A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Main themes of the sir gawain and the green knight

Even in the tale of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight the knights are described to be great by the Green Knight saying, " Whose fame is so fair in far realms and wide? Where is now your arrogance and your awesome deeds, Your valor and your victories and your vaunting words? Now are the revel →

”to his coy mistress” by andrew marvell essay sample

This is visible from the first line of her poem. " Not a red rose or satin heart" What the poet is saying here is that love are not these typical commercial symbols which are associated with love in modern times such as know. Marvells subject of his love poem is more of →

Poetry research paper example

Presentation and evaluation of three critical approaches to the poem ' To His Coy Mistress' by Andrew Marvell Analysis of each one of these approaches according to the socio-historical context of the era in which each approach was developed Reflections drawn upon these three approaches and personal conclusion upon their validity [The author's name] →

An eye for an eye expression

As in the Odyssey one example of bad hospitality is when Odysseus and his men went to Polyphemus' cave, the men thought that they would be welcomed in and get to feast. He did this for vengeance and to get out of the cave they were trapped in.

Guide to the classics: homer’s odyssey

Although Odysseus's occasionally rash behavior and arrogant demeanor cause readers to question Odysseus's priorities, his actions were actually the result of his lasting war mentality, the intervention of the gods, and his role as an epic hero in an epic poem. Odysseus was subject to the influence of a war mentality and the manipulation of →

Beowulf essay example

The thematic core of this epic poem is the heroic actions and performance of the main leading male figure of the poem. The aim of this essay is to demonstrate the truth lying in the following statement: ' Beowulf demonstrates that the relationship between a lord and his retainer was perhaps the most important →

Edward taylor and phyllis wheatley compared essay sample

Edward Taylor's " Our Insufficiency to Praise God Suitably, for His Mercy" and Phyllis Wheatley's " An Hymn to Humanity" illustrate distinct differences in the poetry of the Puritans and the Age of Reason. While the former embraces a negative view of humanity and emphasizes mankind's subordination to God, the latter shows humanity's →

Journal entries for emily dickinson’s poems essay sample

I think the author is really just saying how fickle minded love can be. I am Wife, I have Finished That I think the poet just means that it is easier to be finally married than when one is still single. For her, it seems much greater to →

Analysis of wilfred owen’s poem disabled

Owen gets a message about the reality of war and the falsehood of propaganda across through expressing thoughts and feelings expressed throughout the poem. Owen establishes a feeling of sympathy by allowing the reader to realize the soldier has been deceived. The caesura in the form of a colon lets the reader pause and realize →

Literature review on rewrite

At the same time, the author of poem " Corinna's going A-Maying" Robert Herrick points out ways on how to enjoy pleasures of life before it passes by. The contexts of the story inside the two poems are different but the common element for both of them is that they are generally addressed to a →

Paradise lost

This regression of Satan's character throughout the poem illustrates the way Milton believes sin originated in the Bible." The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a Heav'n of Hell, a Hell of Heav'n." Milton implies to the reader that he believes Satan's post-fall outcome is solely based on how →

Spencer’s sonnet 54

We want to offer a good impression by doing what we think others want to see, so we always perform our roles according to what the audience wants to see, and to show our humor as a side of our personalities and the advantages is that we will gain a good reputation if we meet →

Poems from different cultures

Concerning the 1987 English hurricane, the poet felt that the voices of the old gods were in the wind, specifically within the Sussex, in fact, for the first time she sensed a closeness to the English landscape like never before, and felt that the Caribbean had come to England. She now feels at home both →

The harlem renaissance as a reaction to modernity research paper example

This soon-to-be " mecca for black art" came about due to this vast migration, making it the headquarters for the Renaissance many blacks knew was coming. According to Avi-Ram, " the arts and especially poetry have played an important role" in the expression of the frustrations of the minority, whether sexual →

Essay on the theme of death in emily dickinsons

Though Dickinson's poem is short and explicit Tennyson's poem is an elegy to his friend." In 1850 Mr [sic] Tennyson gave to the world under the title of " In Memoriam," perhaps the richest oblation ever offered by the affection of friendship at the tomb of the departed, the memory of Arthur Henry Hallam, who →

The rights and privileges of ancient women essay

This is clearly shown through a study of ancient texts, written by both men and women. Firstly, it is important to realize that women were oppressed and expected to be submissive to men. This scene is a clear example of how men were seen to be above women, and how women were expected to bear →

Compare and contrast eros poems essay sample

These few lines tell the reader that the poet is confused by Eros and that he is also the dictator of the human heart, which portrays to us that humans suffer from love. It is clearly evident through imagery, antithesis, diction, and paradox that the poet seems to be trying to figure out the complex →

Free poetry explication richard cory essay sample

Robinson, in describing the hyperbolically good qualities of Cory, seeks to surprise his audience by showing that even the people's perception of Cory as happy is proven false. There are many examples of denotation and connotation throughout " Richard Cory," describing him in terms that evoke many different things. Cory →

Essay on hope and the american dream

In the literary works " The American Dreams" by Genghis Lotus and the " city of refuge" by Rudolph Fisher, both authors seem to express the hope in the American Dream that is not easily fazed. In the poem, the poet says, " That the son of, say, a Kenyan goatherd, Can beanstalk in →

Practicing health care marketing from a christian perspective essay sample

There's even the classical " Robin Hood" dogma of taking from the rich and giving to the poor where the person does not keep it for him/herself. No matter how you justify it, stealing is basically taking the possession of someone else without them knowing it. More often than not, stealing or killing someone usually →

Odysseus showed bad leadership

In the end, Odysseus and his crew avoided the Sirens because all of his men listened to him. DO WHAT IS NECESSARY TO SAVE YOUR CREW: Odysseus showed signs of good leadership when he saved his men from the Lotus Eaters. After barely escaping, the Cyclops he placed a curse on Odysseus out of his →

Experimental writing creative writing example

The meaning of the piece of literature cannot be clear obtained at a glance without introspective inspection of the generality of this work. For instance, taking a very small portion of writing containing insignificant sampling of words to represent a whole will usually present arbitrary meaning of the reality.

Literature review on poetry questions

Discuss with reference to your own experience. In Stephen Dunn's essay " Basketball and Poetry: The Two Richies," Dunn explains the relationship between his prime years on the basketball team and his work as a poet; for both of these sides of his life, he had two individuals named Richie who provided very important and →

The representative poem essay sample

The nineteenth century is known as the Victorian Era and it is famous for its improvement of information, growth of an empire and enlargement of the economy. In the poem Ulysses Tennyson says, " How dull it is to pause, to make an end,/ To rust unfurnished, not to shine in use!" The →

Poetry analysis essay samples

The onion is a metaphor that is the main centerpiece of the poem. There is no irony in the poem ' White Lies" but in Monologue for an onion" It is ironical that the person peeling the onion is looking for a core that is not there.

Spec slims – ”migrant hostel” by peter skrzynecki essay sample

The first stanza captures the temporary nature of the immigrants stay at the hostel; " comings and goings", " arrivals of newcomers" and " sudden departures". The next stanza reminds the responder of the seasonal, short time spent in the hostel and the boredom, tedium and uncertainty which results.

Ballad of birmingham analysis essay sample

This poem is not only about the tragic events of a hate crime during this time, but by use of word choice, symbolism and imagery, shows a conflict between a child who understands the severity of racism in this time and a mother who is trying to protect her child from all of the problems. →

Odyssey by homer: portrayal of odysseus as the perfect hero

Maybe a hero needs to lift a heavy car off a child, or the mental strength to to leave a loved one. Although, these are only three minor acts, Odysseus shows mental and physical strength throughout the odyssey." Odysseus' arrow hit him under the chin and punched up to the feathers through his throat." →

An idea of a person’s excellence in the iliad of homer

A person's excellence or their aret is determined by their courage, intelligence, or physical strength that they exhibit to those around them. While intelligence and physical strength are fiercely respected by the Greeks in The Iliad of Homer, courage is seen as the best quality a person can have. Cowardice could then be seen as →

Poems by u.a fanthorpe essay sample

The 3 poems I have read are called Half Past Two, Reports and Dear Mr Lee. In the poem Half Past Two, it tells me about a child who cannot tell time and the teacher told him that he did " Something Very Wrong", the capital letters show me that the teacher is very →

The ruined maid essay sample

In the beginning of each stanza the farm girl speaks, and ' Melia, the " ruined girl" speaks just for the last line; however for the last stanza ' Melia begins to respond to the farm girl from the second to last line. At the start of the poem stanza one begins with the farm →

Achilles as a powerful protagonist in the iliad

Achilles and his ill-fated tendon figure prominently in the Western archetypal notion of a tragic hero; however, the application of the term " hero" to the Achaean fighter is disputable. Indeed, sufficient evidence for the negative view of Achilles is to be found just in the first few pages of The Iliad. After the introduction →

Analysis of poem anthem for doomed youth

Owen's " senses were charred" at the sight of the " suffering of the troops", such accusations about the nature of warfare fuelling the malice of his work. Owen frequently conveys his convictions of lost youth in Anthem For Doomed Youth by referring to " the hands of boys", evidently refusing to acknowledge the maturity →

Course work on the papas waltz theodore roethke

The poem introduces three characters: the father, the mother and the author. The dance looses all the pleasure for the little boy and all that is left is to follow blindly.

Good jenny and my last duchess gender issues argumentative essay example

The fact that a man in the first place is in the position of a woman says a lot about the point the poet is trying to make with his poem. Jenny being a prostitute has to fend for herself against the world by utilizing her one asset that is her body. The young prostitute →

Cloths of heaven essay example

Yeats pours his emotions into the cauldron of this beautiful poem and the reader is left with goose bumps after absorbing the exquisiteness of the emotion of love. In the first five lines, Yeats goes on to express the surreal things with which he wishes to adorn her. He accepts that he is unable to →

Architecture in the odyssey: a map of circe

In this paper, I intend to elaborate on the idea of taking the reader on a tour of Circe's persona using the tour of her living space which Homer already gives us in book X. The first quality of Circe's which the reader is exposed to is her loneliness and isolation. This is evidently confirmed →

My impressions from poetry

A few of these poems that illustrate the feeling of longing would be Mary Oliver's Wild Geese, William Wordsworth's The World Is Too Much With Us, and lastly in Emily Dickinson's My Life had Stood a Loaded Gun. First, the idea of longing can be observed in the poem Wild Geese, by Mary Oliver. Mary →

”catrin” and ”baby-sitting” by gillian clarke essay sample

In contrast ' Baby-sitting is a poem with a much more emotional feel to it, containing more than one topic: for example in ' Catrin' it was looking at her daughter in the past as a infant and then in the present as an older less needy child, however in ' Babysitting it is not →

Art of losing in one art poem

She invites pretty, innocent little lies to tell herself so she will pretend to smile again. Bishop starts the poem by introducing a motif which she will repeat several times." The art of losing is not hard to master". In truth, this motif is a ridiculous lie because losing things is often a disaster and →

Allegories of the perils of segregation used as political strategy in once upon a time

The husband and wife began to study each of the security devices." The husband and wife found themselves comparing the possible effectiveness of each style against its appearance".From this passage, the readers see that even the family were beginning to get influenced by this fear of the non-whites, even though the story never says that →

Fire and ice essay examples

Shapley explained that the planet could rather burnt by the Sun or frozen in case it would experience lack of sun warmth. As it can be seen from the versions of the origin of the poem its imagery is rather rich and fundamental despite the small size of the poem. It is the beginning of →

Posts essay

Being of African-American heritage, she was acutely aware of the miserable life of many African Americans during the time of the Jim Crow laws and segregation, and the effects of these on the lives of these individuals. However, with the news of the death of her husband, her malaise seems to have disappeared, and she →

“circular saws” by fred cogswell essay sample

The writer goes to say that it is just all a " bad dream", and tries to push the pain away until it really hits him. At this point in the poem, the persona takes his own emotional experience and relates it to how it has affected and shaped who he is.

The iliad’s ending

Most stories of war conclude with the triumphant victory of good over evil, but in the Iliad, the final thoughts are inclined to the mourning of the defeated Hektor, which accentuates the fact that good has not triumphed over evil, but simply Achilleus triumphed over Hektor. Ending with the mourning of Hektor also brings to →

Literature review on psychological criticism

In order to be able to apply this kind of theory and criticism to a literary piece, it is essential that you understand the basics of the Freudian theory. The imagery in this piece of literature can be related to the Freudian theory because of the anger and emotion of the writer.

The iliad and the odyssey essay sample

The Greeks used both the Iliad and the Odyssey as a Bible and even as a history book. Both The Iliad and The Odyssey provided the Ancient Greeks and even readers today with a door to their history.

Essay on 19th century symphony and piano music

The music of Romeo and Juliet is sometimes classified as fantasy overture instead of symphonic poem because of the unreality that holds the story together through its music. In many musical compositions, live concerts and most especially in a symphony orchestra, piano never fails to exist. Generally in the romantic era, composers have used the →

What’s that smell in the kitchen essay samples

Unhappy marriage and hardships of her adult life found their place in novels and poetry.' What's that smell in the kitchen' is one of the brightest examples of the challenge Piercy posed to the traditional way of American life. Life of middle-class families, being the most numerous in America, stuck →

Poem analysis out, out

To add to the fact of the buzzsaw is being personified in the story, the buzzsaw seems to only attack when the mother calls all for supper. Another literary device used in this poem is the process of along with the use of otomotapia. Using repetition first to deliver emphasis to the →

The song of roland: eastern europe’s early medieval society

The question of religion in the time and how it was manifested by the poem will also be important. The song of Roland represents the aspect of early medieval society in Western Europe by expressing the two nations of Frenchmen and Spaniards. The song of Roland plays perfect in showing the early life of Western →

Those winter sundays essay sample

Furthermore, the warmth that the father builds out of the fire is a symbolic reminder that the house was somehow filled with love because of the father's selfless act of getting up early in the cold to warm his family. Hayden's symbolism indicates the speaker's cold and remorseful relationship with his father.

Helen of troy essay sample

The direct cause of this war was the beauty of Helen of Troy, daughter of the Greek god Zeus and Leda, the Queen of Sparta. Helen, the most beautiful woman known to man was Paris's object of desire and he asked Aphrodite for her.helen, soon fell under the influence of Aphrodite and agreed to elope →

Critical lens essay

Critical Lens Essay The quote, " It was the best of times, it was the worst of times", by Charles Dickens is a particularly diacritic because of the difficulty in deciphering the underlying meaning. This proves the quotation is true because God, used conflict to show that no matter how bad the times were →

The epic tale of gilgamesh essay sample

This is a humanizing feature in the character of Gilgamesh because he is showing he is fully cognizant of his own morality and future which leads the two friends to depart for the woods; namely current Lebanon where Ancient Mesopotamians got their timer, which is so scarce in Gilgamesh's and Enidku's country. →

The proverbs of hell

The lines of the document, with thorough insight and understanding, can provide this analysis that there are deprived actions among individuals due to societal constraints and religious hindrance. To highlight, these are several lines in the poetry that showcase such ideas. " Prudence is a rich ugly old maid courted by Incapacity

The interaction between fate and choice in the iliad

As the Gods do control fate, it is the choices in which determine the outcome of each immortal's life. Something that is familiar to many modern people is the Bible. Life events feed off of each other, the choice of fighting and killing ended in fate of dying, fate of dying causes a choice of →

Sylvia plath’s childhood and her poetry essay sample

The aim of the present paper is to track how her dysfunctional relationship with her father was transferred into her relationship with other men and resulted in her death and how this dysfunction was depicted in the poem 'Daddy' and predicted her tragic end. It is the poem that describes the complexity of her life →

Example of case study on world affairs

This was sustained in popular Australian and Anglo-Australia fiction but this remains the true that in the work of monitory of writers the image of the Chinese was different. Also the Chinese environments had been inferior to that of Australian. The ethnocentric attitude lies at the bases of the much →

Good essay about grendel and beowulf

Grendel is one of the most focused character from the Anglo Saxon poem known as Beowulf in which he is believed to be a human monster that relishes in cannibalism yet he does not feel the need to play by the rules. Grendel is a human monster that feeds upon men and is cannibalistic →

An attempt to make the intent known

Emily Dickinson's poem " Tell all the Truth but tell it slant" speaks of the universal idea of truth and the notion that truth should be revealed gradually. The fact that the word truth is capitalized in this poem also enhances the idea of a universal truth.

A different history

Here, the gods roam freely, " In this phrase Bhatt indirectly states that India is more peaceful for a god of nature than it is in Greece which could refer to how the British came to the country and did what they want without thinking of the consequences. In her →

Argumentative essay on the charge of the light brigade

At the end of the day, it is the justification that matters. The paper will advance both arguments in a view to appreciate the beauty of the poem and indeed literature's overall wealth. This poem is relevant in as much as it illustrates the need for courage and determination.

Compare and contrast poems

In " Anthem for Doomed Youth" and " dulce et decorum est," Wilson Owen strategically manipulates diction to illustrate the theme of the reality of war, and in doing this, sheds a light on the dreadful impact that war has. Wilson utilizes strong connotations of words in both of his poems. The blood paints a →

The issue of immortality in “the epic of gilgamesh” and the “beowulf”

In The Epic of Gilgamesh, the character Gilgamesh exemplifies the value of immortality in the Babylonian culture. Gilgamesh and Beowulf are very different heroes from different cultures. In the beginning of The Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh is a power-hungry and arrogant tyrant.

Free research paper about poetic voices on slavery

In general, Frances has used her talent of writing, hence her literature, as her way of protesting against evils of society. Likewise, The Slave Mother, by Frances Harper portrays the horrors and brutalizing nature of slavery. In addition to this, mother's grief for her son is used to symbolize the extent of the pain slavery →

Term paper on styles in the inferno.

Therefore, the fire is replaced by a dwelling on blindness and utter confusion that reigns in the human arena. The tone of the poem is a crucial style that the poet employs to convey different moods and events of the poem. The reaction of the poet is whooping in the mixture of weeping and fainting.

I felt a funeral in my brain essay examples

Unhappiness is a state of mind and could be brought about by various factors which include a situation where home is creating a tense and nervous situation or other similar factors. Dickinson focuses on the box in her poem and the plank of lead is also an important and crucial →

Role of fate and divine intervention in oedipus and odyssey essay

This is because while the gods are obviously responsible for choosing the path that one's life is to take, it still takes the free will of the involved person to follow that path. This is evident in Homer's Odyssey where for close to eight years Odysseus is held captive by a force beyond his control. →

Family heritage and self-identity argumentative essay examples

As a consequence of the multitude of influences and choices an individual faces within her lifetime, portions of her self-identity are either expressed in agreement with or in opposition to her family's traditions and cultural heritage. Literature Review and Analysis In her poem " Lineage" Margaret Walker describes the strength of her grandmothers and →

The dress and the stereotyping essay example

The author's style of writing the poem is bold and harsh but it effectively reflects the burden of breaking free from the false impressions of stereotyping and putting these wrong connotations to their proper The dress in the poem is not just a garment but also a reflection of →

Tennyson’s “morte d’arthur” and “the lady of shalott” essay sample

Tennyson's " Morte D'Arthur" and " The Lady of Shalott" Essay Sample ' Morte D'Arthur' and ' The Lady of Shalott' are tragic poems full of sadness and loss because they have a tragic story line, a tragic mood and atmosphere created by Tennyson's use of language and form.' The Lady of Shalott' →

Free essay about love in poetry

There is no doubt that both the poems are love poems that they have taken the different ways of expressing and presenting the love. In his poem, " A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning," Donne compared the two lovers who were departing to a death, hoping the lovers' farewell to be calm, without clamber, and voluntary even →

Free critical thinking on the mill

The tea was getting cold, fire dying off and the wife of miller being in fear and sick this shows the tension within the poem in that it explains the quietness the story is narrated and the flow of events. In addition, you can realize the introduction of the characters →

Speech on john donne

Kushal's Speech on John Donne Poetry and W; t In what ways do Donne and Edson represent ' the kingdom of the well and...the kingdom of the sick' in their texts? The kingdom of well and the kingdom of the sick are paradoxical questions of our existence, which come to the fore when we →

The symbolism of death and rebirth in sylvia plath’s poem lady lazarus

The second part will contain the biography references in the poem and the last part will present a short summary of the poem and the relation between the Holocaust and Sylvia Plath's painful life that contributed to her desire to die and resurrect. Through the title " Lady Lazarus", Sylvia Plath brings a powerful biblical →

how are relationships presented in the poems you have studied?

The titles of the poems serve to objectify the person they are referring to: the lack of honorific title in ' Havisham' takes away the reader's ability to judge the gender of the persona, which, in turn expresses the character's loss of status. Those who have read ' Great Expectations' by Charles →

Similar and different in two poems by william blake

Blake offers greater insight and understanding of the human world with the writings of " The Lamb" and " The Tyger". " The Lamb," published in 1789, is one of the poems included in the set of the Songs of Innocence. The first stanza shows how the tyger is a much more powerful and mysterious creature →

The mystery of identity: an essay on satan’s struggle against god the son

To begin discussing Satan's attitude towards the Son, it is essential to first examine the event that sparks Satan's awareness of the threat that endangers his princely status; it is in this atomic event that his envy and prejudice explode towards the Son of God. Neil Forsyth, author of The Satanic Epic, presents a brilliant →

Research paper on meaning in stopping by woods on a snowy evening by robert frost

The person in the poem will not be discovered because the owner of the woods will not see him stopping there. The third stanza gives a feeling of complete silence except for the sound of the bells on the horse's harness. The person seems to be looking for peace. In the fourth stanza, the reader →

Free essay about religious studies

Dark side composting is the process by which individuals deal with their negative traits with a view to overcome them. In the Tale of Three Kings, two leadership styles stand out; the toxic leadership and the servant leadership. This is the process of spiritual composting. The connection between the tale and the need for dark →

Odysseus is a bad leader

As a result of the poem, Odysseus has the ability to be a very good leader, but it is pretty clear Odysseus is a bad leader. Odysseus is a terrible leader because he is hubris, does not have good communication skills, and makes horrible decisions. To begin, Odysseus is a hubris person and it greatly →

Analysis of the poem “remember”

In the first stanza, Rossetti conveys an infinite need to stay alive in the memory of her love even when natural events in the lives of people, such as death and separation may come to end their emotional connection. Describes these moments in a melancholy tone, sad, reflecting the pain of the →

Odysseus character analysis

For example, when Odysseus is yelling and tormenting the Cyclops his crew and men try to get him to stop but he resists even though the Cyclops could easily kill them if he hit the ship with a huge rock. Now that we have taken a closer look we can see Odysseus for the honorable, →

Lessons from homer’s “the iliad” essay sample

Lessons from Homer's " The Iliad" Essay Sample Understanding the theme: The Great War, Foreshadowed Although most today refer to the great battles between 1914 and 1917 as " World War One" , those who lived through the turmoil referred to it as " The Great War"." The Great →

Free connotation and denotation essay sample

Interpreters can understand literal meanings of the words used in the poem equally, but the hidden meaning that evokes the emotion in a person might be interpreted differently, depending on one's level of understanding. It is the eighth line of the poem that talks about death. While the word " she" used sparingly in the →