A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Iago, the most villainous character in othello

Here Roderigo is referred to as a fool, and then is also said to be Iago's " purse" because he is a utility that Iago would use for his goals. If manipulating Roderigo is not enough to see Iago is a Villain, the act that Iago is getting him to do should make β†’

Inner turmoil

The use of the diction " that" is vague and shows that there is nothing worse for Othello in the world than accusing Desdemona of infidelity." That" is simple and understated; however very meaningful and significant. Iago takes advantage of this situation and thanks him " for this profit." The diction " profit" refers to β†’

Reflection on leavis reading of othello

The story of Othello is pivotal on the flaw of character embodied in the antagonist, and it can be recognised by any audience that is his selfishness, lack of self-knowledge, pride and egotistical nature that is the most obvious cause for his downfall. Leavis comes back at this idea by reminding the audience that " β†’

Character of iago

Janus is a two faced God, who perfectly represents the nature of Iago, the two sides, one he only displays to the public and Roderigo and one only displayed to everyone else. This nature is further emphasised by Iago through his dialogue, " I am not what I am". While this shows Shakespeare's symbolism of β†’

The relevance of shakespeare

After causing the dismissal of Cassio by a trick, Iago hints to Othello that his bride, Desdemona, has had illicit relations with Cassio. Although Othello is reluctant to believe Iago's accusations, his worst fears are confirmed when, as a result of Iago's machinations, a handkerchief that he had given to Desdemona is found in Cassio's β†’

Deviation from social code: analysis of characters and theme of the age of innocence

It is the foremost duty of the individual to promote and protect the harmony of his/her blood and marital relationships. The family disapproved Ellen's decision todivorcehis husband despite his being abusive and cruel to her. Following this duty to the family and society, a code of morality dictates the actions and thinking β†’


Iago makes Othello believe that Desdemona is cheating on Othello with Cassio because when Cassio goes to Desdemona for help Iago words the situation to Othello in a way where he would believe that Desdemona was being unfaithful to him with Cassio. The next step Iago takes to manipulate Othello is when he steals the β†’

How do the techniques used in cabaret give us an insight into the characters of the film?

Our understanding of the characters is shaped through the use of techniques ranging from changes in costume to mise-en-scene. Costuming is one of the most revealing aspects, and we can learn a lot about the characters by looking at the clothes they wear. There is a component of Sally that is truly flamboyant, and this β†’

Characterization in the dentist

The setting takes place along the South China Sea, in which the men of the platoon are working in an area of operations called the Rocket Pocket. This story of Curt Lemon begins by telling of a visit by an Army dentist who was flown in to examine the men's teeth and perform minor repairs. β†’

How does iago convince othello to kill cassio and desdemona by the end of act three?

His complete certainty comes rather from the manipulative skill of his ensign Iago who uses three principal broad categories of tactics to convince Othello of Desdemona's culpability. Iago's first and favoured tactic at the beginning of Act Three, Scene Three (the pivotal scene in which he brainwashes Othello) is that β†’

Brutus as a tragic hero

He accuses himself for losing the love of his life, and this creates a sensation of pity. This is the turning point in the play where Brutus starts to believe that killing Caesar was not right. Although one could argue that Brutus is not the tragic hero, he best fits Aristotle's definition β†’

Iago the villain

It has been said of Iago that he is the devil incarnate or that he personifies the devil this accusation comes to life as you read the play and discover for yourself that in each scene in which Iago speaks one can point out his deception. Once Iago gains the trust of Roderigo β†’

Jrotc leadership and characterization essay

A leader has a sense of positivity and directs others to reach the specified goal. I think have confidence is one of the most important traits to be a good leader. One person that I think has all of these characteristics and is a great is leader is President Barack Obama.

Character of iago in “othello”

Iago acts very sympathetically towards Othello and in doing this he creates the illusion that he knows what he is talking about. Iago acts very sympathetically towards Othello and in doing this he creates the illusion that he knows what he is talking about.

Othello’s bad judgment

In act one of Othello, Iago complains to his companion, Roderigo, about how much he hates Cassio because Cassio was chosen as the new lieutenant by Othello. She is loyal and loving to Othello, but he let his trust for her slip away because of the lies Iago fed him.

Tragic hero

Arthur did not ask to be king, he was still a child and did not feel he was worthy of such a position. Although technically Arthur was born to be king he did not possess the attributes to be one.

Act 3 scene 4 analysis

Upon Desdemona's failure to give him the strawberry printed handkerchief, Othello goes into a rage, telling Desdemona of the significance of the handkerchief and that she should not have lost it. He believes fervently that the loss of the handkerchief represents Desdemona's betrayal and seems to be enchanted by the token.

Can jealousy and hatred be contagious?

Iago had to plan ahead, to make things turn out they way he wanted them to, and to make sure Othello and Cassio payed for his hatred and jealous of them. In the end, Iago's actions could be justified through the sickness and poison imagery that Shakespeare uses to show the audience his hatred and β†’

Character analysis of sykes

In addition to the conversation between the men, the reader can also tell that Sykes thinks that he is superior from the way that he speaks to the other men. After Sykes catches the rattlesnake and brings it home, the people from the village begin asking him questions like how he did he β†’

Characterization in β€˜house of spirits’ and β€˜perfume’

It uses its protagonist ' Clara' and ' Grenouille' as a medium of describing the people but in ' house of spirits' through the eyes of ' Alba' and ' Esteban' and in ' Perfume' through the narrator as he gives the reader two aspects both contrasting each other.' Perfume' a book with β†’

Explore how othello changes throughout the play

Explore how Othello changes throughout the play In order to understand how Othello changes throughout the play, we have to first take a look at the types of the relationships in the play as his behaviour changes directly links to the influences by the other people whom he has deep relationships. Iago's hatred and β†’

Contrast between iago and othello is the most important contrast in the play essay sample

In the play Othello, there are many forms of contrast, one of which is the contrast between the characters of Othello and Iago, which could be argued as being the most important contrast in the play. He rarely explicitly states that Cassio and Desdemona are having an affair, but instead uses Othello's belief that he β†’

Contextual factors in pride and prejudice influence the characters. do you agree?

I will explore the different contextual factors in the novel and come to the conclusion as to whether I agree with the statement. Money is a highly influential factor in Pride and Prejudice, so much so, that the narrator is very careful to give financial details of every character to ensure that the reader has β†’

Anger and othello s wife

Desdemona is responsible for her own death as a result of her innocence and her inability to ask the right questions. Her inability to ask important questions to the key players in the play, leads Desdemona to her tragic death.

Pride comes before the fall

Othello's reputation and social status mean everything to him, and nothing, not even his marriage and so-called love for Desdemona, is an exception to that. She feeds his pride and the only reason he loves her is because she loves him as much as he loves himself." The one Othello loves " too well" is β†’

Compare and cotrast the characters of gabriel conroy and michael furey in the dead.

He died a week after that last time he saw Gretta. Gabriel, however, is fond of the newfangled galoshes, and he is careful about his and his wife's health. He saw himself as a ludicrous figure, acting as a pennyboy for his aunts, a nervous wellmeaning sentimentalist, orating to vulgarians and idealising β†’

Character analysis elizabeth bennet

Bennet ignores Elizabeth's intelligence and states that she is no better than the rest of her sisters. The reader is also shown that Elizabeth's intelligence is displayed not only by her dialogue, but in herobservationskills as well. Elizabeth's pride mainly consists of her rational thinking and belief that the decisions she makes are always wise.

Othello enotes

Embody the plan in your opening sentence , e.g.(discussing the importance of Venice in the play): " In the first act of the play we see how Othello deals with the officials of the state which values his soldiership but cannot accept him socially; in the rest of the play, which is set in Cyprus, β†’


Honesty- Honesty is a Major theme in Othello and is mainly demonstrated when Othello perceives Iago to be honest, but in reality he is extremely dis honest." Oh that's an honest fellow. This honest creature doubtless sees and knows more, much more, than he unfolds." Othello " I should be wise, for β†’

Characters’ transformation essay

This fact, hence, illustrates the thought that the character transmutation would most probably non happen without the defects and headlong judgements of the two chief characters of the Jane Austen's celebrated novel. Character Transformation Thoroughly reexamining the whole context of the narrative.the diverse personalities of the characters are what made it possible to get β†’

English paper critical essay

This is all happening due to a result of lagans choice to sabotage Othello and get him back. The direct characterization of Ago as an antagonist is showing how he plans on using one of Toeholds weak point? such as his love shared with Desman? to help revenge Othello and ruin him due β†’

Othello compare and contrast

Iago acknowledges to Roderigo that Cassio knows not " the division of a battle" , is " without practice [in] all his soldiership" , and is " a great arithmetician". Cassio is comparatively quick to forgive the discharge and insists upon his loyal service.

Othello background

What does Iago plan to convince Othello of at the end of Act I? How does this scene show you that Othello is a busy man? 2.

Why sherlock holmes is just as original as c. auguste dupin

The stories in question are " The Purloined Letter" and " Murders in the Rue Morgue" by Poe and " The Adventure of the Speckled Band" and " A Scandal in Bohemia" by Doyle. Dupin then gets the sailor to come to his house and gets him to admit that it was his animal that β†’


Harry This gift also causes the handkerchief to be a direct representation of the marriage that they have, as the first and most important gift it represents the marriage directly marriage and honesty The symbolic meaning of the handkerchief to Othello represents the sacredness of the sexual act in marriage, which signifies the pledge of β†’

How female characters in β€˜the accrington pals’ are affected by the war

Looking at the effect on these characters can show the impact that the War had on the country as a whole and gets across the message that the playwright, Peter Whelan, is hoping to portray. Whelan makes it obvious that most of the women are not used to living a life without the men present.

Exploring iago’s (lack of) motives for his evil deeds in othello

He is the embodiment of evil, hatred and spite, a vicious sociopath with no moral compunction, and therefore while he does initially provide a reason for his wicked intentions, his true motive is only the promising destruction of purity and goodness in Othello. Ultimately, Iago's astute qualities, however admirable, do not save him from the β†’

Othello analysis

Many people assume the basis of the story is Othello's life and that because the play is called Othello that he is the protagonist. Iago realizes Roderigo as a threat he tricks him into attempting to kill Cassio and then Iago comes in killing Roderigo to get rid of the threat and gain favor towards β†’

The process of change in othello

The tragic significance of the entire play revolves around the fact that the greatness and goodness of any man, his achievements in his profession and his success can be swiftly and utterly undone; that he could sink not only from bliss to despair but from the heights of human excellence to the very baseness β†’

Downfall of othello

In the play ' Othello' by William Shakespeare we witness the downfall of the main character Othello and the underlying factors which lead to his downfall. These external factors are the opposable reasons for why Desdemona This is a revelation of his insecurities and his lack of faith and trust in the woman he ' β†’

Female characters in “the road the mecca”

The townsfolk disagree with the sculptures displayed across Helen's yard and send the local pastor to try and persuade Helen to remove her sculptures but, Helen refuses to do so; she claimed that the darkness of her life can be removed by her candles, freedom, and work. Helen Martins also suffered from social oppression. Elsa β†’

The moor of venice

Despite that, however, Othello's skill as a soldier and leader is valuable and necessary to the state, and he is an integral part of the Venetian civic society. In his final speech, Othello shows a flash of his former greatness: his military glory, his loyalty to Venice, the intensity of his love, and his terrible β†’

Brutus: the tragic hero

Brutus: The Tragic Hero " A tragic hero is a character who is not eminently good and just, yet whose misfortune is brought about not by vice and depravity, but by some error or frailty." Brutus fits the definition of a tragic hero because of his lust for power, his tragic flaw, and his β†’

Othello ellen

I am gonna kill all o wouldem, west side represent! [Enter Roderigo] Roderigo: I wanna tap dat ass! [Holding picture of desnaynay] Iago: Roderigo drop me a beat Yo, Yo, Yo, Gimme somma dat dough n' I will get you dat big black ho [rap] Ima go get Cassiyolo drunk, you go insult his momma β†’

Othello – “one that loved not wisely, but too well” essay sample

O, Iago, the pity of it Iago!" a sorrowful cry for his belief that he has committed himself to action and although he wants to change his course of action, feels bound by a duty to act upon his previous statements. Othello's inability to falter on what he believes to be binding statements, gives β†’

Extract from text

Extract from Text | My response | ACT 1IAGO I hate the Moor: And it is thought abroad, that 'twixt my sheets He has done my office: I know not if't be true; But I, for mere suspicion in that kind, Will do as if for surety.| Initially, Iago tells us of his hatred β†’

Appearance vs. reality

Iago's unfaithful character is established from the very first scene in Othello as he explains using a loyal tone, " I follow him to serve my turn upon him." Iago's two-faced character is further highlighted in the scene where he is having a conversation with Brabantio using hyperboles and symbolism to express his dishonesty, " β†’

The pearl characters pen portrait

Kino knows that on the way to achieving his ambitions he will have to face evil but he is too greedy and the greed makes him blind. In my opinion, Kino was trapped by the pearl and he can do nothing to get rescue himself from the pearls invisible trap. It is β†’

Character analysis: overview

Faulkner shows Miss Emily's attempt to remove herself from interaction with society through her actions." After her father's death she went out very little; after her sweetheart went away, people hardly saw her at all". The death of her father and the torn relationship with her true love contributed to her living β†’

Importance of β€œthe willow” scene

Importance of " The Willow" Scene In " The Willow" scene of Othello by William Shakespeare, Desdemona has a deep and profound conversation with her maid Emilia about love. Desdemona is afraid that she herself will die of a broken heart like the women in willow song.

Othello study guide

Othello is chronologically the first of Shakespeare's Jacobean tragedies, written during the reign of King James I.(In Latin, the word for James is " Jacobus.") the second, after Hamlet, of Shakespeare's " four great tragedies." In the Renaissance, a novella (an Italian word that literally means " a little new thing") was a short β†’

Othello and β€œo”

In both the play and the movie Iago/Hugo is very envious of Othello/Hugo because everyone respects and admires him. Othello is the only black person in the play and so is Oden in the movie.


At the time the play was written, black people were treated poorly by white people and were referred to as " moors" as they were considered to be barbaric and brutal Just like the area of the moors in northern England. However, because he is black he is the subject of a lot of the β†’

Film reviw of othello (1995)

These strengths were illustrated in terms of the audiences understanding of the movie, the actor's performances, the setting of the movie and costuming whereas the weaknesses were lighting and props. The setting contributed to the mood of the movie and is an attraction for the audience as it sets the way of the play.

Turks defeat an act of god?

Cassio, charged to maintain watch through the night after the storm that destroyed the Turkish fleet, became drunk and started a fight with Montano. It was said that they were fighting about the handkerchief that his dieing mother gave him, and that he then passed on to Desdemona.

How scenes from othello are reshaped to create meaning in tim nelson’s film ‘o.’

It should be noted that he also fails to use Othello by his name, referring to him as ' he', ' the Moor', ' his Moorship' and as a ' Barbary horse, which show his disrespect for Othello and the grand magnitude of his malevolence. The courtroom scene in Shakespeare's Othello, Othello is accused by β†’

Characterization of mr. jack stapleton in doyle’s hound of the baskervilles

Authors use the four methods of Characterization to develop and describe characters in their story by using the narration and the thoughts of other participants to show how the character looks, behaves, and sounds. In The Hound of the Baskervilles, author, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle utilizes Characterization to bring to life β†’

Character analysis of othello

" Othello is a man of mystery, exoticism and intense feeling, trustful, open, passionate but self-controlled: so noble...he inspires a passion of mingled love and pity." * A. The first statement Bradley makes is that Othello is " a man of mystery, exoticism and intense feeling..".

Argo and casablanca – main characters comparison

The camera proximity and camera movement in Argo, emphasizes the characters reactions, by always showing the character with the strongest reaction. It is noticeable that the camera zooms in Tony as soon as he is alone in the room, and is kept that close to him until the end; his supervisor only β†’

Compare and contrast the ways in which carol ann duffy presents female characters

In Little Red Cap Duffy presents presents how young female characters will go to unimaginable measures to get what they need.' sweet sixteen, never been, babe, waif, bought me a drink' The vulnerability and courage she has to get what she wants, that Little Red Cap needs to know the wolfs tricks and tips for β†’

Bullying and true inner feelings

Verbal bully is known to be the most common type of bullying.it is when you criticize someone because of their physical appearance.and physical bullying is a common everywhere you go whether it being at home or in genral public. Physical bullying can be influenced by a lot of things such as such β†’

Bullying bosses essay sample

What situations and what personality factors might contribute to the presence of bullies? 4- Some factors contributing to workplace bullying. Also, negative and stressful working environment, low self esteem are the personality factors might contribute to the presence of bullies.

Course work on social conflict theory

This essay tries to analyze the conflict theory on the basis of the family. According to the advocates of the conflict theory, live entails a friction. In the context of the family, this theory confronts the argument that families are in agreement as an alternative to focusing on the capability of the family in tackling β†’

Bullying – lifespan psych class

In the research study " PROCEDURAL JUSTICE IN RESOLVING FAMILY DISPUTES: IMPLICATIONS FORCHILDHOODBULLYING" (Brubacher, Fondacaro, Brank, Brown, Miller, 2009), the authors looked at the interaction between a child and their family with regard to conflict resolution and how that may effect the ability of a child to deal with their peers. Since β†’

Outlook on bullying- i have a dream

I have a dream that students have no fear in going to school because of peers. I have dream that people notice and lend a helping hand to a victim or a bully.

Persuasive essay about bullying

You have to talk to adults, students, and teachers and parents so that way they can report bullying together and take appropriate actions to prevent child bullying. As ateacherin a professional setting, my duties are to recognize and report to the proper channels. Even when, you are fully involved, you can learn more about which β†’

Essay on society view of deviance

Introduction Hypothesis Groups will tend to resist whichever trend toward alienation of a society member who has deviant behavior that poses no threat to its solidarity. Independent variable Deviant behavior Responses categories are various behaviors that a society considerers deviant. Dependent variable Alienation Does society estrange members who β†’

Maria esther lopez

A clear definition of bullying and a policy that disallows it and lays out the consequences is one means to arm a school. And also, there is alot of bullying going in that school, and I know a kid who tried to commit suicide from the harsh words some kids would tell him.

Love essay examples

Love by definition may be an emotion explored in literature, philosophy and religion, frequently as either as the love of God, romantic love or the fraternal love of others. As I searched the meaning by means of articles, the Internet and books, I noticed the meanings changed moderately; however, love had similar fundamental understanding. β†’

Example of research paper on aggression and attribution

The investigation will involve the use of children as specimen for the study of their characteristics and how they each showcase the cases of aggressive behavior. The experiment will involve the asking of questions and keen analysis of the answers that the children give in an aim to determine the aggressiveness they showcased.

Full address report examples

It is the culmination of research done on the campus of WSU and was completed the summer of 2015. I have found the results bothersome, with most students reporting that they have been on the receiving end. If you have any questions, or need any clarification, please feel free to contact me. A NEW WAY β†’

Evaluation argument

Social media is harmful to kids because it exposes them to situations and content they are not emotionally and mentally capable of handling, allows room forcyber bullying, and can cause them to form detrimental habits. Technologyis an extension of what goes on in the real world. Taken as a whole, social networking impacts β†’

Rise in homicide critical thinking sample

As additional states strive to allow the carrying of guns in bars, schools and other social areas, the stand your ground laws will remove any responsibility to diffuse a situation leading to a confrontational system of justice. The fact that the offenders of justified homicides are getting away with murder due to weak laws will β†’

Bullying: what can you do?

I want to give bullying victims a voice and bullies a shot at redemption. I want to give the average kid a leg up In the social hierarchy, and I want to turn the social hierarchy upside-down. I CAN love him, and do the best I can by him, and in so doing β†’

Bullying and murillo c.

The students that are affected may not tell anyone that they are being bullied. There are some parents of the bullies that feel their child is not doing anything wrong and this is a problem.

Informative speech:

Another form of bullying is cyber bullying. About 60 percent of students have been arrested or jailed for bullying.

Tessie hutchinson in “the lottery” essay sample

It is safe to assume that only the victim would realize the inhumanity of the annual lottery drawing tradition. Tessie tries to get her daughter and son-in-law to be part of the final lottery..

Bullying program

The reason behind this name change is that most of the areas around these schools that had the name park in them were populated by lower income people. When the city of Norfolk started rebuilding these neighborhoods with diverse incomes, the names of the schools were changed also to meet the rebuilding β†’

My ans to bullying

Not only does bullying harm both its intended victims and the perpetrators", say Limber and Nation, " it also may affect the climate of schools and, indirectly, the ability of all students to learn to the best of their abilities. Physical bullying declines with age, but indirect bullying increases. The risks of bullying to the β†’

The immediate and long effects of two types of abuse essay sample

Those who suffer from physical abuse are said to be a major source of stress and can have long term effects on the health and well-being of the vulnerable adult. Overall health and social professional would need to have the knowledge of the short and long term effects of abuse for them to be able β†’

Bullying in school proposal essay sample

The problems are due to bullying from a victim to the bully, and the long lasting effects emotional and psychological if something is not done to prevent it from happening, and by implementing practices that promote social justice and equity in schools, will instill a level playing field for every student. This impact will also β†’

Causes and effects of bullying research proposal

In a respect of the degree of predominance of the issue, the structural viewpoint seems to be ineffective in line with bullying. In modern schools, there are several cases of bullying, the best example being the case of two girls who bullied a 12 year old girl resulting to her death. The ineffective attention paid β†’

Psychological trauma

Of course, the bullying would cause negative social views to the victims. They would not go out and socialize through any form because of the trauma anddepressionof being harassed online. The victims would oftentimes suffer to depression, trauma, misery, inferiority, rejection, distress, and a lot more of physical, emotional, mental, social main bullying β†’

Cyber bullying outline and thesis

Cyberbullying is defined in legal glossaries as actions that use information andcommunicationtechnologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm another or others.use of communication technologies for the intention of harming another person use of internet service and mobile technologies such as β†’

Bullyng as deviant behavior essay sample

5 A very current deviant social phenomenon is " bullying", which is described as " any severe or repeated use of written, verbal, or electronic expression, or a physical act or gesture, or any combination of these by one or more students directed at another student that has the effect of actually causing or placing β†’

Help stop bullying

I think that it is good to educate the students about bullying and reporting it, but what is that really going to do? I think that it is good that they are trying to educate students about the issue, but we all know that it is going to take more than that to stop bullying.

Anti-bullying laws

To begin with, over the years the percentages of kids getting bullied are getting tremendously big. According to Winnie Hu kids think that there parents will laugh and teachers wont care that's the reason they will not speak up.everyday half a dozen of complaints said Dr. In conclusion, the anti-bullying law must β†’

Bullying and students

The students' answers should be posted in the classroom and then use websites such as http://www.stopbullying.com to see just how many of the answers match the research. This website tells the educator what to do as well as the students. After the poems are read then the teacher should collect them and β†’

Hazing issue in fraternities

The major causes of hazing are the students' wanting a sense of belonging in a big college campus, the college's infrequent knowledge of what occurs in fraternities, and the unwillingness of fraternities to change tradition. Hazing is used to test the pledges that wanted to join the fraternity, to make sure that the pledge is β†’

Bullying speech essay sample

Bullying can affect those who are bullied, those who bully and those who witness bullying. People who bully are people that engage in bullying behaviour to the people around them.

Factors of bullying

Key words: bullying, cartoon, factor analysis, parental physical abuse, risk factors The 2nd International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences April 10th, 2010 Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University Beliefs Literature Lifestyle_002 1 1. Background and significance of problem Bullying behaviour in primary schools is well-known β†’

Challanges faced essay sample

Today because of these problems, it is evident to see teenagers are faced with challenges that are significantly greater than those by the youth of the past. Firstly, today underage drinking and drugs is not uncommon, and often lead to disastrous consequences. As a result of this, the problems and challenges that were present β†’

Introducing a youth sports program to my community research proposal sample

The program is to be implemented in three phases as follows; the first stage is introducing the youths to the program together with their parents, next will be training of the youths on the game and the final stage will be ensuring a well maintained team. The initial amount of money required to start the β†’

Example essay about bullying

In spite of making several complain to deans of discipline, guidance councillors' principals and sometimes classroom teachers, bullying are still one of the main problems students experience within the school setting. In order to stop this bullying epidemic in our schools the government of Jamaican along with Minister of State in the Ministry of Education, β†’

Bullying in schools in singapore

While bullying cases in Singapore are not as vicious and severe as in other countries such as in the United States, it is still an important social issue that should not be left disregarded. This paper aims to raise an awareness of the bullying issues in kindergarten and primary schools in Singapore. β†’

Bullying in nursing

The supervisor only spoke and behaved that way to nurses who were new to the charge nurse position. As it is a requirement for military nurses to act as charge nurse in order to getleadershipexperience, the supervisor liked to target the newer nurses because she could intimidate them. All workers have a β†’