A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Learning strategies critical analysis

Some other students may think that it's not necessary to attend the classes , without which they can still pass this course. However, the powerpoints and the videos the instructors display in the classes are not only interesting but also helpful. As for the group work, presentation is one of the most β†’

Rhiannon caneer

Seeing from another person's point of view can help people with thoughts, understanding, conclusion. Trying to see from someone's view will make people think of different ways to view what the other person sees.

High price tags on college textbooks

The publisher pays for materials such as paper, binding, ink, the cost of running a website for the book if there is one, paying the editors of the book and for the marketing. Now, there are instances where this cost goes up, such as the cost of paying for the copyright of large anthologies, given β†’

Business influence examination bia

The BIA exposures are proposed to help relationship in assessing major issues and picking needs, for example: What are the necessities for the resumption of activities among CPCC's chief procedures? How before long should time-sensitive errands continue maintaining a strategic distance from tremendous negative effects to CPCC and your understudies/workforce/staff? What particular assets are required β†’

The effectiveness of collaborative learning education essay

In their attempt to run into the demands of such a diverse pupils, pedagogues tend to delegate brace and group work with pupils of different ability degrees happening ways to affect all pupils in the activities. Therefore, in order to achieve their personal ends, pupils are likely to promote members within the group to make β†’

Good example of book review on what is unknown about computer supported collaborative learning

More significantly, the technology quality as well as its pedagogical application relies on the sophistication of computer supported collaborative learning as field of research; the knowing power built about theory as well as evaluation in the computer supported collaborative learning or studying community. Besides, the roles of learners or teachers β†’

Study of inclusive learning analysis

Skills are now progressively the cardinal lever." Sir Andrew Foster was asked to transport out a reappraisal of the future function of FurtherEducationcolleges in 2004. The reappraisal identified that some strengths within his study such as a committed and professional work force, a strong committedness to inclusion, a diverseness of classs already provided. On the β†’

A doll’s house midterm

Christine, a widow, eventually has the power to solve all of Nora's problems, and Nora does not know it until the last scene of the play. Her discovery is that Krogstad is not there to inform Torvald of the money she borrowed.

“describe each of your family members” essay

Even though she's to prank but she will say it because a true sister will tell you the truth even though your hurt as long as you get learn and understand what are your mistake is. And she is the kind of person that you would love to because she talks a lot and and β†’

Operant conditioning essay examples

This paper would compare in detail the positive and negative reinforcement, its effectiveness with the description of a scenario in which I would apply operant conditioning following a viable reinforcement schedule. In his experimentation on positive reinforcement Skinner placed a starving mouse in a box which had a lever on one side. Thus the stimulus β†’

Study of pain tolerance and indicative results

During the first trial, they did not watch any videos and kept their hand in the water for a maximum of 3 minutes. Afterwards a towl warmed the child's hand up to 5 minutes before starting the next trial, during this time the child was asked to rate the pain on the VAS scale. On β†’

The skills needed for students in college in how children succeed

Parents need to stop overly sheltering their kids and their kids can be more independent and the students need to build the non-cognitive skill that will be necessary for college. First, in identifying that parents need to pay closer attention to non- cognitive skills for their kids to be more successful in high school and β†’

The concept of coaching in an individual’s career

Moreover, his idea has a great connection with the article " You can Grow Your Brain" since the article emphasizes on the fact that the brain develops each day when exposed to learning activities. Hence, people that are not smart are not exposed to learning activities. Furthermore, Gawande's idea on coaching and continues learning when β†’

Department copes with ict

The problem for using ICT is that the business may go through a number of problem when training the new staff with the newtechnology. So to keep all this under hand the organisation must have a very efficient information system manager. So the business introduces the new ICT system it is important that the business β†’

Thesis statement and informal outline worksheet essay sample

Include the following in the outline this week: The benefit of creating educational goals, including at least one educational goal you set for yourself Your personal learning style, as well as how knowing your learning style can help you be successful as you move through your program and career How the writing process can β†’

Impact of media technology on learning behavior

It is the consistent application of positive or negative consequences to reinforce the occurrence of a desirable behavior and/or to reduce the occurrence of an undesirable behavior. As stated by Malingerer , analyzing a behavior meaner to 7 determine the relationship between theenvironmentand that behavior to better understand why a person behaved β†’

Critical thinking on neurotransmitters

Fill in the following boxes by identifying and describing the location of the 6 neurotransmitters outlined in the textbook. Submit as an attachment to the appropriate drop box. Identify the Neurotransmitter Location of Neurotransmitter Effect of Neurotransmitter Function of Neurotransmitter Possible mental health, emotional, behavioral, or physical issues resulting from β†’

The scientific method critique essay

In an effort to explain my observation I ask the question; " Why will not the vehicle start? " There could be a number of reasons why the vehicle will not start, so the next step is to hypothesize the solution and outcome. The next step is to make a prediction. I predicted that the β†’

Teaching project: cheese cake essay sample

Abstract The teaching project is to learn how to make a cheese cake by the undergraduate students. Written test and learning The use of technology in this project will enhance their learning process and overall development. The project is not offered for a specific need but it β†’

The exceptional qualities of brain science graduates

Brain science is unmistakable in that it outfits its graduates with an amazingly rich and various portfolio giving an assortment of types of skill, which are found in couple of different orders and which can prepare brain science graduates to attempt a wide range of kinds of work. Proficiency Brain science graduates are exceptionally educated β†’

Effective ways to learn

Everyone can be a better person to their job because learning your work will help you to be a good employee, to school because you learned everything you need and help you to be a good student, and in our society because you learned what is right and bad thing that you can do to β†’

E learning system

The database is Oracle log. This online application enables the ND users to register online, select the subject, read the tutorial and appear for the exam online. 2 Purpose: - Education through the Internet, network and a computer Is E-learning.

My personal learning style

It is important to realize that most students do not know the learning style that stands out in their personalities; under that circumstance, it could be hard for them to improve their grades. That is why I consider important knowing and understanding the characteristic of a kinesthetic learner to thereby β†’

Example of watsons experiment essay

Introduction of the unconditioned stimulus-the loud sound resulted in to an unconditioned responses- fear. Successive introductions of conditioned stimulus-rat resulted in conditioned response-fear. The experiment indicates that Albert seemed to generalize his response to furry objects.

Cell functions

It is important, therefore, that learners understand the contexts in which such behaviour occurs in order to develop their knowledge and understanding of the causes and effects of challenging behaviour, and the range of methods used to deal with it. Health and social care workers are bound by professional codes of ractice and β†’

Similarities and differences of quantitative and qualitative research methods

Each quantitative method of research produces measurable and statistical research outcomes that can support and resolve research problems or lead to an ideal solution or discovery. Qualitative research is the "' voice' of the participants", subjective and personal. It is the research that relies on the ' nature of the investigation to determine and unravel β†’

My interest in the master of arts in sociology

I was brought up in an unstable era where I witnessed dynamic changes and shifting in its economy and politics that led to other crises such as poverty, ethnic conflicts and devaluation of human rights. My Initial Interest in this field of Sociology and development studies was sparked by the social and economic difficulties that β†’

World systems theory

The IMF and World Bank are two multinational corporations that also may have contributed in many ways to the massive inequality that is the global economy. These financial institutions provided aid to needy countries. The countries are then, in turn, caught in a cycle of conceding to the Banks demands and paying β†’

A brief description of non-parametric tests

In addition to this, these methods do not require measurements as strong as that required by parametric methods. Most of the non- arametric tests are applicable to data measured in an ordinal or nominal scale. For example, freezing point of water is defined at 00 Celsius or 320 Fahrenheit, implying thereby that the β†’

Literature review and learning journal

The uncertainty in oil prices is one of the most crucial factors that have a negative impact on forecasted earnings of the petrochemical industry. The most applicable method of price forecasting in petrochemical industry is making the estimations of average cost that has to be produced in a new plant in order to determine the β†’

Research paper on second language acquisition

The most common evidence of a critical period hypothesis is the fact that older language learners do not achieve the native accent of the language. Therefore, under the social factors, the strongest determinant of acquiring a second language is the amount of the second language that one is exposed.

Counselling: learning and active listening

Counselling is to help the client to open up about there feeling inside and thoughts when the client has no one to talk to and is in need to talk to someone. Core counselling skills are... Paraphrasing Reflecting Summarising Focussing Active listening Empathy SOLER

ο»Ώ internal quality assurance evaluation essay sample

As the courses we deliver are ITQ, we have to continuously monitor the learning and the assessments to ensure we are up to date with most recent software packages that our learners may be using; this is something that has been overlooked previously and has now been scheduled into our quality calendar to be updated, β†’

Service learning project

All of us agreed that we liked the Pier Aquarium the most and that is how we chose our project. I would say that our project was effective in achieving the desired result- we managed to design brochures that the people at the Aquarium really liked. Of course there were times when the whole group β†’

Investing in africa`s future

Conceptual Framework's objective is to provide financial information to existing potential and willing investors. The General Purpose Financial Report in conceptual framework provides financial information like financial position and performance of reporting entity. In conclusion, Conceptual Framework has been developed to cater for a range of accounting models, capital maintenance and to set concepts and β†’

Vygotsky’s socio cultural learning applied to teaching

The areas are: The Social Sources of Individual thinking The role of Cultural tools in Cognitive Development The role of Language in cognitive development We will also discuss how we can apply Vygotsky's theory to teaching through: Assisted learning Scaffolding and Zone of Proximal β†’

Learning styles

I will discuss the aspects of the various leaning styles different students have, and the study methods most beneficial to the students. These include Visual, Auditory, Tactile and and that the different types of learners do best by employing study methods suited to their own learning style.

Reading skills

The more you read the one thing you realize the key to doing well in the examination, and the key to perform or present any task in a well equipped way. It's useful to scan parts of texts to see if they are going to be useful to you: - the introduction or preface of β†’

β€˜heads up’ and β€˜all heads’ projects in dublin

This literature review is intended to inform the project on three main topics: Structure of Arts and learning in Irish primary schools and the number of primary schools in Dublin. Creative education and its place in the Irish primary school curriculum. Creative education in ReCreate's context and its relation to Irish primary school curricula. With β†’

Good essay on childhood game

So let me explain to you in detail how Lego helped me in my life. According to a study in The College of William and Mary, intelligence might be increasing but creativity has been declining since the 1900s. In Lego, we learned to lend a brick and to give way when one has a better β†’

ο»Ώin praise of the f word response essay sample

Sherry accurately discusses the possibility of future bumps in the road for these illiterate students. Although I believe Sherry states valid points, and introduces facts that should be brought to the attention of every school system, I do not believe she provides another side to her argument. The article is more expressive of the β†’

Weekly report on the course of “professional research and communication”

Additional examining helped me in getting the opportunity to deal with on the purpose of research and basic reasoning by on a very basic level evaluating the bit of article. Week 2 In second week, quantitative research, one of essential research, was talked about in subtle elements.how to get wanted outcome by controlling factors β†’

Analyze the the scientific method essay

The next step in the scientific method is making a hypothesis. I then made a hypothesis on what I thought the problem was.

Psychometrics validty and elaiability

Foxtrot and Rood state that the " the validity of a measure concerns what the test measures and how well it does so". In the studies consulted it has been evident that construct and criterion validity were shown to be present in the PAIL B assessment. The Memory and Understanding sub-test β†’

Importance of environmental education

This is a traditional hallmark of art class that can be changed with environmental art education because it helps the teacher to be more aware of all of the waste that can be created from making art projects and try to help curb it. This study consisted of four Canadian elementary school teachers along with β†’

Review of malcom gladdwells blink and lessons within book reviews example

This takes him to emergency rooms, art installations, the police and psychology laboratories to not just learn about people acquire rapid cognition, but also how the layperson can develop techniques of rapid cognition. Rapid cognition is the brain at its best, and is a potent way to utilize the three β†’

Worthwhile learning outside the classroom essay sample

When you see how other people in other countries live it can really let you see how fortunate you are and allows you to appreciate the things you have. Travelling is a way in which worthwhile learning can occur. Furthermore, when you play on a team sport, worthwhile learning can and does occur.

A review on unsupervised machine learning for networking

The focus of this survey paper is to provide an overview of applications of unsupervised learning in the domain of networking. In addition, unsupervised learning can unconstraint us from the need for labeled data and manual handcrafted feature engineering, thereby facilitating flexible, general, and automated methods of machine learning. In order to develop a reliable β†’

An importance of proper gap analysis

While planning to improve the overall performance and outcomes of a project, one of the most important considerations to make is evaluate the employees' performance as well as the performance of the whole Project. A gap analysis helps to establish the gaps within the Project that affect the overall performance of the staff.

Essays about highschool life

SALI, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion, is hereby approved. Acknowledgement The researchers would like to extend their appreciation and recognition to all individuals who helped to accomplish the research study. First, the researchers would like to give thanks to the Almighty Lord, the one who is β†’

The learning of english at preschool education essay

Teachers can give kids to paint a letters, pigment words, colour images of letters, pattern composing letters, act out scenes from narrative books, bring in points that begin with a specific missive or consonant sound to make learning chances." [ Online 2 ] "Child developmentrefers to the biological and psychological alterations that occur in human existences β†’

Cognitive theories 1989 to present critical thinking sample

First is the principle derived from the assumption of a limited capacity of our mental system, which means that the amount of information that the mental system can process is constrained in myriad ways. On the other hand the top-down processing referred to as the information stored in the memory, which involves in a dynamic β†’

Digitization of library materials

At present most of information networks in other countries engage in their cooperative activities by using Information Communication Technology. This research attempts measure the impact of Information Communication Technology for cooperative activities of information networks among science and technology information networks in Sri Lanka. The aim of the study is to find β†’

Report on creating backup disk image

However, when creating a disk image, you cannot use the same drive as the one you are backing up so you need data storage for your back-up which should be at least as big as the total file size of the drive you are imaging since it is copying everything. An advantage of this from β†’

Value of learning and the number of bucks

So the NCAA will be deciding whether the athletes should be paid for playing their sport of choice thus demeaning the reason they are at college in the first place. There are millions of students who go to college each year; some play sports, others are in student government, and some are in theater. Paying β†’

Online education: benefits, positive and null findings

Therein lies the crux of the issue, the fundamental concern of online learning and the focus of this paper: the effectiveness of the online format in educating students compared to the traditional format. To address this issue, the positive, negative, and mixed and null findings of the effectiveness of online learning as compared to the β†’

News is a source of knowledge about the world

The only way we can achieve this is by trying to keep ourselves aware of what is happening around the world. We need to be aware of the global developments in our field of interest in order succeed and News is the only way to achieve it I believe.


A synthesis paper is a review that fuses bolster from various sources that have unique perspectives. After analysis some books, watching motion pictures and taking part in a variety of class exercises, your job is to organize some of the data on all sides of a topic or a problem, make generalizations, and then present β†’

Free essay on learner autobiography

Aside from the work experiences and knowledge that I gained from my stint with the Navy, I feel that all of my experiences have helped me become a better person, that is, someone who is stronger, perseverant, and who has a positive outlook in life. Analysis Mezirow's Transformative Learning theory supports my learning experience β†’

Suitability of value based pricing implementation

Yet, some patients' GPs and endocrinologists are, however, prescribing Levothyroxine Sodium on a private prescription which they can then use to obtain from outside of the UK at a much cheaper cost. NHS and manufacturers Although the NHS spending was not mentioned a lot in this research, it is worth to mention the relationship β†’

Transformative learning is a process of examining

Surveies indicate the higher the instruction, the person is better prepared and successful in the work force. In the yesteryear, grownups desiring to prosecute a higher instruction had to get the better of different barriers or give up the chase. Principles The development of transmutation occurs when the contemplation leads to awareness in a β†’

Does social network site use affect student grades and learning? essay sample

This direction is particularly fruitful to consider how youth's everyday practices with technology constitute learning in and of itself, and how these activities are in stark contrast to practices within school. Jenkins observes that youth today must be literate in several practices within social media environments. Greenhow and Robelia examine β†’

Relationship between machine learning and data mining

This is shown in fig.1. DATA MINING PROCESS The process of data mining consists of various phases: Data collection: This is the first step of data mining process where the data is collected from various sources using specialized tools and techniques and is stored in a database for further processing. Feature extraction and data β†’

Why i’m choosing to study medicine

Combined with my compassion to aid those in need and the studying of the course to drastically transform the life of someone as clich it may sound are also the fuels of my desire to study medicine. This is also strengthened by the fact that I had to lead a group of kids into completing β†’

Buying a house: 5 things to do to choose the right sector

Buying a house: 5 things to do to choose the right sector You may have already been told, but again, to be successful in real estate, you have to choose the right sector. If you do not want to be bothered by the year, return a few times to breathe the air of β†’

Study habits of grade 7

In this regard, the researchers would like to pursue the conduct of this investigation on the conduct of this investigation on the study habits of students, hence, this study. The results of this study will help the administrator in adopting alternatives to improve the habits of the students.

Stress can impact on student learning experience?

Levels of stress can help improve the performance of the individual, or vice versa it will lead to a decreased performance. The questionnaires were designed, piloted and then distributed internally, to all members of the senior faculty in SHEI in 1994 to determine their level of stress. About 21 percent of the stress report helped β†’

Adolescence in social learning

Brian's behavior is explained in the Social Learning Theory. The child learns by imitating a model, his brother and his parents. The theory explains that through modelling, the child learns by observing and remembering what the model does. Later on, he will reinforce his observation by doing it himself β†’

Short answer questions essay sample

Ai) Confidentiality and Sharing Information Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority Principles of the data protection act 1998 Aii) Equality and diversity Equality act 2010 Northern Ireland social care council code of practice Aiii) Health and safety Control β†’

Cultural tourism explained: what, why and where

By promoting the cultural unique points through not only the physical buildings but much more, it will help attract to a diverse group of tourist to the country and strengthen the the countries identity as ' more than a business city'. This way, they will seek and be able to learn something that is not β†’

A learning experience: lost in translation

I came upon this quote while I was looking for some passages or anecdotes that might make for a " first paragraph with a good hook". Emerson's take on the issue of language learning was somehow brutal and unconstructive, instantly attracting my attention since I am an β†’

Example of essay on attribution theory

In fact, attribution theory links the perceived abilities of the person to the complexity of the task, connecting performance to the external environmental conditions, such as opportunity and luck. People usually tend to find causes of a particular outcome in terms of three dimensions. The process of attribution usually occurs in three phases, according to β†’

Goals of punishment essay example

Goals of Punishment Summary The news article appeared in the New York Times on September 3, 2012 and the main theme was halting the execution of John Balentine, who was on the death row. Critics The article critics the ability of the Supreme Court to halt death sentences against convicts. With the β†’

Psychological disorders case study sample

Reports are that she was in and out of rehabilitation, and then she shaved off her hair in a beauty salon in California as the paparazzi were taking photos of her in 2007. The same year she attended a center for treatment in California. Britney lost custody of her children to Kevin and her mother β†’

Free research paper on decision making

Decisions are made by strategic analysis of the business situation and taking rational decisions is necessary for the organization (Nelson & Quick, 2012). In terms of elements that are affected in business through decision making, an example is presented that involve decisions affecting demographic diversity and cultural perceptions. Decision making and β†’

Repeated image and transformation in modern art

As violence is a large influence and concerning factor for Modisakeng he looks at violence in South African history and the effects that it has had as well as the outcome of this violence by using the black body to explore societies consciousness towards this issue. The multitude of images that are used in this β†’

Essay on significant life draft

In the description of my success in exams, I would apply the use of cultural and behavioral perspectives in psychology. It is not long since I achieved this life event of success, and the memories are still fresh in my mind.

10 harsh lessons that will make you more successful

The only thing that separates successful people from the rest is how they respond after they fail. When facing obstacles, you have to decide if you are going to let them be the excuse for your failure or if you are going to make them the story behind your success. " β†’

Concept of community report examples

It is also true that the concepts of community continue to attract the imaginations of people. The imaginations arise due to the wide perspective and the connotations of the concept of community. Notably, the concept of community has advanced its significance especially within the context of a dynamic environment. The dynamisms β†’

Leadership; theory and practice essay examples

They have become my role models in developing my career and becoming the person they want me to become, and also the person that I would also like to become. My drive revolves around my gifts such as being courteous and respectful, and the things I am passionate about. As a leader, I am expected β†’

Sample essay on services

Each individual client completes the following surveys to ensure they are successful in their relocation: - Ethnocentrism assessment - Individually assessment - Power distance assessment - Privacy assessment - Time orientation assessment Individual Meetings The third service we provide involves meeting with our clients and providing them with handouts to ensure they are prepared β†’

The life and accomplishment of madam curie: her contribution to science

Her early years were know to be sorrowful, losing her mother and a sister, Marie was an early pioneer in the field of radiology, as well as winning two Nobel prizes and founding the Curie Institutes in Paris and Warsaw, she was noted for her diligent work ethic, she turned downfoodand sleep in order to β†’

7 great habits of the most successful people

Habits determine 95% of a person's behavior. Everything that you are today, and everything that you will ever accomplish, is determined by the quality of the habits that you form. By creating good habits and adopting a positive behavior, you too can become successful and live a prosperous life.

Success plan

I will be able to realize my strengths and weakness, along with recognizing obstacles that will come up that may create barriers for me to complete the task at hand. While I know that the road to success is not easy and curves will be thrown my way, having a solution to those curves will β†’

Essay on evaluating learning methods

The objectives of the study are as follows: ensure that nursing students have a better understanding of what health of the old encompasses ; establish the effects of Alzheimer's Disease on the old; and determine whether the use of drugs can curb Alzheimer's disease (Dangour et al., 2010). Other objectives β†’

Crime essays examples

Such as, Cohen describes that the prostitution act as safety valve without posing any threat to the institution of family, which is due to the fact that he considers that crime of the prostitution can relieve the depression and stress in a distinct way without causing any damage to the life of other clients. In β†’

Example of should schools decrease class sizes to improve student outcomes research paper

Just one organization The Center for Public Education (an initiative of the National School Boards Association) published an article reviewing previous research, entitled: Class size and student achievement: Research review., which mentioned 19 studies that were found to be of a sufficient standard to include in their own review. The article also mentioned that most β†’

Games in life essays examples

Essentially, each of these three items used in the play have significant implications and meanings in the play as such, the significance of each of these items is noted by the number of times that it is played in the time that is used for the game. Playing the paper one-half of the time and β†’

Free social foundations essay example

The effect of peer should thus be a major consideration when formulating the curriculum As seen from the article, peer groups have the potential to influence academic success. This means that, in the formulation of the curriculum, due attention should be given to peer groups.

Report on research

The ability of the workforce to adapt and accept change creates competitive advantage for the organization, Wendt,. Past research has it that the flexibility and resilience of the management guarantees an organization's success in the sense that careers can only be modified by behavioral tendencies that hoardover time, Liff. The results showed a positive correlation β†’

How education have influenced the success of heroes of forbes

According to Forbes, in general, about 84% of the richest people in the US have a bachelor's degree and above, while among ordinary Americans this figure is 33%. In this case, the most wealthy heroes of Forbes were educated in elite universities, more than 23% of members of Forbes 400 received their degrees in the β†’

Factors that contribute to the success of your business

Based on these factors, there will be the following segments that the firm will target: demographic, geographic, psychographic and behavioral. In demographic segmentation, the firm will classify the customers based on different factors such as age, location, and income levels. Therefore, market targeting is a mandatory procedure for any business to achieve theirgoalsand objectives in β†’

Dress for success

The company does not provide the dress information before the meeting; it is the company's mistake. And Cohen as a new employee, she is unable to know the dress rule for the meeting. Of course, the employer have an unfettered right to set a company's dress code. The employer β†’

How andrea jung became successful

Both her parents are very educated people and they set high standards for Jung and expected her to work hard for what she wanted and to achieve as much as possible without losing sight of her heritage and values. Having a mentor was good for Jung as she was very successful and had become the β†’

Non essay samples

The article documents the character and the successes that Kamen has achieved over the years. The major theme of the article is resilience. Throughout the article, the author tries to demonstrate the resilience and achievements of Kamen, a college dropout.