A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Poor employee relations essay sample

On the basis of customer requirements a preliminary drawing of the tool would be drafted and sent to the customer. Such was the case due to inter departmental conflicts. An e.g.of such conflict is demonstrated between the Drawing Department and the Machine Shop where the Draft specification drawings rather than finalized drawings were given β†’

Good essay on customer name

Business Letter for explaining change in business hours Zip/Postal Code OBJECT: ANNOUCEMENT FOR REDUCTION IN BUSINESS HOURS Dear Customer, This is with no delight that I must apprise you that because of incorporated organizational change in our company, the business hours are reduced by two hours. This reduction in business hours β†’

Example of essay on family and consumer science

This field of study goes further to include practices like the human development, textiles and interior design techniques. Family and consumer science education is mainly focussed on different individuals living in the society throughout their entire lifespan. This process has however advanced to include various aspects in the recent past β†’

Organizational change – kodak essay sample

He built the company's success with his own ingenuity and his advertising campaign where he coined the slogan, " you press the button, we do the rest".Since then Eastman and the Kodak brand have been creating film products which enhance both consumer and professional photographers, and Kodak is changing from the traditional company of film β†’

Report on kids and cell phones

The motive of the child is to fit in with the rest of the kids by having a cell phone. The parent is the decision maker. In this scene the advantages will be the ability of the cell phone to facilitate communication and to satisfy the child's desire of owning a cell phone.

Free essay on fomc meeting analysis

This is the case because the wording of the minutes is highly technical and therefore cannot be understood by the ordinary investor. In addition to this, the thresholds interest rates set by the commission are too simple to fully address the complexities of the economy and the policy process. The committee evaluated the development based β†’

Free case study about quality at ritz

Another way to assess the success in achieving quality is through the yearly increase or decrease in the number of customers that were served in the hotel. Why might it cost less to do things right the first time? It is important for every business to try to improve and implement their business operations in β†’

Example of history and origin of computer viruses essay

Some viruses hidden in the computer can infect the computer at a particular time called time bomb viruses. Computer viruses first came forth in the 1980s due to a number of factors, such as, the increase in personal computers, the utilization of computer bulletin boards, the floppy disk, and so on. β†’

What are tqm and iso? essay sample

McGraw-Hill Irwin. International Organization for Standardization, Retrieved from http://www.iso.org/iso/home/about.htm How might TQM and ISO be used to improve an organization? Proper implementation of Total Quality Management can provide an organization with the ability to improve its effectiveness, competitiveness, efficiency, and flexibility in order to best suit the needs of its customers. β†’

Handgun ownership as a rightful law essay examples

The US is one of the most liberal countries with regard to laws concerning the purchase and possession of guns. These are just a few of the many incidents that resulted from civilians being in possession of guns. In most of the states in the US, it is quite easy to legally acquire a β†’

Financial and non-financial metrics for a clinic research paper sample

To ensure that the clinic is making a profit, the net profits should be positive. This can change in the future if the number of patients increase or decrease where the profit increases as the number of patients increases and vice versa. If profits increase then the strategies should be enhanced to further sustain the β†’

How to mark a book by mortimer j adler essay example

Mortimer Jerome Adler through his essay, " How to Mark a Book" is trying to convey the message that real owners of books are the ones who utilize a variety of bookmarks that help develop a better insight of the book. People purchase books to keep it as a piece of decoration like a β†’

Public policy administration thesis proposal example

As well, this law requires that all of the health coverage plans that are sold on the insurance exchange include essential benefits. This law is expected to provide coverage for the 45 million Americans who are currently uninsured. Although this law will be fully implemented only in 2014 (Alliance Defending Freedom, 2013), this paper aims β†’

Starbucks case study

This report also stresses on the present CRM Architecture of the company and on the development of the Architecture. Besides this issues, the ways and methods to bring a solution and to conduct the analysis and if required change on the on the present plan and implement the new plan are also highly highlighted.

Example of research proposal on luxury hotel industry

The focus of the paper is to gain deeper understanding and appreciation of the value and means of customer satisfaction and return in luxury hotels in Singapore. To ensure customer satisfaction, the management of luxury hotels must know and put in place the major customer values within the hotel industry.

Eggspectation restaurant essay example

The waiter will also have to be in the know and understanding of the products and services being offered. The kitchen will be busy as considering this is a banquet, a variety of foods and drinks would be required to be in plenty.

Example of essay on computer evaluation

I connect a USB mouse with one of the USB ports. I can use any of the remaining three ports to connect USB devices.

Free essay on global water crisis

However, the global trend indicates that the world is facing a looming water crisis. The cause for this is discussed in the essay below. Global Water Crisis Kirby observes that the human's need for water is expected to grow by 40% in the next two decades.

Benefits principle of taxation essay examples

In this principle, the amount of taxes collected from the citizens is based on the benefits that the citizens receive from the use of the goods or services financed by the tax money. The principle therefore advocates for equity of taxation in the society. The demand for gasoline is relatively elastic.

Example of essay on adz bank recruitment action plan

It is part of the bank's strategic plan to establish its presence in the larger Asian region. Recruitment and retention policy Goals and objectives - Suggest institutional reforms to enable the institution tap the skills and talents of contact center employees as well as empowering them. Advertising and Marketing strategies Marketing and advertising β†’

Pushing customer services to the extreme

After years of experiences as an owner and customer of many service-oriented business worldwide, I have finally found a restaurant chain in China which seems to be doing all the right things and avoid most of the pitfalls plaguing others. My worst experience of waiting for table at a restaurants happened in Japan where customers β†’

Technology effectiveness

They choose to use Sugar ProfessionalTM to manage the enterprise customer relationships and ensure high level of their customer satisfaction. They began to work with iZeno, a SugarCRM Gold Partner, to implement this CRM software package called Sugar Professional On-Site to help ensure the data security and control. This action of allowing auto-assign of leads β†’

Example of essay on wind energy

This study looks at how wind energy is generated through the turbine, the collection system, interconnecting to the grid, transmission, and distribution and all the way to the consumer for domestic use. Wind power Process The process begins when the wind turbine collates and collects the blowing wind into the system. As the intensity β†’

Good example of changes in demand – baby diapers and retirement villages essay

This might actually mean that the increase in the number of people of the particular age group leads to the increase in demand for products designated for this group, and on this basis trends in consumer demand can be forecast. Following the same logic, we can forecast changes in demand for products developed for babies β†’

Human relations movement essay examples

The developments in the workplace have therefore led to the need for human relations movement. The changes in the structure of an organization are caused by mergers, bankruptcies, acquisitions, business closing as well as outsourcing of business activities and services to foreign countries. It is therefore necessary to ensure that employees as well as customers β†’

My dream car essay

To calculate what I would pay monthly I will divide the amount by 36 to give $5605.53. In the second option; they can also give a five year loan subject to 3. This will be 3400.36. In the third option you can decide to finance the whole amount yourself.

Manage quality customer service essay sample

Secondly, the school need to identify the pros and the cons of private schooling and how the school can continually improve what is offered. Customer expectations are that the teacher is running on time so that there is no waiting around for lessons, the lesson goes for the amount of time that is advertised and β†’

Free report on identify problem of a company

To increase efficiency among the staff and enhance good communication between the staff, the vendors and the store owners, there is need to update the point of sale system. It is therefore important to evaluate if the entire staff are conversant with the point of sale systems.

Essay on a spectacle of our society

Because it is just a representation, meaning that the spectacle repeats itself many times and people get as much exposure to it as possible, the spectacle unavoidably becomes the reality. Due to it, people do not realize that the society of spectacle is well rooted in the past.

Example of budgeting for a poor family of four report

However, the house will be relatively small and the members of the family will have to squeeze in it. With this amount of cash, it is better to first budget for the basic needs before analyzing the other types of expenditure. This will help to increase the income of the β†’

Free creative writing on rough draft of affluneza essay

Moreover, one of the major effects of over-consumption that is, making consumers to become bankrupt is discussed in this paper. As stated above, the snowballing credit cards availability in our modern society is one of the main causes of the problem of over-consumption. In addition to this, this insatiable need for stuff make Americans spend β†’

Example of addressing rural homelessness case study

There has been a lot of debate concerning the homelessness of people in the rural areas. In addition to this, some of the income-generating activities found in the rural areas do not guarantee adequate income to purchase houses that are affordable.

Kudler fine foods – benefits and drivers proposal essay sample

This paper also identifies the internal and external drivers of innovation of Kudler Fine Foods. Mission Statement and Vision Summary Kathy Kudler, creator and owner, had a vision to offer customers the experience of shopping the world for fine foods in a one-stop convenience store. Team ' B' mission is to compile β†’

Normalization case studies examples

The illustration of bellow uses particular, and course tables to explain why conversion of the database to first, second and third normal form is appropriate in a college environment. Particular (Name, course_Code-> course_Number, department) In terms of first normal form, the two relations above must meet the definition of a relation as explained above β†’

Problem of study research proposal sample

Banks after the shock are striving to move forward exploit the opportunities in local and global market. The basic and the traditional form of banking have been playing the role of transformer or intermediary between the borrower and the lender. Browne has discussed the role of financial innovation that has provided the customers β†’

Report on external and internal environments of the intercontinental hotel corporation

Because of the many and sensitive services offered by the industry, there are many external factors that affect the business especially when the business is international like in the case of intercontinental hotels. The factors that affect the intercontinental hotel corporation to the greatest extend are the economic and environmental factors. The economy of a β†’

The address essay example

Hence we offer you a range of options and help you choose the program that best fits your needs. The current competitive marketplace allows your competitors to actively target your commercial customers for financial services outside your institution. That is how it becomes inevitable for you to choose a provider who is willing to work β†’

Good essay on commerce bank case study

In order to be at front, bank has to clear its value proposition to its customers. Background: it has been encountered that commerce bank started receiving complaints regarding the service that was the major priority of the organization and fire incident indicated the inefficiency and lack of training β†’

Zappos company essay sample

The brand of a company may lag behind the culture of Zappos, but it is felt that eventually brand will catch up to the culture. At Zappos their culture is their brand. This is a four week program that covers the company's history, the importance of customer service, the long term vision of the β†’

The realco breadmaster essay sample

This diagram allows us to have a simplified understanding of the results and benefits of what information and aspects of the company a master production schedule will take into consideration and what the resulting information to gain will be. This also allows for the company to be on the same page of expectation for production β†’

Increasing liquidity (money flow) of a company essay example

These are some of the ways in which liquidity can be increased Accounts of receivables and payables should be well managed to ensure that liquidity is always improving. Businesses avoid making losses as this will lead to low cash flow and creation of liquidity problems. Additionally, policies should be settled to those that are β†’

How does the fashion industry market to women as consumers research paper example

These events and shows as sources of innovation and have a tendency to create awareness among the target consumers of the latest in the clothing and fashion industry. This paper also looks at the relationship between the American culture and gender with respect to clothing and fashion consumption. American culture and gender in the clothing β†’

Developing good business sense essay

Executive chefs are involved in coordinating cooks and overseeing the preparation of meals to ensure uniformity in quality and presentation of meals. The employees of the hospital have to be kind, patient, empathetic and trustworthy in character as they will be dealing with people's private and confidential matters.

San diego mba application admission essay examples

I realized that my collaborative strengths are based on being social and diverse in matters of culture and change. In the Krispy Kreme/ Marketing Research Project, my role involved conducting a survey and coming up with the needs and wants of customers. I try to learn as much as I can from my fellow team β†’

Notion of beauty essay

I personally define ' beauty' as an abstract concept that is represented by a complex of specific traits and features of a concrete object that brings aesthetical pleasure to its observer. Times change and beauty standards of people and objects from different spheres of our life do change too. In reality, it leads to conflict β†’

Supply chain management case study example

The Root Beer Game Simulation In the Root Beer game simulation, I tried to forecast or predict the number of root beer cases to order in order to achieve as low a backlog and unused inventory as possible. Although I noticed that the order from customers was consistently for 100, 000 cases each β†’

Brazos partners essay sample

This group clearly has no problem raising capital, so I think that a decline in the returns and popularity of LBO's could prove to be a positive for the team as they will have less competition. Because Comark sells primarily to the government and educational institutions, the risk of recession or downturn is low, but β†’

New it solutions research paper samples

The transaction system will therefore be modified to accommodate and efficiently attend to complains by unsatisfied customers. When the customer first states their issue with the service they receive to the customer care agent at a receptionist desk by the entrance, the receptionist apologizes to the customers and inquires the specific details of the complaint β†’

Strategic plan essay sample

SWOTT Analysis To conduct a proper and appropriate SWOTT analysis of Healthy Place certain questions related to the strengths of the company, the resources that it has, the pros and cons of the company, its position and strength in the market and its competition are required to be answered. If the store will β†’

Employer: a chinese fast food restaurant owner essays examples

Every month we have a cleanup day in which participates all the time. While working as a cashier, is always very attentive with money.: Liuting Yang has good math skills and is able to count quickly and correctly. She is a good example of an employee whose work brings benefits both to her and the β†’

Ob analysis – telephone customer service representative essay sample

Job analysis is a concept used to develop a comprehensive description of a position that includes the job responsibilities and tasks performed, the tools utilized to perform those duties and the job's environment and working conditions. The primary responsibilities of the Telephone Customer Service Representative are as follows: -Answer incoming telephone calls from β†’

Essay on professionalism

High level of Professionalism is the most important trait that an individual or an organization requires to be a success. Professionalism is made up of many qualities or elements and each of these elements is of paramount importance to achieve professionalism in the right sense. Some of the most important elements or quantities that professionalism β†’

Distribution channels essay sample

What Is Meant By A Distribution Strategy? A distribution strategy refers to the availability of a product internationally in a selected region by the marketer. Customers look for the product they want and then they read the details from label on it. Similarities in Distribution Strategies of Both Products There are a few β†’

Example of essay on it in business

An intranet is a system through which only the organization is connected, and it is different from World Wide Web, as only the computers within the organization has access to it. It can be used as a communication tool where all the users can send their information which is shared through the organization.

Etsy.com essay examples

The focus of this paper is on the cons of using this website and various features that prove disadvantageous while using the website. First, one of the terms of use on this website for both the sellers and online shoppers is that it is mandatory for one to register before β†’

Essay on baloney detection kit

Our study was based on the claim that Africans' skins are dark due to the depletion of the ozone layer that has resulted into penetration of harmful sun rays that burn their skins. The source of the claim is not reliable. The claim seem to make sense but if looked into in a more careful β†’

Situation analysis research paper sample

The objectives of evaluation and measurement vary depending on the type of organization. Organizations evaluate the different aspects of the employees to determine their productivity and their contribution towards the organization's success. Critical success factors Evaluating and measuring employees' performances help the organizations manage the firm's success effectively.

Reliability and validity of various tests critical thinking

The VARK test has been analyzed and criticized by several people and in several publications, for example: In August 2009 Walter Leite(Research and Evaluation Methodology program, University of Florida), Marilla Svinicki and Yuying Shi also from the University of Florida conducted a test to examine the validity of the scores of the VARK. β†’

Predict the impact and potential business value of location-based service (lbs) critical thinking

With the growing phenomenon of mobility and the increase in penetration of advanced mobile applications and devices, insurance industry are at the forefront adopting mobile solutions, largely to keep pace with the ever increasing demand for real time services. Insurance industry will increasingly experience the benefits of instant connectivity, and interacting with their prospects and β†’

Example of consumption and citizenship as it existed in the u.s. between 1930s and 1970s- lizabeth research paper

On the other hand, the configuration of purchaser-consumer stands for the paragon of the interests of businesses and mass consumption without regulation, which translates to the benefits of the wealth eventually benefiting the poor as well. The role of the new Deal agencies and actors was to gestate the function that the consumer played in β†’

Free essay about global money management app/phone hardware

The app takes care of all conversions thereby eliminating cash exchange related inconveniences. The fact that the app is able to map to more ATM and bank locations and a list of their services makes it popular among its users. The dual money holding mode both as a mobile wallet holding up to $500 for β†’

Example of critical thinking on reasonable thinking

Reasonable Thinking DQ1: Reasonable or logical thinking is a meticulous way of thinking which is sensible and based on excellent judgement. For instance, reasonable thinking can go off track when one tries to confirm a theory that has nothing to do with the subject at hand.

Distribution warehouse in brisbane research paper example

Ambient and temperature controlled areas will have the chilled and freezer facilities to store perishables and an administration office to house the command center, customer service desk and basically all departments that will conduct the day-to-day operations of the distribution center. The distribution center will be located at the Port β†’

Client relationship management at minitrex essay sample

CRM helps in understanding the needs of the customers by get-together the information about the customers and this serves to market and offer the association's things. The deals division of MINITREX does not have the right to gain entrance to the data of client in protection and account segments.

Good example of project management essay

The PROJECT we are talking about is the Visual merchandising solution PROJECT in food retail store. At the first, INITIATING stage of the PROJECT PHASE the managers have got the understanding of the customer needs. The GOAL of this PROJECT is to develop and implement the unique solution, which can instantly β†’

Overhauling a vast corporate sales force essay sample

Lastly, HP's changes of structure and system made customers satisfied and salespeople productive. Problem Statement How will HP sustain its long-term profitable relationships between the salespeople and their clients? Objectives To be able to describe and understand the scenario of HP To develop possible alternative courses of actions to address the β†’

Term paper on sec 305 week 4 discussion 1 and 2

When a system such as the one described is hacked, it's necessary for the customers, clients and other stakeholders to be made aware of the attack. I could also report to the authorities to make them aware of the act in case the culprits are caught and need to be charged.

Main aims and functions of buckingham bingo essay sample

The aim of the organisation is to make money, so the hall has many features to make money and achieve the main aim of the organisation. These features include: * Before the customer enters the hall they have to pay an entrance fee of 80 pence. * If the member wants to park β†’

Good essay on training program

The staff will be taught how to make relevant product suggestions to keep the customer from leaving the restaurant. Hands-on Skills Module Dining Area Etiquettes - The staff will be treated to a tour around the different sections of the restaurant such as the kitchen, the office, and the dining area. - Dining skills β†’

Term paper on history and evolution

It is an act majorly practiced by the wealthy to earn a reputation. Majorly, " conspicuous consumption is done to maintain the social status of the subject as perceived by the onlookers and people close to the subject, conspicuous consumption is as old as civilization" though the term was coined in the 19th century by β†’

Essay on situational planning strategy

Furthermore, the medical center offers services in residential care for patients, independent patients, those with in need of advanced cardiac services, the center also has a trauma center, and it has a major center that offers services for patients in need of pulmonary services and a neurosurgery center. One of the major needs that the β†’

Free term paper on mobile application

To address this issue, M-PESA formed the aggregator model where a supplier is nominated to select and oversee agents in these small stores. The clients use their M-PESA account to credit and withdraw cash from the M-KESHO account.

Denial of service or dos essay sample

Customer and Company Emails Phishing attempts Phishing is when a person tries to trick either the customer or company that the email is legit and comes from a legitimate source and try to ask the customer for their account information. Customer account information for the rewards program Poor passwords/dictionary attack β†’

Free advert analysis essay example

They represent distilled manhood and sense of perfection that may be impossible to achieve, but by consuming the product, the consumers gain a sense of affiliation to it. This sense of affiliation is perhaps best emphasized in the Bacardi rum advert. It is evident according to Winn , Courtland, L., Thill, Dovel, & Wood β†’

Research paper on life insurance

The objective of this paper is to discuss certain key aspects of insurance like the variability in the need for insurance, how does the mechanism of insurance work and its recent industry trends. Apart from this, higher probability of occurrence of natural calamities also increases the threat to life for a person. Mechanism of Life β†’

Example of victoria’s secret vs. fredericks of hollywood research paper

The organization has 1000 outlets across the United States. Overview of Frederick's of Hollywood Frederick Mellinger, the man behind the idea of the push up bra founded the organization in the year 1947 in California, USA. What this means is that the two organizations deal in the same types β†’

Pharmacy service improvement at cvs essay sample

The purpose of CVS is to satisfy consumer's needs, guarantee the accuracy of filling prescription and the health of customers, and improve the existing pharmacy fulfillment process. The Pharmacy Service Initiative of CVS is to find any problems for the existing pharmacy fulfillment process, so that it helps the company to achieve its β†’

News report report examples

The demand for cosmetics is high due to the rising number of self-dependent women in the society. It is also important to highlight the past performance of the company to the investors, in a transparent manner.

Why do people dine out report examples

Abstract The report discusses the aspects of food in detail regarding the ethics and moral duty that is the liability of the restaurants and caterers. It needs the right fuel in the form of food and regular maintenance in the form of exercise and lifestyle.


How are the distinctive characteristics of a service firm illustrated by Village Volvo? Characterize Village Volvo in regard to the nature of the service act, the relationship with customers, customization and judgment, the nature of demand and supply, and the method of service delivery.

Car tracking devices and the effect on car insurance premiums essay samples

Following the American Psychological Association's Guidelines Educational Institution CAR TRACKING DEVICES AND THE EFFECT ON car insurance PREMIUMS Introduction Insurance is an agreement where the insurer agrees to pay to the policyholder a certain amount to compensate for loss in the event of the occurrence of β†’

Example of policy leadership essay

The article selected highlights the importance of the connection of the parties implicated in the business aspect at the airport, thus enabling the business operators to make profits. The issue of privatization of airports and the requisite tax payment set severely hampers airport operations by translating to high taxes and taxation requirements.

Sociology family investigating family issues research paper

For example when an individual in a relationship feels that he/she is not benefiting as earlier on expected, then the theory foretell that in one way or the other the individual will abandoned the relationship. In most cases, the power of norm of reciprocity is used to induce compliance to some persons, and more so β†’

Essay on gm foods

Of the total sample of 17, 000 respondents, 18% perceived both risks and benefits associated with GM foods, of whom 52% expressed acceptance of GM foods; 14% perceived benefits with no associated risks, with 81% acceptance; 62% perceived risks but no benefits, with 83% rejection; while a minor group of 6% perceived neither risk nor β†’

Case study on arise: a destination for a day spa

This was despite the fact that the turnover rate was 31% for ARISE wherein the spa market turnover rate was 75%. The main problem faced by this organization was to decrease turnover and boost employee morale and strive to recover the losses incurred by ARISE. In a way, this plan devised by Thompson helped in β†’

Blue nile inc. essay sample

Table of Contents Competitive Forces confronting Blue Nile and other online retail jewelers 3 Key Factors to a Company's Success in the Market 4 Blue Nile's Strategy 5 Blue Nile's Business Model 5 SWOT Analysis of Blue Nile 5 Analysis of Blue Nile's Financial Performance 6 Strategic Issues and Problems Blue Nile β†’

The difference between islamic loans and conventional loans essay example

When the purchase has to include the assistance of a bank, the bank has to stipulate the form of goods that will be sold to the buyer in kind. The property is registered in the name of the client as a trustee of the bank, and then pays the bank in the agreed duration.

Marketing mix of aarong essay sample

Price: They do pricing of the product according to the promotional activities they do to promote the product and to recover the fixed cost of the product. Customer Cost: though products are not free there so they should have to bear the cost and here the cost of the product is the selective price for β†’

Example of case study on marketing

Hence, the distributors could offer a special $1 trade incentive per bottle to large retailers for display, branding and push selling activities for the first year to attain brand recognition, brand recall and market share. Cuvelier's market research would validate that the ideal target market for SVEDKA should be young adults in the age of β†’

Example of essay on different expectations in tourism

This may create conflict as they differ in most areas as such as the nationality of certain consumers which influence the perceptions of other people their beliefs and culture this leads to differences to exist between the host and the visitors of the different nationality. Consumers found out that the hotels were really specific in β†’

Effects of internet on banking research paper examples

Use of internet technology is essential in bringing succinct change to banking operations in the banking industry. This research study seeks to look at the impact of global finances relying on internet banking. Internet banking has led to the provision of necessary resources required to achieve a higher efficiency in β†’

Data calculation and presentation research paper examples

Since the number of customers is even, the middle customers will n/2 and the /2customers. Middle customers will be 300/2 = 150 and /2 = 151 The 150th and 151st customers have a satisfaction score of 4 Therefore the median is 4. 4. 0 is the sample average score which β†’

Present the initial business idea using relevant criteria essay sample

It will also benefit the company as they will save money when it comes to training employees Fresh and high quality ingredients. Weaknesses; As it is a new business we will not have an established customer base and initially it could be difficult building up the customer base. Opportunities; The business will have β†’

Good buying your first home essay example

You have to feel comfortable there, you need to feel that building is your special place, some kind of your shelter. So if you decided to make this step, you have to be ready for it. It is necessary decision, and you have to think if you want to live in a flat or in β†’

ο»Ώmeasuring & managing customer satisfaction essay sample

Compared to many large companies, Enterprise gives its local operations an exceptional amount of autonomy in how the business is run on a daily basis. Chances for growth and innovation that may help to differentiate Enterprise in the marketplace (customer pick-up service, on-airport branches and commercial truck rentals) 2. The manager is rewarded for the β†’