A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Reducing the hazard and threat exposure of wildfires in australia

This has the potential for negative ecological effects such as erosion, decreases in nutrient availability and invasion by non-native species that may take ecosystems years to recover from Flannigan. Reports have also revealed a number of factors that increased vulnerability of people and assets to the negative impacts of the fire hazard, such as: congested →

Fairy garden accessories in australia

Everything that contains drainage holes is not weather resistant. Super glue (see Sticker, since some markers are not made of plastic) Flat and flat plastic scrap A heavy book Next steps: Organize the stones in your garden and, if you are happy with it, place it on the ribbons to keep it in →

Swot analysis of commonwealth bank of australia

The three key capabilities of focus for the organization are well suited for its continued importance on opportunity for growth domestically and internationally as well as underpinning productivity opportunities which is significant for the organization. The three key capabilities the organization seeks to focus on as part of its strategic directions are as →

Flora and fauna

Describe the threats to Australia's flora and fauna: Extinction Since European settlement of Australia began, a little over 200 years ago, 18 species of Australian mammals and about 100 species of native plants have become extinct. Currently about 40 species of mammals and many hundreds of species of plants are threatened with →

Australia short stories

Landscape is represented differently in each short story but it is used to compliment the strong women in A Gentleman's Agreement, The Drover's Wife and The Kangaroo. Elizabeth Jolley's A Gentleman's Agreement, tells the story of a working class single mother who fools a richdoctorinto letting her and herfamilylive on his land for the rest →

John curtin, leading australia in the pacific war 1941 essay sample

During the War, Australia was going through very difficult times, people were confused and did not know what to do, until the Australian Prime Minister made huge and great decisions that helped Australia get through the War in the Pacific. The decision to divert the Australian military and ignore Winston Churchill's proposals and also looking →

Australian federalism

This essay will outline the issues discussed during the ' Policy Roundtable on Federalism' hosted by the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia and the Institute of Public Administration Australia on the 17 18 May 2007 and will explore their impact on federalism and provide possible steps to overcome them. →

Rights and freedoms of aboriginal people over the past century

This policy fostered aboriginal people to change their, way of life, and adapt to the culture of 'white people' the individual aboriginals were expected to absorb and adapt to the white culture. The policy of Assimilation was difficult to enforce, as aboriginal people retaliated, and fought for the rights, and for the preservation of their →

Australian media content is dependent on commercial success

Bigger competitive strain makes it harder for the media to preserve customary prohibition especially on the subject of politics. Last April of 2005, there is an alarming decline in the sales of newspapers. These forecasts, or ratings, influence the price of advertisements during the show and, in due course, whether the show →

Planning a typology grid essays examples

Three Australia-based CBOs that provide services for the betterment of children are chosen, namely ChildFund Australia, PLAN International Australia, and Save the Children Australia. Typology Grid Sources for typology grid: (ChildFund Australia 2011; Childfund Australia 2013; PLAN International Australia 2012; PLAN International Australia 2013; SCA 2013a; SCA 2013b) Critical Appraisal It is apparent →

Australia is physically and culturally unique

Australia's shape, size, and location also make it a continent, country, and also an island. The flora in Australia is truly amazing. These plants also make Australia a colourful and beautiful place. As mentioned in the above paragraph, Australian fauna is important to Australia.

Australian english

Australian English is the name given to the group of dialects spoken in Australia that form a major variety of the English language. General Australian English is the stereotypical variety of Australian English.

Example of ethics questions research paper

The social responsibility of organizations equally goes to the offering of equal employment opportunities for the locals in the community and ensuring that the industrial and organizational waste products are not released into the environment in a manner likely to cause pollution. DQ 2 The two organizations would differ →

Example of essay on sustainability of cement in construction industry

As a matter of fact, that industry is facing numerous challenges in the context of energy resources and environmental issues in the form of greenhouse emissions during the process of production. In addition, its production is associated with differently economic activities and it is predicted to grow even with a faster rate in the future →

Sustainability of the gorges project

The government of china is the sponsors of the building of an enormous dam that is intended to hold water that in the gores river. A thorough understanding of the economical benefits and the demerits of the project needs to be done so as to prevent a situation of confusion.

Formal proposal

It is important to our planet because it reduces the waste in our landfills and the amount of energy in production. There are several benefits to recycling such as it conserves natural resources, decreases emissions of greenhouse gases, reduces the need for landfills and incineration, and helps to prolong the environment for the generations to →

Building refurbishment and maintenance

The main bar and restaurant are a priority compared to the upper snooker and pool floor. It's also vital to create a reservoir for the buildings water on top of the snooker/pool floor. Another problem of building use is the generation of solid waste and wastewater in this time of fewer water →

Free research paper about delivering quick, cost-effective, sustainable building solutions in south england

The specific problems regarding the sustainable development of residential buildings and adherence to code will be discussed in the Literature Review section of this paper. The Passivhaus Project There are a variety of different projects that focus on sustainable development in Southern England, and the Passivhaus Trust is one of these projects. The Code →

Sustainability in the event tomorrowland- methodologies research proposal examples

A comprehensive sample will be used which will include all study objects. When designing the sample size, the researcher should take into consideration the following factors; the population parameters to be estimated, the cost of sampling, how much is already known, the variability of the population, and the level of precision required. Fraenkel →

Sustainability of the salton sea environmental sciences essay

However, a Restoration program is afoot which will turn to the major issues, offering a gleam of hope for an ecosystem seesawing on the border of prostration. Introduction Sparkling in the California desert the Salton Sea stands as a testament to the human component. In 2017 with the recreation of H2O salt is expected →


The company's goal and vision is clear: " to provide solutions for the worldwide mobile communications market, including the software that allows the BlackBerry Smartphone to provide mobile access to email, applications, media and the Internet." (RIM website: http://www.im.com/company) Since the creation of Blackberry, it commands over 20% of the world's Smartphone sales, available in →

The future of the american agricultural sector

With the impending environmental effects of global warming, making the scenario of a global food crisis more likely than ever, it becomes obvious that the agricultural sector will play a key role in the foreseeable future of the United States. Hence, the essay will address the future of American agriculture by firstly casting a glance →

Sustainable development critical thinking

The world commission on environment defines sustainable development as development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising on the ability of future generations to survive. Sustainable development emphasizes on the importance of quality of life and ensures that the decisions made by individuals and corporations today, take into consideration the social, →

What is meant by sustainability? definition

Sustainability takes into consideration how people can live in balance with the natural world surrounding us, and protecting it from harm and damage. The three pillars of sustainability are: 1- The Social pillar: is about awareness of the peoplehealthand laws that protect people frompollutionand toxic activities of a company and other businesses. Sustainable housing is →

Poisoned waters

Back in the seventies the United States started up the EPA and it worked very effectively to clean up our environment because it had very strict regulations that developers had to adhere to. The current generation needs to sacrifice now for the future and while that is difficult to accept it is important if we →

The imbalance of sustainability in the middle east critical thinking

In fact, the issue of water, climate change as well as population pressure are the most determinants and cause of imbalance sustainability in the region. Leaders in the Middle East and North Africa, and other international organization struggle to attain sovereignty and achieve sustainable development in the region regardless of the many internal and external →

Microfinance, entrepreneurship and sustainability

In addition, the poorest of the poor including the sick, the mentally ill and the destitute cannot adequately handle microfinance projects which means that microfinance cannot be used as a means of alleviating poverty for this group of the population. The second school of thought on its part suggests that microfinance has a negative effect →

Free essay on sustainability

Example can be iron ore, we cannot produce it, it is only possible to lower consumption and to recycle iron products but that is not really sustainable. Location is very important in sustainable human geography and example can be construction of a house.

Good food production and consumption: food scarcity essay example

This essay will discuss this sustainability issue in greater detail, touching upon the food demand-supply gap, current production techniques and their impact on the environment, and the sustainable solution to the food scarcity problem of the world. Food Production and Consumption Gap Productivity Improvement Techniques Improvement of agricultural productivity is looked upon as →

New building materials and their sustainability essay

Therefore, how can sustainability be defined from the Civil Engineer's point of view? The American Society of Civil Engineers defines sustainability as " A set of environmental, economic and social conditions in which all of society has the capacity and opportunity to maintain and improve its quality of →

Supply chain sustainability

Supply chain sustainability is the management of the environmental, social, and economic impacts, and the encouragement of good governance practices, throughout the the lifecycle of goods and services. After a company implements the use of supply chain sustainability can start to reap in the benefits.

Potential food crisis in our midst

In the past 50 years we have globally tripled our food production, and it is projected that we need to double or triple our production yet again by 2050 in order to supply the demand for food.." At the start of 2011 the food industry is in crisis. The current methods of agriculture are clearly →

Sustainability practices in the turkish construction sector environmental sciences essay

A survey by Dunphy states that " sustainability consequences from activities which extend the socially utile life of organisations, heighten the planet 's ability to keep and regenerate the viability of the biosphere and protect all life species, enhance society 's ability to keep itself and to work out its major jobs, keep →

Research paper on scientific investigation and scientific inquiry

I learned the most by trying to make the experiment something I could handle give the time I had and the materials I had available to reach my goal. I enjoyed the lab a lot. And I understand why teachers need to teach students the scientific method.

Fsu going green report example

Frostburg State University is going green by adopting some measures to reduce environmental degradation and instead help in maintaining a clean and sustainable environment. One of the ways to achieve environmental sustainability is by reducing usage of plastic water bottles. To reverse this, FSU students will resort to using reusable water bottles →

Standout concept of well clean-up and testing – secures long-term sustainable evolution of the field

As in other parts of the world, if well operations are not properly managed, there is the potential to directly impact this fragile environment, as a result of HC flaring with emissions containing both H2S and SO2 during the well operations. Despite applying best-in-class environmental drilling practices in the well construction process, there remained the →

definitions of operations management essay sample

Operations management is concerned with converting materials and labor into goods and services as efficiently as possible to maximize the profit of an organization. Operations management is an area of management concerned with overseeing, designing, and controlling the process of production and redesigning business operations in the production of goods or services. Some goals →

Sustainable development essay example

Wherein the needs and rights of all people are recognized and the environment is not lost to the advantage of only few individuals. In this light people are devoted to campaign for peoples' aims for sincere sustainable development started on the ideologies of human rights, equal opportunity, autonomy, and social, gender and ecological uprightness.

Four challenges of sustainability

The concept of sustainability is the primary topic and goal in regards to the future of humans. The transition to sustainability requires more than education and critical problem solving skills.

Rei sustainability case

Their corporate mission emphasises this commitment: " At REI, we inspire, educate and outfit for a lifetime of outdoor adventure and stewardship" REI's stewardship priorities: * Encourage the active conservation of nature Inspire the responsible use and enjoyment of the outdoors * Enhance the natural world and our communities through responsible business practices * Foster →

Compatibility between economic sustainability and ecological sustainability essay sample

A report from the United Nations environmental program show that the idea that has been a advanced over the year that there exist a tradeoff between economic sustainability and environmental sustainability can only be fictitious. The report has it that the green economy has the capacity to provide new and better opportunities with regard to →

Free essay on sustainable environment

Environmental Studies Levin stated that the ecological systems and socioeconomic systems are interrelated in terms of their shared goal of advocating environmental protection and economic growth. As a recommendation, Levin stated that slower evolutionary dynamics is the cornerstone of the socio-economic systems. The evolutionary theory has reference →

How do we conserve/take care the ecosystem

Sustainable ecosystem management In this article, which is the first in a series, we will not focus on the need for change or on the threats we are facing. Therefore, the seventh condition, of an ecosystem management framework, is to measure the outcome of ecosystems and ecosystem services.

Research paper on personality profile

Sustainable organizations have minimal impact on the local and global environment and the sustainable practices depend on the nature and vision of leadership. The United Nations presented Branson with the Citizen of the World Award for his support and efforts for humanitarian and environmental causes. Branson is not only responsible for starting and supporting →

Case study on sustainable development

These three pillars are environmental, social and economic factors that must be considered in the development of a long term plan to meet the goals and objectives of sustainable development. Critical success factor in the federal sustainable development strategies in Canada This refers to those issues that have to be addressed for the sustainable →

Seminar/workshop requirement write-up essay example

This was a mandatory event in order to submit a proposal application. Summary of the content from the workshop: The main purpose of the workshop was to introduce the NAU Green Fund and the importance of the proposal. The workshop also presented the criteria for the projects. The first criteria was visibility and it relates →

Environmental protection and sustainability

With the recognition of the harmful effects of aviation on theenvironment, experts predict that " environmental factors will increasingly limit the expansion of air travel and the social benefit that it brings". Meridiana concurs that it is important to consider sustainability and environmental protection in aviation. Meridiana should utilise this mix and use it as →

Environmentalism and the treadmill of production

Conversely, supporters argue that building more dams will bring electricity and jobs to the remote corner of China and therefore have more financial sources for betterment of the environment and that China's environment can be protected only if the country first spreads economic growth. China, including governments of other states, ought to rethink the balance →

The triple bottom line ensures a balance between the economic, environmental and social sustainability of infrastructural projects

Environmental sustainability cannot be overemphasised without actually stressing and relating to the economic and social sustainability. Finally the Social Sustainability of infrastructural projects relates to ways in which there's a breach of gap between the human rights and cooperate organisations no matter what size, big or small, that are involved in these infrastructural projects as →

Example of essay on sustainable development key points

The World Commission on Environment and Development of the United Nations defines sustainable development as a process of growth that satisfies the needs and even help improve the living standards of the present generation, especially the impoverished among them, and at the same time ensuring that future generations would still be able →

Research paper on sustaining the biosphere essay

Secondary issues in this context is to make sure the productive coordination between the three groups such as national government, non-governmental organizations and scientists. Non-governmental organizations can also work as an intermediate hand between public and government. So, what is the role of scientist in this field.

Mechanics of basketball

Tino Estose WA #4 16 April 2013 Basketball (Mechanics of the game, College, and Professional)Social Media , Television, Basketball Video Games Factors about the medium| Factors about the message| Factors about the audience| -The most prominent characteristic of at least two of these particular mediums is the delivery of information. On television, →

Example of essay on community building

The project will involve both the old and the youths, who will come together and gather resources required for the project. The project is organized and coordinated by students through the support of the entire Seattle community. The whole project will be run on volunteer basis and will bring experts in the construction industry starting →

“traffic congestion” and “the problems of urban life today”

Two article that are referred to In this paper from handbook include: Problems of arbitration In the CB - Traffic Congestion" and " The Problems of urban Life Today'. Consequently, the urban areas are growing in their sizes. The pace with which arbitration is taking place, it will urbanize 64% →

The population bomb

The Population Bomb The continuous increase of population in the world has become a major problem to planet earth. The increasing population is the major reason for the degradation of the quality of the environment.

Examine how urban areas have become increasing sustainable essay sample

In the city centre, the first pedestrian only street with pedestrian malls was built which reduced the amount of traffic and congestion in the city centre which a reduction in pollution would follow. Roads in Curitiba have been designed to create a direct and high speed rate of cars in and out of the city →

Clean environment for sustainability activity essay example

This activity engaged the community in the conservation and protection of the environment. Sustainability is achieved through participatory role in protection and conservation of the environment.

The witch by edilberto k. tiempo

Emerging into the stony bed of the creek, I saw Minggay's hut. The screen in the window waved in the faint light of the room and I thought I saw the witch peering behind it. I was about to run thinking it was the sigbin of the witch, but when I looked →

Good example of essay on critical examination of the strengths and weaknesses of leed-nd

Critical Review of the LEED-ND Rating System Introduction Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for Neighborhood Development, simply called LEED-ND, is a rating system that inculcates the principles of green building, smart growth and urbanism into the first national system for neighborhood design. The tool also encourages putting up new developments close →

How to solve world hunger research proposal

For this reason, I believe that more sustainable crops, such as genetically modified organisms, are the answer to the world's hunger crisis. Many people have a bad opinion about genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, because they are not viewed as a natural food source, according to " Genetically Modified Food: A Golden Opportunity? ". People →

Example of argument for sustainability initiatives essay

Further, the initiatives seek to support environmental conservation hence preventing negative effects that could hamper business operations and performance in the long run. - Businesses lack expertise on decision making regarding sustainability and environment issues. Despite the fact that businesses could lack expertise that is necessary to make effective decisions on sustainability and environment issues, they →

The sustainability of the south african coastal environmental sciences essay

South Africa needs to aim the jobs and set into action the Torahs that will guarantee the sustainability of South Africa 's coastal ecosystems and resources. The South African coastline stretches for about 3000 kilometer from the north-west adust boundary line with Namibia, around the Cape to the booming Eastern St Lucia estuaries near the →

Ilm m3.01 solving problems and making decisions

In addition when asked about factors which significantly affect their quality of life sleep deprivation was one of the most significant factors right across the spectrum of need and demographic. There is a wealth of evidence to support the notion that sleep problems are far higher in the disabled population than in mainstream families →

The role of youth for preserving environment essay sample

There are also many collection points for recycling of rechargeable batteries, so do not simply throw them away.youth have a role to play in environmental and conservation efforts that will improve livelihoods and achieve sustainable development. Because youth have a stronger awareness of the issues and a greater stake in long-term sustainability, the environment is →

Sustainable city essay sample

People are starting to run out of energy already now, and in the future more and more energy is likely to be increasingly needed since the world population is growing. In order to make our cities sustainable, we should follow three basic principles of ecosystem sustainability: * Disposal of waste and replenishment of nutrients or →

Aims report examples

Management of resources of resources should meet the needs of the current generation, within the bounds of the ability of the resources to meet the needs of future generations. The results across all these lines of inquiry not only indicate that climate change has had, and will have a massive impact on the sustainability of →

Opinion report examples

Knowledge and awareness of one's surroundings are encouraged as a means to create a safer workplace that will lead to no injuries being incurred. In my opinion, the presentation does a fairly effective job of conveying the more detailed information required in acting as an official of the Health and Safety Executive. The visual aids →

Agricultural systems

Causes and Effects of Food Shortages Below is a list of sentences about the causes and effects of food shortages. The first one has been done for you.a) Many women in rural India have sold their gold jewellery in order to buy food for their families.effect b) Drought has hit the rural areas →

Example of sustainable development case study

They define the meaning of the term sustainable development and how it has evolved over time since the 1987 Bruntland Report and the 1992 Rio Summit, and the UN website in particular has a great deal of information about the various summits and conferences that have occurred since Rio as well as plans and actions →

Merchant of venice – tragic hero

A dictionary meaning of a tragedy is, " a drama or similar work, in which the main character is brought to ruin or otherwise suffers the extreme consequences of some tragic flaw or weakness of character." Shylock is a main character and succumbs to the tragic flaws he possesses. A tragic hero is a man →

Emily dickinson

In Emily Dickinson's, " Because I could not stop for Death", the use of imagery with sensory language as well as personification to reveal the persuasion of the readers awareness about death. Richard Chase commented on Dickinson's use of immorality in the poem in which he said, " The only pressing technical objection to →

Why the soliloquy “to be or not to be” is so famous

Why the Soliloquy " to Be or Not to Be" Is So Famous The essay talks about the reasons why the soliloquy which includes " to be or not to be, that is the question" in Hamlet is discussed so heatedly among people who know it and especially why " to be or not →

Ethical issues on abortion

If we accept the foetus has the right to life we face a two-fold problem: abortion = wrong unless it serves some right of the mother that is as morally important as the foetus right to life. But the privacy argument is flawed, although it may sound attractive, it merely distances us from the ethical →

What it means to be educated

In the words of Paolo Friere, professor at Harvard University, in " The Banking Concept", " education thus becomes an act of depositing, in which students are the depositories and the teacher is the depositor." Education is nothing more than the act of spitting out information by the teacher for the student to be →

What makes a religion?

The goal of a life without suffering seems to be a central desire of all religions whether that be in a supernatural world after death, as in Christianity, or in a reincarnate life here on earth as in Buddhism, mans purpose is fulfilled when a religion gives the as means to achieve this goal. Therefore, →

Cry, the beloved country

Paton shows the readers that the people of South Africa fear of society and of the mysterious nature of life. Fear changes people, and the fear of society and fear of nature is enough to change the ideals of a person, as Kumalo was forced to grow up and try to accept the path the →

Human and adversity

It is the monster and fear in all of our nightmares, the bad, testing our willingness to be good, pushing us to fight back, to learn its ways, and to appreciate. It is unrealistic to think that adversities are unbeneficial or unnecessary, because sooner or later, it is the way that every single one of →

Krystynas story

It happened without warning and dragged us along with it' The Russians stripped Krystyna's family and home apart, transporting them to a Siberian labour camp called Camp Niechodaile. From this novel we see that Krystyna had a wonderful and carefree life until the Russians ripped away their family, friends and every treasured possession.

What is personality development

The vedantic idea of personality improvement is according to the concept of excellence of each and every soul and self-confidence to manifestation and realization of the inner knowledge. Previously most of the psychologists thought that the basic character and personality of a person is built between the age of 3 to 5 years and it →

Topic 2: slaughterhouse five

This is in relation to the coherent biblical references Vonnegut embeds in this story where we see that Adam and Eve revolve around this idea of the human condition. This belief is about the individual having the ability to determine their own fate in midst of a horrific and terrible world.

Reactions to extreme danger

Although some people may react calmly to a given dilemma, others may completely freak out in the spur of the moment and go to extreme measures in order to get out. You will do anything in order to get out of the situation quickly and safely.

Intrinsic values of biodiversity

HUNTING BY THE WILD ANIMALS IS AN UNETHICAL INTRINSIC VALUE REQUIRED FOR THE BALANCE IN A BIODIVERSITY It is important to maintain diversity as loss of one kind of species can result in the loss of another kind of species. It is essential to conserve the diversity of pollinators and sustain natural ecosystems in order →

Education a ticket to success

Today I am going to talk about education a ticket to success The meaning of education is a degree, level, or kind of schooling. Most reasonable people would agree that education is the ticket to success in Africa and the rest of the world.

Monique holland

Whether we are helping design it or supporting it by use we are apart of the advance and change in life through technology. The army has a lens similar to this but it is used in combat which is a necessary use of the lens.

What it means to be human.

Perhaps it is our curiosity with the unknown, or as many believe, our obsession with perfection that epitomizes what it means to be human. But if it is our personal traits that make us human, are there bad qualities in a person that can lead to them losing their humanity?

Jennifer meshulam

He states and makes an excellent point that if we were to do this, there would be no winners or losers, that all would be genetically enhanced the same amount, physically, mentally, and intellectually. In the world of athletics it would no longer be about who is quicker, knows the plays better, or who can →

The igbo beliefs

The Igbo holds Man at the highest point of creation and this is made vivid in their struggle to relate everything that exists to be for the benefit of Man. Therefore in this paper, our main concern will be on the nature, purpose and end of Man in the traditional Igbo belief.

My reflection to “day 1 psychology of success”

In Conclusion, this video was very motivational; I really enjoyed Les Brown's speech about success and how it is possible to attain it. Les Brown is a very inspirational and I like the fact that he always seems to be so positive about everything.

George gray

He regretted all of the opportunities that he had missed and by the time he realized that he never lived his life, it was too late to live it to its fullest. It is the people who never work for anything that are unhappy with what they see when they look back at their lives →

Family communication to resolve conflicts

In our conclusion, we argue that family conflict is best understood in the context of more general family communicationprocesses, such as family communication patterns, and point to some of the lacunas in the research that warrant future investigation, including a more careful investigation of the roles of culture and ethnicity. Given this wide range of →

My way to the top, based on “room at the top”

My way to the TOP, based on " Room at the top" Everybody has their dreams, wishes and plans for the future. On the way to the top we will face many difficulties and we have to be ready to sacrifice.

Exist to exist

Friends, which I have always looked to to keep me grounded and secure at the edge of the cliff. Maybe, I am not too far gone down the road to damnation.

Perseverence is the key to success

The key to success in any field is the perseverance of a human being. Success is like a ladder where the person steeping in to it has to undergo a lot of hard work to reach at the top.

Literary analysis for all quiet on the western front

Setting (DESCRIBE the time period, geographical location, historical/social context) The setting in All Quiet on the Western Front takes place around the battlefield of the war, mainly the trenches. The young man's life was inept and forlorn from the start when he first became a part of the war.