A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Chemistry extra credit

All of which are inside the aerospace field. But these are only a small amount of connections that Aerospace engineering and chemistry have together. So as you can see chemistry is deeply involved in the field of aerospace engineering.

Paracetamol solubility in cosolvants

Organic solvents like alcohols are completely miscible with water and given this condition, the solubility is enhanced exponentially with an increase in the fraction of co-solvent alcohol. Based on the experimental results, the molarity of paracetamol varies with percent alcohol in an exponential rate unlike the nearly linear relationships established by the same solute with β†’

Dichotomous key essay sample

They are able to: Read the periodic table and identify metals, metalloids, and non metals Identify polyatomic, but do not have them memorized Read the oxidation states on the periodic table However, you should assume that they have no knowledge on ionic and covalent bonds, criss cross rule, prefixes, acids, and adding or β†’

Biotechnology company

The Future of the Company The company is a Bioremediation Biotech Company that is on a path to take the fight against non-biodegradable products to the next level. The aim of the organization is to rid the world of non-biodegradable compounds that comprise the quality of the environment. Therefore, the company has plans to carry β†’

Ch 10 gas laws sample questions

A) 379 B) 73 C) 14 D) 32 E) 106 8) The density of ammonia gas in a 4. A) Ne B) C) Kr D) E)

Carbon footprint essay sample

A carbon footprint is the measure of the amount of greenhouse gas in the earth's atmosphere, typically measured in tons CO2-equivalent. The global average carbon footprint is about 4 tons of CO2-eq per year (Walser, Maggie L." Carbon Footprint").. Greenhouse gas is the main cause of climate change (" Carbon Footprint".

Testing for macromolecules essay sample

By observing the table above, we could see that Benedict's test was for reducing sugars, iodine test was for the presence of starch, filter paper was for the presence of fatty acids, and the Biuret test was for amino groups present in proteins. Basically, it is a reaction between the aldehyde group β†’

Charcoal as plant fertilizer

The Group of " Kids of Einstein" has chosen this Investigatory Project entitled " Charcoal as Plant Fertilizer" with the idea that this will be the solution of most of the concerns of the plant-growers around the world. Charcoal can be an alternative for the commercial fertilizers which are more expensive to buy.

Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy

The intensity of absorption peaks is related to the change of dipole moment and the possibility of the transition of energy levels. Therefore, by analyzing the infrared spectrum, one can readily obtain abundant structure information of a molecule. Rather than shining a monochromatic beam of light at the sample, this technique shines a β†’

Hazards of carbon dioxide fire suppression system

For carbon dioxide to be effective as a total flooding fire suppressant, a minimum design of 34% concentration is needed. However, laboratory testing and simulation of carbon dioxide fire suppressant use indicate that concentrations greater than 17% results to loss of controlled and purposeful activity, convulsions, unconsciousness, coma and even death within 1 minute of β†’

The key features and properties of reactive extraction

The main problem in the implementation of reactive extraction is the correct choice of the extractant. Generally, In physical extraction, the solute is extracted into a non reacting, and inert hydrocarbons and substituted hydrocarbons and the process is relatively free of complexities. Two factors need to be accounted to show the influence of diluents on β†’

Wine analysis of fining agents chemistry

This will indicate any trends in the data as to which fining agent is most efficient and if there is a great difference between the rate of clarification of the wines subject to chemical fining as opposed to the wine subject to natural clarification under the influence of gravity alone. By testing β†’

Biochemistry of nutrition

Cellular Responses to DNA Damage: The cellular responses to DNA damage involve three mechanisms, namely; reversal of DNA damage, excision of DNA damage and tolerance to DNA damage. The reversal of DNA damage through photoreactivation is a mechanism that involves the repair of photoproducts.

Effect of ph on amylase activity

With all tubes filled with varying pH solutions of starch I added indicator paper to each of them to find the pH of each tube and then transferred 1cm3 of amylase solution to each tube and shake the contents. Therefore I would expect that tube 3 with a pH of 7 would react and break β†’

Atomic weight of magnesium – lab report example

By measuring the amount of gas produced, the molecular weight of Magnesium was calculated. Upon doing the experiment, it was verified that the use of balanced equations can accurately calculate for the molecular weight of Magnesium, which is 24. After measuring the amount of Hydrogen produced, the molecular weight of Magnesium was calculated. β†’

Malachite complete

The goad conventionally wealth is stippled in the sphere of the middle of the anhydrous powder.a anyone admin the infected resources self-control reach together with the purpose of event charming washing the hands a wet in the wake of the ears damage untruthful by the skin in the company of the aim of lasts worn β†’

ο»Ώocean county college essay sample

22 Q021015-01 Concentration of M in batch Q021015 = average of above 5 values = 4) The company reported that sample Q021015 has an M concentration of 3. 00 x 10^-4 M Calculated concentration of sample Q021015 = 2.

Nucleophilic substitution essay sample

Abstract The synthesis of the alkyl halide n-Butyl Bromide from alcohol is the foundation for the experiment. The n-Butyl alcohol remained on the top and the lower aqueous layer was drained from the funnel.

Determining bond type of unknown substances essay sample

It is possible that substance A is molecular, B is molecular, C is ionic and D is ionic. It is also promising that B is molecular. It did not conduct electricity, melted and boiled at a low boiling point, and was soft when felt.

Bunker gear fabric

It is a requirement for firefighters to be able to put on all of the gear in no time, and in this set up, all they have to do is to step into the boots and pull the pants up. It is made of fire-resistant materials and they are easy to put on with Velcro β†’

Tin melting experiment – lab report example

Tin Melting Experiment Tin Melting Experiment 3-8-11 Group 6 Summary This experiment was conducted to identify the melting point of pure Tin. This experiment was conducted to determine the melting point of pure Tin from the Tin cooling curve.

The bio-oil over the catalysts of ni-cnts

Upon the process of reformation of the bio-oil over the catalysts of Ni-CNTs, the authors studied the reforming temperature influences, the molar ratio between the steam and carbon fed , as well as the current conducted by the catalyst with the help of the carrier gas of stream inside the β†’

Gas chromatography

GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY EXPERIMENT The purpose of this experiment is for the student: 1)to learn the general theoretical aspects of gas chromatography as a separation method, 2)to learn how to operate gas chromatographs specific to COD, 3)to become familiar with using the gas chromatograph to qualitatively identify components of mixtures, 4)to be introduced β†’

Paraphrasing paragraph about phosphene and alkynyl ligand

According to d-metal organometallic chemistry s, the presence of a single pair on P-atom serves as a donor, while there are empty orbitals on the P-atom, in phosphines, which can behave as " paid" acceptors, as they overlap with filled d-orbitals on 3-d metal ions. The pattern of bonding of phosphenes to d-metal comprises of β†’

Kinetic chemistry

The name of the course: Kinetic Chemistry The student name : Wejdan Mohammed Al-OtaibiTeachername : Razan SnariGroup namber : 1The year : 2017/2018Spectrophotometry: is a device to measure the amount of light in the material used. This device consists of two parts: the first is the light source, and the second is the β†’

Measurement of the turbidity of raw water and study the effects of coagulation and flocculation – lab report example

Measurement of the Turbidity of Raw Water and Study the Effects of Coagulation and Flocculation Measurement of the Turbidity of Raw Water and Study the Effects of Coagulation and Flocculation Explain the difference between coagulation and flocculation processes. Both methods are useful for waste and raw water treatment purposes. Introduction of the β†’

Immunohistochemical method for identification of ebstein barr virus from the tonsil tissue

The main objective was the detection of lymphocytes productively infected with Epstein Barr Virus in non-neoplastic tonsils. This study used the samples of tonsils from patients suffering with the chronic tonsillitis. This one is in close relation with the capsid of the viral particles. Thus keeping the above information in mind, the following study can β†’

Outline of carbon and molecular diversity of life

Chapter 4 Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life Lecture Outline Overview: Carbon The Backbone of Biological Molecules * Although cells are 70 95% water, the rest consists mostly of carbon-based compounds.* Carbon is unparalleled in its ability to form large, complex, and diverse molecules.* Carbon accounts for the diversity of β†’

Chemistry and importance

When we wear sun cream we are also relying on chemistry to ensure that we are going to be as protected as possible from the harmful rays from the sun which can lead to health problems. Food going bad in our cupboards and fridges is linked to chemistry and why this happens β†’

The elements, chemical reactions, water and solution – thesis proposal example

The Elements, Chemical Reactions, Water and Solution The paper " The Elements, Chemical Reactions, Water and Solution" is an excellent example of an essay on chemistry. The research paper will detail the elements that makeup water, the importance of water in chemical reactions and the formation of a solution in chemical reactions.

Wind river hotel and casino research paper

Additionally, the casino has bus tours that bring the guests to the casino and return their homes, a service that other casinos do not have. The amenities offered at the casino include the following: Fitness center guests have the opportunity to enroll at the casino's fitness center for fitness exercises under the guidance of experienced β†’

Free essay on history of yoga

There is a lot of uncertainty surrounding the history of Yoga. A history of yoga.

Water level indicator

This circuit produces alarm when water level is below the lowest level L1 and also when water just touches the highest level L12. When water in the tank just touches the highest level detector strip L12, the DC voltage is developed across capacitor C2.

Dbq: what caused the dust bowl?

In the fiction book Out of the Dust, an Oklahoma girl named Billie Jo tells her story on how she survives the Dust Bowl with the loss of her mother. Lots of people think differently on how the Dust Bowl was caused but I believe it was caused by overproduction, lack of rainfall, and dust β†’

Good essay on natural disaster: flooding

Consequently, there is a need to adopt various mitigation strategies to minimize the effects of flooding on the environment, as well as on the economy and community at large. Few described flooding as a term that can be used to refer to different events in which land is β†’

Good cities of salt essay example

There is the flow, of the clashes and the disorientations, and of the resistance and the death of that Arab city from the start to the end. The fatalism throughout the story ends with a lot of unrest in the region. The picturesque beauty of the oasis in that unnamed city of the Arab world β†’


Rationale The researchers chose this issue because of the increasing incidents of dengue fever cases in the region & in the country. Significance Of The Study The researchers believe that this study is greatly significant in the lives of the Filipinos especially those who belong to the middle and lower classes.

Effects of computer games essay sample

Although aluminum is the most commonly used coagulant in the developing countries, studies have linked it to the development of neurological diseases (e.g.pre-senile dementia or Alzheimer's disease) due to the presence of aluminium ions in the drinking water. As a consequence of the above mentioned drawbacks, there was a need to develop alternative, cost β†’

Free research paper on evidence based practice on the effects of hand

In nursing the principle is based upon the fundamental notion that all decisions that are made should be based on studies that are research based, the research studies based on a set of specific norms as well as their interpretation. This essay paper considers the evidence based practices that are fundamental in hand washing as β†’


0 cm3 of the standard solution of sodium carbonate into a conical flask. Calculate the concentration of sodium carbonate.4.

Possibility of extraterrestrial life essay examples

Rocket technology that provides the means to travel to space does not have the capacity to provide the necessary speed to enable the interstellar travel a reality.similarly, the rockets are another major problem. Carrying food and water sufficient to sustain the organism in spacecraft is impossible due to the long duration of travel. Brains are β†’

What is the difference between fat- and water-soluble vitamins?

Vitamins are nutrients essential to the human body because their presence in minute amounts enables the completion of important physiologically related metabolic processes. Vitamins are grouped according to the liquid or substance medium that is required for the body to be able to absorb these nutrients. Herein, water-soluble vitamins contrasts with the other β†’

The marine pollution

This shows that the problem of ocean dumping is not a small one. The ocean is deserving of muchrespect.

Report on water turbine

Abstract The proposal aims at to giving a solution to the problem of low power output by designing a power generation system that maximizes power output by mounting the turbine on a D. The pipe has a valve fitted on it that is used as a controller to control the amount of water to β†’

The health provision of water to our daily digestion

Do you find this fact hard to believe? Most all of our body fluids are water, and many of our organs are mostly water. Stomach acids need the water in order to properly breakdown the food as it travels through our stomach, and nutrients are absorbed by the blood. The food continues down the path β†’

How to bake a loaf of bread essay

If you are concerned about the health effects of salt or are cooking for someone who has a slat-free diet, simply omit the salt and eat the bread quickly! Equipment A mixing bowl A greased loaf tin A lightly floured surface Method Place the flour and the butter in the β†’

Saving water

This essay portrays a great understanding of how humans can change the water scarcity problem in remote places, such as villages in India and Africa, by just spreading their knowledge and showing methods that will decrease the effect of this ceaseless issue. Some of us do not have the capacity and resources β†’

Example of literature review on us water crisis and possible solutions

The population is expanding faster than ever and the access of clean, drinking water to the masses has not been this much of a problem to the authorities. Yu also argues that the main cause of water shortage is the violation of water laws and not being able to replenish the water supply and storage β†’

Essay on the strange case of matthew buford

In Mathew Buford's case, the response exhibited by the videographer, the rescue team and the couples is reminiscent of what happens in many emergency crises. The videographer, just like most of the bystanders at Fairmont Park, did not intervene to save Buford. The park was filled to capacity at the β†’

Essay on cholera

The term " cholera" is designed to describe a strand of gastrointestinal disease, as well as the bacterium associated with the causation of the disease. Barua and Greenough attests that the term was first used by Hippocrates who derived the term from Greek words chole and β†’

Zeolites are just like clay minerals because both are composed of aluminosilicates

These minerals occur in nature in sedimentary deposits and can also be artificially made in the laboratories [6], pore sizes being determined by intended purpose and application, in fact this is one of the advantages of the synthetic zeolites. The structure of the zeolite is not affected when elements and ions are removed from their β†’

The history of telugu ganga project

The scheme consists of 408 km long canal from Srisailam passing through the above said 4 districts, and up to Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu border BRIEF HISTORY OF TELUGU GANGA PROJECT Due to successive droughts and consequent acute scarcity of drinking water for the metropolitan city of Madras, the then Prime Minister of India β†’

Groundwater: evaluation and hydrogeochemistry aspects

The pH values of 65% of the Quaternary samples and 90% of Eocene samples are of the permissible limits of the Egyptian Standards for water and World Health Organization standards guidelines for drinking water. Electrical conductivity is a measure of water's capability to pass electrical flow. According to Ragunath , 84% of β†’

Cutting down trees

Trees should not be cut down because most of the paper used is not RECYCLED so therefore it is a waste of time from God to make and plant the tree! Well it has air and oxygen and if u are cutting the trees down u re hurting the enivorment and animals that live near β†’

Vitamin b2 (riboflavin) research paper examples

In order to avoid stunted growth, it is imperative that children feed well on foods that provide the body with riboflavin because this way, one can be sure of proper growth when of course it is well balanced and used together with other food nutrients The history of riboflavin β†’

The water cycle

The water cycle, also known as the hydrologic cycle or H2O cycle, describes the continuous movement of water on, above and below the surface of the Earth. Although the balance of water on Earth remains fairly constant over time, individual water molecules can come and go. The water moves from one reservoir to another, β†’

Spaghetti hydration lab report essay sample

During each trial, the duration in which the spaghetti is cooked will change, and due to the change of time, we will be able to observe the changes of mass of the spaghetti. It is believed that when the water is boiled and the spaghetti is being cooked, the mass of the spaghetti will increase β†’

Giardia essay

The active trophozoite attaches to the lining of the small intestine with a " sucker" and is responsible for causing the signs and symptoms of giardiasis. On the ethical and the financial front there is the issue of the pharmaceutical companies funding research in the area.

Alternative energy research papers example

The problem of providing electrical energy to many sectors of the world economy, the ever-growing needs of the world's population is now becoming more and more essential. Our Sun is a huge glowing ball of gas, in which complex processes occur and the resulting energy is released continuously. Such systems are also classified as passive β†’

Microenvironment in australia

Manipulations are made in ways to achieve the objective of the organization. In other words, we can say that microenvironmentprovides the force with which organizations act towards customer satisfaction; any change in any of these forces would lead to the re-studying of the marketplace. Nevertheless, the issue behind this study is to check how it β†’

A day at the beach essay examples

The circular, luminous ball in the sky is not acknowledging the arrival of noon yet, and the lack of people, sunbathing on the beach feels more than good. I close my eyes, and endeavor to deafen the sounds of the music, giving emphasis to the squawking of the seagulls and the playful squealing of little β†’

Free research paper on global warming

It describes the risks and impacts that global-warming has on the environment, and the negative effects it has on the future economy. The state of global warming is at a hazardous state because of its adverse influence on climate. It is evident that the expansion of greenhouse effect is the cause of global warming on β†’

Tarun bharat sangh

But now due to these water-harvesting structures there much of the time is saved which they utilize in doing other productive works. Apart from these water table in the wells has also increased and helped in recharging of the Ground water.


There are a lot of facilities for people in the city and they have more opportunities for making money. Children living in the city can get a good education, because there are better schools in the town than in the village.

Leaf water repellency

The author's hypothesis that cloud forest zones are characterized by higher leaf water repellency failed to be proved as leaf water repellency appeared to be higher in tropical dry forests and temperate foothills- grassland zone. Water repellency is defined as adaptation on the surface of the leaf in habitants which are constantly subjected to daily β†’

Drainage systems and pipes

In the 19 century the use of water was at peak rate of 3. Cooper is mostly used in for the casual supply of both hot and cold water.

Water provision in kuwait report examples

With the rising level of population and the rise in the level of water demanded, there has been massive and continuous deterioration of the natural water resources in Kuwait. Another 14 percent consumed by the urban expansion. Underground water In order to manage the rising demand, water authorities in Kuwait have resorted to developing β†’

De-icing essay sample

De-icing is very important in winter in places in the north and sometimes in really cold places in the autumn. The salt works by dissolving into the rain or sleet on roads and lowering the freezing point, thereby melting the ice and snow or even preventing it from forming.

Why diamonds are more expensive than water?

A) Use economics to explain why diamonds are more expensive than water when water is necessary for survival and diamonds are not. We are led to believe that water is abundant and of little value as a commodity while diamonds are treated Just the opposite.


Fluorine is the chemical element of atomic number 9, a poisonous pale yellow part from the halogen series. It is the most reactive element and is composed of diatomic molecule F2. One of the most common uses of fluorine is that it is found in toothpaste and mouthwash.

Scientific paper on a water flea

Erika Huizenga Ashley Kofahl The Effects of Alcohol and Caffeine on the Heartbeat Rate in Daphnia Magnus Abstract The projects purpose was to determine the effects of alcohol and caffeine on the heartbeat rate in Daphnia Magnus. Our hypothesis is alcohol causes a decrease in heart rate, whereas caffeine causes an accelerated heart rate, predicting β†’

Determining the percent copper and zinc in pennies essay sample

To find the volume of the pennies, subtract the final volume from the initial, record the data. To find the volume of the pennies, subtract the final volume from the initial, record the data. Repeat this procedure twice more.

Essay on plant and solar cells

On the other hand, with the advancement of technology, and rapid development of electronic gadgets, the solar energy has been harnessed and converted to electricity, which is an indispensable facet in the lives of human. The solar cell and plant cell systems have a lot of similarities in their respective β†’

Example of case study on kpl problem

Statutory issue: Do the activities of KPL fall within the meaning of Section 13 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1889 to constitute as " discharge or deposit any matter of any kind in the navigable water" holding it liable for violation? The main argument for the plaintiff is that it cannot be β†’

Carbonized template silica membranes for wetland saline water desalination

Previous study was reporting the membrane technology was capable for treating wetland water via ultrafiltration by polysulfone membrane. Hence, in this work we selected interlayer-free carbon template silica membranes by RTP method and investigate their performance for desalination of wetland saline water.

Height: width of limpets across different zones

Middle to Upper Shore My hypothesis was that there would be a significant difference in the height to length ratio of limpets found between the mid and upper shore. Found on 20.10.12.[16] - Knox G.A.The ecology of seashores.

Favorite vacation spot essay

The cuisine was once again a testament to the town's Arabic roots and orientation. The following morning we left the hotel with our tour guide ready for a big day in the town. We were treated to tales about the coastal myths and also about the history of Kenya as a whole.

Natural ice essays examples

The clear nature of natural ice can be attributed to its purity or rather the purity of the water responsible for the formation of the natural ice. This is because natural ice is derived from natural water and since natural water has absolutely no smell it thus follows that natural ice also does not have β†’

Essay on the superior roman military

From a series of existing literature including both primary and secondary sources, this study shows how the manipulation of the physical environment via massive military strength is a crucial point to reckon in understanding the Ancient Roman civilization, with the most solid manifestation of which being the success of the Romans over the Carthaginians in β†’

Research paper on the importance of water thermodynamic properties

This is the reason as to why the world would be different as there is absence of thermodynamic properties of intensive and extensive properties. This will enable us to be aware of the magnitude of water thermodynamic properties in the world as a whole.

History of troy new york water supplies research paper examples

These three reservoirs had a combined capacity of one million gallons. The amount of water supplied was insufficient; this led to the realization of the need to increase of the supply by 1838. It was called the Brunswick Reservoir. Towards the end of 1860, the Oakwood reservoir was constructed increased the supply of water to β†’

Chem 321 experiment 1

How to read the level of liquid in glassware: The " meniscus" of a liquid refers to the curvature of the liquid surface in a narrow container. If the surface of the liquid is concave , the liquid level is measured using the bottom of the meniscus.

Water fluoridation

It is besides a normal constituent of tooth enamel and bone surveies have shown that the calcified tissues of both enamel and bone are made up of a combination of hydroxyl- and fluor-apatites of changing composing depending on the copiousness of fluoride at the site of formation. The prevalence of dental cavities in a population β†’

Relaxation destination

My lake house has two screened in porches; the one on the back of the house is used for entertaining and cooking. The second porch is on the front of the house. Our porches are where I usually hangout and spend most of my time when I visit the lake house.

Lab 1: introduction to science essay examples

It appears from the data that as soon as there is 6 ppm of dissolved oxygen in the water, it supports an average of 12 fish. - Develop a hypothesis relating to the amount of dissolved oxygen measured in the water sample and the number of fish observed in the body of water? Hypothesis: A minimum β†’

Oceanic acidification argumentative essay examples

The fact is that levels of alkalinity and acidity differ naturally between sections of the ocean and at different phases of a day, month or year. This supports the notion that the concerns of ocean acidification are mere exaggerations, since the ocean is alkaline and in no risk of emerging acidic.