A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Borderline personality disorder

Oldham places personality disorders on Axis II and this is also a general consensus in the United States. The basis for this study is to determine " why" we behave the way we do and to ensure that clinicians have a thorough understanding of the diagnostic testing used to diagnosis personality disorders.

The homeless

A more appropriate measure of the magnitude of homelessness is therefore the number of people who experience homelessness over time, not the number of " homeless people." Studies of homelessness are complicated by problems of definitions and methodology. As a result of methodological and financial constraints, most studies are limited to counting people who are →

Analysis of arthur young’s travels in france

The issues that seemed to frustrate Young the most were unequal taxes, harsh penal codes, and a lack of justice in the court system. The poor of the kingdom felt as though the people with the most economic resources were exempted from paying taxes because they were fortunate enough to have those resources.

The dynamics of group psycho therapy

Running head: THE DYNAMICS OF GROUP PSYCHOTHERAPY The Dynamics of Group Psychotherapy University of Phoenix The Dynamics of Group Psychotherapy Group psychotherapy has been practiced for nearly one hundred years according to Moreno it was started by a man named Adler in 1910. Group therapy is different from individual therapy given that →

Cognitive distortions

I believethat the use of Redistributing blame is a strategy that clinicians can use to aid in having the client focus on the root of the issue rather than attributing the outcome to a particular person or themselves." Through the use of dialogue and asking questions that get to the heart of the problem, clinicians →

The experiment research study: craik and tulving (1975)

At deep level they might be asked a question, such as 'Does this word fit into the sentence...?' At an intermediate level, they might be asked ' Does this word rhyme with...?' At shallow level, they might be asked, 'Is this word in capital letters?' Following the task, participants were →

On mental disorder

I agree with Tokasa Lane that the primary root of mental disorder treatment is the proper assessment of the disorder itself. This is the first step, so this should be done properly. Lane should have added also discussions on the techniques or approaches of assessing the disorder properly and on the treatments that could be →

Course description of general psychology

Week 11 Activities and Preparation Branches of Psychology View the " Branches of Psychology" video located in this week's Media Enhancements link. Activities and Preparation Complexity of Humans View the " Complexity of Humans" video located in this week's Media Enhancements link. Activities and Preparation Perspectives →

An overview of how electroshock has been misused

This step of obtaining consent from the patient is not always followed with regard to this form of intervention. What is Electroshock and How Does it Work? Electroshock, also referred to as electroconvulsive therapy by the medical practitioners, is a technique in which a current of electricity is passed through the body. However, the side →

The mummy at the dining room table

One of the most helpful aspects of the book is that it can be used to prepare for a patient and condition, for which the therapist in not familiar.. The clinician learns more about human emotion from every client in which they come in contact. One of the aspects of this book →

Cognitive development and psychosocial development

The view of the situation that Piaget would most likely adopt is that Noah struggles to come to terms with the objects and relationships that exist within hisenvironment. The schema that he uses to understand the multiple rolls of his teacher is the fact that his own father is known to occupy the position of →

Quantitative critique

From the title the focus of the study is understood including what was studied, who was studied, and where the study took place. The results section highlighted the findings from the study and makes the reader want to continue reading the article.

Counseling micro skills

Self-disclosure can be extremely helpful in developing a therapeutic bond; however, the counselor needs carefully consider that the disclosure is beneficial to the client's concern, rather than to the counselor. Eye contact is used in counseling to show the client that the counselor is paying attention, and truly interested in what the client is saying.

Carl rogers

Carl Rogers Carl Rogers is known today as one of the most popular and influential American psychologists and is among the founders of the humanistic approach to psychology. At the age of twelve, Carl Rogers and his family moved to a farm about 30 miles west of Chicago and it was here that he →

Boundary issues

Limits of inner boundaries Many at times we might argue but the truth of the matter is that generic inheritance is responsible for the shaping of our inner boundaries (this is meant to identify with individual neuro chemistry, how sensitive the amygdala is and the connection of various parts of the brains among other things).

Psychology at work

In contrast to the diseases that were most often the causes of illness and death in the early 1900's, the most common causes of death and illness today are strongly related to the behaviors in which a person chooses to engage. Research, teaching and vocational counseling are just a few of the possible alternatives to →

Pressure measurement and calibration

In normal use the appropriate combination of weights is applied to the top of the piston, to generate the required predetermined pressure, and then the piston is set spinning, to reduce vertical friction, while the readings from the measuring devices are recorded. The operating range of the Dead-weight Pressure Calibrator and instrumentation is 20 kNm-2 →

Post-traumatic stress disorder: gateway to suicide

All of this contributed to the terrible event that took place in the locker room of the YMCA. Thus to conclude, PTSD is a mental illness that was prevalent during the Vietnam War and is still a problem in the Iraq/Afghanistan war. Norman Bowker's story is just one of many stories that →

Anti – discriminatory practice

It is non- directive In order for a effective relationship between the counsellor and Jane Rogers believed the 6 conditions needs to be present 1- two persons are in psychological contact 2- the first which will be referred to as the client is in a state of incongruence 3- second person the counsellor is congruent →

Cause and effect essay example

They will feel nerveous with no obvious reason. Second is they will feel have many problems. One of the effect is the development of feel have many problems. They also tend to be alone, have no interaction with other and the worst effect is they will hate society.

Psychology experiment in laboratory class

This section of the laboratory manual is written so that the appropriate information is available to all students. The various areas ofpsychologytaught in PSYCH 109 have a long history of research. Statistical Analysis in the Social Sciences Significant Differences In psychology, we are often faced with the question of whether or not the →

Out of the norm (breaching experiment)

It is impressive how within a few hours of doing this Project I carefully analyze and determine the acceptances and denials of society by doing Something out of the ordinary on a typical and current day. At home I created a colorful poster to call attention of the pedestrians, it was rare →

Last chance in texas

The staff at Giddings challenged offenders to step into their past and visualize their crimes before and after they were committed, as well as the impact of those around them. Different techniques were used help the students remember their pasts that most have tried to forget. It was an emotionally painful and →

Stanford prison experiment and hard-hitting local editorials

It might be internal to the business, in the form of new and more effective organizational structures or processes. By today's thinking, innovation can also be in the form of a significant improvement to an existing commodity.

The practice of clinical psychology

What are at least two legal issues associated with clinical psychology? What are at least two ethical issues associated with clinical psychology?

Brief report on neurodevelopmental disorders

Early life is a sensitive period and therefore disruptions in early brain development lead to NDs (Bale et al., 2010; Boivin et al., 2015). Research directed to unravel factors contributing to the emergence of NDs which is necessary for the development of new preventive strategies and therapies. Moreover, these maternal conditions do not only have →

Bread mold experiment lab report

Title: Bread Mold Lab Purpose: The purpose of this lab was to test the effect of water on bread mold growth. Hypothesis: I hypothesized bread mold would grow faster if the bread was exposed to water. Materials: Bread Plastic cup Water Rubber band Plastic wrap Light Scale →

John nash

John Nash is classified under Undifferentiated Type because he had a number of symptoms such as delusions, disorganized behavior, disorganized speech, and hallucinations. He believes he is being forced to work for the government to decipher codes. In his mind, William Parcher was black-mailing him to do as he was told, or the US government →

Behavioral and social/cognitive approaches to forming habits

A person will continue to perform a certain action because of the reward at the end of the action. This is not learned from observation, this is just her.of his is a good example of behavior of the family that influenced one of my habits.

Running head: scholar-practitioner model

Progression in this journey requires a clear understanding of the merits of the scholar, practitioner, scholar-practitioner, and practitioner-scholar models. This practitioner-scholar model, and the associated Psy.D.degree, were recognized by the American Psychological Association at the Conference on Levels and Patterns of Professional Training in Psychology.


Evidence shows that Holmes had personality disorders Like narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder.H. H H Holmes had a lot of personality disorders that led him to become the monster he was.

Psychology 2ap3: abnormal psychology – major disorders

We will also describe the major symptoms, hypothesized or suggested causes, and accepted treatments for major categories of mental disorder as described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association, version IV-TR, always keeping in mind the criticisms of this categorization system. The goals of the course include a deeper →

What are scientific investigation and non-scientific investigation?

It is a discipline that deals with the systematic process of gathering knowledge about the structure and behavior of the natural and physical world, based on facts that are measurable and can be proven by manipulation of data obtained through experiments, andobservation. Investigation is the process of enquiring into unfamiliar or questionable activities, thoroughly and →


According Bleuler , the man who actually coined the term schizophrenia, stated that the illness did not necessarily lead to deterioration over time, but the splitting of the mind. In his discussion of the history of schizophrenia and its treatment stated that the real work on the identification of schizophrenia as →

Psy 240

Consider the following questions: | | | | | | | | | | Why is it flawed to ask how much of a particular behavior is due to genetics and how much is | | | | | due to experience? | | | | | Why is it appropriate to separate the contributions →

Disorder paper: depression

But the truth is, some people do not recover and becomes enslaved with his/her sadness, uncertainty, depressive thoughts and feelings of uselessness and diminished zest for life that the person is said to be suffering fromdepression. Depression is a psychological disorder wherein the person's depressed state is not in proportion →

Hypothesis testing essay

Learning squad C has conducted a hypothesis trial environing the sum of clip spent on prep by males and females.and will turn to if there is a correlativity between the variables. The void hypothesis for this experiment: Is the average sum of clip spent on prep by females equal to the sum of clip spent →


After every trial the subject was asked to estimate the number of letters expected to be written correctly in the next trial. SO showed a rise in the curve throughout trials 1 to last.

Fear and anxiety

The direct denotation of a phobia is " a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it". There is a higher percentage of people with a specific type of phobia than agoraphobia and social phobia (nih, National Institute of MentalHealth). The first diagnosis of →

The importance of proper care for mental disorders youngsters, not that offered by juvenile prison

Jails and juvenile justice facilities are the new asylums". In addition to inadequate options for mental health care in juvenile justice facilities, there is also a lack of programs available to youths with mental disorders to help reintegrate into society after incarceration. In order to restore our youth population, proper treatment of juveniles with mental →

Islamic eschatology

At the end of Jesus' and the messianic Imam's rule, the angels will be destroyed and the earth will " spill out its contents".4. Judgment will be announced with the trumpet of an archangel In Sura 36: 51 of the Qu'ran " And the trumpet will be blown, and, lo!

Confirmation: christianity and holy spirit

The Catechism of the Catholic Church states:[1] Recall then that you have received the spiritual seal, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of right judgment and courage, the spirit of knowledge and reverence, the Spirit of holy fear in God's presence. Father!" ; * it unites us more firmly to Christ; * →

James the just

The Synoptic Gospel and the gospels do not go into the brother of Jesus in-depth but we can see how he came out of the shadow of Jesus to become James the Just. Just James: the Brother of Jesus in History and Tradition.

Essay on the holy prophet

The mission of a prophet's life is to spread the Word of God. The Prophet of Islam was the last messenger of God to the whole world.

Bibliology: inspiration and inerrancy of the bible

Out of the three, the strongest will be The Biblical Argument and the weakest being the Epistemological Argument. Again, it is the autographs that are inspired and inerrant, not the copies.

Meaning and significance of baptism for christians today essay sample

A practical understanding of this for Christians today is to stand up for the Word of God and the Gospel and lead example for others according to the Gospel, to help people who are in need of someone and give your time to someone, for example, giving money to charity like CAFOD or Christian Aid, →

Kingdom of god

The Essenes, Sadducees and the Pharisees stand out to more people than the rest of the sects because it is said that they were supposedly better known to people than the rest of the sects, and some people seem to think that the Pharisees were forefathers of the Rabbis. Strangely, the Sadducees were of the →

Facilitating vocation discernment for lifelong commitment

It should " nurture a greater self-awareness for personal growth," and foster a " solid human" formation in addition to spiritual development. In Christian literature, the word wouldiscernment' can be used to describe a faith process of determining the will of God in a situation or indeed for one's life. The task of the accompanier →

Journey of the magi and rhapsody on a windy night essay sample

Eliot's poems ' Journey of the Magi' and ' Rhapsody on a Windy Night' both explore the fragility of the human mind (an idea streaming directly from the era of Modernist poetry, where writers perceived the world as fragmented and alienated), showcasing his original and abstract style of writing and, when →

Journal: bible and spade

To us who believe the events recounted in the Bible are historically accurate, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher is sacred. If the Church of the Holy Sepulcher is not the actual place where Christ died, does this render my experience (and that of thousands of other Christians) irrelevant?

Mary the mother of jesus christ in the qur’an

The genealogy of Mary the mother of Jesus according to Ali, 1935, started from the bloodline of Moses and Aaron's father Imran and wife Hannah. After realizing that God must have plans for giving her a baby girl, she was inspired to commit Mary to the care of people who were directly related to →

Mother church model of church growth

This witnessing approach that was present in the ministry of Hosea, Jeremiah, Elisha and especially Ezekiel the priest-prophet did not vanish with the passing of the Old Testament era. In the New Testament dispensation, the dramatization and Object lesson witnessing approach is demonstrated through the use of parables and allegories.

Enrollment system

The center of the work the Father sent Jesus to do on earth is referred to as the Paschal Mystery. Followers of Jesus became known as Christians because they believed Jesus to be the Christ, or Christos, or Christian Messiah, prophesied in the Old Testament - therefore they often call him Jesus Christ, →

Kelsey klitus

Being a catholic is very important to me and to my family. The catholic religion, along with the Catholic Church has allowed this to become a tradition in my family that I will forever partake in.

Five ways to kill a man

All of which have different meanings and a very unemotional tone to them." And one man to hammer the nails home." The first stanza features the phrase above. It refers to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, when nailing a person to wood using nails to hold the victim wascapital punishment. Brock suggests →

Why is it important to know what you believe?

What do you believe about God, the Bible, and Jesus Christ BY abbey0883 It is important to know what you believe so you can make the correct decisions in life based on your personal values, and Judge the best way to solve problems in your life. I also believe the Bible because →

God is love

In contrast to gods of heathen religions who are often presented as vindictive and angry beings in need of appeasement, the God of the Bible is characterized as the essence of love." God is love". God's love is also demonstrated in the New Testament to be like that of a father.

Dennis perez

Dennis Perez APOL 104 4/27/13 Critical Thinking Assignment Islamic view of the world Muslims believe that God is creator of all got set up the system that you must all be in harmony the rain to water the phases of the moon and other great stuff that comes along with them according to Islamic →

Ghandi vs jesus

Gandhi and Jesus both believe that, non-violence is the greatest force that human must maintain and use to achieve in any struggles. Teaching their followers to be compassion, showing forgiveness and also teaching the followers to always behave in a non-violence way is some similarities between these two teachers.

Bibliography reference to mathew and mark

Another similarities found in both Gospels would be the use of parables told by Jesus and similar stories about Jesus for example; Jesus baptism, Jesus healings, and Jesus stilling of the storm, " Jesus burial and the woman discovering of the empty tomb".and Pilate's condemnation of Jesus. Mathew mentions in the beginning of his Gospel →

American bible society essay sample

He clearly believed that the natural world is proof of God's existence and that anyone who could not see that was a fool. To compare that which was meant to be with what the worldview has become is a lesson in obedience.

The davinci code

It is for the people to decide whether these theories belong to Brown's imagination or the skeleton of 'facts' that supports the book. The Da Vinci Code novel involves a conspiracy by the Catholic Church to cover up the " true" story of Jesus. In the book, the Vatican knows it is →

The uniqueness of jesus

Jesus came to bring peace to the world, but he died from the people he tried to help. Jesus came in the fullness of times because he wanted to give the world hope, not a hope of this world but of the next.

How does religion reflect the lives of its followers?

Obedience is a way of saying " Thank you" to God - it does not earn God's love but shows that you are grateful for that gif God is the One True God.- He guides us, but lets us make our own decisions.- Jesus, God's Son, was born as an infant to humans.- Jesus lived →

Wesley seminary

Issue: What is the role of the pastor in advising the dying and/or their families with end of life decisions? What is the proper response toward death and suffering in the Old Testament?

My philosophy of christian education

These four tenets to the Christian Education process consist of; the learner, the teacher, the curriculum and the teaching process. The Body The Learner The Learner in the Christian Education process may either be a child in the home, a student in the formal classroom setting, or an adult member of a congregation.

Count of monte cristo

If I stand back and look at the situation from a biblical standpoint, the new testament anyway, the count should have forgiven his enemies to seek the rewards of heaven. The count knew in his heart that he had to seek his revenge in order to receive his justice.

J.i. packer reflection paper

There are two primary points that the author stresses to the reader: the divine sovereignty of God and the free will of man, and evangelism and what it means for churches and individuals. The first point J.I. I would explain to my listener that because of the free will God grants us, →

Jesus vs buddha

" Nothing can damn a man but his own righteousness; nothing can save him but the righteousness of Christ." Charles Spurgeon Jesus versus Buddha Jesus and Buddha are founders of two of the largest religions in the world. The birth of Jesus was revealed to his mother, Mary, by the angel Gabriel, who prophesized, →

Alexis vieira

Out of these two religions I believe that Christianity and Judaism are the most interesting religions to work with because they have many similar things in common. Christians also believe in the messiah like Jews do and both religions believe that the messiah is Jesus in both the Jewish and Christian bible.

Independent internationalism under harding and coolidge critical thinking examples

This was a useful as a strategy only by understanding the differences between the two stands and developing a way to make them complement each other into a workable and successful policy for the United States. After WWI there was a cultural shift happening in the United States which was causing lot of tension; the →

Was the policy of appeasement justified? essay sample

There are a number of reasons that support both of the sides. Appeasement was justified in a few ways, sympathy for Germany, the desire for peace, the threat of communism and the time to rearm. Furthermore the opposition of the appeasement sad that people that believe in the appeasement did not realize that Hitler →

Why did germany lose ww1

The military incompetence of Germany on land and in sea was also an important cause leading to their loss in WW1. Germany's socio-economic condition and the incompetence of the political system in dealing with it was another important cause resulting in Germany's loss in WW1. Thus, there were various reasons as to →

World war i critical thinking

However due to the aggressive nature of the German Kaiser, war seemed inevitable on this front. The Russians also went into the war very ill prepared without much capacity to make a difference. In a sense the war was also inevitable as it sounded the death knell for the monarchy with several countries moving to →

Night: inhumanity/genocide

Elie's father had asked a Gypsy inmate in charge of the barrack that Elie and his father were staying in a polite question of where the bathroom was. This was the speech Elie received before he had to lie on his stomach on the crate for 25 lashes, because he walked in on Idek and →

The drawdown measures argumentative essay sample

As a consequence, the United States Army is now in the process of one of its largest drawdowns (reduction in the size of the force) in history. One of the potential issues that many soldiers will face as a result of the drawdown is adjusting to life outside of the military.

The degree to which hoffmanns story is typically romantic essay examples

He created a scientific approach of dealing with the human psyche that provides access to a person's inner feelings that are beyond human existence. According to Hoffman, the dream of German romanticism had fulfilled its potential of a literary work. Since Hoffmann had an imagination of an artistic creation of a civilized society versus an →

Example of job essay

The review will ensure that the person will has been selected for the job has the necessary skills and capacity to work in the environment to which he is to be relocated. The major functions which were identified must be reviewed. This is achieved by examining the total job in →

Holocaust: germany adolf

Due to the levels of power and strength, the Nazis easily took over and the Holocaust began. Becoming dictator, Adolf got to feel the power that he always wanted to feel, aiming towards the race who stole his dream; the Jews were now his target. Hitler had the Nazi party behind him →

Example of essay on famous german woman – margarethe von trotta

With this vision in mind she got into acting, though her goal in life was to be a director, however, according to Trotta, to be woman director in that decade was not of great consideration, and with her talent and a vision to make more feminine movies, she went ahead and co-directed her first movie; →

Did germany cause the world war i

This plan was worked out in the 1890's and completed and changed a little bit by Von Molkte in 1906. The fact that Germany worked out the plan of attack and all the other countries had just plans how to defend themselves, is the reason why Germany was sole accused for causing the war. So, →

Good example of research paper on adolf hitler’s power of words

Hitler was playing on the sentiments of the Germans who were still recovering from the humiliation of the First World War and the repressive nature of the Versailles Agreement which Hitler used constantly as a rallying cry. Several historians who have researched this period have observed the use of rhetoric by Hitler as a way →


The format of the book contrasts images with language, and the characters of the book depict the opposition of father and son. Vladek is telling his story as a father, about the cultural context of Poland in the past.

Adolf hitler to machiavelli’s “the prince” essay sample

Adolf Hitler to Machiavelli's " The Prince" Essay Sample When Machiavelli wrote " The Prince" in the 1500's, his intentions did not apply to the twentieth century. This led to the weakening of his army and his government. As described in Niccolo Machiavelli's " The Prince", to be a successful ruler, →

Why germany and her allies were defeated in wwi

Some of the major factors were America's entry into the war, low morale in Germany, and Germany's Ludendorrf Offensive. The American entry into the war was a major factor contributing to Germany's defeat. Therefore, the entry of America into World War One was a major factor causing Germany's defeat. The Ludendorrf Offensive, which was launched →

Free term paper on germany

The paper aims to comprehend and document the history of Germany and delve deep into the possibilities and capacity of the nation to dominate the European continent. It requires our understanding that Germany has the potential and power to emerge as the omnipotent force in the continent and an insight into the national history →

Holocaust and armenian genocide essay sample

The Holocaust and the Armenian Genocide both employed methods such as deportations, concentration camps, secret police, and mass massacres; furthermore, the Armenian Genocide, having remained largely unpunished and unrecognized by the perpetrator, ensured Hitler to execute his onslaught on Jews. The Armenian Genocide is a genocide that occurred during and just after the First →

The pianist

The first scene in the film is a montage of grainy black and white scenes of Polish life before the Nazi invasion on Poland. This scene is a critical part in the film as it refines the time and emotion, in which the film is set, so the audience can relate better to the characters →

Critical thinking on united states participation in the world war i

The US President Woodrow Wilson declared the policy of absolute neutrality to the events of the World War I on 19 August, 1914." The United States must be neutral in fact, as well as in name, during these days that are to try men's souls". The international economic position of the United States was →

Sample essay on expressionism in the cabinet of doctor caligari

Such impressions, however, changed with the rise of German expressionist film, with the seminal example being The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari by Robert Wiene. The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari evokes an expressionist form characterized by notions of fear and anxiety duly connected to the situation of Germany during the 1910s. In contrast to the propaganda-promotion →

Good essay about the secret of kurt vonneguts heritage

The history of his blood was hushed and dismissed, and he had a blank slate to fill with the skewed histories and realities of his books. The forced schism with his heritage affected Kurt Vonnegut's educational interests and negative views of society, and consequently his writing. Vonnegut was born in Indiana a few years after →

Good example of reform darwinism essay

The Gilded Age and the first few years of the 20th century were a time of great social change and economic growth in the United States. The years between Reconstruction and the beginning of the new century saw rapid industrialization, urbanization, construction of transcontinental railroads, innovations in science and technology →