness Managers could solve the practical problems through using this research, and they could facilitate employee internal motivation by using the areas β†’

Responsibility cost control system

I will also compare the changes in the Chinese management accounting practices and give opinions on the possible future outlook of the cost and management accounting landscape. According to the research on contemporary management accounting in China by Jason Zezhong Xiao and Rong-Ruey Duh, the most widely used techniques are, cost behavior β†’

Taking responsibility

Parents should be held responsible for their children's crimes because parents should teach their children what is right from wrong at a young age and they should be more involved in their children's lives and be concerned with the people and places that he or she is associated with. On the other hand, some people β†’

The family life cycle in sexuality

When it comes to maturity, though an individual may still be in the process of growing and learning, having children is a big step up because one might feel that they have little ones looking up to them. A woman going through menopause may have a decline in sexual activity that could be because of β†’

Journal entry essay sample

For example, someone might complete the first sentence stem as follows: If I take full responsibility for all of my actions, I will accomplish great things. 1) If I take full responsibility for all of my actions, I will accept the consequences that come along with those actions and move forward so that I β†’

Gm case study assignment essay sample

The number of committee reports and committee meeting time led to an excessive internal focus. Getting Back on a Common Track GM veteran Jack Smith the new CEO and President eliminated the Policy Groups, abolished the two vehicle groups, and replaced the Management Committee with a five- member President's Council, made up β†’

Ford/firestone case study essay sample

A firm can and should take every precaution and effort to ensure product safety from design through production to consumer, and should be prepared to be liable for product malfunctions. With large companies, like Ford and Firestone, it can be difficult to have complete visibility of production and monitor every product going out the β†’

Good hotel management essay example

This article will be used in the research to establish changes perceived imperative in boosting the environmental standards of Marriot Hotel. Their sustainability strategy provisions for business development and it reaches past the doors of the hotels to preserve and safeguard the planet's natural resources. Educating and inspiring associates and β†’

God’s responsibility for the fall of man

God's first mistake leading to the fall of man lies within decisions to create an entity upon the earth similar to him." And God created the human in his image, in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them". And God's decision to do so emulates that the fall of β†’

Evaluate the organization’s involvement and responsibility

The purpose of this paper is to compare motivation and empowerment, define the components of empowerment, analyze the implications of empowerment and delegation in a criminal justice organization and analyze the role of trust in personnel issues. The role of trust in personnel issues involves how employees relate and respond to their employer.

Kelly’s business essay sample

In fact it is said to be one of the best in town. The business has developed from a small business, through using bicycle-towed concession that travels to different strategic locations in town, and currently she has got a restaurant where she can do her business from. SUMMARY There is a correlation β†’

Understanding leadership styles essay sample

As supportive leaders are part of the team he will be able to allocates responsibility and allow team to make decisions as he will recognise the team's ability and potential. Negative effect from team point of view of this is that if all team is treated the same and no one is given responsibility then β†’

Evaluation of the book the world we have essay

The natural world holds all nature and sustains livelihood, the moment the natural world is tampered with and natural resources depleted, the result is that the current and future generations may not be fully supported and therefore this will mean that they will lose out on the gift of the kind of life that this β†’

The social responsibility of business is to increase profit

Businesses have a responsibility to their stakeholders and/or their shareholders to increase profits, but socially they are required to do so much more. In terms of " social" responsibility, in this current day and age, businesses have a responsibility to society. It is the social responsibility of a business to be socially responsible, in all β†’

Global ethics and social responsibility

Corporate or Business ethics is the study and examination of moral and social responsibility in relation to business practices and decision-making in business. BP Public Relations survey the situation, waited for more facts and then after the some of the smoke cleared made a statement as early as possible. The first items β†’

Example of we are condemned to be free critical thinking

To be condemned in this case implies to have no guide in human beings, yet there are many options to choose from. In fact, human beings have no list to choose the good and bad; this is because as human beings there are no absolute standards that separate evil from good.

Role of american citizens in democracy term paper examples

In order to ensure that democracy remains to be the order of the day in America, the citizens have the responsibility to emphasize on the civic virtue, moral education and for the above all to put the interest of the country first before their personal interest. Liberalism asserts about the importance of the primacy of β†’

Social responsibility persuasive essay

Schermerhorn - Chapter 4 4 Ethical behavior what is accepted as " good" and " right" in the context of the governing moral code Values broad beliefs about what is or is not appropriate behavior What is Ethical Behavior? What is the basic nature and condition of man? 4.

Higher education losing its way/civic responsibility argumentative essay sample

Higher education is at a fork in the road because of the greater possibilities of the technological age, distance education is becoming more and more of a common option for many, leaving normal higher education in a strange position. Because of the higher use of online education as a way to easily get an β†’

Personal responsibility: overview

Personal responsibility correlates with college success as it connects to every aspect of life, academicor otherwise. When a student is personally responsible, they demonstrate the ability to manage their time, and to e accountable to their professors, their peers, and most importantly, to themselves. This quote perfectly summarizes one of the major tenets β†’

The responsibility project

The job looks dark at times, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel, or in this case, a light in the top of the lighthouse. A well-organized company will work with ease, and if the equipment is well maintained the company is productive and more efficient. If the β†’

Glucose regulation

25g/kg. Each subject had to weight the sugar out into a plastic cup using the scales provided and then dissolved the sugar into 300ml of water. Each subject took the initial blood sample and measured the blood glucose using glucose meter. The blood glucose measurements were noted by the helpers or inputting data β†’

Diabetes mellitus-shared care model and ict

The feedback mechanism of the body is alerted to reduce this level to tolerable levels by the body by the conversion of glucose to glycogen for storage under hormonal influence particularly insulin. However, in the fasting state, glucose is produced from glycogen and other substrates and released into the blood to maintain β†’

Good functional health pattern assessment essay example

After three months of counselling and the support of her family and friends, Patient TM was able to recover from the disorder. Aside from an allergy to penicillin, TM is also allergic to shrimp and crabs. Her history of body dysmorphic disorder is similar to this condition, and this could well be the start of β†’

Patient-provider relationship essay example

Sick role is a term used in the medical field in relation to sickness, and the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of the affected Diabetes is one of the common chronic diseases that affects a large number of people worldwide, and thus encounters with diabetes patients is always common. In regard to prevention and β†’

Analysis of the nursing interventions for a patient with the chronic condition of diabetes

Whilst Mary was being assessed and cared for, it was ensured that she was treated as an individual in the best interest of her needs and her preferability. The pathophysiology of Type 1 diabetes is when the pancreas does not produce any insulin to the body and can cause long term affects. This would lower β†’

Case study on type 2 diabetes mellitus essay sample

Classic combinations of symptoms are seen as the 3 Ps, polydipsia, polyuria and polyphagia all of which are associated to the high levels of glucose in the blood. Education has been identified as a significant factor in the effective control of blood glucose levels.Managing diabetes can be challenging and support is needed if the individual β†’

Care support

I take my client to the bathroom which is nice and warm. He walks with his walker till there. As my client is shy in front to me I respect his privacy and wash him quick but properly in the mean time.

Nanomedicine for drawing in diabetes

These days two illustrations identified with diabetes are distinguishable: A astonishing expansion in the measure of patients with Type II diabetes mellitus , a way of life and weight related brokenness of glucose control The infection is before long occurring in prior ages, regularly amidst pre-adulthood or sometimes amidst pre-adulthood, while in the β†’

Sample research paper on does the socioeconomic position (sep) determine the incidence of diabetes

Conclusion Looking into various sources, both primary and secondary, revealed information that led to the formation of the research hypothesis: it is possible to mitigate incidences of diabetes among the black communities, especially if the factors increasing the chances of diabetes are handled effectively. From the findings, it was clear that diabetes was β†’

Diabetes mellitus (dm)

Type 2 DM is a relative lack of insulin or resistance to the action of insulin; usually insulin is insufficient to stabilize fat and protein metabolism but not deal with carbohydrate metabolism. There are a lot of people who are diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus. Clients, who can religiously follow administration β†’

Using ecersise to combat diabetes on children

Diabetes is separated into two types, Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune chronic disease in which the body's pancreas produces little to no insulin and fails to adequately regulate blood glucose levels, on the other hand, Type 2 diabetes is when the body gains a resistance to insulin and glucose levels become elevated within the β†’

Good example of essay on exercise and lifestyle diseases prevention: a nursing approach

In addition, I will also assess the client's availability of resources to carry out a specific regimen. Health education also plays a significant role in securing client's compliance on developing a regular and healthy physical activity. I will implement cooperative learning strategies to inculcate to the client the significance of having exercise and β†’

Nutrition therapy for diabetes essay examples

Like type 1 and type 2 diabetes, women with gestational diabetes have high sugar levels in the blood because there is not enough insulin to remove the sugar from the blood. Patients should also learn the types of foods that are to be avoided. In addition, clinical studies have shown that special dietary supplements designated β†’

Diabetic nephropathy in type ii diabetes essay sample

Any material used has been clearly cited from the websites that they were down loaded from. Introduction The risk factors, causes, prevention and treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy in Type II Diabetes Diabetic nephropathy is a disease of the kidney associated with long history of diabetes. Ancillary drug treatment is necessary β†’

Living with type 2 diabetes

She is aware that in order to better manage this disease she needs to eat well, exercise, and maintain a healthy weight. Mrs. It makes her feel proud, loved, and special to know she has a family she can depend on, regardless of the situation.

Diabetes research paper examples

It is also termed as ' juvenile-diabetes' The other type of diabetes, commonly known as type 2 DM is caused due to the failure of cells in the body to utilizer insulin. Some of the drugs that have been used over the last 10 years are mentioned below: Sulfonylureas: The major target in type 2 β†’

Role of nurses in gestational diabetes

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus is a type of diabetes, which occurs during pregnancy, distinct from the condition that already existed. It is defined as a glucose intolerance of variable degrees with onset or first recognition during pregnancy; it will generally develop in the latter half of the pregnancy and will improve after delivery. β†’

Research proposal on bs, california state university, 1985

Among the various staff and personnel in the school, the school nurse is the one who has the most skills and knowledge with regards to the detection and management of diabetes. Based on educational experience and leadershiopleadership skills, the school nurse is capable of motivating the children by acknowledging the difficulties inherent in β†’

Good epidemiology in the news: randomized trials nur 8310-1 literature review example

This is one of fundamental principles behind the study conducted by Shea et al. on the Social impact analysis of the effects of a Telemedicine intervention to improve diabetes outcomes in an ethically diverse medically under served population: Findings from the IDEATel study. Social impact analysis of the effects of a β†’

Good essay about examiner: surname

With proper medical attention, the patient will be able to achieve renewed wellness and take part in the welfare of the family and society. Small meals will be provided initially, and the patient will have to sit up for approximately two hours.


SUMMARY The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial led to considerable improvements in the management of type 1 diabetes, with the wider adoption of intensive insulin therapy to reduce the risk of complications. Effect of intensive therapy on residual beta-cell function in patients with type 1 diabetes in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial.

Diet treatment for diabetes

Glucose which are not transported to the cells are being stored in the liver and muscles called as glycogen. The liver releases it into the blood when needed. Fundamental problem of diabetes The fundamental problem of diabetes is the body's inability to metabolize glucose fully and continually.

Evolution of diabetes treatment health and social care essay

Harmonizing to the International Diabetes Federation, the planetary load of diabetes in the age group 20-79 old ages will increase from 285 million in 2010 to 439 million in 2030. The consequences demonstrated that every bit compared to the standard glycemic control group there was an overall decrease of 25 % in the β†’

Pathophysiology case study essay sample

Comparing to all the diagnostic tool in measuring for diabetes, AIC test still remains the definitive diagnostic tool in measuring for diabetes because this best average system is very easy for the patients and the doctors to understand, according to current research (American Diabetes Association, 2010) Intervention to manage diabetes Diabetes is a β†’

Juvenile diabetes (type 1 diabetes) march 17, 2013

He is quoted to say, " Diabetes mellitus...is caused by destruction of the islets of Langerhans and occurs only when these bodies are in part or wholly destroyed." So now the medical community knew that the pancreas, particularly the islets of Langerhans, was not functioning in a person with diabetes. It occurs when the pancreas β†’

Diabetes mellitus philippine callcentre staff health and social care essay

A In this survey, the research workers would wish to research the association between the development of Diabetes Mellitus Type II among call centre agents in the Philippines. The research workers believe that cognition on the association between call centre agents and the development of Diabetes Mellitus Type II is extremely important because of β†’

American diabetes association essay sample

Public Health Service stated in 2002 that African-Americans and people of Hispanic origin are more likely than Caucasians to develop diabetes and are at greater risk for many of the complications and higher death rates due to diabetes than Caucasians. The objective of this paper is the education of the general public especially the β†’

Good complications of presentational diabetes during delivery essay example

Proper management of obesity and diabetes mellitus is very important in influencing the health status of the mother and the fetus during other stages following delivery. According to a survey done by National diabetic Association in the year 2000, the prevalence of diabetes mellitus was estimated as 171, 228 (American Diabetes Association, 2010). 8 percent β†’

Why nanomedicine is good for battling diabetes

These days two patterns identified with diabetes are detectable: A sensational increment in the quantity of patients with Type II diabetes mellitus , a way of life and weight related brokenness of glucose control The malady is presently occurring in prior ages, normally amid pre-adulthood or now and again amid adolescence, while in β†’

Puerto rican health research paper examples

In the United States of America and from all over the world, people call the Puerto Ricans living on the mainland " mainland Puerto Ricans" and those living in the islands " island Puerto Ricans" although the two live in the US. The main purpose of the survey is to monitor the prevalence of common β†’


Type One and Two diabetes are autoimmune system that contributes with minimizing glucose to the blood.B. What treatments can maximize or minimize the risk of diabetes.2.

Main phases of diabetic retinopathy

It is caused due to alteration of the blood vessels present in the retina. Furthermore, DR can be divided into four phases: A) Mild Non-Proliferative Retinopathy This is the beginning phase of the illness and the occurrence of microaneurysms happens at this phase.

Good research paper on nsg 331 contemporary professional nursing practicechange your world: nursing and

The nursing leaders and the involved patients are also major stakeholders in the change process as well as the government. The consultants and the resources required for this process include the information pertinent to diagnosis, interventions and outcomes of diabetes, the leadership responsible for the planned changes and implementation and the funding of the same. β†’

Diabetes mellitus

6 U/kg * Glucagon, epinephrine, GH, cortisol oppose effects of insulin counterregulatory hormones they blood glucose lebels, stimulate glucose production by liver, movement of glucose into cells.* Insulin released from cells as precursor / proinsulin thru liver enzymes form insulin & C-peptide ( C-peptide in serum & urine indicator of cell function) * in plasma β†’

Good nutrition related to type 2 diabetes in indigenous children report example

Genetic and family factors, environmental factors like maternal gestational diabetes and intrauterine retardation in growth and lack of physical activities during adolescents and childhood have resulted in an increase, in the levels of insulin resistance that are considered crucial in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes among the young. This is largely due to the β†’

Power point presentation essays examples

Hello Carrie Cases of domestic violence have been on the increase in most of the families due to the challenges that a family may be enduring. This is because adolescent children are more likely to be affected due to the kind of foods they take.

Free diabetes: a review essay example

However, it has been shown that many patients with NIDDM require insulin eventually, the use of NIDDM is confusing. Other types of DM include the gestational diabetes and the maturity onset diabetes of the young. The occurrence of pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes is greatest in a few Pacific islands.

Samoan culture is greatly respected by its people – obesity

Parents could help prevent their children from having such diseases by Limiting the amount offoodgiven to their kids, having them on diets, reducing the amount of sweets given to them, and talking to them about these diseases and their uniqueness. Not all Samoan have obesity and diabetes but, most of them do. If β†’

Evaluation of 8point-of-care glucose testing devices in administration of diabetes

The aim of this study is to evaluate as well as compare 8point-of-care glucose testing devices in administration of diabetes using certain criteria (like Cost of the device, Turn-around-time, Detection method, Enzyme/Co-factor used, sample volume and Range) to ascertain their strength and weaknesses in informing the choice of glucometer and in the management of β†’

Essay on community teaching work plan proposal

In respect of this, the group will teach the community about the causes, effects, and levels of obesity and diabetes in South Orange Township. Whether they are observing healthy feeding or have maintained the unhealthy feeding. - Planned Evaluation of Lesson and Teacher : The teacher and the lesson will β†’

Type-1 diabetes and nutrition

NUTRITION ANDDIABETES The purpose of this paper is to define diabetes and see the impact different factors like breastfeeding and nutrition have on it state. DIABETES Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which the body is unable to β†’

The use of social media in kuwait university among faculty members

Sharing knowledge is the process of academics, scholars and researchers, employees, managers and all levels of management share and publish their research results, experiences and failure or success so it will be accessible to the organizational community. One example of sharing knowledge tools is the social media. Most faculty members use social media for knowledge β†’

Examining the use of social media and its impact on corporate

Assessment B - Examining the Use of Social Media and its Impact on Corporate Commerce How can social media sites help us build our brand? How can we use customer comments to improve our corporate commerce?

Social media in the workplace persuasive essay

Considering both the advantages and disadvantages, I do believe employees should be permitted to access social media in the workplace. To ensure that employees are not posting anything that could be destructive to the company, employers should monitor activities on social media sites.

Social media: pros and cons

Social Media: Pros and Cons First of all, one of the main advantages is that social media allows us to update ourselves from the latest happenings and news around the world. Social media can also benefit the students in a way where they gain inspiration and motivation to work better and concentrate on β†’

Social media and social change

Social Mediaand Social Change: A Closer Look at the Revolutionary Qualities of Social Media In Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase, " the medium is the message". Social media possesses the intrinsic power to change the world even in the most marginal of ways. A closer look at the β†’

Impact of social media on youth essay sample

Research objective The objective of this research is know that how our youth is impacted by the social media and also to know that what is the difference between the behaviour of today's youth and the behaviour of the youth who lived their life without the use of social media. Aim of the Research β†’

The topic of social media mining

Social media mining is rapidly growing with the increasing use of social media sites and applications every day and is, therefore, increasingly affective to society and the companies that are involved, which is why it is important to address. Mining social media data is portrayed to be mainly about business and how to improve the β†’

Sample essay on inspires me

It is good to polish what is already inside you and what God gifted you. This is the age of advancement and technology. At the start, one needs to invest a lot of time in building a base and increasing the contacts.

Social media advertising

One of them is the Internet and its conversion into a new medium for marketing and the use of socialcommunicationin advertising. In traditional media, newspapers, radio and television can cause information overload and change the perception of the audience. The Internet is not exempt from this danger, but has the potential to do something different, β†’

Critical news assessment by montessori, steiner and traditional students

Hobbs noted that critical media literacy is widely used in cultural studies and it addresses questions such as " who does this text address trough its words, images and sounds? They noted that " today, information about the world around us comes to us not only by words on a piece of paper but also, β†’

Example of on millennials: the me me me generation critical thinking

Similarly, there have been no correlational studies presented to confirm the links of narcissism to preferences and lazy attitudes of the younger generations. While statistics were shown, the author failed to consider how the scores in most narcissism studies should be interpreted. Brown, Budzek and Tamborski argued that the use of force-choice format β†’

Social media as a catalyst for change essay sample

One of the first things that comes to mind is a world without public access to the written word, and that would not be incorrect, but very few people would imagine a society where the Catholic Church had a near chokehold on the lives of ordinary people, where science was completely stifled in favor of β†’

Oncology and social media

The foundation fights to improve the lives of people affected by cancer and works in two areas: One by directly supporting survivors(people facing cancer and theirfamily) and the other is by creating a global movement to battle the disease. Although the organization is relatively small with fewer than 90 employees based in β†’

Running head: research

Last will be the analysis and critique of the monitoring and how these results connect to or challenge the major findings of the literature review. Getting positive feedback and positive results through the implementation of a social media sites is in the hands of the organization itself and it will strive if it advances with β†’

One-dimensional man

Marcuse also believes that the media, in all its forms, influence what the individual believes to be " true needs." Throughsocial media, we are convinced that we must have something, therefore we go out and get what we want. All of the advertisements that you see are purposely developed so that you β†’

How social media does harm to the world

However, teens are the main source of addiction and this can take up to 8 hours a day. They are spending too much time on social media because they are chatting with their friends and searching for unnecessary people which prevents them from studying. There is a great concern about these chats on the social β†’

Social media in the hiring process

Harris Interactive conducted a survey of 2, 303 respondents from February 9, 2012 through March 2, 2012 to find out how many companies used social media sites to check on job applicants. The results showed that 37 percent of respondents indicated their companies used social media web sites to check on job β†’

The role of social media in business essay sample

In addition, the social media technology is the most excellent tool for the companies to promote their business, for example if a company is selling services, products or publishing ads, then social media is the most excellent method to make their website gainful in a minimum amount of time. This paper will also outline some β†’