A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Human behavioral and psychological phenomena

The process of memory consolidation and retrieval is influenced by the mechanisms of hippocampal activity and sleep at the biological level across a momentary timespan, and by cultural attitudes at the social level across an ontogenic timespan. The development of stereotypes and prejudices is influenced by the mechanisms of amygdala activation and resource depletion, which β†’

Religious prejudices as objection to same-sex marriage essay examples

[Client's Name] [Client's Professor] [Client's Subject] [Date Passed] There are several things that Kartha Pollit mentioned in her article " What's Wrong with Gay Marriage?" that answers the question of why people object to same sex marriage. To prove her point, Pollit talked about polls that stated the " correlation of religiosity with opposition to gay marriage".

European expansionism racism

We as people live our lives oblivious to what is happening in the world, we pretend that racism is not a problem in the society that we live in. When we realize this I believe that it will add to the percentage of the decrease in racism.

Example of kate chopins the storm essay

This paper employs the Lacanian theory to analyze the psychosocial aspect of the story. Calixta, the main character in the story, opts to seek sexual satisfaction outside her marriage. The theory posits that desire is grounded in lack and this lack for a female turns out to be a double β†’

Good essay about employment law and gender equality

Men and women are not disallowed to physically engage in a public place thought they are disallowed toengage in intercourse.' Fondling and caressing of another person of the same sex" was strictly disallowed in the state of Illinois whereas people of the opposite gender were allowed to do so publically. In schools, workplaces and even β†’

Example of forensic investigation term paper

Conducting forensic investigations are costly most of time thus careful planning has to be made before starting actual investigations. When planning for a digital forensic investigation, one of the preliminary activities that must be done is to select first the team that will be involved in the investigation. A well-trained and educated team will be β†’

Young drivers and the law

With the lack of experience in young drivers, they face many challenges when learning the multifaceted task of driving a vehicle and face a higher risk of danger. The Government is trying to protect the youth from themselves, since younger drivers are proven to engage in more ' risk taking' behaviour. More statistics include: A β†’

Example of the great depression and the new deal term paper

The statistics on farms and the agricultural sector actually make for pretty harrowing reading. However the measure which Kennedy sees as the most important and lasting legacy of the New Deal is the Social Security Act which helped to lift millions of Americans out of poverty. Although the work programmes were positive in themselves, nothing β†’

The new era of terrorism

Therefore, the claims of the terrorist groups have been observed, these go beyond the recruitment in their own countries and extend to include the citizens of the western countries to attack their own nations and thus manage to infiltrate their social thoughts in the new world. Terrorism, like few terms in the recent history of β†’

United states vs. windsor 2013 essays examples

However, she was denied the tax exemption on the ground that the U.S.federal law did not recognize the marriage between the same-sex partners under the Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act. But Windsor's marital status to Thea was denied due to DOMA's definition of marriage, and she was forced to pay $363, 000 β†’

Gun control research paper

The methodology used in this study will be in thorough in order to get the facts of the issue of gun control as discussed. It is also vital for individuals to be aware that the gun control allows them to be in control of their guns rather than illegalizing guns.

Protections for public employees: statutory anti-discrimination programs essay sample

Many governments seek to ameliorate the often-devastating effects of long-term unemployment through Unemployment Insurance and Social-Welfare programs. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 Particularly in the United States, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, also known as Equal Employment Opportunity mandates, prohibits employers with 15 or more β†’

The controversial issue of neurohacking

Now, that we have gotten the gist of what neurohacking is and what an ethical issue is, we will delve deeper into this theory looking into its history, how it is an ethical issue, and the problems that arise with it. Neurohacking was first founded in late 2011, referred to as the " do-it-yourself" β†’

Example of essay on an overview of special education law part ii article review

Furthermore, the article talks about the functions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act before concluding with an assertion that the Special Education Law is complex. Discussion The article is, by all means, a pertinent addition to the available literature on the Special Education Legislation; a part of the Elementary and Secondary Education β†’

The existence of gender-based bias against women at the workplace

Almost 60 percent of their male respondents indicated that a woman must be exceptional to succeed in business; about 58 percent of the men and 33 percent of the women believed that women have at least an equal opportunity for advancement in the companies where the respondents worked. One of the authors concluded that " β†’

Staffing organizations essay sample

In order to determine, from the legal perspective the type of relationship that needs to be establish between the business and its newly hired employees, it is imperative to understand what the definition and the significance of the term " Employee Relations". Creating a relationship between the employees and the coffee shop, from the legal β†’

Example of curfew for minors research paper

Despite the existence of such oppositions, there is a need to comprehend with the fact that there are various reasons that justify juvenile curfew. Discussion Proposing Views The first reasons as to why curfew placed for persons aged seventeen years and below are justified is the fact that the juvenile crimes have become β†’

The importance of diversity, equality and inclusion essay sample

Diversity therefore consists of visual and non-visual factors, which include personal characteristics such as background, culture, personality and work-style in addition to the characteristics that are protected under legislation in terms of race, disability, gender, religion and belief, sexual orientation and age. Equality Equality is about ' creating a fairer society, where everyone can participate β†’

Harassment and discrimination of homosexuals education essay

There are several ways to carry through this, such as making a safe zone or a gay/straight confederation, one-on-one guidance with a professionally trained counsellor to help LGBT pupils with their peculiar state of affairss, recommending active protection from instructors, parents, and decision makers and making policies to protect these pupils from favoritism and torment. β†’

Good research proposal on youth crime

Now her parents are suing the boys who are said to have distributed a photo of the attack" - - " A California judge today found a 12-year-old boy guilty of second-degree murder in the killing of his father, who was a leader in the neo-Nazi movement. After a chat β†’

Causes of the wave of unemployment in the modern world

Unemployment causes which is one of the social problems In lots of families the parents are the carriers of the each day bread, in the unmarried residence preserve its miles the single parent who gives for that circle of relatives. Taking a mortgage at the loan of the residence, failing to pay is β†’

Literary analysis popular mechanics by raymond carver essay sample

The author simply describes the weather and " runs" through the rest of the story. The literal melting of the snow foreshadowed the breakdown of the marriage. The author has used the title " popular mechanics" symbolically.

Good essay on the treatment of complex trauma and sexual abuse

The response of a survivor's family or friends to the revelation of the sexual abuse also has the possibility to cause huge feelings of guilt hence the victim chooses to ignore it. Everyone seems to have the same opinion that, a shocking event affects the normal human adaptations to life. β†’

Discrimination in text and discourse

These two approaches in discourse analysis are relevant for the explanation and interpretation of a text or verbal discourse and in the study of linguistic as a whole. In the same manner, discourse analysis in the study of language through the use of different theories and model is a powerful tool towards achieving language competency.

A public policy research paper on contemporary issues

A policy on the other hand according to the context of contemporary is a program of actions adopted by person, government, the set of principles which govern the program. In the modern times in the USA, when the issue of contemporary matter is talked about, the mind is automatically pointed toward the β†’

Service learning reflection

Being that it acts similarly to a daycare it gives children the opportunity to work on homework or projects they might need to finish, or just to have time to interact with other children and enjoy games and activities. In addition, they are taught scripture in fun ways that they will enjoy. Children must be β†’

Total quality management essay

Summary of these methods in relation to quality management is as follows: The method of stratification ( stratified analysis , distributed sample - stratification ) is used to determine the reasons for the spread of characteristics of products. After clarification of the causes and elimination of defects newly constructed Pareto β†’

Realisation of the existence of evil in montana 1948

This realization of the existence of evil was the pivotal point in the plot that has thrust the twelve year old David Haden into the complex and perplexing world of adults. Late summer 148 was a happy and carefree time for young David. This was David's pivotal experience in understanding adults and realising the concept β†’

California pizza kitchen

The values that make the company what it is and the end state or goals that it wishes to achieve are equally important. In looking at these factors I will identify the following where possible: What is California Pizza Kitchen's vision statement and is it relevant? When people have a clear understanding as to what β†’

Free creative writing on a modest proposal by jonathan swift

He uses a lot of irony and sarcasm to reprove the government over the state of affairs in the country. Through the use of imagery and symbolism, he analyses how the problem of single parenthood, unwanted pregnancies and overpopulation leads to the problems the country faces at the moment.

Same sex marriage essay examples

To explore the subject of same sex marriages, this paper analyses an article by Jack Healy titled " Colorado Approves Same-Sex Unions" The article published in the New York Times recently is about the legalization of the same sex marriage in the USA state of Colorado. Same-Sex Marriage: The Legal and Psychological Evolution in America.

Good, evil and mountains

Subsequently, taking the time to look back at all of the theories as a whole, it can be said that the archetypal theory provides the most insight on the text and displays many common archetypes throughout the main characters including the hero, the mentor, as well as symbols such as darkness and an oxygen tank. β†’

Gay marriage essay

Most gay couples choose not to go the marriage way, but simply enjoy romance. Just like many other couples, gay couples express a desire to have a legal wedding which will also come with the blessing of children and other benefits of a married couple. A lot of fear has been expressed against gay couples β†’

Women discrimination essay sample

The glass ceiling is a metaphor used to describe a barrier where the targeted group in this case, women can see the higher rungs on a career ladder but are prevented from attaining more responsible and influential positions due to discrimination based on sex and business decisions that convey the message that men are more β†’

The issue of gender inequality in the work place

From the very start of the hiring process women have had to face animosity and repression in the corporate world. Women had to have more experience and better credentials than equivalent male applicants if they hoped to even get a second glance. Women used to have to fight much harder to prove β†’

The urbanization & rise in labor union movement

The formation of the labor union was due to this following reason: The rise in labor movement was created due to worker's organizations were made keeping in mind the end goal to assist the specialists with business-related troubles, for example, low pay, risky or unsanitary working conditions, extended periods of time, and different circumstances. Laborers β†’

Research paper on gender, employment, age, ethnicity and educational factors influencing robbers in the state of massachusetts

Educational Background RESEARCH QUESTIONS What gender is more often arrested for robbery in the state of Massachusetts? What ethnicity is arrested for robbery in Massachusetts? What age category is arrested for robbery in the state of Massachusetts? What occupational status is arrested for robbery in the state of Massachusetts? What educational background is β†’

Agriculture women entrepreneurs: problems and delights

The fundamental point of the paper is to investigate the states of ladies specialists in the farming division in order to improve the capability of the Indian rural part. Agriculture is the main contributor to national income and it is the primary source of savings and capital formation which influences the economic growth of any β†’

Equality and diversity

NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Equality and Diversity Unit 1: Exploring Equality and Diversity Assessment You should use this file to complete your Assessment.- The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a disk - Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save β†’

Good example of essay on current issues in public health

The 2014 epidemic is the biggest in history, affecting many countries in West Africa with more than 4, 900 people having succumbed to it. The aim of this writer is to show some positive progress of this epidemic with the infections rates slowing down by day in Liberia, one of the highly

The causes of arab spring

Together, these factors contributed to a decade of global unrest which escalated and became known as the Arab Spring in what is now recognised as the worst decade of unrest in the modern history of the Middle East. A Decade of Uncertainty The Arab Spring, grew out of a decade of uncertainty characterised by β†’

Essay on so, what do we have: we dont know, what is more expensive cl 600 or z8

That's why the absolute inequality for both cases could be written in the following way: x-130645> 10000 It is the same like 130645-x> 10000 Because the absolute value is a positive value, it is like the difference between 2 numbers, it does not matter which one is higher. Hence, the sum of β†’

Analysis on gender discrimination

Gwen Carleton from the Capital Times reports part of the problem is that many of the deans and administrators making hiring decisions continue to believe women are unqualified or uninterested in faculty positions. How are we doing as a nation? Vote to keep politicians in office that favor equality for men and women in all β†’

Study guide for hrm320 midterm:

DO write the answer in your own words, applying it to the question. DO include the link to the website in your answer.

Principles of literary criticism

Rosales Still I Rise by Maya Angelou: A Poem Overcoming Prejudice " Still I Rise" by Maya Angelou is a courageous and inspiring poem written about the emerging prominence of African Americans published on the year 1978. It may include the belief that a human of one sex is intrinsically superior to the other.Maya Angelou, β†’

The three things i would change in the society if it is possible

There are different issues winning in our general public, however on the off chance that it was conceivable to change three things I would pick abuse of web based life, medicate misuse, and how misery is dismissed in our general public. Over the previous decade internet based life has turned out to be progressively mainstream β†’

Article evaluation sleep deprivation to aggressive behavior

The researchers produced an experiment to explore the variable of sleep deprivation & its correlation to self-control & aggressive behavior. According to the Limited Self Regulatory Model, self- regulation is more difficult when someone is fatigued or has limited energy. When energy of mental activity is low, a person's self-control is impaired, β†’

Dealing with limited resources

By carefully identifying the patients that badly need quality healthcare services and attending to their needs first, the task to provide healthcare is not compromised. On the contrary, the provision of quality healthcare is still a priority so that the patients will not suffer from unwanted consequences from the limited resources.

Adult learning theory on healthcare organizations

This instructional designs or curriculums are much needed to inform the manpower of the organization on recent developments on technologies and applications on cases and situations, new regulations needed to be implemented or any other pertinent information for the organization's and its staff's needs to know. However, β†’

Health social care

Making sure they have their fluids I set my standards very high and undertake all of my tasks for my service user to a gig standard even down to their cleaning, if standards are not set high then this can cause problems with the service user for example: - if you do β†’

Our family business

Those two toxins are responsible for the damage to the colon, and that damage ultimately causes the symptoms of C-Diff. Soap and water is a must, as the alcohol-gel based hand sanitizers do not kill the spores.

Personal statement on career goals

Seeing them diagnose disease and treat patients combined with the experiences I had watching my family struggle to find appropriate medical care instilled in me a desire to become a well-trained physician and improve the health of my own city. It will afford me the opportunity to grow as a researcher and provide high quality β†’

Facility planning part i

The planner must evaluate the community to find out what type of community the facility is located in and if the facility is serving the needs of the community. This paper will take a look at a community in on the south side of Chicago and the new development of a long-term care facility in β†’

Sunrise model: east indian

To preserve a patient's cultural belief, accommodate the practice and develop new patterns at the same time respecting their values, can sometimes be challenging. However, this process needs to be understood and acknowledged for the patient's well-being.

How far medical treatment and technology is going to change in the future

In order to get a ' reliable analysis, bulky tools sometimes need to be used for pluripotent induced stem cells processing for instance, ' not only would it be expensive but would take up a lot of time and effort to regain the information analysed. Another futuristic concept is the Da Vinci XI, this is β†’

Personal hygiene 101: washing hands to prevent diseases

The main reason why it is important to clean hands is in order to reduce the spread of deadly germs as well as lower the risk of healthcare provider colonization or infection caused by germs acquired from the patient. According to Conover and Gibson , alcohol-based hand sanitizers are essentially the most effective in β†’

Comprehensive overview of cataract disease

Cataract is defined as the loss of lens transparency because of clouding of the lens. Definition A cataract is an ocular disease in the lens of the eye. Therefore, the older lens fibers are compressed into a lens nucleus and being harder than the cortex. A cataract is any opacity in the lens.

Strength of human emotions in poems

Emotion Is defined as a " strong feeling" and this will be explored in the paired poems: 'Having' and 'Remember'; 'A Mother In A Refugee Camp' and 'Mother Any Distance'; 'Sonnet 1 16' and 'If. The key themes in these passages are the universal feelings which we all experience, such as love and β†’

Analyze the health psychology essay

As a text aimed at undergraduatepsychologystudents, it is hard to fault." Times HigherEducationSupplement HealthPsychology: A Textbook has made a major contribution to the teaching and study of this rapidly expanding discipline. Maintaining its strong review of theory and research and its details of behaviours such assmoking, exercise, eating and screening, the β†’

Substandard patient care of health care delivery

In the worst of the cases patients may end up in an emergency room and occasionally become a victim ofdiscriminationbecause they have no resources to pay for the services. In regard to these facts, the following information aims to describe hospital emergency rooms compliance with standards of services. How Substandard Care Relates β†’

Analysis of alo yoga marketing strategies and the conflicts company had to face

Because the brand transcends yoga and is applicable to a variety of exercise genres, fans of the brand are found beyond the yoga mat. After examining the brand's Instagram account last week, I tried to approach this week as an objective observer with social movements and behavior, influencing audiences and engagement in mind. The first β†’

Pandemic or panic (2010) by brian molloy analysis

First, Molloy argues that WHO send everyone into a panic about H1N1, but it is not the threat people imaged it to be. Grove, however, states that it is necessary for the WHO and the government to take the threat of H1N1 seriously. Discussion: Molloy claims that the WHO and β†’

A discussion of control infection in healthcare

Infection control is essential in all general care settings in which patients receive health and social care and this will protect the healthcare workers, patients and visitor from hazards and risks. This research concentrates predominantly on infection control in healthcare settings, including the policy of infection prevention related to health and safety β†’

Lasers introducing into the field of dentistry

Lasers have travelled a long way from ruby lasers to erbium lasers and are being fondly used in every aspect of dental treatment. The term " LASER" originated as an acronym for " Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation" termed by GORDO GOULD in 1957. HISTORY OF LASERS: The principle of the laser was β†’

Health care utilization

Qualifies for Medicaid but lives in a rural community with no public transportation to travel to access his benefits due to provider office hours and the distance he must travel to the location. 2011)," blood pressure is when blood is forced against the artery walls to disperse oxygen and turbines carried in the blood to β†’

Competition in health care essay sample

But one must ask, with all the health care competition is it keeping the United States healthy? The known competition among health care entities recognized would be controlling cost, enhancing quality of care, and increasing accessibility of care. With health care always a problem for the world, the Health care reform act gives patients β†’

Blood pressure care: prevention and treatment of high blood pressure

Moreover, the cause for the same is not easily noticeable and there are chances that the situation may run out of control. Below given are some useful blood pressure tips and blood pressure information that will help you deal with the situation effectively. Some Effective Blood Pressure Tips: First and foremost solution for this problem β†’

Health care studies: statistics article review examples

The study entitled " The impact of the AIDS pandemic on health services in Africa: Evidence from Demographic Health Surveys" written by Anne Case and Christina Paxson for the Research Program in Development Studies and Center for Health and Wellbeing of Princeton University in March 2009, is an example of the health studies that β†’

Preventive care

The government is still quite hesitant to allocate funds for several reasons: the estimated costs of spending is different based upon the type of preventive care that is provided, lack of evidence to show the effects of a decrease in rising health care costs due to preventive measures, and the evidence shows that the actual β†’

Free essay about patient protection and affordable care act (ppaca)

Statement of the Problem During the passage into law of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2010, many of the Americans even the poorest citizens were given chances to avail of better health care services. Also, this contribution would act as a health care savings policy that would enable the β†’

The professional role of a nurse

The outline of this essay will be in six parts, an introduction, the main body which will explore the role of a nurse, conduct and the requirements for the effective delivery of care, responsibilities and work of a nurse , ethical, moral and social care β†’

Healthcare management

The speedy shifts in the healthcare system, the opportunities to advance or develop mycareer, and a wide-ranging business edification which is helpful in facing the " real-world healthcare industry" are only some of the major reasons why I extremely want to earn a masters degree on Healthcare Management.

Analyzing a web page

The Value and Relevance of this site to Clients The value of this website to the clients is user friendly for the elderly and the website is easy to operate. The objectivity of the website is to put the information out about the Aging Parents and Elder Care website.

Understanding the experiences of caring for someone after stroke: analysis of a study of caregivers and stroke survivors

Therefore, this study is to explore the experiences of male-patients post-stroke and their wife-caregiver's perceptions of factors that impacting the patient's quality of life and wife-caregivers' strain encountered during the first year after discharge. Some of the wife-caregivers felt overwhelmed and they loss of social contact due to their husbands'.

Kinetics chemistry lab

Research Question: How does the surface area affect the rate of the reaction? Varaibles Independent: Surface Area Dependent: Rate of Reaction Controlled: Water temperature, Volume of water, Concentration, Still water, and One tablet. Hypothesis: Increasing the β†’


This paper focuses on the advancement of " non-clinker green cement" through the utilization of cement kiln dust and fly ash. CKD has incompletely calcified substances possessing hydraulic and cementitious qualities. In addition, sulfate, alkali, and chloride elements are high and may affect the quality of cement performance.


Some aldehydes are used as intermediaries in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals and dye. 026215 Da ChemSpider ID of ethanol: 172 Uses of C2H4O The main use of acetaldehyde/ ethanol is as an intermediate in the manufacture of other chemicals. Acetaldehyde/ ethanol are used in the process of production/ manufacture of perfumes, basic β†’

ο»Ώthe problem and review of related literature and sudies essay sample

Several factors may contribute to the hindrances in the formation of new life especially to man because male gamete is the one responsible to initiate fertilization, the union of male and female gametes. The researchers will also conduct phytochemical screening for the determination of the different chemical constituents present β†’

Reading and comprehension of scientific writing

The two modules " Evaluating Student's Understanding of Chemical Bonding" by Tan and Treagust, and " Chemical Bonding" by Thompson and Staley both discuss the topic in different approaches resulting to different levels of response from readers and students. The module " Evaluating Student's Understanding of Chemical Bonding" by Tan and Teagrust is β†’

Unknown indicators, acids, and buffers

You will have a total of 5 lab periods to complete 3 experiments: the pKa of an unknown indicator, the identity of an unknown solid acid, and the composition of an unknown acetic acid buffer. You should base your identification on a measurement of the molar mass and the pKa of your unknown.

Finding the ratio of moles of reactants in a chemical reaction

Finding the Ratio of Moles of Reactants in a Chemical Reaction Purpose: The goal of the lab is to determine the mole ratio of two reactants in a chemical reaction. The optimum ratio, which is the ratio of the reactants in the balanced chemical reaction, will form the greatest amount of product, or generate β†’

The phenoplast fraction as a marker of oil quality

One among the needs of this text is to propose the phenoplast fraction responsible for the soundness and flavor of oil and endued with " pharmacological" properties as a further, valuable marker of oil quality. Olive oil contains polyphenols, vitamin E, and alternative natural antioxidants that are the oil's own natural preservatives. In line with β†’

Chemistry titration lab

4% Methyl Red Methyl Red Bromothymol Blue Bromothymol Blue Bromocresol Green Bromocresol Green Methyl Orange Methyl Orange Phenolphthalein Phenolphthalein Graph 1: Titration curve representing the effect of the volume of NaOH on the pH of the titration solution at end point Conclusion This lab tested the effect of the use of β†’

Chemistry: study guide

Answer| | | | | Selected Answer:| Cl2O| | | | | * Question 2 10 out of 10 points | | | According to the VSEPR theory, the molecular shape of SiCl4 isAnswer| | | | | Selected Answer:| tetrahedral.| | | | | * Question 3 10 out of 10 points | | β†’

Hard water in chemistry

6 SHORT ESSAY ON HARDWATER7 Introduction7 Origin7 Temporary hardness8 Permanent hardness8 Traditional water softening8 Alternative methods8 Health Concerns and issue9 Negative aspect9 Conclusion9 APPENDIX10 References12 Experiment Name: Titration Required items: A beaker A burette Phenolphthalein HCL β†’

Molar notes essay sample

How many moles of C6H12O6 does 1. How many moles of CaCl2 does 2.

Testing old cathodic protection on ohio bridge decks

It is also not known whether the method affects the durability of the bridges. Metal and Environmental Problem The metal in question is reinforced steel. Three of the bridges that are tested are polarized at more than 100 mV indicating that the method is effective.

Flow instability in an alumina precipitator fitted with a draft tube circulator

Using the Reynolds averaging the following equations are derived Continuity equation = 0 Momentum equation DP/ Dt= Pij+Dij- ij+ ij+ Where Rij is the transport term by convection, Pij is the rate of production, Dij is the transport by diffusion, it is the rate of diffusion, it β†’

Organic chemistry lab

Pure substances are not only important to chemists in their studies of matter but also are vital in other areas of study such as medicine where those substances might be used as medications Crystallization is based on the principles of solubility: compounds tend to be more soluble in hot liquids than β†’

Resorting balance

A system is said to reach chemical equilibrium when the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction. Alternatively, the reaction can shift in the reverse direction and re-form the reactants, thus using up some of the products. The effect of temperature on a system at equilibrium depends β†’

Biochemistry of photosynthesis

The energy absorbed is used for photolysis.- Photolysis of water o The light energy absorbed split H2O molecules into H+ ions and O2 2H2O(4H+ +4e- + O2 O2 is released as a gas to the atmosphere H+ ions is accepted by NADP to form NADPH2 - NADPH2 acts as a reducing β†’